2Sa_20:6.........than/did Absalom take/thou 355/1006
2Sa_15:6.......manner/did Absalom to/all... 350/1006
Job_42:9..........and/did according as/the. 674/1006
Est_4:17..........and/did according to all that Esther/had 657/1006
Rut_3:6...........and/did according to all that her/mother 293/1006
2Ki_15:34..........he/did according to all that his/father 502/1006
Jer_36:8.......Neriah/did according to all that Jeremiah/the 745/1006
Num_1:54.......Israel/did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And the/LORD 136/1006
Exo_39:32......Israel/did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And they/brought 120/1006
Num_2:34.......Israel/did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so they/pitched 138/1006
1Ki_14:24........they/did according to all the/abominations 408/1006
2Ki_14:3...........he/did according to all things as/Joash 485/1006
2Ki_11:9.....hundreds/did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest commanded/and 473/1006
2Ch_23:8........Judah/did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had/commanded 583/1006
Dan_8:4............he/did according to his will and/became 783/1006
Luk_12:47.....neither/did according to his will shall/be 885/1006
2Ch_34:32...Jerusalem/did according to the covenant/of 620/1006
1Ki_17:15.........and/did according to the saying/of 432/1006
Est_1:21.........king/did according to the word of Memucan/For 650/1006
Exo_8:31.........LORD/did according to the word of Moses and he/removed 79/1006
Exo_8:13.........LORD/did according to the word of Moses and the frogs/died 75/1006
Lev_10:7.........they/did according to the word of Moses And the LORD/spake 130/1006
Exo_32:28........Levi/did according to the word of Moses and there/fell 111/1006
Exo_12:35......Israel/did according to the word of Moses and they/borrowed 87/1006
Gen_44:2...........he/did according to the word that/Joseph 50/1006
Neh_5:13.......people/did according to this/promise 638/1006
Gen_7:5..........Noah/did according unto all/that 8/1006
1Ki_17:5..........and/did according unto the/word 431/1006
Dan_6:10...........he/did aforetime/Then... 781/1006
2Ki_8:2...........and/did after the/saying. 461/1006
2Ki_17:40........they/did after their/former 513/1006
2Ki_21:3...........as/did Ahab/king........ 522/1006
2Ki_8:25.......Israel/did Ahaziah/the...... 465/1006
2Sa_17:15........thus/did Ahithophel/counsel 351/1006
1Co_10:4..........And/did all drink/the.... 974/1006
Mat_15:37........they/did all eat and were filled and they took up of the broken/meat 824/1006
Mat_14:20........they/did all eat and were filled and they took up of the fragments/that 822/1006
Mar_6:42.........they/did all eat and were filled And they took up twelve/baskets 857/1006
1Co_10:3..........And/did all eat the/same. 973/1006
Exo_18:24.........and/did all that/he...... 106/1006
Eze_31:6.....branches/did all the beasts/of 772/1006
Exo_12:50........Thus/did all the children/of 88/1006
2Ch_35:18.....neither/did all the kings/of. 623/1006
1Ch_4:27......neither/did all their/family. 547/1006
Exo_11:10.......Aaron/did all these/wonders. 84/1006
Lev_8:36.........sons/did all things/which. 128/1006
Act_3:17...........as/did also/your........ 939/1006
Jos_24:5............I/did among/them....... 237/1006
2Ki_10:34..........he/did and all/his...... 471/1006
2Ki_24:3...........he/did And also/for..... 538/1006
1Ki_11:25.......Hadad/did and he abhorred/Israel 395/1006
Act_12:8...........he/did And he saith/unto 953/1006
2Ch_26:4......Amaziah/did And he sought/God 593/1006
2Ki_21:20....Manasseh/did And he walked/in. 527/1006
2Ki_14:15..........he/did and his might and/how 488/1006
2Ki_13:8...........he/did and his might are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And/Jehoahaz 480/1006
1Ki_16:5...........he/did and his might are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel So/Baasha 420/1006
2Ki_14:28..........he/did and his might how/he 490/1006
1Ki_16:27..........he/did and his might that/he 427/1006
2Ki_13:12..........he/did and his might wherewith/he 482/1006
2Ki_21:17..........he/did and his sin/that. 525/1006
1Ki_11:41..........he/did and his wisdom/are 398/1006
2Sa_11:7.........Joab/did and how the people/did 337/1006
2Sa_11:7.......people/did and how the war/prospered 338/1006
Act_9:36..........she/did And it/came...... 948/1006
Act_11:30........they/did and sent/it...... 952/1006
Gen_38:11....brethren/did And Tamar/went.... 33/1006
2Ch_36:8...........he/did and that/which... 625/1006
Mat_21:15..........he/did and the children/crying 830/1006
1Ki_15:23..........he/did and the cities/which 415/1006
1Ki_22:39..........he/did and the ivory/house 450/1006
Jos_14:5.......Israel/did and they/divided. 233/1006
Est_2:11.......Esther/did and what/should.. 652/1006
Joh_18:15..........so/did another/disciple. 924/1006
Isa_66:4.........none/did answer/when...... 731/1006
2Sa_24:23......things/did Araunah/as....... 367/1006
2Ki_1:18...........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And it/came 452/1006
2Ki_15:21..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Menahem/slept 496/1006
1Ki_15:31..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And there/was 418/1006
1Ki_16:14..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In/the 423/1006
2Ki_16:19..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Ahaz/slept 506/1006
2Ki_21:25..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And he/was 528/1006
2Ki_12:19..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And his/servants 477/1006
2Ki_8:23...........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Joram/slept 464/1006
1Ki_15:7...........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Abijam/and 412/1006
1Ki_14:29..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Rehoboam/and 409/1006
2Ki_23:28..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In his/days 535/1006
2Ki_15:36..........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In those/days 503/1006
2Ki_15:6...........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Azariah/slept 492/1006
2Ki_24:5...........he/did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Jehoiakim/slept 539/1006
Jon_4:8...........sun/did arise/that....... 798/1006
Num_23:30.......Balak/did as Balaam had said/and 163/1006
Num_23:2........Balak/did as Balaam had spoken/and 162/1006
1Ch_14:16...therefore/did as God/commanded. 551/1006
2Ch_25:4..........but/did as it/is......... 589/1006
Mat_21:6..........and/did as Jesus commanded/them 829/1006
Mat_26:19...disciples/did as Jesus had/appointed 839/1006
1Ki_21:11........city/did as Jezebel/had... 444/1006
Gen_43:17.........man/did as Joseph/bade.... 47/1006
Exo_17:10......Joshua/did as Moses/had..... 103/1006
Mat_1:24........sleep/did as the angel/of.. 816/1006
Num_20:27.......Moses/did as the LORD commanded and/they 159/1006
Num_27:22.......Moses/did as the LORD commanded him and he/took 165/1006
Lev_8:4.........Moses/did as the LORD commanded him and the/assembly 126/1006
Num_31:31......priest/did as the LORD commanded Moses And the booty/being 166/1006
Lev_24:23......Israel/did as the LORD commanded Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses in/mount 133/1006
Lev_16:34..........he/did as the LORD commanded Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying/Speak 132/1006
Deu_34:9..........and/did as the LORD commanded Moses And there/arose 199/1006
Exo_7:6.........Aaron/did as the LORD commanded them/so 66/1006
Exo_12:28.........and/did as the LORD had commanded/Moses 85/1006
Jdg_6:27..........and/did as the LORD had said/unto 260/1006
Mat_28:15.........and/did as they/were..... 847/1006
Jdg_1:31......Neither/did Asher/drive...... 245/1006
Joh_4:45...........he/did at/Jerusalem..... 900/1006
1Ki_15:28.......Judah/did Baasha/slay...... 417/1006
2Sa_13:8..........and/did bake the/cakes... 347/1006
Gen_19:3..........and/did bake unleavened bread and/they 14/1006
1Sa_28:24.........and/did bake unleavened bread thereof/And 326/1006
Mar_1:4..........John/did baptize/in....... 848/1006
1Ki_3:21............I/did bear And/the..... 376/1006
Jer_31:19...........I/did bear the/reproach 744/1006
Gen_22:23......Milcah/did bear to/Nahor..... 18/1006
Exo_39:3.........they/did beat the/gold.... 118/1006
Luk_6:49.......stream/did beat vehemently/and 877/1006
Deu_4:3..........LORD/did because/of....... 175/1006
Jos_4:18.........they/did before And/the... 204/1006
Deu_29:2.........LORD/did before your/eyes. 194/1006
2Ki_15:31..........he/did behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the second/year 500/1006
2Ki_15:26..........he/did behold they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the two/and 498/1006
Joh_11:45.......Jesus/did believed/on...... 920/1006
Lev_27:24........land/did belong/And....... 135/1006
1Ch_11:24......things/did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among the/three 550/1006
2Sa_23:22......things/did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three/mighty 366/1006
Eze_17:7.........vine/did bend/her......... 765/1006
2Co_5:20..........God/did beseech/you...... 978/1006
2Ki_24:11....servants/did besiege/it....... 541/1006
Exo_39:21........they/did bind/the......... 119/1006
1Ki_21:13......Naboth/did blaspheme/God.... 445/1006
Hag_1:9.............I/did blow upon/it..... 803/1006
1Ch_15:24.....priests/did blow with/the.... 553/1006
Act_10:39..........he/did both/in.......... 949/1006
Hab_3:6.........hills/did bow/his.......... 801/1006
Exo_12:51........LORD/did bring the/children 90/1006
Num_14:37........that/did bring up/the..... 156/1006
Zec_9:3.........Tyrus/did build herself/a.. 813/1006
2Ch_35:3.......Israel/did build it/shall... 621/1006
Rut_4:11..........two/did build the/house.. 294/1006
2Ki_18:4.......Israel/did burn incense/to.. 517/1006
Deu_5:23.....mountain/did burn with/fire... 179/1006
Luk_9:54........Elias/did But he/turned.... 883/1006
Joh_2:23...........he/did But Jesus/did.... 896/1006
1Sa_14:43...........I/did but taste/a...... 315/1006
Act_2:22..........God/did by him/in........ 933/1006
Heb_7:19.........hope/did by the/which..... 997/1006
Mar_3:8............he/did came/unto........ 853/1006
2Ki_18:11.....Assyria/did carry/away....... 518/1006
2Ch_29:19.......reign/did cast away/in..... 603/1006
Joh_21:7..........and/did cast himself/into 931/1006
Mar_12:44........want/did cast in all/that. 864/1006
Mar_12:44........they/did cast in of/their. 863/1006
Joh_19:24........they/did cast lots/These.. 927/1006
Amo_1:11..........and/did cast off/all..... 791/1006
Psa_18:42...........I/did cast them out/as. 683/1006
Rev_12:4..........and/did cast them to/the 1003/1006
Jdg_8:25..........and/did cast therein/every 265/1006
Rom_1:26........women/did change/the....... 963/1006
Jdg_8:1..........they/did chide with him/sharply 263/1006
Exo_17:2.......people/did chide with Moses/and 101/1006
2Sa_21:6.........LORD/did choose And/the... 356/1006
1Ki_14:21........LORD/did choose out/of.... 406/1006
Isa_65:12.........and/did choose that/wherein 730/1006
Jos_5:4........Joshua/did circumcise/All... 207/1006
Eze_43:22........they/did cleanse/it....... 775/1006
Deu_4:4..........that/did cleave/unto...... 176/1006
Gen_50:16......father/did command/before.... 57/1006
Luk_12:48.........and/did commit/things.... 886/1006
Php_4:14...........ye/did communicate/with. 989/1006
1Ki_7:15.......cubits/did compass either/of 378/1006
Jer_52:21......cubits/did compass it and/the 755/1006
2Ch_4:2........cubits/did compass it round about And under it/was 561/1006
1Ki_7:23.......cubits/did compass it round about And under the/brim 380/1006
2Ch_4:3.........which/did compass it round about ten/in 562/1006
Est_1:8..........none/did compel/for....... 649/1006
Gen_30:41......cattle/did conceive/that..... 28/1006
Joh_9:22..........man/did confess/that..... 915/1006
Jer_52:33..........he/did continually/eat.. 756/1006
Rev_19:2........which/did corrupt/the..... 1005/1006
Jer_46:17........They/did cry/there........ 752/1006
Ezr_1:8.........those/did Cyrus king/of.... 628/1006
Ezr_5:14........those/did Cyrus the/king... 630/1006
Jdg_5:17..........why/did Dan/remain....... 256/1006
1Sa_27:11..........So/did David and/so..... 325/1006
2Sa_2:3...........him/did David bring/up... 330/1006
1Ki_15:11..........as/did David his father And/he 414/1006
1Ki_11:33..........as/did David his father Howbeit/I 396/1006
1Ki_11:6...........as/did David his father Then/did 391/1006
2Ch_24:11........they/did day/by........... 586/1006
2Sa_8:11........David/did dedicate/unto.... 334/1006
Exo_10:11..........ye/did desire/And........ 82/1006
Job_31:13...........I/did despise/the...... 668/1006
1Ki_20:33.........men/did diligently/observe 442/1006
Gen_38:10..........he/did displeased/the.... 32/1006
Jos_13:32.......Moses/did distribute/for... 232/1006
Zec_7:6............ye/did drink/did........ 811/1006
Jer_46:15........LORD/did drive/them....... 751/1006
Num_25:2.......people/did eat and bowed/down 164/1006
2Ki_7:8...........and/did eat and drink and carried/thence 460/1006
Jdg_9:27..........and/did eat and drink and cursed/Abimelech 266/1006
1Ki_19:6...........he/did eat and drink and laid/him 438/1006
Jdg_19:4.........they/did eat and drink and lodged/there 284/1006
Gen_25:34..........he/did eat and drink and rose/up 21/1006
2Ki_9:34...........he/did eat and drink and said/Go 469/1006
Exo_24:11.........and/did eat and drink And the/LORD 108/1006
Gen_26:30........they/did eat and drink And they/rose 23/1006
1Ki_19:8..........and/did eat and drink and went/in 439/1006
2Sa_11:13..........he/did eat and drink before him/and 339/1006
1Ch_29:22.........And/did eat and drink before the/LORD 558/1006
Jdg_19:6..........and/did eat and drink both/of 285/1006
Gen_24:54........they/did eat and drink he/and 19/1006
Jdg_19:21.........and/did eat and drink Now/as 287/1006
Act_10:41.........who/did eat and drink with/him 950/1006
Gen_3:6...........and/did eat and gave/also.. 1/1006
Gen_27:25..........he/did eat and he/brought 24/1006
1Sa_1:18..........and/did eat and her/countenance 297/1006
Gen_39:6...........he/did eat And Joseph/was 35/1006
Ezr_6:21.......Israel/did eat And kept/the. 632/1006
2Ki_4:44.........they/did eat and left/thereof 457/1006
Luk_15:16.......swine/did eat and no/man... 887/1006
Gen_3:6............he/did eat And the eyes/of 2/1006
Gen_3:13............I/did eat And the LORD God said unto the serpent/Because 4/1006
Gen_3:12............I/did eat And the LORD God said unto the woman/What 3/1006
1Sa_30:11..........he/did eat and they made/him 328/1006
Gen_18:8.........they/did eat And they said/unto 12/1006
Rut_2:14..........she/did eat and was/sufficed 291/1006
Luk_9:17.........they/did eat and were all/filled 880/1006
Neh_9:25.........they/did eat and were filled and became/fat 640/1006
Mar_8:8..........they/did eat and were filled and they/took 860/1006
Psa_78:29........they/did eat and were well/filled 698/1006
Zec_7:6............ye/did eat and when/ye.. 810/1006
Psa_78:25.........Man/did eat angels'/food. 697/1006
2Sa_19:28........that/did eat at/thine..... 353/1006
Luk_24:43.........and/did eat before/them.. 893/1006
Jdg_19:8.........they/did eat both/of...... 286/1006
Joh_6:23.........they/did eat bread after/that 905/1006
Gen_31:54........they/did eat bread and/tarried 30/1006
2Ki_25:29..........he/did eat bread continually/before 546/1006
1Ki_13:19.........and/did eat bread in/his. 402/1006
Deu_9:9.......neither/did eat bread nor/drink 184/1006
Exo_16:3...........we/did eat bread to/the.. 95/1006
Jer_41:1.........they/did eat bread together/in 748/1006
Job_42:11.........and/did eat bread with/him 675/1006
Gen_19:3.........they/did eat But before/they 15/1006
Jdg_14:9.........they/did eat but he/told.. 280/1006
2Sa_9:13...........he/did eat continually/at 336/1006
Exo_10:15........they/did eat every/herb.... 83/1006
Dan_4:33..........and/did eat grass/as..... 780/1006
Mat_26:21........they/did eat he/said...... 840/1006
2Ki_6:29..........and/did eat him/and...... 459/1006
Num_11:5...........we/did eat in/Egypt..... 153/1006
Mar_14:18.........and/did eat Jesus said/Verily 865/1006
Mar_14:22........they/did eat Jesus took/bread 866/1006
Mar_1:6............he/did eat locusts/and.. 849/1006
Joh_6:58......fathers/did eat manna and/are 909/1006
Exo_16:35......Israel/did eat manna forty/years 99/1006
Joh_6:31......fathers/did eat manna in the desert/as 907/1006
Joh_6:49......fathers/did eat manna in the wilderness/and 908/1006
Exo_16:35........they/did eat manna until/they 100/1006
1Ki_17:15.......house/did eat many/days.... 433/1006
Ezr_10:6...........he/did eat no bread/nor. 633/1006
1Sa_20:34.........and/did eat no meat/the.. 319/1006
Act_9:9.......neither/did eat nor/drink.... 947/1006
Luk_4:2............he/did eat nothing/and.. 870/1006
2Sa_12:3...........it/did eat of his own/meat 342/1006
Gen_25:28..........he/did eat of his venison/but 20/1006
Psa_41:9........which/did eat of my/bread.. 687/1006
Jos_5:12.........they/did eat of the fruit/of 209/1006
Joh_6:26...........ye/did eat of the loaves and/were 906/1006
Mar_6:44.........that/did eat of the loaves were/about 858/1006
Jos_5:11.........they/did eat of the old/corn 208/1006
2Ki_23:9.........they/did eat of the unleavened/bread 530/1006
Luk_6:1...........and/did eat rubbing/them. 871/1006
Deu_32:38.......Which/did eat the fat/of... 197/1006
Dan_1:15........which/did eat the portion/of 777/1006
Mar_2:26..........and/did eat the shewbread which is/not 852/1006
Mat_12:4..........and/did eat the shewbread which was/not 820/1006
Act_2:46........house/did eat their meat/with 937/1006
Gen_47:22.........and/did eat their portion/which 53/1006
Jer_15:16...........I/did eat them and/thy. 740/1006
Gen_40:17.......birds/did eat them out/of... 39/1006
1Sa_14:32......people/did eat them with/the 314/1006
1Ki_19:21........they/did eat Then he/arose 440/1006
2Sa_12:20..........he/did eat Then said/his 345/1006
1Sa_28:25........they/did eat Then they/rose 327/1006
Gen_31:46........they/did eat there/upon.... 29/1006
Luk_17:28........they/did eat they drank they bought/they 890/1006
Luk_17:27........They/did eat they drank they married/wives 889/1006
2Ch_30:22........they/did eat throughout/the 606/1006
Amo_7:4...........and/did eat up a/part.... 794/1006
Psa_105:35........And/did eat up all/the... 704/1006
Gen_41:20........kine/did eat up the first/seven 43/1006
Gen_41:4.........kine/did eat up the seven/well 41/1006
Mat_15:38........that/did eat were/four.... 825/1006
Gen_43:32.......which/did eat with him/by... 49/1006
1Sa_9:24.........Saul/did eat with Samuel/that 311/1006
Gal_2:12...........he/did eat with the/Gentiles 985/1006
2Sa_22:7..........cry/did enter/into....... 358/1006
Jdg_1:29......Neither/did Ephraim/drive.... 243/1006
Mat_15:7.........well/did Esaias/prophesy.. 823/1006
Oba_1:14.........that/did escape/neither... 795/1006
Isa_53:4...........we/did esteem/him....... 725/1006
Deu_4:33...........it/Did ever/people...... 177/1006
Neh_9:28.........they/did evil again before/thee 641/1006
Jdg_10:6.......Israel/did evil again in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 269/1006
Jdg_13:1.......Israel/did evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered/them 277/1006
Jdg_3:12.......Israel/did evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD strengthened/Eglon 253/1006
2Ch_12:14..........he/did evil because/he.. 570/1006
Isa_66:4.........they/did evil before mine eyes and chose/that 733/1006
Isa_65:12.........but/did evil before mine eyes and did/choose 729/1006
1Ki_16:30........Omri/did evil in the sight of the LORD above/all 428/1006
Jdg_3:7........Israel/did evil in the sight of the LORD and forgat/the 252/1006
Jdg_2:11.......Israel/did evil in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 249/1006
Jdg_6:1........Israel/did evil in the sight of the LORD and the/LORD 257/1006
1Ki_14:22.......Judah/did evil in the sight of the LORD and they/provoked 407/1006
1Ki_15:26..........he/did evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in his/sin 416/1006
1Ki_22:52..........he/did evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in the/way 451/1006
1Ki_15:34..........he/did evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of Jeroboam/and 419/1006
1Ki_11:6......Solomon/did evil in the sight of the LORD and went/not 390/1006
2Ki_8:27..........and/did evil in the sight of the LORD as/did 466/1006
2Ch_22:4...........he/did evil in the sight of the LORD like/the 582/1006
Jdg_4:1.........again/did evil in the sight of the LORD when/Ehud 255/1006
2Ki_8:18...........he/did evil in the sight of the LORD Yet/the 463/1006
Isa_10:10......images/did excel/them....... 716/1006
Jer_14:6.........eyes/did fail/because..... 738/1006
Hag_1:12.......people/did fear before/the.. 804/1006
2Ki_4:1.......servant/did fear the/LORD.... 454/1006
Lam_4:5..........that/did feed/delicately.. 759/1006
2Sa_11:20..........ye/did fight/knew....... 340/1006
Psa_78:36........they/did flatter/him...... 700/1006
Psa_68:12......armies/did flee apace/and... 695/1006
Amo_5:19..........man/did flee from/a...... 793/1006
2Sa_22:11.........and/did fly and he/was... 359/1006
Isa_6:2............he/did fly And one/cried 714/1006
Psa_18:10..........he/did fly upon/the..... 678/1006
Psa_18:10.........and/did fly yea/he....... 677/1006
Jdg_2:7............he/did for Israel/And... 248/1006
Neh_13:7.....Eliashib/did for Tobiah/in.... 643/1006
Act_8:6............he/did For unclean/spirits 946/1006
Deu_1:30...........he/did for you in Egypt before your eyes And/in 169/1006
Deu_4:34..........God/did for you in Egypt before your eyes Unto/thee 178/1006
Rom_8:29...........he/did foreknow/he...... 968/1006
Heb_4:10..........God/did from/his......... 996/1006
Jdg_3:16...........he/did gird/it.......... 254/1006
2Ch_30:24.......Judah/did give/to.......... 607/1006
2Ch_1:7.........night/did God appear/unto.. 559/1006
Jdg_9:57......Shechem/did God render/upon.. 268/1006
Act_7:35.........same/did God send/to...... 944/1006
Act_14:17..........he/did good/and......... 954/1006
Act_6:8.........power/did great/wonders.... 942/1006
Jdg_16:21..........he/did grind/in......... 282/1006
1Ki_20:33.........and/did hastily/catch.... 443/1006
Deu_33:9......neither/did he acknowledge/his 198/1006
Exo_40:16..........so/did he And it/came... 124/1006
Num_17:11..........so/did he And the children/of 158/1006
Gen_6:22...........so/did he And the LORD/said 7/1006
Exo_32:12....mischief/did he bring/them.... 109/1006
1Ki_9:24.........then/did he build/Millo... 387/1006
Psa_78:33........days/did he consume/in.... 699/1006
Psa_106:43......times/did he deliver/them.. 706/1006
2Sa_12:17.....neither/did he eat/bread..... 344/1006
Jdg_11:25..........or/did he ever fight/against 274/1006
Jdg_11:25........Moab/did he ever strive/against 273/1006
1Ki_11:8.....likewise/did he for all/his... 393/1006
1Ki_7:18...........so/did he for the/other. 379/1006
Exo_7:22......neither/did he hearken/unto... 72/1006
1Ki_12:32..........So/did he in Bethel/sacrificing 401/1006
Psa_135:6........that/did he in heaven/and. 709/1006
2Ch_34:6...........so/did he in the cities/of 618/1006
Psa_78:12......things/did he in the sight/of 696/1006
2Ki_13:7......Neither/did he leave/of...... 479/1006
Exo_36:22........thus/did he make/for...... 116/1006
Jer_26:19.......death/did he not/fear...... 743/1006
1Ki_7:51......vessels/did he put among/the. 382/1006
Lev_8:9.....forefront/did he put the/golden 127/1006
2Ki_18:3.......father/did He removed/the... 516/1006
Luk_9:43........Jesus/did he said/unto..... 881/1006
Job_28:27........Then/did he see/it........ 666/1006
Exo_7:23......neither/did he set/his........ 73/1006
Act_2:40........words/did he testify/and... 936/1006
Joh_9:26.........What/did he to/thee....... 916/1006
2Ch_28:22....distress/did he trespass/yet.. 601/1006
2Sa_12:31........thus/did he unto all/the.. 346/1006
Jos_9:26...........so/did he unto them and delivered/them 216/1006
Gen_42:25........thus/did he unto them And they/laded 45/1006
2Sa_22:7...........he/did hear/my.......... 357/1006
Jer_37:2.........land/did hearken/unto..... 746/1006
Lam_1:7..........none/did help her/the..... 757/1006
2Ch_32:3.........they/did help him/So...... 610/1006
2Ch_29:34.....Levites/did help them/till... 604/1006
1Ki_5:18.....builders/did hew/them......... 377/1006
2Ki_18:16........time/did Hezekiah cut/off. 520/1006
Jer_26:19......forest/Did Hezekiah king/of. 742/1006
2Ch_31:20........thus/did Hezekiah throughout/all 608/1006
Joh_12:36.........and/did hide himself/from 921/1006
1Sa_13:6.......people/did hide themselves/in 313/1006
1Ki_16:34........days/did Hiel/the......... 430/1006
2Ch_32:33...Jerusalem/did him honour/at.... 612/1006
Est_3:2...........nor/did him reverence Then the/king's 655/1006
Est_3:5...........nor/did him reverence then was/Haman 656/1006
Gal_5:7...........who/did hinder/you....... 988/1006
Joh_7:5.......neither/did his brethren/believe 910/1006
Mat_9:19...........so/did his disciples/And 818/1006
Act_7:27.........that/did his neighbour/wrong 943/1006
2Ch_27:2.......Uzziah/did howbeit he/entered 596/1006
2Ki_14:3.......father/did Howbeit the/high. 486/1006
2Ch_4:16..instruments/did Huram/his........ 563/1006
Dan_10:3......neither/did I anoint/myself.. 785/1006
2Sa_22:43........Then/did I beat them as/small 362/1006
Psa_18:42........Then/did I beat them small/as 682/1006
Isa_38:14..........so/did I chatter/I...... 721/1006
1Sa_2:28..........And/did I choose/him..... 302/1006
2Ki_4:28.........said/Did I desire/a....... 455/1006
Eze_3:3..........Then/did I eat/it......... 760/1006
Job_31:34.......bosom/Did I fear/a......... 672/1006
1Sa_2:28..........and/did I give/unto...... 303/1006
2Co_12:17.......guile/Did I make a/gain.... 983/1006
Eze_20:17.....neither/did I make an/end.... 769/1006
Psa_142:1........LORD/did I make my/supplication 711/1006
Num_22:37......Balaam/Did I not earnestly/send 161/1006
Job_3:11..........why/did I not give/up.... 663/1006
1Ki_2:42..........him/Did I not make/thee.. 373/1006
2Ki_4:28.........lord/did I not say Do/not. 456/1006
2Ki_2:18.........them/Did I not say unto/you 453/1006
2Ch_18:17.Jehoshaphat/Did I not tell thee that he would not/prophesy 576/1006
1Ki_22:18.Jehoshaphat/Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy/no 449/1006
1Sa_2:27.........LORD/Did I plainly/appear. 301/1006
Job_6:22.......afraid/Did I say/Bring...... 665/1006
Act_26:10......saints/did I shut/up........ 961/1006
1Sa_22:15.......house/Did I then/begin..... 321/1006
Psa_18:37.....neither/did I turn/again..... 681/1006
2Co_1:17.......minded/did I use/lightness.. 976/1006
2Co_2:9..........also/did I write/that..... 977/1006
Jos_9:9............he/did in Egypt And all/that 214/1006
Num_14:22...........I/did in Egypt and in/the 155/1006
Act_26:10........also/did in Jerusalem and/many 960/1006
Jer_15:4...........he/did in Jerusalem For/who 739/1006
Exo_7:11.........also/did in like/manner.... 69/1006
1Sa_2:14.........they/did in Shiloh/unto... 299/1006
Deu_11:3...........he/did in the midst/of.. 186/1006
Eze_24:18...........I/did in the morning/as 770/1006
Num_21:14..........he/did in the Red/sea... 160/1006
1Ki_16:7...........he/did in the sight/of.. 421/1006
Gen_41:12..........he/did interpret/And..... 42/1006
Joh_4:29............I/did is/not........... 898/1006
2Ch_26:22........last/did Isaiah/the....... 594/1006
1Sa_7:14......thereof/did Israel/deliver... 310/1006
Act_3:17...........ye/did it as/did........ 938/1006
Jdg_6:27...........he/did it by/night...... 261/1006
Mat_26:12.........she/did it for/my........ 838/1006
1Ti_1:13............I/did it ignorantly/in. 991/1006
2Ki_10:19........Jehu/did it in/subtilty... 470/1006
1Ch_15:13..........ye/did it not at/the.... 552/1006
Jon_3:10...........he/did it not But/it.... 797/1006
2Co_7:12............I/did it not for/his... 980/1006
Mat_25:45..........ye/did it not to me/And. 837/1006
Mat_25:45..........ye/did it not to one/of. 836/1006
1Ki_18:34........they/did it the second/time 436/1006
1Ki_18:34........they/did it the third/time 437/1006
2Ch_31:21..........he/did it with/all...... 609/1006
2Ch_20:35........this/did Jehoshaphat king/of 578/1006
2Ch_19:8....Jerusalem/did Jehoshaphat set/of 577/1006
2Ch_13:20.....Neither/did Jeroboam/recover. 571/1006
Joh_2:11.....miracles/did Jesus in Cana/of. 895/1006
Joh_20:30.......truly/did Jesus in the/presence 930/1006
1Ki_11:16......months/did Joab/remain...... 394/1006
2Ki_13:25.......times/did Joash/beat....... 483/1006
Job_1:5..........Thus/did Job/continually.. 661/1006
Jos_11:13........that/did Joshua burn/And.. 226/1006
Jos_11:15..........so/did Joshua he/left... 228/1006
Jos_4:20.......Jordan/did Joshua pitch/in.. 205/1006
Jos_11:12........them/did Joshua take and/smote 225/1006
Jos_10:42........land/did Joshua take at/one 223/1006
2Ki_23:24...Jerusalem/did Josiah/put....... 534/1006
Jdg_2:22......fathers/did keep/it.......... 251/1006
Est_3:1........things/did king Ahasuerus/promote 654/1006
2Ch_28:16........time/did king Ahaz/send... 600/1006
Hos_13:5............I/did know/thee........ 789/1006
1Ki_12:11......father/did lade/you......... 400/1006
Deu_32:12.......alone/did lead/him......... 196/1006
Est_5:12........queen/did let no/man....... 658/1006
1Sa_3:19..........and/did let none/of...... 305/1006
2Ch_21:10........also/did Libnah/revolt.... 581/1006
Zec_1:21..........man/did lift up his/head. 808/1006
2Ki_25:27.......reign/did lift up the/head. 545/1006
Rev_21:23.........God/did lighten/it...... 1006/1006
Mat_20:5..........and/did likewise/And..... 828/1006
Rev_13:14.........and/did live/And........ 1004/1006
Exo_39:43.......Moses/did look/upon........ 122/1006
Psa_55:12........that/did magnify/himself.. 693/1006
Exo_5:8..........they/did make/heretofore... 63/1006
Jdg_1:27......Neither/did Manasseh drive/out 241/1006
2Ch_33:22..........as/did Manasseh his/father 616/1006
Mar_6:20...........he/did many/things...... 856/1006
Mar_5:20..........men/did marvel/And....... 855/1006
2Ti_4:14..coppersmith/did me/much.......... 992/1006
Psa_119:23....servant/did meditate/in...... 708/1006
Jos_2:11.......hearts/did melt/neither..... 201/1006
Exo_16:18........they/did mete/it........... 97/1006
1Pe_1:12.........they/did minister the/things 1001/1006
1Sa_2:11........child/did minister unto/the 298/1006
Lam_1:7...........and/did mock/at.......... 758/1006
Isa_9:1.....afterward/did more grievously/afflict 715/1006
1Ki_16:33........Ahab/did more to/provoke.. 429/1006
Exo_40:16........Thus/did Moses according/to 123/1006
Jos_11:15..........so/did Moses command Joshua/and 227/1006
Mar_10:3.........What/did Moses command you/And 861/1006
Jos_13:12.......these/did Moses smite/and.. 230/1006
Jos_12:6.........Them/did Moses the/servant 229/1006
Mat_19:7..........Why/did Moses then/command 827/1006
Isa_38:14...........I/did mourn/as......... 722/1006
Rom_5:20........grace/did much/more........ 966/1006
Act_2:26....Therefore/did my heart/rejoice. 934/1006
Psa_51:5..........sin/did my mother/conceive 690/1006
Eze_34:8......neither/did my shepherds/search 774/1006
Jdg_1:33......Neither/did Naphtali/drive... 247/1006
1Ch_17:15..........so/did Nathan speak unto David And/David 554/1006
2Sa_7:17...........so/did Nathan speak unto David Then/went 333/1006
2Ki_25:11...multitude/did Nebuzaradan/the.. 543/1006
Exo_34:28..........he/did neither eat bread nor drink water And/he 113/1006
Deu_9:18............I/did neither eat bread nor drink water because/of 185/1006
Neh_2:16............I/did neither had/I.... 635/1006
Joh_10:41........John/did no miracle/but... 919/1006
Jdg_13:21........LORD/did no more/appear... 279/1006
1Pe_2:22..........Who/did no sin/neither.. 1002/1006
Gen_6:22.........Thus/did Noah/according..... 6/1006
2Sa_11:21Jerubbesheth/did not a/woman...... 341/1006
Joh_8:40.........this/did not Abraham/Ye... 912/1006
Jos_22:20.........God/Did not Achan/the.... 235/1006
Isa_65:12..........ye/did not answer/when.. 727/1006
Exo_1:17..........and/did not as the/king... 60/1006
2Co_8:5..........they/did not as we/hoped.. 981/1006
Joh_9:18.........Jews/did not believe concerning/him 914/1006
2Ki_17:14........that/did not believe in/the 510/1006
Rom_3:3..........some/did not believe shall/their 965/1006
Deu_1:32...........ye/did not believe the/LORD 170/1006
2Co_12:16...........I/did not burden/you... 982/1006
Num_11:25.........and/did not cease/But.... 154/1006
Pro_1:29..........and/did not choose/the... 712/1006
Joh_2:24........Jesus/did not commit/himself 897/1006
Joh_12:42........they/did not confess/him.. 922/1006
2Sa_22:23...........I/did not depart/from.. 360/1006
Psa_106:34.......They/did not destroy/the.. 705/1006
Jdg_1:21.....Benjamin/did not drive out/the 240/1006
Jdg_1:32.........they/did not drive them/out 246/1006
1Sa_1:7...........and/did not eat/Then..... 296/1006
Eze_20:8.........they/did not every/man.... 767/1006
Jdg_21:22..........ye/did not give/unto.... 288/1006
Mal_2:15..........And/did not he make/one.. 815/1006
Job_31:15.........him/Did not he that made me/in 669/1006
Luk_11:40.......fools/did not he that made that/which 884/1006
Isa_65:12..........ye/did not hear but did/evil 728/1006
Isa_66:4.........they/did not hear but they/did 732/1006
Zec_1:4..........they/did not hear nor/hearken 806/1006
Joh_10:8........sheep/did not hear them/I.. 918/1006
Joh_9:27...........ye/did not hear wherefore/would 917/1006
2Ki_17:40........they/did not hearken but/they 512/1006
Hos_9:17.........they/did not hearken unto/him 787/1006
Neh_5:15...........so/did not I because/of. 639/1006
Jdg_10:11......Israel/Did not I deliver/you 270/1006
Joh_18:26.......saith/Did not I see/thee... 925/1006
Gen_29:25..........me/did not I serve/with.. 25/1006
Job_30:25.destruction/Did not I weep/for... 667/1006
Jos_22:33.........and/did not intend/to.... 236/1006
Rom_10:19.........say/Did not Israel/know.. 971/1006
Job_2:10.........this/did not Job/sin...... 662/1006
Hos_2:8...........she/did not know/that.... 786/1006
Jos_24:13..........ye/did not labour/and... 238/1006
Exo_9:7............he/did not let/the....... 81/1006
Rom_1:28.........they/did not like/to...... 964/1006
Job_31:32....stranger/did not lodge/in..... 671/1006
Dan_4:7..........they/did not make/known... 779/1006
Mat_13:58..........he/did not many/mighty.. 821/1006
Mat_25:44.........and/did not minister/unto 835/1006
Joh_7:19..........him/Did not Moses/give... 911/1006
Job_31:15.........and/did not one/fashion.. 670/1006
Neh_13:18.........and/did not our God/bring 646/1006
Luk_24:32.....another/Did not our heart/burn 892/1006
Hos_10:9.....iniquity/did not overtake/them 788/1006
Heb_4:2......preached/did not profit/them.. 994/1006
Gen_35:5.........they/did not pursue/after.. 31/1006
Psa_18:22...........I/did not put/away..... 679/1006
Luk_9:53.........they/did not receive/him.. 882/1006
Lev_26:35..........it/did not rest/in...... 134/1006
Deu_7:7..........LORD/did not set/his...... 180/1006
1Sa_22:17.........and/did not shew/it...... 322/1006
2Sa_22:37........feet/did not slip I have pursued mine enemies and destroyed/them 361/1006
Psa_18:36........feet/did not slip I have pursued mine enemies and overtaken/them 680/1006
Jdg_2:17.........they/did not so/And....... 250/1006
Neh_13:26..yourselves/Did not Solomon/king. 647/1006
Luk_19:22...........I/did not sow/Wherefore 891/1006
Jer_46:21........they/did not stand/because 753/1006
Exo_16:24..........it/did not stink/neither. 98/1006
Psa_78:38.........and/did not stir/up...... 701/1006
2Ki_16:2..........and/did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD his/God 504/1006
2Ch_28:1...........he/did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD like/David 599/1006
Gen_40:23.........Yet/did not the chief/butler 40/1006
Jdg_6:13.......saying/Did not the LORD bring/us 258/1006
Isa_42:24.....robbers/did not the LORD he/against 723/1006
Jer_44:21........land/did not the LORD remember/them 750/1006
2Ch_5:11..........and/did not then/wait.... 566/1006
Jer_22:15.......cedar/did not thy/father... 741/1006
Jos_17:13.........but/did not utterly drive them out And/the 234/1006
Jdg_1:28..........and/did not utterly drive them out Neither/did 242/1006
Dan_3:24..counsellors/Did not we cast/three 778/1006
Act_5:28.......Saying/Did not we straitly/command 941/1006
Zec_7:6.........drink/did not ye eat/for... 812/1006
Jdg_11:7.......Gilead/Did not ye hate/me... 272/1006
1Sa_3:7........Samuel/did not yet/know..... 304/1006
Neh_13:18.........day/Did not your/fathers. 645/1006
Joh_19:24....soldiers/did Now/there........ 928/1006
Num_4:41........Aaron/did number according to the commandment of the LORD And/those 140/1006
Num_4:37........Aaron/did number according to the commandment of the LORD by/the 139/1006
2Sa_1:2...........and/did obeisance And David/said 329/1006
Exo_18:7..........and/did obeisance and kissed/him 104/1006
2Sa_14:4..........and/did obeisance and said/Help 349/1006
1Ki_1:16..........and/did obeisance unto/the 368/1006
Exo_35:24........that/did offer an/offering 114/1006
Num_7:18.....Issachar/did offer He/offered. 143/1006
Num_7:30.......Reuben/did offer His offering was one silver charger of/the 145/1006
Num_7:24......Zebulun/did offer His offering was one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 144/1006
Num_7:36.......Simeon/did offer His offering was one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 146/1006
Eze_6:13.........they/did offer sweet/savour 761/1006
Eze_46:12..........he/did on the/sabbath... 776/1006
Joh_6:2............he/did on them/that..... 903/1006
Heb_7:27...........he/did once/when........ 998/1006
Jdg_10:12....Maonites/did oppress/you...... 271/1006
1Ch_9:22.........seer/did ordain/in........ 548/1006
Joh_18:34..........or/did others/tell...... 926/1006
Neh_13:26.........him/did outlandish/women. 648/1006
Joh_20:4.....disciple/did outrun/Peter..... 929/1006
2Sa_19:19.....servant/did perversely/the... 352/1006
2Sa_3:36.........king/did pleased/all...... 331/1006
Rom_8:30...........he/did predestinate them/he 970/1006
Rom_8:29.........also/did predestinate to/be 969/1006
Act_21:9........which/did prophesy/And..... 959/1006
2Ch_2:7........father/did provide/Send..... 560/1006
Heb_3:16........heard/did provoke/howbeit.. 993/1006
Amo_1:11...........he/did pursue/his....... 790/1006
1Co_15:27.......which/did put all/things... 975/1006
1Sa_7:4........Israel/did put away/Baalim.. 309/1006
1Sa_19:5...........he/did put his/life..... 318/1006
Exo_33:4..........man/did put on/him....... 112/1006
2Ch_10:9.......father/did put upon us And/the 569/1006
1Ki_12:9.......father/did put upon us lighter/And 399/1006
Mat_27:51.......earth/did quake/and........ 844/1006
Mat_2:22....Archelaus/did reign in/Judaea.. 817/1006
2Ki_11:3.....Athaliah/did reign over/the... 472/1006
1Co_4:8............ye/did reign that/we.... 972/1006
Oba_1:14.........that/did remain/in........ 796/1006
2Co_7:8.............I/did repent/for....... 979/1006
Heb_4:4...........God/did rest/the......... 995/1006
2Sa_9:6...........and/did reverence And/David 335/1006
1Ki_1:31..........and/did reverence to/the. 369/1006
Isa_58:2.........that/did righteousness/and 726/1006
Psa_35:11...witnesses/did rise/up.......... 685/1006
Mat_28:8..........and/did run to/bring..... 846/1006
Gal_5:7............Ye/did run well/who..... 987/1006
2Ki_14:4.......people/did sacrifice and/burnt 487/1006
2Ch_33:17......people/did sacrifice still/in 614/1006
Joh_6:14........Jesus/did said/This........ 904/1006
Gen_18:13...Wherefore/did Sarah/laugh....... 13/1006
Act_26:22.......Moses/did say should/come.. 962/1006
1Ki_13:22........Lord/did say to/thee...... 403/1006
Eze_34:6.........none/did search/or........ 773/1006
2Ki_17:9.......Israel/did secretly/those... 508/1006
2Ch_18:16...........I/did see all/Israel... 575/1006
Act_2:31........flesh/did see corruption/This 935/1006
Isa_13:1.........Amoz/did see Lift/ye...... 717/1006
Psa_31:11........that/did see me/without... 684/1006
Psa_139:16.......eyes/did see my/substance. 710/1006
Hab_1:1.......prophet/did see O/LORD....... 800/1006
Exo_5:19.......Israel/did see that/they..... 64/1006
Psa_53:2.........that/did seek/God......... 692/1006
1Ki_21:25.......which/did sell/himself..... 446/1006
Gen_45:5..........God/did send/me........... 51/1006
2Ki_18:13....Hezekiah/did Sennacherib king of Assyria come/up 519/1006
2Ch_32:9.........this/did Sennacherib king of Assyria send/his 611/1006
Gen_30:40.......Jacob/did separate/the...... 27/1006
Gal_4:8............ye/did service/unto..... 986/1006
Exo_1:11.........they/did set over/them..... 59/1006
Mar_8:6..........they/did set them/before.. 859/1006
Mar_1:32..........sun/did set they/brought. 850/1006
Num_10:21.......other/did set up/the....... 152/1006
Mat_28:4......keepers/did shake and/became. 845/1006
Isa_14:16........that/did shake kingdoms/That 718/1006
Act_16:18........this/did she many/days.... 957/1006
1Sa_4:20......neither/did she regard/it.... 306/1006
Eze_16:49.....neither/did she strengthen/the 764/1006
1Sa_25:4........Nabal/did shear/his........ 324/1006
Ezr_1:11........these/did Sheshbazzar/bring 629/1006
Mat_17:2.........face/did shine/as......... 826/1006
1Pe_1:11.........them/did signify/when.... 1000/1006
1Ki_14:16.........who/did sin and/who...... 405/1006
Joh_9:2...........who/did sin this/man..... 913/1006
Eze_27:25....Tarshish/did sing/of.......... 771/1006
Psa_119:23.......also/did sit and/speak.... 707/1006
Dan_7:9..........days/did sit whose/garment 782/1006
Jos_6:14.........they/did six/days......... 212/1006
1Ki_14:4.........wife/did so and arose/and. 404/1006
Jos_10:23........they/did so and brought/forth 217/1006
Ezr_10:16...captivity/did so And Ezra/the.. 634/1006
Gen_29:28.......Jacob/did so and fulfilled/her 26/1006
Exo_16:17......Israel/did so and gathered/some 96/1006
Luk_6:10...........he/did so and his/hand.. 874/1006
1Ki_20:25.........and/did so And it came/to 441/1006
Exo_14:4.........they/did so And it was/told 92/1006
Gen_45:21......Israel/did so and Joseph/gave 52/1006
Luk_9:15.........they/did so and made/them. 879/1006
Num_5:4........Israel/did so and put/them.. 141/1006
Act_19:14.......which/did so And the/evil.. 958/1006
Exo_8:24.........LORD/did so and there/came. 78/1006
Gen_42:20........they/did so And they/said.. 44/1006
Jdg_21:23....Benjamin/did so and took them/wives 289/1006
1Sa_6:10..........men/did so and took two/milch 308/1006
Eze_12:7............I/did so as I/was...... 763/1006
Jos_4:8........Israel/did so as Joshua/commanded 203/1006
Exo_7:20........Aaron/did so as the LORD commanded and/he 70/1006
Num_17:11.......Moses/did so as the LORD commanded him/so 157/1006
Exo_7:10.........they/did so as the LORD had commanded and/Aaron 68/1006
2Sa_5:25........David/did so as the LORD had commanded him/and 332/1006
2Ki_9:27.........they/did so at/the........ 468/1006
Act_7:51......fathers/did so do/ye......... 945/1006
Exo_8:17.........they/did so for/Aaron...... 76/1006
Num_8:3.........Aaron/did so he/lighted.... 147/1006
Exo_17:6........Moses/did so in/the........ 102/1006
Est_2:4............he/did so Now in/Shushan 651/1006
Jos_5:15.......Joshua/did so Now Jericho/was 211/1006
Jer_38:12....Jeremiah/did so So/they....... 747/1006
Jdg_6:40..........God/did so that/night.... 262/1006
Jdg_6:20...........he/did so Then/the...... 259/1006
Isa_20:2...........he/did so walking/naked. 719/1006
Joh_4:39............I/did So when/the...... 899/1006
Exo_8:7.....magicians/did so with their enchantments and brought/up 74/1006
Exo_7:22........Egypt/did so with their enchantments and Pharaoh's/heart 71/1006
Exo_8:18....magicians/did so with their enchantments to/bring 77/1006
1Sa_1:7............he/did so year/by....... 295/1006
Gen_43:3..........man/did solemnly/protest.. 46/1006
1Ki_11:7.........Then/did Solomon build/an. 392/1006
1Ki_9:21........those/did Solomon levy/a... 385/1006
1Ki_9:22.......Israel/did Solomon make no bondmen/but 386/1006
2Ch_8:9........Israel/did Solomon make no servants/for 568/1006
2Ch_8:8..........them/did Solomon make to/pay 567/1006
1Ki_9:25.........year/did Solomon offer burnt/offerings 388/1006
1Ki_3:4.....offerings/did Solomon offer upon/that 374/1006
Ezr_6:13.........they/did speedily/And..... 631/1006
Exo_35:25.....hearted/did spin/with........ 115/1006
Mar_15:19.........and/did spit/upon........ 869/1006
2Sa_22:43.........and/did spread/them...... 364/1006
2Sa_22:43...........I/did stamp/them....... 363/1006
Jer_14:6........asses/did stand in/the..... 737/1006
Psa_45:9.........hand/did stand the/queen.. 689/1006
Mar_14:65....servants/did strike/him....... 868/1006
Gen_26:20.......Gerar/did strive/with....... 22/1006
Exo_6:8.............I/did swear/to.......... 65/1006
2Ki_6:6..........iron/did swim/Therefore... 458/1006
Luk_6:4...........and/did take and/eat..... 873/1006
Rut_2:19.........that/did take knowledge/of 292/1006
Nah_2:12.........lion/did tear in/pieces... 799/1006
Psa_35:15........they/did tear me/and...... 686/1006
Amo_1:11........anger/did tear perpetually/and 792/1006
Exo_14:12..........we/did tell/thee......... 93/1006
Gen_22:1..........God/did tempt/Abraham..... 17/1006
1Ki_11:38.....servant/did that I/will...... 397/1006
Exo_9:6..........LORD/did that thing/on..... 80/1006
Eze_18:18.........and/did that which is/not 766/1006
1Sa_16:4.......Samuel/did that which the/LORD 317/1006
Jer_52:2...........he/did that which was evil in the eyes/of 754/1006
2Ki_24:9...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father/had 540/1006
2Ki_23:32..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done And/Pharaohnechoh 536/1006
2Ki_23:37..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done In/his 537/1006
2Ki_24:19..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 542/1006
2Ki_21:2...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD after/the 521/1006
2Ki_13:2...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD and followed/the 478/1006
2Ch_36:9...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD And when/the 626/1006
2Ch_33:22..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD as did/Manasseh 615/1006
2Ki_21:20..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD as his father/Manasseh 526/1006
2Ki_15:9...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD as his fathers/had 494/1006
2Ki_17:2...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD but/not 507/1006
2Ki_15:18..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not all/his 495/1006
2Ki_13:11..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel sin/but 481/1006
2Ki_14:24..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to/sin 489/1006
2Ki_15:24..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin But/Pekah 497/1006
2Ki_15:28..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin In/the 499/1006
2Ch_36:5...........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God Against/him 624/1006
2Ch_36:12..........he/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God and/humbled 627/1006
2Ch_33:2..........But/did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD like/unto 613/1006
2Ch_14:2..........Asa/did that which was good/and 572/1006
Jdg_17:6..........man/did that which was right in his own eyes And/there 283/1006
Jdg_21:25.........man/did that which was right in his own eyes Now/it 290/1006
1Ki_15:5........David/did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD and/turned 411/1006
1Ki_15:11.........Asa/did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD as/did 413/1006
2Ki_18:3...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according to all that David his father did/He 515/1006
2Ch_29:2...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according to all that David his father had/done 602/1006
2Ch_26:4...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Amaziah did/And 592/1006
2Ki_15:3...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Amaziah had/done 491/1006
2Ch_27:2...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Uzziah/did 595/1006
2Ki_12:2......Jehoash/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all his/days 475/1006
2Ch_24:2........Joash/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all the/days 584/1006
2Ki_22:2...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD and walked in all/the 529/1006
2Ch_34:2...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD and walked in the/ways 617/1006
2Ch_25:2...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD but/not 588/1006
2Ki_15:34..........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD he/did 501/1006
2Ki_14:3...........he/did that which was right in the sight of the LORD yet/not 484/1006
1Ki_21:26..........as/did the Amorites/whom 448/1006
2Ki_25:13........LORD/did the Chaldees/break 544/1006
Eze_11:22........Then/did the cherubims/lift 762/1006
2Ch_27:5.........much/did the children of Ammon/pay 598/1006
Num_5:4............so/did the children of Israel And the/LORD 142/1006
Num_9:5............so/did the children of Israel And there/were 151/1006
Jos_13:22..soothsayer/did the children of Israel slay/with 231/1006
Num_8:20...........so/did the children of Israel unto/them 149/1006
2Ch_25:12.......alive/did the children of Judah/carry 590/1006
Est_2:20.......Esther/did the commandment/of 653/1006
Job_31:34..........or/did the contempt/of.. 673/1006
1Ki_17:16.....neither/did the cruse/of..... 434/1006
Num_36:10..........so/did the daughters/of. 168/1006
Act_4:25..........Why/did the heathen rage/and 940/1006
2Ki_17:11..........as/did the heathen whom/the 509/1006
2Ch_21:6...........as/did the house of Ahab for he had/the 580/1006
2Ki_8:27...........as/did the house of Ahab for he was/the 467/1006
2Ki_8:18...........as/did the house of Ahab for the/daughter 462/1006
Joh_5:16....therefore/did the Jews/persecute 902/1006
Est_8:1...........day/did the king Ahasuerus/give 659/1006
2Ki_23:12........LORD/did the king beat/down 531/1006
1Ki_7:46.......Jordan/did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan/And 381/1006
2Ch_4:17.......Jordan/did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah/Thus 564/1006
2Ki_23:13.......Ammon/did the king defile/And 532/1006
1Ki_8:64..........day/did the king hallow/the 384/1006
1Ki_2:35.......priest/did the king put/in.. 372/1006
Dan_8:27..........and/did the king's/business 784/1006
Job_3:12..........Why/did the knees/prevent 664/1006
Psa_102:19.....heaven/did the LORD behold/the 703/1006
Gen_3:21.........wife/did the LORD God make/coats 5/1006
Isa_22:12.........day/did the Lord GOD of/hosts 720/1006
1Ki_15:4.........sake/did the LORD his/God. 410/1006
Gen_39:23..........he/did the LORD made/it.. 38/1006
Gen_11:9.......thence/did the LORD scatter/them 11/1006
2Ki_21:9.........than/did the nations/whom. 523/1006
2Ki_11:10....hundreds/did the priest/give.. 474/1006
2Ch_5:5.........these/did the priests and the Levites bring up Also/king 565/1006
1Ki_8:4.........those/did the priests and the Levites bring up And/king 383/1006
Heb_9:9..........that/did the service/perfect 999/1006
Exo_4:30..........and/did the signs/in...... 62/1006
Neh_3:3..........gate/did the sons/of...... 637/1006
Luk_17:9...........he/did the things/that.. 888/1006
Gen_7:20.......upward/did the waters/prevail. 9/1006
Joh_21:25.......Jesus/did the which/if..... 932/1006
Mat_21:31.......twain/did the will/of...... 832/1006
2Ch_34:12.........men/did the work faithfully/and 619/1006
1Ch_23:24........that/did the work for/the. 555/1006
1Ch_27:26........that/did the work of the field/for 557/1006
Neh_11:12........that/did the work of the house/were 642/1006
2Ch_24:12..........as/did the work of the service/of 587/1006
2Ki_12:11........that/did the work that/had 476/1006
Neh_2:16.........that/did the work Then/said 636/1006
Neh_13:10........that/did the work were/fled 644/1006
Exo_2:13.........that/did the wrong/Wherefore 61/1006
2Ki_17:41..........as/did their fathers so/do 514/1006
Luk_6:26...........so/did their fathers to/the 876/1006
Luk_6:23.......manner/did their fathers unto/the 875/1006
Psa_44:3......neither/did their own/arm.... 688/1006
Mar_14:59..........so/did their witness/agree 867/1006
Jer_11:8.........they/did them not/And..... 736/1006
Isa_48:3............I/did them suddenly/and 724/1006
Gen_11:9.........LORD/did there confound/the 10/1006
Gen_39:22........they/did there he/was...... 37/1006
Jos_2:11......neither/did there remain/any. 202/1006
Deu_11:7...........he/did Therefore/shall.. 190/1006
Deu_12:30.........How/did these nations/serve 191/1006
1Ch_11:19......things/did these three mightiest/And 549/1006
2Sa_23:17......things/did these three mighty/men 365/1006
Exo_12:28..........so/did they And it came to pass that/at 86/1006
Exo_12:50..........so/did they And it came to pass the/selfsame 89/1006
Exo_7:6............so/did they And Moses/was 67/1006
Num_1:54...........so/did they And the/LORD 137/1006
Exo_39:32..........so/did they And they/brought 121/1006
2Ch_24:7.........LORD/did they bestow/upon. 585/1006
1Ki_10:29.......Syria/did they bring/them.. 389/1006
Mat_27:35.....vesture/did they cast/lots... 843/1006
1Ch_26:27.....battles/did they dedicate/to. 556/1006
2Ki_17:22..........he/did they departed/not 511/1006
2Ch_30:18.........yet/did they eat/the..... 605/1006
Eze_20:8......neither/did they forsake/the. 768/1006
Joh_15:24.........man/did they had/not..... 923/1006
1Sa_6:6..........them/did they not let/the. 307/1006
1Sa_21:11........land/did they not sing/one 320/1006
Zec_1:6......prophets/did they not take/hold 807/1006
Psa_78:40.........oft/did they provoke/him. 702/1006
Mat_26:67........Then/did they spit/in..... 841/1006
Num_8:22...........so/did they unto/them... 150/1006
2Ch_35:12..........so/did they with/the.... 622/1006
Exo_32:21........What/did this people/unto. 110/1006
2Sa_12:6...........he/did this thing/and... 343/1006
Jos_24:17.......which/did those/great...... 239/1006
Deu_8:3.......neither/did thy fathers/know. 182/1006
Deu_8:4.......neither/did thy foot/swell... 183/1006
Gen_39:19......manner/did thy servant/to.... 36/1006
2Co_12:18.....brother/Did Titus/make....... 984/1006
Exo_36:29..........he/did to both/of....... 117/1006
Jos_10:39..........he/did to Debir/and..... 222/1006
1Sa_15:2.......Amalek/did to Israel/how.... 316/1006
Jer_7:12............I/did to it/for........ 734/1006
1Ki_16:19..........he/did to make/Israel... 425/1006
1Ki_2:5.......Zeruiah/did to me/and........ 370/1006
Gen_39:3...........he/did to prosper/in..... 34/1006
Deu_31:4...........he/did to Sihon/and..... 195/1006
Deu_2:22...........he/did to the children/of 172/1006
Jos_10:28..........he/did to the king/of... 218/1006
Num_8:20.......Israel/did to the Levites/according 148/1006
Exo_18:14..........he/did to the people/he. 105/1006
Jos_4:23..........God/did to the Red/sea... 206/1006
1Ki_2:5............he/did to the two captains/of 371/1006
Jos_9:10...........he/did to the two kings/of 215/1006
2Ki_23:19.........and/did to them/according 533/1006
1Sa_12:7...........he/did to you/and....... 312/1006
Isa_5:25........hills/did tremble and/their 713/1006
Hab_3:7........Midian/did tremble Was/the.. 802/1006
2Ch_25:27.....Amaziah/did turn away/from... 591/1006
Mal_2:6...........and/did turn many/away... 814/1006
2Ch_15:4......trouble/did turn unto/the.... 573/1006
Psa_14:2.........that/did understand and/seek 676/1006
Psa_53:2.........that/did understand that/did 691/1006
1Sa_2:22.........sons/did unto all/Israel.. 300/1006
2Sa_13:29.....Absalom/did unto Amnon/as.... 348/1006
Deu_11:6...........he/did unto Dathan/and.. 189/1006
Gen_50:12........sons/did unto him according/as 55/1006
Gen_50:15..........we/did unto him And/they. 56/1006
Jdg_9:56...........he/did unto his/father.. 267/1006
Jdg_15:11........they/did unto me so/have.. 281/1006
Deu_2:29...........Ar/did unto me until/I.. 173/1006
Exo_13:8.........LORD/did unto me when/I.... 91/1006
Deu_24:9..........God/did unto Miriam/by... 192/1006
Deu_7:18..........God/did unto Pharaoh/and. 181/1006
Gen_21:1.........LORD/did unto Sarah/as..... 16/1006
Deu_3:6............we/did unto Sihon/king.. 174/1006
Deu_11:4...........he/did unto the army/of. 187/1006
Exo_19:4............I/did unto the Egyptians/and 107/1006
Jos_10:30..........he/did unto the king of Jericho And/Joshua 221/1006
Jos_10:28..........he/did unto the king of Jericho Then/Joshua 219/1006
Jos_10:30.........but/did unto the king thereof/as 220/1006
Deu_2:12.......Israel/did unto the land/of. 171/1006
Jos_2:10...........ye/did unto the two/kings 200/1006
Deu_25:17......Amalek/did unto thee by/the. 193/1006
Gen_50:17........they/did unto thee evil/and 58/1006
Jos_11:9.......Joshua/did unto them as/the. 224/1006
Mat_21:36........they/did unto them likewise/But 833/1006
Act_15:8...........he/did unto us And/put.. 955/1006
Act_11:17..........he/did unto us who/believed 951/1006
Deu_11:5...........he/did unto you/in...... 188/1006
Jdg_8:15...........ye/did upbraid/me....... 264/1006
Exo_14:31........LORD/did upon/the.......... 94/1006
2Ki_16:16........Thus/did Urijah/the....... 505/1006
Mat_27:9.......Israel/did value/And........ 842/1006
1Ki_21:26..........he/did very abominably/in 447/1006
2Ch_20:35.........who/did very wickedly/And 579/1006
2Ch_15:6..........God/did vex/them......... 574/1006
Act_15:14.......first/did visit/the........ 956/1006
Gen_48:15.......Isaac/did walk the/God...... 54/1006
1Ki_3:14........David/did walk then/I...... 375/1006
Lev_9:14...........he/did wash/the......... 129/1006
2Th_3:8.......Neither/did we eat/any....... 990/1006
Jer_44:19.........her/did we make/her...... 749/1006
Psa_66:6........there/did we rejoice/in.... 694/1006
1Sa_22:18........that/did wear/a........... 323/1006
Est_9:5...........and/did what/they........ 660/1006
Mar_2:25........David/did when he had/need. 851/1006
Mat_12:3........David/did when he was an/hungred 819/1006
Joh_4:54........Jesus/did when he was come/out 901/1006
Luk_6:3.........David/did when himself/was. 872/1006
1Ki_18:13...........I/did when Jezebel/slew 435/1006
2Ki_21:11....Amorites/did which/were....... 524/1006
Luk_7:38..........and/did wipe/them........ 878/1006
Jdg_11:39.........who/did with her/according 276/1006
Lev_16:15..........he/did with the blood/of 131/1006
Lev_4:20...........he/did with the bullock/for 125/1006
Jdg_13:19.......angel/did wonderously/and.. 278/1006
Rom_7:5...........law/did work in our/members 967/1006
Hag_1:14..........and/did work in the/house 805/1006
Jos_9:4..........They/did work wilily/and.. 213/1006
1Ki_16:25.........and/did worse than all/that 426/1006
Jer_7:26.........they/did worse than their/fathers 735/1006
Jos_5:14..........and/did worship/and...... 210/1006
Joh_1:45.....prophets/did write/Jesus...... 894/1006
Zec_7:5.........years/did ye at/all........ 809/1006
2Sa_19:43........then/did ye despise/us.... 354/1006
Mat_21:42........them/Did ye never/read.... 834/1006
Mar_11:31........then/did ye not believe/him 862/1006
Jdg_11:26...therefore/did ye not recover/them 275/1006
Mat_21:25.........Why/did ye not then/believe 831/1006
Gen_43:30......bowels/did yearn/upon........ 48/1006
2Ch_27:2.......people/did yet/corruptly.... 597/1006
Mar_4:8...........and/did yield/fruit...... 854/1006
Num_32:8.........Thus/did your/fathers..... 167/1006
2Ki_15:8........Judah/did Zachariah/the.... 493/1006
Jdg_1:30......Neither/did Zebulun/drive.... 244/1006
1Ki_16:12........Thus/did Zimri destroy/all 422/1006
1Ki_16:15.......Judah/did Zimri reign/seven 424/1006