Ezr_1:6......things/beside all that/was.... 89/132
Luk_16:26.......And/beside all this between/us 127/132
Luk_24:21.......and/beside all this to/day 128/132
Isa_32:20.......sow/beside all waters/that 100/132
Lev_23:38.......and/beside all your freewill/offerings 14/132
Lev_23:38.......and/beside all your vows/and 13/132
Jdg_20:17....Israel/beside Benjamin/were... 57/132
Jos_7:2..........is/beside Bethaven/on..... 45/132
Jos_12:9.........is/beside Bethel/one...... 46/132
Exo_12:37.......men/beside children/And..... 3/132
1Sa_4:1.....pitched/beside Ebenezer/and.... 62/132
1Ki_9:26.........is/beside Eloth/on........ 71/132
2Sa_13:23........is/beside Ephraim/and..... 65/132
Neh_5:15.......wine/beside forty/shekels... 91/132
Jdg_20:36.......set/beside Gibeah/And...... 58/132
1Ki_4:23......sheep/beside harts/and....... 69/132
Jdg_11:34.....child/beside her/he.......... 55/132
2Sa_15:18........on/beside him and/all..... 67/132
Deu_4:35.......else/beside him Out/of...... 39/132
Neh_8:4.........and/beside him stood/Mattithiah 94/132
Mar_3:21.........is/beside himself/And.... 126/132
1Ki_13:31.....bones/beside his bones/For... 76/132
2Ki_21:16...another/beside his sin/wherewith 79/132
Isa_45:21......else/beside me a/just...... 106/132
Zep_2:15.......none/beside me how/is...... 121/132
Isa_45:6.......none/beside me I am/the.... 105/132
Hos_13:4....saviour/beside me I did/know.. 120/132
Isa_45:5........God/beside me I girded/thee 104/132
Isa_47:8.......else/beside me I shall/not. 108/132
Isa_45:21......none/beside me Look/unto... 107/132
Isa_44:6........and/beside me there is no God/And 102/132
Isa_43:11.......and/beside me there is no saviour/I 101/132
Isa_47:10......else/beside me Therefore/shall 109/132
1Ki_3:20.......from/beside me while/thine.. 68/132
Isa_44:8........God/beside me yea/there... 103/132
Gen_31:50.....wives/beside my daughters/no.. 2/132
1Sa_19:3......stand/beside my father/in.... 63/132
Jdg_8:26.......gold/beside ornaments/and... 53/132
2Co_5:13.........be/beside ourselves/it... 130/132
Exo_14:9........sea/beside Pihahiroth/before 4/132
1Ki_10:15......gold/Beside that he/had..... 73/132
Num_6:21.separation/beside that that/his... 17/132
2Ch_9:14.......gold/Beside that which chapmen/and 83/132
Deu_18:8........eat/beside that which cometh/of 41/132
2Ch_9:12......asked/beside that which she/had 82/132
1Ki_10:13.....asked/beside that which Solomon/gave 72/132
Lev_6:10.......them/beside the altar And/he. 7/132
Lev_10:12....leaven/beside the altar for/it. 9/132
Jos_22:19.....altar/beside the altar of the LORD our God Did/not 49/132
Jos_22:29sacrifices/beside the altar of the LORD our God that/is 50/132
Lev_1:16.........it/beside the altar on the east/part 6/132
2Ki_12:9.........it/beside the altar on the right/side 78/132
2Ch_20:1......other/beside the Ammonites/came 85/132
Exo_29:12.....blood/beside the bottom/of.... 5/132
Eze_9:2.......stood/beside the brasen/altar 113/132
Num_28:23.....these/beside the burnt offering in/the 23/132
Num_29:6........you/Beside the burnt offering of/the 26/132
Lev_9:17......altar/beside the burnt sacrifice/of 8/132
Jdg_8:26........and/beside the chains/that. 54/132
1Ki_5:16..mountains/Beside the chief/of.... 70/132
Num_28:10...sabbath/beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering And in the beginnings/of 21/132
Num_28:15...offered/beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering And in the fourteenth/day 22/132
Num_28:24...offered/beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering And on/the 24/132
Num_29:22..offering/beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 30/132
Num_29:28..offering/beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 32/132
Num_29:38..offering/beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering These/things 35/132
Num_28:31......them/beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering they/shall 25/132
Num_29:19..offering/beside the continual burnt offering and the/meat 29/132
Num_29:25..offering/beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fifth/day 31/132
Num_29:16..offering/beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And on the second/day 28/132
Num_29:31..offering/beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And on the seventh/day 33/132
Num_29:34..offering/beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 34/132
Deu_29:1.......Moab/beside the covenant/which 43/132
Gen_26:1.......land/beside the first/famine. 1/132
Ezr_1:4......beasts/beside the freewill/offering 88/132
Eze_32:13......from/beside the great/waters 118/132
2Ch_26:19......from/beside the incense/altar 86/132
Jdg_20:15.....sword/beside the inhabitants/of 56/132
Jer_36:21.....stood/beside the king/Now... 112/132
2Ki_11:20.....sword/beside the king's/house 77/132
Jos_17:5...Manasseh/beside the land/of..... 48/132
1Ki_11:25...Solomon/beside the mischief/that 75/132
Lev_18:18.nakedness/beside the other/in.... 10/132
Deu_11:30....Gilgal/beside the plains/of... 40/132
Num_5:8......priest/beside the ram/of...... 15/132
Rut_2:14........sat/beside the reapers/and. 59/132
Num_31:8.....Midian/beside the rest/of..... 37/132
Lev_23:38.......day/Beside the sabbaths/of. 11/132
Son_1:8........kids/beside the shepherds'/tents 98/132
Jos_13:4.........is/beside the Sidonians/unto 47/132
Num_29:11..offering/beside the sin/offering 27/132
1Ch_3:9.......David/beside the sons/of..... 80/132
1Ki_10:19.....stood/beside the stays/And... 74/132
Psa_23:2.........me/beside the still/waters 96/132
Num_24:6......trees/beside the waters/He... 20/132
2Sa_15:2......stood/beside the way/of...... 66/132
Jdg_7:1.....pitched/beside the well/of..... 52/132
Eze_10:6......stood/beside the wheels/And. 114/132
2Sa_7:22........God/beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 64/132
1Ch_17:20.......God/beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 81/132
Rut_4:4..........it/beside thee and/I...... 60/132
Isa_26:13.....lords/beside thee have/had... 99/132
Psa_73:25....desire/beside thee My/flesh... 97/132
1Sa_2:2........none/beside thee neither/is. 61/132
Isa_64:4........God/beside thee what/he... 111/132
2Ch_31:16.....small/Beside their genealogy/of 87/132
Neh_7:67.threescore/Beside their manservants/and 93/132
Ezr_2:65.threescore/Beside their servants/and 90/132
Eze_10:19......were/beside them and every/one 116/132
Eze_11:22....wheels/beside them and the glory/of 117/132
Job_1:14....feeding/beside them And the Sabeans/fell 95/132
Mat_25:20....gained/beside them five/talents 124/132
Mat_25:22...talents/beside them His/lord.. 125/132
Num_16:49...hundred/beside them that/died.. 19/132
Eze_10:16......from/beside them When/they. 115/132
Jdg_6:37......earth/beside then/shall...... 51/132
Deu_19:9.......thee/beside these/three..... 42/132
Num_5:20.......thee/beside thine/husband... 16/132
2Pe_1:5.........And/beside this giving/all 132/132
Num_11:6........all/beside this manna/before 18/132
Dan_11:4.....others/beside those And/the.. 119/132
Isa_56:8........him/beside those that are/gathered 110/132
Neh_5:17.....rulers/beside those that came/unto 92/132
2Co_11:28.nakedness/Beside those things/that 131/132
2Ch_17:19......king/beside those whom/the.. 84/132
Act_26:24.......art/beside thyself/much... 129/132
Deu_3:5........bars/beside unwalled/towns.. 38/132
Mat_15:38.......men/beside women and children And he/sent 123/132
Mat_14:21.......men/beside women and children And straightway/Jesus 122/132
Lev_23:38.......and/beside your gifts/and.. 12/132
Num_29:39....feasts/beside your vows/and... 36/132
Jos_3:16.........is/beside Zaretan/and..... 44/132
1Co_1:16..Stephanas/besides I/know............ 7/8
Gen_46:26.....loins/besides Jacob's/sons'..... 2/8
Gen_19:12.......any/besides son/in............ 1/8
2Ch_18:6.......LORD/besides that we might enquire of him And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man by/whom 5/8
1Ki_22:7.......LORD/besides that we might enquire of him And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man Micaiah/the 4/8
Lev_7:13......fried/Besides the/cakes......... 3/8
Jer_36:32.....added/besides unto/them......... 6/8
Phl_1:19.......self/besides Yea/brother....... 8/8
Deu_20:19.....shalt/besiege a/city........... 2/11
1Sa_23:8.........to/besiege David/and........ 5/11
2Ki_24:11.......did/besiege it And Jehoiachin/the 7/11
Deu_20:12.....shalt/besiege it And when/the.. 1/11
Isa_21:2.......Elam/besiege O/Media.......... 9/11
Deu_28:52.....shall/besiege thee in all thy gates throughout/all 4/11
Deu_28:52.....shall/besiege thee in all thy gates until/thy 3/11
2Ch_6:28....enemies/besiege them in the cities/of 8/11
1Ki_8:37......enemy/besiege them in the land/of 6/11
Jer_21:9.......that/besiege you he/shall.... 11/11
Jer_21:4......which/besiege you without/the. 10/11
2Ki_16:5.......they/besieged Ahaz/but........ 7/23
2Ki_24:10.......was/besieged And Nebuchadnezzar/king 11/23
Eze_4:3..........be/besieged and thou/shalt. 21/23
Isa_1:8...........a/besieged city/Except.... 15/23
2Sa_20:15.......and/besieged him/in.......... 2/23
2Ki_18:9........and/besieged it And at/the... 9/23
Ecc_9:14........and/besieged it and built/great 14/23
Jer_39:1.......they/besieged it And in/the.. 19/23
Dan_1:1.........and/besieged it And the/Lord 23/23
2Ki_17:5........and/besieged it three/years.. 8/23
2Ki_6:25.......they/besieged it until/an..... 6/23
Jer_32:2.......army/besieged Jerusalem and/Jeremiah 17/23
Jer_37:5.......that/besieged Jerusalem heard/tidings 18/23
Isa_37:25.......the/besieged places Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced/cities 16/23
2Ki_19:24........of/besieged places Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it and of ancient times that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced/cities 10/23
1Ch_20:1........and/besieged Rabbah But David tarried at/Jerusalem 13/23
2Sa_11:1........and/besieged Rabbah But David tarried still/at 1/23
2Ki_6:24........and/besieged Samaria And there/was 5/23
1Ki_20:1........and/besieged Samaria and warred/against 4/23
Eze_6:12.........is/besieged shall/die...... 22/23
1Ki_16:17......they/besieged Tirzah/And...... 3/23
Jer_52:5........was/besieged unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah And in/the 20/23
2Ki_25:2........was/besieged unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah And on/the 12/23