Eze_46:14....fine/flour a/meat............ 57/58
1Sa_1:24.......of/flour and a/bottle...... 45/58
Lev_24:5.....fine/flour and bake/twelve... 16/58
Lev_2:1......fine/flour and he/shall....... 3/58
Eze_16:13....fine/flour and honey/and..... 55/58
1Sa_28:24....took/flour and kneaded it and did/bake 46/58
2Sa_13:8.....took/flour and kneaded it and made/cakes 47/58
Eze_16:19....fine/flour and oil/and....... 56/58
2Sa_17:28.....and/flour and parched/corn.. 48/58
1Ch_9:29.....fine/flour and the/wine...... 53/58
1Ki_4:22.....fine/flour and threescore/measures 49/58
Rev_18:13....fine/flour and wheat/and..... 58/58
2Ki_7:1......fine/flour be/sold........... 50/58
Lev_14:10....fine/flour for a meat offering mingled with oil and one/log 12/58
Num_28:9.......of/flour for a meat offering mingled with oil and the/drink 35/58
Num_28:12......of/flour for a meat offering mingled with oil for one bullock/and 36/58
Num_28:12......of/flour for a meat offering mingled with oil for one ram/And 37/58
Num_28:5.......of/flour for a meat offering mingled with the/fourth 34/58
Lev_6:20.....fine/flour for a meat offering perpetual/half 10/58
2Ki_7:18.....fine/flour for a shekel/shall 52/58
Lev_5:11.....fine/flour for a sin/offering. 8/58
1Ch_23:29....fine/flour for meat/offering. 54/58
Lev_7:12.....fine/flour fried/Besides..... 11/58
Num_15:9.......of/flour mingled with half/an 33/58
Lev_23:13....fine/flour mingled with oil an/offering 14/58
Num_8:8......fine/flour mingled with oil and another/young 30/58
Num_6:15.....fine/flour mingled with oil and wafers/of 17/58
Lev_14:21....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering and/a 13/58
Num_7:61.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 26/58
Num_7:67.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 27/58
Num_7:79.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 29/58
Num_7:25.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 20/58
Num_7:43.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 23/58
Num_7:49.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 24/58
Num_7:31.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 21/58
Num_7:55.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 25/58
Num_7:73.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 28/58
Num_7:37.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 22/58
Num_7:19.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon of gold/of 19/58
Num_7:13.....fine/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon of ten/shekels 18/58
Num_28:13......of/flour mingled with oil for a meat offering unto/one 38/58
Lev_2:4......fine/flour mingled with oil or/unleavened 5/58
Num_29:3.......of/flour mingled with oil three tenth deals for/a 41/58
Num_28:20......of/flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 39/58
Num_29:9.......of/flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 42/58
Num_29:14......of/flour mingled with oil three tenth deals unto every/bullock 43/58
Num_28:28......of/flour mingled with oil three tenth deals unto one/bullock 40/58
Exo_29:40......of/flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten/oil 2/58
Num_15:4.......of/flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of oil/And 31/58
Num_15:6.......of/flour mingled with the third/part 32/58
Lev_6:15......the/flour of/the............. 9/58
Exo_29:2..wheaten/flour shalt/thou......... 1/58
Jdg_6:19.......of/flour the/flesh......... 44/58
Lev_2:2.......the/flour thereof/and........ 4/58
Lev_23:17....fine/flour they/shall........ 15/58
Lev_2:5......fine/flour unleavened/mingled. 6/58
2Ki_7:16.....fine/flour was/sold.......... 51/58
Lev_2:7......fine/flour with/oil........... 7/58
Psa_72:7righteous/flourish and abundance/of 1/13
Ecc_12:5....shall/flourish and the/grasshopper 9/13
Pro_11:28...shall/flourish as/a............ 7/13
Psa_132:18..crown/flourish Behold/how...... 6/13
Isa_17:11......to/flourish but/the........ 11/13
Eze_17:24......to/flourish I/the.......... 13/13
Psa_92:13...shall/flourish in/the.......... 5/13
Psa_92:7.......do/flourish it/is........... 3/13
Isa_66:14...shall/flourish like an/herb... 12/13
Psa_72:16...shall/flourish like grass/of... 2/13
Psa_92:12...shall/flourish like the/palm... 4/13
Pro_14:11...shall/flourish There/is........ 8/13
Son_7:12.....vine/flourish whether/the.... 10/13
Php_4:10.....hath/flourished again/wherein.. 2/2
Son_6:11.....vine/flourished and/the........ 1/2
Psa_90:6.......it/flourisheth and/groweth... 1/2
Psa_103:15.....he/flourisheth For/the....... 2/2
Dan_4:4.......and/flourishing in/my......... 2/2
Psa_92:14.....and/flourishing To/shew....... 1/2