Joh_5:4...........down/at a certain/season. 1339/1570
Mat_23:24.......strain/at a gnat/and....... 1209/1570
1Sa_20:20.........shot/at a mark/And........ 373/1570
1Ki_10:28.........yarn/at a price And a/chariot 455/1570
2Ch_1:16..........yarn/at a price And they/fetched 577/1570
2Sa_24:24.........thee/at a price neither/will 435/1570 a stand/Therefore 1057/1570
Lev_13:37........sight/at a stay and that/there 113/1570 a stay and the/plague 112/1570
Isa_7:23.........vines/at a thousand/silverlings 871/1570
Jos_8:14........people/at a time/appointed.. 262/1570
2Ch_18:33..........bow/at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness therefore/he 597/1570
1Ki_22:34..........bow/at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness wherefore/he 476/1570
2Ki_9:30...........out/at a window And as/Jehu 495/1570
Jdg_5:28...........out/at a window and cried/through 311/1570
Gen_26:8...........out/at a window and saw/and 30/1570
1Ch_15:29..........out/at a window saw/king. 550/1570
Act_7:58.......clothes/at a young/man's.... 1402/1570
2Sa_20:18......counsel/at Abel/and.......... 429/1570
Ezr_6:2..........found/at Achmetha/in....... 645/1570
Isa_28:15...........we/at agreement/when.... 896/1570
Act_18:24.........born/at Alexandria/an.... 1436/1570
Nah_1:3............not/at all acquit/the... 1149/1570
Joh_19:11........power/at all against/me... 1371/1570
Num_30:6...........had/at all an/husband.... 174/1570
Luk_20:40.....question/at all And he/said.. 1306/1570
Lev_15:24..........her/at all and her/flowers 115/1570
Rev_18:21.........more/at all And the/voice 1561/1570
Jer_8:12...........not/at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 945/1570
Jer_6:15...........not/at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 940/1570
Num_11:6.......nothing/at all beside/this... 150/1570
Jos_7:7...........thou/at all brought/this.. 259/1570
2Th_3:11...........not/at all but are/busybodies 1520/1570
Num_23:25.........them/at all But Balaam/answered 166/1570
Act_25:8.........thing/at all But Festus/willing 1455/1570
Joh_18:38........fault/at all But ye/have.. 1369/1570
Rev_21:25.........shut/at all by day/for... 1569/1570
Eze_14:3............of/at all by them/Therefore 1030/1570
Lev_27:10........shall/at all change/beast.. 130/1570 all fast/unto.... 1171/1570
Deu_21:14..........her/at all for/money..... 242/1570 all forget/the.... 219/1570
Jer_50:13.........hiss/at all her/plagues.. 1004/1570
2Ki_18:33....delivered/at all his/land...... 513/1570
1Jn_1:5.......darkness/at all If/we........ 1553/1570
1Ki_22:28.......return/at all in peace/the.. 475/1570
Mic_1:10...........not/at all in the house/of 1146/1570
Hab_2:19........breath/at all in the midst/of 1156/1570
Jer_11:12.........them/at all in the time/of 951/1570
Rev_18:22.........more/at all in thee and no/craftsman 1562/1570
Rev_18:22.........more/at all in thee And the light/of 1563/1570
Rev_18:23.........more/at all in thee and the voice/of 1564/1570
Rev_18:23.........more/at all in thee for/thy 1565/1570
1Sa_20:6........father/at all miss/me....... 371/1570
Mat_5:34...........not/at all neither by/heaven 1185/1570
Eze_37:22.........more/at all Neither shall/they 1070/1570
Eze_16:4......swaddled/at all None/eye..... 1032/1570
Num_23:25.........them/at all nor bless/them 165/1570
Joh_11:49......nothing/at all Nor consider/that 1359/1570
Eze_16:4........salted/at all nor swaddled/at 1031/1570
Act_4:18.........speak/at all nor teach/in. 1391/1570
2Sa_19:42........eaten/at all of/the........ 426/1570
Lev_19:7.........eaten/at all on the third day it is/abominable 122/1570
Lev_7:18.........eaten/at all on the third day it shall/not 106/1570
Lev_27:13.........will/at all redeem it/then 131/1570
Lev_27:31.........will/at all redeem ought/of 133/1570
Lev_19:20..........not/at all redeemed/nor.. 123/1570
Jer_23:32.......people/at all saith/the..... 959/1570
Exo_18:22.......people/at all seasons and/it. 70/1570 all seasons Serving/the 1446/1570
Exo_18:26.......people/at all seasons the/hard 71/1570
Amo_3:5........nothing/at all Shall/a...... 1136/1570
Exo_22:26.........thou/at all take/thy....... 75/1570
Isa_50:2.....shortened/at all that it/cannot 914/1570
Eze_18:23.....pleasure/at all that the/wicked 1037/1570 all that ye/say.. 1038/1570
Rev_18:14.........more/at all The merchants/of 1560/1570
Jer_49:17.........hiss/at all the plagues/thereof 999/1570
2Sa_16:6...........and/at all the servants/of 418/1570
Mic_7:16....confounded/at all their/might.. 1148/1570 all then both/it.. 134/1570
Jer_31:12.........more/at all Then shall/the 969/1570
Exo_5:23........people/at all Then the/LORD.. 57/1570 all things/which. 1277/1570
Dan_10:3........myself/at all till/three... 1117/1570
Pro_17:17.......loveth/at all times and a/brother 845/1570
Pro_5:19..........thee/at all times and be/thou 829/1570
1Ki_8:59........Israel/at all times as/the.. 446/1570
Psa_34:1..........LORD/at all times his/praise 761/1570
Lev_16:2...........not/at all times into/the 116/1570
Psa_106:3righteousness/at all times Remember/me 803/1570
Psa_119:20...judgments/at all times Thou/hast 815/1570
Psa_62:8...........him/at all times ye/people 775/1570
1Co_16:12..........not/at all to come/at... 1494/1570
Jer_26:19..........him/at all to death/did.. 964/1570
Num_22:38........power/at all to say/any.... 164/1570
1Ki_9:6..........shall/at all turn/from..... 450/1570
Exo_22:23..........cry/at all unto/me........ 74/1570 all whether/it.... 118/1570
Heb_9:17......strength/at all while/the.... 1542/1570
1Co_15:29..........not/at all why/are...... 1490/1570
Exo_12:9........sodden/at all with/water..... 60/1570
Hos_11:7..........none/at all would/exalt.. 1132/1570 all Ye/know...... 1501/1570 an end for/seven.. 109/1570 an end the/spoiler 883/1570
Jdg_20:16.......stones/at an hair/breadth... 336/1570
Luk_12:46..........and/at an hour when he/is 1286/1570
Luk_12:40.......cometh/at an hour when ye/think 1285/1570
Isa_30:13.....suddenly/at an instant And/he. 900/1570 an instant suddenly/Thou 897/1570
Neh_11:32..........And/at Anathoth/Nob...... 694/1570
2Ki_12:4...........set/at and/all........... 502/1570 another And/he..... 46/1570 another their/faces 878/1570 Antioch at/Iconium 1525/1570
Act_13:1...........was/at Antioch certain/prophets 1423/1570
Dan_2:10........things/at any magician/or.. 1096/1570
Lev_25:32.......redeem/at any time And/if... 128/1570
Num_35:26........shall/at any time come/without 197/1570
Act_11:8..........hath/at any time entered/into 1420/1570
1Jn_4:12...........God/at any time If/we... 1555/1570
1Ki_1:6............him/at any time in/saying 436/1570
Joh_5:37.........voice/at any time nor/seen 1341/1570
Heb_1:13............he/at any time Sit/on.. 1538/1570
Mat_5:25..........lest/at any time the adversary/deliver 1184/1570
Joh_1:18...........God/at any time the only/begotten 1327/1570
Mar_4:12..........lest/at any time they should be/converted 1227/1570
Mat_13:15.........lest/at any time they should see/with 1198/1570
Heb_1:5.............he/at any time Thou art/my 1537/1570
Luk_4:11..........lest/at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 1259/1570
Mat_4:6...........lest/at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 1182/1570
Luk_15:29............I/at any time thy/commandment 1294/1570
1Th_2:5........neither/at any time used/we. 1514/1570
Heb_2:1...........lest/at any time we/should 1539/1570
Luk_21:34.........lest/at any time your/hearts 1310/1570
Ezr_10:14.........come/at appointed/times... 662/1570
Jdg_9:41.........dwelt/at Arumah/and........ 315/1570
Amo_3:9........palaces/at Ashdod/and....... 1137/1570
Jos_12:4.........dwelt/at Ashtaroth and/at.. 277/1570
Jos_9:10...........was/at Ashtaroth Wherefore/our 265/1570 Assos/we......... 1442/1570
Deu_1:4..........dwelt/at Astaroth/in....... 198/1570
1Th_3:1...........left/at Athens alone/And. 1516/1570
Act_17:16.........them/at Athens his/spirit 1433/1570
Neh_11:30......thereof/at Azekah/and........ 692/1570
Act_8:40.........found/at Azotus/and....... 1407/1570
Son_8:11......vineyard/at Baalhamon/he...... 865/1570
Jdg_20:33........array/at Baaltamar/and..... 341/1570 Babylon elected/together 1552/1570
Jer_29:10.accomplished/at Babylon I/will.... 966/1570
2Ch_36:7........temple/at Babylon Now/the... 633/1570 Babylon shall/fall 1008/1570
Ezr_5:17.........there/at Babylon whether/it 643/1570
Neh_11:27..........and/at Beersheba and in/the 685/1570
Gen_22:19........dwelt/at Beersheba And it/came 20/1570
1Ch_4:28.........dwelt/at Beersheba and Moladah/and 528/1570
Gen_21:32.....covenant/at Beersheba then/Abimelech 19/1570
Act_17:13.........Paul/at Berea/they....... 1432/1570
Hos_5:8..........aloud/at Bethaven/after... 1130/1570
1Ch_4:31...........and/at Bethbirei/and..... 536/1570
2Ki_23:15..........was/at Bethel and/the.... 520/1570
2Ki_2:3...........were/at Bethel came/forth. 479/1570
Amo_7:13..........more/at Bethel for/it.... 1142/1570
Jdg_12:10.......buried/at Bethlehem And after/him 320/1570
1Ch_11:16.........then/at Bethlehem And David/longed 543/1570
1Sa_17:15........sheep/at Bethlehem And the/Philistine 364/1570
1Ch_4:31...........And/at Bethmarcaboth/and. 535/1570
Neh_11:26..........and/at Bethphelet/And.... 683/1570
2Ch_25:23.....Jehoahaz/at Bethshemesh and brought/him 615/1570
2Ki_14:13......Ahaziah/at Bethshemesh and came/to 506/1570
2Ch_25:21........Judah/at Bethshemesh which belongeth to Judah And Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to his/tent 614/1570
2Ki_14:11.........face/at Bethshemesh which belongeth to Judah And Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to their/tents 505/1570
1Ch_4:30...........And/at Bethuel/and....... 532/1570
1Ch_4:29...........And/at Bilhah/and........ 529/1570
2Sa_2:32........Hebron/at break/of.......... 394/1570
Act_17:30.......winked/at but/now.......... 1434/1570
Act_18:22.......landed/at Caesarea and gone/up 1435/1570
Act_25:4..........kept/at Caesarea and that/he 1454/1570
Act_25:10........stand/at Caesar's/judgment 1456/1570
Pro_17:5..........glad/at calamities/shall.. 844/1570
Joh_4:46..........sick/at Capernaum/When... 1334/1570 Cenchrea/That.... 1478/1570 charges/with..... 1450/1570
Gen_38:5...........was/at Chezib/when........ 37/1570
Col_1:2............are/at Colosse/Grace.... 1511/1570
2Ti_4:20.........abode/at Corinth but/Trophimus 1533/1570
Act_19:1...........was/at Corinth Paul/having 1437/1570 Corinth to/them.. 1479/1570 Corinth with/all. 1496/1570
2Ki_16:10..........was/at Damascus and king/Ahaz 509/1570
Act_9:19..........were/at Damascus And straightway/he 1410/1570
Act_9:27........boldly/at Damascus in/the.. 1412/1570
Act_9:10......disciple/at Damascus named/Ananias 1408/1570
Act_9:22.........dwelt/at Damascus proving/that 1411/1570
1Ki_15:18........dwelt/at Damascus saying There is a league between me and thee and/between 461/1570
2Ch_16:2.........dwelt/at Damascus saying There is a league between me and thee as/there 592/1570
2Sa_16:6........stones/at David/and......... 417/1570
Job_5:22........cometh/At destruction/and... 721/1570
Neh_11:25..........and/at Dibon/and......... 679/1570
Psa_25:13........dwell/at ease and his/seed. 759/1570
Jer_46:27..........and/at ease and none/shall 993/1570
Job_21:23.......wholly/at ease and quiet/His 734/1570
Psa_123:4..........are/at ease and with/the. 819/1570
Isa_32:11..........are/at ease be/troubled.. 906/1570
Job_16:12..........was/at ease but/he....... 728/1570
Zec_1:15...........are/at ease for/I....... 1168/1570
Jer_48:11.........been/at ease from/his..... 997/1570
Isa_32:9...........are/at ease hear/my...... 905/1570
Amo_6:1............are/at ease in/Zion..... 1141/1570 ease The/tabernacles 724/1570
Eze_23:42........being/at ease was/with.... 1045/1570
Num_33:34.....encamped/at Ebronah/And....... 189/1570
Jos_12:4...........and/at Edrei And reigned/in 278/1570
Deu_3:1.........battle/at Edrei And the LORD said unto me/Fear 204/1570
Num_21:33.......battle/at Edrei And the LORD said unto Moses/Fear 160/1570
1Sa_28:7........spirit/at Endor And/Saul.... 390/1570
Psa_83:10.....perished/at Endor they/became. 791/1570
1Sa_23:29........holds/at Engedi/And........ 382/1570
Luk_23:12.........were/at enmity/between... 1319/1570
Neh_11:29..........And/at Enrimmon/and...... 688/1570
Jos_15:7..........were/at Enrogel/And....... 281/1570
Act_19:17.....dwelling/at Ephesus and fear/fell 1438/1570
Eph_1:1............are/at Ephesus and to/the 1503/1570
Act_19:26........alone/at Ephesus but/almost 1439/1570 Ephesus thou/knowest 1523/1570
1Co_16:8.........tarry/at Ephesus until/Pentecost 1493/1570
1Co_15:32.......beasts/at Ephesus what/advantageth 1491/1570
1Ti_1:3..........still/at Ephesus when/I... 1521/1570 Ephratah/we....... 820/1570
Num_28:4.........offer/at even And a/tenth.. 171/1570
Gen_19:1.........Sodom/at even and Lot/sat... 13/1570
Exo_29:41........offer/at even and shalt/do.. 80/1570
1Ki_22:35.........died/at even and the/blood 477/1570
1Ch_23:30.....likewise/at even And to/offer. 564/1570
Exo_29:39........offer/at even And with/the.. 79/1570
Num_28:8.........offer/at even as/the....... 172/1570
Deu_16:6......passover/at even at/the....... 235/1570
Num_19:19........clean/at even But/the...... 155/1570
Lev_23:32........month/at even from/even.... 127/1570
Exo_30:8.........lamps/at even he shall/burn. 82/1570
2Sa_11:13..........and/at even he went/out.. 409/1570 even If/thy....... 370/1570
Jos_5:10.........month/at even in the plains/of 256/1570
Num_9:5..........month/at even in the wilderness/of 141/1570
Eze_12:4.........forth/at even in their/sight 1028/1570
Lev_23:5.........month/at even is/the....... 126/1570
Eze_24:18..........and/at even my/wife..... 1046/1570
Mar_13:35.......cometh/at even or/at....... 1242/1570 even remain/all... 233/1570
Exo_12:18........month/at even Seven/days.... 62/1570
Exo_16:13.........that/at even the/quails.... 68/1570
Exo_16:6........Israel/At even then/ye....... 66/1570
Num_9:15...........and/at even there/was.... 143/1570
Num_9:11.........month/at even they/shall... 142/1570
Deu_28:67..........and/at even thou/shalt... 247/1570
Mar_1:32...........And/at even when/the.... 1223/1570
Jdg_19:16........field/at even which/was.... 331/1570
Exo_16:12.......saying/At even ye shall eat flesh/and 67/1570
Exo_12:18........month/at even ye shall eat unleavened/bread 61/1570
Num_9:3..........month/at even ye shall keep/it 140/1570 evening being/the 1377/1570
Psa_59:14..........And/at evening let/them.. 774/1570
Psa_59:6........return/at evening they/make. 772/1570
Zec_14:7..........that/at evening time/it.. 1174/1570
Isa_17:14.......behold/at eveningtide/trouble 885/1570
Pro_7:12..........wait/at every corner/So... 831/1570 every gate for/so. 583/1570
2Ch_35:15.......waited/at every gate they/might 629/1570 every head/of.... 1033/1570
Eze_26:16......tremble/at every moment and/be 1049/1570
Eze_32:10......tremble/at every moment every/man 1062/1570 every place/whither 16/1570
2Sa_14:26..........was/at every year's/end.. 412/1570
1Ch_4:29...........and/at Ezem/and.......... 530/1570
Num_33:35.....encamped/at Eziongaber/And.... 190/1570
1Ki_22:48.......broken/at Eziongeber/Then... 478/1570
Job_39:22......mocketh/at fear/and.......... 744/1570
Mat_23:6.........rooms/at feasts and/the... 1208/1570
Mar_12:39........rooms/at feasts Which devour widows' houses and for a pretence/make 1240/1570
Luk_20:46........rooms/at feasts Which devour widows' houses and for a shew/make 1307/1570 Festus'/commandment 1458/1570
Lev_27:16.......valued/at fifty/shekels..... 132/1570
Joh_10:40.........John/at first/baptized... 1356/1570
Zec_3:8.......wondered/at for/behold....... 1170/1570
1Sa_27:3........Achish/at Gath he/and....... 389/1570
Mic_1:10...........not/at Gath weep/ye..... 1145/1570
1Ch_20:6...........war/at Gath where/was.... 559/1570
Isa_10:29......lodging/at Geba/Ramah........ 875/1570
2Sa_15:8.........abode/at Geshur/in......... 414/1570
1Ch_20:4...........war/at Gezer/with........ 557/1570
1Ki_15:27..........him/at Gibbethon/which... 462/1570
2Sa_6:4............was/at Gibeah accompanying/the 398/1570
Jdg_20:20.........them/at Gibeah And/the.... 337/1570
Jos_10:10....slaughter/at Gibeon and chased/them 268/1570
1Ki_9:2............him/at Gibeon And the/LORD 449/1570 Gibeon But/David.. 563/1570
1Ch_8:29...........And/at Gibeon dwelt/the.. 538/1570
2Ch_1:3............was/at Gibeon for/there.. 571/1570
2Sa_3:30........Asahel/at Gibeon in/the..... 395/1570
2Ch_1:13...........was/at Gibeon to Jerusalem/from 574/1570
1Ch_16:39..........was/at Gibeon To offer/burnt 552/1570 Gilgal and/said... 264/1570
Amo_4:4.....transgress/at Gilgal multiply/transgression 1140/1570
2Sa_21:18..Philistines/at Gob/then.......... 430/1570
Jer_50:11.......heifer/at grass/and........ 1003/1570
Jdg_12:2..........were/at great/strife...... 317/1570
Joe_2:1...........nigh/at hand A/day....... 1134/1570 hand and as/a.... 1133/1570 hand And immediately/while 1246/1570 hand And Jesus walking/by 1183/1570
Joh_2:13...........was/at hand and Jesus went/up 1329/1570
Joh_11:55.........nigh/at hand and many/went 1360/1570
Eze_12:23..........are/at hand and the effect/of 1029/1570 hand and the Son/of 1217/1570 hand and the things/that 249/1570 hand and thine/eye 232/1570 hand Be careful/for 1509/1570 hand be ye/therefore 1549/1570 hand for the/LORD 1162/1570 hand For this/is. 1181/1570 hand He/that..... 1570/1570 hand Heal/the.... 1192/1570
Joh_7:2............was/at hand His/brethren 1349/1570 hand I have/fought 1529/1570 hand I will/keep. 1215/1570 hand it/shall..... 877/1570 hand John/to..... 1556/1570 hand Let no/man.. 1519/1570 hand let us/therefore 1475/1570 hand repent/ye... 1221/1570
Jer_23:23..........God/at hand saith/the.... 958/1570
Luk_21:30.........nigh/at hand So/likewise. 1308/1570 hand that/doth... 1218/1570
Joh_19:42.........nigh/at hand The first/day 1373/1570 hand the fourth/part 358/1570
Gen_27:41..........are/at hand then/will..... 31/1570
Eze_36:8...........are/at hand to/come..... 1068/1570
Luk_21:31.........nigh/at hand Verily/I.... 1309/1570 Hazarenan/this.... 193/1570
Neh_11:27..........And/at Hazarshual/and.... 684/1570
Num_11:35........abode/at Hazeroth And Miriam/and 152/1570
Num_33:17.....encamped/at Hazeroth And they/departed 182/1570
Joh_8:7..........stone/at her And again/he. 1352/1570
Num_30:11........peace/at her and disallowed/her 176/1570
Jdg_5:27.......temples/At her feet he bowed he fell he/lay 309/1570
Jdg_5:27..........down/at her feet he bowed he fell where/he 310/1570
Hos_9:10..........tree/at her first/time... 1131/1570
Num_30:14........peace/at her from/day...... 177/1570
Rev_19:2......servants/at her hand And/again 1566/1570 her hand So/Amnon. 410/1570 her hand Then/David 411/1570
Gen_24:21....wondering/at her held/his....... 24/1570
Num_30:7.........peace/at her in the day that he heard it/then 175/1570
Num_30:14........peace/at her in the day that he heard them/But 178/1570
Gen_24:57......enquire/at her mouth/And...... 27/1570
Jer_2:24..........wind/at her pleasure/in... 932/1570
Lam_1:7...........mock/at her sabbaths/Jerusalem 1009/1570
Jer_50:14........shoot/at her spare/no..... 1005/1570
Num_30:4.........peace/at her then/all...... 173/1570
Deu_3:2..........dwelt/at Heshbon So the/LORD 205/1570
Num_21:34........dwelt/at Heshbon So they/smote 161/1570
Deu_4:46.........dwelt/at Heshbon whom/Moses 213/1570
2Sa_16:13.......stones/at him and cast/dust. 419/1570
Psa_64:4.........shoot/at him and fear/not.. 777/1570
Gen_49:23.........shot/at him and hated/him.. 53/1570
Job_27:23........hands/at him and shall/hiss 738/1570
Nah_1:5..........quake/at him and the hills/melt 1150/1570
Dan_11:40.........push/at him and the king/of 1122/1570
Luk_7:9......marvelled/at him and turned/him 1267/1570
Joh_6:41......murmured/at him because/he... 1345/1570
Joh_8:59..........cast/at him but Jesus hid/himself 1354/1570
Mar_6:3.......offended/at him But Jesus said/unto 1230/1570
Num_35:20.........hurl/at him by/laying..... 196/1570
Job_41:26.......layeth/at him cannot/hold... 747/1570
Psa_37:13........laugh/at him for he/seeth.. 764/1570
Isa_52:15.......mouths/at him for that/which 919/1570
Luk_8:19..........come/at him for the/press 1271/1570
Psa_52:6.........laugh/at him Lo/this....... 768/1570
Psa_12:5.......puffeth/at him The/words..... 753/1570
Mar_12:17....marvelled/at him Then/come.... 1239/1570
Mar_12:4...........and/at him they/cast.... 1238/1570
1Sa_20:33......javelin/at him to/smite...... 375/1570
Luk_20:26....marvelled/at his answer/and... 1304/1570
2Ti_4:1...........dead/at his appearing/and 1528/1570
Num_9:2.......passover/at his appointed/season 139/1570 his best/state.... 765/1570
Luk_1:14.......rejoice/at his birth/For.... 1253/1570
1Sa_26:16..........was/at his bolster And Saul/knew 388/1570 his bolster and the/cruse 387/1570
1Sa_26:7........ground/at his bolster but/Abner 385/1570
1Sa_16:4......trembled/at his coming and/said 362/1570
1Th_2:19........Christ/at his coming For/ye 1515/1570
1Jn_2:28...........him/at his coming If/ye. 1554/1570
1Co_15:23.....Christ's/at his coming Then/cometh 1489/1570
Job_18:20.....astonied/at his day as/they... 731/1570
Deu_24:15........gates/At his day thou/shalt 245/1570
2Ch_32:33.......honour/at his death And/Manasseh 627/1570
Jdg_16:30.........slew/at his death were/more 328/1570
Mar_11:18...astonished/at his doctrine And/when 1236/1570
Mat_22:33...astonished/at his doctrine But/when 1207/1570
Mat_7:28....astonished/at his doctrine For he taught them as one having/authority 1188/1570
Mar_1:22....astonished/at his doctrine for he taught them as one that/had 1222/1570
Luk_4:32....astonished/at his doctrine for his/word 1262/1570
Jer_17:11..........and/at his end/shall..... 953/1570
Pro_30:17......mocketh/at his father/and.... 853/1570
Mar_5:22..........fell/at his feet And besought him greatly/saying 1228/1570
Mat_18:29.........down/at his feet and besought him saying/Have 1205/1570
Est_8:3...........down/at his feet and besought him with/tears 712/1570
2Ki_4:37..........fell/at his feet and bowed/herself 484/1570 his feet and Deborah/went 308/1570
Rut_3:8............lay/at his feet And he/said 348/1570 his feet and said Surely/a 56/1570
1Sa_25:24.........fell/at his feet and said Upon/me 384/1570
Act_10:25.........down/at his feet and worshipped/him 1418/1570
Act_5:10...straightway/at his feet and yielded/up 1396/1570
Rev_1:17..........fell/at his feet as/dead. 1557/1570
Luk_7:38.........stood/at his feet behind/him 1269/1570
Luk_17:16.........face/at his feet giving/him 1296/1570
Hab_3:5..........forth/at his feet He/stood 1157/1570
Joh_11:32.........down/at his feet saying/unto 1358/1570
Mar_7:25..........fell/at his feet The/woman 1231/1570
Rev_19:10.........fell/at his feet to/worship 1567/1570
Rut_3:14...........lay/at his feet until/the 350/1570
Psa_132:7......worship/at his footstool Arise/O 821/1570
Psa_99:5.......worship/at his footstool for/he 798/1570
Luk_16:20.........laid/at his gate/full.... 1295/1570
Job_15:23........ready/at his hand/Trouble.. 726/1570
2Ki_5:20.....receiving/at his hands/that.... 486/1570
1Ki_19:6.........water/at his head/And...... 468/1570
2Ki_9:24...........out/at his heart and he/sunk 493/1570
Gen_6:6............him/at his heart And the/LORD 3/1570
Psa_99:9.......worship/at his holy/hill..... 799/1570
Ecc_10:2.........heart/at his left/Yea...... 857/1570 his mouth for/he. 1178/1570
Jer_36:17........words/at his mouth Then/Baruch 980/1570
1Co_9:7...........time/at his own charges/who 1482/1570
Eph_1:20...........him/at his own right/hand 1504/1570
2Ch_23:13........stood/at his pillar/at..... 605/1570
Psa_105:22.....princes/at his pleasure/and.. 802/1570
Gen_45:3......troubled/at his presence And Joseph/said 49/1570
Isa_19:1.........moved/at his presence and the/heart 886/1570
Job_23:15.....troubled/at his presence when/I 736/1570
Nah_1:5.........burned/at his presence yea/the 1151/1570
Job_26:11...astonished/at his reproof/He.... 737/1570 his right hand but/a 856/1570
Zec_3:1.......standing/at his right hand to/resist 1169/1570
Eze_21:22........liver/At his right hand was/the 1042/1570
Psa_109:6........stand/at his right hand When/he 808/1570
Luk_1:29......troubled/at his saying/and... 1254/1570
Job_18:12........ready/at his side/It....... 730/1570 his steps/But.... 1123/1570
Son_1:12.......sitteth/at his table/my...... 862/1570 his tent/door...... 84/1570
Luk_2:47....astonished/at his understanding/and 1258/1570
2Ti_2:26...........him/at his will/This.... 1524/1570
Num_27:21.........LORD/at his word shall/they 169/1570
Num_27:21..........and/at his word they/shall 170/1570
Isa_66:5.......tremble/at his word Your/brethren 927/1570
Mar_10:24...astonished/at his words/But.... 1234/1570
Jer_10:10.........king/at his wrath/the..... 949/1570
1Ki_5:14........months/at home and Adoniram/was 442/1570
1Sa_6:10........calves/at home And they/laid 357/1570
1Ti_5:4..........piety/at home and to/requite 1522/1570
Luk_9:61...........are/at home at/my....... 1278/1570
Psa_68:12......tarried/at home divided/the.. 783/1570
1Co_14:35.....husbands/at home for it/is... 1487/1570
2Ki_14:10........tarry/at home for why/shouldest 504/1570
Tit_2:5........keepers/at home good/obedient 1535/1570
Pro_7:19...........not/at home he/is........ 832/1570
2Co_5:6............are/at home in/the...... 1499/1570 home one/year..... 244/1570
Lev_18:9..........born/at home or/born...... 120/1570
Mat_8:6..........lieth/at home sick/of..... 1189/1570 home that/ye..... 1484/1570
Lam_1:20.....bereaveth/at home there/is.... 1010/1570
Hab_2:5........keepeth/at home who/enlargeth 1155/1570 home why/shouldest 613/1570
2Ch_5:10.......therein/at Horeb when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt/And 579/1570
1Ki_8:9..........there/at Horeb when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel when they came out of the/land 445/1570
Num_33:32.....encamped/at Horhagidgad/And... 188/1570
1Ch_4:30...........and/at Hormah/and........ 533/1570
2Ti_3:11.......Antioch/at Iconium/at....... 1526/1570
Num_21:11......pitched/at Ijeabarim/in...... 157/1570
Lev_26:32...astonished/at it And/I.......... 129/1570
Joh_6:61......murmured/at it he/said....... 1348/1570
1Ch_13:3...........not/at it in/the......... 547/1570
Mal_1:13.......snuffed/at it saith/the..... 1177/1570
1Sa_31:13.........tree/at Jabesh/and........ 393/1570
1Ch_2:55.........dwelt/at Jabez/the......... 527/1570
Deu_2:32.........fight/at Jahaz/And......... 202/1570
Neh_11:29..........and/at Jarmuth/Zanoah.... 690/1570
1Ch_26:31.......valour/at Jazer/of.......... 568/1570
Neh_11:25..........and/at Jekabzeel/and..... 680/1570
2Ki_2:5...........were/at Jericho came/to... 480/1570
2Ki_2:18.......tarried/at Jericho he/said... 482/1570
2Ki_2:15..........view/at Jericho saw/him... 481/1570
1Ch_19:5.........Tarry/at Jericho until your beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they had/made 554/1570
2Sa_10:5.........Tarry/at Jericho until your beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 404/1570
Act_25:24.........both/at Jerusalem and also/here 1459/1570 Jerusalem and brought/unto 647/1570
2Ch_36:3..........down/at Jerusalem and condemned/the 632/1570
1Ch_14:3.........wives/at Jerusalem and David/begat 548/1570
2Ch_9:25..........king/at Jerusalem And he reigned/over 586/1570
Act_9:28...........out/at Jerusalem And he spake/boldly 1413/1570
2Ch_19:4.........dwelt/at Jerusalem and he went/out 598/1570
Act_9:13........saints/at Jerusalem And here/he 1409/1570
1Ch_9:34.........dwelt/at Jerusalem And in/Gibeon 539/1570
2Sa_11:1.........still/at Jerusalem And it/came 407/1570
1Ch_20:1.......tarried/at Jerusalem And Joab/smote 556/1570
Ezr_5:17...........God/at Jerusalem and let/the 644/1570
Act_16:4..........were/at Jerusalem And so/were 1430/1570
Dan_5:3............was/at Jerusalem and the king and/his 1106/1570
2Ch_1:14..........king/at Jerusalem And the king made silver and/gold 575/1570
1Ki_10:26.........king/at Jerusalem And the king made silver to/be 454/1570 Jerusalem and the king took/the 427/1570
Zec_14:14........fight/at Jerusalem and the wealth/of 1175/1570
Act_13:27........dwell/at Jerusalem and their/rulers 1426/1570
Act_8:1............was/at Jerusalem and they/were 1404/1570
Act_26:20..........and/at Jerusalem and throughout/all 1463/1570
Jer_29:25..........are/at Jerusalem and to/Zephaniah 967/1570
Act_4:6.......together/at Jerusalem And when/they 1389/1570 Jerusalem and with/them 641/1570
Luk_24:47....beginning/at Jerusalem And ye/are 1326/1570
2Sa_15:14..........him/at Jerusalem Arise/and 415/1570 Jerusalem as it/is 652/1570 Jerusalem as plenteous/as 576/1570
Luk_23:7...........was/at Jerusalem at that/time 1316/1570
Joh_4:45...........did/at Jerusalem at the/feast 1332/1570
Act_2:14.........dwell/at Jerusalem be/this 1383/1570
Act_21:11.........Jews/at Jerusalem bind/the 1448/1570
Luk_9:31....accomplish/at Jerusalem But/Peter 1275/1570 Jerusalem by/the. 1338/1570
Neh_11:4...........And/at Jerusalem dwelt/certain 674/1570 Jerusalem every/one 648/1570
2Sa_16:3.......abideth/at Jerusalem for he/said 416/1570
Neh_13:6.............I/at Jerusalem for in/the 700/1570
Act_21:13..........die/at Jerusalem for the/name 1449/1570
2Ch_30:5........Israel/at Jerusalem for they/had 622/1570
Jer_27:18..........and/at Jerusalem go/not.. 965/1570
Act_8:14..........were/at Jerusalem heard/that 1405/1570 Jerusalem I/Darius 650/1570
2Ch_3:1...........LORD/at Jerusalem in mount/Moriah 578/1570
Ezr_8:29........Israel/at Jerusalem in the chambers/of 657/1570
Ezr_3:8............God/at Jerusalem in the second/month 636/1570
2Ch_15:10.....together/at Jerusalem in the third/month 589/1570
Act_1:19......dwellers/at Jerusalem insomuch/as 1381/1570
Rom_15:26..........are/at Jerusalem It/hath 1477/1570
Act_2:5.......dwelling/at Jerusalem Jews/devout 1382/1570
2Ch_30:21......present/at Jerusalem kept/the 624/1570
Act_26:4........nation/at Jerusalem know/all 1461/1570
Ezr_6:9............are/at Jerusalem let it/be 649/1570
Ezr_6:3............God/at Jerusalem Let the/house 646/1570 Jerusalem Moreover/the 572/1570
2Ch_30:13....assembled/at Jerusalem much/people 623/1570 Jerusalem neither/was 663/1570
Neh_11:2.........dwell/at Jerusalem Now/these 673/1570 Jerusalem offered/freely 635/1570
1Ch_9:38......brethren/at Jerusalem over/against 540/1570
Psa_135:21....dwelleth/at Jerusalem Praise/ye 822/1570
Neh_6:7...........thee/at Jerusalem saying There/is 668/1570
2Ch_32:9..........were/at Jerusalem saying Thus/saith 626/1570
Psa_68:29.......temple/at Jerusalem shall/kings 784/1570 Jerusalem So/it... 640/1570
Act_25:15..........was/at Jerusalem the chief/priests 1457/1570 Jerusalem the day/of 1445/1570
Joh_10:22..........was/at Jerusalem the feast/of 1355/1570
Neh_11:1.........dwelt/at Jerusalem the rest/of 672/1570
Jer_35:11........dwell/at Jerusalem Then came/the 978/1570
1Ki_12:27.........LORD/at Jerusalem then shall/the 457/1570
Isa_30:19.........Zion/at Jerusalem thou/shalt 903/1570
2Ch_30:1..........LORD/at Jerusalem to keep/the 620/1570
Jer_34:8..........were/at Jerusalem to proclaim/liberty 974/1570
Jos_15:63........Judah/at Jerusalem unto/this 284/1570
Neh_11:22......Levites/at Jerusalem was/Uzzi 676/1570
Neh_11:6.........dwelt/at Jerusalem were/four 675/1570 Jerusalem which/is 634/1570
2Ch_9:1......questions/at Jerusalem with a/very 585/1570
2Ki_14:20.......buried/at Jerusalem with his/fathers 507/1570
Isa_27:13........mount/at Jerusalem Woe/to.. 895/1570
Joh_4:21...........yet/at Jerusalem worship/the 1331/1570
Neh_11:26..........And/at Jeshua/and........ 681/1570
Luk_8:41..........down/at Jesus' feet and besought/him 1274/1570
Mat_15:30.........down/at Jesus' feet and he/healed 1203/1570
Luk_10:39..........sat/at Jesus' feet and heard/his 1282/1570
Luk_5:8...........down/at Jesus' knees/saying 1264/1570 Jezebel's/table... 463/1570
2Ch_22:6..........Ahab/at Jezreel/because... 602/1570
Act_9:36...........was/at Joppa/a.......... 1416/1570 Jordan and I/sware 438/1570
Jos_19:33.........were/at Jordan And then/the 297/1570
Jos_19:22.........were/at Jordan sixteen/cities 295/1570
Jos_16:7...........out/at Jordan The/border. 286/1570
Num_33:16......pitched/at Kibrothhattaavah And/they 181/1570
Deu_9:22...........and/at Kibrothhattaavah ye/provoked 225/1570
2Ch_35:23.........shot/at king/Josiah....... 631/1570
Neh_11:25........dwelt/at Kirjatharba/and... 678/1570
Jos_18:14.........were/at Kirjathbaal/which. 292/1570
Neh_11:30.....villages/at Lachish/and....... 691/1570
Col_2:1...........them/at Laodicea/and..... 1512/1570
1Sa_21:4....themselves/at least from/women.. 378/1570
Luk_19:42.........thou/at least in/this.... 1302/1570 length/I......... 1467/1570
Jer_34:16..........set/at liberty at/their.. 976/1570
Psa_119:45........walk/at liberty for/I..... 816/1570
Act_26:32..........set/at liberty if/he.... 1464/1570
Luk_4:18...........set/at liberty them/that 1260/1570 liberty to/be.... 1480/1570
Heb_13:23..........set/at liberty with/whom 1544/1570 Luz/in............. 50/1570
Act_9:35.........dwelt/at Lydda and Saron/saw 1415/1570
Act_9:32.........dwelt/at Lydda And there/he 1414/1570
Act_16:2..........were/at Lystra and/Iconium 1429/1570 Lystra impotent/in 1427/1570
2Ti_3:11.......Iconium/at Lystra what/persecutions 1527/1570
2Sa_19:32..........lay/at Mahanaim/for...... 425/1570
Jos_10:16.........cave/at Makkedah And it/was 269/1570
Jos_10:17.........cave/at Makkedah And Joshua/said 270/1570
Jos_10:21.......Joshua/at Makkedah in/peace. 271/1570
2Ch_14:10....Zephathah/at Mareshah/And...... 588/1570
Deu_9:22...........and/at Massah and at/Kibrothhattaavah 224/1570
Deu_33:8.........prove/at Massah and with/whom 252/1570
Joh_7:23.........angry/at me because/I..... 1351/1570
Psa_118:13........sore/at me that/I......... 814/1570
Rut_2:14...........her/At mealtime/come..... 345/1570
Mar_16:14..........sat/at meat and/upbraided 1251/1570
Luk_22:27......sitteth/at meat but I/am.... 1313/1570
1Sa_20:5..........king/at meat but let/me... 369/1570
Mat_26:7...........sat/at meat But when/his 1214/1570
Mat_14:9...........him/at meat he/commanded 1201/1570
Mar_2:15...........sat/at meat in his/house 1226/1570
Mat_9:10...........sat/at meat in the house/behold 1191/1570
1Co_8:10...........sit/at meat in the idol's/temple 1481/1570
Luk_7:37...........sat/at meat in the Pharisee's/house 1268/1570
Luk_22:27......sitteth/at meat or/he....... 1312/1570
Mar_14:3...........sat/at meat there/came.. 1245/1570
Luk_7:49...........sat/at meat with him began/to 1270/1570
Luk_14:15..........sat/at meat with him heard/these 1292/1570
Luk_14:10..........sit/at meat with thee/For 1290/1570
Luk_24:30..........sat/at meat with them/he 1325/1570
2Ki_23:29..........him/at Megiddo/when...... 521/1570
Neh_11:28..........and/at Mekonah/and....... 687/1570
Neh_11:31........dwelt/at Michmash and/Aija. 693/1570
Isa_10:28.......Migron/at Michmash he/hath.. 874/1570
1Sa_13:11.....together/at Michmash Therefore/said 360/1570
Act_26:13......priests/At midday/O......... 1462/1570
Job_34:20.....troubled/at midnight and pass/away 742/1570
Luk_11:5...........him/at midnight and say/unto 1283/1570
1Ki_3:20.........arose/at midnight and took my/son 441/1570
Jdg_16:3.........arose/at midnight and took the/doors 325/1570 midnight I/will... 817/1570
Mar_13:35...........or/at midnight or/at... 1243/1570
Act_16:25..........And/at midnight Paul/and 1431/1570
Rut_3:8...........pass/at midnight that/the. 347/1570
Exo_12:29.........that/at midnight the/LORD.. 64/1570
Mat_25:6...........And/at midnight there/was 1212/1570
Jer_44:1.........dwell/at Migdol/and........ 986/1570
2Ti_4:20..........left/at Miletum/sick..... 1534/1570
Psa_35:26......rejoice/at mine hurt/let..... 763/1570
1Sa_2:29...........and/at mine offering/which 353/1570
2Ki_25:25..........him/at Mizpah And all/the 526/1570
Jer_41:3......Gedaliah/at Mizpah and the/Chaldeans 984/1570
Jer_40:10........dwell/at Mizpah to/serve... 983/1570
Neh_11:26..........and/at Moladah/and....... 682/1570
Num_33:30.....encamped/at Moseroth/And...... 187/1570
Luk_24:27....beginning/at Moses/and........ 1324/1570
Lam_3:56...........ear/at my breathing/at.. 1013/1570
Luk_19:23.........that/at my coming I might/have 1298/1570
Mat_25:27.........then/at my coming I should/have 1213/1570
Job_29:21......silence/at my counsel/After.. 739/1570
Lam_3:56.....breathing/at my cry/Thou...... 1014/1570
2Ti_4:16.........words/At my first/answer.. 1532/1570
Pro_8:34.........daily/at my gates/waiting.. 838/1570
Jer_25:15.........fury/at my hand and/cause. 960/1570
Gen_33:10......present/at my hand for/therefore 34/1570
Luk_9:61..........home/at my house/And..... 1279/1570
Eze_3:17..........word/at my mouth and give/them 1019/1570
Eze_33:7..........word/at my mouth and warn/them 1064/1570
Isa_30:2.........asked/at my mouth to/strengthen 898/1570
Job_31:9..........wait/at my neighbour's/door 740/1570 my petition/and... 710/1570
Eze_38:20........shake/at my presence and/the 1074/1570
Jer_5:22.......tremble/at my presence which/have 938/1570
Isa_50:2........behold/at my rebuke/I....... 915/1570 my reproof/behold. 824/1570
Est_7:3.........people/at my request/For.... 711/1570 my right hand I/shall 754/1570
Psa_110:1.........thou/at my right hand until/I 810/1570 my sacrifice/and.. 352/1570
Eze_9:6..........begin/at my sanctuary/Then 1024/1570
Neh_5:17..........were/at my table an/hundred 666/1570 my table as/one... 402/1570
2Sa_9:7..........bread/at my table continually/And 400/1570
Luk_22:30........drink/at my table in/my... 1314/1570
2Sa_9:10.........alway/at my table Now/Ziba. 401/1570
Eze_39:20.......filled/at my table with/horses 1075/1570
Psa_39:12........peace/at my tears/for...... 766/1570
Eph_3:13...........not/at my tribulations/for 1506/1570
Jer_4:19........pained/at my very/heart..... 936/1570
Isa_66:2.....trembleth/at my word/He........ 926/1570 Naioth in Ramah And he/went 368/1570 Naioth in Ramah And Saul/sent 367/1570
Num_22:20.......Balaam/at night and/said.... 163/1570
Gen_49:27..........and/at night he shall/divide 54/1570
Luk_21:37..........and/at night he went/out 1311/1570
Lev_6:20.......thereof/at night In/a........ 105/1570
Isa_37:37........dwelt/at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 910/1570
2Ki_19:36........dwelt/at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 515/1570
Num_6:6...........come/at no dead body/He... 137/1570
Eze_44:25.........come/at no dead person/to 1083/1570
Isa_10:32.......remain/at Nob/that.......... 876/1570
Amo_8:9...........down/at noon and I/will.. 1143/1570 noon And the/man... 41/1570
2Sa_4:5............bed/at noon And they/came 397/1570
1Ki_20:16..........out/at noon But/Benhadad. 470/1570
Isa_59:10......stumble/at noon day/as....... 920/1570
Gen_43:25.........came/at noon for they/heard 45/1570 noon for why/should 861/1570
1Ki_18:27.........pass/at noon that/Elijah.. 464/1570
Psa_55:17..........and/at noon will/I....... 770/1570
Jer_6:4.............up/at noon Woe/unto..... 939/1570
Psa_91:6.......wasteth/at noonday A/thousand 792/1570
Deu_28:29........grope/at noonday as/the.... 246/1570
Jer_15:8.......spoiler/at noonday I/have.... 952/1570
Jer_20:16.....shouting/at noontide/Because.. 957/1570
Jer_44:1...........and/at Noph/and.......... 988/1570
Isa_47:14.........warm/at nor/fire.......... 913/1570
Pro_1:25...........set/at nought all/my..... 825/1570
Luk_23:11..........him/at nought and/mocked 1318/1570
Act_19:27..........set/at nought but also/that 1440/1570
Mar_9:12...........set/at nought But I/say. 1232/1570
Act_4:11...........set/at nought of/you.... 1390/1570
Rom_14:10..........set/at nought thy/brother 1476/1570
Zec_11:13.......prised/at of/them.......... 1172/1570 once and I/will... 386/1570
Num_13:30...........up/at once and possess/it 153/1570 once avenged/of... 327/1570
Isa_66:8..........born/at once for/as....... 928/1570
Pro_28:18.........fall/at once He/that...... 851/1570
Isa_42:14.......devour/at once I/will....... 912/1570
Deu_7:22..........them/at once lest/the..... 217/1570
1Co_15:6......brethren/at once of/whom..... 1488/1570
Luk_23:18..........all/at once saying/Away. 1321/1570
Psa_74:6.......thereof/at once with/axes.... 786/1570
Act_7:26..........them/at one again/saying. 1399/1570
Jer_51:31........taken/at one end/And...... 1007/1570
Dan_11:27.........lies/at one table/but.... 1118/1570
2Sa_23:8..........slew/at one time And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite one/of 433/1570
1Ch_11:11..........him/at one time And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite who/was 541/1570
Jos_10:42.........take/at one time because/the 273/1570 Ophrah/and........ 314/1570 other times And the/children 338/1570 other times and there/was 365/1570 other times before/and 326/1570 other times even/upon 374/1570 other times in/the 339/1570 other times Samuel/Samuel 355/1570 other times to/seek 167/1570
Son_7:13...........and/at our gates/are..... 864/1570
Jdg_13:23.....offering/at our hands/neither. 321/1570
1Ch_26:18..........two/at Parbar These/are.. 567/1570
1Ch_26:18..........two/At Parbar westward/four 565/1570
1Ch_11:13........David/at Pasdammim/and..... 542/1570 peace among/yourselves 1518/1570 peace thereby/good 735/1570 peace with him Better/is 843/1570 peace with him he/hath 771/1570
Psa_7:4............was/at peace with me/yea. 749/1570 peace with thee And/thou 722/1570
Oba_1:7...........were/at peace with thee have/deceived 1144/1570
1Th_2:2...........know/at Philippi we/were. 1513/1570
Php_1:1............are/at Philippi with/the 1507/1570
Jdg_18:27.........were/at quiet/and......... 329/1570 Ramah And/David... 383/1570
2Ki_8:29...........him/at Ramah when he fought against/Hazael 491/1570
2Ch_22:6...........him/at Ramah when he fought with/Hazael 601/1570
1Ki_22:20.........fall/at Ramothgilead And one said/on 474/1570
2Ch_18:19.........fall/at Ramothgilead And one spake/saying 596/1570
2Ch_22:5.........Syria/at Ramothgilead and the/Syrians 600/1570
Num_33:14.....encamped/at Rephidim/where.... 180/1570 rest and/is....... 879/1570
Dan_4:4............was/at rest in/mine..... 1101/1570 rest Lo/then...... 769/1570
Eze_38:11..........are/at rest that/dwell.. 1072/1570 rest Then/the.... 1167/1570 rest There/the.... 720/1570
Job_3:13..........been/at rest With/kings... 719/1570
2Ki_25:21.........them/at Riblah in the land of Hamath So/Judah 525/1570
2Ki_23:33........bands/at Riblah in the land of Hamath that/he 522/1570
Num_33:19......pitched/at Rimmonparez/And... 183/1570
Num_33:21......pitched/at Rissah/And........ 184/1570
Rom_1:15...........are/at Rome also/For.... 1468/1570
Act_23:11.........also/at Rome And/when.... 1452/1570
Act_13:5..........were/at Salamis/they..... 1424/1570
Act_20:15......arrived/at Samos/and........ 1443/1570
1Ki_10:22..........had/at sea/a............. 453/1570
1Ch_4:31...........and/at Shaaraim/These.... 537/1570 Shiloh And Joshua/cast 290/1570
Jos_18:1......together/at Shiloh and set/up. 289/1570
Jos_21:2..........them/at Shiloh in/the..... 301/1570
Jos_22:12.....together/at Shiloh to/go...... 304/1570
1Sa_17:1......together/at Shochoh/which..... 363/1570
Est_9:14.........given/at Shushan and/they.. 715/1570
Est_9:18..........were/at Shushan assembled/together 717/1570 Shushan but/on.... 716/1570
Dan_8:2............was/at Shushan in/the... 1109/1570
Est_8:14.........given/at Shushan the/palace 714/1570
Est_4:8..........given/at Shushan to/destroy 704/1570
Act_27:3.......touched/at Sidon/And........ 1465/1570
Pro_14:9..........mock/at sin/but........... 841/1570
2Sa_19:9..........were/at strife/throughout. 423/1570
Ezr_4:11...........and/at such a time Be/it. 638/1570
Ezr_7:12...........and/at such a time I/make 653/1570
Ezr_4:17...........and/at such a time The/letter 639/1570
Ezr_4:10...........and/at such a time This/is 637/1570
Heb_1:1............who/at sundry/times..... 1536/1570
Joh_21:20.......breast/at supper and/said.. 1379/1570
Luk_14:17......servant/at supper time/to... 1293/1570
Act_28:12......landing/at Syracuse/we...... 1466/1570
Deu_9:22...........And/at Taberah/and....... 223/1570
Jdg_8:18..........slew/at Tabor/And......... 313/1570
Num_33:26.....encamped/at Tahath/And........ 185/1570
Jer_44:1...........and/at Tahpanhes/and..... 987/1570
Num_33:27......pitched/at Tarah/And......... 186/1570
Eze_30:18....captivity/At Tehaphnehes/also. 1059/1570
Eze_3:15.....captivity/at Telabib/that..... 1017/1570 that day and/not. 1530/1570 that day from/one. 963/1570
Jer_4:9...........pass/at that day saith the LORD that the/heart 934/1570 that day saith the LORD that thou/shalt 1128/1570
Isa_17:7........Israel/At that day shall a/man 884/1570
Zec_12:8..........them/at that day shall be as David/and 1173/1570
Jer_48:41.........Moab/at that day shall be as the/heart 998/1570
Jer_49:22..........and/at that day shall the/heart 1002/1570
Hos_1:5...........pass/at that day that/I.. 1127/1570
Joh_16:26.......Father/At that day ye shall ask/in 1367/1570
Joh_14:20.........also/At that day ye shall know/that 1365/1570
Mar_15:6...........Now/at that feast he/released 1248/1570
Mat_27:15..........Now/at that feast the/governor 1220/1570
Mar_10:22..........sad/at that saying/and.. 1233/1570
1Ch_21:29.........were/at that season in/the 562/1570
Luk_13:1.......present/at that season some/that 1287/1570
2Ki_4:17...........son/at that season that/Elisha 483/1570
Rom_9:32......stumbled/at that stumblingstone/As 1473/1570
Job_15:12.........wink/at That thou/turnest. 725/1570 that time Abijah/the 459/1570
Jdg_3:29..........Moab/at that time about/ten 306/1570 that time all/the. 201/1570 that time also And the LORD was/very 222/1570 that time also and the LORD would/not 229/1570
Ezr_8:34.......written/at that time Also the/children 658/1570
Jdg_4:4.........Israel/at that time And she/dwelt 307/1570
2Ch_13:18........under/at that time and the children/of 587/1570
2Ch_35:17.....passover/at that time and the feast/of 630/1570
Jdg_21:14........again/at that time and they/gave 342/1570
Deu_2:34........cities/at that time and utterly/destroyed 203/1570
Luk_23:7.....Jerusalem/at that time And when/Herod 1317/1570
Mic_3:4...........them/at that time as/they 1147/1570 that time because/the 621/1570
2Ki_20:12.........Ahaz/At that time Berodachbaladan/the 516/1570
Jos_11:21..........And/at that time came/Joshua 276/1570
Dan_3:8......Wherefore/at that time certain/Chaldeans 1099/1570
1Ch_12:22..........For/at that time day/by.. 545/1570 that time did Hezekiah/cut 512/1570
2Ch_28:16......Samaria/At that time did king/Ahaz 619/1570
Jdg_21:24.......thence/at that time every/man 344/1570
Deu_3:12.....possessed/at that time from/Aroer 208/1570
2Ch_16:7...........And/at that time Hanani/the 593/1570
Num_22:4......Moabites/at that time He/sent. 162/1570
Mat_14:1......unbelief/At that time Herod/the 1200/1570
Neh_6:1.........though/at that time I had/not 667/1570
Zep_3:19........Behold/at that time I will/undo 1165/1570
Est_8:9.........called/at that time in/the.. 713/1570
Mat_11:25.........thee/At that time Jesus answered/and 1195/1570
Mat_12:1.........light/At that time Jesus went/on 1196/1570
Isa_39:1..........LORD/At that time Merodachbaladan/the 911/1570
Jdg_12:6..........fell/at that time of/the.. 319/1570
Jdg_20:15.....numbered/at that time out of the cities/twenty 335/1570
Deu_3:8...........took/at that time out of the hand/of 207/1570
2Ki_16:6...........him/At that time Rezin/king 508/1570
Jer_8:1.......desolate/At that time saith/the 944/1570
Jos_6:26..........them/at that time saying Cursed/be 258/1570
Deu_1:16........judges/at that time saying Hear/the 200/1570 that time saying I/am 199/1570
Deu_3:23..........LORD/at that time saying O/Lord 211/1570 that time saying The/LORD 209/1570
Deu_3:21........Joshua/at that time saying Thine/eyes 210/1570
Jer_4:11..........soul/At that time shall it/be 935/1570
Dan_12:1...........And/at that time shall Michael/stand 1124/1570
1Ki_8:65...........And/at that time Solomon/held 448/1570
Gen_21:22.........pass/at that time that Abimelech/and 18/1570
Zep_1:12..........pass/at that time that I/will 1163/1570
Gen_38:1..........pass/at that time that Judah/went 36/1570
Jos_5:2.........Israel/At that time the LORD said unto Joshua/Make 254/1570
Deu_10:1...........arm/At that time the LORD said unto me/Hew 227/1570
Deu_10:8........waters/At that time the LORD separated/the 228/1570
Jdg_14:4...........for/at that time the Philistines/had 324/1570
2Ki_24:10.........done/At that time the servants/of 524/1570
Act_8:1............And/at that time there was a/great 1403/1570
Deu_3:4.........cities/at that time there was not/a 206/1570
Jer_3:17..........more/At that time they/shall 933/1570
Dan_12:1...........and/at that time thy/people 1125/1570 that time to shew/you 214/1570 that time to teach/you 212/1570
Jos_11:10.......Joshua/at that time turned/back 275/1570
Neh_12:44..........And/at that time were/some 699/1570
Dan_3:7......Therefore/at that time when all/the 1098/1570
1Ch_21:28......thereof/At that time when David/saw 561/1570
1Sa_3:2...........pass/at that time when Eli/was 354/1570
1Ki_11:29.........pass/at that time when Jeroboam/went 456/1570
Zep_3:20.........shame/At that time will I bring/you 1166/1570
Jer_33:15..........and/at that time will I cause/the 973/1570
1Sa_14:18..........was/at that time with/the 361/1570
Eph_2:12..........That/at that time ye/were 1505/1570
Act_3:10.....amazement/at that which had/happened 1387/1570
Amo_4:3............cow/at that which is/before 1139/1570
Luk_24:12......himself/at that which was/come 1322/1570
1Co_9:13..........wait/at the altar are/partakers 1483/1570
Heb_7:13....attendance/at the altar For/it. 1541/1570
Rev_8:3..........stood/at the altar having/a 1559/1570
Eze_9:6..........began/at the ancient/men.. 1025/1570
Act_4:35..........down/at the apostles' feet and/distribution 1392/1570 the apostles' feet But a/certain 1393/1570 the apostles' feet But Peter/said 1394/1570
1Pe_1:7..........glory/at the appearing/of. 1546/1570
Num_4:27.........serve/At the appointment/of 136/1570
Eze_47:7........behold/at the bank/of...... 1088/1570
Est_5:6.........Esther/at the banquet of wine What is thy petition and/it 706/1570 the banquet of wine What is thy petition queen/Esther 709/1570
Act_3:10..........alms/at the Beautiful/gate 1386/1570 the beginning afterward/thou 868/1570 the beginning And/since 553/1570 the beginning because/I 1366/1570 the beginning being/caused 1115/1570
Gen_13:3..........been/at the beginning between/Bethel 8/1570
Pro_20:21......hastily/at the beginning but/the 846/1570 the beginning doth/set 1328/1570
Rut_3:10..........than/at the beginning inasmuch/as 349/1570
Mat_19:4..........them/at the beginning made/them 1206/1570
2Ki_17:25..........was/at the beginning of their/dwelling 510/1570
Dan_9:23.understanding/At the beginning of thy/supplications 1116/1570 the beginning So/I. 40/1570 the beginning Then/remembered 1421/1570
2Sa_22:16.........LORD/at the blast of the breath of his/nostrils 432/1570
Psa_18:15.........LORD/at the blast of the breath of thy/nostrils 758/1570
Isa_19:19.......pillar/at the border/thereof 887/1570
Lev_4:30.......thereof/at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat is/taken 102/1570
Lev_4:34.......thereof/at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat of/the 103/1570
Lev_8:15.........blood/at the bottom of the altar and sanctified/it 107/1570
Lev_9:9..........blood/at the bottom of the altar But/the 111/1570
Lev_5:9............out/at the bottom of the altar it/is 104/1570
Lev_4:25.........blood/at the bottom of the altar of burnt/offering 101/1570
Lev_4:18.........blood/at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take all/his 99/1570
Lev_4:7........bullock/at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take off/from 97/1570
Dan_6:24..........came/at the bottom of the den/Then 1107/1570
Amo_4:3............out/at the breaches/every 1138/1570
Psa_18:12........skies/At the brightness/that 756/1570
1Sa_30:21........abide/at the brook Besor/and 392/1570 the brook Kidron and/stamped 517/1570 the brook Kidron But/the 591/1570
Psa_83:9.........Jabin/at the brook of/Kison 790/1570
Luk_20:37.......shewed/at the bush/when.... 1305/1570
1Ch_26:18.........four/at the causeway/and.. 566/1570
Ecc_12:6........broken/at the cistern/Then.. 860/1570
Mar_13:35...........or/at the cockcrowing/or 1244/1570 the coming in at/the 836/1570 the coming in of/the 503/1570
1Th_3:13........Father/at the coming of/our 1517/1570 the commandment of Hezekiah/the 625/1570
Ezr_10:3.......tremble/at the commandment of our/God 661/1570
2Ch_24:21.......stones/at the commandment of the king/in 611/1570
Num_33:38..........Hor/at the commandment of the LORD and/died 191/1570
Num_9:23..........LORD/at the commandment of the LORD by/the 148/1570
2Ki_24:3........Surely/at the commandment of the LORD came/this 523/1570
Num_9:18.........tents/At the commandment of the LORD the/children 144/1570
Jos_21:3...inheritance/at the commandment of the LORD these/cities 302/1570
Num_9:23...........and/at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed/they 147/1570
Num_9:18...........and/at the commandment of the LORD they pitched/as 145/1570
Num_9:23.....journeyed/At the commandment of the LORD they rested/in 146/1570
Num_3:39......numbered/at the commandment of the LORD throughout/their 135/1570
2Ch_26:9.....Jerusalem/at the corner/gate... 616/1570
Luk_8:26.......arrived/at the country/of... 1272/1570
Exo_40:8.......hanging/at the court/gate..... 92/1570
Pro_21:13.........ears/at the cry of the/poor 847/1570
Num_16:34.........fled/at the cry of them/for 154/1570
Jer_49:21.........fall/at the cry the/noise 1001/1570
Lam_2:15..........head/at the daughter/of.. 1012/1570
Pro_7:20..........home/at the day appointed/With 833/1570
Mat_11:22........Sidon/at the day of/judgment 1194/1570
Neh_12:27..........And/at the dedication of the/wall 696/1570
Ezr_6:17.......offered/at the dedication of this/house 651/1570 the descent/of... 1301/1570
Job_31:29......rejoice/at the destruction/of 741/1570
Act_13:12...astonished/at the doctrine/of.. 1425/1570
Mar_1:33......together/at the door And he/healed 1224/1570
Rev_3:20.........stand/at the door and knock/if 1558/1570
Act_5:9............are/at the door and shall/carry 1395/1570
Jdg_19:22.........beat/at the door and spake/to 332/1570
Gen_4:7..........lieth/at the door And unto/thee 2/1570 the door is/not... 487/1570
Pro_9:14.......sitteth/at the door of her/house 840/1570
Exo_12:22..........out/at the door of his/house 63/1570
Eze_10:19........stood/at the door of the east/gate 1026/1570
Act_12:13......knocked/at the door of the gate a/damsel 1422/1570
Eze_11:1........behold/at the door of the gate five/and 1027/1570
Jdg_19:27.........down/at the door of the house and her/hands 334/1570
Gen_43:19..........him/at the door of the house And said/O 43/1570
2Ki_5:9..........stood/at the door of the house of/Elisha 485/1570
Gen_19:11.........were/at the door of the house with/blindness 15/1570
2Sa_11:9.........slept/at the door of the king's/house 408/1570
Jdg_19:26.........down/at the door of the man's/house 333/1570
Exo_40:28......hanging/at the door of the tabernacle And he/put 93/1570
Exo_33:9.........stood/at the door of the tabernacle and the/Lord 85/1570
Lev_16:7..........LORD/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And Aaron/shall 117/1570 the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron's/sons 96/1570
Lev_17:6..........LORD/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and burn/the 119/1570
Exo_38:8.....assembled/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he made/the 90/1570
1Sa_2:22.....assembled/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he said/unto 351/1570 the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take all/his 100/1570 the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take off/from 98/1570
Num_10:3..........thee/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And if/they 149/1570
Num_6:18....separation/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and shall/take 138/1570
Lev_14:11.........LORD/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the/priest 114/1570
Lev_8:31.........flesh/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and there/eat 108/1570
Lev_1:3...........will/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD And/he 94/1570
Exo_29:42..generations/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD where/I 81/1570
Lev_8:35.........abide/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation day/and 110/1570
Jos_19:51.........LORD/at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation So/they 298/1570
Eze_8:16........behold/at the door of the temple/of 1023/1570
Eze_46:3.......worship/at the door of this/gate 1085/1570
Luk_13:25........knock/at the door saying/Lord 1289/1570 the door that/he.. 460/1570
Gen_19:6...........out/at the door unto/them. 14/1570
Joh_18:16........stood/at the door without/Then 1368/1570 the doors Unto/you 837/1570
Mar_13:29.........even/at the doors Verily I say unto you that/this 1241/1570
Mat_24:33.........even/at the doors Verily I say unto you This/generation 1210/1570
Luk_5:9............him/at the draught/of... 1265/1570
2Ch_5:12.........stood/at the east end/of... 580/1570
Gen_3:24........placed/at the east of/the..... 1/1570
Eze_48:32..........And/at the east side/four 1090/1570
Gen_44:12........began/at the eldest and/left 47/1570
Joh_8:9......beginning/at the eldest even/unto 1353/1570
Hab_2:3............but/at the end it/shall. 1154/1570
Deu_31:10.......saying/At the end of every seven years in/the 248/1570
Deu_15:1.........doest/At the end of every seven years thou/shalt 231/1570
Deu_9:11..........pass/at the end of forty days and/forty 220/1570
Gen_8:6...........pass/at the end of forty days that/Noah 4/1570
Eze_29:13..........GOD/At the end of forty years/will 1058/1570
2Sa_24:8.....Jerusalem/at the end of nine/months 434/1570
Eze_3:16..........pass/at the end of seven days/that 1018/1570
Jer_34:14.......saying/At the end of seven years/let 975/1570
Dan_1:15...........And/at the end of ten/days 1094/1570
2Ch_20:16.........them/at the end of the brook/before 599/1570
Isa_7:3............son/at the end of the conduit/of 870/1570
Dan_4:34...........And/at the end of the days I/Nebuchadnezzar 1104/1570
Dan_1:18...........Now/at the end of the days that/the 1095/1570
Dan_12:13..........lot/at the end of the days The/word 1126/1570
Exo_12:41.........pass/at the end of the four/hundred 65/1570
Rut_3:7...........down/at the end of the heap/of 346/1570 the end of the valley/of 282/1570 the end of the world/the 1199/1570
2Ch_24:23.........pass/at the end of the year/that 612/1570
Jos_9:16..........pass/at the end of three days/after 267/1570
1Ki_2:39..........pass/at the end of three years that/two 440/1570
2Ki_18:10..........And/at the end of three years they/took 511/1570
Deu_14:28.........thee/At the end of three years thou/shalt 230/1570
Dan_4:29Nebuchadnezzar/At the end of twelve/months 1103/1570
1Ki_9:10..........pass/at the end of twenty years when/Solomon 452/1570
2Ch_8:1...........pass/at the end of twenty years wherein/Solomon 582/1570
Gen_41:1..........pass/at the end of two full/years 39/1570
Jdg_11:39.........pass/at the end of two months/that 316/1570
Dan_1:5...........that/at the end thereof/they 1093/1570 the end toward/the 1080/1570
Exo_39:15.......chains/at the ends of wreathen work of pure gold And they/made 91/1570
Exo_28:22.......chains/at the ends of wreathen work of pure gold And thou/shalt 78/1570 the ends of wreathen work shalt/thou 77/1570
2Ch_23:13.......pillar/at the entering in and/the 606/1570
2Sa_10:8.........array/at the entering in of the gate and the/Syrians 405/1570 the entering in of the gate and they/said 488/1570 the entering in of the gate of/Samaria 595/1570
2Ki_10:8.........heaps/at the entering in of the gate until/the 497/1570
2Ki_23:11..........sun/at the entering in of the house/of 519/1570
Exo_35:15.........door/at the entering in of the tabernacle/The 88/1570 the entering of the gate of the city and raise/thereon 263/1570
Jos_20:4.........stand/at the entering of the gate of the city and shall/declare 299/1570
Jer_1:15........throne/at the entering of the gates/of 929/1570 the entry of Pharaoh's/house 985/1570
Pro_8:3..........gates/at the entry of the city/at 835/1570
Jer_36:10........court/at the entry of the new/gate 979/1570
Eze_27:3.......situate/at the entry of the sea/which 1052/1570
Ezr_9:5............And/at the evening/sacrifice 660/1570
Gen_24:63........field/at the eventide/and... 28/1570
Joh_7:11...........him/at the feast and said/Where 1350/1570
Luk_23:17.........them/at the feast And they/cried 1320/1570
Joh_4:45.....Jerusalem/at the feast for/they 1333/1570
1Ki_8:2........Solomon/at the feast in/the.. 444/1570
Luk_2:41..........year/at the feast of/the. 1257/1570
Joh_12:20......worship/at the feast The/same 1363/1570 the feet of Gamaliel/and 1451/1570
Luk_8:35.......sitting/at the feet of Jesus/clothed 1273/1570
Joh_20:12........other/at the feet where/the 1376/1570
Mar_14:54......himself/at the fire/And..... 1247/1570
Act_26:4...........was/at the first among/mine 1460/1570
Neh_7:5.............up/at the first and found/written 669/1570 the first And I saw/in 1108/1570 the first And I will/cleanse 971/1570
Gen_28:19..........Luz/at the first And Jacob/vowed 32/1570 the first And my/temptation 1502/1570 the first and see/what 943/1570
Jdg_18:29........Laish/at the first And the/children 330/1570
Gen_13:4.........there/at the first and there/Abram 9/1570 the first and thy/counsellors 867/1570
Deu_9:25..........down/at the first because/the 226/1570
Heb_2:3..........which/at the first began/to 1540/1570 the first But the/children 340/1570
Joh_12:16....disciples/at the first but when/Jesus 1362/1570
Joh_19:39........which/at the first came/to 1372/1570
Act_15:14..........God/at the first did/visit 1428/1570 the first forty/days 221/1570
Isa_9:1...........when/at the first he/lightly 872/1570
1Ki_20:9.......servant/at the first I/will.. 469/1570 the first saith/the 972/1570 the first that we/will 260/1570
2Sa_17:9....overthrown/at the first that whosoever/heareth 422/1570
1Ch_15:13..........not/at the first the/LORD 549/1570 the first therefore/we 261/1570
Gen_43:18........sacks/at the first time are/we 42/1570
Gen_43:20.........down/at the first time to/buy 44/1570 the fish/gate..... 628/1570
Psa_73:3.......envious/at the foolish/when.. 785/1570 the fords/of...... 882/1570
Neh_12:37..........And/at the fountain gate/which 697/1570
Ecc_12:6........broken/at the fountain or/the 859/1570
Act_10:11.........knit/at the four/corners. 1417/1570
Isa_22:7.........array/at the gate And he/discovered 891/1570 the gate And the/three 544/1570
2Ki_11:6..........part/at the gate behind/the 501/1570 the gate of his city And/after 22/1570 the gate of his city saying/Nay 21/1570 the gate of Sur/and 500/1570
Eze_8:5......northward/at the gate of the altar/this 1022/1570
2Ki_23:8..........hand/at the gate of the city/Nevertheless 518/1570
2Ch_23:5..........part/at the gate of the foundation/and 604/1570
2Ch_24:8.......without/at the gate of the house/of 609/1570
Act_3:2..........daily/at the gate of the temple/which 1385/1570 the gate she/said. 496/1570
Pro_8:3.........crieth/at the gates at/the.. 834/1570 the gates of Jerusalem/on 954/1570
Eze_44:11.......charge/at the gates of the house and/ministering 1081/1570
2Ch_23:19......porters/at the gates of the house of/the 607/1570 the gates of the inner/court 1082/1570
Pro_14:19.......wicked/at the gates of the righteous/The 842/1570
Neh_13:19............I/at the gates that/there 701/1570
Rev_21:12..........and/at the gates twelve/angels 1568/1570
Deu_16:6..........even/at the going down/of. 236/1570
Neh_12:37........David/at the going up of/the 698/1570 the going up to/Gur 494/1570
Luk_4:22......wondered/at the gracious/words 1261/1570
2Sa_3:32..........wept/at the grave/of...... 396/1570
Psa_141:7....scattered/at the grave's/mouth. 823/1570
2Sa_20:8..........were/at the great/stone... 428/1570 the hand of David's/enemies 372/1570
Gen_9:5........require/at the hand of every beast/will 5/1570 the hand of every man's/brother 7/1570
Job_2:10..........good/at the hand of God/and 718/1570
2Ki_9:7...........LORD/at the hand of Jezebel/For 492/1570
Gen_9:5............and/at the hand of man/at.. 6/1570
Gen_33:19.........tent/at the hand of the children/of 35/1570
Isa_51:17........drunk/at the hand of the LORD/the 916/1570
Gen_49:13........dwell/at the haven/of....... 51/1570 the head and/the. 1375/1570
Isa_51:20..........lie/at the head of all/the 917/1570
Eze_21:21..........way/at the head of the two/ways 1041/1570 the head of the way/to 1039/1570
Exo_36:29.....together/at the head thereof/to 89/1570
Isa_21:3..........down/at the hearing/of.... 889/1570
Jos_5:3.........Israel/at the hill/of....... 255/1570
Act_3:1.........temple/at the hour/of...... 1384/1570
1Pe_4:17.........begin/at the house/of..... 1550/1570
Eze_35:15......rejoice/at the inheritance/of 1067/1570
Luk_10:14........Sidon/at the judgment/than 1280/1570
Hab_1:10.........scoff/at the kings and/the 1153/1570
Est_1:12..........come/at the king's commandment by/his 703/1570
2Ch_24:8...........And/at the king's commandment they/made 608/1570
Est_6:10.......sitteth/at the king's gate let/nothing 708/1570
Est_5:13.......sitting/at the king's gate Then/said 707/1570
Neh_11:24..........was/at the king's hand/in 677/1570 the king's house/and 603/1570
2Sa_9:13...continually/at the king's table/and 403/1570
Joh_6:21...........was/at the land/whither. 1342/1570
Mat_26:60.........none/At the last came/two 1219/1570
Dan_4:8............But/at the last Daniel/came 1102/1570
Joh_6:39.........again/at the last day And/this 1343/1570
Joh_6:54............up/at the last day For/my 1347/1570
Joh_6:44............up/at the last day It/is 1346/1570
Joh_11:24.resurrection/at the last day Jesus/said 1357/1570
Joh_6:40............up/at the last day The/Jews 1344/1570
Pro_23:32.......aright/At the last it/biteth 849/1570
Gen_49:19.....overcome/at the last Out/of.... 52/1570
1Co_15:52..........eye/at the last trump/for 1492/1570
Pro_5:11.........mourn/at the last when/thy. 828/1570 the last your/care 1510/1570
Job_19:25........stand/at the latter/day.... 732/1570
Mat_5:40..........thee/at the law and/take. 1186/1570
Mal_2:8........stumble/at the law ye/have.. 1179/1570
Jdg_3:2............war/at the least such/as. 305/1570
Gen_24:55.........days/at the least ten/after 26/1570
Act_5:15..........that/at the least the/shadow 1397/1570
Pro_29:21..........son/at the length/An..... 852/1570
Isa_33:3..........fled/at the lifting/up.... 908/1570
Hab_3:11....habitation/at the light/of..... 1158/1570
1Sa_30:8......enquired/at the LORD/saying... 391/1570
Jer_25:17..........cup/at the LORD's/hand... 961/1570
Ecc_5:8............not/at the matter/for.... 855/1570
1Sa_21:1........afraid/at the meeting/of.... 377/1570
Luk_9:43........amazed/at the mighty/power. 1276/1570
Mat_24:41.....grinding/at the mill/the..... 1211/1570
1Co_14:27...........or/at the most/by...... 1486/1570
Luk_19:29......Bethany/at the mount called/the 1299/1570
Exo_18:5......encamped/at the mount of God/And 69/1570
Mar_11:1.......Bethany/at the mount of Olives/he 1235/1570 the mouth goeth/into 1202/1570 the mouth of Jeremiah in/the 992/1570
Jer_36:27........wrote/at the mouth of Jeremiah saying/Take 981/1570
Deu_17:6...........but/at the mouth of one/witness 239/1570
Jos_9:14.......counsel/at the mouth of the/LORD 266/1570
Deu_19:15...........or/at the mouth of three/witnesses 241/1570
Deu_19:15......sinneth/at the mouth of two witnesses or at/the 240/1570
Deu_17:6...........die/At the mouth of two witnesses or three/witnesses 238/1570
Php_2:10..........That/at the name/of...... 1508/1570
Exo_19:17........stood/at the nether/part.... 73/1570
Act_10:30..........and/at the ninth hour I/prayed 1419/1570
Mar_15:34..........And/at the ninth hour Jesus/cried 1249/1570
Eze_26:10........shake/at the noise of the horsemen/and 1047/1570
Jer_47:3..........howl/At the noise of the stamping/of 994/1570
Jer_50:46.........them/At the noise of the taking/of 1006/1570
Isa_33:3.......trouble/At the noise of the tumult/the 907/1570
Jer_49:21........moved/at the noise of their/fall 1000/1570
Psa_42:7..........deep/at the noise of thy/waterspouts 767/1570
Zep_2:4.........Ashdod/at the noon/day..... 1164/1570
Jos_18:19.........were/at the north/bay..... 293/1570
2Ch_15:15.....rejoiced/at the oath/for...... 590/1570
2Sa_16:23.....enquired/at the oracle/of..... 420/1570
Eze_21:21........stood/at the parting/of... 1040/1570
Jos_22:11.......Jordan/at the passage/of.... 303/1570
Jdg_12:6...........him/at the passages/of... 318/1570
Joh_2:23.....Jerusalem/at the passover in/the 1330/1570 the passover will/ye 1370/1570
Isa_26:11.........envy/at the people/yea.... 894/1570
Psa_64:4........secret/at the perfect/suddenly 776/1570
2Ki_10:14.........them/at the pit/of........ 499/1570
Luk_10:32..........was/at the place came/and 1281/1570
Ezr_8:17.........chief/at the place Casiphia and/I 654/1570
Ezr_8:17.....Nethinims/at the place Casiphia that/they 655/1570
Luk_22:40..........was/at the place he/said 1315/1570
Deu_16:6...........But/at the place which/the 234/1570 the plains/of..... 179/1570
Mar_5:23.........lieth/at the point of death I/pray 1229/1570
Joh_4:47...........was/at the point of death Then/said 1335/1570 the point to/die... 29/1570
Eze_40:40..........was/at the porch/of..... 1077/1570
Pro_8:34.......waiting/at the posts/of...... 839/1570
Luk_11:32.....repented/at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here No/man 1284/1570
Mat_12:41.....repented/at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here The/queen 1197/1570
Psa_68:2........perish/at the presence of God But/let 780/1570
Psa_68:8.......dropped/at the presence of God even/Sinai 781/1570
Psa_68:8.........moved/at the presence of God the/God 782/1570
Psa_114:7.........Lord/at the presence of the God/of 813/1570
Jer_4:26..........down/at the presence of the LORD and/by 937/1570 the presence of the Lord at the presence of the God/of 812/1570
Psa_97:5...........wax/at the presence of the LORD at the presence of the Lord/of 795/1570
1Ch_16:33..........out/at the presence of the LORD because/he 551/1570
Zep_1:7..........peace/at the presence of the Lord GOD/for 1161/1570
Psa_97:5..........LORD/at the presence of the Lord of/the 796/1570
Rom_4:20...........not/at the promise/of... 1470/1570 the rebuke of five/shall 902/1570
Isa_30:17.........flee/at the rebuke of one/at 901/1570
Psa_80:16.......perish/at the rebuke of thy/countenance 788/1570
2Sa_22:16...discovered/at the rebuking/of... 431/1570
Luk_5:27.......sitting/at the receipt of custom and he said/unto 1266/1570
Mat_9:9........sitting/at the receipt of custom and he saith/unto 1190/1570
Mar_2:14.......sitting/at the receipt of custom and said/unto 1225/1570
Psa_106:7.........even/at the Red/sea....... 805/1570
Psa_30:4........thanks/at the remembrance of his holiness For/his 760/1570
Psa_97:12.......thanks/at the remembrance of his holiness O/sing 797/1570
Isa_23:5............As/at the report concerning/Egypt 892/1570
Isa_23:5........pained/at the report of/Tyre 893/1570
Luk_14:14..recompensed/at the resurrection/of 1291/1570
1Ki_20:26.........pass/at the return of the year that/Benhadad 472/1570
1Ki_20:22..........for/at the return of the year the/king 471/1570 the revelation/of 1547/1570
Rom_8:34..........even/at the right hand of God/who 1471/1570
Psa_109:31.......stand/at the right hand of the poor/to 809/1570
Heb_12:2..........down/at the right hand of the throne/of 1543/1570
Mar_16:2.....sepulchre/at the rising/of.... 1250/1570
Exo_2:5........herself/at the river and/her.. 55/1570
2Sa_8:3.........border/at the river Euphrates/And 399/1570
Ezr_8:21.........there/at the river of/Ahava 656/1570
Isa_10:26.......Midian/at the rock/of....... 873/1570
Jer_47:3...........and/at the rumbling/of... 996/1570
Jer_47:3........horses/at the rushing/of.... 995/1570 the salt/sea...... 194/1570
Joh_4:53...........was/at the same hour/in. 1337/1570
Jam_3:11.........forth/at the same place/sweet 1545/1570
Act_8:35.........began/at the same scripture/and 1406/1570
2Ki_8:22......revolted/at the same time And/the 490/1570
Mat_18:1..........thee/At the same time came the/disciples 1204/1570
Ezr_5:3...........them/At the same time came to/them 642/1570
Dan_4:36..........thou/At the same time my/reason 1105/1570
Jer_39:10.......fields/at the same time Now/Nebuchadrezzar 982/1570
Neh_4:22......Likewise/at the same time said/I 665/1570 the same time saith/the 968/1570
Eze_38:10.........that/at the same time shall/things 1071/1570
2Ch_7:8...........Also/at the same time Solomon/kept 581/1570 the same time spake/the 888/1570
Eze_38:18.........pass/at the same time when/Gog 1073/1570
1Ch_21:19...........up/at the saying/of..... 560/1570 the sea And as/for 192/1570
Jos_15:11.........were/at the sea And the/west 283/1570
Psa_106:7..........him/at the sea even/at... 804/1570
Jos_19:29..........are/at the sea from/the.. 296/1570
Joh_21:1.....disciples/at the sea of/Tiberias 1378/1570
2Ch_8:17.........Eloth/at the sea side/in... 584/1570
Jos_16:3...........are/at the sea So/the.... 285/1570
Jos_17:9..........were/at the sea Southward/it 288/1570
Jos_16:8..........were/at the sea This is/the 287/1570
Jos_15:4..........were/at the sea this shall/be 279/1570
Luk_20:10..........And/at the season he sent a/servant 1303/1570
Mar_12:2...........And/at the season he sent to/the 1237/1570
Deu_16:6...........sun/at the season that/thou 237/1570
Act_7:13...........And/at the second/time.. 1398/1570
Isa_21:3......dismayed/at the seeing/of..... 890/1570
Luk_24:22........early/at the sepulchre And/when 1323/1570
Joh_20:11......without/at the sepulchre weeping/and 1374/1570
Gen_21:2...........age/at the set/time....... 17/1570
2Ki_8:3...........pass/at the seven/years'.. 489/1570
Joh_4:52.....Yesterday/at the seventh hour/the 1336/1570
1Ki_18:44.........pass/at the seventh time that/he 467/1570
Jos_6:16..........pass/at the seventh time when/the 257/1570
Job_41:29.....laugheth/at the shaking/of.... 748/1570
2Ki_10:12..........was/at the shearing/house 498/1570
Hab_3:11...........and/at the shining/of... 1159/1570
1Ki_7:30........molten/at the side of every/addition 443/1570
Lev_1:15...........out/at the side of the altar/And 95/1570 the side of the east/gate 1079/1570
Eze_46:19..........was/at the side of the gate/into 1086/1570
Eze_40:44..........was/at the side of the north/gate 1078/1570
Eze_40:40..........And/at the side without/as 1076/1570
Act_7:31......wondered/at the sight and/as. 1401/1570
Job_41:9..........even/at the sight of/him.. 746/1570
Jer_10:2......dismayed/at the signs/of...... 947/1570
Isa_60:14.........down/at the soles/of...... 922/1570
Eze_31:16........shake/at the sound of his/fall 1060/1570
Eze_27:28........shake/at the sound of the cry/of 1053/1570
Jer_8:16......trembled/at the sound of the neighing/of 946/1570
Job_21:12......rejoice/at the sound of the organ/They 733/1570
Eze_26:15........shake/at the sound of thy/fall 1048/1570
Jos_18:19..........sea/at the south end/of.. 294/1570
Eze_48:33..........And/at the south side four/thousand 1091/1570 the south side of/the 1087/1570
Eze_48:28..........Gad/at the south side southward/the 1089/1570 the strait gate for many/I 1288/1570 the strait gate for wide/is 1187/1570
Num_21:15..........And/at the stream/of..... 158/1570
Exo_33:10........stand/at the tabernacle door/and 86/1570
2Ch_1:6............was/at the tabernacle of/the 573/1570 the table knew/for 1364/1570
1Ki_13:20..........sat/at the table that/the 458/1570
Joh_12:2...........sat/at the table with/him 1361/1570
2Co_4:18...........but/at the things which are not/seen 1498/1570
2Co_4:18...........not/at the things which are seen/but 1497/1570
Act_23:23......hundred/at the third/hour... 1453/1570
Eze_46:2.......worship/at the threshold/of. 1084/1570
Neh_12:25.........ward/at the thresholds/of. 695/1570 the time appointed he/shall 1120/1570
Gen_18:14.........LORD/At the time appointed I/will 12/1570
Dan_8:19...........for/at the time appointed the/end 1111/1570 the time appointed Then/shall 1119/1570
1Sa_20:35........field/at the time appointed with/David 376/1570
Luk_1:10.......without/at the time of incense/And 1252/1570
Dan_8:17...........for/at the time of the end shall be/the 1110/1570
Dan_11:40..........And/at the time of the end shall the/king 1121/1570
Gen_24:11........water/at the time of the evening/even 23/1570
Jos_10:27.........pass/at the time of the going/down 272/1570
1Ki_18:36.........pass/at the time of the offering/of 465/1570 the time of thy/reproach 1036/1570
Jer_6:15..........fall/at the time that I/visit 941/1570
1Ch_20:1.......expired/at the time that kings/go 555/1570
Gen_31:10.........pass/at the time that the/cattle 33/1570
2Sa_11:1.......expired/at the time when kings/go 406/1570
1Sa_18:19.........pass/at the time when Merab/Saul's 366/1570
Nah_3:10........pieces/at the top/of....... 1152/1570
Job_9:23.........laugh/at the trial/of...... 723/1570
Neh_3:19.......armoury/at the turning of the wall After/him 664/1570
2Ch_26:9...........and/at the turning of the wall and/fortified 618/1570
Exo_28:7........joined/at the two/edges...... 76/1570
Psa_11:2.........shoot/at the upright/in.... 752/1570
Jos_15:5...........sea/at the uttermost/part 280/1570
2Ch_26:9...........and/at the valley gate/and 617/1570
Gen_14:17..........him/at the valley of/Shaveh 10/1570
Dan_8:27....astonished/at the vision/but... 1112/1570
Isa_6:4..........moved/at the voice of him/that 869/1570
Ecc_12:4............up/at the voice of the/bird 858/1570
Isa_30:19.........thee/at the voice of thy cry/when 904/1570
Psa_104:7.........fled/at the voice of thy thunder/they 801/1570
Hab_3:16......quivered/at the voice rottenness/entered 1160/1570
Eze_33:6.......require/at the watchman's/hand 1063/1570 the water before/their 168/1570
Num_20:24.........word/at the water of/Meribah 156/1570
Psa_81:7..........thee/at the waters of Meribah Selah/Hear 789/1570
Deu_33:8........strive/at the waters of Meribah Who/said 253/1570
Deu_32:51.......Israel/at the waters of MeribahKadesh/in 250/1570
Jos_11:5......together/at the waters of Merom/to 274/1570
Psa_106:32........also/at the waters of strife/so 806/1570
Gen_24:30.......camels/at the well/And....... 25/1570
Eze_48:34......Zebulun/At the west/side.... 1092/1570
Pro_24:19......envious/at the wicked/For.... 850/1570
Jos_18:12.........were/at the wilderness/of. 291/1570
Pro_7:6............For/at the window/of..... 830/1570 the windows like/a 1135/1570
Son_2:9..........forth/at the windows shewing/himself 863/1570
Pro_23:30.........long/at the wine/they..... 848/1570
Jdg_7:25..........slew/at the winepress/of.. 312/1570
1Pe_2:8........stumble/at the word being/disobedient 1548/1570
1Ki_22:5..........thee/at the word of the LORD to day Then/the 473/1570
2Ch_18:4..........thee/at the word of the LORD to day Therefore/the 594/1570
Ezr_9:4.......trembled/at the words/of...... 659/1570
Exo_34:22..ingathering/at the year's/end..... 87/1570
Gen_44:12.........left/at the youngest/and... 48/1570
Isa_14:8.......rejoice/at thee and the/cedars 880/1570
Eze_32:10.......amazed/at thee and their kings shall be horribly/afraid 1061/1570
Eze_27:35...astonished/at thee and their kings shall be sore/afraid 1054/1570
Eze_26:16...astonished/at thee And they/shall 1050/1570
Isa_52:14.....astonied/at thee his/visage... 918/1570
Lam_2:15.........hands/at thee they/hiss... 1011/1570
Eze_27:36.........hiss/at thee thou shalt be a terror and never shalt be/any 1055/1570
Eze_28:19...astonished/at thee thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou/be 1056/1570
2Ki_19:21.........head/at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 514/1570
Isa_37:22.........head/at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 909/1570
1Ch_12:32.........were/at their commandment/Of 546/1570
Jer_1:17......dismayed/at their faces/lest.. 930/1570
Eze_34:10........flock/at their hand and cause/them 1066/1570
Exo_32:4..........them/at their hand and fashioned/it 83/1570
Eze_2:6.......dismayed/at their looks though they be a rebellious house And/thou 1015/1570
Eze_3:9.......dismayed/at their looks though they be a rebellious house Moreover/he 1016/1570
Neh_9:37........cattle/at their pleasure and/we 670/1570
Jer_34:16......liberty/at their pleasure to/return 977/1570
Hos_4:12.......counsel/at their stocks/and. 1129/1570
Psa_107:27.........are/at their wit's/end... 807/1570
Jer_10:2......dismayed/at them For the customs/of 948/1570
Deu_7:21....affrighted/at them for the LORD/thy 216/1570
Psa_10:5.......puffeth/at them He/hath...... 751/1570
Num_21:30.........shot/at them Heshbon/is... 159/1570
Psa_59:8.........laugh/at them thou/shalt... 773/1570
Psa_64:7.........shoot/at them with/an...... 778/1570 these/gates....... 942/1570
Eze_3:20.......require/at thine hand Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous/man 1021/1570
Eze_33:8.......require/at thine hand Nevertheless if thou warn the wicked/of 1065/1570
Jer_25:28..........cup/at thine hand to/drink 962/1570
Eze_3:18.......require/at thine hand Yet/if 1020/1570
Deu_23:24.........fill/at thine own pleasure/but 243/1570 thine own table/What 424/1570
Job_37:1........vapour/At this also/my...... 743/1570
Jer_2:12.......heavens/at this and be/horribly 931/1570
Job_17:8......astonied/at this and the/innocent 729/1570 this day And hast/brought 970/1570 this day And it/shall 215/1570 this day And the/king 447/1570 this day Because/ye 990/1570 this day Moreover/Jeremiah 991/1570 this day Now/therefore 569/1570 this day Then Ahimelech/answered 380/1570 this day Then answered/Doeg 379/1570 this day Therefore/now 989/1570 this day to/the.. 1113/1570 this day we/have. 1114/1570
Joh_5:28...........not/at this for/the..... 1340/1570
1Ki_9:8............And/at this house/which.. 451/1570 this once/and..... 950/1570 this or/why...... 1388/1570
Rom_11:5..........then/at this present/time 1474/1570
Act_7:29.........Moses/at this saying/and.. 1400/1570
Gen_17:21.........thee/at this set/time...... 11/1570
Exo_8:32.........heart/at this time also/neither 58/1570
1Co_16:12.........come/at this time but/he. 1495/1570
2Sa_17:7..........good/at this time For/said 421/1570 this time have/told 322/1570
Rom_3:26...........say/at this time his/righteousness 1469/1570
1Ki_2:26...........not/at this time put/thee 439/1570
Act_1:6...........thou/at this time restore/again 1380/1570
Exo_9:14..........will/at this time send/all. 59/1570
Jdg_21:22.........them/at this time that/ye. 343/1570
Est_4:14.........peace/at this time then/shall 705/1570
Rom_9:9........promise/At this time will/I. 1472/1570 this time your/abundance 1500/1570
Luk_2:33.....marvelled/at those things which were spoken/of 1256/1570
Luk_2:18......wondered/at those things which were told/them 1255/1570
1Sa_22:14........goeth/at thy bidding/and... 381/1570
Eze_22:13..........and/at thy blood/which.. 1044/1570
Isa_14:9..........thee/at thy coming/it..... 881/1570
Job_39:27...........up/at thy command/and... 745/1570
1Ch_28:21.......wholly/at thy commandment/Furthermore 570/1570
Eze_26:18.....troubled/at thy departure/For 1051/1570
Eze_22:13.........hand/at thy dishonest/gain 1043/1570
Gen_38:11........widow/at thy father's/house. 38/1570
Deu_33:3..........down/at thy feet/every.... 251/1570
1Co_14:16.........Amen/at thy giving/of.... 1485/1570
Luk_19:5.........abide/at thy house And/he. 1297/1570
Mat_26:18.....passover/at thy house with/my 1216/1570
Deu_8:16..........good/at thy latter/end.... 218/1570
Eze_16:46........dwell/at thy left/hand.... 1034/1570
Isa_64:1..........down/at thy presence As/when 923/1570
Isa_64:3..........down/at thy presence For since/the 925/1570
Psa_9:3.........perish/at thy presence For thou/hast 750/1570
Isa_64:2.......tremble/at thy presence When/thou 924/1570
Psa_76:6.........hands/At thy rebuke O God/of 787/1570
Psa_18:15...discovered/at thy rebuke O LORD/at 757/1570
Psa_104:7....mountains/At thy rebuke they/fled 800/1570
Psa_91:7......thousand/at thy right hand but/it 794/1570
Eze_16:46.....dwelleth/at thy right hand is/Sodom 1035/1570
Psa_110:5.........Lord/at thy right hand shall/strike 811/1570 thy right hand there/are 755/1570
Psa_91:7..........fall/at thy side and/ten.. 793/1570
Isa_60:4........nursed/at thy side Then/thou 921/1570 thy table/for..... 437/1570
Psa_65:8........afraid/at thy tokens/thou... 779/1570
Ecc_5:6..........angry/at thy voice/and..... 854/1570
Psa_119:162....rejoice/at thy word as/one... 818/1570
1Ki_18:36.......things/at thy word Hear/me.. 466/1570
Luk_5:5...nevertheless/at thy word I/will.. 1263/1570
Neh_13:31.....offering/at times appointed and/for 702/1570
Neh_10:34......fathers/at times appointed year/by 671/1570
Jdg_13:25..........him/at times in/the...... 323/1570
1Ch_4:29...........and/at Tolad/And......... 531/1570 Troas And/we..... 1441/1570
2Ti_4:13..........left/at Troas with/Carpus 1531/1570
Act_20:15......tarried/at Trogyllium/and... 1444/1570
2Sa_14:26.........head/at two/hundred....... 413/1570
Act_21:3........landed/at Tyre/for......... 1447/1570
Psa_35:8...........him/at unawares and let/his 762/1570
Num_35:11.......person/at unawares And they/shall 195/1570
Jos_20:9........person/at unawares might/flee 300/1570
1Pe_4:17.........begin/at us/what.......... 1551/1570 variance/against. 1193/1570
Jer_18:9...........And/at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build/and 956/1570
Jer_18:7........Israel/At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck/up 955/1570
Pro_4:19...........not/at what they/stumble. 827/1570
2Ch_24:11.........that/at what time the/chest 610/1570
Dan_3:15..........that/at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and/dulcimer 1100/1570
Dan_3:5...........That/at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer/and 1097/1570
1Sa_3:11........Israel/at which both/the.... 356/1570
1Ch_20:4...Philistines/at which time/Sibbechai 558/1570
Job_16:4..........head/at you/But........... 727/1570
Eze_36:11.........than/at your beginnings/and 1069/1570
Pro_1:26.........laugh/at your calamity/I... 826/1570
Luk_19:30........which/at your entering/ye. 1300/1570
Mal_1:10......offering/at your hand For/from 1176/1570
Isa_1:12..........this/at your hand to/tread 866/1570
Mal_2:13..........will/at your hand Yet/ye. 1180/1570
Num_11:20..........out/at your nostrils/and. 151/1570
Lev_22:19........offer/at your own will a/male 124/1570 your own will It/shall 121/1570 your own will On/the 125/1570
Exo_19:15..........not/at your wives/And..... 72/1570
Neh_11:29..........and/at Zareah/and........ 689/1570
1Sa_10:2......Benjamin/at Zelzah/and........ 359/1570
1Ch_4:30...........and/at Ziklag And at Bethmarcaboth/and 534/1570
Neh_11:28..........And/at Ziklag and at Mekonah/and 686/1570
Isa_30:4..........were/at Zoan/and.......... 899/1570