Gen_28:6.........the/daughers of Canaan/And.... 2/2
Gen_28:2.........the/daughers of Laban/thy..... 1/2
Deu_22:17........thy/daughter a maid/and.... 99/324 a maiden/and. 111/324
Luk_8:42........only/daughter about/twelve. 314/324
Exo_21:31..........a/daughter according/to.. 62/324
Mat_10:35........the/daughter against her/mother 298/324
Luk_12:53........the/daughter against the/mother 318/324
Lev_22:12...priest's/daughter also/be....... 79/324
1Ki_3:1....Pharaoh's/daughter and brought her into/the 149/324
Gen_29:23........his/daughter and brought her to/him 17/324
Gen_30:21..........a/daughter and called/her 21/324
Psa_45:10..........O/daughter and consider/and 209/324
Lev_21:2.........his/daughter and for/his... 77/324
Hos_1:6............a/daughter And God/said. 279/324
Exo_2:10...Pharaoh's/daughter and he became/her 57/324
Gen_34:19....Jacob's/daughter and he was/more 28/324
Num_27:8.........his/daughter And if/he..... 86/324
Jdg_11:34........nor/daughter And it/came.. 108/324
Gen_29:18....younger/daughter And Laban/said 16/324
1Sa_17:25........his/daughter and make/his. 128/324
Lev_20:17...mother's/daughter and see/her... 76/324
Exo_2:21.........his/daughter And she bare him/a 58/324
Gen_46:25........his/daughter and she bare these/unto 49/324 And she told/her 122/324 And she went/and 114/324
Luk_12:53........the/daughter and the/daughter 317/324
2Sa_12:3...........a/daughter And there/came 142/324
Gen_46:18........his/daughter and these/she. 47/324
2Ki_9:34......king's/daughter And they/went 162/324
Deu_16:11........thy/daughter and thy manservant and thy maidservant and the Levite that is within thy gates and the/stranger 95/324
Deu_12:18........thy/daughter and thy manservant and thy maidservant and the Levite that is within thy gates and thou/shalt 93/324
Deu_16:14........thy/daughter and thy manservant and thy maidservant and the Levite the/stranger 96/324
Deu_28:56........her/daughter And toward/her 102/324
Gen_34:17........our/daughter and we/will... 27/324
Mar_7:29.........thy/daughter And when/she. 311/324
Gen_24:47......Whose/daughter art thou And/she 7/324
Gen_24:23......Whose/daughter art thou tell/me 5/324
Lev_22:13...priest's/daughter be a/widow.... 80/324
Mat_9:22........said/Daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole And/the 297/324
Luk_8:48.........her/Daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole go/in 315/324
Lev_18:11.....wife's/daughter begotten/of... 68/324
Num_30:16........his/daughter being/yet..... 88/324
Gen_29:29........his/daughter Bilhah/his.... 20/324
Mar_7:26.........her/daughter But/Jesus.... 310/324
Jdg_11:34........his/daughter came out/to.. 107/324
1Ki_9:24...Pharaoh's/daughter came up/out.. 154/324
Heb_11:24..Pharaoh's/daughter Choosing/rather 324/324
Gen_29:6.........his/daughter cometh/with... 14/324
1Sa_25:44........his/daughter David's/wife. 134/324
Gen_46:15........his/daughter Dinah/all..... 46/324
Jer_46:19.......thou/daughter dwelling/in.. 243/324
Lev_18:10.daughter's/daughter even/their.... 67/324 fear/not..... 121/324
Eze_44:25........for/daughter for brother/or 275/324
Est_2:7......uncle's/daughter for she/had.. 203/324
Jer_31:22backsliding/daughter for the/LORD. 241/324 for thou/hast 120/324 Go/not....... 115/324
Mar_7:25.......young/daughter had/an....... 309/324
Gen_34:8........your/daughter I/pray........ 26/324
Mic_7:6..........the/daughter in law against her mother in law a/man's 287/324
Mat_10:35........the/daughter in law against her mother in law And a/man's 299/324
Luk_12:53........the/daughter in law against her mother in law And he/said 320/324
Eze_22:11........his/daughter in law and another/in 273/324
Gen_38:16........his/daughter in law And she/said 42/324
Luk_12:53........her/daughter in law and the/daughter 319/324
Rut_2:20.........her/daughter in law Blessed/be 116/324
1Ch_2:4..........his/daughter in law bore/him 179/324
Lev_20:12........his/daughter in law both/of 74/324
Gen_38:24........thy/daughter in law hath/played 43/324
Gen_11:31........his/daughter in law his/son. 2/324
Rut_2:22.........her/daughter in law It/is. 117/324
1Sa_4:19.........his/daughter in law Phinehas'/wife 126/324
Gen_38:11........his/daughter in law Remain/a 40/324
Lev_18:15........thy/daughter in law she/is. 69/324
Rut_4:15.........thy/daughter in law which/loveth 124/324
Rut_1:22.........her/daughter in law with/her 113/324
Eze_22:11...father's/daughter In thee/have. 274/324
Psa_45:13.....king's/daughter is all/glorious 211/324
Luk_8:49.........Thy/daughter is dead trouble/not 316/324
Mar_5:35.........Thy/daughter is dead why/troublest 307/324
Mat_9:18..........My/daughter is even/now.. 296/324 is grievously/vexed 302/324
Mar_7:30.........her/daughter laid/upon.... 312/324
Gen_29:24........his/daughter Leah/Zilpah... 18/324
Mar_5:23......little/daughter lieth/at..... 305/324
2Sa_6:16......Saul's/daughter looked/through 138/324
1Sa_18:20.....Saul's/daughter loved David/and 131/324
1Sa_18:28.....Saul's/daughter loved him/And 133/324
1Sa_18:17......elder/daughter Merab/her.... 129/324
Mat_10:37.........or/daughter more/than.... 300/324
Lev_18:17........her/daughter neither/shalt. 70/324
Deu_5:14.........thy/daughter nor/thy....... 90/324
Gen_34:5.........his/daughter now/his....... 24/324
Gen_38:2...........a/daughter of a certain/Canaanite 39/324
Num_25:18........the/daughter of a prince/of 83/324
Mal_2:11.........the/daughter of a strange/god 295/324
Est_9:29.........the/daughter of Abihail and/Mordecai 207/324
Est_2:15.........the/daughter of Abihail the/uncle 205/324
1Ki_15:10........the/daughter of Abishalom And Asa/did 157/324
1Ki_15:2.........the/daughter of Abishalom And he/walked 156/324
Luk_13:16..........a/daughter of Abraham/whom 321/324
2Ch_11:21........the/daughter of Absalom above/all 192/324
2Ch_11:20........the/daughter of Absalom which/bare 191/324
2Ki_22:1.........the/daughter of Adaiah/of. 170/324
2Ch_21:6.........the/daughter of Ahab to/wife 195/324
2Ki_8:18.........the/daughter of Ahab was/his 160/324
1Sa_14:50........the/daughter of Ahimaaz/and 127/324
2Sa_3:7..........the/daughter of Aiah and/Ishbosheth 136/324
2Sa_21:11........the/daughter of Aiah the/concubine 148/324
2Sa_21:10........the/daughter of Aiah took/sackcloth 147/324
2Sa_21:8.........the/daughter of Aiah whom/she 145/324
1Ch_3:5..........the/daughter of Ammiel/Ibhar 184/324
Exo_6:23....Elisheba/daughter of Amminadab/sister 59/324
Gen_36:25........the/daughter of Anah And/these 36/324
Gen_36:18........the/daughter of Anah Esau's/wife 35/324
Gen_36:14........the/daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon Esau's/wife 33/324
Gen_36:2.........the/daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the/Hivite 30/324
Lev_21:9.........the/daughter of any/priest. 78/324
Num_26:46........the/daughter of Asher/was.. 84/324
Zec_2:7..........the/daughter of Babylon For/thus 291/324
Jer_51:33........The/daughter of Babylon is/like 248/324 of Babylon sit/on 223/324
Jer_50:42..........O/daughter of Babylon The/king 247/324
Psa_137:8..........O/daughter of Babylon who/art 212/324
Gen_26:34........the/daughter of Beeri/the.. 11/324
1Sa_1:16...........a/daughter of Belial/for 125/324
Gen_24:47........the/daughter of Bethuel Nahor's/son 8/324
Gen_24:24........the/daughter of Bethuel the son/of 6/324
Gen_25:20........the/daughter of Bethuel the Syrian/of 10/324
1Ch_2:49.........the/daughter of Caleb/was. 182/324
Hos_1:3..........the/daughter of Diblaim/which 278/324
Lev_24:11........the/daughter of Dibri/of... 81/324
Lam_4:22...........O/daughter of Edom he/will 269/324
Lam_4:21...........O/daughter of Edom that/dwellest 267/324
Jer_46:11........the/daughter of Egypt in/vain 242/324
Jer_46:24........The/daughter of Egypt shall/be 244/324
2Ch_11:18........the/daughter of Eliab/the. 190/324
2Sa_11:3.........the/daughter of Eliam/the. 141/324
2Ki_24:8.........the/daughter of Elnathan/of 174/324
Gen_36:2.........the/daughter of Elon the Hittite and/Aholibamah 29/324
Gen_26:34........the/daughter of Elon the Hittite Which/were 12/324
1Ki_16:31........the/daughter of Ethbaal/king 158/324
Isa_10:30..........O/daughter of Gallim/cause 215/324
Gen_11:29........the/daughter of Haran/the... 1/324
2Ki_21:19........the/daughter of Haruz/of.. 169/324
Mat_14:6.........the/daughter of Herodias/danced 301/324
Deu_27:22........the/daughter of his father/or 100/324
Deu_27:22........the/daughter of his mother/And 101/324
Gen_28:9.........the/daughter of Ishmael/Abraham's 13/324
Gen_34:3.........the/daughter of Jacob/and.. 23/324
Jdg_11:40........the/daughter of Jephthah/the 110/324
Jer_52:1.........the/daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the eyes/of 249/324
2Ki_23:31........the/daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his/fathers 172/324
2Ki_24:18........the/daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 175/324
2Ch_11:18........the/daughter of Jerimoth/the 189/324
Zec_9:9............O/daughter of Jerusalem behold/thy 294/324
2Ki_19:21........the/daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 168/324
Isa_37:22........the/daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 222/324
Mic_4:8..........the/daughter of Jerusalem Now/why 282/324
Lam_2:15.........the/daughter of Jerusalem saying/Is 261/324
Zep_3:14...........O/daughter of Jerusalem The/LORD 290/324
Lam_2:13...........O/daughter of Jerusalem what/shall 259/324
Lam_1:15.........the/daughter of Judah as/in 251/324
Lam_2:2..........the/daughter of Judah he/hath 253/324
Lam_2:5..........the/daughter of Judah mourning/and 255/324
2Ch_22:11........the/daughter of king Jehoram/the 198/324
2Ki_11:2.........the/daughter of king Joram/sister 163/324
Gen_29:10........the/daughter of Laban/his.. 15/324
Gen_34:1.........the/daughter of Leah/which. 22/324
Exo_2:1............a/daughter of Levi And/the 52/324
Num_26:59........the/daughter of Levi whom/her 85/324
1Ch_2:21.........the/daughter of Machir/the 180/324
Gen_36:39........the/daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab And/these 37/324
1Ch_1:50.........the/daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab Hadad/died 176/324
Neh_6:18.........the/daughter of Meshullam/the 202/324
Gen_36:39........the/daughter of Mezahab And/these 38/324
1Ch_1:50.........the/daughter of Mezahab Hadad/died 177/324
Zep_3:10.........the/daughter of my dispersed/shall 288/324
Gen_20:12........the/daughter of my father/but 3/324
Gen_20:12........the/daughter of my mother/and 4/324
Jer_8:21.........the/daughter of my people am/I 236/324
Jer_8:19.........the/daughter of my people because of/them 235/324
Lam_2:11.........the/daughter of my people because the/children 258/324
Isa_22:4.........the/daughter of my people For/it 218/324
Jer_6:26...........O/daughter of my people gird/thee 233/324
Lam_4:3..........the/daughter of my people is become/cruel 264/324 of my people is broken/with 240/324
Lam_4:6..........the/daughter of my people is greater/than 265/324
Lam_3:48.........the/daughter of my people Mine/eye 263/324
Jer_4:11.........the/daughter of my people not/to 228/324
Jer_9:1..........the/daughter of my people Oh/that 238/324
Jer_8:22.........the/daughter of my people recovered/Oh 237/324
Jer_8:11.........the/daughter of my people slightly saying Peace peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 234/324
Jer_6:14.........the/daughter of my people slightly saying Peace peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 231/324
Lam_4:10.........the/daughter of my people The/LORD 266/324
Jer_9:7..........the/daughter of my people Their/tongue 239/324
2Sa_17:25........the/daughter of Nahash/sister 144/324
2Ch_22:2.........the/daughter of Omri He/also 196/324
2Ki_8:26.........the/daughter of Omri king/of 161/324
2Ki_23:36........the/daughter of Pedaiah/of 173/324
Luk_2:36.........the/daughter of Phanuel/of 313/324
Exo_2:5..........the/daughter of Pharaoh came/down 53/324
2Ch_8:11.........the/daughter of Pharaoh out/of 188/324
1Ch_4:18.........the/daughter of Pharaoh which/Mered 185/324
1Ki_11:1.........the/daughter of Pharaoh women/of 155/324
Gen_41:45........the/daughter of Potipherah priest of On And/Joseph 44/324
Gen_41:50........the/daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him And Joseph/called 45/324
Gen_46:20........the/daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him And the/sons 48/324
2Sa_6:20.........the/daughter of Saul came/out 139/324
2Sa_6:23.........the/daughter of Saul had/no 140/324
1Ch_15:29........the/daughter of Saul looking/out 187/324
2Sa_21:8.........the/daughter of Saul whom/she 146/324
1Ki_22:42........the/daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 159/324
2Ch_20:31........the/daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 194/324
1Ch_2:3..........the/daughter of Shua/the.. 178/324
Gen_38:12........the/daughter of Shuah/Judah's 41/324
Joh_12:15........not/daughter of Sion behold thy King cometh sitting/on 322/324
Mat_21:5.........the/daughter of Sion Behold thy King cometh unto/thee 304/324
1Ki_4:11.........the/daughter of Solomon to wife Baana/the 150/324
1Ki_4:15.........the/daughter of Solomon to wife Baanah/the 151/324
2Sa_3:3..........the/daughter of Talmai king of Geshur And/the 135/324
1Ch_3:2..........the/daughter of Talmai king of Geshur the/fourth 183/324
Isa_23:10..........O/daughter of Tarshish/there 219/324
Isa_47:1...........O/daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called tender/and 224/324
Isa_47:5...........O/daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called The/lady 225/324
2Ch_22:11........the/daughter of the king/took 197/324
Mar_6:22.........the/daughter of the said/Herodias 308/324
Dan_11:6......king's/daughter of the south/shall 276/324
Lev_18:9.........the/daughter of thy father/or 64/324
Lev_18:9..........or/daughter of thy mother/whether 65/324
Mic_5:1............O/daughter of troops/he. 285/324
Psa_45:12........the/daughter of Tyre/shall 210/324
2Ch_13:2.........the/daughter of Uriel/of.. 193/324
Dan_11:17........the/daughter of women/corrupting 277/324
2Ki_18:2.........the/daughter of Zachariah/And 166/324
2Ch_27:1.........the/daughter of Zadok And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according/to 200/324
2Ki_15:33........the/daughter of Zadok And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD he/did 165/324
2Ch_29:1.........the/daughter of Zechariah/And 201/324
Gen_36:14........the/daughter of Zibeon Esau's/wife 34/324
Gen_36:2.........the/daughter of Zibeon the/Hivite 31/324 of Zidon/arise 220/324
Lam_1:6..........the/daughter of Zion all/her 250/324
Isa_62:11........the/daughter of Zion Behold/thy 227/324
Mic_4:13...........O/daughter of Zion for I/will 284/324
Isa_16:1.........the/daughter of Zion For it/shall 217/324
Zec_2:10...........O/daughter of Zion for lo/I 292/324
Mic_1:13.........the/daughter of Zion for the/transgressions 280/324
Isa_52:2.....captive/daughter of Zion For thus/saith 226/324 of Zion for thy/breach 260/324
2Ki_19:21........the/daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 167/324
Isa_37:22........the/daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 221/324
Lam_2:8..........the/daughter of Zion he hath/stretched 256/324
Lam_2:4..........the/daughter of Zion he poured/out 254/324
Lam_4:22...........O/daughter of Zion he will/no 268/324
Psa_9:14.........the/daughter of Zion I/will 208/324
Isa_1:8..........the/daughter of Zion is/left 214/324
Lam_2:18.........the/daughter of Zion let/tears 262/324
Mic_4:10...........O/daughter of Zion like/a 283/324
Zec_9:9............O/daughter of Zion shout O daughter/of 293/324
Zep_3:14...........O/daughter of Zion shout O Israel/be 289/324
Lam_2:10.........the/daughter of Zion sit/upon 257/324
Jer_4:31.........the/daughter of Zion that/bewaileth 229/324
Isa_10:32........the/daughter of Zion the/hill 216/324
Jer_6:2..........the/daughter of Zion to/a. 230/324
Mic_4:8..........the/daughter of Zion unto/thee 281/324
Jer_6:23...........O/daughter of Zion We/have 232/324
Lam_2:1..........the/daughter of Zion with/a 252/324
Num_25:15........the/daughter of Zur/he..... 82/324
Lev_18:17......son's/daughter or her/daughter's 71/324
Lev_20:17...father's/daughter or his/mother's 75/324
Lev_18:10......son's/daughter or of/thy..... 66/324
Deu_13:6.........thy/daughter or the/wife... 94/324
Mic_7:6..........the/daughter riseth/up.... 286/324
Exo_2:8....Pharaoh's/daughter said to/her... 55/324
Exo_2:9....Pharaoh's/daughter said unto/her. 56/324
Exo_2:7....Pharaoh's/daughter Shall I go/and 54/324
Rut_3:1...........My/daughter shall I not/seek 119/324
Deu_7:3..........his/daughter shalt/thou.... 92/324
Lev_12:6...........a/daughter she/shall..... 63/324
1Sa_18:19.....Saul's/daughter should/have.. 130/324
Gen_36:3...Ishmael's/daughter sister/of..... 32/324
Est_2:7..........own/daughter So/it........ 204/324
1Ki_9:16.........his/daughter Solomon's/wife 153/324
Jer_48:18.......Thou/daughter that dost/inhabit 245/324
Eze_16:45...mother's/daughter that lotheth/her 272/324
Num_36:8.......every/daughter that possesseth/an 89/324 that thou/go. 118/324
Jer_49:4.backsliding/daughter that trusted/in 246/324
Son_7:1.....prince's/daughter the/joints... 213/324
Exo_1:16...........a/daughter then she/shall 50/324 then ye/shall. 87/324
Eze_14:20........nor/daughter they/shall... 270/324
Eze_16:44........her/daughter Thou art/thy. 271/324 thou hast/brought 109/324
Deu_7:3..........thy/daughter thou shalt/not 91/324
Mar_5:34.........her/Daughter thy faith/hath 306/324
Exo_20:10........thy/daughter thy manservant/nor 60/324
Exo_21:7.........his/daughter to be/a....... 61/324
Lev_19:29........thy/daughter to cause/her.. 73/324
1Ch_2:35.........his/daughter to Jarha/his. 181/324
2Ki_14:9.........thy/daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 164/324
2Ch_25:18........thy/daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 199/324
Deu_18:10........his/daughter to pass through the fire or/that 97/324
2Ki_23:10........his/daughter to pass through the fire to/Molech 171/324
Lev_18:17.daughter's/daughter to uncover/her 72/324
Gen_29:28........his/daughter to wife also/And 19/324
Jos_15:17........his/daughter to wife And it came to pass as/she 104/324
Jdg_1:13.........his/daughter to wife And it came to pass when/she 106/324 to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz Caleb's/younger 105/324 to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz the/brother 103/324
1Sa_18:27........his/daughter to wife And Saul/saw 132/324
Act_7:21...Pharaoh's/daughter took/him..... 323/324 until/thou... 123/324
Jdg_21:1.........his/daughter unto Benjamin/to 112/324's/daughter unto his/son... 9/324 unto this/man. 98/324
Est_2:15.........his/daughter was come/to.. 206/324
Mat_15:28........her/daughter was made/whole 303/324
1Ch_7:24.........his/daughter was Sherah/who 186/324
2Sa_3:13......Saul's/daughter when/thou.... 137/324
Gen_34:7.....Jacob's/daughter which/thing... 25/324
1Ki_7:8....Pharaoh's/daughter whom/he...... 152/324 whose/name... 143/324
Exo_1:22.......every/daughter ye/shall...... 51/324
1Ch_25:5.......three/daughters All/these... 138/255
Gen_46:7.......sons'/daughters and all his/seed 60/255
Gen_5:13.........and/daughters And all the days of Cainan/were 4/255
Gen_5:22.........and/daughters And all the days of Enoch/were 7/255
Gen_5:10.........and/daughters And all the days of Enos/were 3/255
Gen_5:19.........and/daughters And all the days of Jared/were 6/255
Gen_5:30.........and/daughters And all the days of Lamech/were 9/255
Gen_5:16.........and/daughters And all the days of Mahalaleel/were 5/255
Gen_5:26.........and/daughters And all the days of Methuselah/were 8/255
Gen_5:7..........and/daughters And all the days of Seth/were 2/255
Gen_5:4..........and/daughters And all the days that/Adam 1/255
Jer_41:10.....king's/daughters and all the people/that 208/255
Gen_36:6.........his/daughters and all the persons/of 57/255
Gen_11:11........and/daughters And Arphaxad/lived 13/255
Gen_31:55........his/daughters and blessed/them 48/255
Exo_32:2........your/daughters and bring/them 69/255
Eze_23:47......their/daughters and burn/up. 237/255
Gen_11:15........and/daughters And Eber/lived 15/255
Jer_43:6......king's/daughters and every/person 209/255
Job_42:13......three/daughters And he called/the 164/255
Deu_32:19........his/daughters And he said/I 96/255
Jos_7:24.........his/daughters and his oxen/and 97/255
Gen_46:7.........his/daughters and his sons'/daughters 59/255
Num_36:2.........his/daughters And if/they.. 85/255
2Ch_24:3.........and/daughters And it/came. 142/255
1Ch_7:15.........had/daughters And Maachah/the 135/255
Gen_11:23........and/daughters And Nahor/lived 19/255
2Ch_29:9.........our/daughters and our/wives 144/255
Gen_11:17........and/daughters And Peleg/lived 16/255
2Ch_11:21.threescore/daughters And Rehoboam/made 140/255
Gen_11:19........and/daughters And Reu/lived 17/255
Gen_19:14........his/daughters and said/Up.. 23/255
Gen_11:13........and/daughters And Salah/lived 14/255
Gen_11:21........and/daughters And Serug/lived 18/255
1Ch_2:34.........but/daughters And Sheshan/had 133/255
Gen_31:41........two/daughters and six/years 42/255
Eze_23:10........her/daughters and slew/her 235/255
Jer_29:6.........and/daughters and take/wives 203/255
Gen_11:25........and/daughters And Terah/lived 20/255
Eze_16:53........her/daughters and the captivity/of 225/255
1Sa_2:21.........two/daughters And the child/Samuel 120/255
Gen_19:30........two/daughters And the firstborn/said 27/255
2Sa_19:5.........thy/daughters and the lives/of 131/255
Num_26:33........but/daughters and the names/of 80/255
2Ch_13:21....sixteen/daughters And the rest/of 141/255
1Ch_23:22........but/daughters and their/brethren 137/255
Jos_17:3.........but/daughters and these are/the 98/255 and these children/are 44/255 and they came/and 62/255
Jer_19:9.......their/daughters and they shall/eat 202/255
Eze_23:25........thy/daughters and thy/residue 236/255
2Ch_28:8.........and/daughters and took/also 143/255
Gen_19:12........thy/daughters and whatsoever/thou 22/255
Exo_2:20.........his/daughters And where/is. 63/255
Exo_3:22........your/daughters and ye/shall. 64/255
Deu_12:12.......your/daughters and your/menservants 89/255
Neh_5:5..........our/daughters are brought/unto 154/255
Neh_5:2..........our/daughters are many/therefore 152/255
Gen_31:43......These/daughters are my/daughters 43/255 as captives/taken 39/255
Son_2:2..........the/daughters As the/apple 176/255
Eze_16:48........her/daughters as thou/hast 222/255
Eze_14:22........and/daughters behold they/shall 217/255
Eze_16:48........thy/daughters Behold this/was 223/255
2Sa_5:13.........and/daughters born/to..... 129/255
1Sa_30:6.........his/daughters but David/encouraged 124/255
1Ch_4:27.........six/daughters but his/brethren 134/255
Eze_16:61........for/daughters but not/by.. 232/255
Eze_14:18........nor/daughters but they/only 216/255
Deu_28:41........and/daughters but thou/shalt 94/255
Jer_48:46........thy/daughters captives/Yet 210/255
Pro_30:15........two/daughters crying/Give. 172/255
Lev_18:10........thy/daughter's daughter even/their 73/255
Lev_18:17........her/daughter's daughter to/uncover 74/255
Neh_10:28......their/daughters every/one... 156/255
Jer_14:16......their/daughters for I/will.. 199/255 for it/grieveth 118/255
Neh_10:30......their/daughters for our/sons 158/255
Jdg_21:18........our/daughters for the/children 110/255
Ezr_9:2........their/daughters for themselves/and 147/255
Jdg_12:9......thirty/daughters from abroad/for 105/255
Gen_31:31........thy/daughters from me/With. 41/255 from the/ends 190/255
Isa_32:9....careless/daughters give/ear.... 189/255
Exo_34:16......their/daughters go a/whoring. 71/255 go your/way. 117/255
Pro_31:29.......Many/daughters have/done... 173/255
Job_1:2........three/daughters His/substance 161/255
Isa_56:5..........of/daughters I/will...... 192/255
Exo_21:9..........of/daughters If/he........ 68/255
Rut_1:8..........two/daughters in law Go/return 115/255
Rut_1:6..........her/daughters in law that/she 113/255
Rut_1:7..........two/daughters in law with/her 114/255
Eze_26:8.........thy/daughters in the field/and 241/255
Jer_7:31.......their/daughters in the fire/which 196/255
Jer_16:2..........or/daughters in this/place 200/255
Num_21:29........his/daughters into captivity/unto 78/255
Joe_3:8.........your/daughters into the/hand 248/255
Jos_17:3.........his/daughters Mahlah and/Noah 99/255
Num_27:1.........his/daughters Mahlah Noah/and 83/255
Psa_144:12.......our/daughters may/be...... 171/255
Eze_16:49........her/daughters neither did/she 224/255
1Sa_30:19........nor/daughters neither spoil/nor 125/255 no/man....... 47/255
Jer_35:8.........our/daughters Nor/to...... 207/255
1Ch_14:3.........and/daughters Now/these... 136/255
Luk_1:5..........the/daughters of Aaron/and 250/255
Ezr_2:61.........the/daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite and/was 146/255
Neh_7:63.........the/daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to/wife 155/255
Gen_36:2.........the/daughters of Canaan Adah/the 56/255
Gen_28:1.........the/daughters of Canaan Arise/go 35/255
Gen_28:8.........the/daughters of Canaan pleased/not 36/255
2Ch_2:14.........the/daughters of Dan/and.. 139/255
Gen_27:46........the/daughters of Heth if/Jacob 32/255
Gen_27:46........the/daughters of Heth such/as 33/255
Deu_23:17........the/daughters of Israel nor/a 92/255
2Sa_1:24..........Ye/daughters of Israel weep/over 128/255
Jdg_11:40........the/daughters of Israel went/yearly 103/255 of Jerusalem as/the 175/255 of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 177/255 of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 178/255
Son_3:10.........the/daughters of Jerusalem Go/forth 179/255
Son_5:8............O/daughters of Jerusalem if/ye 181/255
Son_8:4............O/daughters of Jerusalem that/ye 184/255
Luk_23:28.......said/Daughters of Jerusalem weep/not 251/255
Son_5:16...........O/daughters of Jerusalem Whither/is 182/255
Job_42:15........the/daughters of Job/and.. 165/255
Psa_48:11........the/daughters of Judah be/glad 167/255
Psa_97:8.........the/daughters of Judah rejoiced/because 168/255
Gen_19:36........the/daughters of Lot/with.. 28/255
Jos_17:6.........the/daughters of Manasseh/had 100/255
Gen_6:4..........the/daughters of men and/they 12/255
Gen_6:2..........the/daughters of men that/they 11/255
Num_25:1.........the/daughters of Moab And/they 79/255
Isa_16:2.........the/daughters of Moab shall/be 188/255
Ecc_12:4.........the/daughters of musick/shall 174/255
Lam_3:51.........the/daughters of my/city.. 213/255
Eze_23:2.........the/daughters of one/mother 233/255
Exo_6:25.........the/daughters of Putiel/to. 65/255 of Rabbah/gird 212/255
Jdg_21:21........the/daughters of Shiloh and/go 112/255
Jdg_21:21........the/daughters of Shiloh come/out 111/255
Eze_16:57........the/daughters of Syria/and 230/255
Gen_24:3.........the/daughters of the Canaanites among/whom 29/255
Gen_24:37........the/daughters of the Canaanites in/whose 31/255
Eze_32:18........the/daughters of the famous/nations 244/255
Gen_34:1.........the/daughters of the land And/when 49/255
Gen_27:46........the/daughters of the land what/good 34/255
Gen_24:13........the/daughters of the men/of 30/255
Eze_32:16........the/daughters of the nations/shall 243/255
Jdg_14:1.........the/daughters of the Philistines And/he 106/255
Jdg_14:2.........the/daughters of the Philistines now/therefore 107/255
2Sa_1:20.........the/daughters of the Philistines rejoice/lest 126/255
Eze_16:27........the/daughters of the Philistines which are/ashamed 219/255
Eze_16:57........the/daughters of the Philistines which despise/thee 231/255
2Sa_1:20.........the/daughters of the uncircumcised/triumph 127/255
Jdg_14:3.........the/daughters of thy brethren/or 108/255
Eze_13:17........the/daughters of thy people/which 214/255
Num_36:10........the/daughters of Zelophehad For/Mahlah 87/255
Num_36:6.........the/daughters of Zelophehad saying/Let 86/255
Num_27:7.........The/daughters of Zelophehad speak/right 84/255
Num_27:1.........the/daughters of Zelophehad the/son 82/255
Num_26:33........the/daughters of Zelophehad were Mahlah/and 81/255
Num_36:11........the/daughters of Zelophehad were married/unto 88/255 of Zion and behold/king 180/255
Isa_4:4..........the/daughters of Zion and shall/have 187/255
Isa_3:17.........the/daughters of Zion and the/LORD 186/255
Isa_3:16.........the/daughters of Zion are/haughty 185/255
Gen_34:21........our/daughters Only/herein.. 55/255 or if/thou... 46/255 or unto/their 45/255
1Sa_1:4..........her/daughters portions/But 119/255
Gen_37:35........his/daughters rose/up...... 58/255
2Co_6:18.........and/daughters saith/the... 254/255
Son_6:9..........The/daughters saw/her..... 183/255
Jer_49:2.........her/daughters shall be burned/with 211/255
Isa_49:22........thy/daughters shall be carried/upon 191/255
Deu_28:32........thy/daughters shall be given/unto 93/255
Isa_60:4.........thy/daughters shall be nursed/at 193/255
Hos_4:13........your/daughters shall commit/whoredom 245/255
Jer_11:22......their/daughters shall die/by 198/255
Amo_7:17.........thy/daughters shall fall/by 249/255
Eze_30:18........her/daughters shall go/into 242/255
Act_2:17........your/daughters shall prophesy and/your 252/255
Joe_2:28........your/daughters shall prophesy your/old 247/255
Eze_16:55........her/daughters shall return to their former estate and/Samaria 227/255
Eze_16:55........her/daughters shall return to their former estate then/thou 228/255
Eze_16:55........thy/daughters shall return to your/former 229/255
Lev_26:29.......your/daughters shall ye/eat. 75/255
Jer_5:17.........thy/daughters should/eat.. 195/255
Jer_16:3.........the/daughters that are/born 201/255
Eze_16:46........her/daughters that dwell/at 220/255
Eze_24:25......their/daughters That he/that 239/255
2Sa_13:18.....king's/daughters that were/virgins 130/255
Jer_29:6.........and/daughters that ye/may. 205/255
Gen_19:16........two/daughters the LORD/being 25/255
Gen_29:16........two/daughters the name/of.. 37/255
Neh_3:12.........his/daughters The valley/gate 150/255
Exo_21:4..........or/daughters the wife/and. 67/255
Eze_16:53........her/daughters then/will... 226/255
Deu_12:31......their/daughters they have/burnt 90/255
Eze_14:16........nor/daughters they only/shall 215/255 thou/hast.... 40/255
2Ch_31:18......their/daughters through/all. 145/255
Eze_23:4.........and/daughters Thus/were... 234/255
1Sa_8:13........your/daughters to be confectionaries/and 121/255
Neh_5:5..........our/daughters to be servants/and 153/255
Jdg_3:6........their/daughters to be their/wives 101/255
Jer_29:6........your/daughters to husbands/that 204/255
2Ki_17:17......their/daughters to pass through the fire and/used 132/255
Jer_32:35......their/daughters to pass through the fire unto/Molech 206/255
Jdg_3:6........their/daughters to their/sons 102/255
Gen_34:16.......your/daughters to us and/we. 53/255
Gen_34:21......their/daughters to us for/wives 54/255
Jdg_21:7.........our/daughters to wives/And 109/255
Psa_106:37.....their/daughters unto devils/And 169/255
Neh_10:30........our/daughters unto the/people 157/255
Ezr_9:12........your/daughters unto their sons neither/take 148/255
Neh_13:25.......your/daughters unto their sons nor/take 159/255
Exo_34:16......their/daughters unto thy/sons 70/255
Gen_34:9........your/daughters unto us/and.. 50/255
Gen_34:16........our/daughters unto you and we/will 52/255
Gen_34:9.........our/daughters unto you And ye/shall 51/255
Ezr_9:12.......their/daughters unto your sons nor/seek 149/255
Neh_13:25......their/daughters unto your sons or/for 160/255's virginity/And 91/255
Act_21:9........four/daughters virgins/which 253/255
Jer_9:20........your/daughters wailing/and. 197/255
Jer_3:24.......their/daughters We/lie...... 194/255
Psa_45:9......Kings'/daughters were among/thy 166/255
Gen_6:1..........and/daughters were born/unto 10/255
Job_1:18.........thy/daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house And behold/there 163/255
Job_1:13.........his/daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house And there/came 162/255
1Sa_30:3.......their/daughters were taken/captives 123/255
1Sa_14:49........two/daughters were these/the 122/255
Gen_46:15........his/daughters were thirty/and 61/255
Hos_4:14........your/daughters when/they... 246/255
Gen_19:15........two/daughters which are here/lest 24/255
Eze_26:6.........her/daughters which are in/the 240/255
Gen_19:8.........two/daughters which have/not 21/255
Deu_28:53........thy/daughters which the/LORD 95/255
Jdg_12:9......thirty/daughters whom he/sent 104/255
Psa_106:38.....their/daughters whom they/sacrificed 170/255
Eze_16:20........thy/daughters whom thou/hast 218/255
Eze_24:21.......your/daughters whom ye/have 238/255 why/will.... 116/255
Gen_30:13........the/daughters will/call.... 38/255
Gen_19:30........two/daughters with him/for. 26/255
Exo_10:9.........our/daughters with our/flocks 66/255
Num_18:11........thy/daughters with thee by a statute for ever every/one 76/255
Num_18:19........thy/daughters with thee by a statute for ever it/is 77/255
Lev_10:14........thy/daughters with thee for/they 72/255
1Pe_3:6........whose/daughters ye/are...... 255/255
Eze_16:46........her/daughters Yet/hast.... 221/255
Neh_4:14........your/daughters your/wives.. 151/255