Gen_1:20...may/fly above/the............ 1/25
2Sa_22:11..did/fly and he/was........... 3/25
Eze_13:20.them/fly and I/will.......... 18/25
Isa_6:2....did/fly And one/cried....... 12/25
Isa_60:8..that/fly as a/cloud.......... 15/25
Jer_48:40shall/fly as an/eagle......... 16/25
Jer_49:22..and/fly as the eagle and/spread 17/25
Hab_1:8..shall/fly as the eagle that/hasteth 22/25
Psa_55:6.....I/fly away and/be.......... 9/25
Job_20:8.shall/fly away as a/dream...... 5/25
Pro_23:5..they/fly away as an/eagle.... 11/25
Hos_9:11.shall/fly away like/a......... 21/25
Psa_90:10...we/fly away Who/knoweth.... 10/25
Job_39:26.hawk/fly by/thy............... 6/25
Rev_19:17.that/fly in the midst of heaven Come/and 25/25
Rev_14:6.angel/fly in the midst of heaven having/the 24/25
Rev_12:14might/fly into/the............ 23/25 swiftly/touched..... 20/25
Isa_7:18...the/fly that/is............. 13/25
Isa_11:14shall/fly upon the shoulders/of 14/25
1Sa_15:19didst/fly upon the spoil/and... 2/25
Psa_18:10..did/fly upon the wings/of.... 8/25
Job_5:7.sparks/fly upward/I............. 4/25
Psa_18:10..did/fly yea/he............... 7/25
Eze_13:20.them/fly Your/kerchiefs...... 19/25