Pro_29:21........servant/from a child shall/have 1956/3642
2Ti_3:15............that/from a child thou/hast 3515/3642
Psa_120:2............and/from a deceitful/tongue 1859/3642
Exo_23:7.............far/from a false/matter.. 236/3642 a far country A/righteous 1951/3642
Jer_4:16............come/from a far country and/give 2243/3642
2Ki_20:14...........come/from a far country even/from 1290/3642
2Ch_6:32............come/from a far country for/thy 1360/3642
Isa_13:5............come/from a far country from/the 2030/3642
Jos_9:6.............come/from a far country now/therefore 727/3642
Isa_39:3............come/from a far country unto/me 2111/3642
Isa_46:11........counsel/from a far country yea/I 2146/3642
Jer_6:20............cane/from a far country your/burnt 2251/3642
Deu_29:22...........come/from a far land/shall 677/3642
Amo_5:19............flee/from a lion/and..... 2799/3642
Num_3:40..........Israel/from a month old and upward and/take 373/3642
Num_3:22...........males/from a month old and upward even/those 369/3642
Num_26:62..........males/from a month old and upward for/they 481/3642
Num_3:43...........names/from a month old and upward of/those 374/3642
Num_3:15............male/from a month old and upward shalt/thou 368/3642
Num_3:28...........males/from a month old and upward were eight/thousand 370/3642
Num_3:34...........males/from a month old and upward were six/thousand 371/3642
Num_3:39...........males/from a month old and upward were twenty/and 372/3642 a month old even/unto 348/3642
Num_18:16.......redeemed/from a month old shalt/thou 439/3642
Psa_114:1..........Jacob/from a people of/strange 1836/3642
Isa_18:7.............and/from a people terrible/from 2050/3642
Gal_4:1..........nothing/from a servant/though 3449/3642
Lev_22:25........Neither/from a stranger's/hand 334/3642
Lev_26:36........fleeing/from a sword/and..... 345/3642
Isa_21:1..........desert/from a terrible/land 2057/3642
Gen_14:23...........take/from a thread/even.... 51/3642
Jos_9:9..............him/From a very/far...... 729/3642
1Co_7:27..........loosed/from a wife/seek.... 3415/3642 abiding/in..... 1012/3642
Jdg_9:20.............out/from Abimelech/and... 851/3642
Num_16:24.............up/from about/the....... 426/3642
Gen_27:39.........heaven/from above And by/thy. 97/3642 above and cometh/down 3544/3642
Amo_2:9............fruit/from above and his/roots 2789/3642
Isa_45:8.........heavens/from above and let/the 2137/3642
Psa_78:23.........clouds/from above and opened/the 1775/3642
Jos_3:13............down/from above and they/shall 705/3642
Psa_50:4.........heavens/from above and to/the 1721/3642
Job_31:2...........there/from above and what/inheritance 1601/3642
Jam_3:15.............not/from above but/is... 3547/3642
Lam_1:13...........anger/From above hath/he.. 2482/3642
2Sa_22:17...........sent/from above he took me he drew me out of many waters He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them that/hated 1111/3642
Psa_18:16...........sent/from above he took me he drew me out of many waters He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which/hated 1646/3642
Joh_3:31..........cometh/from above is above/all 3168/3642 above is first/pure 3548/3642 above neither/let 1537/3642
Rom_10:6............down/from above Or/Who... 3401/3642
Psa_144:7...........hand/from above rid/me... 1886/3642
Jos_3:16............down/from above stood/and. 707/3642
Neh_12:39............And/from above the gate/of 1501/3642
Neh_3:28...........Ophel/From above the horse/gate 1471/3642
Exo_25:22...........thee/from above the mercy/seat 245/3642
Joh_19:11...........thee/from above therefore/he 3224/3642 above ye/are... 3190/3642
Gen_17:22.............up/from Abraham And/Abraham 57/3642
Gen_18:17...........hide/from Abraham that/thing 61/3642
Mat_1:17.....generations/from Abraham to/David 2911/3642
Jdg_12:9.......daughters/from abroad/for...... 872/3642
2Sa_15:14.........escape/from Absalom/make... 1089/3642
Jud_1:14.........seventh/from Adam prophesied/of 3594/3642
Rom_5:14.........reigned/from Adam to/Moses.. 3380/3642
Jer_30:10...........thee/from afar and thy/seed 2365/3642
Job_36:3.......knowledge/from afar and will/ascribe 1620/3642
Jer_46:27...........thee/from afar off/and... 2434/3642 afar She/riseth 1962/3642
Psa_107:41..........high/from affliction/and. 1827/3642
2Sa_20:2..............up/from after David/and 1098/3642
Num_32:15...........away/from after him/he.... 489/3642
2Ki_10:29............not/from after them/to.. 1233/3642
Col_1:26.............hid/from ages/and....... 3475/3642 Ahab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel And I/will 1230/3642 Ahab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel And will/make 1193/3642
1Th_5:22.........Abstain/from all appearance/of 3491/3642
Jer_23:8.............and/from all countries/whither 2326/3642 all evil bless/the 150/3642
Psa_121:7...........thee/from all evil he/shall 1862/3642
2Co_7:1........ourselves/from all filthiness/of 3434/3642 all his enemies round/about 1343/3642
2Sa_7:1............about/from all his enemies That/the 1049/3642
Psa_130:8.........Israel/from all his iniquities/Lord 1867/3642
Eze_18:21...........turn/from all his sins/that 2562/3642
Eze_18:28...........away/from all his transgressions/that 2567/3642
Gen_2:3...........rested/from all his work which God/created 7/3642 all his work which he/had 6/3642 all his works/And 3524/3642 all iniquity/and 3520/3642
Dan_7:23.........diverse/from all kingdoms/and 2734/3642
1Ki_4:34.........Solomon/from all kings/of... 1143/3642 all men/yet.... 3416/3642 all my fears/They 1689/3642 all my transgressions/make 1707/3642
Jer_43:5........returned/from all nations/whither 2428/3642
Est_3:8..........diverse/from all people/neither 1512/3642
Neh_4:12...........times/From all places/whence 1473/3642
Jer_49:32.......calamity/from all sides/thereof 2457/3642 all sin/If..... 3573/3642
Neh_13:30...........them/from all strangers and appointed/the 1505/3642
Neh_9:2.......themselves/from all strangers and stood/and 1487/3642 all that go/out.. 33/3642
Eze_12:19.......desolate/from all that is/therein 2540/3642
Dan_7:7..........diverse/from all the beasts/that 2731/3642
Act_12:11............and/from all the expectation/of 3276/3642
Jer_16:15............and/from all the lands/whither 2286/3642
Jos_11:21............and/from all the mountains of Israel/Joshua 749/3642
Jos_11:21............and/from all the mountains of Judah/and 748/3642 all the nations and/from 2360/3642
Deu_30:3............thee/from all the nations whither/the 678/3642
Dan_7:19.........diverse/from all the others/exceeding 2733/3642
Exo_33:16.........people/from all the people/that 265/3642
Jer_29:14............and/from all the places/whither 2361/3642
2Ki_13:11............not/from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel sin/but 1244/3642
2Ki_14:24............not/from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to/sin 1248/3642
Jos_23:1..........Israel/from all their enemies/round 807/3642
Jer_33:8............them/from all their iniquity/whereby 2386/3642 all them/that.. 1630/3642
1Ch_18:11........brought/from all these/nations 1332/3642 all thine enemies Also/the 1052/3642 all thine enemies round/about 660/3642
Act_13:39......justified/from all things/from 3288/3642
Jer_49:5...........hosts/from all those/that. 2451/3642 all unrighteousness/If 3574/3642
Eze_14:6...........faces/from all your abominations/For 2545/3642 all your enemies/round 610/3642
Eze_36:25..........clean/from all your filthiness/and 2635/3642
Eze_36:25............and/from all your idols/will 2636/3642 all your iniquities/I 2638/3642
Lev_16:30..........clean/from all your sins/before 316/3642
Eze_18:30.....yourselves/from all your transgressions/so 2568/3642 all your uncleannesses/and 2637/3642
Jos_19:33.........Heleph/from Allon/to........ 794/3642
Num_33:47........removed/from Almondiblathaim/and 530/3642
Num_33:14........removed/from Alush/and....... 500/3642
1Ch_18:11............and/from Amalek/Moreover 1337/3642
1Ki_8:53............them/from among all/the.. 1151/3642
2Ki_9:2...............up/from among his brethren and carry/him 1229/3642 among his brethren and from/the 912/3642
Num_27:4............away/from among his family/because 482/3642 among his people And whatsoever man/there 318/3642 among his people And whatsoever soul/it 338/3642 among his people And when/ye 321/3642 among his people because he brought/not 398/3642 among his people Because he hath despised/the 422/3642 among his people because he hath given/of 322/3642 among his people For/the 319/3642 among his people Sanctify/yourselves 325/3642 among his people Six/days 258/3642 among his people To/the 317/3642
Lev_23:30........destroy/from among his people Ye/shall 339/3642
Rev_14:4........redeemed/from among men being/the 3622/3642
Heb_5:1............taken/from among men is/ordained 3527/3642
Pro_30:14..........needy/from among men The/horseleach 1961/3642
Job_30:5...........forth/from among men they/cried 1599/3642
Deu_32:26..........cease/from among men Were/it 686/3642
Exo_12:31..........forth/from among my/people. 204/3642
1Sa_15:6........departed/from among the Amalekites And/Saul 957/3642
1Sa_15:6............down/from among the Amalekites lest/I 956/3642
Num_8:6..........Levites/from among the children of Israel and cleanse/them 392/3642
Num_8:14.........Levites/from among the children of Israel and the/Levites 393/3642
Num_3:12.........Levites/from among the children of Israel instead of all/the 367/3642 among the children of Israel instead of such/as 394/3642
Exo_28:1.............him/from among the children of Israel that/he 250/3642
Lev_7:34............ever/from among the children of Israel This/is 297/3642
Num_8:19............sons/from among the children of Israel to do/the 395/3642
Num_18:6.........Levites/from among the children of Israel to you/they 437/3642
Psa_21:10...........seed/from among the children of men For/they 1663/3642 among the children of men They/speak 1632/3642
Num_16:33.......perished/from among the congregation And all/Israel 429/3642
Num_25:7..............up/from among the congregation and took/a 476/3642 among the congregation because/he 444/3642
Act_15:19..........which/from among the Gentiles/are 3298/3642 among the heathen and/gather 2634/3642 among the heathen that/are 1481/3642 among the heathen to/give 1819/3642
Eze_37:21.........Israel/from among the heathen whither/they 2640/3642
Deu_2:14.............out/from among the host as/the 560/3642
Deu_2:15............them/from among the host until/they 561/3642 among the Jews/nor 1524/3642
Mat_13:49.........wicked/from among the just/And 2950/3642
2Ch_22:11............him/from among the king's sons that/were 1395/3642
2Ki_11:2.............him/from among the king's sons which/were 1237/3642
Num_4:18......Kohathites/from among the Levites/But 378/3642
Luk_19:39......Pharisees/from among the multitude/said 3142/3642
1Ki_14:7............thee/from among the people and made/thee 1176/3642
2Ch_24:23.........people/from among the people and sent/all 1400/3642
Deu_2:16............dead/from among the people That/the 562/3642
Act_3:23.......destroyed/from among the people Yea/and 3245/3642
Num_4:2...........Kohath/from among the sons/of 375/3642
Deu_18:18........Prophet/from among their brethren/like 640/3642
Lev_20:5..........Molech/from among their people And the/soul 324/3642 among their people And thou/shalt 326/3642 among their people Therefore/shall 320/3642
2Co_6:17.............out/from among them and be/ye 3433/3642
Jer_12:14..........Judah/from among them And it/shall 2277/3642
Exo_7:5...........Israel/from among them And Moses/and 170/3642
Jdg_10:16...........gods/from among them and served/the 861/3642
Num_14:13..........might/from among them And they/will 417/3642
Act_23:10..........force/from among them and to/bring 3349/3642
Psa_136:11........Israel/from among them for/his 1871/3642
Eze_33:6..........person/from among them he/is 2617/3642
Act_17:33.......departed/from among them Howbeit/certain 3318/3642
Num_16:45.............up/from among this congregation that I may consume them as/in 431/3642
Num_16:21.....yourselves/from among this congregation that I may consume them in/a 425/3642 among thy/brethren 633/3642 among you an/offering 269/3642
Deu_21:21...........away/from among you and all/Israel 647/3642
Deu_13:13............out/from among you and have/withdrawn 621/3642
1Sa_7:3........Ashtaroth/from among you and prepare/your 934/3642
Deu_19:19...........away/from among you And those/which 643/3642
Deu_22:24...........evil/from among you But if/a 653/3642
Deu_4:3.............them/from among you But ye/that 572/3642
1Co_5:2.............away/from among you For/I 3412/3642
Deu_22:21...........away/from among you If a/man 651/3642
Deu_17:7............away/from among you If there/arise 630/3642
Jos_7:13...........thing/from among you In/the 719/3642
Deu_24:7............away/from among you Take/heed 658/3642
Eze_20:38............out/from among you the/rebels 2573/3642
Jos_18:4.............out/from among you three/men 784/3642
Jos_7:12........accursed/from among you Up/sanctify 718/3642
Deu_21:9...........blood/from among you when/thou 645/3642
1Co_5:13............away/from among yourselves/that 3413/3642
Heb_10:22......sprinkled/from an/evil........ 3537/3642
Jos_11:21..........Debir/from Anab/and........ 747/3642
Isa_45:21...........this/from ancient time/who 2138/3642
Isa_46:10............and/from ancient times/the 2144/3642
Psa_37:8...........Cease/from anger/and...... 1699/3642 another and royal/wine 1507/3642
1Co_4:7...........differ/from another and what/hast 3411/3642 another as/a... 2985/3642 another If/thou. 114/3642
Neh_4:19.............far/from another In/what 1475/3642
Jer_18:14...........come/from another place be/forsaken 2308/3642
Est_4:14............Jews/from another place but/thou 1515/3642
1Co_15:41......differeth/from another star/in 3421/3642 another The/first 2729/3642 another thus/did 274/3642
Act_14:19...........Jews/from Antioch/and.... 3294/3642
Ecc_2:10...........heart/from any joy/for.... 1965/3642
Luk_19:8...........thing/from any man/by..... 3138/3642
Deu_28:14..........aside/from any of the/words 664/3642
Deu_18:6............come/from any of thy/gates 637/3642
1Ki_15:5...........aside/from any thing/that. 1179/3642 Aram/out........ 467/3642
Jdg_11:22.......Amorites/from Arnon even unto Jabbok and from/the 865/3642
Jdg_11:13..........Egypt/from Arnon even unto Jabbok and unto/Jordan 863/3642 Arnon unto/Jabbok 461/3642
Jdg_11:33...........them/from Aroer even/till. 871/3642
Jos_13:16............was/from Aroer that is on/the 764/3642
Jos_13:9............them/From Aroer that is upon/the 763/3642
Deu_4:48.......sunrising/From Aroer which is by the bank/of 579/3642
Deu_2:36............took/From Aroer which is by the brink/of 564/3642
Deu_3:12............time/from Aroer which is by the river Arnon and/half 568/3642
2Ki_10:33.....Manassites/from Aroer which is by the river Arnon even/Gilead 1236/3642
Jos_12:2...........ruled/from Aroer which is upon/the 752/3642
Amo_1:8.......inhabitant/from Ashdod/and..... 2786/3642
Jos_17:7.............was/from Asher/to........ 783/3642
Amo_1:8..........sceptre/from Ashkelon/and... 2787/3642
Act_24:18...........Jews/from Asia/found..... 3351/3642
Isa_11:11...........left/from Assyria and from Egypt/and 2020/3642
Mic_7:12............thee/from Assyria and from the/fortified 2846/3642
Isa_11:16...........left/from Assyria like/as 2029/3642
2Ki_11:2......bedchamber/from Athaliah so that he/was 1238/3642
2Ch_22:11............him/from Athaliah so that she/slew 1396/3642
Act_18:1........departed/from Athens/and..... 3319/3642
2Ki_17:24............and/from Ava/and........ 1276/3642
1Sa_25:33............and/from avenging myself/with 1006/3642
1Sa_25:26............and/from avenging thyself/with 1004/3642
Num_34:5.........compass/from Azmon/unto...... 538/3642
Jos_15:10......compassed/from Baalah/westward. 776/3642
2Sa_6:2..............him/from Baale/of....... 1046/3642
Jos_12:7............west/from Baalgad in/the.. 757/3642
Jos_13:5.......sunrising/from Baalgad under/mount 760/3642 Baalshalisha/and 1218/3642
Zec_6:10............come/from Babylon and come/thou 2886/3642 Babylon and from/Cuthah 1274/3642
Jer_51:54.........cometh/from Babylon and great/destruction 2475/3642
2Ki_20:14...........even/from Babylon And he said/What 1291/3642
Ezr_7:6...............up/from Babylon and he was/a 1451/3642
Jer_50:16..........sower/from Babylon and him/that 2463/3642
Ezr_7:9...............up/from Babylon and on/the 1452/3642
Jer_27:16..........again/from Babylon for/they 2348/3642 Babylon in/the. 1453/3642
Jer_28:6.........captive/from Babylon into/this 2351/3642 Babylon the/name 2040/3642
Isa_39:3............even/from Babylon Then/said 2112/3642
Ezr_1:11..............up/from Babylon unto/Jerusalem 1438/3642
Num_21:20............And/from Bamoth/in....... 460/3642
Deu_33:22...........leap/from Bashan And/of... 694/3642
Psa_68:22..........again/from Bashan I/will.. 1754/3642
1Ch_5:23.......increased/from Bashan unto/Baalhermon 1308/3642
Jdg_8:13........returned/from battle/before... 849/3642 bearing/I........ 53/3642
Deu_10:6.........journey/from Beeroth/of...... 601/3642
Gen_46:5..............up/from Beersheba and the/sons 143/3642
Gen_28:10............out/from Beersheba and went/toward 103/3642
1Ch_21:2..........Israel/from Beersheba even to Dan and/bring 1340/3642
2Ch_30:5..........Israel/from Beersheba even to Dan that/they 1416/3642
2Ch_19:4..........people/from Beersheba to/mount 1387/3642
Neh_11:30..........dwelt/from Beersheba unto/the 1496/3642
Hag_2:15..........upward/from before a/stone. 2874/3642
Dan_11:22......overflown/from before him and shall/be 2743/3642
Num_32:21........enemies/from before him And the/land 490/3642
Gen_43:34...........them/from before him but Benjamin's/mess 139/3642 before him but ere/the 1225/3642
Dan_7:10...........forth/from before him thousand/thousands 2732/3642
Gen_23:3..............up/from before his dead/and 72/3642
Jdg_11:23.......Amorites/from before his people/Israel 867/3642
Jos_10:11...........fled/from before Israel/and 736/3642
Exo_4:3.............fled/from before it/And... 161/3642
Isa_48:19......destroyed/from before me Go/ye 2161/3642
Jer_31:36.........depart/from before me saith/the 2376/3642
Isa_1:16..........doings/from before mine/eyes 1995/3642 before my/face. 2382/3642
Gen_47:10............out/from before Pharaoh/And 145/3642
Num_33:8........departed/from before Pihahiroth/and 495/3642
1Ki_8:54...........arose/from before the altar/of 1152/3642
2Ki_16:3.............out/from before the children of Israel And he/sacrificed 1257/3642
2Ki_17:8.............out/from before the children of Israel and of/the 1268/3642
Jos_13:6.............out/from before the children of Israel only/divide 762/3642
Jos_5:1...........Jordan/from before the children of Israel until/we 711/3642
Zec_14:5............fled/from before the earthquake/in 2898/3642
Lam_2:3.............hand/from before the enemy/and 2486/3642
Jos_7:5.............them/from before the gate/even 716/3642
Ezr_10:6..............up/from before the house/of 1460/3642
Pro_25:5..........wicked/from before the king/and 1949/3642
Lev_9:24.............out/from before the LORD and/consumed 300/3642
Num_20:9.............rod/from before the LORD as/he 446/3642
Jdg_5:5...........melted/from before the LORD even/that 839/3642
Jdg_5:5............Sinai/from before the LORD God/of 840/3642
2Ch_19:2............thee/from before the LORD Nevertheless/there 1386/3642
1Sa_21:6...........taken/from before the LORD to/put 995/3642
Num_17:9............rods/from before the LORD unto/all 435/3642
Exo_13:22..........night/from before the people/And 214/3642
1Ch_10:1............fled/from before the Philistines and fell down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard after/Saul 1310/3642
1Sa_31:1............fled/from before the Philistines and fell down slain in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard upon/Saul 1018/3642
1Ch_11:13...........fled/from before the Philistines And they/set 1312/3642
Lev_10:4........brethren/from before the sanctuary/out 302/3642
2Ch_1:13.......Jerusalem/from before the tabernacle/of 1350/3642
1Ch_17:8.........enemies/from before thee and have/made 1325/3642
Deu_33:27..........enemy/from before thee and shall/say 695/3642
Deu_9:5..............out/from before thee and that he/may 593/3642
Deu_12:30......destroyed/from before thee and that thou/enquire 613/3642
Deu_31:3.........nations/from before thee and thou/shalt 682/3642
Deu_6:19.........enemies/from before thee as/the 583/3642
Neh_4:5..............out/from before thee for/they 1472/3642
Deu_4:38.........nations/from before thee greater/and 578/3642
Exo_23:28........Hittite/from before thee I/will 239/3642
Exo_23:29............out/from before thee in/one 240/3642
Deu_9:4..............out/from before thee Not/for 592/3642
Deu_9:4..............out/from before thee saying/For 591/3642
Deu_18:12............out/from before thee Thou/shalt 638/3642
Exo_23:30............out/from before thee until/thou 241/3642
Deu_12:29........nations/from before thee whither/thou 612/3642
Exo_14:19...........went/from before their/face 216/3642
Deu_2:12............them/from before them and dwelt/in 558/3642
Deu_2:22..........Horims/from before them and they/succeeded 563/3642
Jdg_2:21.............any/from before them of/the 829/3642 before thine/eyes 1684/3642
Deu_28:31...........away/from before thy face/and 667/3642
1Ch_17:21........nations/from before thy people/whom 1328/3642
Jos_24:18............out/from before us all/the 820/3642
Jdg_11:24............out/from before us them/will 868/3642
Jos_4:23..............up/from before us until/we 710/3642
Isa_30:11..........cease/from before us Wherefore/thus 2086/3642 before you and destroy/all 533/3642
Jos_23:5............them/from before you and drive/them 809/3642
Jdg_6:9..............out/from before you and gave/you 844/3642
Deu_11:23........nations/from before you and ye/shall 607/3642
Jdg_2:3..............out/from before you but they shall be as/thorns 826/3642
Jos_23:13........nations/from before you but they shall be snares/and 812/3642
Jos_24:12............out/from before you even/the 818/3642
Jos_23:9.............out/from before you great/nations 811/3642
Jos_3:10.............out/from before you the/Canaanites 703/3642
Jos_24:8............them/from before you Then Balak/the 817/3642 before you then it/shall 534/3642 before you therefore/we 732/3642
Jos_4:23..........Jordan/from before you until/ye 709/3642
Gen_19:26...........back/from behind/him....... 67/3642
Psa_119:37..........eyes/from beholding/vanity 1846/3642
Isa_17:1............away/from being a city/and 2046/3642 being a nation Also/thou 2437/3642
Jer_31:36..........cease/from being a nation before/me 2377/3642 being a nation that/the 1785/3642
Jer_17:16.......hastened/from being a pastor/to 2297/3642
Jer_48:42......destroyed/from being a people/because 2448/3642
Jos_9:23...........freed/from being bondmen/and 731/3642
2Co_11:9..........myself/from being burdensome/unto 3437/3642
1Sa_15:23...........thee/from being king And/Saul 961/3642
1Sa_15:26...........thee/from being king over/Israel 962/3642
1Ki_2:27........Abiathar/from being priest/unto 1131/3642
2Ch_15:16............her/from being queen because she had made an idol in a grove and Asa cut/down 1380/3642
1Ki_15:13........removed/from being queen because she had made an idol in a grove and Asa destroyed/her 1180/3642
Pro_3:26............foot/from being taken/Withhold 1901/3642
Jer_2:25............foot/from being unshod/and 2223/3642
Amo_2:9............roots/from beneath Also/I. 2790/3642
Joh_8:23.............are/from beneath I/am... 3189/3642
Isa_14:9............Hell/from beneath is/moved 2037/3642
Num_33:32........removed/from Benejaakan/and.. 518/3642 Benjamin's/gate 2901/3642
2Sa_8:8..............and/from Berothai/cities 1059/3642
1Ki_3:20.............son/from beside me/while 1137/3642
Eze_32:13........thereof/from beside the great/waters 2616/3642
2Ch_26:19...........LORD/from beside the incense/altar 1409/3642
Eze_10:16............not/from beside them/When 2528/3642
2Sa_8:8..............And/from Betah/and...... 1058/3642
Mar_11:12...........come/from Bethany/he..... 3043/3642
1Sa_13:5........eastward/from Bethaven/When... 947/3642
Gen_35:16......journeyed/from Bethel and/there 121/3642
Jos_16:2.............out/from Bethel to Luz/and 780/3642
Jdg_21:19.............up/from Bethel to Shechem/and 904/3642
Num_33:49.........Jordan/from Bethjesimoth/even 532/3642
Rut_2:4.............came/from Bethlehem/and... 909/3642 Bethlehemjudah to/sojourn 885/3642
Jdg_19:18........passing/from Bethlehemjudah toward/the 895/3642
1Ki_4:12.........Jezreel/from Bethshean/to... 1138/3642
Hos_2:2.......adulteries/from between her breasts/Lest 2746/3642
Deu_28:57............out/from between her feet/and 671/3642
Gen_49:10.......lawgiver/from between his feet/until 154/3642
Gen_48:12............out/from between his knees/and 149/3642
Zec_9:7.....abominations/from between his teeth/but 2891/3642 between the altar/and 1263/3642 between the cherubims and/scatter 2522/3642
Eze_10:6..........wheels/from between the cherubims then/he 2525/3642
Eze_10:7............hand/from between the cherubims unto/the 2526/3642
Num_7:89.......testimony/from between the two cherubims and/he 391/3642 between the two cherubims which/are 246/3642 between the wheels/from 2524/3642
Zec_6:1..............out/from between two/mountains 2884/3642
Mat_4:25.............and/from beyond Jordan And seeing/the 2927/3642
Mar_3:8..............and/from beyond Jordan and they/about 3014/3642
Zep_3:10.........consent/From beyond the rivers/of 2870/3642
2Ch_20:2............thee/from beyond the sea/on 1388/3642
Neh_12:38...........wall/from beyond the tower/of 1500/3642
Act_21:25............and/from blood and from strangled/and 3341/3642
Act_15:29............and/from blood and from things/strangled 3305/3642
Act_15:20............and/from blood For/Moses 3302/3642
Jer_48:10..........sword/from blood Moab/hath 2439/3642 bloodguiltiness/O 1727/3642 bloody/men..... 1742/3642
Isa_63:1........garments/from Bozrah/this.... 2210/3642
2Ch_4:2...........cubits/from brim/to........ 1351/3642
Exo_36:6......restrained/from bringing/For.... 272/3642
Luk_2:1...........decree/from Caesar/Augustus 3075/3642
Act_25:1........ascended/from Caesarea to/Jerusalem 3352/3642
Act_11:11...........sent/from Caesarea unto/me 3272/3642
Joh_18:28..........Jesus/from Caiaphas/unto.. 3222/3642
Amo_9:7......Philistines/from Caphtor/and.... 2806/3642
1Sa_17:53.......returned/from chasing/after... 978/3642
Deu_3:17.........thereof/from Chinnereth/even. 570/3642
Rom_9:3.........accursed/from Christ/for..... 3400/3642
1Ch_18:8.............and/from Chun/cities.... 1331/3642
Mat_23:34...........them/from city to city That/upon 2977/3642
2Ch_30:10.........passed/from city to city through/the 1420/3642 coming to shed blood and from avenging myself/with 1005/3642
1Sa_25:26...........thee/from coming to shed blood and from avenging thyself/with 1003/3642
Rom_15:22.......hindered/from coming to you/But 3407/3642
Num_22:16...........thee/from coming unto/me.. 464/3642
Act_10:21............him/from Cornelius and/said 3264/3642
Act_10:17...........sent/from Cornelius had/made 3263/3642 corruption/O... 2814/3642
Act_27:21.........loosed/from Crete/and...... 3366/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Cush/and....... 2023/3642
2Ki_17:24............and/from Cuthah/and..... 1275/3642
Eze_47:18............and/from Damascus and from/Gilead 2680/3642
Isa_17:3.........kingdom/from Damascus and the/remnant 2048/3642
2Ki_16:11...........came/from Damascus And when/the 1260/3642
2Ki_16:11...........sent/from Damascus so/Urijah 1259/3642
2Ki_16:12...........come/from Damascus the/king 1261/3642
Jer_4:15.......declareth/from Dan and/publisheth 2241/3642
1Ki_4:25............tree/from Dan even to Beersheba all/the 1141/3642
2Sa_3:10...........Judah/from Dan even to Beersheba And he/could 1034/3642
2Sa_24:2..........Israel/from Dan even to Beersheba and number/ye 1122/3642
2Sa_17:11...........thee/from Dan even to Beersheba as/the 1092/3642
1Sa_3:20..........Israel/from Dan even to Beersheba knew/that 922/3642
2Sa_24:15.........people/from Dan even to Beersheba seventy/thousand 1125/3642 Dan even to Beersheba with/the 898/3642
Jer_8:16...........heard/from Dan the/whole.. 2261/3642
Act_26:18...........them/from darkness/to.... 3361/3642
2Sa_3:26.............out/from David he/sent.. 1038/3642
Mat_1:17.............and/from David until/the 2912/3642
Isa_38:12.......sickness/from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me I/reckoned 2107/3642
Isa_38:13..........bones/from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me Like/a 2108/3642
Est_3:7............Haman/from day to day and/from 1510/3642
Psa_96:2.......salvation/from day to day Declare/his 1803/3642
1Ch_16:23..........forth/from day to day his/salvation 1319/3642
Num_30:14............her/from day to day then/he 483/3642
2Sa_13:4............lean/from day to day wilt/thou 1076/3642
2Pe_2:8.............soul/from day to day with/their 3566/3642
Heb_6:1.......repentance/from dead works and/of 3529/3642
Heb_9:14......conscience/from dead works to/serve 3535/3642
Job_5:20............thee/from death and in/war 1549/3642
Jam_5:20............soul/from death and shall/hide 3553/3642
Jos_2:13...........lives/from death And the/men 699/3642
Psa_33:19...........soul/from death and to/keep 1688/3642
Heb_5:7..............him/from death and was/heard 3528/3642
Psa_78:50...........soul/from death but gave/their 1778/3642
Psa_68:20.........issues/from death But God/shall 1753/3642
Psa_116:8...........soul/from death mine/eyes 1838/3642
Hos_13:14...........them/from death O/death.. 2767/3642
Pro_10:2......delivereth/from death The LORD/will 1919/3642
Pro_11:4......delivereth/from death The righteousness/of 1920/3642
1Jn_3:14..........passed/from death unto life because/we 3585/3642
Joh_5:24..........passed/from death unto life Verily/verily 3171/3642
Psa_56:13...........soul/from death wilt/not. 1734/3642
Jos_11:21.........Hebron/from Debir/from...... 746/3642
Mat_4:25.............and/from Decapolis/and.. 2924/3642
Psa_72:14...........soul/from deceit/and..... 1767/3642
Eze_20:17...........them/from destroying them/neither 2571/3642
Lam_2:8.............hand/from destroying therefore/he 2487/3642 destruction/who 1809/3642
Hag_1:10..........stayed/from dew/and........ 2871/3642
Num_33:46........removed/from Dibongad/and.... 529/3642
Isa_56:2............hand/from doing any/evil. 2187/3642
Isa_58:13........sabbath/from doing thy/pleasure 2195/3642
Num_33:13.......departed/from Dophkah/and..... 499/3642 Ebenezer/unto... 927/3642
Num_33:35.......departed/from Ebronah/and..... 521/3642
1Ch_18:11........nations/from Edom and/from.. 1333/3642
Isa_63:1..........cometh/from Edom with/dyed. 2209/3642
Jos_10:36.............up/from Eglon/and....... 741/3642
Exo_34:18............out/from Egypt All/that.. 266/3642
Jdg_6:8...............up/from Egypt and brought/you 843/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Egypt and from/Pathros 2021/3642
Exo_23:15............out/from Egypt and none/shall 237/3642
Jdg_11:16.............up/from Egypt and walked/through 864/3642
Num_22:5.............out/from Egypt behold/they 463/3642
Jdg_6:13..............up/from Egypt but/now... 846/3642
Num_14:19.........people/from Egypt even/until 418/3642
Eze_23:8.........brought/from Egypt for/in... 2581/3642
Exo_13:14............out/from Egypt from the house/of 211/3642
2Sa_7:23............thee/from Egypt from the nations/and 1055/3642
1Sa_15:2..............up/from Egypt Now/go.... 955/3642
Exo_13:3.............out/from Egypt out/of.... 208/3642
Exo_6:27..........Israel/from Egypt these/are. 169/3642 Egypt was/that. 2603/3642
1Sa_7:14..........Israel/from Ekron even unto Gath/and 936/3642
Jos_15:46.......villages/From Ekron even unto the/sea 777/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Elam/and....... 2024/3642
Deu_2:8............plain/from Elath and from/Eziongaber 556/3642
2Ki_16:6............Jews/from Elath and the/Syrians 1258/3642
2Ch_21:12............him/from Elijah/the..... 1394/3642
Exo_16:1.........journey/from Elim and all/the 219/3642
Num_33:10........removed/from Elim and encamped/by 497/3642
2Ki_8:14........departed/from Elisha/and..... 1226/3642
Ecc_3:5..........refrain/from embracing/A.... 1967/3642
Exo_26:28..........reach/from end/to.......... 248/3642 Engedi/even.... 2676/3642
Act_18:21.........sailed/from Ephesus/And.... 3325/3642
Zec_9:10.........chariot/from Ephraim and the horse/from 2892/3642
Isa_17:3...........cease/from Ephraim and the kingdom/from 2047/3642 Ephraim's/head.. 151/3642
Jdg_18:2.............and/from Eshtaol/to...... 888/3642
Num_33:7.........removed/from Etham/and....... 494/3642
Lev_23:32...........even/from even unto even/shall 340/3642
Num_9:21...........abode/from even unto the/morning 400/3642 evening/to...... 249/3642
Psa_41:13.........Israel/from everlasting and/to 1711/3642
Pro_8:23..............up/from everlasting from/the 1917/3642
Hab_1:12.............not/from everlasting O LORD my/God 2857/3642 everlasting O LORD why/hast 2213/3642 everlasting The/floods 1801/3642
Mic_5:2..............old/from everlasting Therefore/will 2841/3642
Psa_106:48........Israel/from everlasting to everlasting and/let 1820/3642
Psa_90:2............even/from everlasting to everlasting thou/art 1798/3642 everlasting to everlasting upon/them 1812/3642
2Th_3:6.......yourselves/from every brother/that 3500/3642
Psa_119:101.........feet/from every evil way/that 1848/3642 every evil work/and 3517/3642
Jer_16:16............and/from every hill/and. 2288/3642
Jer_16:16...........them/from every mountain/and 2287/3642
Act_17:27............far/from every one/of... 3316/3642
Mar_1:45.............him/from every quarter And again/he 3007/3642
Gen_19:4..........people/from every quarter And they/called 65/3642
Deu_23:9............thee/from every wicked/thing 654/3642
Psa_37:27.........Depart/from evil and do good and/dwell 1700/3642
Psa_34:14.........Depart/from evil and do good seek/peace 1692/3642 evil And he/said 3109/3642
1Pe_3:10..........tongue/from evil and his/lips 3560/3642
Psa_34:13.........tongue/from evil and thy/lips 1690/3642 evil And we/have 3499/3642
Pro_14:16......departeth/from evil but/the... 1925/3642
1Sa_25:39........servant/from evil for the/LORD 1009/3642 evil For thine/is 2932/3642
Pro_16:17.........depart/from evil he that keepeth/his 1931/3642
Pro_13:19.........depart/from evil He that walketh/with 1922/3642
Job_28:28.........depart/from evil is/understanding 1598/3642
Pro_3:7...........depart/from evil It/shall.. 1899/3642
Isa_59:15......departeth/from evil maketh/himself 2201/3642
Pro_4:27............foot/from evil My/son.... 1908/3642 evil that/it... 1306/3642
Jer_9:3..........proceed/from evil to/evil... 2263/3642
Pro_16:6..........depart/from evil When/a.... 1930/3642 executing/the.. 1376/3642
Num_33:36........removed/from Eziongaber and/pitched 522/3642
Deu_2:8..............and/from Eziongaber we/turned 557/3642
Rom_1:17........revealed/from faith/to....... 3375/3642 falling and/to. 3595/3642
Psa_116:8...........feet/from falling I/will. 1840/3642
Psa_56:13...........feet/from falling that/I. 1735/3642
Mar_8:3.............came/from far And his/disciples 3034/3642
Isa_49:12...........come/from far and lo/these 2167/3642
Isa_43:6............sons/from far and my/daughters 2130/3642
Isa_60:4............come/from far and thy/daughters 2206/3642
Isa_5:26.........nations/from far and will/hiss 2006/3642
Isa_30:27.........cometh/from far burning/with 2088/3642
Deu_28:49...........thee/from far from/the.... 669/3642 far O/house.... 2245/3642
Isa_49:1..........people/from far The/LORD... 2163/3642
Isa_60:9............sons/from far their/silver 2208/3642
Isa_22:3............fled/from far Therefore/said 2062/3642
Hab_1:8.............come/from far they/shall. 2856/3642
Isa_10:3............come/from far to/whom.... 2017/3642
Eze_23:40...........come/from far unto/whom.. 2589/3642 fear neither/is 1574/3642
Pro_1:33...........quiet/from fear of evil/My 1893/3642 fear of the/enemy 1749/3642
Jos_22:25..........cease/from fearing/the..... 803/3642
Eze_34:10..........cease/from feeding/the.... 2629/3642 five/years...... 347/3642
1Pe_2:11.........abstain/from fleshly/lusts.. 3559/3642
2Sa_2:30........returned/from following Abner and/when 1032/3642
2Sa_2:19............left/from following Abner Then/Abner 1027/3642
Rut_1:16..........return/from following after/thee 908/3642
2Ki_18:6.............not/from following him/but 1282/3642 following his/brother 1031/3642
1Sa_15:11...........back/from following me and/hath 959/3642
Deu_7:4..............son/from following me that/they 585/3642
2Sa_2:22...........aside/from following me wherefore/should 1029/3642
1Ki_9:6.............turn/from following me ye/or 1155/3642
2Sa_2:21...........aside/from following of/him 1028/3642
Psa_78:71.....sheepfolds/From following the ewes/great 1780/3642 following the LORD and it/will 801/3642
2Ki_17:21.........Israel/from following the LORD and made/them 1272/3642
1Sa_12:20..........aside/from following the LORD but/serve 946/3642 following the LORD in/that 799/3642
Jos_22:23...........turn/from following the LORD or/if 802/3642
2Ch_34:33............not/from following the LORD the/God 1428/3642
2Ch_25:27...........away/from following the LORD they/made 1407/3642 following the LORD to/build 804/3642
1Sa_14:46.............up/from following the Philistines and/the 954/3642
1Sa_24:1........returned/from following the Philistines that/it 1000/3642
1Ch_17:7............even/from following the sheep that/thou 1324/3642
2Sa_7:8........sheepcote/from following the sheep to/be 1051/3642
2Sa_2:26..........return/from following their/brethren 1030/3642
Act_15:20............and/from fornication and/from 3300/3642
Act_15:29............and/from fornication from/which 3307/3642
1Th_4:3..........abstain/from fornication That/every 3489/3642
Act_21:25............and/from fornication Then/Paul 3343/3642
Act_10:37..........began/from Galilee after/the 3267/3642
Mat_19:1........departed/from Galilee and came/into 2966/3642
Mat_4:25..........people/from Galilee and from/Decapolis 2923/3642
Luk_23:55............him/from Galilee followed after/and 3154/3642
Mar_3:7........multitude/from Galilee followed him/and 3010/3642
Mat_27:55..........Jesus/from Galilee ministering/unto 2998/3642
Luk_2:4...............up/from Galilee out/of. 3076/3642
Luk_23:49............him/from Galilee stood/afar 3153/3642
Act_13:31............him/from Galilee to Jerusalem/who 3286/3642
Mat_3:13...........Jesus/from Galilee to Jordan/unto 2919/3642
Luk_23:5.......beginning/from Galilee to this/place 3152/3642
Eze_40:23.......measured/from gate to gate an/hundred 2652/3642
Exo_32:27............out/from gate to gate throughout/the 262/3642
Eze_40:27.......measured/from gate to gate toward/the 2653/3642
1Ki_2:40........servants/from Gath And/it.... 1135/3642
2Sa_15:18............him/from Gath passed/on. 1090/3642
Zec_9:5...........perish/from Gaza/and....... 2890/3642
Neh_11:31.......Benjamin/from Geba dwelt/at.. 1497/3642
2Ki_23:8.........incense/from Geba to Beersheba/and 1295/3642
Zec_14:10..........plain/from Geba to Rimmon/south 2900/3642
2Sa_5:25.....Philistines/from Geba until/thou 1045/3642 generation to generation And/all 2720/3642 generation to generation As/God 2465/3642
Isa_51:8.......salvation/from generation to generation Awake/awake 2174/3642
Joe_3:20.......Jerusalem/from generation to generation For/I 2781/3642
Luk_1:50.............him/from generation to generation He/hath 3070/3642 generation to generation I/Nebuchadnezzar 2709/3642
Isa_34:10...........ever/from generation to generation it/shall 2099/3642 generation to generation neither/shall 2033/3642
Isa_34:17...........ever/from generation to generation shall/they 2100/3642
Exo_17:16.........Amalek/from generation to generation When/Jethro 225/3642
Lam_5:19..........throne/from generation to generation Wherefore/dost 2496/3642
Col_1:26.............and/from generations/but 3476/3642
Gen_26:26............him/from Gerar/and........ 91/3642
2Sa_14:32...........come/from Geshur/it...... 1086/3642
1Ki_16:17.............up/from Gibbethon/and.. 1182/3642
Jer_41:16..........again/from Gibeon And/they 2422/3642
1Ch_14:16....Philistines/from Gibeon even/to. 1316/3642
Eze_47:18............and/from Gilead and/from 2681/3642
Deu_3:16............gave/from Gilead even/unto 569/3642
Son_6:5...........appear/from Gilead Thy/teeth 1990/3642
Gen_37:25...........came/from Gilead with/their 123/3642
Jos_10:9..............up/from Gilgal all/night 735/3642
2Ki_2:1...........Elisha/from Gilgal And/Elijah 1204/3642
Jos_10:7........ascended/from Gilgal he/and... 734/3642
Jdg_2:1...............up/from Gilgal to/Bochim 825/3642
1Sa_13:15.............up/from Gilgal unto/Gibeah 950/3642
2Sa_15:12...........even/from Giloh/while.... 1088/3642
2Co_3:18...........image/from glory/to....... 3429/3642 God and the/heritage 1573/3642
Joh_13:3............come/from God and went/to 3209/3642
Heb_6:7.........blessing/from God But/that... 3530/3642
Act_10:22.........warned/from God by/an...... 3265/3642
1Sa_18:10.........spirit/from God came/upon... 982/3642 God entered/into 3615/3642
Joh_3:2.............come/from God for/no..... 3165/3642
Rev_21:10.........heaven/from God Having/the. 3640/3642
Joh_16:27............out/from God I/came..... 3216/3642
1Sa_16:16.........spirit/from God is/upon..... 969/3642
Joh_16:30..........forth/from God Jesus/answered 3218/3642
Joh_8:42............came/from God neither/came 3192/3642
Joh_5:44..........cometh/from God only/Do.... 3174/3642
2Co_1:2............peace/from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be God/even 3423/3642
Eph_1:2............peace/from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be the/God 3453/3642
1Co_1:3............peace/from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always/on 3409/3642
Php_1:2............peace/from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God upon/every 3465/3642
1Ti_1:2............peace/from God our Father and Jesus/Christ 3501/3642
Rom_1:7............peace/from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ First/I 3374/3642
Phl_1:3............peace/from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ I/thank 3521/3642
2Th_1:2............peace/from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We are/bound 3492/3642
1Th_1:1............peace/from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God always/for 3481/3642
Col_1:2............peace/from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God and/the 3471/3642
Rev_20:9............down/from God out of heaven and/devoured 3636/3642
Rev_21:2............down/from God out of heaven prepared/as 3638/3642 God that/he.... 1616/3642
2Ti_1:2............peace/from God the Father and Christ/Jesus 3508/3642
Gal_1:3............peace/from God the Father and from our/Lord 3441/3642
2Jn_1:3............peace/from God the Father and from the/Lord 3589/3642 God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Grace/be 3464/3642
Tit_1:4............peace/from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our/Saviour 3518/3642
2Pe_1:17........received/from God the Father honour/and 3563/3642
Psa_104:21..........meat/from God The sun/ariseth 1814/3642
1Sa_16:15.........spirit/from God troubleth/thee 968/3642
Luk_1:26............sent/from God unto a/city 3066/3642
Jdg_3:20.........message/from God unto thee/And 833/3642
Job_31:23....destruction/from God was a/terror 1608/3642
1Sa_16:23.........spirit/from God was upon/Saul 970/3642
Joh_1:6.............sent/from God whose/name. 3161/3642
2Ch_11:4........returned/from going against/Jeroboam 1375/3642
Job_33:24............him/from going down/to.. 1613/3642
Job_33:28...........soul/from going into/the. 1614/3642
Num_32:7..........Israel/from going over/into. 486/3642
Job_2:2.............said/From going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 1532/3642
Job_1:7.............said/From going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 1526/3642
Psa_39:2............even/from good/and....... 1706/3642
Gal_5:4...........fallen/from grace/For...... 3451/3642
Deu_10:7.............and/from Gudgodah/to..... 603/3642
Jos_12:2.............and/from half/Gilead..... 754/3642
Est_8:2............taken/from Haman/and...... 1517/3642
2Ki_17:24............and/from Hamath and from Sepharvaim/and 1277/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Hamath and from the/islands 2026/3642
Num_33:25........removed/from Haradah/and..... 511/3642
Jdg_4:13.............him/from Harosheth/of.... 837/3642
Num_33:30.......departed/from Hashmonah/and... 516/3642
Eze_47:18........measure/from Hauran/and..... 2679/3642
1Sa_15:7......Amalekites/from Havilah until/thou 958/3642
Gen_25:18..........dwelt/from Havilah unto/Shur 85/3642
Rut_1:13............them/from having/husbands. 907/3642
Num_34:10.........border/from Hazarenan/to.... 541/3642
Num_33:18.......departed/from Hazeroth and pitched in Rithmah/And 504/3642
Num_12:16........removed/from Hazeroth and pitched in the/wilderness 410/3642
Isa_33:15...........ears/from hearing of/blood 2095/3642
Pro_28:9.............ear/from hearing the/law 1955/3642
Act_22:6...........shone/from heaven a/great. 3345/3642
Act_26:13..........light/from heaven above/the 3358/3642
Rom_1:18........revealed/from heaven against/all 3376/3642
Neh_9:27............them/from heaven and according/to 1492/3642
Psa_80:14...........down/from heaven and behold and/visit 1781/3642
Isa_63:15...........down/from heaven and behold from/the 2211/3642
Deu_26:15.....habitation/from heaven and bless/thy 663/3642
2Ki_1:14............down/from heaven and burnt/up 1203/3642
Mat_28:2.......descended/from heaven and came/and 3000/3642
2Ki_1:12............down/from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And the/fire 1201/3642
2Ki_1:10............down/from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And there/came 1199/3642
Luk_9:54............down/from heaven and consume them/even 3103/3642 heaven and consumed him and his fifty Again/also 1200/3642
2Ki_1:12............down/from heaven and consumed him and his fifty And/he 1202/3642
2Ch_7:1.............down/from heaven and consumed the/burnt 1366/3642
Luk_17:29......brimstone/from heaven and destroyed/them 3135/3642
2Ch_6:23............thou/from heaven and do/and 1355/3642
2Ch_6:27............thou/from heaven and forgive/the 1358/3642
Act_14:17...........rain/from heaven and fruitful/seasons 3293/3642
Neh_9:13............them/from heaven and gavest/them 1488/3642
Joh_6:33............down/from heaven and giveth/life 3179/3642
Job_1:16..........fallen/from heaven and hath/burned 1529/3642
Act_9:3............light/from heaven And he/fell 3259/3642
Neh_9:28............them/from heaven and many/times 1493/3642
Isa_55:10...........snow/from heaven and returneth/not 2185/3642
Psa_57:3............send/from heaven and save/me 1736/3642
Dan_4:23............down/from heaven and saying/Hew 2714/3642
2Sa_22:14......thundered/from heaven and the most/High 1110/3642
Mat_24:29...........fall/from heaven and the powers/of 2980/3642
Joh_6:41............down/from heaven And they/said 3181/3642
2Ch_6:21............even/from heaven and when/thou 1354/3642
2Ch_7:14............hear/from heaven and will/forgive 1369/3642
1Co_15:47...........Lord/from heaven As is/the 3422/3642
Act_2:2............sound/from heaven as of/a. 3239/3642
Rev_14:2...........voice/from heaven as the/voice 3620/3642
Luk_10:18...........fall/from heaven Behold/I 3105/3642 heaven burning/as 3608/3642 heaven But before/all 3147/3642
Luk_11:16...........sign/from heaven But he/knowing 3111/3642
Joh_6:32...........bread/from heaven but my/Father 3177/3642
1Ch_21:26............him/from heaven by fire/upon 1342/3642
Act_11:5............down/from heaven by four/corners 3270/3642
Rev_10:1............down/from heaven clothed/with 3612/3642
Psa_102:19.....sanctuary/from heaven did/the. 1808/3642
Joh_3:13............down/from heaven even/the 3166/3642
Joh_6:32...........bread/from heaven For the/bread 3178/3642
Neh_9:15...........bread/from heaven for their/hunger 1489/3642
Exo_16:4...........bread/from heaven for you/and 220/3642
Rev_18:1............down/from heaven having great/power 3631/3642
Rev_20:1............down/from heaven having the/key 3635/3642
Mat_16:1............sign/from heaven He answered/and 2957/3642
Psa_33:13........looketh/from heaven he beholdeth/all 1686/3642
Dan_4:13............down/from heaven He cried/aloud 2710/3642
Mat_21:25............say/From heaven he will say unto/us 2974/3642
Luk_20:5.............say/From heaven he will say Why then believed/ye 3145/3642
Mar_11:31............say/From heaven he will say Why then did/ye 3046/3642
Joh_6:51............down/from heaven if any/man 3184/3642 heaven If so/be 3430/3642
Joh_3:31..........cometh/from heaven is/above 3169/3642
Joh_6:42............down/from heaven Jesus/therefore 3182/3642
Joh_1:32......descending/from heaven like/a.. 3163/3642
Lam_3:50..........behold/from heaven Mine/eye 2491/3642
Joh_6:58............down/from heaven not as/your 3185/3642
Joh_6:38............down/from heaven not to/do 3180/3642
Isa_14:12.........fallen/from heaven O/Lucifer 2039/3642
Rev_13:13...........down/from heaven on/the.. 3619/3642 heaven or of men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto/us 2973/3642 heaven or of men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say Why/then 3144/3642 heaven or of men answer/me 3045/3642
Gal_1:8............angel/from heaven preach/any 3445/3642
Rev_18:4...........voice/from heaven saying Come/out 3632/3642
Joh_12:28..........voice/from heaven saying I/have 3206/3642
Dan_4:31...........voice/from heaven saying O/king 2716/3642
Mat_3:17...........voice/from heaven saying This/is 2920/3642
Mar_1:11...........voice/from heaven saying Thou/art 3005/3642
Rev_10:4...........voice/from heaven saying unto me Seal/up 3613/3642
Rev_14:13..........voice/from heaven saying unto me Write/Blessed 3623/3642
Rev_11:12..........voice/from heaven saying unto them/Come 3616/3642
Deu_28:24...........dust/from heaven shall/it. 666/3642
Rev_10:8...........heard/from heaven spake/unto 3614/3642
Luk_22:43............him/from heaven strengthening/him 3150/3642
Mar_8:11............sign/from heaven tempting/him 3036/3642
Joh_6:50............down/from heaven that/a.. 3183/3642
Psa_76:8...........heard/from heaven the earth/feared 1773/3642
Jdg_5:20..........fought/from heaven the stars/in 842/3642
2Ch_6:30............thou/from heaven thy/dwelling 1359/3642
Joh_6:31...........bread/from heaven to/eat.. 3176/3642
Rev_9:1.............fall/from heaven unto the earth and/to 3609/3642
Lam_2:1.............down/from heaven unto the earth the/beauty 2485/3642
Psa_14:2............down/from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and/seek 1636/3642
Psa_53:2............down/from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand that/did 1728/3642
Jos_10:11.........stones/from heaven upon them/unto 737/3642
Gen_8:2.............rain/from heaven was/restrained 25/3642
2Pe_1:18............came/from heaven we/heard 3565/3642
Act_11:9...........again/from heaven What/God 3271/3642
Luk_3:22............came/from heaven which said/Thou 3081/3642
1Pe_1:12............down/from heaven which things/the 3555/3642
1Th_1:10.............Son/from heaven whom/he. 3484/3642
Heb_12:25.......speaketh/from heaven Whose/voice 3542/3642
1Th_4:16.........descend/from heaven with a/shout 3490/3642
2Th_1:7.........revealed/from heaven with his/mighty 3493/3642 heaven Ye shall/not 232/3642
Joh_3:27.............him/from heaven Ye yourselves/bear 3167/3642
Psa_85:11...........down/from heaven Yea/the. 1789/3642
2Sa_5:13............come/from Hebron and/there 1044/3642
Jos_11:21......mountains/from Hebron from/Debir 745/3642
Jos_19:33............was/from Heleph/from..... 793/3642
Pro_15:24.........depart/from hell beneath/The 1927/3642
Pro_23:14...........soul/from hell My/son.... 1946/3642
Psa_22:1.............far/from helping/me..... 1664/3642
Rut_2:8...............go/from hence but/abide. 911/3642
Luk_4:9.............down/from hence For it/is 3083/3642
Deu_9:12.........quickly/from hence for thy/people 595/3642
Joh_18:36............not/from hence Pilate/therefore 3223/3642
Gen_50:25..........bones/from hence So/Joseph. 158/3642
Jer_38:10...........Take/from hence thirty/men 2408/3642
Luk_16:26...........pass/from hence to/you... 3130/3642
Luk_1:48..........behold/from henceforth all/generations 3069/3642
Isa_59:21...........LORD/from henceforth and for ever Arise/shine 2205/3642
Psa_131:3...........LORD/from henceforth and for ever Lord/remember 1868/3642
Mic_4:7.............Zion/from henceforth even for ever And/thou 2838/3642
Psa_125:2.........people/from henceforth even for ever For/the 1864/3642
Isa_9:7..........justice/from henceforth even for ever The/zeal 2013/3642
Heb_10:13............God/From henceforth expecting/till 3536/3642
Act_18:6...........clean/from henceforth I/will 3323/3642
Gal_6:17.............God/From henceforth let/no 3452/3642
Luk_12:52............For/from henceforth there/shall 3117/3642
Luk_5:10.............not/from henceforth thou shalt catch/men 3088/3642
2Ch_16:9.......therefore/from henceforth thou shalt have/wars 1382/3642
Joh_14:7.............and/from henceforth ye/know 3211/3642
Rev_14:13...........Lord/from henceforth Yea/saith 3624/3642
Pro_5:8..............far/from her and come/not 1910/3642 her and covered/her 125/3642
Luk_10:42...........away/from her And it/came 3108/3642
Eze_26:4............dust/from her and make/her 2599/3642
Luk_1:38........departed/from her And Mary/arose 3067/3642
Gen_38:19...........vail/from her and put/on.. 127/3642
Jer_49:19...........away/from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear the/counsel 2456/3642
Jer_50:44...........away/from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear ye/the 2469/3642
Exo_21:22.........depart/from her and yet/no.. 234/3642
Ecc_7:26..........escape/from her but/the.... 1972/3642
Gen_16:6............fled/from her face/And..... 54/3642
Hag_1:10..........stayed/from her fruit/And.. 2872/3642
1Co_7:10..........depart/from her husband But/and 3414/3642
Luk_16:18...........away/from her husband committeth/adultery 3128/3642
2Sa_3:15.............her/from her husband even/from 1035/3642
Lev_21:7............away/from her husband for/he 330/3642
Jer_3:20.......departeth/from her husband so/have 2230/3642
Eze_23:18......alienated/from her like/as.... 2583/3642
Pro_27:8.......wandereth/from her nest/so.... 1952/3642
Jon_1:15..........ceased/from her raging/Then 2813/3642
Gen_24:46........pitcher/from her shoulder/and. 81/3642
Eze_23:18......alienated/from her sister/Yet. 2584/3642
Psa_55:11............not/from her streets/For 1731/3642
Mic_7:5............mouth/from her that/lieth. 2845/3642
2Sa_11:4........purified/from her uncleanness/and 1065/3642
Luk_2:36...........years/from her virginity/And 3078/3642
Jos_13:26............And/from Heshbon/unto.... 765/3642
1Ki_20:36.......departed/from him a lion/found 1191/3642
2Ki_5:19........departed/from him a little/way 1219/3642
2Sa_8:4.............took/from him a thousand chariots and seven hundred/horsemen 1057/3642
1Ch_18:4............took/from him a thousand chariots and seven thousand/horsemen 1329/3642
Luk_11:22.........taketh/from him all/his.... 3112/3642 him And Amnon/said 1078/3642
Jer_3:1...............go/from him and become/another 2227/3642
Lev_4:19.............fat/from him and burn/it. 284/3642
Jon_3:6.............robe/from him and covered/him 2817/3642
1Ki_20:33...........come/from him and did/hastily 1188/3642
Jdg_3:19.............out/from him And Ehud/came 832/3642
Mat_25:28.........talent/from him and give/it 2983/3642
Luk_5:13........departed/from him And he charged/him 3089/3642 him and he hath/sent 3188/3642
Mar_14:35...........pass/from him And he said Abba/Father 3053/3642
1Sa_3:18.........nothing/from him And he said It/is 921/3642
Mar_1:42........departed/from him and he was cleansed/And 3006/3642
Dan_5:20...........glory/from him And he was driven/from 2722/3642
Luk_9:39.......departeth/from him And I/besought 3101/3642
Lev_15:32..........goeth/from him and is/defiled 313/3642
Est_1:19.....commandment/from him and let/it. 1508/3642
1Sa_18:13............him/from him and made/him 984/3642
Mar_15:20.........purple/from him and put his own clothes/on 3057/3642 him and put his own raiment/on 2993/3642
2Ki_3:27........departed/from him and returned/to 1215/3642
1Sa_13:8.......scattered/from him And Saul/said 948/3642
Jdg_16:19...........went/from him And she/said 881/3642
2Ki_4:5.............went/from him and shut/the 1216/3642
2Ki_2:14............fell/from him and smote/the 1210/3642
Num_20:21...........away/from him And the children/of 448/3642
1Sa_19:8............fled/from him And the evil/spirit 985/3642
Jer_2:37...........forth/from him and thine/hands 2226/3642
Dan_5:24............sent/from him and this/writing 2724/3642
1Ki_19:21...........back/from him and took/a. 1187/3642
Zec_3:4.........garments/from him And unto/him 2882/3642
2Ki_2:13............fell/from him and went/back 1209/3642
1Sa_17:24...........fled/from him and were/sore 973/3642
Act_12:10.......departed/from him And when/Peter 3275/3642
Job_34:27...........back/from him and would/not 1618/3642
Psa_109:17...........far/from him As he/clothed 1830/3642
1Ch_17:13...........away/from him as I took it from him/that 1326/3642
2Sa_7:15............away/from him as I took it from Saul/whom 1053/3642
Pro_27:22.........depart/from him Be/thou.... 1954/3642
2Ch_13:19.........cities/from him Bethel/with 1378/3642
Amo_5:11............take/from him burdens/of. 2797/3642
2Ch_35:22...........face/from him but disguised/himself 1433/3642
Est_4:4........sackcloth/from him but he/received 1514/3642
Psa_55:12.........myself/from him But it/was. 1732/3642
Jdg_16:20.......departed/from him But the/Philistines 882/3642
Luk_19:26...........away/from him But those/mine 3141/3642
Psa_22:24...........face/from him but when/he 1674/3642
Psa_62:1.............God/from him cometh/my.. 1746/3642
Luk_4:13........departed/from him for a/season 3084/3642
2Ch_18:31.........depart/from him For it/came 1384/3642
Joh_10:5............flee/from him for they know/not 3197/3642
2Ch_24:25.......departed/from him for they left/him 1401/3642
Act_26:26.........hidden/from him for this/thing 3364/3642
Pro_24:18..........wrath/from him Fret/not... 1947/3642
Lev_5:2...........hidden/from him he also/shall 287/3642 him He only/is. 1748/3642
Pro_19:7.............far/from him he pursueth/them 1934/3642
Exo_22:12.........stolen/from him he shall/make 235/3642
Pro_22:15............far/from him He that/oppresseth 1942/3642
Isa_53:3...........faces/from him he was/despised 2178/3642
1Jn_3:17......compassion/from him how/dwelleth 3586/3642
Hos_14:4............away/from him I/will..... 2770/3642
Gen_26:31.......departed/from him in peace/And. 93/3642
Gen_35:13.............up/from him in the/place 120/3642
Luk_12:58......delivered/from him lest/he.... 3118/3642
Gen_13:14......separated/from him Lift/up...... 48/3642
Psa_89:33...........take/from him nor/suffer. 1796/3642
1Sa_16:23.......departed/from him Now the/Philistines 971/3642
2Sa_14:14.......expelled/from him Now therefore/that 1082/3642
Lev_22:4...........goeth/from him Or/whosoever 333/3642
Luk_9:33........departed/from him Peter/said. 3099/3642
Mat_13:12............not/from him shall be taken away/even 2947/3642
Mar_4:25.............not/from him shall be taken even that which he hath/And 3016/3642
Luk_8:18.............not/from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth/to 3094/3642
2Ki_25:5.......scattered/from him So/they.... 1304/3642
Gal_1:6..........removed/from him that called/you 3444/3642
Luk_19:26............and/from him that hath not even/that 3140/3642
Mat_25:29............but/from him that hath not shall/be 2984/3642 him that he may be/smitten 1068/3642
Job_14:6............Turn/from him that he may rest/till 1563/3642
1Jn_4:21..............we/from him That he who/loveth 3587/3642
2Ch_12:12.........turned/from him that he would/not 1377/3642
Psa_35:10...........poor/from him that is/too 1694/3642 him that puffeth/at 1633/3642
Heb_12:25...........away/from him that speaketh/from 3541/3642
Psa_35:10..........needy/from him that spoileth/him 1695/3642 him that was/before 1327/3642
Mat_5:42.............and/from him that would/borrow 2931/3642
Luk_19:24...........Take/from him the/pound.. 3139/3642
Lev_15:16............out/from him then he/shall 311/3642
Dan_6:18............went/from him Then the king arose/very 2725/3642
Dan_2:1............brake/from him Then the king commanded/to 2704/3642
Jer_52:8.......scattered/from him Then they/took 2479/3642
Isa_5:23.......righteous/from him Therefore/as 2005/3642
Gen_8:8.............dove/from him to/see....... 28/3642
1Sa_17:30.........turned/from him toward/another 975/3642
Jdg_19:2............away/from him unto/her.... 893/3642
Lev_5:4..............hid/from him when he knoweth of it then he shall be guilty in/one 289/3642
Lev_5:3..............hid/from him when he knoweth of it then he shall be guilty Or/if 288/3642
Rev_1:4............peace/from him which is/and 3596/3642
Act_22:29.......departed/from him which should/have 3347/3642
Pro_14:14......satisfied/from himself/The.... 1924/3642
Act_22:30............him/from his bands/and.. 3348/3642
Joh_9:1............blind/from his birth/And.. 3194/3642
Act_19:12...........that/from his body/were.. 3327/3642
Dan_4:14...........fowls/from his branches/Nevertheless 2712/3642
Jdg_11:3............fled/from his brethren and dwelt/in 862/3642
Gen_38:1............down/from his brethren and turned/in 124/3642
Gen_49:26.......separate/from his brethren Benjamin/shall 156/3642
Deu_33:16......separated/from his brethren His/glory 693/3642
Psa_104:13.........hills/from his chambers/the 1813/3642
2Ki_5:26...........again/from his chariot/to. 1223/3642
Eze_25:9..........cities/from his cities/which 2596/3642
2Sa_15:12.....counsellor/from his city/even.. 1087/3642
Deu_33:7.............him/from his enemies/And. 692/3642 his evil way and amend/your 2393/3642 his evil way and from the evil/of 2335/3642 his evil way and from the violence/that 2818/3642 his evil way and make/your 2306/3642
1Ki_13:33............not/from his evil way but/made 1174/3642 his evil way for/great 2400/3642 his evil way that I may forgive/their 2397/3642 his evil way that I may repent/me 2344/3642
Psa_62:4............down/from his excellency/they 1747/3642
Act_9:18............fell/from his eyes/as.... 3262/3642
1Ki_20:41...........away/from his face/and... 1192/3642
Jon_3:9.............away/from his fierce/anger 2820/3642
Job_6:14..........shewed/from his friend/but. 1553/3642
Jon_4:6..............him/from his grief/So... 2823/3642
Est_3:10............ring/from his hand and gave/it 1513/3642 his hand And I/will 2426/3642
Gen_41:42...........ring/from his hand and put/it 133/3642 his hand that/all 2104/3642 his hands/And.. 3274/3642
Lev_13:12.........plague/from his head/even... 305/3642
Jer_25:30..........voice/from his holy habitation/he 2339/3642
Psa_20:6.............him/from his holy heaven/with 1661/3642
Mic_1:2.............LORD/from his holy temple/For 2824/3642
Ezr_6:11............down/from his house and being/set 1449/3642 his house and from/his 1477/3642
Pro_17:13.........depart/from his house The/beginning 1932/3642 his hunting/And.. 96/3642 his iniquities/And 3247/3642
Lev_15:3.........stopped/from his issue/it.... 310/3642
2Ch_1:13............came/from his journey/to. 1349/3642
Dan_5:20.........deposed/from his kingly/throne 2721/3642
Neh_5:13.............and/from his labour/that 1478/3642
Heb_4:10.............did/from his Let/us..... 3526/3642
Eze_8:2..............and/from his loins/even. 2518/3642
1Ki_11:23...........fled/from his lord/Hadadezer 1163/3642 his master Shall/I 1002/3642
Deu_23:15........escaped/from his master unto/thee 657/3642 his master Wherefore/is 1541/3642
Luk_1:15............even/from his mother's womb And/many 3065/3642
Act_3:2.............lame/from his mother's womb was/carried 3242/3642
Act_14:8.........cripple/from his mother's womb who/never 3291/3642 his mouth/and.. 1581/3642
Lev_5:8.............head/from his neck/but.... 291/3642
Pro_19:4.......separated/from his neighbour A/false 1933/3642 his neighbour Behold/I 2331/3642
2Pe_1:9...........purged/from his old/sins... 3562/3642 his own place/Eliphaz 1536/3642
Heb_4:10..........ceased/from his own works/as 3525/3642 his people And the LORD said/unto 256/3642 his people And the LORD spake unto Moses saying See/I 257/3642 his people And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying He/that 295/3642 his people And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying Ye/shall 293/3642 his people he/hath 56/3642 his people Moreover the/soul 292/3642 his people Moreover ye/shall 294/3642 his people neither/let 2188/3642
Exo_8:31.............and/from his people there/remained 186/3642
Exo_8:29.............and/from his people to/morrow 182/3642 his place even/all 2869/3642
Exo_10:23............any/from his place for/three 194/3642
Eze_3:12............LORD/from his place I/heard 2502/3642
Pro_27:8.......wandereth/from his place Ointment/and 1953/3642
Isa_46:7........standeth/from his place shall/he 2142/3642
Job_8:18.............him/from his place then/it 1557/3642
Jer_4:7............forth/from his place to/make 2237/3642 his possession/After 2672/3642
Rev_15:8.............and/from his power/and.. 3628/3642
2Ki_5:27.............out/from his presence a/leper 1224/3642
2Ki_13:23...........them/from his presence as/yet 1246/3642
2Ki_24:20............out/from his presence that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar/king 1303/3642
Jer_52:3.............out/from his presence that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar/king 2478/3642 his purpose/and 1609/3642
Isa_56:11...........gain/from his quarter/Come 2190/3642
Mal_3:5.........stranger/from his right and/fear 2908/3642
Deu_33:2..........saints/from his right hand/went 691/3642
Jdg_3:21..........dagger/from his right thigh/and 834/3642
Eze_3:20............turn/from his righteousness and commit/iniquity 2507/3642
Eze_18:26...........away/from his righteousness and committeth iniquity and dieth/in 2565/3642
Eze_18:24...........away/from his righteousness and committeth iniquity and doeth/according 2564/3642
Eze_33:18........turneth/from his righteousness and committeth iniquity he/shall 2626/3642
Exo_8:31.........Pharaoh/from his servants and from his people there/remained 185/3642
Exo_8:29.........Pharaoh/from his servants and from his people to/morrow 181/3642
Eze_31:12...........down/from his shadow/and. 2615/3642
1Sa_10:23.........people/from his shoulders and upward And/Samuel 944/3642
1Sa_9:2...............he/from his shoulders and upward he/was 938/3642
Eze_33:14...........turn/from his sin/and.... 2625/3642
Jer_4:7...............up/from his thicket/and 2236/3642
Jon_3:6............arose/from his throne/and. 2816/3642
Lev_14:19.......cleansed/from his uncleanness/and 309/3642
Eze_33:11...........turn/from his way and/live 2622/3642
Eze_33:9............turn/from his way he/shall 2621/3642
Eze_33:8..........wicked/from his way that/wicked 2619/3642
Eze_18:23.........return/from his ways/and... 2563/3642
Eze_13:22.........return/from his wicked way by/promising 2542/3642
Eze_3:19.............nor/from his wicked way he/shall 2506/3642
Eze_3:18..........wicked/from his wicked way to/save 2504/3642
Eze_33:19...........turn/from his wickedness and/do 2627/3642
Eze_33:12........turneth/from his wickedness neither/shall 2624/3642
Eze_3:19.............not/from his wickedness nor/from 2505/3642
Eze_18:27...........away/from his wickedness that/he 2566/3642
Jer_23:14.........return/from his wickedness they/are 2327/3642
Gen_9:24...........awoke/from his wine/and..... 34/3642 his work out/of. 894/3642 his work which/they 271/3642
1Sa_17:33............war/from his youth And David/said 976/3642
Jer_48:11...........ease/from his youth and he/hath 2440/3642
Gen_8:21............evil/from his youth neither/will 32/3642
Isa_33:15..........hands/from holding/of..... 2094/3642
Num_24:11...........back/from honour/And...... 473/3642
Deu_1:2..........journey/from Horeb by/the.... 553/3642
Deu_1:19........departed/from Horeb we/went... 554/3642
Num_33:33...........went/from Horhagidgad/and. 519/3642 Horonaim/spoiling 2438/3642
Luk_10:7.............not/from house to house And into/whatsoever 3104/3642
1Ti_5:13...........about/from house to house and not/only 3505/3642
Act_2:46...........bread/from house to house did/eat 3241/3642
Act_20:20............and/from house to house Testifying/both 3334/3642
1Sa_25:34...........back/from hurting/thee... 1007/3642
1Co_10:14...........flee/from idolatry/I..... 3417/3642
1Jn_5:21......yourselves/from idols Amen/The. 3588/3642
1Th_1:9..............God/from idols to/serve. 3483/3642
Mar_3:8..............and/from Idumaea/and.... 3013/3642
Num_33:45.......departed/from Iim/and......... 528/3642
Est_1:1..........reigned/from India even/unto 1506/3642
Est_8:9..............are/from India unto/Ethiopia 1518/3642
Num_5:31.......guiltless/from iniquity and/this 387/3642
2Ti_2:19..........depart/from iniquity But/in 3512/3642
Mal_2:6.............away/from iniquity For/the 2907/3642
Eze_18:8............hand/from iniquity hath/executed 2560/3642
Job_36:10.........return/from iniquity If/they 1622/3642
Gen_25:6............away/from Isaac/his........ 84/3642
Jer_41:16......recovered/from Ishmael/the.... 2420/3642
Neh_13:3.......separated/from Israel all/the. 1502/3642
Deu_17:12...........evil/from Israel And all/the 632/3642 Israel And in/the 201/3642
Num_25:4............away/from Israel And Moses/said 475/3642
1Sa_4:21........departed/from Israel because the ark/of 925/3642 Israel because the water/of 443/3642
Jdg_20:13...........evil/from Israel But/the.. 899/3642
1Sa_4:22........departed/from Israel for the/ark 926/3642
1Sa_17:26.......reproach/from Israel for who/is 974/3642 Israel head/and 2014/3642
Deu_22:22...........evil/from Israel If/a..... 652/3642
2Sa_24:25.........stayed/from Israel Now/king 1127/3642
Deu_19:13..........blood/from Israel that/it.. 642/3642 Israel this/day. 902/3642
Hos_8:6..............For/from Israel was/it.. 2753/3642
1Sa_7:14...........taken/from Israel were/restored 935/3642 it all/the...... 281/3642
Ecc_3:14...........taken/from it and God/doeth 1969/3642
Eze_25:13..........beast/from it and I/will.. 2597/3642
Pro_4:15............turn/from it and pass/away 1904/3642
Exo_25:15..........taken/from it And thou/shalt 244/3642
1Ki_22:43..........aside/from it doing that which was right in the eyes/of 1196/3642
2Ch_20:32............not/from it doing that which was right in the sight/of 1390/3642 it him/that.... 2633/3642
Eze_33:9............turn/from it if he/do.... 2620/3642
Deu_12:32.......diminish/from it If there/arise 614/3642
Hos_10:5........departed/from it It/shall.... 2759/3642 it man and beast Though/Noah 2552/3642 it man and beast Yet/behold 2553/3642
Psa_132:11..........turn/from it Of/the...... 1869/3642
Deu_4:2............ought/from it that/ye...... 571/3642
Num_18:32.........heaved/from it the best/of.. 442/3642
Pro_22:6..........depart/from it The rich/ruleth 1941/3642
Jer_4:28............back/from it The whole/city 2244/3642
Num_18:30........thereof/from it then/it...... 441/3642
Eze_14:13..........beast/from it Though these three men Noah/Daniel 2550/3642
Eze_14:17..........beast/from it Though these three men were/in 2551/3642
Jos_1:7..............not/from it to/the....... 698/3642
Act_18:2............come/from Italy/with..... 3320/3642 Jabeshgilead/to. 903/3642
Rom_11:26....ungodliness/from Jacob/For...... 3405/3642
Gal_2:12............came/from James/he....... 3447/3642
Jos_16:7............down/from Janohah/to...... 781/3642
Mat_20:29.......departed/from Jericho a/great 2971/3642
Jos_16:1..............up/from Jericho throughout/mount 779/3642 Jericho to/Ai... 715/3642 Jeroboam/him... 1178/3642 Jerusalem a/sabbath 3235/3642
Luk_24:13............was/from Jerusalem about/threescore 3157/3642
Mar_3:8..............And/from Jerusalem and from Idumaea/and 3012/3642
Mat_4:25.............and/from Jerusalem and from Judaea/and 2925/3642
Isa_3:1.............away/from Jerusalem and from Judah/the 1999/3642
Jer_24:1..........smiths/from Jerusalem and had/brought 2332/3642
Mic_4:2.............LORD/from Jerusalem And he shall judge among many/people 2837/3642
Isa_2:3.............LORD/from Jerusalem And he shall judge among the/nations 1996/3642
Rom_15:19...........that/from Jerusalem and round/about 3406/3642 Jerusalem and the battle/bow 2893/3642
Amo_1:2............voice/from Jerusalem and the habitations/of 2783/3642
Joe_3:16...........voice/from Jerusalem and the heavens/and 2780/3642
2Ki_12:18...........away/from Jerusalem And the rest/of 1241/3642
Mar_7:1.............came/from Jerusalem And when/they 3023/3642
Act_1:4...........depart/from Jerusalem but/wait 3232/3642
Jer_29:2........departed/from Jerusalem By/the 2358/3642
Jer_52:29........captive/from Jerusalem eight/hundred 2480/3642
Jer_37:11.............up/from Jerusalem for/fear 2406/3642
Zec_14:8.............out/from Jerusalem half/of 2899/3642
Act_28:17.......prisoner/from Jerusalem into/the 3371/3642
Mar_3:22............down/from Jerusalem said/He 3015/3642
Act_25:7............down/from Jerusalem stood/round 3353/3642
Jer_37:5........departed/from Jerusalem Then/came 2404/3642
Joh_1:19.........Levites/from Jerusalem to ask/him 3162/3642
Jer_29:1.........captive/from Jerusalem to Babylon After/that 2357/3642
2Ki_24:15......captivity/from Jerusalem to Babylon And all the men/of 1302/3642
Jer_27:20..........Judah/from Jerusalem to Babylon and all the nobles/of 2349/3642
Jer_29:20...........sent/from Jerusalem to Babylon Thus/saith 2362/3642
1Ki_2:41............gone/from Jerusalem to Gath/and 1136/3642
Luk_10:30...........down/from Jerusalem to Jericho/and 3107/3642
Act_11:27.......prophets/from Jerusalem unto Antioch/And 3273/3642
Jer_29:4............away/from Jerusalem unto Babylon/Build 2359/3642
Act_8:26............down/from Jerusalem unto Gaza/which 3257/3642
Jer_29:1............sent/from Jerusalem unto the/residue 2356/3642
Act_12:25.......returned/from Jerusalem when/they 3278/3642
Est_2:6.............away/from Jerusalem with/the 1509/3642
Rev_1:5..............And/from Jesus/Christ... 3598/3642
Jer_41:15........escaped/from Johanan/with... 2419/3642
Act_10:23.......brethren/from Joppa/accompanied 3266/3642
Jos_18:12............was/from Jordan and the/border 785/3642
Luk_4:1.........returned/from Jordan and was/led 3082/3642
Jos_16:1............fell/from Jordan by/Jericho 778/3642
2Ki_10:33.........Israel/From Jordan eastward/all 1235/3642
2Sa_20:2............king/from Jordan even/to. 1099/3642
Jos_23:4..........tribes/from Jordan with/all. 808/3642
Num_33:34........removed/from Jotbathah/and... 520/3642
Act_21:10...........down/from Judaea a/certain 3339/3642
Mat_4:25.............and/from Judaea and from beyond/Jordan 2926/3642
Mar_3:7..............and/from Judaea And from Jerusalem/and 3011/3642
Act_15:1............down/from Judaea taught/the 3296/3642
Act_12:19...........down/from Judaea to/Caesarea 3277/3642
1Ki_13:14.........camest/from Judah And he said I/am 1171/3642
1Ki_13:12...........came/from Judah And he said unto/his 1170/3642
2Ki_23:17...........came/from Judah and proclaimed/these 1297/3642
Isa_7:17........departed/from Judah even/the. 2010/3642
Gen_49:10.........depart/from Judah nor/a..... 153/3642
1Ki_13:21...........came/from Judah saying/Thus 1172/3642
Isa_3:1..............and/from Judah the/stay. 2000/3642
Isa_10:2...........needy/from judgment and to/take 2015/3642
Isa_53:8.............and/from judgment and who/shall 2180/3642
Act_19:35...........down/from Jupiter/Seeing. 3329/3642
Num_20:22......journeyed/from Kadesh and came/unto 449/3642
Num_33:37........removed/from Kadesh and pitched/in 523/3642
Num_20:14.....messengers/from Kadesh unto/the. 447/3642
Jos_10:41...........them/from Kadeshbarnea even/unto 742/3642 Kadeshbarnea saying/Go 598/3642 Kadeshbarnea to espy/out 768/3642
Num_32:8............them/from Kadeshbarnea to see/the 487/3642
Deu_2:14............came/from Kadeshbarnea until/we 559/3642
Num_33:23...........went/from Kehelathah/and.. 509/3642
1Sa_23:13........escaped/from Keilah/and...... 997/3642
Num_33:17.......departed/from Kibrothhattaavah and/encamped 503/3642
Num_11:35......journeyed/from Kibrothhattaavah unto/Hazeroth 406/3642
Amo_9:7..........Syrians/from Kir/Behold..... 2807/3642
1Ch_13:5.............God/from Kirjathjearim And/David 1314/3642
2Ch_1:4...............up/from Kirjathjearim to/the 1348/3642
1Ki_8:54............LORD/from kneeling/on.... 1153/3642
Isa_37:8........departed/from Lachish And he/heard 2102/3642
2Ki_19:8........departed/from Lachish And when/he 1288/3642
Jos_10:34............And/from Lachish Joshua/passed 740/3642
Isa_36:2.......Rabshakeh/from Lachish to Jerusalem/unto 2101/3642
2Ki_18:17......Rabshakeh/from Lachish to king/Hezekiah 1287/3642
Joh_21:8.............far/from land/but....... 3230/3642
Col_4:16.........epistle/from Laodicea/And... 3480/3642
Son_4:15.........streams/from Lebanon Awake/O 1987/3642 Lebanon look/from 1982/3642 Lebanon my/spouse 1981/3642
Eze_27:5..........cedars/from Lebanon to make/masts 2602/3642
Ezr_3:7............trees/from Lebanon to the/sea 1442/3642 Lebanon unto Misrephothmaim/and 761/3642
1Ki_5:9.............down/from Lebanon unto the/sea 1144/3642
Jos_10:31.........passed/from Libnah and all/Israel 739/3642
Num_33:21........removed/from Libnah and pitched/at 507/3642
Job_18:18.........driven/from light/into..... 1568/3642
2Sa_9:5...........Ammiel/from Lodebar/Now.... 1061/3642
Jdg_9:35.............him/from lying in/wait... 854/3642
Psa_120:2...........LORD/from lying lips/and. 1858/3642
Php_4:15........departed/from Macedonia no/church 3469/3642
Act_18:5............come/from Macedonia Paul/was 3322/3642
2Co_11:9............came/from Macedonia supplied/and 3436/3642
Jos_13:30............was/from Mahanaim all/Bashan 767/3642
2Sa_2:12.............out/from Mahanaim to/Gibeon 1026/3642
Jos_13:26............and/from Mahanaim unto/the 766/3642
Num_33:26........removed/from Makheloth/and... 512/3642
Jos_10:29.........passed/from Makkedah/and.... 738/3642
Joh_5:34.......testimony/from man but/these.. 3172/3642
Job_33:17..........pride/from man He/keepeth. 1610/3642
Gen_2:22...........taken/from man made/he...... 10/3642 man whose/breath 1998/3642
Dan_4:16.........changed/from man's/and...... 2713/3642
Num_33:9.........removed/from Marah/and....... 496/3642
Num_21:19............And/from Mattanah/to..... 458/3642
1Ki_20:36.......departed/from me a/lion...... 1190/3642
Eze_44:10...........away/from me after/their. 2666/3642
Psa_6:8...........Depart/from me all ye workers of iniquity for/the 1629/3642
Luk_13:27.........depart/from me all ye workers of iniquity There/shall 3122/3642
Gen_22:12............son/from me And Abraham/lifted 71/3642
Jos_7:19.............not/from me And Achan/answered 720/3642
1Sa_28:15.......departed/from me and answereth/me 1013/3642
2Ch_16:3..........depart/from me And Benhadad/hearkened 1381/3642
2Sa_13:17............out/from me and bolt/the 1080/3642
Gen_31:27...........away/from me and didst/not 111/3642
Exo_8:8............frogs/from me and from my/people 171/3642
1Ki_2:31............shed/from me and from the/house 1132/3642 me and hath/not 1217/3642
Jer_2:5..............far/from me and have/walked 2222/3642
2Co_12:8..........depart/from me And he/said. 3439/3642
Gen_44:28............out/from me and I said/Surely 140/3642
Jdg_16:17.............go/from me and I shall/become 880/3642
Eze_43:9.............far/from me and I will dwell/in 2661/3642
Isa_51:4.........proceed/from me and I will make/my 2173/3642
Job_9:34............away/from me and let not his/fear 1558/3642
Job_13:21............far/from me and let not thy/dread 1562/3642
Job_19:13............far/from me and mine acquaintance are/verily 1570/3642
Psa_88:18............far/from me and mine acquaintance into/darkness 1795/3642
Gen_44:29...........also/from me and mischief/befall 141/3642
Eze_14:7.........himself/from me and setteth/up 2546/3642
Job_30:10............far/from me and spare/not 1600/3642
1Sa_13:11......scattered/from me and that/thou 949/3642
Isa_29:13............far/from me and their/fear 2083/3642
Gen_45:1.............out/from me And there/stood 142/3642 me And they/went 1077/3642
Eze_6:9.........departed/from me and with/their 2512/3642
Isa_38:12........removed/from me as/a........ 2106/3642
Jer_2:35............turn/from me Behold/I.... 2225/3642 me but I/lay... 3198/3642
Dan_2:8.............gone/from me But if/ye... 2706/3642
Mat_15:8.............far/from me But in/vain. 2952/3642
Gen_39:9...........thing/from me but thee/because 130/3642
Hos_7:13............fled/from me destruction/unto 2752/3642
Mat_26:42...........away/from me except/I.... 2991/3642
Luk_5:8...........Depart/from me for I/am.... 3087/3642 me for it/is... 2822/3642
Hos_5:3..............hid/from me for now/O... 2749/3642
1Sa_2:30.............far/from me for them/that 917/3642
Son_6:5.............eyes/from me for they/have 1989/3642
Psa_22:11............far/from me for trouble/is 1668/3642
Psa_66:20..........mercy/from me God be/merciful 1752/3642
1Sa_3:17.............not/from me God do/so.... 919/3642
Psa_13:1............face/from me How long/shall 1635/3642
Job_21:16............far/from me How oft/is.. 1576/3642
Mar_7:6..............far/from me Howbeit/in.. 3025/3642
Psa_88:14...........face/from me I am afflicted/and 1793/3642
Psa_39:10...........away/from me I am consumed/by 1708/3642
Psa_31:11...........fled/from me I am forgotten/as 1679/3642
Son_5:7.............veil/from me I charge/you 1988/3642
2Sa_14:18............not/from me I pray/thee. 1083/3642
Psa_18:22.......statutes/from me I was/also.. 1650/3642
Psa_101:4.........depart/from me I will not/know 1804/3642
Isa_22:4............away/from me I will weep/bitterly 2063/3642
Gen_13:9............thee/from me if thou/wilt.. 46/3642
Dan_2:5.............gone/from me if ye/will.. 2705/3642
Eze_30:9...........forth/from me in ships/to. 2614/3642
Psa_102:2...........face/from me in the/day.. 1806/3642
Hos_14:8............tree/From me is/thy...... 2771/3642
1Sa_20:2...........thing/from me it/is........ 988/3642
Psa_143:7...........face/from me lest/I...... 1884/3642
1Sa_22:15............far/from me let/not...... 996/3642
Psa_38:21............far/from me Make/haste.. 1705/3642
Lam_1:16.............far/from me my children/are 2484/3642
Job_19:13......estranged/from me My kinsfolk/have 1571/3642
Psa_38:10...........gone/from me My lovers/and 1703/3642
Job_27:5.......integrity/from me My righteousness/I 1592/3642
Psa_119:19..commandments/from me My soul/breaketh 1842/3642
Eze_14:11.........astray/from me neither/be.. 2549/3642
Mat_26:39...........pass/from me nevertheless not as/I 2990/3642
Luk_22:42............cup/from me nevertheless not my/will 3149/3642
Mar_14:36............cup/from me nevertheless not what/I 3054/3642
Job_7:19..........depart/from me nor/let..... 1556/3642
Psa_40:11........mercies/from me O LORD let/thy 1710/3642
Psa_22:19............far/from me O LORD O/my. 1669/3642
2Sa_23:17............far/from me O LORD that/I 1121/3642
Psa_71:12............far/from me O my/God.... 1762/3642
1Sa_3:17...........thing/from me of all/the... 920/3642
2Ti_1:15............away/from me of whom/are. 3510/3642
Psa_27:9.............far/from me put/not..... 1677/3642
Neh_13:28............him/from me Remember/them 1504/3642
Psa_119:22........Remove/from me reproach/and 1844/3642
Psa_51:11.........spirit/from me Restore/unto 1726/3642
Jer_13:25.......measures/from me saith/the... 2281/3642
Jer_17:13.........depart/from me shall be/written 2296/3642
Jer_51:53............yet/from me shall spoilers/come 2474/3642
1Ki_15:19.........depart/from me So/Benhadad. 1181/3642
Psa_35:22............far/from me Stir/up..... 1698/3642
Jer_3:19............away/from me Surely as/a. 2229/3642
Num_22:33.........turned/from me surely now/also 466/3642
Ezr_4:21...........given/from me Take heed now/that 1447/3642
Exo_10:28...........thee/from me take heed to/thyself 195/3642 me that I/should 1100/3642
Num_17:10.....murmurings/from me that they/die 436/3642
Ecc_7:23.............far/from me That which is/far 1971/3642
2Ki_18:14.........return/from me that which thou/puttest 1284/3642
Num_17:5...........cease/from me the murmurings/of 434/3642
Amo_5:23............away/from me the noise/of 2800/3642
Job_22:18............far/from me The righteous/see 1580/3642
Luk_16:3............away/from me the stewardship/I 3127/3642
Psa_119:29........Remove/from me the way/of.. 1845/3642
Eze_11:24.............up/from me Then I/spake 2535/3642
Jer_38:14........nothing/from me Then Jeremiah/said 2409/3642
Psa_139:19........depart/from me therefore/ye 1877/3642
Num_22:33.........turned/from me these/three.. 465/3642 me They hearkened/therefore 1166/3642
Eze_44:15.........astray/from me they shall/come 2667/3642
Exo_10:17...........away/from me this/death... 192/3642
Psa_88:8.............far/from me thou/hast... 1792/3642
Hos_11:7.....backsliding/from me though/they. 2762/3642
Eze_14:5.......estranged/from me through/their 2543/3642
1Sa_10:2........departed/from me to day/then.. 940/3642
Job_6:13...........quite/from me To him/that. 1552/3642
1Ki_22:24...........LORD/from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see in/that 1194/3642
2Ch_18:23...........LORD/from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see on/that 1383/3642 me turning/away 2828/3642
Pro_30:8.............far/from me vanity/and.. 1958/3642
Eze_33:7............them/from me When I say unto the wicked O/wicked 2618/3642
Eze_3:17.........warning/from me When I say unto the wicked Thou/shalt 2503/3642
Eze_44:10............far/from me when Israel/went 2665/3642
Gen_31:31......daughters/from me With/whomsoever 112/3642
Mat_25:41.........Depart/from me ye cursed/into 2988/3642
Psa_119:115.......Depart/from me ye evildoers/for 1851/3642
Mat_7:23..........depart/from me ye that/work 2933/3642
Jer_32:40.........depart/from me Yea/I....... 2384/3642
Act_15:29........abstain/from meats offered/to 3304/3642
1Ti_4:3..........abstain/from meats which/God 3504/3642
2Ch_35:21...........thee/from meddling/with.. 1432/3642
2Ki_23:30...........dead/from Megiddo/and.... 1300/3642
Dan_4:33..........driven/from men and did/eat 2719/3642
Dan_4:25............thee/from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field and/they 2715/3642
Dan_4:32............thee/from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they/shall 2718/3642
Job_28:4............away/from men As/for..... 1594/3642
Joh_5:41..........honour/from men But/I...... 3173/3642
Psa_17:14...........LORD/from men of/the..... 1644/3642
Psa_17:14..........sword/From men which/are.. 1643/3642
Gen_10:30............was/from Mesha/as......... 36/3642 Michmash/to..... 953/3642
Act_20:17............And/from Miletus/he..... 3332/3642
2Sa_5:9............about/from Millo and/inward 1043/3642
1Ch_11:8............even/from Millo round/about 1311/3642 mine altar shall/be 918/3642
Exo_21:14............him/from mine altar that/he 233/3642
Psa_143:9...........LORD/from mine enemies I/flee 1885/3642 mine enemies O/my 1739/3642
Psa_18:3...........saved/from mine enemies The/sorrows 1645/3642
2Sa_22:49..........forth/from mine enemies thou/also 1118/3642
2Sa_22:4...........saved/from mine enemies When/the 1109/3642 mine enemies yea/thou 1653/3642
Jer_16:17............hid/from mine eyes And/first 2290/3642
Isa_65:16............hid/from mine eyes For/behold 2217/3642
Hos_13:14............hid/from mine eyes Though/he 2768/3642
Gen_31:40.......departed/from mine eyes Thus/have 113/3642
Job_3:10..........sorrow/from mine eyes Why/died 1538/3642
Psa_51:2.......throughly/from mine iniquity and/cleanse 1722/3642 mine iniquity If/I 1559/3642
Psa_18:23.........myself/from mine iniquity Therefore hath/the 1651/3642
2Sa_22:24.........myself/from mine iniquity Therefore the/LORD 1116/3642
Mal_3:7.............away/from mine ordinances/and 2910/3642
Num_33:29...........went/from Mithcah/and..... 515/3642
Jer_41:16......Nethaniah/from Mizpah after/that 2421/3642
Jer_41:14........captive/from Mizpah cast/about 2418/3642
Jer_41:6...........forth/from Mizpah to/meet. 2417/3642
Jdg_11:29............and/from Mizpeh/of....... 869/3642
1Ch_18:11............and/from Moab/and....... 1334/3642
Est_3:7..............and/from month/to....... 1511/3642
1Ki_18:26...........Baal/from morning even/until 1185/3642
Act_28:23.......prophets/from morning till/evening 3372/3642
Job_4:20.......destroyed/from morning to/evening 1544/3642
Exo_18:14...........thee/from morning unto/even 229/3642
Num_33:31.......departed/from Moseroth/and.... 517/3642
Jdg_3:3..........Lebanon/from mount Baalhermon/unto 830/3642
2Ch_15:8...........taken/from mount Ephraim and/renewed 1379/3642
Jer_4:15......affliction/from mount Ephraim Make/ye 2242/3642 mount Ephraim two/young 1221/3642
Jdg_7:3............early/from mount Gilead And/there 848/3642
Son_4:1...........appear/from mount Gilead Thy/teeth 1979/3642
Num_33:41.......departed/from mount Hor and/pitched 524/3642
Num_21:4.......journeyed/from mount Hor by/the 451/3642
Num_34:8.............Hor/From mount Hor ye/shall 540/3642
Deu_33:2...........forth/from mount Paran and/he 690/3642
Hab_3:3..............One/from mount Paran Selah/His 2860/3642
Num_33:24........removed/from mount Shapher/and 510/3642
Exo_34:29...........down/from mount Sinai/with 267/3642
Jdg_4:14............down/from mount Tabor/and. 838/3642
Jer_50:6............gone/from mountain to hill/they 2460/3642
Mic_7:12.............and/from mountain to mountain/Notwithstanding 2850/3642
Est_9:22.............and/from mourning/into.. 1523/3642 my childhood/unto 945/3642 my deadly/enemies 1641/3642
Jer_16:17............hid/from my face neither/is 2289/3642
Job_23:17.......darkness/from my face Why/seeing 1585/3642 my Father/for.. 3199/3642 my father's house and/from 75/3642
Gen_20:13.........wander/from my father's house that/I 70/3642
2Ti_1:3............serve/from my forefathers/with 3509/3642
Rev_3:12..........heaven/from my God and/I... 3602/3642
2Sa_22:22.......departed/from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 1114/3642
Psa_18:21.......departed/from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 1649/3642
Isa_40:27...........over/from my God Hast/thou 2117/3642
Jdg_17:3............LORD/from my hand/for..... 884/3642 my head/He..... 1569/3642
Ezr_9:5...............up/from my heaviness/and 1457/3642
1Sa_20:15.......kindness/from my house/for.... 990/3642
Job_23:7............ever/from my judge/Behold 1583/3642 my lord/how..... 146/3642
Psa_22:10............God/from my mother's belly/Be 1667/3642 my mother's womb and/called 3446/3642
Jdg_16:17............God/from my mother's womb if I be/shaven 879/3642
Job_31:18............her/from my mother's womb If I have/seen 1605/3642
Jer_36:6.........written/from my mouth/the... 2399/3642
Gen_24:41..........clear/from my oath/And...... 80/3642
Exo_8:8..............and/from my people and/I. 172/3642
Eze_45:9.......exactions/from my people saith/the 2671/3642 my persecutors/for 1883/3642 my presence/I... 332/3642
Eze_22:26...........eyes/from my sabbaths/and 2580/3642 my sanctuary/but 2519/3642
Job_31:22...........fall/from my shoulder/blade 1606/3642
Amo_9:3..............hid/from my sight/in.... 2805/3642
Pro_20:9............pure/from my sin Divers/weights 1938/3642 my sin For/I... 1723/3642
Job_35:3........cleansed/from my sin I/will.. 1619/3642
Psa_51:9............face/from my sins/and.... 1724/3642
Psa_38:11..........aloof/from my sore/and.... 1704/3642 my strong enemy and from them that/hated 1112/3642 my strong enemy and from them which/hated 1647/3642
Psa_55:1.........thyself/from my supplication/Attend 1729/3642 my youth and hitherto/have 1763/3642
Zec_13:5..........cattle/from my youth And one/shall 2896/3642 my youth By/thee 1760/3642
Job_31:18............For/from my youth he/was 1604/3642 my youth may/Israel 1865/3642
Mar_10:20.......observed/from my youth Then/Jesus 3042/3642
Eze_4:14.............for/from my youth up even/till 2511/3642
Luk_18:21...........kept/from my youth up Now/when 3136/3642
Mat_19:20...........kept/from my youth up what/lack 2969/3642
Psa_88:15............die/from my youth up while/I 1794/3642
1Ki_18:12...........LORD/from my youth Was/it 1184/3642 my youth which/was 3354/3642 my youth yet/they 1866/3642
Num_21:19............and/from Nahaliel/to..... 459/3642
1Sa_20:1............fled/from Naioth/in....... 987/3642
Jer_25:32..........forth/from nation to nation and a/great 2340/3642
1Ch_16:20...........went/from nation to nation and from/one 1317/3642
Mar_1:9.............came/from Nazareth/of.... 3004/3642
Num_21:11......journeyed/from Oboth and pitched at/Ijeabarim 453/3642
Num_33:44.......departed/from Oboth and pitched in/Ijeabarim 527/3642
Mic_5:2.............been/from of/old......... 2840/3642
Isa_25:8...........tears/from off all faces/and 2075/3642
Isa_25:8............away/from off all the/earth 2076/3642
Deu_21:13......captivity/from off her and/shall 646/3642
Jdg_1:14.........lighted/from off her ass/and. 822/3642
Jdg_16:12...........them/from off his arms/like 878/3642
2Sa_11:2...........arose/from off his bed/and 1063/3642
Deu_25:9............shoe/from off his foot/and 659/3642
Jdg_15:14.........loosed/from off his hands/And 877/3642
1Ch_20:2............king/from off his head and/found 1339/3642 off his head the/weight 1075/3642
Isa_6:6............tongs/from off the altar And he/laid 2008/3642
Num_16:46........therein/from off the altar and put/on 432/3642 off the altar before/the 314/3642
Jdg_13:20.........heaven/from off the altar that/the 875/3642
2Ki_16:17............sea/from off the brasen/oxen 1265/3642
Gen_8:7...............up/from off the earth Also/he 27/3642
Gen_8:11..........abated/from off the earth And he/stayed 30/3642
Gen_8:13..............up/from off the earth and Noah/removed 31/3642
Pro_30:14...........poor/from off the earth and the/needy 1960/3642
Gen_8:3.........returned/from off the earth continually/and 26/3642
Gen_7:4..........destroy/from off the face of the earth And/Noah 23/3642 off the face of the earth At/that 1175/3642 off the face of the earth saving/that 2808/3642
Jer_28:16...........thee/from off the face of the earth this/year 2355/3642
Deu_6:15............thee/from off the face of the earth Ye/shall 582/3642
Gen_8:8...........abated/from off the face of the ground/But 29/3642
Jos_23:16........quickly/from off the good land which he/hath 815/3642
Deu_11:17........quickly/from off the good land which the/LORD 606/3642 off the land saith the LORD I will also/stretch 2863/3642
Zep_1:2...........things/from off the land saith the LORD I will consume/man 2862/3642
Jer_24:10.......consumed/from off the land that/I 2333/3642
Deu_4:26..........perish/from off the land whereunto/ye 574/3642
Deu_28:63........plucked/from off the land whither thou goest to possess it And/the 672/3642
Deu_28:21...........thee/from off the land whither thou goest to possess it The/LORD 665/3642
Num_7:89.............him/from off the mercy/seat 390/3642
Jer_28:12...........yoke/from off the neck/of 2354/3642
Jer_28:10...........yoke/from off the prophet/Jeremiah's 2352/3642
Lev_4:31............away/from off the sacrifice/of 285/3642
Lev_7:34..........Israel/from off the sacrifices/of 296/3642
1Sa_4:18............fell/from off the seat/backward 924/3642
Num_12:10.......departed/from off the tabernacle and/behold 407/3642
Num_10:11.............up/from off the tabernacle of/the 402/3642
Eze_10:18.......departed/from off the threshold/of 2529/3642
2Sa_11:24...........shot/from off the wall/upon 1071/3642
Gen_40:19..........flesh/from off thee And it/came 132/3642
Gen_40:19...........head/from off thee and shall/hang 131/3642
Nah_1:13............yoke/from off thee and will/burst 2852/3642
Mic_3:2............flesh/from off their bones/Who 2834/3642
Lev_8:28............them/from off their hands/and 298/3642
Isa_14:25.........depart/from off their shoulders/This 2042/3642
Isa_14:25.........depart/from off them and his/burden 2041/3642 off them and their/flesh 2833/3642 off them and they/break 2835/3642
2Ki_16:17..........laver/from off them and took/down 1264/3642
Jos_23:13.........perish/from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you And/behold 813/3642 off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you When/ye 814/3642 off thy feet/for 160/3642
Jos_5:15............shoe/from off thy foot/for 713/3642
Isa_20:2.......sackcloth/from off thy loins/and 2053/3642
Gen_27:40...........yoke/from off thy neck And Esau/hated 98/3642
Isa_10:27...........yoke/from off thy neck and the/yoke 2019/3642
Jer_30:8............yoke/from off thy neck and will/burst 2364/3642
Isa_10:27...........away/from off thy shoulder/and 2018/3642
1Sa_6:5.............hand/from off you and/from 929/3642
Jos_5:9............Egypt/from off you Wherefore/the 712/3642
1Sa_6:5..............and/from off your gods/and 930/3642
1Sa_6:5..............and/from off your land/Wherefore 931/3642
Lev_9:22............down/from offering/of..... 299/3642
Luk_24:49..........power/from on high And he/led 3159/3642 on high and the/wilderness 2093/3642
Jer_25:30...........roar/from on high and utter/his 2338/3642 on high are/open 2072/3642
Luk_1:78.......dayspring/from on high hath/visited 3074/3642
Job_31:2........Almighty/from on high Is/not. 1602/3642
Mat_24:31..........winds/from one end of heaven/to 2982/3642
Gen_47:21.........cities/from one end of the borders/of 147/3642 one end of the earth/even 2342/3642
2Ki_10:21...........full/from one end to another And/he 1231/3642
2Ki_21:16......Jerusalem/from one end to another beside/his 1293/3642 one end to another with/their 1459/3642
Eze_15:7.............out/from one fire/and... 2554/3642
Psa_105:13.......another/from one kingdom to another people He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sakes Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Moreover/he 1816/3642
1Ch_16:20............and/from one kingdom to another people He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sakes Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Sing/unto 1318/3642
Psa_105:13..........went/from one nation/to.. 1815/3642
Isa_66:23...........that/from one new/moon... 2220/3642
Isa_66:23............and/from one sabbath/to. 2221/3642
Ecc_12:11..........given/from one shepherd/And 1977/3642
1Ki_7:7............cedar/from one side of/the 1146/3642
Eze_4:8.............thee/from one side to/another 2508/3642
1Ch_17:5.............and/from one tabernacle/to 1322/3642
Num_36:9..........remove/from one tribe/to.... 552/3642 Ophir brought algum/trees 1372/3642 Ophir brought in/from 1159/3642 Ophir great/plenty 1160/3642
Isa_54:14............far/from oppression/for. 2183/3642 other people that/ye 329/3642 other people Ye/shall 327/3642
Eze_16:34...........thee/from other women/in. 2556/3642
2Sa_14:19...........left/from ought/that..... 1084/3642 our brethren/the 555/3642
Luk_1:71...........saved/from our enemies and from/the 3072/3642 our enemies and hast/put 1715/3642 our enemies for/his 1872/3642
Gen_31:16..........taken/from our father/that. 110/3642
Isa_59:13...........away/from our God/speaking 2199/3642
Lam_5:16..........fallen/from our head/woe... 2495/3642
Dan_9:13............turn/from our iniquities/and 2739/3642
Gal_1:3..............and/from our Lord/Jesus. 3442/3642 our sins/in.... 3599/3642
Gen_46:34.........cattle/from our youth even until/now 144/3642
Jer_3:25.........fathers/from our youth even unto/this 2234/3642
Jer_3:24.........fathers/from our youth their/flocks 2233/3642
Job_24:12..........groan/from out of the city/and 1589/3642
2Ch_33:8..........Israel/from out of the land/which 1426/3642
Jos_23:5............them/from out of your/sight 810/3642
Exo_40:36.............up/from over/the........ 278/3642
Job_28:11.........floods/from overflowing/and 1595/3642
Gen_48:7............came/from Padan/Rachel.... 148/3642
Gen_33:18...........came/from Padanaram/and... 117/3642
Act_15:38...........them/from Pamphylia/and.. 3311/3642
Act_13:13.........loosed/from Paphos/they.... 3281/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Pathros/and.... 2022/3642 peace/I........ 2489/3642
Act_13:14.......departed/from Perga/they..... 3283/3642 perishing/by... 1612/3642
2Sa_3:15............even/from Phaltiel/the... 1036/3642
Exo_8:30.............out/from Pharaoh and intreated the LORD And the LORD did/according 183/3642
Exo_10:18............out/from Pharaoh and intreated the LORD And the LORD turned/a 193/3642
Exo_8:12.............out/from Pharaoh and Moses/cried 178/3642
Exo_10:6.............out/from Pharaoh And Pharaoh's/servants 190/3642 Pharaoh and spread/abroad 188/3642
Exo_5:20...........forth/from Pharaoh And they/said 165/3642
Exo_8:31...........flies/from Pharaoh from his servants and from his people there/remained 184/3642
Exo_8:29..........depart/from Pharaoh from his servants and from his people to/morrow 180/3642
Exo_11:8.............out/from Pharaoh in/a.... 197/3642
Exo_10:11............out/from Pharaoh's/presence 191/3642
Act_20:6............away/from Philippi/after. 3330/3642
Eze_16:41..........cease/from playing/the.... 2557/3642
Isa_56:2.........sabbath/from polluting it and keepeth/his 2186/3642
Isa_56:6.........sabbath/from polluting it and taketh/hold 2189/3642
Act_15:20........abstain/from pollutions/of.. 3299/3642
Luk_22:45.............up/from prayer/and..... 3151/3642
Psa_19:13...........also/from presumptuous/sins 1658/3642
Isa_53:8...........taken/from prison/and..... 2179/3642
Num_33:43.......departed/from Punon/and....... 526/3642
2Sa_3:22............came/from pursuing a/troop 1037/3642
1Sa_23:28.......returned/from pursuing after David/and 998/3642
2Sa_18:16.......returned/from pursuing after Israel/for 1094/3642
2Ch_18:32..........again/from pursuing him And a certain man drew a bow at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness therefore/he 1385/3642
1Ki_22:33...........back/from pursuing him And a certain man drew a bow at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness wherefore/he 1195/3642
Isa_4:6..............and/from rain/Now....... 2004/3642
Hos_7:4..........ceaseth/from raising/after.. 2751/3642
Jer_40:1..............go/from Ramah/when..... 2412/3642
Num_33:5.........removed/from Rameses and/pitched 492/3642
Num_33:3........departed/from Rameses in/the.. 491/3642
Exo_12:37......journeyed/from Rameses to/Succoth 205/3642
1Sa_16:1.............him/from reigning/over... 964/3642
2Sa_21:5.......destroyed/from remaining/in... 1103/3642
Num_33:15.......departed/from Rephidim and pitched/in 501/3642
Exo_19:2........departed/from Rephidim and were/come 230/3642
Isa_46:12............far/from righteousness I/bring 2147/3642 righteousness What/fruit 3387/3642
Num_33:20.......departed/from Rimmonparez/and. 506/3642
Num_33:22......journeyed/from Rissah/and...... 508/3642
Num_33:19.......departed/from Rithmah/and..... 505/3642
2Sa_19:31...........down/from Rogelim/and.... 1097/3642
Act_18:2..........depart/from Rome/and....... 3321/3642
Job_5:4..............far/from safety/and..... 1545/3642
2Ki_17:28...........away/from Samaria came/and 1280/3642
Jer_41:5.............and/from Samaria even fourscore/men 2416/3642
2Ch_25:13..........Judah/from Samaria even unto/Bethhoron 1404/3642
Act_3:24........prophets/from Samuel and/those 3246/3642
1Sa_10:9..............go/from Samuel God/gave. 943/3642
Jos_19:12.........turned/from Sarid/eastward.. 790/3642
1Sa_16:14.......departed/from Saul and/an..... 966/3642
1Sa_18:12.......departed/from Saul Therefore/Saul 983/3642
1Sa_17:15.......returned/from Saul to/feed.... 972/3642 Saul whom/I.... 1054/3642 Saul with/his.. 1021/3642
1Sa_26:12..........water/from Saul's/bolster. 1010/3642 sea even/to.... 2894/3642
Mic_7:12.............and/from sea to sea and from mountain/to 2849/3642
Amo_8:12..........wander/from sea to sea and from the north/even 2803/3642
Psa_72:8............also/from sea to sea and from the river/unto 1765/3642
Num_13:25.......returned/from searching/of.... 415/3642 secret/faults.. 1657/3642
Isa_33:15...........eyes/from seeing/evil.... 2096/3642
Deu_33:2..............up/from Seir/unto....... 689/3642 Sela/to........ 2044/3642
2Ki_17:24............and/from Sepharvaim/and. 1278/3642
Exo_14:5..............go/from serving/us...... 215/3642
Isa_50:6............face/from shame/and...... 2172/3642
Jer_6:20.........incense/from Sheba and/the.. 2250/3642
Isa_60:6............they/from Sheba shall/come 2207/3642
Jer_41:5.........certain/from Shechem/from... 2414/3642
Num_34:11...........down/from Shepham/to...... 542/3642
1Ch_13:5........together/from Shihor/of...... 1313/3642
Jer_41:5.........Shechem/from Shiloh/and..... 2415/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from Shinar/and..... 2025/3642
Jos_3:1..........removed/from Shittim and/came 701/3642
Mic_6:5..............him/from Shittim unto/Gilgal 2844/3642
Gen_10:19............was/from Sidon/as......... 35/3642
Jos_13:3.........Geshuri/From Sihor/which..... 758/3642 sin and/become. 3388/3642
2Pe_2:14...........cease/from sin beguiling/unstable 3567/3642
Rom_6:7............freed/from sin Now/if..... 3382/3642
1Pe_4:1...........ceased/from sin That/he.... 3561/3642 sin ye/became.. 3386/3642
Deu_33:2............came/from Sinai/and....... 688/3642
Heb_7:26........separate/from sinners/and.... 3533/3642
Gen_20:6............thee/from sinning/against.. 69/3642 sixty/years..... 349/3642
Mat_1:24..........raised/from sleep/did...... 2915/3642
2Sa_8:13........returned/from smiting/of..... 1060/3642 so/great....... 3425/3642
2Ch_9:2..............hid/from Solomon/which.. 1371/3642
Est_9:22............them/from sorrow/to...... 1522/3642
Job_4:2..........himself/from speaking Behold/thou 1542/3642
Psa_34:13...........lips/from speaking guile/Depart 1691/3642
Zec_6:5............forth/from standing/before 2885/3642
Isa_4:6...........covert/from storm/and...... 2003/3642
Act_21:25............and/from strangled/and.. 3342/3642
Psa_84:7..............go/from strength/to.... 1786/3642
Pro_20:3...........cease/from strife/but..... 1937/3642
Exo_13:20........journey/from Succoth and encamped/in 213/3642
Num_33:6........departed/from Succoth and pitched/in 493/3642
Deu_16:9...........weeks/from such time/as.... 629/3642
2Ti_3:5..........thereof/from such turn/away. 3514/3642
1Ti_6:5........godliness/from such withdraw/thyself 3506/3642
Joh_13:4..........riseth/from supper/and..... 3210/3642
2Ki_13:17....deliverance/from Syria/for...... 1245/3642
Num_33:27.......departed/from Tahath/and...... 513/3642
Eze_47:19......southward/from Tamar even/to.. 2684/3642
Eze_48:28...........even/from Tamar unto/the. 2702/3642
Jos_16:8.............out/from Tappuah/westward 782/3642
Num_33:28........removed/from Tarah/and....... 514/3642
Jer_10:9.........brought/from Tarshish/and... 2266/3642
Psa_116:8...........eyes/from tears and/my... 1839/3642
Jer_31:16...........eyes/from tears for/thy.. 2373/3642
Neh_7:61............also/from Telmelah Telharesha/Cherub 1483/3642
Ezr_2:59..............up/from Telmelah Telharsa/Cherub 1439/3642
Hab_3:3.............came/from Teman and the/Holy 2859/3642
Eze_25:13.......desolate/from Teman and they/of 2598/3642
1Ch_17:5............gone/from tent/to........ 1321/3642
Isa_54:14............and/from terror/for..... 2184/3642
2Ki_1:4.............down/from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 1197/3642
2Ki_1:6.............down/from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And he/said 1198/3642
1Sa_18:9...........David/from that day and forward And it/came 981/3642
Eze_39:22............God/from that day and forward And the/heathen 2644/3642 that day forth ask/him 2976/3642
Joh_11:53...........Then/from that day forth they/took 3201/3642
1Sa_16:13..........David/from that day forward So/Samuel 965/3642 that day forward that/he 1017/3642 that day shall/be 2703/3642
Mat_9:22...........whole/from that hour And/when 2940/3642
Joh_19:27............And/from that hour that/disciple 3227/3642 that law/so.... 3390/3642
Mar_6:10..........depart/from that place/And. 3020/3642
Isa_44:8............thee/from that time and/have 2133/3642
Mat_16:21.........Christ/From that time forth began/Jesus 2958/3642 that time forth came/they 1503/3642
Neh_4:16............pass/from that time forth that/the 1474/3642 that time have/not 2139/3642
Mat_26:16............And/from that time he/sought 2989/3642
Mat_4:17..............up/From that time Jesus/began 2921/3642
Joh_6:66..........Father/From that time many/of 3187/3642
Isa_48:8.............yea/from that time that/thine 2157/3642
Mat_15:28..........whole/from that very hour And/Jesus 2955/3642
Mat_17:18..........cured/from that very hour Then/came 2962/3642
Jos_6:18......yourselves/from the accursed/thing 714/3642
Num_8:25.............And/from the age of fifty/years 397/3642
1Ch_23:3........numbered/from the age of thirty/years 1344/3642
1Ch_23:24...........LORD/from the age of twenty/years 1345/3642
Job_24:1..........hidden/from the Almighty do/they 1586/3642
Joe_1:15.....destruction/from the Almighty shall/it 2776/3642
Job_34:10............and/from the Almighty that/he 1617/3642
Isa_13:6.....destruction/from the Almighty Therefore/shall 2032/3642
1Ki_13:5.............out/from the altar according/to 1169/3642
1Ki_1:53............down/from the altar And he/came 1129/3642
Num_4:13...........ashes/from the altar and spread/a 377/3642
Eze_43:15............and/from the altar and upward/shall 2664/3642
1Ki_13:4............hand/from the altar saying/Lay 1168/3642
Rev_14:18............out/from the altar which/had 3626/3642
1Sa_15:15...........them/from the Amalekites/for 960/3642
Jos_8:7...............up/from the ambush/and.. 724/3642
Jdg_10:11............and/from the Amorites/from 858/3642
Jer_18:15...........ways/from the ancient/paths 2309/3642
Eze_7:26.........counsel/from the ancients/The 2516/3642 the appearance of his loins even downward fire/and 2517/3642
Eze_1:27.............and/from the appearance of his loins even downward I/saw 2501/3642 the appearance of his loins even upward/and 2500/3642
2Ch_5:9.............seen/from the ark/before. 1352/3642 the Assyrian/when 2842/3642
Jos_20:3..........refuge/from the avenger of/blood 796/3642
Num_35:12.........refuge/from the avenger that/the 547/3642
Isa_52:2.........thyself/from the bands/of... 2176/3642
Est_7:7..........arising/from the banquet/of. 1516/3642
Act_1:22.......Beginning/from the baptism/of. 3236/3642
2Sa_1:4.............fled/from the battle and many/of 1023/3642
Num_31:14...........came/from the battle And Moses/said 484/3642
Psa_55:18..........peace/from the battle that/was 1733/3642
Jos_15:5.............was/from the bay of/the.. 773/3642
Jos_15:2.............sea/from the bay that/looketh 771/3642
1Jn_2:7............heard/from the beginning Again/a 3576/3642
Joh_8:44........murderer/from the beginning and abode/not 3193/3642
Psa_119:160.........true/from the beginning and every/one 1857/3642
Act_11:4..........matter/from the beginning and expounded/it 3269/3642
Isa_46:10............end/from the beginning and from/ancient 2143/3642
Isa_48:3..........things/from the beginning and they/went 2153/3642
2Th_2:13............hath/from the beginning chosen/you 3497/3642
Isa_48:5............even/from the beginning declared/it 2154/3642
Isa_48:7.............not/from the beginning even/before 2156/3642
1Jn_3:8..........sinneth/from the beginning For/this 3583/3642
Isa_48:16.........secret/from the beginning from/the 2159/3642 the beginning have/ye 2114/3642 the beginning I have many/things 3191/3642 the beginning I have written/unto 3578/3642
Isa_41:4.....generations/from the beginning I the/LORD 2119/3642 the beginning I write/unto 3577/3642
1Jn_2:24...........heard/from the beginning If that/which 3581/3642 the beginning if they/would 3355/3642
Jer_17:12.........throne/from the beginning is/the 2295/3642
Mat_19:8.............but/from the beginning it/was 2967/3642
2Sa_21:10...........rock/from the beginning of harvest/until 1104/3642
Deu_32:42.......captives/from the beginning of revenges/upon 687/3642
2Pe_3:4.............were/from the beginning of the creation For/this 3570/3642
Mar_10:6.............But/from the beginning of the creation God/made 3041/3642
Mar_13:19............not/from the beginning of the creation which/God 3050/3642
Eph_3:9............which/from the beginning of the world hath/been 3458/3642 the beginning of the world Wherefore/my 3297/3642 the beginning of the year/even 605/3642
Pro_8:23.....everlasting/from the beginning or/ever 1918/3642
1Jn_2:24...........heard/from the beginning shall/remain 3582/3642
2Jn_1:5..............had/from the beginning that we love/one 3592/3642
Isa_41:26.......declared/from the beginning that we may/know 2124/3642
1Jn_3:11...........heard/from the beginning that we should/love 3584/3642
1Jn_2:7..............had/from the beginning The/old 3575/3642 the beginning These/things 3214/3642
Ecc_3:11..........maketh/from the beginning to/the 1968/3642
Luk_1:2............which/from the beginning were/eyewitnesses 3063/3642
1Jn_1:1..............was/from the beginning which/we 3572/3642
Joh_6:64............knew/from the beginning who/they 3186/3642
2Jn_1:6............heard/from the beginning ye/should 3593/3642 the belly/which 2140/3642
Isa_21:15............and/from the bent/bow... 2060/3642
Hos_9:11............bird/from the birth/and.. 2755/3642
Luk_11:51.....generation/From the blood of Abel/unto 3115/3642
2Sa_3:28............ever/from the blood of Abner/the 1040/3642
Act_20:26...........pure/from the blood of all/men 3335/3642 the blood of righteous/Abel 2978/3642
2Sa_1:22.............oil/From the blood of the/slain 1024/3642
2Co_5:8...........absent/from the body and/to 3432/3642 the body of/this 3393/3642
Rom_8:21.......delivered/from the bondage/of. 3397/3642
Job_31:22.........broken/from the bone/For... 1607/3642
Mal_1:5........magnified/from the border of/Israel 2905/3642
Eze_47:20............sea/from the border till/a 2685/3642
Eze_47:18.........Jordan/from the border unto/the 2683/3642
Eze_43:14............And/from the bottom/upon 2662/3642
Isa_49:1............womb/from the bowels/of.. 2165/3642
Job_24:9......fatherless/from the breast/and. 1587/3642
Isa_28:9...........drawn/from the breasts/For 2079/3642
Act_15:33..........peace/from the brethren/unto 3309/3642 the bullock/of.. 282/3642
Psa_81:6........shoulder/from the burden/his. 1783/3642 the burning/fiery 2708/3642 the camp and/called 264/3642
Num_12:14............out/from the camp seven days and after/that 408/3642
Num_12:15............out/from the camp seven days and the/people 409/3642
Mat_1:17.............and/from the carrying/away 2913/3642
1Ki_4:33...........trees/from the cedar/tree. 1142/3642 the chains/which 2413/3642 the Chaldeans/with 2162/3642 the channel/of. 2077/3642
2Ki_5:21............down/from the chariot/to. 1220/3642
Eze_10:4..............up/from the cherub and/stood 2523/3642
Eze_9:3...............up/from the cherub whereupon/he 2521/3642
Isa_41:9............thee/from the chief men/thereof 2121/3642
Mat_26:47.........staves/from the chief priests and elders/of 2992/3642
Joh_18:3........officers/from the chief priests and Pharisees/cometh 3221/3642
Mar_14:43.........staves/from the chief priests and the/scribes 3055/3642
Act_26:10......authority/from the chief priests and when/they 3356/3642
Act_26:12.....commission/from the chief priests At/midday 3357/3642
Act_9:14.......authority/from the chief priests to/bind 3261/3642
Pro_23:13.....correction/from the child/for.. 1945/3642
2Sa_10:14.......returned/from the children of Ammon and came/to 1062/3642
1Ch_18:11............and/from the children of Ammon and from the Philistines and/from 1335/3642
Jdg_10:11.......Amorites/from the children of Ammon and from the Philistines The/Zidonians 859/3642
Jdg_11:31..........peace/from the children of Ammon shall/surely 870/3642
Jos_22:32............and/from the children of Gad/out 806/3642
Gen_49:32............was/from the children of Heth/And 157/3642
Num_25:8..........stayed/from the children of Israel And/those 477/3642
Lev_24:8...........taken/from the children of Israel by/an 342/3642
Exo_29:28...........ever/from the children of Israel for/it 253/3642
Exo_29:28.......offering/from the children of Israel of/the 254/3642
Jos_22:9........departed/from the children of Israel out/of 798/3642
Num_25:11...........away/from the children of Israel while/he 478/3642
Jos_22:32.......returned/from the children of Reuben/and 805/3642
Eze_25:9............Moab/from the cities from/his 2595/3642
Jer_17:26...........come/from the cities of Judah and from the places/about 2298/3642
Jer_7:34...........cease/from the cities of Judah and from the streets/of 2256/3642
Jer_36:9............came/from the cities of Judah unto/Jerusalem 2401/3642
Isa_66:6...........noise/from the city a/voice 2218/3642
Jos_3:16.............far/from the city Adam/that 708/3642
2Sa_20:21.........depart/from the city And the/woman 1101/3642
Jos_8:16............away/from the city And there/was 725/3642
Jdg_20:31...........away/from the city and they/began 900/3642
Jos_8:4..............far/from the city but/be. 722/3642
2Sa_20:22........retired/from the city every/man 1102/3642
Jos_8:6.............them/from the city for/they 723/3642
Neh_3:15............down/from the city of David/After 1466/3642
Num_21:28..........flame/from the city of Sihon/it 462/3642
Psa_101:8..........doers/from the city of the/LORD 1805/3642
Deu_2:36.............and/from the city that/is 565/3642 the city Then/shall 2897/3642
Jdg_20:32...........them/from the city unto/the 901/3642
Num_24:24...........come/from the coast of/Chittim 474/3642
Jos_19:29............sea/from the coast to/Achzib 792/3642
Jer_25:32.............up/from the coasts of the earth And the/slain 2341/3642
Jer_31:8............them/from the coasts of the earth and with/them 2369/3642
Jer_50:41.............up/from the coasts of the earth They/shall 2467/3642
Mar_7:31.......departing/from the coasts of Tyre/and 3032/3642
Job_23:12...........back/from the commandment of his/lips 1584/3642
2Ch_8:15.............not/from the commandment of the/king 1370/3642
Deu_17:20..........aside/from the commandment to/the 634/3642
Eph_2:12..........aliens/from the commonwealth/of 3456/3642
Hos_9:11.............and/from the conception/Though 2757/3642 the congregation of Israel to/bring 423/3642 the congregation of Israel whether/he 202/3642
Ezr_10:8.......separated/from the congregation of those/that 1461/3642
Eze_34:13...........them/from the countries/and 2632/3642
Rut_1:6...........return/from the country of/Moab 906/3642 the country round/about 952/3642
Eph_2:12.......strangers/from the covenants/of 3457/3642
Rom_1:20.............him/from the creation/of 3377/3642
Mat_27:42...........down/from the cross and/we 2995/3642
Mat_27:40...........down/from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking him/with 2994/3642
Mar_15:30...........down/from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking said/among 3058/3642 the cross that/we 3059/3642
Jer_48:34.......shouting/From the cry/of..... 2446/3642 the curse/of... 3448/3642
Gen_1:4............light/from the darkness And God called/the 1/3642
Gen_1:18...........light/from the darkness and God saw/that 5/3642
Lam_1:6..............And/from the daughter/of 2481/3642
Jer_36:2.........nations/from the day I/spake 2395/3642
Isa_7:17............come/from the day that Ephraim/departed 2009/3642
2Sa_13:32.....determined/from the day that he/forced 1081/3642
Deu_9:24............LORD/from the day that I/knew 599/3642
Jdg_19:30...........seen/from the day that the children/of 897/3642
Hag_2:18............even/from the day that the foundation/of 2877/3642
Num_15:23..........Moses/from the day that the LORD/commanded 421/3642
Jer_32:31...........fury/from the day that they/built 2381/3642
Deu_9:7.......wilderness/from the day that thou didst/depart 594/3642
Eze_28:15...........ways/from the day that thou wast/created 2607/3642
Lev_23:15........sabbath/from the day that ye/brought 337/3642
2Sa_19:24........clothes/from the day the/king 1096/3642 the days of adversity/until 1802/3642
Hos_10:9..........sinned/from the days of Gibeah/there 2760/3642
Mat_11:12............And/from the days of John/the 2941/3642
Jer_36:2............thee/from the days of Josiah/even 2396/3642
Mic_7:20.........fathers/from the days of old/The 2851/3642
2Ch_35:18.........Israel/from the days of Samuel/the 1431/3642
2Ki_23:22.......passover/from the days of the/judges 1298/3642
Mal_3:7.............Even/from the days of your/fathers 2909/3642
2Ti_2:8...........raised/from the dead according/to 3511/3642
Gal_1:1..............him/from the dead And all/the 3440/3642
1Co_15:20..........risen/from the dead and become/the 3420/3642
Mat_28:7...........risen/from the dead and behold/he 3002/3642
Eph_5:14...........arise/from the dead and Christ/shall 3462/3642
1Pe_1:21..............up/from the dead and gave/him 3558/3642
Act_10:41...........rose/from the dead And he commanded/us 3268/3642
Act_13:30............him/from the dead And he was/seen 3285/3642
Mat_17:9...........again/from the dead And his/disciples 2961/3642
Luk_9:7............risen/from the dead And of/some 3098/3642
Eph_1:20.............him/from the dead and set/him 3455/3642
Act_26:23...........rise/from the dead and should/shew 3363/3642
Act_17:3...........again/from the dead and that/this 3315/3642
Mat_14:2...........risen/from the dead and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him For/Herod 2951/3642
Mar_6:14...........risen/from the dead and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him Others/said 3021/3642
Mar_9:9............risen/from the dead And they kept/that 3038/3642
Act_4:2.....resurrection/from the dead And they laid/hands 3248/3642
Act_17:31............him/from the dead And when/they 3317/3642
Col_2:12.............him/from the dead And you/being 3477/3642
Rom_6:13...........alive/from the dead and your/members 3384/3642
Joh_12:17............him/from the dead bare/record 3204/3642
Joh_12:9..........raised/from the dead But the/chief 3203/3642
Rom_10:7...........again/from the dead But what/saith 3402/3642
Rom_6:4...............up/from the dead by the/glory 3381/3642
Rom_1:4.....resurrection/from the dead By whom/we 3373/3642
Rom_6:9...........raised/from the dead dieth/no 3383/3642
Rom_8:11...........Jesus/from the dead dwell/in 3395/3642
Act_4:10..........raised/from the dead even by/him 3249/3642
1Th_1:10..........raised/from the dead even Jesus/which 3485/3642
Mar_6:16...........risen/from the dead For Herod/himself 3022/3642 the dead For if/the 3404/3642
Heb_11:19...........even/from the dead from/whence 3539/3642
Joh_2:22...........risen/from the dead his/disciples 3164/3642
1Co_15:12...........rose/from the dead how/say 3419/3642
Luk_20:35...resurrection/from the dead neither/marry 3146/3642
Act_13:34.............up/from the dead now/no 3287/3642
Heb_13:20..........again/from the dead our/Lord 3543/3642
Rom_8:11..........Christ/from the dead shall/also 3396/3642
Mar_9:10..........rising/from the dead should/mean 3039/3642
Mat_27:64..........risen/from the dead so the/last 2999/3642
Joh_21:14..........risen/from the dead So when/they 3231/3642
Col_1:18.......firstborn/from the dead that in/all 3473/3642
Rom_7:4...........raised/from the dead that we/should 3391/3642
Luk_24:46...........rise/from the dead the/third 3158/3642
Luk_16:31...........rose/from the dead Then said/he 3133/3642
Joh_20:9...........again/from the dead Then the/disciples 3229/3642
Joh_12:1..........raised/from the dead There/they 3202/3642
Mar_12:25...........rise/from the dead they neither/marry 3048/3642
Luk_16:30...........them/from the dead they will/repent 3132/3642
Rom_10:9.............him/from the dead thou/shalt 3403/3642
1Pe_1:3...........Christ/from the dead To/an. 3554/3642
Act_3:15..........raised/from the dead whereof/we 3243/3642
Rom_4:24............Lord/from the dead Who/was 3378/3642 the deceitful/and 1714/3642
Psa_71:20..........again/from the depths of the earth/Thou 1764/3642
Psa_68:22..........again/from the depths of the sea/That 1755/3642
Isa_21:1..........cometh/from the desert from/a 2056/3642
Num_33:16........removed/from the desert of/Sinai 502/3642
Exo_23:31............and/from the desert unto/the 243/3642
Mat_28:2...........stone/from the door and/sat 3001/3642
Neh_3:21...........piece/from the door of the house/of 1468/3642
Mar_16:3...........stone/from the door of the sepulchre/And 3061/3642
Lev_10:7.............out/from the door of the tabernacle/of 303/3642 the doors/of... 1285/3642
Isa_21:15.........swords/from the drawn/sword 2059/3642
1Sa_2:8...........beggar/from the dunghill/to. 915/3642
Isa_52:2.........thyself/from the dust/arise. 2175/3642
2Sa_4:11............away/from the earth And David/commanded 1042/3642
Jer_10:11.........perish/from the earth and from/under 2268/3642
Amo_3:5............snare/from the earth and have/taken 2794/3642
Job_18:17.........perish/from the earth and he/shall 1567/3642 the earth And in/very 187/3642
Dan_7:4...............up/from the earth and made/stand 2730/3642
Gen_7:23.......destroyed/from the earth and Noah/only 24/3642
1Sa_28:23..........arose/from the earth and sat/upon 1015/3642
Rev_6:4............peace/from the earth and that/they 3603/3642
Act_8:33...........taken/from the earth And the eunuch/answered 3258/3642 the earth and the transgressors/shall 1898/3642
Nah_2:13............prey/from the earth and the voice/of 2853/3642
Psa_21:10........destroy/from the earth and their/seed 1662/3642
2Sa_12:20..........arose/from the earth and washed/and 1074/3642
Gen_2:6.............mist/from the earth and watered/the 8/3642 the earth and what/wilt 717/3642
Act_9:8............arose/from the earth and when/his 3260/3642
Psa_109:15..........them/from the earth Because/that 1829/3642
2Sa_12:17.............up/from the earth but/he 1073/3642
Act_22:22.........fellow/from the earth for/it 3346/3642
Eze_10:19.............up/from the earth in/my 2530/3642
Psa_34:16...........them/from the earth The righteous/cry 1693/3642
Eze_10:16.............up/from the earth the same/wheels 2527/3642
Eze_1:21..............up/from the earth the wheels were lifted up over/against 2498/3642
Eze_1:19..............up/from the earth the wheels were lifted up Whithersoever/the 2497/3642
Rev_14:3........redeemed/from the earth These/are 3621/3642
Gen_4:11..........cursed/from the earth which/hath 16/3642
Joh_12:32.............up/from the earth will/draw 3207/3642
Psa_148:7...........LORD/from the earth ye/dragons 1891/3642
Isa_2:6......replenished/from the east and are/soothsayers 1997/3642
Luk_13:29...........come/from the east and from the west and/from 3123/3642
Psa_107:3..........lands/from the east and from the west from/the 1822/3642
Isa_43:5............seed/from the east and gather/thee 2128/3642
Mat_8:11............come/from the east and west/and 2935/3642 the east called/him 2118/3642
Zec_8:7...........people/from the east country/and 2888/3642
Rev_7:2........ascending/from the east having/the 3606/3642
Psa_75:6.........neither/from the east nor/from 1770/3642
Eze_45:7.............and/from the east side eastward/and 2669/3642
Eze_48:3...........Asher/from the east side even unto the west side a portion for Naphtali/And 2688/3642
Eze_48:6.........Ephraim/from the east side even unto the west side a portion for Reuben/And 2691/3642
Eze_48:2.............Dan/from the east side unto the west side a portion for Asher/And 2687/3642
Eze_48:5........Manasseh/from the east side unto the west side a portion for Ephraim/And 2690/3642
Eze_48:7..........Reuben/from the east side unto the west side a portion for Judah/And 2692/3642
Eze_48:4........Naphtali/from the east side unto the west side a portion for Manasseh/And 2689/3642 the east side unto the west side and/the 2694/3642
Eze_48:23.........tribes/from the east side unto the west side Benjamin/shall 2697/3642
Eze_48:27........Zebulun/from the east side unto the west side Gad/a 2701/3642
Eze_48:25.........Simeon/from the east side unto the west side Issachar/a 2699/3642
Eze_48:8...........Judah/from the east side unto the west side shall/be 2693/3642
Eze_48:24.......Benjamin/from the east side unto the west side Simeon/shall 2698/3642
Eze_48:26.......Issachar/from the east side unto the west side Zebulun/a 2700/3642
Gen_11:2.......journeyed/from the east that/they 37/3642
Isa_46:11...........bird/from the east the/man 2145/3642 the east to/Jerusalem 2916/3642 the Egyptians/and 857/3642
Lev_22:27............and/from the eighth/day.. 335/3642 the end of heaven/even 2031/3642
Jos_18:15............was/from the end of Kirjathjearim/and 788/3642
Isa_5:26............them/from the end of the earth and/behold 2007/3642
Deu_28:49............far/from the end of the earth as/swift 670/3642
Psa_61:2..........prayer/From the end of the earth will/I 1744/3642
Isa_42:10.........praise/from the end of the earth ye/that 2126/3642 the end of the heaven/and 1655/3642
Isa_41:9...........taken/from the ends of the earth and called/thee 2120/3642
Jer_16:19...........thee/from the ends of the earth and shall/say 2291/3642
Isa_43:6.......daughters/from the ends of the earth Even/every 2131/3642
Psa_135:7.........ascend/from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings for/the 1870/3642
Jer_51:16.........ascend/from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish by/his 2470/3642
Jer_10:13.........ascend/from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish in/his 2270/3642
Psa_44:10...........back/from the enemy and/they 1716/3642
Psa_78:42...........them/from the enemy How/he 1777/3642
Psa_61:3...........tower/from the enemy I/will 1745/3642 the enemy's/hand 1554/3642
2Ch_7:8.....congregation/from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt And/in 1367/3642
1Ki_8:65....congregation/from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt before/the 1154/3642 the entering in of Hemath/unto 2802/3642
2Ki_14:25.........Israel/from the entering of/Hamath 1249/3642
Exo_28:28.........loosed/from the ephod And/Aaron 251/3642
Exo_39:21.........loosed/from the ephod as/the 277/3642
Jam_5:20..........sinner/from the error/of... 3552/3642 the evening/unto 341/3642
Psa_140:1...........LORD/from the evil man/preserve 1878/3642
Jer_23:22............and/from the evil of their/doings 2330/3642
Jer_25:5.............and/from the evil of your/doings 2336/3642
Jer_51:64...........rise/from the evil that I will bring upon her/and 2477/3642
Jer_42:17.........escape/from the evil that I will bring upon them/For 2427/3642
Joh_17:15...........them/from the evil They/are 3220/3642
Isa_57:1............away/from the evil to/come 2191/3642
Pro_6:24............thee/from the evil woman/from 1913/3642
2Pe_1:17.............him/from the excellent/glory 3564/3642
Job_28:21............hid/from the eyes of all/living 1596/3642
Num_5:13.............hid/from the eyes of her/husband 385/3642
Lev_4:13.............hid/from the eyes of the/assembly 283/3642
Gen_35:1........fleddest/from the face of Esau/thy 118/3642 the face of him/that 3604/3642
Gen_35:7............fled/from the face of his brother But/Deborah 119/3642 the face of his brother Jacob/For 122/3642
Exo_14:25...........flee/from the face of Israel/for 217/3642
Gen_16:8............flee/from the face of my/mistress 55/3642
Exo_2:15............fled/from the face of Pharaoh/and 159/3642 the face of the earth and/from 18/3642
Gen_6:7..........created/from the face of the earth both/man 21/3642 the face of the earth So/Jonathan 991/3642
Exo_32:12...........them/from the face of the earth Turn/from 259/3642
Eze_40:15............And/from the face of the gate/of 2650/3642
Rev_12:14...........time/from the face of the serpent/And 3617/3642
Isa_16:4............them/from the face of the spoiler/for 2045/3642
1Ti_6:10...........erred/from the faith and/pierced 3507/3642
1Ti_4:1...........depart/from the faith giving/heed 3503/3642
Act_13:8..........deputy/from the faith Then/Saul 3280/3642
Eze_12:16..........sword/from the famine and/from 2538/3642
Jer_21:7.............and/from the famine into/the 2323/3642
2Sa_1:22...........slain/from the fat/of..... 1025/3642
Joh_16:28..........forth/from the Father and am/come 3217/3642
2Jn_1:4......commandment/from the Father And now/I 3591/3642 the Father even/the 3212/3642
Joh_15:26.....proceedeth/from the Father he/shall 3213/3642
Jam_1:17............down/from the Father of/lights 3545/3642
Jer_48:44.........fleeth/from the fear/shall. 2449/3642
Gen_25:29...........came/from the field and/he. 87/3642
Luk_17:7............come/from the field Go/and 3134/3642
Jer_51:45...........soul/from the fierce/anger 2472/3642
Deu_13:17...........turn/from the fierceness of his anger and/shew 622/3642
Jos_7:26..........turned/from the fierceness of his anger Wherefore/the 721/3642
2Ki_23:26............not/from the fierceness of his great/wrath 1299/3642
Psa_85:3.........thyself/from the fierceness of thine/anger 1788/3642
Isa_34:4.............fig/from the fig/tree... 2098/3642
Ezr_6:21............them/from the filthiness/of 1450/3642
Num_18:9........reserved/from the fire/every.. 438/3642
Eze_1:25...........voice/from the firmament/that 2499/3642
Dan_7:24.........diverse/from the first and/he 2735/3642
Exo_11:5.............die/from the first born/of 196/3642
Ezr_3:6.............LORD/From the first day of/the 1441/3642
Act_20:18...........know/from the first day that I/came 3333/3642
Dan_10:12............for/from the first day that thou/didst 2742/3642
Php_1:5...........gospel/from the first day until now/Being 3467/3642
Exo_12:15..........bread/from the first day until the/seventh 200/3642 the first day unto/the 1486/3642
Exo_12:29..........Egypt/from the firstborn/of 203/3642
Zep_1:10.............cry/from the fish/gate.. 2866/3642
Pro_6:24...........woman/from the flattery/of 1914/3642
Lev_5:6...........female/from the flock a/lamb 290/3642
Gen_38:17............kid/from the flock And/she 126/3642 the fold/and... 2861/3642
2Ki_16:14...........LORD/from the forefront of the house/from 1262/3642
Eze_40:19........breadth/from the forefront of the lower/gate 2651/3642
Mic_7:12.............and/from the fortified/cities 2847/3642
Mic_7:12.............and/from the fortress/even 2848/3642
Heb_4:3.........finished/from the foundation of the world For he/spake 3523/3642 the foundation of the world For I/was 2987/3642
Rev_13:8...........slain/from the foundation of the world If/any 3618/3642
Luk_11:50...........shed/from the foundation of the world may/be 3114/3642
Mat_13:35.........secret/from the foundation of the world Then/Jesus 2949/3642 the foundation of the world when/they 3630/3642
1Ki_7:9.............even/from the foundation unto/the 1147/3642
Isa_40:21.....understood/from the foundations/of 2115/3642
Psa_68:26...........Lord/from the fountain/of 1756/3642
Hag_2:18..........upward/from the four and/twentieth 2876/3642
Isa_11:12..........Judah/from the four corners/of 2028/3642
Rev_9:13...........voice/from the four horns/of 3611/3642
Jer_49:36..........winds/from the four quarters/of 2458/3642
Mat_24:31..........elect/from the four winds from one/end 2981/3642
Mar_13:27..........elect/from the four winds from the/uttermost 3051/3642
Eze_37:9............Come/from the four winds O/breath 2639/3642
Job_28:21..........close/from the fowls/of... 1597/3642
Gen_3:23...........forth/from the garden/of.... 12/3642
Mat_9:16..........taketh/from the garment/and 2939/3642
2Ch_25:23......Jerusalem/from the gate of Ephraim to/the 1406/3642
2Ki_14:13......Jerusalem/from the gate of Ephraim unto/the 1247/3642
Rut_4:10.............and/from the gate of his/place 913/3642
Lam_5:14..........ceased/from the gate the/young 2493/3642
Psa_9:13..............up/from the gates/of... 1631/3642
Act_26:17............and/from the Gentiles/unto 3360/3642
Rev_15:8...........smoke/from the glory of God/and 3627/3642
2Th_1:9..............and/from the glory of his/power 3495/3642
Mat_25:32..........sheep/from the goats And he/shall 2986/3642
Exo_12:5..............or/from the goats And ye/shall 199/3642
Psa_24:5...righteousness/from the God/of..... 1676/3642
Dan_9:25............that/from the going forth/of 2741/3642
Jdg_1:36.............was/from the going up/to. 823/3642
Psa_30:3............soul/from the grave/thou. 1678/3642
Psa_40:10..........truth/from the great congregation/Withhold 1709/3642
Eze_47:15...........side/from the great sea the/way 2677/3642
Num_34:7..........border/from the great sea ye/shall 539/3642
Psa_19:13.......innocent/from the great transgression/Let 1659/3642
Jon_3:5........sackcloth/from the greatest/of 2815/3642
Isa_21:15............and/from the grievousness/of 2061/3642 the ground And now/art 15/3642
Eze_42:6......middlemost/from the ground And the/wall 2657/3642
Eze_41:20..........about/From the ground unto/above 2656/3642
Eze_41:16............and/from the ground up/to 2655/3642
2Ch_29:6...........faces/from the habitation of the/LORD 1414/3642
Isa_63:15.........behold/from the habitation of thy/holiness 2212/3642 the hail/and.... 189/3642
2Ch_32:22............and/from the hand of all other/and 1424/3642
Luk_1:71.............and/from the hand of all that/hate 3073/3642 the hand of Esau/for 116/3642
Jer_20:13...........poor/from the hand of evildoers/Cursed 2317/3642
Ecc_2:24.............was/from the hand of God/For 1966/3642
Psa_106:10..........them/from the hand of him that hated/them 1817/3642
Jer_31:11............him/from the hand of him that was/stronger 2370/3642 the hand of Midian/And 850/3642 the hand of mine/enemies 1680/3642
Gen_32:11...........thee/from the hand of my/brother 115/3642
1Sa_25:39.......reproach/from the hand of Nabal/and 1008/3642
Deu_7:8..........bondmen/from the hand of Pharaoh/king 586/3642
2Ch_32:22......Jerusalem/from the hand of Sennacherib/the 1423/3642
Psa_144:7.........waters/from the hand of strange children Whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood I/will 1887/3642 the hand of strange children whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood That/our 1889/3642
Psa_107:2.......redeemed/from the hand of the enemy And gathered/them 1821/3642 the hand of the enemy and of/such 1455/3642
Psa_106:10..........them/from the hand of the enemy And the/waters 1818/3642
Pro_6:5.............bird/from the hand of the fowler/Go 1912/3642
Psa_89:48...........soul/from the hand of the grave/Selah 1797/3642
Pro_6:5..............roe/from the hand of the hunter/and 1911/3642
Isa_37:14.........letter/from the hand of the messengers/and 2103/3642
Jdg_6:14..........Israel/from the hand of the Midianites/have 847/3642
Job_5:15.............and/from the hand of the mighty So/the 1548/3642 the hand of the mighty Teach/me 1555/3642
Mic_4:10............thee/from the hand of thine/enemies 2839/3642
Psa_140:4...........LORD/from the hands/of... 1880/3642
Isa_14:3.............and/from the hard/bondage 2036/3642
Act_27:34...........fall/from the head/of.... 3367/3642
Mat_15:18..........forth/from the heart and/they 2953/3642
Rom_6:17..........obeyed/from the heart that/form 3385/3642
Eph_6:6..............God/from the heart With/good 3463/3642
Isa_59:13.......uttering/from the heart words/of 2200/3642 the hearth/or.. 2087/3642
Isa_4:6.............time/from the heat and/for 2002/3642
Psa_19:6.............hid/from the heat thereof/The 1656/3642
Isa_25:4..........shadow/from the heat when/the 2074/3642 the heathen/that 1320/3642
2Ch_6:25............thou/from the heavens and/forgive 1356/3642
2Ch_6:33............thou/from the heavens even from thy dwelling place and/do 1361/3642
2Ch_6:39............thou/from the heavens even from thy dwelling place their/prayer 1364/3642
Psa_148:1...........LORD/from the heavens praise/him 1890/3642
2Ch_6:35............thou/from the heavens their/prayer 1363/3642
Psa_102:19..........down/from the height/of.. 1807/3642
Deu_19:5........slippeth/from the helve/and... 641/3642 the hewer/of.... 674/3642
1Sa_9:25............down/from the high place into/the 939/3642
1Sa_10:5............down/from the high place with/a 942/3642
2Ch_34:3.......Jerusalem/from the high places/and 1427/3642
Psa_42:6......Hermonites/from the hill Mizar/Deep 1713/3642
Luk_9:37............down/from the hill much/people 3100/3642
Jos_18:14......southward/from the hill that/lieth 787/3642
Jer_3:23.............for/from the hills and/from 2231/3642
Zep_1:10........crashing/from the hills Howl/ye 2868/3642
Num_23:9.............and/from the hills I/behold 469/3642
2Pe_2:21............turn/from the holy commandment/delivered 3569/3642
1Jn_2:20.........unction/from the Holy One/and 3580/3642
Lev_22:2......themselves/from the holy things/of 331/3642
Col_1:23............away/from the hope/of.... 3474/3642 the horns/of... 1673/3642
Rev_3:10............thee/from the hour/of.... 3601/3642
Neh_3:24...........piece/from the house of Azariah/unto 1469/3642
Deu_13:10..........Egypt/from the house of bondage And all/Israel 620/3642
Exo_13:14..........Egypt/from the house of bondage And it/came 212/3642
Jos_24:17..........Egypt/from the house of bondage and which/did 819/3642
Deu_6:12...........Egypt/from the house of bondage Thou shalt fear/the 581/3642
Deu_5:6............Egypt/from the house of bondage Thou shalt have/none 580/3642
Deu_8:14...........Egypt/from the house of bondage Who/led 590/3642
1Ki_14:8............away/from the house of David and gave/it 1177/3642
2Ki_17:21.........Israel/from the house of David and they/made 1271/3642
Amo_1:5..........sceptre/from the house of Eden/and 2785/3642
Neh_12:29...........Also/from the house of Gilgal/and 1499/3642
Isa_8:17............face/from the house of Jacob/and 2011/3642 the house of Joab/one 1041/3642
Jdg_18:22............way/from the house of Micah/the 891/3642
Jdg_9:20.............and/from the house of Millo/and 853/3642
1Ki_2:31.............and/from the house of my/father 1133/3642
2Sa_6:12.............God/from the house of Obededom/into 1048/3642
Joe_1:16........gladness/from the house of our/God 2777/3642
2Sa_3:10.........kingdom/from the house of Saul/and 1033/3642
2Ki_11:19...........king/from the house of the LORD and came/by 1240/3642 the house of the LORD and Jotham/his 1411/3642
2Ch_23:20...........king/from the house of the LORD and they/came 1398/3642
2Ki_16:18.............he/from the house of the LORD for/the 1266/3642 the house of the LORD the/priests 2773/3642
2Ki_23:6...........grove/from the house of the LORD without/Jerusalem 1294/3642
Joe_1:13......withholden/from the house of your/God 2775/3642
Luk_7:6..............far/from the house the/centurion 3093/3642
Job_22:7...........bread/from the hungry But/as 1578/3642
Job_24:10..........sheaf/from the hungry Which/make 1588/3642
Psa_144:10.......servant/from the hurtful/sword 1888/3642
Mar_12:2.........receive/from the husbandmen/of 3047/3642
Job_28:4.............out/from the inhabitant/even 1593/3642
Num_36:3...........taken/from the inheritance of our/fathers 548/3642
Num_36:4............away/from the inheritance of the/tribe 550/3642
Psa_64:2..........wicked/from the insurrection/of 1751/3642
Jer_11:4...........Egypt/from the iron furnace/saying 2272/3642
Job_20:24...........flee/from the iron weapon/and 1572/3642
Isa_11:11............and/from the islands/of. 2027/3642
Eze_27:7..........purple/from the isles/of... 2604/3642
Lev_12:7........cleansed/from the issue/of.... 304/3642
Act_18:16...........them/from the judgment/seat 3324/3642
Jdg_4:11.........himself/from the Kenites/and. 836/3642
Num_6:4.............tree/from the kernels/even 389/3642
2Ch_30:6.........letters/from the king and his/princes 1417/3642
2Sa_18:13............hid/from the king and thou/thyself 1093/3642
2Sa_11:8............meat/from the king But/Uriah 1066/3642
Isa_20:6.......delivered/from the king of/Assyria 2055/3642
Dan_2:15...........hasty/from the king Then/Arioch 2707/3642
1Ki_10:3.............hid/from the king which/he 1158/3642
Mar_12:34............far/from the kingdom/of. 3049/3642
Neh_3:25.............out/from the king's high/house 1470/3642
Jer_26:10.............up/from the king's house/unto 2345/3642
Ezr_4:14.....maintenance/from the king's palace/and 1446/3642
Luk_5:3...........little/from the land And/he 3086/3642
Jer_17:26............and/from the land of Benjamin/and 2300/3642
Gen_42:7............said/From the land of Canaan/to 136/3642 the land of Chittim/it 2068/3642
Exo_6:26..........Israel/from the land of Egypt according/to 168/3642
Exo_16:6.............out/from the land of Egypt And in/the 221/3642
Amo_2:10..............up/from the land of Egypt and led/you 2791/3642
Exo_16:32..........forth/from the land of Egypt And Moses/said 222/3642
Hos_13:4.............God/from the land of Egypt and thou/shalt 2765/3642
Exo_12:41............out/from the land of Egypt It/is 206/3642
Amo_3:1...............up/from the land of Egypt saying/You 2793/3642
Eze_23:27........brought/from the land of Egypt so/that 2587/3642
Exo_12:42............out/from the land of Egypt this/is 207/3642
Hos_12:9.............God/from the land of Egypt will/yet 2764/3642
Eze_47:18............and/from the land of Israel/by 2682/3642
Psa_42:6............thee/from the land of Jordan/and 1712/3642
Jer_48:33............and/from the land of Moab/and 2444/3642
Gen_24:7.............and/from the land of my/kindred 76/3642
Isa_49:12..........these/from the land of Sinim/Sing 2170/3642
Jer_51:54....destruction/from the land of the Chaldeans/Because 2476/3642
Jer_31:16..........again/from the land of the enemy/And 2374/3642 the land of the living/that 2274/3642
Jer_16:15.........Israel/from the land of the north and/from 2285/3642
Zec_2:6.............flee/from the land of the north saith/the 2881/3642
Jer_46:27...........seed/from the land of their captivity and Jacob shall return and be/in 2435/3642
Jer_30:10...........seed/from the land of their captivity and Jacob shall return and shall/be 2366/3642
Mat_20:8.......beginning/from the last/unto.. 2970/3642
Rom_7:2...........loosed/from the law of her/husband 3389/3642 the law of sin/and 3394/3642
Rom_7:6........delivered/from the law that/being 3392/3642
Mat_5:18............pass/from the law till/all 2928/3642
Jer_42:8..........people/from the least even to/the 2425/3642
Jer_44:12............die/from the least even unto the greatest by/the 2432/3642
Jer_42:1..........people/from the least even unto the greatest came/near 2423/3642 the least even unto the greatest is/given 2258/3642
Jer_6:13.............For/from the least of them even/unto 2248/3642 the least of them unto/the 2375/3642 the least to the greatest For/I 3534/3642
Act_8:10............heed/from the least to the greatest saying/This 3256/3642
Lev_14:7........cleansed/from the leprosy/seven 308/3642
Eze_43:14............and/from the lesser/settle 2663/3642
Eph_4:18.......alienated/from the life/of.... 3460/3642
Son_4:8...........Hermon/from the lions' dens/from 1985/3642
Psa_35:17........darling/from the lions I/will 1697/3642 the lion's mouth/for 1672/3642
Dan_6:20............thee/from the lions Then/said 2726/3642
Heb_3:12.......departing/from the living/God. 3522/3642
Exo_28:42......nakedness/from the loins/even.. 252/3642
Jer_40:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD after that Nebuzaradan/the 2411/3642
Jer_34:8........Jeremiah/from the LORD after that the/king 2388/3642 the LORD All/the 1929/3642
Pro_29:26.........cometh/from the LORD An/unjust 1957/3642
Oba_1:1...........rumour/from the LORD and an ambassador is sent among/the 2809/3642
Jer_49:14.........rumour/from the LORD and an ambassador is sent unto/the 2453/3642
Num_11:31...........wind/from the LORD and brought/quails 404/3642 the LORD and consumed/the 430/3642 the LORD and devoured/them 301/3642
Jer_37:17...........word/from the LORD And Jeremiah/said 2407/3642
Luk_1:45.............her/from the Lord And Mary/said 3068/3642
Isa_40:27............hid/from the LORD and my/judgment 2116/3642
1Ki_2:15.............his/from the LORD And now/I 1130/3642
Psa_109:20...adversaries/from the LORD and of/them 1831/3642
Psa_24:5........blessing/from the LORD and righteousness/from 1675/3642 the LORD And she/again 14/3642
Isa_29:15........counsel/from the LORD and their/works 2084/3642
Eze_33:30..........forth/from the LORD And they/come 2628/3642
Zep_1:6.............back/from the LORD and those/that 2865/3642
Mic_5:7..............dew/from the LORD as/the 2843/3642
Jer_17:5.......departeth/from the LORD For he/shall 2293/3642
2Co_5:6...........absent/from the Lord For we/walk 3431/3642
Isa_28:22..........heard/from the Lord GOD of hosts/a 2081/3642
1Ki_11:9..........turned/from the LORD God of Israel/which 1161/3642
2Ch_26:18.........honour/from the LORD God Then/Uzziah 1408/3642
Jer_35:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD in the days/of 2392/3642
Jer_32:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD in the tenth/year 2379/3642
2Co_1:2..............and/from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be God/even 3424/3642
Eph_1:2..............and/from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be the/God 3454/3642
1Co_1:3..............and/from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always/on 3410/3642
Php_1:2..............and/from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God upon/every 3466/3642
2Jn_1:3..............and/from the Lord Jesus Christ the/Son 3590/3642
Zec_7:12...........wrath/from the LORD of hosts Therefore/it 2887/3642
Isa_8:18..........Israel/from the LORD of hosts which dwelleth/in 2012/3642
Isa_28:29..........forth/from the LORD of hosts which is/wonderful 2082/3642 the LORD our God to go/and 675/3642
Ezr_9:8...........shewed/from the LORD our God to leave/us 1458/3642 the LORD out/of.. 66/3642
Lam_3:18........perished/from the LORD Remembering/mine 2490/3642
Jer_18:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Arise/and 2304/3642
Jer_11:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Hear/ye 2271/3642
Jer_7:1.........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Stand/in 2254/3642
Jer_36:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Take/thee 2394/3642
Jer_26:1............word/from the LORD saying Thus saith the LORD Stand/in 2343/3642
Jer_34:12.......Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Thus saith the LORD the/God 2389/3642
Jer_27:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Thus saith the LORD to/me 2346/3642
Jer_30:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD saying Thus speaketh/the 2363/3642
Zec_14:13.........tumult/from the LORD shall/be 2903/3642 the LORD Slothfulness/casteth 1935/3642
1Ki_2:33............ever/from the LORD So Benaiah/the 1134/3642
Hos_1:2........departing/from the LORD So he/went 2745/3642
1Ki_12:15............was/from the LORD that he/might 1165/3642
Isa_38:7............thee/from the LORD that the/LORD 2105/3642 the LORD The elders/of 2488/3642
Num_16:46............out/from the LORD the plague/is 433/3642
Num_14:43...........away/from the LORD therefore/the 420/3642
Deu_13:10...........away/from the LORD thy/God 619/3642
1Sa_16:14.........spirit/from the LORD troubled/him 967/3642
Mic_1:12............down/from the LORD unto the/gate 2825/3642
Eze_11:15............far/from the LORD unto us/is 2531/3642
1Sa_26:12..........sleep/from the LORD was fallen/upon 1011/3642
1Sa_19:9..........spirit/from the LORD was upon/Saul 986/3642
Gen_24:50.....proceedeth/from the LORD we/cannot 82/3642
Jer_21:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD when king/Zedekiah 2319/3642
Jer_34:1........Jeremiah/from the LORD when Nebuchadnezzar/king 2387/3642
Psa_121:2.........cometh/from the LORD which/made 1861/3642
Deu_13:5............away/from the LORD your/God 615/3642
Num_36:3...........taken/from the lot/of...... 549/3642 the love of Christ/shall 3398/3642 the love of God/which 3399/3642
Eze_41:7.......increased/from the lowest chamber/to 2654/3642
Psa_86:13...........soul/from the lowest hell/O 1790/3642 the man that/speaketh 1895/3642
Lev_20:4............eyes/from the man when/he. 323/3642
Mar_7:4.............come/from the market/except 3024/3642
Lev_2:9.............take/from the meat/offering 279/3642
2Sa_21:12............son/from the men of Jabeshgilead/which 1105/3642
Jdg_9:20.............out/from the men of Shechem/and 852/3642
Num_31:42........divided/from the men that/warred 485/3642
Jos_12:2.............and/from the middle/of... 753/3642 the Midianites/And 845/3642
Deu_4:34..........nation/from the midst of another/nation 577/3642 the midst of my people and/ye 2547/3642
Eze_14:9.............him/from the midst of my people Israel/And 2548/3642
Jer_48:45..........flame/from the midst of Sihon/and 2450/3642
Eze_11:23.............up/from the midst of the city/and 2534/3642
1Ki_8:51...........Egypt/from the midst of the furnace/of 1150/3642
Eze_28:16.........cherub/from the midst of the stones/of 2608/3642
Deu_13:5............away/from the midst of thee If/thy 616/3642 the midst of thee it/shall 2609/3642
Deu_18:15........Prophet/from the midst of thee of/thy 639/3642
Isa_58:9............away/from the midst of thee the/yoke 2193/3642
Exo_23:25...........away/from the midst of thee There/shall 238/3642
Jer_30:21........proceed/from the midst of them/and 2367/3642
Amo_2:3............judge/from the midst thereof and/will 2788/3642
Isa_4:4........Jerusalem/from the midst thereof by/the 2001/3642
Isa_49:24..........taken/from the mighty/or.. 2171/3642
Isa_28:9..........weaned/from the milk/and... 2078/3642
2Sa_24:15.........Israel/from the morning even/to 1124/3642
Neh_8:3.............gate/from the morning until midday/before 1485/3642
Rut_2:7.............even/from the morning until now/that 910/3642
Exo_18:13..........Moses/from the morning unto/the 228/3642 the morrow/after 336/3642
Jdg_3:27.............him/from the mount and he/before 835/3642
Deu_10:5............down/from the mount and put/the 600/3642
Deu_9:15............down/from the mount and the mount/burned 597/3642
Exo_32:15...........down/from the mount and the two/tables 261/3642
Num_20:28...........down/from the mount And when/all 450/3642
Act_1:12.......Jerusalem/from the mount called/Olivet 3234/3642
Jos_11:17...........Even/from the mount Halak/that 743/3642
Num_10:33.......departed/from the mount of/the 403/3642 the mount Sinai/which 3450/3642
Exo_34:29...........down/from the mount that/Moses 268/3642
Exo_19:14...........down/from the mount unto/the 231/3642
Jos_2:23.......descended/from the mountain and/passed 700/3642
Mat_8:1.............down/from the mountain great/multitudes 2934/3642
Mar_9:9.............down/from the mountain he/charged 3037/3642
Mat_17:9............down/from the mountain Jesus/charged 2960/3642
Jer_17:26............and/from the mountains and/from 2302/3642
Jos_11:21........Anakims/from the mountains from/Hebron 744/3642
Num_33:48.......departed/from the mountains of Abarim/and 531/3642
Son_4:8.............dens/from the mountains of the/leopards 1986/3642
2Ch_35:22..........Necho/from the mouth of God/and 1434/3642
Jer_36:32........therein/from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book/which 2403/3642
Jer_36:4...........wrote/from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the LORD/which 2398/3642
2Ch_36:12.......speaking/from the mouth of the/LORD 1435/3642
Mar_7:33...........aside/from the multitude and/put 3033/3642
Jer_3:23.............and/from the multitude of/mountains 2232/3642
2Sa_7:23...........Egypt/from the nations/and 1056/3642
Jer_28:11........Babylon/from the neck/of.... 2353/3642 the night/and..... 4/3642
Jdg_5:11.......delivered/from the noise of archers/in 841/3642
Isa_24:18.........fleeth/from the noise of the fear/shall 2071/3642 the noise of the weeping/of 1444/3642
Psa_91:3.............and/from the noisome/pestilence 1800/3642
Isa_14:31...........come/from the north a/smoke 2043/3642
Jer_4:6.............evil/from the north and a great destruction/The 2235/3642
Jer_50:41...........come/from the north and a great nation/and 2466/3642
Luk_13:29............and/from the north and from the south and/shall 3125/3642
Psa_107:3...........west/from the north and from the south They/wandered 1824/3642
Isa_49:12..........these/from the north and from the west/and 2168/3642 the north and he/shall 2122/3642
Jos_18:17..........drawn/from the north and went/forth 789/3642
Jer_6:22..........cometh/from the north country and a/great 2252/3642
Jer_31:8............them/from the north country and gather/them 2368/3642
Jer_50:9.........nations/from the north country and they/shall 2461/3642
Eze_48:1..........tribes/From the north end/to 2686/3642
Amo_8:12.............and/from the north even/to 2804/3642
Eze_39:2..............up/from the north parts/and 2643/3642
Jer_51:48............her/from the north saith/the 2473/3642
Jer_13:20...........come/from the north where/is 2280/3642
Eze_26:7...........kings/from the north with/horses 2600/3642
Mar_2:21............away/from the old/and.... 3009/3642
1Ki_7:23..........cubits/from the one brim/to 1148/3642
Deu_28:64.........people/from the one end of the earth even unto the other and/there 673/3642
Deu_13:7............thee/from the one end of the earth even unto the other end/of 618/3642
Jer_12:12.........devour/from the one end of the land/even 2276/3642
Exo_36:33.........boards/from the one end to/the 275/3642
Deu_4:32.............ask/from the one side/of. 576/3642
Jer_46:16.......nativity/from the oppressing/sword 2433/3642 the oppression/of 1853/3642 the other Abram/dwelled 47/3642 the other and/so 3312/3642
Jos_24:3.........Abraham/from the other side/of 816/3642 the part/of..... 306/3642
Jer_22:20............cry/from the passages/for 2324/3642 the paths/of... 1638/3642
Eze_28:25.........Israel/from the people among/whom 2610/3642
2Sa_24:21.........stayed/from the people And Araunah/said 1126/3642 the people and assemble/you 2532/3642
Act_26:17...........thee/from the people and from/the 3359/3642
Eze_34:13............out/from the people and gather them/from 2631/3642
Eze_20:41............out/from the people and gather you/out 2574/3642
Eze_39:27..........again/from the people and gathered/them 2647/3642 the people and I/will 2594/3642
1Ch_21:22.........stayed/from the people And Ornan/said 1341/3642
Eze_20:34............out/from the people and will/gather 2572/3642
Deu_18:3.............due/from the people from/them 635/3642 the people his/disciples 3027/3642
Ezr_10:11.....yourselves/from the people of the land/and 1462/3642
Ezr_9:1.......themselves/from the people of the lands doing/according 1456/3642
Neh_10:28.....themselves/from the people of the lands unto/the 1495/3642
Eze_29:13......Egyptians/from the people whither/they 2612/3642 the pestilence from/the 2321/3642
Eze_12:16............and/from the pestilence that/they 2539/3642
1Ch_18:11............and/from the Philistines and/from 1336/3642
2Sa_23:11...........fled/from the Philistines But/he 1120/3642
Jdg_10:11............and/from the Philistines The/Zidonians 860/3642
2Ki_18:16............and/from the pillars/which 1286/3642
Job_33:18...........soul/from the pit and/his 1611/3642 the pit of/corruption 2109/3642
Job_33:30...........soul/from the pit to/be.. 1615/3642 the place of his/habitation 1687/3642
Ecc_8:10............gone/from the place of the/holy 1973/3642
Jer_13:7..........girdle/from the place where I/had 2279/3642
Joh_11:41..........stone/from the place where the/dead 3200/3642
Gen_13:14...........look/from the place where thou/art 49/3642
Jer_17:26............and/from the places/about 2299/3642
Jer_17:26............and/from the plain and/from 2301/3642
Amo_1:5.......inhabitant/from the plain of/Aven 2784/3642
Jos_12:3.............And/from the plain to/the 755/3642
Deu_34:1..............up/from the plains/of... 696/3642
Jer_48:33..........taken/from the plentiful/field 2443/3642
Isa_10:2...........right/from the poor of/my. 2016/3642
Eze_18:17...........hand/from the poor that/hath 2561/3642
Eze_48:22............and/from the possession of the city/being 2696/3642
Eze_48:22.......Moreover/from the possession of the Levites/and 2695/3642
Psa_81:6.......delivered/from the pots/Thou.. 1784/3642 the power of darkness/and 3472/3642
Hab_2:9........delivered/from the power of evil/Thou 2858/3642
Act_26:18............and/from the power of Satan/unto 3362/3642
Psa_22:20........darling/from the power of the dog/Save 1671/3642
Isa_47:14.....themselves/from the power of the flame/there 2151/3642
Psa_49:15...........soul/from the power of the grave for/he 1719/3642
Hos_13:14...........them/from the power of the grave I/will 2766/3642
Dan_6:27..........Daniel/from the power of the lions/So 2727/3642
Job_5:20.............war/from the power of the sword/Thou 1550/3642
Pro_14:7..............Go/from the presence of a/foolish 1923/3642
Gen_27:30............out/from the presence of Isaac/his 95/3642
1Ki_12:2............fled/from the presence of king/Solomon 1164/3642
Exo_35:20.......departed/from the presence of Moses/And 270/3642
Gen_41:46............out/from the presence of Pharaoh/and 134/3642
2Ch_10:2............fled/from the presence of Solomon/the 1374/3642
Num_20:6............went/from the presence of the assembly/unto 445/3642
Act_5:41........departed/from the presence of the council/rejoicing 3251/3642
Est_8:15.............out/from the presence of the king in/royal 1519/3642
2Sa_24:4.............out/from the presence of the king to/number 1123/3642
Gen_4:16.............out/from the presence of the LORD and dwelt/in 20/3642
2Th_1:9......destruction/from the presence of the Lord and from/the 3494/3642
Act_3:19............come/from the presence of the Lord And he/shall 3244/3642
Job_2:7............forth/from the presence of the LORD and smote/Job 1534/3642
Job_1:12...........forth/from the presence of the LORD And there/was 1528/3642
Jon_1:3.........Tarshish/from the presence of the LORD and went/down 2810/3642
Jon_1:10............fled/from the presence of the LORD because/he 2812/3642
Jon_1:3.........Tarshish/from the presence of the LORD But/the 2811/3642
Gen_3:8.......themselves/from the presence of the LORD God/amongst 11/3642
Gen_49:9...........whelp/from the prey/my..... 152/3642
Psa_31:20.......presence/from the pride/of... 1682/3642
Eze_7:26..........perish/from the priest and/counsel 2515/3642
Jer_18:18.........perish/from the priest nor/counsel 2310/3642
Neh_7:64.............put/from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim/The 1484/3642
Ezr_2:62.............put/from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and with/Thummim 1440/3642
Isa_42:7.......prisoners/from the prison/and. 2125/3642
Jer_18:18...........word/from the prophet Come/and 2312/3642
Jer_8:10....covetousness/from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely For/they 2259/3642
Jer_6:13.............and/from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely They/have 2249/3642
Jer_23:15............for/from the prophets/of 2328/3642
Eze_19:8............side/from the provinces/and 2570/3642
Jer_49:7........perished/from the prudent/is. 2452/3642
Jdg_3:19...........again/from the quarries/that 831/3642
Num_33:11........removed/from the Red sea and encamped/in 498/3642
Exo_15:22.........Israel/from the Red sea and they/went 218/3642
Exo_23:31.........bounds/from the Red sea even/unto 242/3642 the reproach/of 1737/3642
Luk_16:21...........fell/from the rich/man's. 3129/3642
2Ki_11:11...........king/from the right corner/of 1239/3642
Eze_47:1...........under/from the right side of the house/at 2675/3642
2Ch_23:10...........hand/from the right side of the temple/to 1397/3642
Job_36:7............eyes/from the righteous/but 1621/3642
Neh_4:21..........spears/from the rising of the morning/till 1476/3642
Isa_45:6............know/from the rising of the sun and/from 2135/3642
Mal_1:11.............For/from the rising of the sun even/unto 2906/3642
Isa_41:25...........come/from the rising of the sun shall/he 2123/3642
Psa_113:3.......evermore/From the rising of the sun unto the going down of/the 1835/3642 the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof/Out 1720/3642
Isa_59:19..........glory/from the rising of the sun When/the 2203/3642
Jos_12:1.............sun/from the river Arnon/unto 751/3642
1Ch_5:9.......wilderness/from the river Euphrates/because 1307/3642
Zec_9:10.............and/from the river even to/the 2895/3642
2Ch_9:26...........kings/from the river even unto/the 1373/3642
Ezr_8:31........departed/from the river of Ahava/on 1454/3642
Deu_3:8...........Jordan/from the river of Arnon/unto 567/3642 the river of Egypt unto the great/river 52/3642
2Ki_24:7...........taken/from the river of Egypt unto the river/Euphrates 1301/3642
Deu_11:24........Lebanon/from the river the/river 609/3642
Psa_72:8.............and/from the river unto the ends/of 1766/3642
1Ki_4:21........kingdoms/from the river unto the land/of 1139/3642
Jdg_1:36........Akrabbim/from the rock and upward/And 824/3642
Jdg_15:13.............up/from the rock And when/he 876/3642
Jer_18:14.........cometh/from the rock of/the 2307/3642
Jer_51:25...........down/from the rocks/and.. 2471/3642
2Sa_11:2.............and/from the roof he/saw 1064/3642
Eze_40:13...........gate/from the roof of/one 2649/3642
Mar_11:20.............up/from the roots/And.. 3044/3642
Col_2:20..........Christ/from the rudiments/of 3479/3642
Ecc_10:5......proceedeth/from the ruler Folly/is 1974/3642
Mar_5:35............came/from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain/which 3017/3642 the ruler of the synagogue's house saying/to 3096/3642
Isa_58:13...........foot/from the sabbath/from 2194/3642
Lev_4:35............away/from the sacrifice/of 286/3642 the sanctuary/and 1660/3642
Job_5:21.............hid/from the scourge/of. 1551/3642
Num_11:31.........quails/from the sea and let/them 405/3642 the sea and the flood/decayeth 1564/3642 the sea and the river/shall 2052/3642
Luk_6:17.............and/from the sea coast/of 3091/3642
Dan_7:3...............up/from the sea diverse/one 2728/3642
Nah_3:8..............was/from the sea Ethiopia/and 2855/3642
Eze_47:17.........border/from the sea shall/be 2678/3642
Isa_24:14..........aloud/from the sea Wherefore/glorify 2069/3642
Zep_1:10.........howling/from the second/and. 2867/3642 the secret/counsel 1750/3642
Exo_26:4.........curtain/from the selvedge in the coupling and/likewise 247/3642
Exo_36:11........curtain/from the selvedge in the coupling likewise/he 273/3642
Deu_17:11........decline/from the sentence/which 631/3642
Luk_24:2............away/from the sepulchre And they/entered 3155/3642
Luk_24:9........returned/from the sepulchre and told/all 3156/3642
Mar_16:8............fled/from the sepulchre for/they 3062/3642
Joh_20:1............away/from the sepulchre Then/she 3228/3642
Mat_28:8.........quickly/from the sepulchre with/fear 3003/3642
Rev_1:4..............and/from the seven/Spirits 3597/3642
Exo_12:5.............out/from the sheep/or.... 198/3642
1Ch_17:7............thee/from the sheepcote even/from 1323/3642
2Sa_7:8.............thee/from the sheepcote from/following 1050/3642
Psa_78:70............him/from the sheepfolds/From 1779/3642
Jos_15:2.............was/from the shore/of.... 770/3642
Jer_6:22..........raised/from the sides/of... 2253/3642
Pro_25:4...........dross/from the silver/and. 1948/3642
2Co_11:3.......corrupted/from the simplicity/that 3435/3642
2Ki_15:18...........days/from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin And Pul/the 1254/3642
2Ki_15:9.............not/from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin And Shallum/the 1251/3642
2Ki_15:24............not/from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin But/Pekah 1255/3642
2Ki_15:28............not/from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin In/the 1256/3642
2Ki_10:29........Howbeit/from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin Jehu/departed 1232/3642
2Ki_10:31............not/from the sins of Jeroboam which/made 1234/3642
2Ki_13:6.............not/from the sins of the/house 1243/3642
Mat_27:45............Now/from the sixth/hour. 2996/3642
Gen_14:17.........return/from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer/and 50/3642
2Sa_1:1.........returned/from the slaughter of the Amalekites/and 1020/3642
2Ch_25:14...........come/from the slaughter of the Edomites/that 1405/3642
Heb_7:1........returning/from the slaughter of the kings/and 3531/3642
1Sa_17:57.......returned/from the slaughter of the Philistine Abner/took 979/3642
1Sa_18:6........returned/from the slaughter of the Philistine that/the 980/3642
Psa_91:3............thee/from the snare/of... 1799/3642
Pro_13:14.........depart/from the snares of death Good/understanding 1921/3642
Pro_14:27.........depart/from the snares of death In/the 1926/3642 the snares which/they 1882/3642 the sole of his foot even/to 1085/3642
Job_2:7............boils/from the sole of his foot unto/his 1535/3642
Isa_1:6............faint/From the sole of the/foot 1993/3642
Deu_28:35.........healed/from the sole of thy/foot 668/3642
Dan_5:21..........driven/from the sons of men and/his 2723/3642
Joe_1:12............away/from the sons of men Gird/yourselves 2774/3642
Jos_13:4..........Avites/From the south all/the 759/3642
Luk_13:29............and/from the south and/shall 3126/3642
Jer_17:26............and/from the south bringing/burnt 2303/3642
Psa_75:6.............nor/from the south But/God 1772/3642
Gen_13:3........journeys/from the south even/to 45/3642
Psa_107:3............and/from the south They/wandered 1825/3642 the south to Kadeshbarnea/and 537/3642
Num_34:4............turn/from the south to the ascent/of 536/3642
Eze_20:47..........faces/from the south to the north shall/be 2575/3642
Eze_21:4...........flesh/from the south to the north That/all 2578/3642
Jos_12:3.............and/from the south under/Ashdothpisgah 756/3642
Luk_13:15............ass/from the stall/and.. 3120/3642
Isa_25:4..........refuge/from the storm/a.... 2073/3642
Ezr_10:11............and/from the strange wives/Then 1463/3642
Pro_2:16............thee/from the strange woman even/from 1896/3642
Pro_7:5.............thee/from the strange woman from/the 1915/3642
Pro_7:5............woman/from the stranger which flattereth with her words For/at 1916/3642
Pro_2:16............even/from the stranger which flattereth with her words Which/forsaketh 1897/3642
2Sa_21:12...........them/from the street/of.. 1106/3642
Jer_7:34.............and/from the streets of/Jerusalem 2257/3642 the streets Speak/Thus 2265/3642
Psa_31:20.......pavilion/from the strife/of.. 1683/3642 the strivings of my/people 1117/3642 the strivings of the/people 1652/3642
Jer_49:19...........lion/from the swelling of Jordan against/the 2455/3642
Jer_50:44...........lion/from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 2468/3642
Amo_2:14..........perish/from the swift/and.. 2792/3642
Jer_21:7......pestilence/from the sword and from/the 2322/3642
Isa_31:8............flee/from the sword and his/young 2090/3642
Eze_38:8............back/from the sword and is/gathered 2641/3642
2Ch_36:20........escaped/from the sword carried/he 1437/3642
Eze_12:16...........them/from the sword from the/famine 2537/3642
Job_5:15............poor/from the sword from their/mouth 1546/3642
Psa_22:20...........soul/from the sword my/darling 1670/3642
1Ki_19:17.......escapeth/from the sword of Jehu/shall 1186/3642 the sword of Pharaoh/And 226/3642
Job_39:22...........back/from the sword The/quiver 1624/3642
Isa_21:15...........fled/from the swords/from 2058/3642
Num_16:27.............up/from the tabernacle of/Korah 428/3642
Num_9:17..............up/from the tabernacle then/after 399/3642
1Sa_20:34..........arose/from the table/in.... 992/3642
Isa_32:2..........covert/from the tempest/as. 2092/3642
Isa_66:6...........voice/from the temple a/voice 2219/3642
Mat_24:1........departed/from the temple and/his 2979/3642
Luk_2:37.............not/from the temple but/served 3079/3642
Gen_18:2............them/from the tent/door.... 58/3642 the tents/of.... 427/3642
Rev_22:19............and/from the things/which 3642/3642
Act_20:9............down/from the third/loft. 3331/3642
Jer_25:3..........saying/From the thirteenth/year 2334/3642
Rev_16:17.........heaven/from the throne/saying 3629/3642
Gen_39:5............pass/from the time that he/had 129/3642
Neh_5:14........Moreover/from the time that I/was 1479/3642 the time that it goeth/forth 2080/3642
Isa_48:16......beginning/from the time that it was/there 2160/3642
Dan_12:11............And/from the time that the/daily 2744/3642
Son_4:8.............look/from the top of Amana/from 1983/3642 the top of his/young 2559/3642
Son_4:8............Amana/from the top of Shenir/and 1984/3642
Jos_15:9...........drawn/from the top of the hill/unto 775/3642
Jdg_9:36............down/from the top of the mountains And/Zebul 855/3642
Isa_42:11..........shout/from the top of the mountains Let/them 2127/3642
2Ch_25:12...........down/from the top of the rock/that 1403/3642
Num_23:9.............For/from the top of the rocks/I 468/3642
Joh_19:23..........woven/from the top throughout/They 3226/3642
Mat_27:51..........twain/from the top to the bottom and the/earth 2997/3642
Mar_15:38..........twain/from the top to the bottom And when/the 3060/3642
Jer_31:38...........LORD/from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate/of 2378/3642
Zec_14:10............and/from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's/winepresses 2902/3642
Eze_29:10.......desolate/from the tower of Syene even/unto 2611/3642
Eze_30:6............down/from the tower of Syene shall/they 2613/3642
2Ki_18:8.........thereof/from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city And it/came 1283/3642
2Ki_17:9..........cities/from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city And they/set 1269/3642
Jos_8:29............down/from the tree and cast/it 726/3642
Act_13:29...........down/from the tree and laid/him 3284/3642
Mat_21:8........branches/from the trees and strawed/them 2972/3642
Jdg_9:48...........bough/from the trees and took/it 856/3642
Jam_5:19.............err/from the truth and one/convert 3551/3642
2Ti_4:4.............ears/from the truth and shall/be 3516/3642
Tit_1:14............turn/from the truth Unto/the 3519/3642
Neh_3:20...........piece/from the turning/of. 1467/3642
Neh_5:14...........Judah/from the twentieth/year 1480/3642
1Sa_30:17...........them/from the twilight/even 1016/3642 the uncleanness/of 315/3642
Jer_50:26............her/from the utmost border/open 2464/3642
Luk_11:31...........came/from the utmost parts/of 3113/3642
Eze_42:9............them/from the utter/court 2659/3642
Isa_24:16............sea/From the uttermost part of the earth have/we 2070/3642
Mar_13:27..........winds/from the uttermost part of the earth to/the 3052/3642
1Ki_6:24..........cherub/from the uttermost part of the one/wing 1145/3642
Mat_12:42...........came/from the uttermost parts/of 2945/3642
Jos_15:7...........Debir/from the valley/of... 774/3642
Luk_1:3...........things/from the very/first. 3064/3642
Isa_22:24.......quantity/from the vessels/of. 2067/3642
Jer_15:19.......precious/from the vile/thou.. 2283/3642
Neh_12:28............and/from the villages/of 1498/3642 the vine/and... 2097/3642
Jon_3:8..............and/from the violence/that 2819/3642 the violent man Therefore I/will 1119/3642 the violent man Therefore will/I 1654/3642 the violent man Which/imagine 1879/3642 the violent man who/have 1881/3642
Job_4:13........thoughts/from the visions/of. 1543/3642
1Sa_31:12...........sons/from the wall of Bethshan/and 1019/3642
Num_35:4...........reach/from the wall of the/city 543/3642
2Sa_11:21............him/from the wall that/he 1070/3642
2Sa_11:20..........shoot/from the wall Who/smote 1069/3642
2Ch_28:12...........came/from the war/And.... 1413/3642
Son_4:2...............up/from the washing whereof every one bear/twins 1980/3642
Son_6:6...............up/from the washing whereof every one beareth/twins 1991/3642
Gen_1:6...........waters/from the waters And/God 2/3642 the waters that/come 704/3642
Gen_1:7........firmament/from the waters which/were 3/3642
1Ki_13:26...........back/from the way heard/thereof 1173/3642
Eze_43:2............came/from the way of the east/and 2660/3642
Pro_2:12............thee/from the way of the evil/man 1894/3642
Eze_9:2.............came/from the way of the higher/gate 2520/3642
Gen_24:62...........came/from the way of the well/Lahairoi 83/3642
Psa_2:12..........perish/from the way when/his 1628/3642
Deu_31:29..........aside/from the way which/I. 684/3642
Luk_12:36.........return/from the wedding/that 3116/3642
2Sa_3:26...........again/from the well/of.... 1039/3642
Gen_29:10..........stone/from the well's mouth and watered the flock/of 106/3642
Gen_29:3...........stone/from the well's mouth and watered the sheep/and 104/3642
Gen_29:8...........stone/from the well's mouth then/we 105/3642
Luk_13:29............and/from the west and from/the 3124/3642
Isa_59:19...........LORD/from the west and his/glory 2202/3642
Isa_49:12............and/from the west and these/from 2169/3642
Eze_45:7........portions/from the west border/unto 2670/3642
Zec_8:7..............and/from the west country/And 2889/3642
Psa_107:3............and/from the west from/the 1823/3642
Isa_43:5............thee/from the west I/will 2129/3642
Psa_75:6.............nor/from the west nor/from 1771/3642
Dan_8:5.............came/from the west on/the 2736/3642 the west side/westward 2668/3642 the west so/far 1810/3642
Isa_45:6.............and/from the west that/there 2136/3642
Hos_11:10........tremble/from the west They/shall 2763/3642
Psa_37:40...........them/from the wicked and/save 1701/3642
Pro_15:29............far/from the wicked but he/heareth 1928/3642
1Sa_24:13.....proceedeth/from the wicked but mine/hand 1001/3642
Psa_119:155..........far/from the wicked for/they 1855/3642
Psa_17:9...........wings/From the wicked that/oppress 1640/3642
Job_38:15............And/from the wicked their/light 1623/3642
Psa_17:13...........soul/from the wicked which/is 1642/3642
Hos_13:15.............up/from the wilderness and his/spring 2769/3642
Deu_11:24..........yours/from the wilderness and Lebanon/from 608/3642
Job_1:19............wind/from the wilderness and smote/the 1530/3642
Jos_1:4............Moses/From the wilderness and this/Lebanon 697/3642
Jdg_11:22............and/from the wilderness even/unto 866/3642
Son_8:5...............up/from the wilderness leaning/upon 1992/3642
Num_13:3............them/from the wilderness of Paran/all 411/3642
Exo_17:1.......journeyed/from the wilderness of Sin/after 223/3642 the wilderness of Zin along/by 535/3642 the wilderness of Zin unto/Rehob 412/3642
Num_21:18............And/from the wilderness they/went 457/3642
Eze_23:42........Sabeans/from the wilderness which/put 2590/3642 the wind/and... 2091/3642
Psa_55:8..........escape/from the windy/storm 1730/3642 the winepresses/none 2445/3642
Luk_10:21.........things/from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered to/me 3106/3642
Mat_11:25.........things/from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered unto/me 2942/3642
Jer_18:18........counsel/from the wise nor/the 2311/3642
Gen_38:20.........pledge/from the woman's/hand 128/3642
Isa_46:3.........carried/from the womb And even/to 2141/3642
Hos_9:11.............and/from the womb and from/the 2756/3642
Jdg_13:5.............God/from the womb and he/shall 873/3642
Isa_48:8....transgressor/from the womb For/my 2158/3642 the womb from/the 2164/3642
Isa_44:24...........thee/from the womb I/am.. 2134/3642
Psa_110:3.......holiness/from the womb of/the 1833/3642
Jer_20:17............not/from the womb or/that 2318/3642
Psa_58:3.......estranged/from the womb they/go 1738/3642
Psa_71:6..............up/from the womb thou art he/that 1761/3642
Psa_22:10...........thee/from the womb thou art my/God 1666/3642 the womb to be/his 2166/3642
Jdg_13:7.............God/from the womb to the day/of 874/3642
Job_10:19........carried/from the womb to the grave/Are 1560/3642
Isa_44:2............thee/from the womb which/will 2132/3642
Job_3:11.............not/from the womb why/did 1539/3642
Pro_19:27............err/from the words of knowledge/An 1936/3642
Pro_4:5..........decline/from the words of my mouth Forsake/her 1903/3642
Pro_5:7..............not/from the words of my mouth Remove/thy 1909/3642
Psa_22:1.............and/from the words of my roaring/O 1665/3642
Rev_22:19...........away/from the words of the/book 3641/3642
Neh_6:9.........weakened/from the work/that.. 1482/3642 the workers/of. 1741/3642
Jam_1:27.......unspotted/from the world/My... 3546/3642
Rev_6:16.............and/from the wrath of/the 3605/3642
Mat_3:7.............flee/from the wrath to come Bring forth therefore fruits meet/for 2918/3642
Luk_3:7.............flee/from the wrath to come Bring forth therefore fruits worthy/of 3080/3642 the wrath to come For/yourselves 3486/3642
Lev_27:17..........field/from the year of/jubile 350/3642
Lev_25:50............him/from the year that/he 344/3642
Jdg_18:7.............far/from the Zidonians/and 889/3642
Pro_4:24............away/from thee a/froward. 1906/3642
Jdg_17:2...........taken/from thee about/which 883/3642
Deu_7:15............away/from thee all/sickness 587/3642
Rev_18:14.......departed/from thee and all/things 3633/3642
2Ki_2:9.............away/from thee And Elisha/said 1207/3642
Exo_8:11..........depart/from thee and from/thy 174/3642 thee And Hannah/answered 914/3642
Gen_27:45...........away/from thee and he/forget 99/3642
Eze_16:9...........blood/from thee and I anointed/thee 2555/3642
Eze_16:42.........depart/from thee and I will be/quiet 2558/3642
Zec_3:4.............pass/from thee and I will clothe/thee 2883/3642
1Sa_17:46...........head/from thee and I will give/the 977/3642
Exo_8:29.............out/from thee and I will intreat/the 179/3642
1Sa_28:16.......departed/from thee and is/become 1014/3642
Nah_3:7.............flee/from thee and say/Nineveh 2854/3642
Joh_17:8.............out/from thee and they have/believed 3219/3642
Dan_4:31........departed/from thee And they shall/drive 2717/3642
Rev_18:14.......departed/from thee and thou/shalt 3634/3642
Exo_8:9............frogs/from thee and thy houses/that 173/3642
Amo_3:11........strength/from thee and thy palaces/shall 2795/3642
Eze_23:27..........cease/from thee and thy whoredom/brought 2586/3642 thee And when/thou 625/3642
1Ki_11:11........kingdom/from thee and will/give 1162/3642
Deu_7:20......themselves/from thee be/destroyed 588/3642
Deu_15:16...........away/from thee because/he. 627/3642
Lev_25:41.........depart/from thee both/he.... 343/3642
Mat_12:38...........sign/from thee But he/answered 2944/3642
Psa_73:27........whoring/from thee But it/is. 1769/3642
Psa_139:12...........not/from thee but the/night 1875/3642 thee but your/fathers 2390/3642
Job_26:4............came/from thee Dead/things 1590/3642
Isa_54:8............face/from thee for a/moment 2181/3642 thee for he/hath 628/3642 thee for if/I... 989/3642 thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell And/if 2929/3642 thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell It/hath 2930/3642
Deu_23:13.........cometh/from thee For the/LORD 655/3642 thee from/the... 617/3642
Gen_23:6........withhold/from thee his/sepulchre 73/3642 thee Howbeit/he 1079/3642
Mat_18:8............them/from thee it is better for thee to enter into life halt/or 2963/3642 thee it is better for thee to enter into life with/one 2964/3642
2Ki_2:10...........taken/from thee it shall/be 1208/3642
Jer_6:8...........depart/from thee lest/I.... 2247/3642
Psa_69:5.............hid/from thee Let not/them 1757/3642
Pro_4:24.............far/from thee Let thine/eyes 1907/3642
Mat_16:22............far/from thee Lord/this. 2959/3642
Psa_38:9.............hid/from thee My/heart.. 1702/3642
Deu_30:11.........hidden/from thee neither is/it 681/3642
Isa_54:10.........depart/from thee neither shall/the 2182/3642
Psa_80:18...........back/from thee quicken/us 1782/3642
Eze_22:5.............far/from thee shall mock/thee 2579/3642
Gen_18:25............far/from thee Shall not/the 64/3642
Psa_73:27............far/from thee shall perish/thou 1768/3642
Act_23:21........promise/from thee So/the.... 3350/3642
Exo_33:5.......ornaments/from thee that I/may. 263/3642
1Ki_18:12...........gone/from thee that the/Spirit 1183/3642
Eze_24:16...........away/from thee the desire/of 2592/3642
Gen_30:2........withheld/from thee the fruit/of 107/3642 thee the righteous and the wicked Seeing/then 2576/3642 thee the righteous and the wicked therefore/shall 2577/3642
Deu_12:21............far/from thee then/thou.. 611/3642
1Sa_15:28.........Israel/from thee this/day... 963/3642
Deu_23:14...........away/from thee Thou shalt not deliver/unto 656/3642 thee thou shalt not let/him 626/3642
Gen_18:25............far/from thee to do/after. 63/3642
Ezr_4:12..............up/from thee to us/are. 1445/3642
Psa_139:15...........hid/from thee when I/was 1876/3642
Jer_11:15.........passed/from thee when thou/doest 2273/3642 thee which are/not 644/3642
Deu_14:24............far/from thee which the/LORD 623/3642
Isa_39:7...........issue/from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 2113/3642
2Ki_20:18..........issue/from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 1292/3642
Job_42:2......withholden/from thee Who/is.... 1626/3642
Eze_28:3............hide/from thee With/thy.. 2606/3642
Job_13:20.........myself/from thee Withdraw/thine 1561/3642
Mic_1:16.......captivity/from thee Woe/to.... 2826/3642
Isa_18:2........terrible/from their beginning hitherto a nation meted out and trodden down/whose 2049/3642
Isa_18:7........terrible/from their beginning hitherto a nation meted out and trodden under/foot 2051/3642
Joe_3:6..............far/from their border/Behold 2779/3642 their burdens/And 163/3642
Mic_2:9...........houses/from their children have/ye 2832/3642
Psa_78:4............them/from their children shewing/to 1774/3642
1Ch_19:7........together/from their cities/and 1338/3642 their coasts/men 886/3642 their company/and 3092/3642
Job_31:16...........poor/from their desire/or 1603/3642
Psa_35:17...........soul/from their destructions my/darling 1696/3642
Psa_107:20..........them/from their destructions Oh/that 1826/3642
Psa_49:14..........grave/from their dwelling/But 1718/3642 their enemies and slew/of 1520/3642
Est_9:22..........rested/from their enemies and the/month 1521/3642
Jer_18:8............turn/from their evil I/will 2305/3642
Jer_23:22...........them/from their evil way and from/the 2329/3642
Jon_3:10..........turned/from their evil way and God/repented 2821/3642
Rev_21:4...........tears/from their eyes and there/shall 3639/3642
Rev_7:17...........tears/from their eyes And when/he 3607/3642
Job_15:18...........told/from their fathers/and 1565/3642
Pro_30:12.........washed/from their filthiness/There 1959/3642
2Ki_5:24............them/from their hand/and. 1222/3642
2Ch_35:11..........blood/from their hands/and 1429/3642
Jer_18:22..........heard/from their houses/when 2314/3642 their labours/and 3625/3642
Psa_78:30......estranged/from their lust/But. 1776/3642
Mat_15:27...........fall/from their masters'/table 2954/3642
Mat_19:12...........born/from their mother's/womb 2968/3642
Job_5:15...........sword/from their mouth and from/the 1547/3642
Neh_9:20...........manna/from their mouth and gavest/them 1491/3642 their mouth Cut/off 2255/3642
Eze_34:10..........flock/from their mouth that/they 2630/3642 their musick/The 2494/3642
Jdg_2:19.............not/from their own/doings 827/3642
Pro_1:15............foot/from their path/For. 1892/3642
Mic_2:9..............out/from their pleasant/houses 2831/3642
Act_27:43...........them/from their purpose/and 3368/3642
Jer_12:2.............far/from their reins/But 2275/3642
Amo_5:12............gate/from their right/Therefore 2798/3642
Luk_1:52..........mighty/from their seats/and 3071/3642
Est_9:28..........perish/from their seed/Then 1525/3642
2Ch_35:15.........depart/from their service/for 1430/3642
Eze_27:29...........down/from their ships/they 2605/3642
1Ki_8:35............turn/from their sin when thou afflictest/them 1149/3642
2Ch_6:26............turn/from their sin when thou dost/afflict 1357/3642
Mat_1:21..........people/from their sins/Now. 2914/3642
Jer_31:13........rejoice/from their sorrow/And 2371/3642
Jdg_2:19.............nor/from their stubborn/way 828/3642
Jos_3:14.........removed/from their tents/to.. 706/3642
Isa_14:9..............up/from their thrones all/the 2038/3642
Eze_26:16...........down/from their thrones and/lay 2601/3642
Lev_15:31.........Israel/from their uncleanness/that 312/3642
Jer_15:7.............not/from their ways/Their 2282/3642
2Ch_7:14............turn/from their wicked ways/then 1368/3642
Neh_9:35............they/from their wicked works/Behold 1494/3642
Jer_44:5............turn/from their wickedness/to 2430/3642
Exo_5:4...........people/from their works/get. 162/3642 their youth/for 2380/3642
Luk_22:41......withdrawn/from them about/a... 3148/3642 them an/herd... 2936/3642
2Ch_28:8...........spoil/from them and brought/the 1412/3642
Luk_24:51.........parted/from them and carried/up 3160/3642
1Ch_14:14...........away/from them and come/upon 1315/3642
2Ch_20:10.........turned/from them and destroyed/them 1389/3642
Eze_39:23...........face/from them and gave/them 2645/3642
Act_21:1..........gotten/from them and had/launched 3336/3642
Luk_4:42..........depart/from them And he/said 3085/3642
Eze_7:20.............far/from them And I/will 2513/3642
Act_7:39.............him/from them and in/their 3255/3642
Act_19:9........departed/from them and separated/the 3326/3642
1Sa_6:7.............home/from them And take/the 932/3642
Act_19:12.......departed/from them and the evil/spirits 3328/3642
Num_14:9........departed/from them and the LORD/is 416/3642
Rev_9:6.............flee/from them And the shapes/of 3610/3642
Luk_5:35............away/from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 3090/3642
Mar_2:20............away/from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 3008/3642
Mat_9:15...........taken/from them and then shall they fast No/man 2938/3642
Deu_31:17...........face/from them and they shall be/devoured 683/3642
Eze_7:22............also/from them and they shall pollute/my 2514/3642
Gen_42:24..........about/from them and wept/and 137/3642
Mic_3:4.............face/from them at/that... 2836/3642
Son_3:4...........passed/from them but I/found 1978/3642
Joh_12:36........himself/from them But though/he 3208/3642
Neh_9:19.............not/from them by/day.... 1490/3642
Hos_9:12..........depart/from them Ephraim/as 2758/3642
Eze_39:29...........more/from them for I/have 2648/3642
Jer_9:2...............go/from them for they be/all 2262/3642
Luk_8:37..........depart/from them for they were/taken 3095/3642 them for your/inheritance 440/3642
Act_15:38.......departed/from them from/Pamphylia 3310/3642
2Sa_22:23.........depart/from them I was/also 1115/3642
Deu_32:20...........face/from them I will/see. 685/3642
Ecc_2:10.............not/from them I withheld/not 1964/3642
Luk_2:15............away/from them into/heaven 3077/3642
Mar_14:52...........fled/from them naked/And. 3056/3642
Num_16:15............ass/from them neither have/I 424/3642
Luk_18:34............hid/from them neither knew/they 3137/3642
2Co_2:3...........sorrow/from them of/whom... 3426/3642
Heb_7:6..........counted/from them received/tithes 3532/3642
Act_13:13......departing/from them returned/to 3282/3642
Gen_42:24...........took/from them Simeon/and. 138/3642
Eze_23:17......alienated/from them So/she.... 2582/3642
Rom_15:31......delivered/from them that do/not 3408/3642
Psa_69:14......delivered/from them that hate/me 1758/3642
2Sa_22:18............and/from them that hated/me 1113/3642
Num_35:8.............but/from them that have few/ye 546/3642
Num_35:8..........Israel/from them that have many/ye 545/3642
Deu_18:3..........people/from them that offer/a 636/3642
Mic_2:8..........garment/from them that pass/by 2829/3642
Psa_31:15............and/from them that persecute/me 1681/3642 them that rise/up 1740/3642
Luk_9:45.............hid/from them that they/perceived 3102/3642
Psa_84:11.......withhold/from them that walk/uprightly 1787/3642
Jer_25:10...........take/from them the/voice. 2337/3642
Eze_24:25...........take/from them their/strength 2593/3642
Lev_13:58.......departed/from them then/it.... 307/3642
Jer_18:20..........wrath/from them Therefore deliver/up 2313/3642
Eze_39:24...........face/from them Therefore thus/saith 2646/3642
Hos_5:6..........himself/from them They have/dealt 2750/3642
Hos_11:2............went/from them they sacrificed/unto 2761/3642
Deu_22:1.........thyself/from them thou shalt in/any 648/3642
Deu_22:4.........thyself/from them thou shalt surely/help 649/3642
Deu_3:4..............not/from them threescore/cities 566/3642
Jer_32:40...........away/from them to do/them 2383/3642
Pro_3:27............good/from them to whom/it 1902/3642
Pro_22:5.............far/from them Train/up.. 1940/3642
2Ki_17:22............not/from them Until/the. 1273/3642
2Co_11:12.......occasion/from them which desire/occasion 3438/3642
Psa_18:17............and/from them which hated/me 1648/3642
Gen_11:6......restrained/from them which they/have 38/3642
2Pe_2:18.........escaped/from them who/live.. 3568/3642
Jer_8:13............away/from them Why/do.... 2260/3642
1Ch_2:23............Jair/from them with/Kenath 1305/3642
Num_13:23...........down/from thence a/branch. 413/3642
Gen_30:32.......removing/from thence all/the.. 108/3642
Jdg_19:18........Ephraim/from thence am/I..... 896/3642
Num_23:27...........them/from thence And Balak/brought 472/3642
1Ki_12:25............out/from thence and built/Penuel 1167/3642
Mar_6:1..............out/from thence and came into/his 3018/3642
Mat_15:29.......departed/from thence and came nigh/unto 2956/3642
2Ki_23:12...........down/from thence and cast/the 1296/3642
Mar_10:1...........arose/from thence and cometh/into 3040/3642
Gen_26:22........removed/from thence and digged/another 89/3642
1Sa_23:29.............up/from thence and dwelt/in 999/3642
Mat_12:15........himself/from thence and great/multitudes 2943/3642
Num_23:13...........them/from thence And he/brought 471/3642
Eze_11:18........thereof/from thence And I/will 2533/3642
Gen_24:7.............son/from thence And if/the 77/3642
2Ki_17:27........brought/from thence and let/them 1279/3642
Gen_18:16.............up/from thence and looked/toward 60/3642
Gen_28:6............wife/from thence and that/as 102/3642
Hos_2:15.......vineyards/from thence and the/valley 2747/3642
Num_13:24...........down/from thence And they/returned 414/3642
1Sa_10:3.........forward/from thence and thou/shalt 941/3642
Gen_18:22..........faces/from thence and went/toward 62/3642
Neh_1:9.............them/from thence and will/bring 1465/3642 thence any/more 1211/3642
Gen_11:9.............and/from thence did/the... 40/3642
Jdg_21:24............out/from thence every/man 905/3642
Amo_6:2..............and/from thence go/ye... 2801/3642
1Ki_9:28.........fetched/from thence gold/four 1157/3642
Mar_7:24.............And/from thence he arose/and 3031/3642
2Ki_2:25.............and/from thence he returned/to 1214/3642
Mat_9:9............forth/from thence he saw a/man 2937/3642
Mat_4:21..............on/from thence he saw other/two 2922/3642
Jdg_1:11.............And/from thence he went/against 821/3642
Jer_43:12..........forth/from thence in/peace 2429/3642
2Co_2:13............went/from thence into/Macedonia 3427/3642
Gen_49:24..........Jacob/from thence is/the... 155/3642
Jos_15:4..........Karkaa/From thence it passed/toward 772/3642
Gen_2:10.............and/from thence it was/parted 9/3642
Ezr_6:6..............far/from thence Let/the. 1448/3642
Jer_36:29..........cease/from thence man/and. 2402/3642
Gen_28:2............wife/from thence of the daughers/of 101/3642
Jdg_18:11...........went/from thence of the family/of 890/3642
Jos_19:13............And/from thence passeth/on 791/3642
1Ki_1:45..............up/from thence rejoicing/so 1128/3642
Jer_49:16...........down/from thence saith/the 2454/3642 thence she seeketh/the 1625/3642
Jer_50:9.............her/from thence she shall/be 2462/3642
Deu_6:23.............out/from thence that he/might 584/3642 thence that we/may 135/3642
2Sa_6:2...............up/from thence the ark of God/whose 1047/3642
1Sa_4:4............bring/from thence the ark of the/covenant 923/3642
2Sa_21:13.............up/from thence the bones/of 1107/3642
Jer_49:38........destroy/from thence the king/and 2459/3642
Luk_16:26...........come/from thence Then/he. 3131/3642
Deu_10:7...........stead/From thence they journeyed/unto 602/3642
Num_21:12......sunrising/From thence they removed and pitched in/the 454/3642
Num_21:13..........Zared/From thence they removed and pitched on/the 455/3642
Act_13:4.............and/from thence they sailed/to 3279/3642
Num_21:16............And/from thence they went/to 456/3642
Deu_22:8............fall/from thence Thou shalt not/sow 650/3642
Deu_4:29..............if/from thence thou shalt seek/the 575/3642
Gen_26:23.............up/from thence to Beersheba/And 90/3642
Jos_19:34............out/from thence to Hukkok/and 795/3642
2Ki_2:25............went/from thence to mount/Carmel 1213/3642
Act_16:12............And/from thence to Philippi/which 3314/3642
Isa_52:11............out/from thence touch/no 2177/3642
Jos_18:13...........over/from thence toward Luz/to 786/3642
Gen_20:1.......journeyed/from thence toward the/south 68/3642 thence two/good.. 94/3642
Gen_12:8.........removed/from thence unto a/mountain 44/3642
2Ki_2:23..............up/from thence unto Bethel/and 1212/3642
Act_21:1.............and/from thence unto Patara/And 3337/3642
2Ki_17:33...........away/from thence Unto this/day 1281/3642
Gen_11:8..........abroad/from thence upon/the.. 39/3642
Act_28:13............And/from thence we fetched/a 3369/3642
Act_27:4........launched/from thence we sailed/under 3365/3642
Act_7:4..............and/from thence when his/father 3253/3642
Act_28:15............And/from thence when the/brethren 3370/3642
Jer_13:6..........girdle/from thence which/I. 2278/3642
Gen_27:45...........thee/from thence why/should 100/3642
Deu_30:4.............and/from thence will he/fetch 680/3642
Deu_30:4..........heaven/from thence will the/LORD 679/3642
2Ch_26:20............out/from thence yea/himself 1410/3642
2Ch_32:23........nations/from thenceforth In/those 1425/3642
Joh_19:12............And/from thenceforth Pilate/sought 3225/3642
2Ti_2:21.........himself/from these he/shall. 3513/3642
Act_5:38.........Refrain/from these men/and.. 3250/3642
Isa_47:13...........thee/from these things/that 2150/3642
Act_14:15...........turn/from these vanities/unto 3292/3642
Luk_19:42............hid/from thine eyes For/the 3143/3642
Pro_3:21..........depart/from thine eyes keep sound/wisdom 1900/3642
Pro_4:21..........depart/from thine eyes keep them/in 1905/3642
Jer_17:4.....discontinue/from thine heritage/that 2292/3642
2Sa_12:10.........depart/from thine house/because 1072/3642
Luk_13:12.........loosed/from thine infirmity/And 3119/3642
Isa_58:7.........thyself/from thine own flesh/Then 2192/3642
Pro_23:4...........cease/from thine own wisdom/Wilt 1944/3642
Act_21:25.....themselves/from things offered/to 3340/3642
Act_15:20............and/from things strangled and from blood/For 3301/3642
Act_15:29............and/from things strangled and from fornication/from 3306/3642
Jer_2:25..........throat/from thirst/but..... 2224/3642
Num_4:3..........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even until/fifty 376/3642
Num_4:47.........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that came/to 384/3642
Num_4:35.........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 381/3642
Num_4:43.........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 383/3642
Num_4:39.........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old every one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 382/3642
Num_4:30.........fathers/From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt/thou 380/3642
Num_4:23........families/From thirty years old and upward until/fifty 379/3642 this bitter/water 386/3642
Luk_13:16.........loosed/from this bond/on... 3121/3642
Jer_33:5............face/from this city/Behold 2385/3642
Hag_2:15........consider/from this day and upward from before/a 2873/3642 this day and upward from the/four 2875/3642
Hag_2:19...........forth/from this day will/I 2878/3642
Psa_12:7............them/from this generation/for 1634/3642 this hour/but.. 3205/3642
Gen_31:13............out/from this land/and... 109/3642
Gen_24:8...........clear/from this my oath only/bring 78/3642
Gen_24:41..........clear/from this my oath when/thou 79/3642
Jer_16:5...........peace/from this people/saith 2284/3642
Jer_28:3............away/from this place and carried/them 2350/3642
Zep_1:4.............Baal/from this place and the/name 2864/3642
Exo_13:3.............out/from this place there/shall 209/3642 this present/evil 3443/3642
Jer_3:4..............not/from this time cry/unto 2228/3642
Isa_48:6..........things/from this time even/hidden 2155/3642 this time forth and even/for 1863/3642
Psa_113:2...........LORD/from this time forth and for evermore From/the 1834/3642
Psa_115:18..........LORD/from this time forth and for evermore Praise/the 1837/3642
Act_2:40......yourselves/from this untoward/generation 3240/3642
Ecc_7:18............also/from this withdraw/not 1970/3642
Jer_4:12............wind/from those places/shall 2239/3642
Psa_109:31...........him/from those that condemn/his 1832/3642
Psa_17:7............thee/from those that rise/up 1639/3642
2Ch_31:16..........males/from three/years.... 1421/3642
Gen_25:23......separated/from thy bowels/and... 86/3642
Job_22:6..........pledge/from thy brother/for 1577/3642
Dan_9:16............away/from thy city/Jerusalem 2740/3642
Psa_119:21...........err/from thy commandments Remove/from 1843/3642
Psa_119:10........wander/from thy commandments Thy/word 1841/3642
2Ch_6:33............even/from thy dwelling place and/do 1362/3642
2Ch_6:21............thou/from thy dwelling place even/from 1353/3642
2Ch_6:39............even/from thy dwelling place their/prayer 1365/3642
Lev_27:18.........abated/from thy estimation/And 351/3642
Gen_4:14.............and/from thy face/shall... 19/3642
1Ki_20:34...........took/from thy father/I... 1189/3642
Gen_12:1.............and/from thy father's/house 43/3642
Isa_14:3.............and/from thy fear and/from 2035/3642
Isa_63:17..........heart/from thy fear Return/for 2215/3642 thy feet/for... 3254/3642
Exo_32:12...........Turn/from thy fierce/wrath 260/3642
Eze_24:13.........purged/from thy filthiness/any 2591/3642
Ecc_11:10...........evil/from thy flesh/for.. 1976/3642
Isa_20:2............shoe/from thy foot/And... 2054/3642
Jer_48:18...........down/from thy glory/and.. 2442/3642
Hos_9:1..........whoring/from thy God/thou... 2754/3642 thy hand Thou/hast 1791/3642
Gen_4:11...........blood/from thy hand When/thou 17/3642
2Ki_2:5...........master/from thy head to day And he answered/Yea 1206/3642
2Ki_2:3...........master/from thy head to day And he said/Yea 1205/3642
Deu_4:9...........depart/from thy heart all/the 573/3642
Ecc_11:10.........sorrow/from thy heart and/put 1975/3642
Deu_26:15...........down/from thy holy/habitation 662/3642
Exo_8:11.............and/from thy houses/and.. 175/3642
2Sa_11:10............not/from thy journey/why 1067/3642
Psa_119:102.....departed/from thy judgments for/thou 1849/3642
Dan_9:5..............and/from thy judgments Neither/have 2738/3642
Act_7:3..............and/from thy kindred and come/into 3252/3642
Gen_12:1.............and/from thy kindred and from/thy 42/3642
Psa_119:51......declined/from thy law I/remembered 1847/3642
Psa_119:150..........far/from thy law Thou/art 1854/3642
Lev_2:13.........lacking/from thy meat/offering 280/3642
Pro_25:17...........foot/from thy neighbour's/house 1950/3642
Exo_8:11.............and/from thy people/they. 177/3642
Eze_38:15...........come/from thy place out/of 2642/3642
Eze_12:3..........remove/from thy place to/another 2536/3642
Deu_15:7............hand/from thy poor/brother 624/3642
Dan_9:5........departing/from thy precepts and/from 2737/3642
Psa_119:110..........not/from thy precepts Thy/testimonies 1850/3642
Psa_51:11...........away/from thy presence and/take 1725/3642
Psa_139:7...........flee/from thy presence If/I 1874/3642
Psa_17:2...........forth/from thy presence let/thine 1637/3642
Psa_69:17...........face/from thy servant for/I 1759/3642
Gen_18:3............thee/from thy servant Let/a 59/3642
Exo_8:11.............and/from thy servants and/from 176/3642
Jos_10:6............hand/from thy servants come/up 733/3642
Jer_18:23............sin/from thy sight/but.. 2315/3642 thy sorrow/and. 2034/3642
Psa_139:7.............go/from thy spirit/or.. 1873/3642
Isa_22:19............and/from thy state/shall 2066/3642
Isa_22:19...........thee/from thy station/and 2065/3642
Psa_119:118..........err/from thy statutes/for 1852/3642
Job_22:23............far/from thy tabernacles/Then 1582/3642
Psa_119:157......decline/from thy testimonies/I 1856/3642
Psa_44:18.......declined/from thy way/Though. 1717/3642
Isa_63:17............err/from thy ways/and... 2214/3642
Isa_47:12.......laboured/from thy youth if/so 2149/3642
Jer_22:21.........manner/from thy youth that/thou 2325/3642
Isa_47:15......merchants/from thy youth they/shall 2152/3642
2Sa_19:7............thee/from thy youth until/now 1095/3642 Tiberias/nigh.. 3175/3642
1Ch_18:8........Likewise/from Tibhath/and.... 1330/3642
Eze_4:11.............hin/from time to time shalt thou drink/And 2510/3642 time to time shalt thou eat/it 2509/3642
1Ch_9:25............days/from time to time with/them 1309/3642
1Ki_4:24...........river/from Tiphsah/even... 1140/3642
2Ki_15:14.............up/from Tirzah and/came 1252/3642
2Ki_15:16........thereof/from Tirzah because/they 1253/3642
Jer_19:14.......Jeremiah/from Tophet/whither. 2316/3642
Isa_59:20...........turn/from transgression/in 2204/3642
Num_36:7..........remove/from tribe/to........ 551/3642
Act_16:11........loosing/from Troas/we....... 3313/3642 trouble for vain is the help of man Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hear/my 1743/3642 trouble for vain is the help of man Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hold/not 1828/3642 trouble thou/shalt 1685/3642
Pro_21:23...........soul/from troubles/Proud. 1939/3642
Job_3:17...........cease/from troubling/and.. 1540/3642
2Ch_36:13..........heart/from turning/unto... 1436/3642
Num_8:24.........Levites/from twenty and/five. 396/3642
2Ch_25:5............them/from twenty years old and above and/found 1402/3642
1Ch_23:27.......numbered/from twenty years old and above Because/their 1346/3642
Exo_30:14.......numbered/from twenty years old and above shall/give 255/3642
1Ch_27:23...........them/from twenty years old and under/because 1347/3642
Num_1:3............polls/From twenty years old and upward all that are/able 352/3642
Num_1:45.........fathers/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war in/Israel 366/3642
Num_1:40...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 364/3642
Num_1:36...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 362/3642
Num_1:38...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 363/3642
Num_1:32...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 360/3642
Num_1:24...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 356/3642
Num_1:28...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 358/3642
Num_1:26...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 357/3642
Num_1:34...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 361/3642
Num_1:42...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 365/3642
Num_1:20............male/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 354/3642
Num_1:22............male/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 355/3642
Num_1:30...........names/from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 359/3642
Num_26:4..........people/from twenty years old and upward as/the 480/3642
Num_1:18...........names/from twenty years old and upward by/their 353/3642
Exo_38:26.......numbered/from twenty years old and upward for/six 276/3642
2Ch_31:17........Levites/from twenty years old and upward in/their 1422/3642
Num_32:11..........Egypt/from twenty years old and upward shall/see 488/3642
Num_26:2..........Israel/from twenty years old and upward throughout/their 479/3642
Ezr_3:8..........Levites/from twenty years old and upward to/set 1443/3642
Num_14:29.........number/from twenty years old and upward which/have 419/3642
Lev_27:3............male/from twenty years old even/unto 346/3642
Mat_2:16.........thereof/from two/years...... 2917/3642
1Ki_9:12.............out/from Tyre to/see.... 1156/3642
Act_21:7..........course/from Tyre we/came... 3338/3642 Tyrus/and...... 2436/3642
Eze_47:1............down/from under from/the. 2674/3642 under heaven and every/thing 22/3642 under heaven and I/will 596/3642
Exo_17:14.........Amalek/from under heaven And Moses/built 224/3642 under heaven And the/LORD 676/3642
2Ki_14:27.........Israel/from under heaven but/he 1250/3642 under heaven there/shall 589/3642
Deu_25:19.........Amalek/from under heaven thou/shalt 661/3642
2Ch_21:10.........revolt/from under his/hand. 1393/3642
Dan_4:14............away/from under it/and... 2711/3642
Exo_6:7..............out/from under the burdens of the Egyptians And I will bring/you 167/3642
Exo_6:6..............out/from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will rid/you 166/3642
2Ch_21:8........revolted/from under the dominion/of 1391/3642
2Ki_8:20........revolted/from under the hand of Judah and/made 1227/3642
2Ch_21:10.......revolted/from under the hand of Judah unto this day The/same 1392/3642
2Ki_8:22........revolted/from under the hand of Judah unto this day Then/Libnah 1228/3642
2Ki_17:7...........Egypt/from under the hand of Pharaoh/king 1267/3642
Exo_18:10.........people/from under the hand of the Egyptians/Now 227/3642
2Ki_13:5.............out/from under the hand of the Syrians/and 1242/3642
Lam_3:66...........anger/from under the heavens/of 2492/3642
Eze_47:1.............out/from under the threshold/of 2673/3642
Job_26:5..........formed/from under the waters/and 1591/3642
Pro_22:27............bed/from under thee/Remove 1943/3642
Hos_4:12.........whoring/from under their/God 2748/3642
Eze_42:9.............And/from under these chambers/was 2658/3642
Jer_10:11............and/from under these heavens/He 2269/3642
Job_17:4...........heart/from understanding/therefore 1566/3642
2Th_3:2........delivered/from unreasonable/and 3498/3642 Uphaz/the...... 2267/3642
Gen_11:31...........them/from Ur/of............ 41/3642
1Sa_21:5............kept/from us about/these.. 994/3642
Isa_64:7............face/from us and hast/consumed 2216/3642
Jer_4:8.............back/from us And it/shall 2238/3642
Num_21:7........serpents/from us And Moses/prayed 452/3642
1Sa_6:20..............up/from us And they/sent 933/3642
Jer_38:25............not/from us and we/will. 2410/3642
Job_22:17.........Depart/from us and what/can 1579/3642
1Sa_14:17...........gone/from us And when/they 951/3642 us as/that..... 3496/3642
1Jn_2:19.............out/from us but/they.... 3579/3642 us For our/transgressions 2198/3642
Jer_37:9..........depart/from us for they/shall 2405/3642
Gen_26:16.............Go/from us for thou/art.. 88/3642
Job_21:14.........Depart/from us for we/desire 1575/3642
Act_15:24............out/from us have/troubled 3303/3642
Psa_2:3............cords/from us He/that..... 1627/3642
Psa_103:12transgressions/from us Like/as..... 1811/3642
Act_1:22..............up/from us must/one.... 3237/3642
2Ch_29:10...........away/from us My/sons..... 1415/3642
Isa_59:9.............far/from us neither/doth 2197/3642
Ezr_10:14.........turned/from us Only/Jonathan 1464/3642
Jer_21:2..............up/from us Then/said... 2320/3642
Jer_48:11........emptied/from vessel/to...... 2441/3642 violence/I..... 1108/3642
Job_2:2..............and/from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 1533/3642
Job_1:7..............and/from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 1527/3642
Jos_11:23.........rested/from war Now/these... 750/3642
Mic_2:8...........averse/from war The/women.. 2830/3642 war This/then... 769/3642
Jer_31:16..........voice/from weeping/and.... 2372/3642
Heb_11:19...........dead/from whence also he/received 3540/3642
Php_3:20..........heaven/from whence also we/look 3468/3642
2Ki_20:14............and/from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 1289/3642
Isa_39:3.............and/from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 2110/3642
Mar_8:4..............him/From whence can/a... 3035/3642
Isa_30:6.........anguish/from whence come the/young 2085/3642
Jam_4:1............peace/From whence come wars/and 3549/3642
Jos_9:8..............and/from whence come ye/And 728/3642
2Sa_1:3..............him/From whence comest thou And he/said 1022/3642
Job_2:2............Satan/From whence comest thou And Satan/answered 1531/3642
Psa_121:1..........hills/from whence cometh/my 1860/3642
Mar_6:2...........saying/From whence hath/this 3019/3642 whence he fled/And 797/3642
Joh_9:30.............not/from whence he is and/yet 3196/3642
Joh_9:29.............not/from whence he is The/man 3195/3642
Gen_3:23..........ground/from whence he was/taken 13/3642 whence I/came.. 2946/3642
Isa_47:11...........know/from whence it/riseth 2148/3642 whence the/rivers 1963/3642
Joh_4:11............deep/from whence then hast/thou 3170/3642
Mat_13:27..........field/from whence then hath/it 2948/3642 whence they came/out 3538/3642
Act_14:26........Antioch/from whence they had/been 3295/3642
Rev_2:5........therefore/from whence thou art/fallen 3600/3642 whence thou camest/And 74/3642 whence thou mayest/see 470/3642
Deu_11:10..........Egypt/from whence ye/came.. 604/3642
Col_2:19............Head/from which all/the.. 3478/3642
Act_15:29....fornication/from which if/ye.... 3308/3642
Act_1:25.....apostleship/from which Judas/by. 3238/3642
1Ti_1:6........unfeigned/From which some/having 3502/3642 which we/are.... 800/3642
Act_13:39.........things/from which ye could/not 3289/3642
Mic_2:3.............evil/from which ye shall/not 2827/3642
Act_22:5..........elders/from whom also/I.... 3344/3642
Lam_1:14...........hands/from whom I/am...... 2483/3642
Isa_31:6.............him/from whom the children/of 2089/3642
Eph_4:16..........Christ/From whom the whole/body 3459/3642
Eze_23:22...........thee/from whom thy mind is alienated and I/will 2585/3642
Eze_23:28...........them/from whom thy mind is alienated And they/shall 2588/3642 whose/face..... 3637/3642
Jer_4:14...........heart/from wickedness/that 2240/3642
Num_6:3..........himself/from wine/and........ 388/3642
Mar_7:23............come/from within and/defile 3030/3642
Mar_7:21.............For/from within out/of.. 3029/3642
Luk_11:7..............he/from within shall/answer 3110/3642
Mar_7:15.........nothing/from without a/man.. 3026/3642
Jer_9:21........children/from without and/the 2264/3642
Mar_7:18...........thing/from without entereth/into 3028/3642
Num_35:5.........measure/from without the/city 544/3642
1Sa_21:4...........least/from women/And....... 993/3642
Rom_5:9............saved/from wrath/through.. 3379/3642
Exo_13:10.........season/from year to year And it/shall 210/3642
2Ch_24:5.............God/from year to year and see/that 1399/3642
1Sa_7:16............went/from year to year in/circuit 937/3642
Zec_14:16.............up/from year to year to/worship 2904/3642
1Sa_2:19.............him/from year to year when/she 916/3642
Jer_17:8...........cease/from yielding/fruit. 2294/3642
Eze_18:31...........away/from you all/your... 2569/3642
Php_4:18............sent/from you an/odour... 3470/3642
Mat_21:43..........taken/from you and given/to 2975/3642
Joh_16:22.........taketh/from you And in/that 3215/3642 you and judge/yourselves 3290/3642
Gen_26:27...........away/from you And they/said 92/3642
Lev_20:25......separated/from you as/unclean.. 328/3642
Jer_34:21.............up/from you Behold/I... 2391/3642
Jam_4:7.............flee/from you Draw/nigh.. 3550/3642
1Th_2:17...........taken/from you for a/short 3487/3642
Jer_5:25..........things/from you For among/my 2246/3642
2Ch_30:8............away/from you For if/ye.. 1418/3642
2Ch_30:9............face/from you if/ye...... 1419/3642
Act_1:11..............up/from you into/heaven 3233/3642 you man/and.... 2431/3642
1Co_14:36............out/from you or/came.... 3418/3642
1Th_1:8..............For/from you sounded/out 3482/3642
Isa_59:2............face/from you that/he.... 2196/3642 you the/northern 2778/3642
1Sa_6:3..........removed/from you Then said/they 928/3642
Jer_42:4............back/from you Then they/said 2424/3642
Isa_22:14.........purged/from you till/ye.... 2064/3642
2Sa_15:28...........word/from you to/certify. 1091/3642
1Th_3:6.............came/from you unto/us.... 3488/3642
Amo_4:7.............rain/from you when there/were 2796/3642
Jos_9:22.............far/from you when ye/dwell 730/3642
Eph_4:31............away/from you with/all... 3461/3642
2Co_3:1.....commendation/from you Ye/are..... 3428/3642
Isa_1:15............eyes/from you yea/when... 1994/3642
Eze_13:20...........them/from your arms/and.. 2541/3642
Exo_5:19...........ought/from your bricks/of.. 164/3642
Num_10:9...........saved/from your enemies/Also 401/3642
Zec_1:4..............and/from your evil doings/but 2880/3642 your evil ways and from/your 2879/3642 your evil ways and keep/my 1270/3642 your evil ways for/why 2623/3642
1Pe_1:18.......tradition/from your fathers/But 3557/3642
Luk_9:5.............dust/from your feet/for.. 3097/3642 your hearts/forgive 2965/3642
Eze_14:6......yourselves/from your idols/and. 2544/3642
Jer_27:10............far/from your land/and.. 2347/3642 your mouth/For. 2772/3642
2Pe_3:17............fall/from your own/stedfastness 3571/3642
Jos_3:3...........remove/from your place/and.. 702/3642 your vain/conversation 3556/3642
Num_33:42.......departed/from Zalmonah/and.... 525/3642
Jdg_18:28............far/from Zidon/and....... 892/3642
Amo_1:2.............roar/from Zion/and....... 2782/3642
Jer_48:34..........voice/from Zoar/even...... 2447/3642
Jdg_18:2..........valour/from Zorah/and....... 887/3642