1Sa_14:47.....of/Ammon and against/Edom.. 40/91
Jer_25:21.....of/Ammon And all/the....... 86/91
Jdg_3:13......of/Ammon and Amalek and/went 12/91
Psa_83:7.....and/Ammon and Amalek the/Philistines 83/91
Jdg_11:8......of/Ammon and be/our........ 22/91
2Sa_11:1......of/Ammon and besieged/Rabbah 53/91
1Ch_20:1......of/Ammon and came and/besieged 74/91
2Sa_10:14.....of/Ammon and came to/Jerusalem 51/91
1Ch_20:3......of/Ammon And David/and..... 75/91
Jdg_12:1......of/Ammon and didst/not..... 36/91
Amo_1:13......of/Ammon and for/four...... 89/91
1Ch_18:11.....of/Ammon and from the Philistines and/from 62/91
Jdg_10:11.....of/Ammon and from the Philistines The/Zidonians 16/91
Jos_12:2......of/Ammon And from the plain/to 9/91
Jos_13:10.....of/Ammon And Gilead/and.... 10/91
1Ki_11:33.....of/Ammon and have/not...... 59/91
2Sa_10:10.....of/Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 48/91
1Ch_19:11.....of/Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 70/91
Jdg_11:6......of/Ammon And Jephthah said/unto 21/91
Jdg_11:29.....of/Ammon And Jephthah vowed/a 30/91
1Ki_11:7......of/Ammon And likewise/did.. 58/91
2Sa_17:27.....of/Ammon and Machir/the.... 57/91
Jer_9:26......of/Ammon and Moab and all/that 85/91
2Ch_20:10.....of/Ammon and Moab and mount/Seir 77/91
2Ch_20:23.....of/Ammon and Moab stood/up. 79/91
Neh_13:23.....of/Ammon and of Moab/And... 82/91
2Sa_8:12......of/Ammon and of the/Philistines 41/91
Jdg_11:14.....of/Ammon And said/unto..... 26/91
2Ki_24:2......of/Ammon and sent/them..... 61/91
Jdg_11:36.....of/Ammon And she/said...... 35/91
Jdg_10:7......of/Ammon And that/year..... 14/91
Jdg_10:6......of/Ammon and the gods/of... 13/91
Jdg_11:9......of/Ammon and the LORD deliver/them 23/91
Jdg_12:3......of/Ammon and the LORD delivered/them 38/91
2Sa_10:2......of/Ammon And the princes/of 43/91
2Sa_12:26.....of/Ammon and took/the...... 55/91
Jdg_12:2......of/Ammon and when/I........ 37/91
2Ch_20:1......of/Ammon and with/them..... 76/91
Jdg_11:13.....of/Ammon answered/unto..... 25/91
2Sa_10:19.....of/Ammon any more And it came to pass after/the 52/91
1Ch_19:19.....of/Ammon any more And it came to pass that/after 73/91
Deu_2:19......of/Ammon any possession/because 5/91
Zep_2:9.......of/Ammon as/Gomorrah....... 91/91
2Sa_10:11.....of/Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 49/91
1Ch_19:12.....of/Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 71/91
Jdg_11:15.....of/Ammon But/when.......... 27/91
1Sa_12:12.....of/Ammon came against/you.. 39/91
2Sa_10:8......of/Ammon came out and put the battle in array at/the 47/91
1Ch_19:9......of/Ammon came out and put the battle in array before/the 69/91
2Ki_23:13.....of/Ammon did/the........... 60/91
2Sa_10:1......of/Ammon died and Hanun/his 42/91
1Ch_19:1......of/Ammon died and his/son.. 63/91
Deu_2:19......of/Ammon distress/them...... 4/91
Num_21:24.....of/Ammon for/the............ 2/91
1Ch_19:7......of/Ammon gathered/themselves 68/91
2Ch_27:5......of/Ammon gave/him.......... 80/91
Jdg_10:18.....of/Ammon he shall be/head.. 18/91
Dan_11:41.....of/Ammon He shall stretch/forth 88/91
Jdg_11:28.....of/Ammon hearkened/not..... 29/91
Jdg_11:27.....of/Ammon Howbeit/the....... 28/91
Jdg_11:30.....of/Ammon into/mine......... 31/91
Jdg_11:4......of/Ammon made war against Israel And/it 19/91
Jdg_11:5......of/Ammon made war against Israel the/elders 20/91
2Ch_20:22.....of/Ammon Moab/and.......... 78/91
Deu_3:11......of/Ammon nine/cubits........ 7/91
2Sa_12:9......of/Ammon Now/therefore..... 54/91
Jdg_10:9......of/Ammon passed/over....... 15/91
2Ch_27:5......of/Ammon pay/unto.......... 81/91
1Ch_19:3......of/Ammon said to/Hanun..... 65/91
2Sa_10:3......of/Ammon said unto/Hanun... 44/91
Jer_49:6......of/Ammon saith/the......... 87/91
2Sa_10:14.....of/Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled then/fled 50/91
1Ch_19:15.....of/Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled they/likewise 72/91
1Ch_19:6......of/Ammon saw that they had/made 66/91
2Sa_10:6......of/Ammon saw that they stank/before 45/91
Jdg_11:12.....of/Ammon saying/What....... 24/91
1Ch_19:6......of/Ammon sent a/thousand... 67/91
2Sa_10:6......of/Ammon sent and/hired.... 46/91
Isa_11:14.....of/Ammon shall obey/them... 84/91
Jdg_11:31.....of/Ammon shall surely/be... 32/91
2Sa_12:31.....of/Ammon So/David.......... 56/91
Deu_3:16......of/Ammon The/plain.......... 8/91
Deu_2:37......of/Ammon thou/camest........ 6/91
Jdg_11:32.....of/Ammon to fight/against.. 33/91
1Ch_19:2......of/Ammon to Hanun/to....... 64/91
Jos_13:25.....of/Ammon unto Aroer/that... 11/91
Gen_19:38.....of/Ammon unto this/day...... 1/91
Num_21:24.....of/Ammon was/strong......... 3/91
Jdg_10:17.....of/Ammon were gathered/together 17/91
Jdg_11:33.....of/Ammon were subdued/before 34/91
Zep_2:8.......of/Ammon whereby/they...... 90/91
Neh_2:19.....the/Ammonite and Geshem/the... 7/9
Neh_13:1.....the/Ammonite and the/Moabite.. 9/9
1Sa_11:2.....the/Ammonite answered/them.... 3/9
1Sa_11:1.....the/Ammonite came/up.......... 2/9
Neh_2:10.....the/Ammonite heard/of......... 6/9
1Ch_11:39....the/Ammonite Naharai/the...... 5/9
2Sa_23:37....the/Ammonite Nahari/the....... 4/9
Deu_23:3......An/Ammonite or/Moabite....... 1/9
Neh_4:3......the/Ammonite was/by........... 8/9
Eze_25:5.....the/Ammonites a/couching.... 21/23
Eze_21:28....the/Ammonites and concerning/their 18/23
Jer_40:11....the/Ammonites and in/Edom... 11/23
Jer_49:2.....the/Ammonites and it/shall.. 16/23
2Ch_27:5.....the/Ammonites and prevailed/against 7/23
Eze_25:2.....the/Ammonites and prophesy/against 19/23
1Ki_11:5.....the/Ammonites And Solomon/did 4/23
Neh_4:7......the/Ammonites and the/Ashdodites 9/23
Eze_21:20....the/Ammonites and to Judah/in 17/23
Jer_27:3.....the/Ammonites and to the/king 10/23
Eze_25:10....the/Ammonites and will/give. 22/23
Jer_41:10....the/Ammonites But/when...... 13/23
Deu_2:20.....the/Ammonites call/them...... 1/23
2Ch_20:1.....the/Ammonites came/against... 5/23
1Ki_11:1Moabites/Ammonites Edomites/Zidonians 3/23
2Ch_26:8.....the/Ammonites gave/gifts..... 6/23
Jer_40:14....the/Ammonites hath/sent..... 12/23
Eze_25:3.....the/Ammonites Hear/the...... 20/23
Eze_25:10....the/Ammonites may/not....... 23/23
Ezr_9:1......the/Ammonites the/Moabites... 8/23
Jer_41:15....the/Ammonites Then/took..... 14/23
Jer_49:1.....the/Ammonites thus/saith.... 15/23
1Sa_11:11....the/Ammonites until/the...... 2/23
1Ki_14:31.....an/Ammonitess And Abijam/his. 2/4
2Ch_12:13.....an/Ammonitess And he/did..... 3/4
2Ch_24:26.....an/Ammonitess and Jehozabad/the 4/4
1Ki_14:21.....an/Ammonitess And Judah/did.. 1/4