1Ki_15:23.....of/Asa and all his/might... 12/59
2Ch_15:2......me/Asa and all Judah/and... 36/59
Mat_1:7....begat/Asa And Asa/begat....... 58/59
1Ki_15:16between/Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days And/Baasha 5/59
1Ki_15:32between/Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days In/the 16/59
2Ch_14:12.before/Asa and before/Judah.... 33/59
2Ch_15:2....meet/Asa and said/unto....... 35/59
2Ch_16:4....king/Asa and sent the captains of his/armies 46/59
1Ki_15:20...king/Asa and sent the captains of the/hosts 9/59
2Ch_14:13....And/Asa and the/people...... 34/59
2Ch_15:10.....of/Asa And they/offered.... 38/59
2Ch_16:1......of/Asa Baasha/king......... 43/59
1Ki_22:41.....of/Asa began/to............ 23/59
Mat_1:8......And/Asa begat/Josaphat...... 59/59
2Ch_16:2....Then/Asa brought/out......... 45/59
1Ki_15:22...king/Asa built/with.......... 11/59
2Ch_14:11....And/Asa cried/unto.......... 32/59
2Ch_15:16....and/Asa cut/down............ 40/59
1Ki_15:13....and/Asa destroyed/her........ 4/59
2Ch_14:2.....And/Asa did that which was good/and 29/59
1Ki_15:11....And/Asa did that which was right/in 3/59
2Ch_16:11.....of/Asa first/and........... 51/59
2Ch_14:8.....And/Asa had/an.............. 30/59
1Ki_22:46.father/Asa he/took............. 25/59
2Ch_15:8....when/Asa heard/these......... 37/59
2Ch_20:32.....of/Asa his father and/departed 55/59
2Ch_17:2...which/Asa his father had/taken 54/59
1Ki_22:43.....of/Asa his father he/turned 24/59
1Ch_3:10.....son/Asa his son Jehoshaphat/his 26/59
1Ki_15:8.....and/Asa his son reigned in his stead And/in 1/59
2Ch_14:1.....and/Asa his son reigned in his stead In/his 28/59
2Ch_15:19.....of/Asa In the six/and...... 42/59
2Ch_16:12....And/Asa in the thirty/and... 52/59
1Ki_16:10.....of/Asa king of Judah and reigned in/his 19/59
1Ki_15:25.....of/Asa king of Judah and reigned over/Israel 14/59
2Ch_16:7......to/Asa king of Judah and said/unto 48/59
1Ki_16:29.....of/Asa king of Judah began Ahab/the 22/59
1Ki_15:33.....of/Asa king of Judah began Baasha/the 17/59
1Ki_16:8......of/Asa king of Judah began Elah/the 18/59
1Ki_16:23.....of/Asa king of Judah began Omri/to 21/59
2Ch_21:12.....of/Asa king of Judah But/hast 56/59
1Ki_15:28.....of/Asa king of Judah did Baasha/slay 15/59
1Ki_16:15.....of/Asa king of Judah did Zimri/reign 20/59
2Ch_16:1......to/Asa king of Judah Then Asa brought/out 44/59
1Ki_15:17.....to/Asa king of Judah Then Asa took/all 6/59
1Ki_15:22...king/Asa made/a.............. 10/59
2Ch_16:10....And/Asa oppressed/some...... 50/59
1Ki_15:9.reigned/Asa over/Judah........... 2/59
1Ki_15:18...king/Asa sent/them............ 8/59
2Ch_16:13....And/Asa slept with his fathers and died/in 53/59
1Ki_15:24....And/Asa slept with his fathers and was/buried 13/59
Jer_41:9...which/Asa the king had/made... 57/59
2Ch_15:16.....of/Asa the king he/removed. 39/59
2Ch_16:6....Then/Asa the king took/all... 47/59
1Ch_9:16......of/Asa the son/of.......... 27/59
1Ki_15:18...Then/Asa took/all............. 7/59
2Ch_15:17.....of/Asa was perfect/all..... 41/59
2Ch_16:10...Then/Asa was wroth/with...... 49/59
2Ch_14:10...Then/Asa went/out............ 31/59