Luk_11:11........he/ask a fish will he for/a 72/109
Mat_7:10.........he/ask a fish will he give/him 51/109
Dan_6:7.......shall/ask a petition of any God or man for/thirty 43/109
Dan_6:12......shall/ask a petition of any God or man within/thirty 44/109 a thing/of......... 23/109
1Ki_2:22.......thou/ask Abishag/the........ 20/109
Gen_32:29......dost/ask after/my............ 1/109 alms/of............ 97/109 amiss/that........ 105/109
Luk_11:12.....shall/ask an/egg............. 73/109
1Jn_5:16......shall/ask and he/shall...... 109/109 and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 70/109 and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 49/109
Jam_4:3..........Ye/ask and receive/not... 104/109
Mat_14:7......would/ask And she being/before 53/109
Mar_6:24..........I/ask And she said/The... 62/109 and ye/shall....... 92/109
1Jn_5:14.........we/ask any thing according/to 107/109
Joh_14:14.....shall/ask any thing in/my.... 86/109 Are/ye............. 55/109
Mat_27:20....should/ask Barabbas/and....... 59/109
Lam_4:4....children/ask bread and/no....... 42/109
Luk_11:11.....shall/ask bread of/any....... 71/109
Mat_7:9.........son/ask bread will/he...... 50/109 can/ye............. 64/109
2Sa_20:18....surely/ask counsel at Abel/and 17/109
Hos_4:12.....people/ask counsel at their/stocks 45/109
Num_27:21.....shall/ask counsel for/him..... 3/109
Jdg_18:5........him/Ask counsel we/pray.... 12/109
Deu_13:14.......and/ask diligently/and...... 6/109
1Ki_2:22...Adonijah/ask for him/the........ 21/109
Jer_6:16........and/ask for the/old........ 34/109
Deu_4:32........and/ask from/the............ 5/109 help/of............ 26/109 him After/this..... 48/109 him And he came/to. 63/109
Luk_11:13......that/ask him And he was/casting 74/109 him and said/unto.. 89/109
Mat_22:46.....forth/ask him any more/questions 58/109
Mar_12:34.....durst/ask him any question And/Jesus 66/109
Luk_20:40.......not/ask him any question at/all 78/109
Joh_9:21........age/ask him he/shall....... 81/109 him of/that........ 69/109
Jer_48:19......espy/ask him that/fleeth.... 40/109
Joh_9:23........age/ask him Then/again..... 82/109
Mat_7:11.......that/ask him Therefore/all.. 52/109 him Who art thou And/he 80/109
Joh_21:12.....durst/ask him Who art thou knowing/that 96/109 how/thou........... 35/109
Jam_1:6.........him/ask in faith/nothing.. 102/109
Joh_16:26.....shall/ask in my name and/I... 93/109
Joh_14:13.....shall/ask in my name that/will 85/109
Mat_21:22.....shall/ask in prayer/believing 56/109
Isa_7:11........God/ask it either/in....... 30/109
Mat_18:19.....shall/ask it shall/be........ 54/109
Gen_34:12......give/Ask me never/so......... 2/109
Joh_16:23.....shall/ask me nothing/Verily.. 90/109
Isa_45:11.....Maker/Ask me of/things....... 32/109
Isa_7:12........not/ask neither/will....... 31/109 not/Ye............ 103/109
Deu_4:32........For/ask now of/the.......... 4/109
Job_12:7........But/ask now the beasts/and. 27/109
Hag_2:11......hosts/Ask now the priests/concerning 46/109
Joh_11:22......wilt/ask of God God/will.... 83/109
Jam_1:5.........him/ask of God that/giveth 101/109 of her father a field and she lighted from/off 11/109 of her father a field and she lighted off/her 10/109
Psa_2:8........thee/Ask of me and/I........ 28/109
Mar_6:23......shalt/ask of me I/will....... 61/109
1Sa_28:16......thou/ask of me seeing/the... 15/109
Isa_58:2.......they/ask of me the/ordinances 33/109
Mar_6:22.....damsel/Ask of me whatsoever/thou 60/109
Joh_15:16.....shall/ask of the/Father...... 88/109
Mar_11:29......also/ask of you/one......... 65/109
1Ki_2:20........her/Ask on/my.............. 19/109
1Ki_2:16..........I/ask one/petition....... 18/109
Eph_3:20.........we/ask or/think.......... 100/109
Joh_16:23.....shall/ask the Father/in...... 91/109
Luk_12:48......will/ask the more/I......... 75/109
Jer_50:5......shall/ask the way/to......... 41/109
Isa_7:11.....saying/Ask thee a sign/of..... 29/109
Jer_38:14......will/ask thee a thing/hide.. 39/109
2Sa_14:18.....shall/ask thee And/the....... 16/109
Joh_16:30....should/ask thee by/this....... 94/109
Jer_23:33.....shall/ask thee saying/What... 37/109
Jos_4:21......shall/ask their fathers in time to come saying What mean these/stones 9/109
Jos_4:6....children/ask their fathers in time to come saying What mean ye/by 8/109
1Co_14:35......them/ask their husbands/at.. 99/109
Luk_6:30......goods/ask them not/again..... 68/109 them which/heard... 95/109
Act_10:29.........I/ask therefore/for...... 98/109
Deu_32:7generations/ask thy father/and...... 7/109
1Sa_25:8.....Carmel/Ask thy young/men...... 14/109 us/a............... 13/109
1Jn_5:15.........we/ask we know/that...... 108/109
1Jn_3:22.........we/ask we receive/of..... 106/109
2Ki_2:9......Elisha/Ask what I shall do/for 24/109
1Ki_3:5........said/Ask what I shall give thee And Solomon said Thou/hast 22/109
2Ch_1:7.........him/Ask what I shall give thee And Solomon said unto/God 25/109
Joh_15:7......shall/ask what ye/will....... 87/109
Joh_13:24....should/ask who/it............. 84/109
Jer_18:13......LORD/Ask ye now among/the... 36/109
Jer_30:6......peace/Ask ye now and/see..... 38/109
Zec_10:1......maids/Ask ye of/the.......... 47/109
Luk_20:3.......also/ask you one thing and/answer 77/109
Luk_6:9........will/ask you one thing Is/it 67/109
Mat_21:24......will/ask you one thing which/if 57/109 you Why/do......... 76/109
Luk_22:68......also/ask you ye/will........ 79/109