a burden/even.... 114/215
Gen_18:13...surety/bear a child/which...... 7/215
Lev_12:5.......she/bear a maid/child...... 33/215
Jdg_13:5.......and/bear a son and no/razor 74/215
Jdg_13:7.......and/bear a son and now/drink 75/215
Isa_7:14.......and/bear a son and shall/call 103/215
Gen_16:11....shalt/bear a son and shalt/call 3/215
Jdg_13:3.......and/bear a son Now/therefore 73/215 all his/words.... 149/215 all this/people... 50/215
Gen_17:17......old/bear And Abraham/said... 4/215 and became/a...... 13/215
Rev_13:2.........a/bear and his/mouth.... 215/215
Dan_7:5..........a/bear and it/raised.... 145/215
2Ki_18:14........I/bear And the king/of... 87/215
1Ki_3:21.......did/bear And the other/woman 85/215
1Sa_17:36......the/bear and this/uncircumcised 78/215
1Sa_17:34........a/bear and took/a........ 77/215
Lev_19:18......nor/bear any/grudge........ 37/215
Jer_44:22...longer/bear because/of....... 117/215
Jos_6:4......shall/bear before/the........ 71/215
Gen_4:13.......can/bear Behold/thou........ 1/215
Isa_54:1.......not/bear break/forth...... 110/215 buckler/and....... 89/215 burdens/and....... 90/215 But/we........... 186/215
1Ti_5:14.....marry/bear children/guide... 207/215
Isa_46:4......will/bear even/I........... 106/215
Deu_5:20......thou/bear false witness against thy neighbour Neither/shalt 65/215
Exo_20:16......not/bear false witness against thy neighbour Thou/shalt 15/215
Mar_10:19......not/bear false witness Defraud/not 160/215
Luk_18:20......not/bear false witness Honour thy father and thy mother And he/said 168/215
Mat_19:18......not/bear false witness Honour thy father and thy mother and Thou/shalt 158/215
Rom_13:9.......not/bear false witness Thou/shalt 192/215
Pro_30:21...cannot/bear For a/servant.... 100/215
Deu_28:57....shall/bear for she/shall..... 67/215
Eze_17:23......and/bear fruit and/be..... 130/215
Joh_15:4....cannot/bear fruit of/itself.. 179/215
Eze_17:8.....might/bear fruit that/it.... 129/215
2Ki_19:30......and/bear fruit upward For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 88/215
Isa_37:31......and/bear fruit upward For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 105/215 fruit well/and... 165/215 he shall/baptize. 156/215
1Sa_17:37......the/bear he will/deliver... 79/215
Num_5:31.....shall/bear her iniquity And/the 47/215
Num_30:15....shall/bear her iniquity These/are 61/215
Col_4:13.........I/bear him record/that.. 206/215
Isa_46:7......They/bear him upon/the..... 107/215
Luk_14:27......not/bear his cross and come/after 166/215 his cross And they/bring 161/215 his cross And when/they 159/215
Lev_5:17.....shall/bear his iniquity And he/shall 30/215
Lev_20:17....shall/bear his iniquity And if/a 38/215
Lev_7:18.....shall/bear his iniquity And the flesh/that 31/215
Lev_17:16....shall/bear his iniquity And the LORD/spake 35/215
Lev_19:8.....shall/bear his iniquity because/he 36/215
Lev_5:1......shall/bear his iniquity Or/if 29/215
Gal_5:10.....shall/bear his judgment/whosoever 202/215
Gal_6:5......shall/bear his own/burden... 204/215
Lev_24:15....shall/bear his sin And he/that 43/215
Num_9:13.....shall/bear his sin And if/a.. 49/215
Deu_1:31......doth/bear his son/in........ 64/215 holy/flesh....... 153/215
Gal_6:17.........I/bear in my body/the... 205/215 in my bosom/the... 93/215
Pro_9:12.....shalt/bear it A/foolish...... 95/215
Luk_23:26....might/bear it after/Jesus... 169/215 it but/they....... 45/215 it Hollow/with.... 17/215
Jer_10:19.....must/bear it My/tabernacle. 112/215 it neither/yet... 194/215
Num_11:17.....thou/bear it not/thyself.... 52/215
Eze_12:6......thou/bear it upon/thy...... 123/215 it Wherefore/my.. 195/215 it withal And he/made 27/215 it withal And thou/shalt 23/215 it withal he/made. 28/215
Luk_18:7........he/bear long/with........ 167/215
Lam_3:10.........a/bear lying/in......... 118/215
Act_22:5......doth/bear me witness and/all 188/215
Joh_3:28yourselves/bear me witness that/I 173/215
Amo_5:19.........a/bear met/him.......... 148/215 much/fruit....... 180/215 my/name.......... 185/215
Jer_17:21......and/bear no burden/on..... 113/215
Hos_9:16.....shall/bear no fruit/yea..... 146/215
Num_18:32....shall/bear no sin/by......... 60/215
2Sa_18:20....shalt/bear no tidings/because 84/215
Exo_28:43.....they/bear not/iniquity...... 22/215
Jam_3:12..brethren/bear olive/berries.... 209/215
3Jn_1:12......also/bear record and/ye.... 213/215
1Jn_5:7.......that/bear record in/heaven. 211/215
Joh_8:14.........I/bear record of/myself. 176/215
2Co_8:3..........I/bear record yea/and... 197/215
2Sa_17:8.........a/bear robbed of her whelps in/the 80/215
Pro_17:12........a/bear robbed of her whelps meet/a 97/215
Pro_12:24....shall/bear rule but/the...... 96/215
Jer_5:31...priests/bear rule by/their.... 111/215
Est_1:22....should/bear rule in/his....... 91/215
Dan_2:39.....shall/bear rule over/all.... 144/215
Jos_6:6....priests/bear seven/trumpets.... 72/215
Isa_11:7.......the/bear shall/feed....... 104/215
Zep_1:11......that/bear silver/are....... 152/215
Num_18:22.....they/bear sin and/die....... 58/215
Lev_22:9......they/bear sin for/it........ 41/215
Pro_28:15..ranging/bear so/is............. 99/215
Jer_29:6.......may/bear sons and/daughters 115/215
Rut_1:12......also/bear sons Would/ye..... 76/215
Hos_13:8.........a/bear that/is.......... 147/215 the ark And/he.... 24/215 the ark of the covenant of/the 66/215
Jos_3:8.......that/bear the ark of the covenant saying/When 68/215
Jos_3:13......that/bear the ark of the LORD/the 69/215
Jos_4:16......that/bear the ark of the testimony/that 70/215 the blame for/ever 11/215
Gen_44:32....shall/bear the blame to/my... 12/215
Num_11:17....shall/bear the burden of/the. 51/215
Exo_18:22....shall/bear the burden with/thee 14/215
Num_4:25.....shall/bear the curtains/of... 46/215
Zec_5:10.....these/bear the ephah/And.... 154/215
Zec_6:13.....shall/bear the glory/and.... 155/215
Pro_18:14......can/bear The heart/of...... 98/215
1Co_15:49.....also/bear the image/of..... 196/215
Mic_7:9.......will/bear the indignation/of 151/215 the infirmities/of 193/215 the iniquity of the congregation/to 32/215
Eze_18:20......not/bear the iniquity of the father neither/shall 132/215
Eze_18:19......son/bear the iniquity of the father When/the 131/215
Exo_28:38......may/bear the iniquity of the holy/things 21/215
Eze_4:5.......thou/bear the iniquity of the house of Israel/And 121/215
Eze_4:6......shalt/bear the iniquity of the house of Judah/forty 122/215
Num_18:1.....shall/bear the iniquity of the sanctuary/and 56/215
Eze_18:20...father/bear the iniquity of the son/the 133/215 the iniquity of trespass/when 42/215
Num_18:1.....shall/bear the iniquity of your/priesthood 57/215
Exo_28:30....shall/bear the judgment/of... 20/215
2Sa_18:19......and/bear the king/tidings.. 81/215
Exo_28:29....shall/bear the names/of...... 19/215
Eze_14:10....shall/bear the punishment/of 125/215
Mic_6:16.....shall/bear the reproach of my people/Woe 150/215
Jer_31:19......did/bear the reproach of my youth/Is 116/215
Eze_36:15.....thou/bear the reproach of the/people 139/215
Eze_34:29..neither/bear the shame/of..... 137/215 the sins of many/and 208/215
Eze_23:49....shall/bear the sins of your/idols 135/215
Num_1:50.....shall/bear the tabernacle/and 44/215 the table And he made the staves/of 25/215 the table And he made the vessels/which 26/215 the table And thou/shalt 16/215
Isa_52:11.....that/bear the vessels/of... 108/215
Lam_3:27........he/bear the yoke/of...... 119/215
Luk_1:13.....shall/bear thee a son and/thou 162/215
Gen_17:19....shall/bear thee a son indeed/and 5/215
Psa_91:12....shall/bear thee up in/their.. 94/215
Luk_4:11.....shall/bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 163/215
Mat_4:6......shall/bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 157/215
Isa_53:11....shall/bear their iniquities/Therefore 109/215
Lev_20:19....shall/bear their iniquity And if/a 39/215
Eze_44:12....shall/bear their iniquity And they/shall 141/215
Eze_4:4......shalt/bear their iniquity For/I 120/215
Num_18:23....shall/bear their iniquity it/shall 59/215
Eze_44:10.....even/bear their iniquity Yet/they 140/215
Exo_28:12....shall/bear their names/before 18/215
Eze_44:13....shall/bear their shame and/their 142/215
Eze_36:7.....shall/bear their shame But/ye 138/215
Eze_32:30......and/bear their shame with/them 136/215
Lev_20:20....shall/bear their sin/they.... 40/215 them And/when.... 102/215
Gen_36:7.......not/bear them because/of... 10/215
Eze_46:20.....they/bear them not/out..... 143/215
Joh_16:12...cannot/bear them now/Howbeit. 182/215
Rom_10:2.........I/bear them record/that. 191/215 them that/they..... 2/215
Rev_2:2........not/bear them which/are... 214/215
Eze_16:54...mayest/bear thine own shame and/mayest 128/215
Eze_16:52..sisters/bear thine own shame for/thy 126/215
Eze_23:35therefore/bear thou/also........ 134/215
Eze_16:52......and/bear thy/shame........ 127/215
2Sa_18:20....shalt/bear tidings another/day 83/215
2Sa_18:20......not/bear tidings this/day.. 82/215
Gen_22:23......did/bear to/Nahor........... 8/215 twins/and........ 101/215
Joh_2:8........and/bear unto the/governor 172/215
Gen_17:21....shall/bear unto thee/at....... 6/215
Act_27:15......not/bear up into/the...... 190/215
Psa_75:3.........I/bear up the/pillars.... 92/215
Lev_16:22....shall/bear upon him/all...... 34/215
Eze_12:12....shall/bear upon his/shoulder 124/215
Gen_30:3.....shall/bear upon my/knees...... 9/215
Num_7:9.....should/bear upon their/shoulders 48/215
2Co_11:4......well/bear with him/For..... 200/215
2Co_11:1.....could/bear with me a/little. 198/215
2Co_11:1....indeed/bear with me For/I.... 199/215
Num_14:27........I/bear with this/evil.... 53/215
Act_18:14...should/bear with you/But..... 187/215 witness against/him 86/215
Act_23:11.....thou/bear witness also/at.. 189/215
1Jn_1:2........and/bear witness and/shew. 210/215
Joh_15:27....shall/bear witness because/ye 181/215
1Jn_5:8.......that/bear witness in/earth. 212/215
Joh_10:25.....they/bear witness of me But/ye 178/215 witness of me that/the 175/215
Joh_8:18......that/bear witness of myself and/the 177/215
Joh_5:31.........I/bear witness of myself my/witness 174/215 witness of that/Light 171/215
Joh_18:23.....evil/bear witness of the evil/but 183/215 witness of the Light/that 170/215 witness that/ye.. 164/215
Joh_18:37...should/bear witness unto/the. 184/215
Gal_6:2....tempted/Bear ye/one........... 203/215 you myself/alone.. 62/215
Gal_4:15.........I/bear you record/that.. 201/215
Deu_1:12.....alone/bear your cumbrance/and 63/215 your iniquities/even 55/215
Num_14:33......and/bear your whoredoms/until 54/215
Lev_14:9.......his/beard and his/eyebrows... 3/16
Lev_13:30.......or/beard And if/the......... 2/16
Isa_7:20.......the/beard And it/shall...... 13/16 and sat/down...... 10/16
1Sa_17:35......his/beard and smote/him...... 6/16
Jer_48:37....every/beard clipped/upon...... 15/16
Isa_15:2.....every/beard cut/off........... 14/16
Psa_133:2......the/beard even/Aaron's...... 11/16
Lev_21:5.....their/beard nor make/any....... 5/16
2Sa_19:24......his/beard nor washed/his..... 8/16
Psa_133:2..Aaron's/beard that/went......... 12/16
1Sa_21:13......his/beard Then said/Achish... 7/16
Eze_5:1........thy/beard then take/thee.... 16/16
Lev_13:29......the/beard Then the/priest.... 1/16
2Sa_20:9.......the/beard with/the........... 9/16
Lev_19:27......thy/beard Ye/shall........... 4/16
2Sa_10:4.....their/beards and/cut............ 1/4
1Ch_19:5......your/beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they had/made 3/4
2Sa_10:5......your/beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 2/4
Jer_41:5.....their/beards shaven/and......... 4/4 of burdens and fourscore/thousand 1/3
2Ch_34:13......the/bearers of burdens and were/overseers 2/3
Neh_4:10.......the/bearers of burdens is/decayed 3/3
Gal_4:27......that/bearest not break/forth... 5/5
Jdg_13:3.......and/bearest not but/thou...... 1/5
Rom_11:18.....thou/bearest not the/root...... 4/5
Joh_8:13......Thou/bearest record/of......... 3/5
Psa_106:4.....thou/bearest unto/thy.......... 2/5
1Co_13:7.....truth/Beareth all/things...... 23/25
Lev_15:10.....that/beareth any/of........... 4/25
Pro_25:18.....that/beareth false/witness... 12/25
Mat_13:23.....also/beareth fruit and/bringeth 16/25
Joh_15:2......that/beareth fruit he/purgeth 20/25
Deu_29:18.....that/beareth gall/and......... 7/25
Joe_2:22......tree/beareth her/fruit....... 15/25
Deu_29:23......nor/beareth nor/any.......... 8/25
Job_24:21.....that/beareth not and/doeth... 11/25
Joh_15:2......that/beareth not fruit/he.... 19/25
Rom_13:4........he/beareth not the/sword... 22/25
Lev_11:25whosoever/beareth ought/of......... 1/25
Pro_29:2....wicked/beareth rule/the........ 13/25
Deu_25:6.......she/beareth shall/succeed.... 6/25
Lev_11:40.....that/beareth the carcase of it/shall 3/25
Lev_11:28.....that/beareth the carcase of them/shall 2/25
Num_11:12...father/beareth the sucking/child 5/25
Deu_32:11.....them/beareth them/on.......... 9/25
Heb_6:8......which/beareth thorns/and...... 24/25 twins/and....... 14/25
1Jn_5:6.......that/beareth witness because/the 25/25
Joh_5:32......that/beareth witness of me and/I 17/25 witness of me Then/said 18/25 witness to/my... 10/25
Rom_8:16....itself/beareth witness with/our 21/25 a pitcher of water follow him And/wheresoever 15/22 a pitcher of water follow him into/the 16/22 a shield/went... 12/22
2Co_4:10....Always/bearing about/in........ 20/22
Gen_29:35.....left/bearing And/when......... 3/22
Joh_19:17.......he/bearing his cross/went.. 17/22 his reproach/For 22/22
Gen_16:2......from/bearing I/pray........... 2/22
Jos_3:3....Levites/bearing it/then.......... 8/22
Rom_9:1.......also/bearing me/witness...... 19/22
Psa_126:6..weepeth/bearing precious/seed... 14/22
Gen_1:29......herb/bearing seed/which....... 1/22
Jos_6:13...priests/bearing seven/trumpets.. 11/22
Gen_30:9......left/bearing she/took......... 4/22
Gen_37:25...camels/bearing spicery/and...... 5/22
Jos_3:14...priests/bearing the ark of the covenant before/the 9/22
2Sa_15:24......him/bearing the ark of the covenant of/God 13/22
Num_10:21..forward/bearing the sanctuary/and 7/22
Jos_6:8....priests/bearing the seven/trumpets 10/22
Num_10:17..forward/bearing the tabernacle/And 6/22
Heb_2:4.......also/bearing them/witness.... 21/22
Rom_2:15......also/bearing witness/and..... 18/22 and/mourn........... 2/2
2Ki_2:24.......she/bears out/of.............. 1/2