1Ch_23:13.....of/Amram Aaron and Moses and Aaron/was 12/14
1Ch_6:3.......of/Amram Aaron and Moses and Miriam The/sons 9/14
Num_26:59...unto/Amram Aaron and Moses and Miriam their/sister 6/14
1Ch_1:41..Dishon/Amram and Eshban/and..... 7/14
Num_3:19families/Amram and Izehar/Hebron.. 4/14
Exo_6:18..Kohath/Amram and Izhar and Hebron and Uzziel and/the 1/14
1Ch_6:18....were/Amram and Izhar and Hebron and Uzziel The/sons 10/14
Num_26:58..begat/Amram And the/name....... 5/14
Ezr_10:34.Maadai/Amram and Uel/Benaiah... 14/14
1Ch_6:2...Kohath/Amram Izhar and/Hebron... 8/14
1Ch_23:12.Kohath/Amram Izhar Hebron/and.. 11/14
1Ch_24:20.....of/Amram Shubael/of........ 13/14
Exo_6:20.....And/Amram took/him........... 2/14
Exo_6:20......of/Amram were/an............ 3/14
Num_3:27.....the/Amramites and the family/of 1/2
1Ch_26:23....the/Amramites and the Izharites/the 2/2
Num_26:59.....of/Amram's/wife.............. 1/1
Gen_14:9.....and/Amraphel king of Shinar and/Arioch 2/2
Gen_14:1......of/Amraphel king of Shinar Arioch/king 1/2