A day/of....... 1274/1466
Rev_10:2.........his/hand a little/book.. 1456/1466
1Ki_20:42........thy/hand a man/whom...... 601/1466's/hand a measuring/reed 1241/1466
Gen_32:13........his/hand a present/for.... 38/1466
Gen_38:28........his/hand a scarlet/thread. 49/1466
Rev_14:14........his/hand a sharp/sickle. 1462/1466
Gen_40:13........his/hand after/the........ 62/1466
Isa_11:11........his/hand again/the....... 991/1466
Amo_1:8.........mine/hand against Ekron/and 1276/1466
Job_15:25........his/hand against God/and. 811/1466's/hand against him and/he 15/1466
1Sa_24:6........mine/hand against him seeing/he 490/1466
Lam_3:3..........his/hand against me/all. 1149/1466
1Sa_24:10.......mine/hand against my lord for/he 492/1466
2Sa_18:28......their/hand against my lord the/king 552/1466 against the fatherless/when 827/1466
1Ki_11:26........his/hand against the king And/this 582/1466
2Sa_20:21........his/hand against the king even/against 557/1466
1Ki_11:27........his/hand against the king Solomon/built 583/1466
2Sa_18:12.......mine/hand against the king's/son 550/1466
1Sa_26:9.........his/hand against the LORD's anointed and be/guiltless 506/1466
1Sa_26:23.......mine/hand against the LORD's anointed And behold/as 510/1466
1Sa_26:11.......mine/hand against the LORD's anointed but/I 507/1466
Isa_10:32........his/hand against the mount/of 989/1466
Zep_2:13.........his/hand against the north/and 1291/1466
Psa_138:7......thine/hand against the wrath/of 919/1466 against thee and destroy/thee 1059/1466
Eze_35:3........mine/hand against thee and I/will 1226/1466 against their/adversaries 879/1466
Isa_5:25.........his/hand against them and/hath 975/1466
Eze_44:12.......mine/hand against them saith/the 1245/1466
Psa_106:26.......his/hand against them to/overthrow 897/1466
Exo_22:4.........his/hand alive/whether... 158/1466
Gen_39:22...Joseph's/hand all/the.......... 58/1466
Isa_48:13.......Mine/hand also hath/laid. 1031/1466
Psa_89:25........his/hand also in/the..... 885/1466
1Sa_22:17......their/hand also is/with.... 478/1466
Exo_24:11........his/hand also they saw/God 163/1466 also they set/on 412/1466
Dan_11:42........his/hand also upon/the.. 1267/1466
Exo_17:11........his/hand Amalek/prevailed 147/1466
Gen_22:6.........his/hand and a knife/and.. 22/1466
Eze_40:3.........his/hand and a measuring/reed 1240/1466
Eze_8:11.........his/hand and a thick/cloud 1163/1466
2Ch_13:16......their/hand And Abijah/and.. 706/1466
Rev_19:2.........her/hand And again/they. 1464/1466
Num_21:34........thy/hand and all his people/and 228/1466
1Sa_22:6.........his/hand and all his servants/were 477/1466
2Ch_17:5.........his/hand and all Judah/brought 709/1466
1Ch_5:20.......their/hand and all that/were 666/1466
2Ch_36:17........his/hand And all the vessels/of 754/1466
Exo_15:20........her/hand and all the women/went 142/1466
Gen_35:4.......their/hand and all their/earrings 42/1466
Deu_12:11.......your/hand and all your/choice 269/1466
Jon_4:11........left/hand and also/much.. 1281/1466
Mat_27:38......right/hand and another/on. 1339/1466
Psa_108:6......right/hand and answer/me... 901/1466
Act_26:1.........the/hand and answered/for 1418/1466
Gen_41:42...Joseph's/hand and arrayed/him.. 66/1466 and as/a....... 1273/1466
Rev_10:10....angel's/hand and ate/it..... 1459/1466
Jdg_4:7........thine/hand And Barak/said.. 363/1466
Isa_9:20.......right/hand and be/hungry... 981/1466
Psa_142:4......right/hand and beheld/but.. 924/1466
Eze_9:1..........his/hand And behold/six. 1164/1466
Gen_43:15......their/hand and Benjamin/and. 72/1466
2Ki_5:24.......their/hand and bestowed/them 615/1466
Act_9:8..........the/hand and brought him/into 1404/1466
Gen_48:13......right/hand and brought them/near 81/1466
Deu_4:34......mighty/hand and by a stretched out arm and/by 253/1466
Deu_5:15......mighty/hand and by a stretched out arm therefore/the 254/1466
Isa_62:8.......right/hand and by the/arm. 1049/1466
Luk_8:54.........the/hand and called saying/Maid 1371/1466
Jdg_15:17........his/hand and called that/place 402/1466
Jer_36:14........his/hand and came/unto.. 1115/1466
1Ki_22:34......thine/hand and carry/me.... 607/1466
Mat_14:31........his/hand and caught him/and 1323/1466
Exo_4:4..........his/hand and caught it/and 95/1466 and cause all/the 1083/1466
Eze_34:10......their/hand and cause them/to 1224/1466
1Sa_17:40........his/hand and chose/him... 456/1466
Jdg_9:48.........his/hand and cut down/a.. 392/1466
Job_6:9..........his/hand and cut me/off.. 798/1466
1Sa_27:1.........his/hand And David arose/and 512/1466
2Sa_5:19.......thine/hand And David came/to 528/1466
1Sa_19:9.........his/hand and David played/with 469/1466
1Sa_23:14........his/hand And David saw/that 485/1466
1Sa_14:27........his/hand and dipped/it... 448/1466
Mat_26:51........his/hand and drew/his... 1336/1466
Exo_32:4.......their/hand and fashioned/it 166/1466
2Ch_4:7........right/hand and five on the left He/made 699/1466
2Ch_4:6........right/hand and five on the left to/wash 698/1466
Gen_39:12........her/hand and fled/and..... 56/1466
Mat_22:13........him/hand and foot and/take 1327/1466
Joh_11:44......bound/hand and foot with/graveclothes 1386/1466
Exo_13:9.......thine/hand and for a/memorial 125/1466
Exo_13:16......thine/hand and for frontlets/between 128/1466
Gen_24:18........her/hand and gave him/drink 28/1466
Est_3:10.........his/hand and gave it/unto 784/1466
1Sa_28:17......thine/hand and given/it.... 513/1466
Exo_17:5.......thine/hand and go Behold/I. 144/1466
2Ki_8:8........thine/hand and go meet/the. 619/1466
2Ki_4:29.......thine/hand and go thy/way.. 612/1466
2Ki_9:1........thine/hand and go to/Ramothgilead 622/1466
Dan_9:15......mighty/hand and hast/gotten 1262/1466
Eze_17:18........his/hand and hath done/all 1182/1466
Dan_2:38.......thine/hand and hath made/thee 1250/1466 and have/hearkened 516/1466
Gen_24:10........his/hand and he arose/and. 27/1466
Num_22:31........his/hand and he bowed/down 233/1466
Luk_6:10.........thy/hand And he did/so.. 1369/1466
1Sa_17:40........his/hand and he drew/near 457/1466
2Ki_10:15......thine/hand And he gave him his/hand 624/1466
Gen_14:20........thy/hand And he gave him tithes/of 11/1466
Gen_38:18......thine/hand And he gave it/her 45/1466
Gen_39:6....Joseph's/hand and he knew/not.. 54/1466
Rev_20:1.........his/hand And he laid/hold 1465/1466
Exo_4:2........thine/hand And he said A/rod 93/1466's/hand And he said Go/up 596/1466's/hand And he said unto/them 435/1466
Isa_22:21........his/hand and he shall be/a 1000/1466
Dan_8:25.........his/hand and he shall magnify/himself 1260/1466
Mat_12:13......thine/hand And he stretched it forth/and 1321/1466
Mar_3:5........thine/hand And he stretched it out/and 1345/1466
1Sa_2:13.........his/hand And he struck/it 416/1466
2Ki_11:8.........his/hand and he that/cometh 626/1466
2Ki_10:15........his/hand and he took/him. 625/1466
Num_25:7.........his/hand And he went/after 234/1466
Mat_3:12.........his/hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather/his 1310/1466
Luk_3:17.........his/hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will/gather 1365/1466
Deu_10:3........mine/hand And he wrote/on. 264/1466
Psa_60:5.......right/hand and hear/me..... 863/1466
Jos_19:27.......left/hand And Hebron/and.. 335/1466
Jer_43:9.......thine/hand and hide/them.. 1130/1466
Psa_89:13........thy/hand and high/is..... 882/1466
Isa_40:10.....strong/hand and his arm/shall 1020/1466
Jdg_3:10.........his/hand and his hand/prevailed 357/1466
Psa_98:1.......right/hand and his holy/arm 893/1466
Dan_12:7.......right/hand and his left/hand 1268/1466
Gen_38:30........his/hand and his name/was. 51/1466
2Ch_32:15.......mine/hand And his servants/spake 742/1466
Deu_11:2......mighty/hand and his stretched/out 265/1466 and I bow/myself 614/1466
1Sa_24:11.......mine/hand and I have/not.. 494/1466
Rev_6:5..........his/hand And I heard/a.. 1454/1466
Jos_24:11.......your/hand And I sent/the.. 347/1466 and I took/the... 60/1466 and I will bring/him 68/1466
Eze_30:22........his/hand And I will scatter/the 1217/1466
Jer_42:11........his/hand And I will shew/mercies 1128/1466
1Sa_17:46.......mine/hand and I will smite/thee 458/1466
Exo_3:19......mighty/hand And I will stretch/out 91/1466 And immediately/while 1357/1466
Deu_34:12.....mighty/hand and in all/the.. 311/1466
Pro_3:16.......right/hand and in her/left. 935/1466
Isa_8:11......strong/hand and instructed/me 978/1466
Zec_11:6.neighbour's/hand and into/the... 1298/1466
1Ch_29:16......thine/hand and is/all...... 695/1466
Jdg_20:28......thine/hand And Israel/set.. 411/1466
2Ch_25:15......thine/hand And it came to pass as/he 723/1466
Gen_39:4.........his/hand And it came to pass from/the 53/1466
1Sa_24:15......thine/hand And it came to pass when David/had 497/1466
Jos_10:19.......your/hand And it came to pass when Joshua/and 329/1466
Jos_8:7.........your/hand And it shall/be. 319/1466
1Sa_23:6.........his/hand And it was/told. 481/1466 And Jesus walking/by 1311/1466 and Jesus went/up 1380/1466
Gen_39:3.........his/hand And Joseph found/grace 52/1466
Gen_40:11..Pharaoh's/hand And Joseph said/unto 61/1466
Jos_8:18.......thine/hand And Joshua stretched/out 321/1466
Jos_5:13.........his/hand and Joshua went/unto 315/1466
Jdg_1:2..........his/hand And Judah/said.. 348/1466
Gen_48:14......right/hand and laid/it...... 82/1466
Mar_8:23.........the/hand and led/him.... 1349/1466
Jdg_7:7........thine/hand and let/all..... 380/1466
Mar_1:31.........the/hand and lifted her up and immediately/the 1341/1466
Act_9:41.........his/hand and lifted her up and when/he 1406/1466
Mar_9:27.........the/hand and lifted him up and he/arose 1350/1466
Act_3:7........right/hand and lifted him up and immediately/his 1395/1466
1Sa_14:43.......mine/hand and lo/I........ 451/1466
Jer_25:17.....LORD's/hand and made/all... 1084/1466
Gen_48:13.......left/hand and Manasseh/in.. 79/1466 and many/went.. 1387/1466
2Ki_15:19........his/hand And Menahem/exacted 640/1466
Isa_40:12........his/hand and meted/out.. 1021/1466
Jer_16:21.......mine/hand and my/might... 1063/1466 and no/man...... 934/1466
Jdg_16:29......right/hand and of the/other 408/1466
1Ki_8:42......strong/hand and of thy/stretched 578/1466
2Ch_18:18......right/hand and on his left And the LORD said Who shall entice/Ahab 713/1466
1Ki_22:19......right/hand and on his left And the LORD said Who shall persuade/Ahab 606/1466
2Sa_16:6.......right/hand and on his left And thus/said 544/1466
Neh_8:4........right/hand and on his left hand/Pedaiah 776/1466
Mar_10:40......right/hand and on my left hand/is 1354/1466
Mat_20:23......right/hand and on my left is/not 1326/1466
Zec_12:6.......right/hand and on the left and Jerusalem/shall 1301/1466
Isa_54:3.......right/hand and on the left and thy/seed 1043/1466
2Co_6:7........right/hand and on the left By/honour 1426/1466
Exo_14:22......right/hand and on their left And/the 133/1466
Exo_14:29......right/hand and on their left Thus/the 136/1466
Eze_9:2..........his/hand and one/man.... 1165/1466
Gen_43:21........our/hand And other/money.. 73/1466
2Ch_32:15.......mine/hand and out/of...... 740/1466
Isa_36:6.........his/hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to/all 1009/1466
2Ki_18:21........his/hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto/all 646/1466
Psa_44:2.........thy/hand and plantedst/them 858/1466
Gen_19:10......their/hand and pulled/Lot... 16/1466
Gen_41:42........his/hand and put/it....... 65/1466
Deu_7:8.......mighty/hand and redeemed/you 258/1466
Mar_5:41.........the/hand and said/unto.. 1347/1466
Act_21:3........left/hand and sailed/into 1414/1466
Psa_145:16.....thine/hand and satisfiest/the 932/1466
1Sa_14:19......thine/hand And Saul and/all 446/1466
1Sa_18:10.....Saul's/hand And Saul cast/the 463/1466
1Sa_23:20.....king's/hand And Saul said Blessed/be 488/1466
1Sa_17:57........his/hand And Saul said to/him 461/1466
1Sa_19:9.........his/hand And Saul sought/to 470/1466
Deu_24:1.........her/hand and send/her.... 291/1466
Deu_24:3.........her/hand and sendeth/her. 292/1466
Deu_26:4.......thine/hand and set/it...... 296/1466
Lev_14:16.......left/hand and shall sprinkle/of 191/1466
Num_5:25.....woman's/hand and shall wave/the 214/1466
Deu_14:25......thine/hand and shalt go/unto 274/1466 and shalt remain/by 472/1466
Jdg_16:18......their/hand And she made/him 405/1466
1Ki_17:11......thine/hand And she said/As. 594/1466
Luk_15:22........his/hand and shoes/on... 1373/1466
1Ch_20:6........each/hand and six/on...... 681/1466
1Ch_11:23.Egyptian's/hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among the/three 671/1466
2Sa_23:21.Egyptian's/hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three/mighty 566/1466
1Sa_19:5.........his/hand and slew the/Philistine 468/1466 and smite/Egypt.. 92/1466
Eze_6:11.......thine/hand and stamp/with. 1159/1466
Gen_3:22.........his/hand and take also/of.. 1/1466
1Ki_20:6.......their/hand and take it away/Then 598/1466
Exo_4:4........thine/hand and take it by/the 94/1466
2Sa_4:11........your/hand and take you/away 526/1466
Deu_25:11........her/hand and taketh/him.. 294/1466
2Sa_13:10......thine/hand And Tamar/took.. 538/1466
Exo_38:15.......this/hand and that/hand... 174/1466
1Ch_21:15......thine/hand And the angel of the LORD stood/by 686/1466
2Sa_24:16......thine/hand And the angel of the LORD was/by 570/1466
Rev_8:4......angel's/hand And the angel took/the 1455/1466
Num_22:23........his/hand and the ass/turned 230/1466 and the effect/of 1170/1466
Mat_8:15.........her/hand and the fever/left 1316/1466
2Ch_18:14.......your/hand And the king/said 712/1466
1Ch_22:18.......mine/hand and the land/is. 689/1466
1Ch_12:2.......right/hand and the left/in. 672/1466
2Sa_5:19........mine/hand And the LORD said unto David/Go 527/1466
1Ch_14:10.......mine/hand And the LORD said unto him/Go 675/1466
Amo_7:7..........his/hand And the LORD said unto me/Amos 1278/1466
Exo_4:20.........his/hand And the LORD said unto Moses/When 104/1466
Deu_6:21......mighty/hand And the LORD shewed/signs 257/1466
Mat_9:25.........the/hand and the maid/arose 1318/1466
1Ki_22:12.....king's/hand And the messenger/that 604/1466
Gen_38:28........his/hand and the midwife/took 48/1466
Gen_43:12.......your/hand and the money/that 70/1466
Mar_15:27......right/hand and the other on his/left 1359/1466
2Ch_3:17.......right/hand and the other on the left and/called 696/1466
Mat_20:21......right/hand and the other on the left in/thy 1325/1466
Luk_23:33......right/hand and the other on the left Then/said 1379/1466
Mar_10:37......right/hand and the other on thy/left 1352/1466
Lev_14:15.......left/hand And the priest shall dip/his 190/1466
Lev_14:26.......left/hand And the priest shall sprinkle/with 196/1466
Rev_1:20.......right/hand and the seven/golden 1450/1466 and the Son/of. 1334/1466
Eze_37:19.......mine/hand And the sticks/whereon 1232/1466
Deu_7:19......mighty/hand and the stretched/out 260/1466 and the things/that 305/1466
Dan_8:25.....without/hand And the vision/of 1261/1466
Jon_4:11.......right/hand and their left/hand 1280/1466
Jdg_7:8........their/hand and their trumpets/and 381/1466
Hab_3:4..........his/hand and there/was.. 1288/1466 And they answered/He 436/1466
Mat_27:29......right/hand and they bowed/the 1338/1466
Num_22:7.......their/hand and they came/unto 229/1466
Mic_2:1........their/hand And they covet/fields 1282/1466
1Ch_5:10.......their/hand and they dwelt/in 665/1466
Jos_8:19.........his/hand and they entered/into 323/1466
Jer_38:19......their/hand and they mock/me 1122/1466
Deu_33:3.........thy/hand and they sat/down 310/1466
Deu_6:8........thine/hand and they shall be as/frontlets 256/1466
Eze_13:21.......your/hand and they shall be no/more 1172/1466
Isa_9:20........left/hand and they shall not/be 982/1466
Eze_16:39......their/hand and they shall throw/down 1178/1466
Jdg_1:4........their/hand and they slew/of 349/1466
Num_31:6.........his/hand And they warred/against 237/1466
Mar_3:1.....withered/hand And they watched/him 1343/1466
Jdg_3:28........your/hand And they went/down 360/1466
Psa_44:3.......right/hand and thine arm/and 859/1466 and thine eye/be 279/1466
Jer_34:3.........his/hand and thine eyes/shall 1108/1466
Ecc_5:15.........his/hand And this also/is 961/1466
1Sa_14:10........our/hand and this shall/be 444/1466
Eze_21:24........the/hand And thou profane/wicked 1198/1466
1Sa_16:16........his/hand and thou shalt be/well 452/1466
Deu_7:24.......thine/hand and thou shalt destroy/their 261/1466
Deu_3:2..........thy/hand and thou shalt do/unto 250/1466
Exo_23:31.......your/hand and thou shalt drive/them 162/1466
Mic_5:12.......thine/hand and thou shalt have/no 1285/1466
Deu_28:12......thine/hand and thou shalt lend/unto 299/1466
Exo_7:15.......thine/hand And thou shalt say/unto 111/1466
Exo_33:23.......mine/hand and thou shalt see/my 170/1466
Joh_20:27........thy/hand and thrust it/into 1391/1466
2Sa_18:14........his/hand and thrust them/through 551/1466
Act_4:28.........thy/hand and thy counsel/determined 1396/1466
2Ch_6:32......mighty/hand and thy stretched/out 701/1466
Eze_16:46.......left/hand and thy younger/sister 1179/1466
Ezr_7:14.......thine/hand And to/carry.... 760/1466
Gen_8:9..........his/hand and took her/and.. 3/1466
2Sa_15:5.........his/hand and took him/and 543/1466
Jdg_15:15........his/hand and took it and/slew 401/1466
2Ki_6:7..........his/hand and took it Then/the 616/1466 and took me/by. 1162/1466
Jdg_3:21........left/hand and took the dagger/from 359/1466
Gen_22:10........his/hand and took the knife/to 23/1466
Mar_1:41.........his/hand and touched him and/saith 1342/1466
Mat_8:3..........his/hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean And immediately his/leprosy 1315/1466
Luk_5:13.........his/hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean And immediately the/leprosy 1366/1466
Jer_1:9..........his/hand and touched my/mouth 1054/1466
Jdg_6:21.........his/hand and touched the/flesh 375/1466
Lev_8:23.......right/hand and upon the great toe of his right foot And he/brought 185/1466
Lev_14:25......right/hand and upon the great toe of his right foot And the priest shall pour/of 195/1466
Lev_14:14......right/hand and upon the great toe of his right foot And the priest shall take/some 189/1466
Lev_14:17......right/hand and upon the great toe of his right foot upon the blood/of 193/1466
Lev_14:28......right/hand and upon the great toe of his right foot upon the place/of 199/1466
Exo_29:20......right/hand and upon the great toe of their/right 165/1466
Gen_19:16........his/hand and upon the hand/of 17/1466
Gen_39:13........her/hand and was/fled..... 57/1466
Joh_10:39......their/hand And went away/again 1385/1466
Jdg_4:21.........her/hand and went softly/unto 366/1466
Act_23:19........the/hand and went with/him 1417/1466
Dan_11:11........his/hand And when he/hath 1264/1466
Act_28:3.........his/hand And when the barbarians/saw 1419/1466
Eze_37:17......thine/hand And when the children/of 1230/1466
Jdg_16:23........our/hand And when the people/saw 406/1466
Isa_30:21......right/hand and when ye/turn 1006/1466
2Ch_23:7.........his/hand and whosoever/else 718/1466
Eze_39:3........left/hand and will cause/thine 1235/1466
1Ki_11:35......son's/hand and will give/it 586/1466
Isa_42:6.......thine/hand and will keep/thee 1025/1466
Eze_20:34.....mighty/hand and with a stretched out arm and with fury poured out And/I 1193/1466
Eze_20:33.....mighty/hand and with a stretched out arm and with fury poured out will/I 1192/1466
Jer_32:21.....strong/hand and with a stretched out arm and with great/terror 1099/1466
Psa_136:12....strong/hand and with a stretched out arm for/his 917/1466
Jer_21:5outstretched/hand and with a strong/arm 1070/1466
Deu_26:8......mighty/hand and with an/outstretched 297/1466
Num_20:11........his/hand and with his/rod 223/1466
Act_19:33........the/hand and would/have. 1413/1466's/hand and wrote/over. 1253/1466
Eze_20:22.......mine/hand and wrought/for 1189/1466
2Ch_28:9........your/hand and ye have/slain 731/1466
Exo_12:11.......your/hand and ye shall eat/it 123/1466
1Ki_20:28......thine/hand and ye shall know that I am the LORD And/they 600/1466
Eze_13:23.......your/hand and ye shall know that I am the LORD Then/came 1174/1466
2Ki_3:18........your/hand And ye shall smite/every 611/1466
Jos_24:10........his/hand And you/went.... 346/1466
Deu_12:6........your/hand and your/vows... 267/1466
Jer_38:18......their/hand And Zedekiah/the 1121/1466
Psa_95:4.........his/hand are the/deep.... 890/1466
Gen_9:2.........your/hand are they/delivered 4/1466
Jer_6:9........thine/hand as a/grapegatherer 1055/1466
Lam_2:4........right/hand as an/adversary 1146/1466
Deu_2:30.........thy/hand as appeareth/this 249/1466
1Sa_18:10........his/hand as at/other..... 462/1466
Ecc_5:14.........his/hand As he/came...... 960/1466
2Ch_6:15.......thine/hand as it is this day Now/therefore 700/1466
1Ki_8:24.......thine/hand as it is this day Therefore/now 577/1466
Jos_9:25.......thine/hand as it seemeth/good 325/1466
Gal_6:11.........own/hand As many/as..... 1429/1466
Jdg_6:37........mine/hand as thou hast said And/it 377/1466
Jdg_6:36........mine/hand as thou hast said Behold/I 376/1466
2Ki_23:8........left/hand at the/gate..... 662/1466
Eze_22:13.......mine/hand at thy/dishonest 1200/1466
Jos_8:26.........his/hand back/wherewith.. 324/1466 Be careful/for. 1431/1466 be heavy/upon... 830/1466
Isa_64:8.........thy/hand Be not/wroth... 1051/1466
Jos_2:19.........any/hand be upon him And/if 313/1466
1Sa_18:17.......mine/hand be upon him but/let 464/1466
Gen_37:27........our/hand be upon him for/he 44/1466
Psa_80:17........thy/hand be upon the/man. 877/1466 be ye/therefore 1445/1466
2Ch_21:10........his/hand because he had/forsaken 717/1466
Jos_20:5.........his/hand because he smote/his 337/1466
Gen_39:23........his/hand because the/LORD. 59/1466
2Ki_22:7.......their/hand because they dealt/faithfully 660/1466
2Ch_24:24......their/hand because they had/forsaken 722/1466
Eze_37:20......thine/hand before/their... 1233/1466
Isa_31:3.........his/hand both/he........ 1007/1466 breadth even/the 1244/1466 breadth round/about 164/1466 breadth so/he.. 1242/1466 breadth thick/and 575/1466 broad/fastened. 1243/1466
Ecc_10:2.......right/hand but a/fool's.... 965/1466
Dan_8:4..........his/hand but he did/according 1258/1466
Gen_38:20....woman's/hand but he found/her. 47/1466
Gen_40:21..Pharaoh's/hand But he hanged/the 63/1466
2Co_10:16........our/hand But he that/glorieth 1427/1466
Jdg_14:6.........his/hand but he told/not. 398/1466
2Sa_23:21........his/hand but he went/down 565/1466
Eze_30:24........his/hand but I will break/Pharaoh's 1218/1466
Exo_4:21.......thine/hand but I will harden/his 105/1466
1Ki_11:34........his/hand but I will make/him 585/1466
Jdg_7:9........thine/hand But if/thou..... 382/1466
Psa_91:7.......right/hand but it/shall.... 889/1466
2Ch_18:5......king's/hand But Jehoshaphat/said 710/1466
Job_2:6........thine/hand but save/his.... 795/1466
Jer_38:23......their/hand but shalt be/taken 1123/1466
Jer_34:3.........his/hand but shalt surely/be 1107/1466
Jdg_15:13......their/hand but surely/we... 400/1466
Exo_14:8........high/hand But the Egyptians/pursued 130/1466
Mat_25:33......right/hand but the goats/on 1329/1466
Pro_10:4.......slack/hand but the hand/of. 943/1466
Est_9:15.......their/hand But the other/Jews 791/1466
2Ki_18:35.......mine/hand But the people/held 652/1466
1Sa_21:4........mine/hand but there/is.... 475/1466 But they/held.. 1014/1466
Deu_12:17......thine/hand But thou must/eat 270/1466
Deu_23:25......thine/hand but thou shalt/not 290/1466
Son_5:4..........his/hand by/the.......... 969/1466
Job_40:14......right/hand can/save........ 835/1466
2Sa_23:10........his/hand clave/unto...... 564/1466
Mat_25:34......right/hand Come/ye........ 1330/1466
Psa_31:15........thy/hand deliver/me...... 850/1466
Mat_25:41.......left/hand Depart/from.... 1331/1466
Psa_45:9.......right/hand did/stand....... 861/1466 didst/thou....... 35/1466
Gen_16:6.......thine/hand do to/her........ 13/1466
Jer_26:14.......your/hand do with/me..... 1086/1466
Mat_6:3........right/hand doeth/That..... 1314/1466
Son_2:6........right/hand doth/embrace.... 968/1466
Isa_40:2......LORD's/hand double/for..... 1019/1466
1Ch_6:44........left/hand Ethan/the....... 669/1466
1Ch_6:39.......right/hand even Asaph/the.. 668/1466
Dan_11:41........his/hand even Edom/and.. 1266/1466
Psa_74:11........thy/hand even thy/right.. 868/1466
Num_21:26........his/hand even unto/Arnon. 227/1466
Job_13:21......thine/hand far/from........ 809/1466
Deu_19:5.........his/hand fetcheth/a...... 285/1466
Ecc_9:10.........thy/hand findeth/to...... 964/1466
Exo_21:24........for/hand foot for foot Burning/for 157/1466
Deu_19:21........for/hand foot for foot When/thou 288/1466
Mal_1:10........your/hand For from/the... 1306/1466
Exo_21:24......tooth/hand for hand foot for foot Burning/for 156/1466
Deu_19:21......tooth/hand for hand foot for foot When/thou 287/1466
1Sa_23:7........mine/hand for he is/shut.. 482/1466
Ecc_7:18.......thine/hand for he that/feareth 962/1466
Job_34:20....without/hand For his/eyes.... 831/1466 For I lift/up... 306/1466
Gen_21:18......thine/hand for I will/make.. 20/1466 for in that/I... 493/1466
1Sa_25:33........own/hand For in very/deed 502/1466 for my/son...... 409/1466
Num_22:29.......mine/hand for now/would... 232/1466
2Ch_16:8.......thine/hand For the eyes/of. 708/1466
Jer_38:5........your/hand for the king/is 1118/1466 for the LORD/hath 1290/1466 for therefore/I.. 40/1466 For this/is.... 1309/1466
Jer_15:17........thy/hand for thou hast/filled 1060/1466
Ecc_11:6.......thine/hand for thou knowest/not 966/1466
Zec_8:4..........his/hand for very/age... 1297/1466
Deu_3:24......mighty/hand for what/God.... 252/1466
1Sa_30:23........our/hand For who/will.... 517/1466
Psa_137:5......right/hand forget her/cunning 918/1466
Psa_10:12......thine/hand forget not/the.. 837/1466
Psa_144:7......thine/hand from above/rid.. 925/1466
Lam_2:3........right/hand from before/the 1145/1466
Eze_10:7.........his/hand from between/the 1167/1466
Lam_2:8..........his/hand from destroying/therefore 1148/1466
Isa_56:2.........his/hand from doing/any. 1044/1466
Eze_18:8.........his/hand from iniquity/hath 1183/1466
1Sa_6:5..........his/hand from off/you.... 424/1466
1Ki_13:4.........his/hand from the altar/saying 587/1466
Eze_18:17........his/hand from the poor/that 1184/1466
2Ch_23:10........his/hand from the right/side 719/1466
Deu_15:7.......thine/hand from thy poor/brother 277/1466
Jos_10:6.........thy/hand from thy servants/come 327/1466
1Ki_8:15.........his/hand fulfilled/it.... 576/1466
Rev_17:4.........her/hand full/of........ 1463/1466
1Sa_21:3.......thine/hand give/me......... 473/1466
Job_12:6.......whose/hand God/bringeth.... 805/1466
Job_31:25.......mine/hand had gotten/much. 828/1466
Psa_78:54......right/hand had purchased/He 874/1466
Isa_34:17........his/hand hath divided/it 1008/1466
Job_26:13........his/hand hath formed/the. 818/1466 hath found as/a. 988/1466 hath found the/kingdoms 986/1466
Jdg_7:14.........his/hand hath God/delivered 383/1466
Deu_8:17........mine/hand hath gotten/me.. 262/1466
Isa_49:2.........his/hand hath he/hid.... 1033/1466
Psa_18:35......right/hand hath holden/me.. 843/1466
Psa_80:15......right/hand hath planted/and 876/1466
Jdg_7:2..........own/hand hath saved/me... 378/1466
Isa_48:13......right/hand hath spanned/the 1032/1466
Exo_13:9......strong/hand hath the/LORD... 126/1466
1Sa_12:3.......whose/hand have/I.......... 434/1466
Isa_28:4.........his/hand he eateth/it... 1005/1466
Psa_78:61....enemy's/hand He gave/his..... 875/1466
Deu_2:7..........thy/hand he knoweth/thy.. 245/1466
2Ki_7:17.......whose/hand he leaned/to.... 618/1466
Hos_12:7.........his/hand he loveth/to... 1272/1466
Exo_21:20........his/hand he shall be/surely 155/1466 he shall not/be. 949/1466
Lev_14:18...priest's/hand he shall pour/upon 194/1466
Lev_14:29...priest's/hand he shall put/upon 200/1466
Isa_53:10........his/hand He shall see/of 1042/1466
Exo_21:16........his/hand he shall surely/be 154/1466
Joh_3:35.........his/hand He that believeth/on 1381/1466 He that is/unjust 1466/1466 Heal/the....... 1319/1466
Neh_4:17.......other/hand held/a.......... 774/1466
Psa_119:173....thine/hand help/me......... 911/1466
Jer_50:15........her/hand her/foundations 1139/1466 His/brethren... 1382/1466
1Co_12:15........the/hand I am/not....... 1423/1466
Joh_10:29...Father's/hand I and/my....... 1384/1466
Eze_12:7........mine/hand I brought/it... 1169/1466
Psa_31:5.......thine/hand I commit/my..... 848/1466
Psa_37:24........his/hand I have been/young 854/1466 I have done/it.. 987/1466 I have fought/a 1436/1466
Isa_45:1.......right/hand I have holden/to 1029/1466
1Co_12:21........the/hand I have no/need. 1424/1466
2Sa_24:17......thine/hand I pray thee be/against 571/1466
1Ch_21:17......thine/hand I pray thee O/LORD 688/1466
Psa_16:8.......right/hand I shall/not..... 839/1466
Hos_2:10........mine/hand I will also/cause 1270/1466 I will keep/the 1332/1466
Zec_11:6.......their/hand I will not/deliver 1300/1466
Phl_1:19.........own/hand I will repay/it 1437/1466 I will work/and 1026/1466
1Co_16:21........own/hand If any/man..... 1425/1466
Num_11:15.........of/hand if I/have....... 219/1466
Jer_40:4.......thine/hand If it/seem..... 1126/1466
Neh_11:24.....king's/hand in all/matters.. 782/1466
1Sa_23:16........his/hand in God/And...... 486/1466
1Sa_17:49........his/hand in his bag/and.. 459/1466
Pro_19:24........his/hand in his bosom and/will 951/1466
Pro_26:15........his/hand in his bosom it/grieveth 955/1466
Isa_3:6..........thy/hand In that/day..... 974/1466
1Sa_24:10.......mine/hand in the cave/and. 491/1466
Deu_30:9.......thine/hand in the fruit/of. 303/1466
Eph_1:20.......right/hand in the heavenly/places 1430/1466
Psa_89:25......right/hand in the rivers/He 886/1466
Num_33:3........high/hand in the sight/of. 239/1466
Mar_10:37.......left/hand in thy/glory... 1353/1466
Exo_4:7..........his/hand into his bosom again/and 101/1466
Exo_4:6..........his/hand into his bosom and/when 98/1466 into his side/I 1390/1466
Gen_43:26......their/hand into the/house... 74/1466
Exo_4:7........thine/hand into thy bosom again/And 100/1466
Exo_4:6........thine/hand into thy bosom And/he 97/1466
Psa_144:8......right/hand is a right hand of falsehood I/will 927/1466
Psa_144:11.....right/hand is a right hand of falsehood That/our 930/1466
Psa_26:10......right/hand is full of bribes/But 847/1466
Psa_48:10......right/hand is full of righteousness/Let 862/1466
Deu_32:27........Our/hand is high/and..... 304/1466
Isa_26:11........thy/hand is lifted/up... 1003/1466
Isa_10:5.......their/hand is mine/indignation 985/1466
Lev_14:32......whose/hand is not able/to.. 201/1466
Mar_10:40.......left/hand is not mine/to. 1355/1466
1Sa_6:3..........his/hand is not removed/from 423/1466
Isa_59:1......LORD's/hand is not shortened/that 1046/1466
Jdg_4:14.......thine/hand is not the/LORD. 365/1466
1Ch_29:12......thine/hand is power/and.... 693/1466
Eze_16:46......right/hand is Sodom/and... 1180/1466
1Sa_5:7..........his/hand is sore/upon.... 420/1466
Isa_14:27........his/hand is stretched out and/who 997/1466
Isa_5:25.........his/hand is stretched out still And/he 976/1466
Isa_9:12.........his/hand is stretched out still For the/people 979/1466
Isa_9:17.........his/hand is stretched out still For wickedness/burneth 980/1466
Isa_10:4.........his/hand is stretched out still O/Assyrian 984/1466
Isa_9:21.........his/hand is stretched out still Woe/unto 983/1466
Job_12:10......whose/hand is the/soul..... 807/1466
2Ch_20:6.......thine/hand is there/not.... 715/1466
Son_2:6.........left/hand is under/my..... 967/1466
1Ch_29:12......thine/hand it is/to........ 694/1466 it shall/come... 995/1466
2Ch_3:17.......right/hand Jachin/and...... 697/1466
Jos_6:2........thine/hand Jericho/and..... 316/1466 John/to........ 1447/1466
Pro_16:5......though/hand join in hand he/shall 948/1466
Pro_11:21.....Though/hand join in hand the/wicked 945/1466
Psa_89:13......right/hand Justice/and..... 883/1466
Mat_6:3.........left/hand know/what...... 1313/1466
Psa_139:10.......thy/hand lead/me......... 922/1466 Let no/man..... 1434/1466 let us/therefore 1422/1466
1Ch_14:11.......mine/hand like/the........ 677/1466 made all/these. 1401/1466
Isa_66:2........mine/hand made and/all... 1052/1466
Psa_106:42.....their/hand Many/times...... 899/1466 may/be.......... 589/1466
Job_27:22........his/hand Men/shall....... 820/1466
2Ki_15:19........his/hand might be with him/to 639/1466
1Ch_4:10.......thine/hand might be with me/and 664/1466 My/Father...... 1383/1466
2Ki_18:29........his/hand Neither/let..... 647/1466
Eze_3:20.......thine/hand Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous/man 1157/1466
Eze_33:8.......thine/hand Nevertheless if thou warn the wicked/of 1222/1466
Psa_37:33........his/hand nor condemn/him. 855/1466
Psa_129:7........his/hand nor he/that..... 916/1466
Psa_78:42........his/hand nor the/day..... 873/1466
Deu_17:11......right/hand nor to the left And/the 283/1466
2Ch_34:2.......right/hand nor to the left For/in 748/1466
2Sa_2:19.......right/hand nor to the left from/following 519/1466
Pro_4:27.......right/hand nor to the left remove/thy 938/1466
Deu_2:27.......right/hand nor to the left Thou/shalt 248/1466
Num_20:17......right/hand nor to the left until/we 224/1466
Job_1:11.......thine/hand now and touch all/that 792/1466
Job_2:5........thine/hand now and touch his/bone 794/1466
1Sa_25:26........own/hand now let/thine... 501/1466
1Sa_26:18.......mine/hand Now therefore I/pray 508/1466
2Ch_32:14.......mine/hand Now therefore let/not 739/1466
Jer_18:6........mine/hand O house/of..... 1066/1466
Dan_3:17.......thine/hand O king/But..... 1251/1466
Psa_17:14........thy/hand O LORD from/men. 842/1466
Exo_15:6.......right/hand O LORD hath/dashed 139/1466
Neh_1:10......strong/hand O LORD I/beseech 771/1466
Exo_15:6.......right/hand O LORD is/become 138/1466
Isa_19:4.........the/hand of a cruel/lord. 998/1466
Pro_26:9.........the/hand of a drunkard/so 954/1466
Lev_16:21........the/hand of a fit/man.... 202/1466
Pro_26:6.........the/hand of a fool cutteth/off 953/1466
Pro_17:16........the/hand of a fool to/get 950/1466
Gal_3:19.........the/hand of a mediator/Now 1428/1466
Psa_127:4........the/hand of a mighty/man. 915/1466
Jdg_4:9..........the/hand of a woman/And.. 364/1466
1Ch_19:11........the/hand of Abishai his brother and/they 680/1466
2Sa_10:10........the/hand of Abishai his brother that/he 532/1466
2Sa_18:2.........the/hand of Abishai the/son 547/1466
2Sa_16:8.........the/hand of Absalom/thy.. 545/1466
1Ki_18:9.........the/hand of Ahab/to...... 595/1466
2Ch_10:15........the/hand of Ahijah/the... 702/1466
Jer_26:24........the/hand of Ahikam/the.. 1087/1466
2Sa_22:1.........the/hand of all his/enemies 561/1466
1Sa_10:18........the/hand of all kingdoms/and 433/1466
2Ch_32:22........the/hand of all other/and 746/1466
Luk_1:71.........the/hand of all that hate/us 1363/1466
Jdg_6:9..........the/hand of all that oppressed/you 373/1466
Deu_13:9.........the/hand of all the people/And 272/1466
Isa_51:18........the/hand of all the sons/that 1039/1466
2Sa_3:18.........the/hand of all their/enemies 525/1466
2Ki_17:39........the/hand of all your/enemies 645/1466
1Sa_13:22........the/hand of any/of....... 443/1466
1Ch_16:7.........the/hand of Asaph/and.... 678/1466
1Ki_2:25.........the/hand of Benaiah/the.. 573/1466
2Ki_13:3.........the/hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael all/their 630/1466
2Ki_13:25........the/hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael the/cities 634/1466
Eze_21:31........the/hand of brutish/men. 1199/1466
Jdg_3:8..........the/hand of Chushanrishathaim/king 356/1466
2Ch_31:13........the/hand of Cononiah/and. 735/1466
Gen_14:15.......left/hand of Damascus/And.. 10/1466
2Sa_21:22........the/hand of David and by the hand of his servants And David/spake 559/1466
1Ch_20:8.........the/hand of David and by the hand of his servants And Satan/stood 682/1466
2Sa_3:8..........the/hand of David that/thou 521/1466
1Sa_17:50........the/hand of David Therefore/David 460/1466
1Sa_20:16........the/hand of David's/enemies 471/1466
Jer_29:3.........the/hand of Elasah/the.. 1092/1466
Eze_37:19........the/hand of Ephraim/and. 1231/1466
Gen_32:11........the/hand of Esau/for...... 37/1466
Gen_9:5..........the/hand of every beast/will 5/1466
Job_37:7.........the/hand of every man/that 833/1466
Gen_9:5..........the/hand of every man's/brother 7/1466
Jer_20:13........the/hand of evildoers/Cursed 1069/1466
Psa_144:8......right/hand of falsehood I/will 928/1466
Psa_144:11.....right/hand of falsehood That/our 931/1466
Act_7:55.......right/hand of God And said/Behold 1402/1466
Job_2:10.........the/hand of God and shall/we 796/1466
Mar_16:19......right/hand of God And they/went 1360/1466
1Pe_3:22.......right/hand of God angels/and 1444/1466
Act_2:33.......right/hand of God exalted/and 1393/1466
Ecc_2:24.........the/hand of God For/who.. 959/1466
Heb_10:12......right/hand of God From/henceforth 1442/1466
Job_19:21........the/hand of God hath/touched 812/1466
Ecc_9:1..........the/hand of God no/man... 963/1466
Col_3:1........right/hand of God Set/your 1432/1466
1Pe_5:6.......mighty/hand of God that he/may 1446/1466
Job_27:11........the/hand of God that which/is 819/1466
Act_7:56.......right/hand of God Then/they 1403/1466
2Ch_30:12........the/hand of God was to/give 733/1466
1Sa_5:11.........the/hand of God was very/heavy 422/1466
Rom_8:34.......right/hand of God who/also 1421/1466
2Ch_26:11........the/hand of Hananiah/one. 726/1466
2Ki_13:3.........the/hand of Hazael/king.. 629/1466
Jer_12:7.........the/hand of her enemies/Mine 1058/1466
Eze_23:9.........the/hand of her lovers/into 1201/1466
Psa_123:2........the/hand of her mistress/so 914/1466
Gen_27:17........the/hand of her son/Jacob. 31/1466
Act_12:11........the/hand of Herod/and... 1408/1466
Luk_22:21........the/hand of him that betrayeth/me 1377/1466
Psa_106:10.......the/hand of him that hated/them 895/1466
Lev_25:28........the/hand of him that hath/bought 205/1466
Rev_5:1........right/hand of him that sat on/the 1452/1466
Rev_5:7........right/hand of him that sat upon/the 1453/1466
Eze_28:9.........the/hand of him that slayeth/thee 1211/1466
Deu_25:11........the/hand of him that smiteth/him 293/1466
Jer_31:11........the/hand of him that was/stronger 1094/1466
Exo_4:13.........the/hand of him whom/thou 102/1466
Psa_89:42......right/hand of his adversaries/thou 887/1466
Jer_44:30........the/hand of his enemies/and 1132/1466
Gen_38:20........the/hand of his friend/the 46/1466
Ezr_7:9.........good/hand of his God/upon. 759/1466
Zec_11:6.........the/hand of his king/and 1299/1466
Zec_14:13........the/hand of his neighbour and his/hand 1303/1466
Zec_14:13........the/hand of his neighbour And Judah/also 1305/1466
1Ki_14:18........the/hand of his servant Ahijah/the 591/1466
2Ki_14:25........the/hand of his servant Jonah/the 637/1466
Jer_46:26........the/hand of his servants and afterward/it 1138/1466
2Sa_21:22........the/hand of his servants And David/spake 560/1466
1Ki_15:18........the/hand of his servants and king/Asa 592/1466
1Ch_20:8.........the/hand of his servants And Satan/stood 683/1466
Gen_32:16........the/hand of his servants every/drove 39/1466
2Sa_10:2.........the/hand of his servants for/his 531/1466
Gen_30:35........the/hand of his sons/And.. 33/1466
Gen_19:16........the/hand of his two/daughters 19/1466
Gen_19:16........the/hand of his wife/and.. 18/1466
Jos_10:30........the/hand of Israel and he/smote 330/1466
1Sa_14:12........the/hand of Israel And Jonathan/climbed 445/1466
Jdg_3:30.........the/hand of Israel And the/land 361/1466
Jdg_11:21........the/hand of Israel and they/smote 394/1466
1Sa_14:37........the/hand of Israel But/he 450/1466
Jos_10:32........the/hand of Israel which/took 331/1466
Jos_11:8.........the/hand of Israel who/smote 332/1466
Exo_38:21........the/hand of Ithamar son/to 176/1466
Num_4:33.........the/hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest And/Moses 209/1466
Num_4:28.........the/hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest As/for 208/1466
Num_7:8..........the/hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest But/unto 216/1466
2Sa_18:2.........the/hand of Ittai/the.... 548/1466
Jdg_4:2..........the/hand of Jabin/king... 362/1466
1Ch_29:8.........the/hand of Jehiel/the... 692/1466
2Ki_13:25........the/hand of Jehoahaz/his. 635/1466
2Ch_26:11........the/hand of Jeiel/the.... 725/1466
2Ki_14:27........the/hand of Jeroboam/the. 638/1466
2Ki_9:7..........the/hand of Jezebel/For.. 623/1466
2Sa_18:2.........the/hand of Joab and/a... 546/1466
2Sa_14:19........the/hand of Joab with/thee 541/1466
Jdg_2:23.........the/hand of Joshua/Now... 354/1466
2Ki_8:20.........the/hand of Judah and/made 620/1466
2Ch_21:10........the/hand of Judah unto this day The/same 716/1466
2Ki_8:22.........the/hand of Judah unto this day Then/Libnah 621/1466
Gen_9:5..........the/hand of man at/the..... 6/1466
2Sa_24:14........the/hand of man So the LORD sent a/pestilence 568/1466
1Ch_21:13........the/hand of man So the LORD sent pestilence/upon 685/1466
2Ch_34:9.........the/hand of Manasseh/and. 749/1466
Col_4:18.........the/hand of me/Paul..... 1433/1466
Ezr_8:33.........the/hand of Meremoth/the. 768/1466
Jdg_8:22.........the/hand of Midian And Gideon/said 389/1466
Jdg_9:17.........the/hand of Midian And ye/are 390/1466
Jdg_6:2..........the/hand of Midian prevailed/against 371/1466
Jdg_6:1..........the/hand of Midian seven/years 370/1466
Psa_31:15........the/hand of mine/enemies. 851/1466
Ezr_1:8..........the/hand of Mithredath/the 755/1466
2Ki_3:13.........the/hand of Moab And/Elisha 609/1466
2Ki_3:10.........the/hand of Moab But/Jehoshaphat 608/1466
Num_4:45.........the/hand of Moses All/those 211/1466
Num_33:1.........the/hand of Moses and Aaron And/Moses 238/1466
Psa_77:20........the/hand of Moses and Aaron Give/ear 872/1466
Lev_8:36.........the/hand of Moses And it/came 186/1466
2Ch_35:6.........the/hand of Moses And Josiah/gave 753/1466
Exo_35:29........the/hand of Moses And Moses said/unto 173/1466
Lev_10:11........the/hand of Moses And Moses spake/unto 188/1466
Jdg_3:4..........the/hand of Moses And the children/of 355/1466
Num_27:23........the/hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Command/the 236/1466
Num_9:23.........the/hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Make/thee 217/1466
Lev_26:46........the/hand of Moses And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak/unto 207/1466
Jos_21:8.........the/hand of Moses And they/gave 340/1466
Num_4:37.........the/hand of Moses And those/that 210/1466
Jos_22:9.........the/hand of Moses And when/they 342/1466
Num_16:40........the/hand of Moses But/on. 222/1466
Num_4:49.........the/hand of Moses every/one 212/1466
Jos_14:2.........the/hand of Moses for/the 333/1466
Num_15:23........the/hand of Moses from/the 221/1466
1Ki_8:56.........the/hand of Moses his/servant 580/1466
Num_10:13........the/hand of Moses In/the. 218/1466
2Ch_33:8.........the/hand of Moses So/Manasseh 747/1466
Jos_20:2.........the/hand of Moses That/the 336/1466
Neh_9:14.........the/hand of Moses thy servant And/gavest 778/1466
1Ki_8:53.........the/hand of Moses thy servant when/thou 579/1466
Jos_21:2.........the/hand of Moses to/give 339/1466
Num_36:13........the/hand of Moses unto/the 243/1466
Isa_63:12......right/hand of Moses with/his 1050/1466
Gen_32:11........the/hand of my brother/from 36/1466
2Ch_32:15........the/hand of my fathers/how 741/1466
Neh_2:8.........good/hand of my God upon/me 772/1466
Neh_2:18.........the/hand of my God which/was 773/1466
Eze_25:14........the/hand of my people/Israel 1208/1466
Isa_41:10......right/hand of my righteousness/Behold 1022/1466
2Sa_3:18.........the/hand of my servant/David 523/1466
1Sa_25:39........the/hand of Nabal/and.... 504/1466
Rut_4:9..........the/hand of Naomi Moreover/Ruth 415/1466
Rut_4:5..........the/hand of Naomi thou/must 414/1466
2Sa_12:25........the/hand of Nathan/the... 535/1466
Jer_27:6.........the/hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my/servant 1090/1466
Ezr_5:12.........the/hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon the/Chaldean 756/1466
1Ch_6:15.........the/hand of Nebuchadnezzar The sons/of 667/1466
Jer_29:21........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall slay/them 1093/1466
Jer_32:28........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall take/it 1103/1466
Jer_46:26........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of his/servants 1137/1466
Jer_22:25........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of the/Chaldeans 1080/1466
Jer_21:7.........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of their/enemies 1071/1466
Eze_30:10........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon He/and 1214/1466
Jer_44:30........the/hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his/enemy 1134/1466
Est_6:9..........the/hand of one/of....... 787/1466
2Sa_19:9.........the/hand of our enemies and he/delivered 553/1466
1Sa_12:10........the/hand of our enemies and we/will 440/1466
Luk_1:74.........the/hand of our enemies might/serve 1364/1466
1Sa_4:3..........the/hand of our enemies So/the 417/1466
Ezr_8:22.........The/hand of our God is/upon 764/1466
Ezr_8:18........good/hand of our God upon/us 763/1466
Ezr_8:31.........the/hand of our God was/upon 766/1466
Gen_41:35........the/hand of Pharaoh and/let 64/1466
2Ki_17:7.........the/hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt and/had 643/1466
Deu_7:8..........the/hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt Know/therefore 259/1466
Exo_18:10........the/hand of Pharaoh who/hath 150/1466
Mar_14:62......right/hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes and/saith 1358/1466
Mat_26:64......right/hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes saying/He 1337/1466
2Sa_22:1.........the/hand of Saul And he/said 562/1466
2Sa_12:7.........the/hand of Saul And I/gave 534/1466
1Sa_23:12........the/hand of Saul And the/LORD 484/1466
1Sa_23:17........the/hand of Saul my/father 487/1466
1Sa_27:1.........the/hand of Saul there/is 511/1466
2Ch_32:22........the/hand of Sennacherib/the 745/1466
1Ch_26:28........the/hand of Shelomith/and 690/1466
2Ch_12:7.........the/hand of Shishak Nevertheless/they 704/1466
2Ch_12:5.........the/hand of Shishak Whereupon/the 703/1466
1Sa_12:9.........the/hand of Sisera/captain 437/1466
1Ki_2:46.........the/hand of Solomon And Solomon/made 574/1466
1Ki_11:31........the/hand of Solomon and will/give 584/1466
2Ki_17:20........the/hand of spoilers/until 644/1466
Psa_144:7........the/hand of strange children Whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood I/will 926/1466
Psa_144:11.......the/hand of strange children whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood That/our 929/1466
Eze_28:10........the/hand of strangers for/I 1212/1466
Eze_30:12........the/hand of strangers I/the 1216/1466
Gen_48:22........the/hand of the Amorite/with 87/1466
Deu_1:27.........the/hand of the Amorites to destroy us Whither/shall 244/1466
Jos_7:7..........the/hand of the Amorites to destroy us would/to 317/1466
Act_7:35.........the/hand of the angel which appeared/to 1400/1466
Rev_10:8.........the/hand of the angel which standeth/upon 1458/1466
Eze_23:9.........the/hand of the Assyrians/upon 1202/1466
Deu_19:12........the/hand of the avenger of blood that/he 286/1466
Jos_20:9.........the/hand of the avenger of blood until/he 338/1466
Jer_22:25........the/hand of the Chaldeans And I/will 1081/1466
Jer_32:28........the/hand of the Chaldeans and into/the 1102/1466
Jer_38:18........the/hand of the Chaldeans and they/shall 1120/1466
Jer_32:4.........the/hand of the Chaldeans but/shall 1097/1466
Jer_32:43........the/hand of the Chaldeans Men/shall 1105/1466
Jer_32:24........the/hand of the Chaldeans that fight/against 1100/1466
Jer_43:3.........the/hand of the Chaldeans that they/might 1129/1466
Jer_32:25........the/hand of the Chaldeans Then/came 1101/1466
Gen_33:19........the/hand of the children of Hamor/Shechem's 41/1466
Jdg_4:24.........the/hand of the children of Israel prospered/and 367/1466
Jos_9:26.........the/hand of the children of Israel that/they 326/1466
Joe_3:8..........the/hand of the children of Judah/and 1275/1466
Pro_10:4.........the/hand of the diligent maketh/rich 944/1466
Pro_12:24........The/hand of the diligent shall/bear 947/1466
2Ki_22:5.........the/hand of the doers/of. 659/1466
Exo_14:30........the/hand of the Egyptians and Israel/saw 137/1466
Exo_18:9.........the/hand of the Egyptians And Jethro/said 148/1466
1Sa_10:18........the/hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all kingdoms/and 432/1466
Jdg_6:9..........the/hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all that/oppressed 372/1466
Exo_18:10........the/hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh/who 149/1466
Exo_3:8..........the/hand of the Egyptians and to/bring 90/1466
Exo_18:10........the/hand of the Egyptians Now/I 151/1466
Psa_107:2........the/hand of the enemy And gathered/them 900/1466
Lam_1:7..........the/hand of the enemy and none/did 1142/1466
Ezr_8:31.........the/hand of the enemy and of/such 767/1466
Psa_106:10.......the/hand of the enemy And the/waters 896/1466
Lev_26:25........the/hand of the enemy And when/I 206/1466
Lam_2:7..........the/hand of the enemy the/walls 1147/1466
Psa_31:8.........the/hand of the enemy thou/hast 849/1466
Pro_6:5..........the/hand of the fowler/Go 942/1466
Psa_89:48........the/hand of the grave/Selah 888/1466
Psa_106:41.......the/hand of the heathen/and 898/1466
Jdg_1:35.........the/hand of the house/of. 350/1466
Pro_6:5..........the/hand of the hunter/and 941/1466
1Sa_17:22........the/hand of the keeper/of 454/1466
1Ki_22:6.........the/hand of the king And Jehoshaphat/said 603/1466
1Ki_22:15........the/hand of the king And the king/said 605/1466
2Ch_18:11........the/hand of the king And the messenger/that 711/1466
Isa_38:6.........the/hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city And/this 1018/1466
2Ki_20:6.........the/hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city for/mine 656/1466
Isa_37:10........the/hand of the king of Assyria Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 1015/1466
2Ki_19:10........the/hand of the king of Assyria Behold thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly and shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 653/1466
2Ch_32:11........the/hand of the king of Assyria Hath/not 736/1466
Isa_36:15........the/hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 1010/1466
2Ki_18:30........the/hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 648/1466
Isa_36:18........the/hand of the king of Assyria Where are the gods of Hamath and Arphad/where 1011/1466
2Ki_18:33........the/hand of the king of Assyria Where are the gods of Hamath and of/Arpad 649/1466
Jer_34:2.........the/hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn it with fire And thou/shalt 1106/1466
Jer_21:10........the/hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn it with fire And touching/the 1074/1466
Jer_20:4.........the/hand of the king of Babylon and he shall carry/them 1067/1466
Eze_30:25........the/hand of the king of Babylon and he shall stretch/it 1219/1466
Jer_32:3.........the/hand of the king of Babylon and he shall take/it 1096/1466
Jer_32:4.........the/hand of the king of Babylon and shall/speak 1098/1466
Jer_38:23........the/hand of the king of Babylon and thou/shalt 1124/1466
Jer_32:36........the/hand of the king of Babylon by/the 1104/1466
Jer_37:17........the/hand of the king of Babylon Moreover/Jeremiah 1116/1466
Jer_34:21........the/hand of the king of Babylon's army which are/gone 1113/1466
Jer_38:3.........the/hand of the king of Babylon's army which shall/take 1117/1466
2Ki_16:7.........the/hand of the king of Israel which/rise 642/1466
2Ch_28:5.........the/hand of the king of Israel who/smote 730/1466
1Sa_12:9.........the/hand of the king of Moab/and 439/1466
1Ki_22:3.........the/hand of the king of Syria And he/said 602/1466
2Ki_16:7.........the/hand of the king of Syria and out/of 641/1466
2Ch_28:5.........the/hand of the king of Syria and they/smote 729/1466
2Ch_30:6.........the/hand of the kings of Assyria/And 732/1466
Ezr_9:7..........the/hand of the kings of the/lands 770/1466
2Ch_24:11........the/hand of the Levites and/when 721/1466
2Ch_30:16........the/hand of the Levites For/there 734/1466
Isa_62:3.........the/hand of the LORD and a/royal 1047/1466
Jos_22:31........the/hand of the LORD And Phinehas/the 343/1466
Pro_21:1.........the/hand of the LORD as/the 952/1466
1Sa_12:15........the/hand of the LORD be/against 442/1466
2Ki_3:15.........the/hand of the LORD came/upon 610/1466
Psa_118:16.....right/hand of the LORD doeth valiantly I/shall 909/1466
Psa_118:15.....right/hand of the LORD doeth valiantly The/right 907/1466
2Sa_24:14........the/hand of the LORD for his/mercies 567/1466
1Ch_21:13........the/hand of the LORD for very/great 684/1466
Eze_8:1..........the/hand of the Lord GOD/fell 1161/1466
Isa_41:20........the/hand of the LORD hath done/this 1024/1466
Job_12:9.........the/hand of the LORD hath wrought/this 806/1466
Ezr_7:6..........the/hand of the LORD his/God 758/1466
Exo_16:3.........the/hand of the LORD in/the 143/1466
Psa_118:16.....right/hand of the LORD is exalted/the 908/1466
Rut_1:13.........the/hand of the LORD is gone/out 413/1466
Act_13:11........the/hand of the Lord is upon thee/and 1410/1466
Exo_9:3..........the/hand of the LORD is upon thy/cattle 117/1466
Ezr_7:28.........the/hand of the LORD my/God 762/1466
Isa_19:16........the/hand of the LORD of/hosts 999/1466
Isa_25:10........the/hand of the LORD rest/and 1002/1466
Isa_66:14........the/hand of the LORD shall/be 1053/1466
Jos_4:24.........the/hand of the LORD that/it 314/1466
Isa_51:17........the/hand of the LORD the/cup 1038/1466
Psa_75:8.........the/hand of the LORD there/is 870/1466
1Sa_5:9..........the/hand of the LORD was against the city/with 421/1466
1Sa_7:13.........the/hand of the LORD was against the Philistines/all 429/1466
Jdg_2:15.........the/hand of the LORD was against them for/evil 351/1466
Deu_2:15.........the/hand of the LORD was against them to/destroy 246/1466
1Sa_5:6..........the/hand of the LORD was heavy/upon 419/1466
1Ki_18:46........the/hand of the LORD was on/Elijah 597/1466
Eze_3:14.........the/hand of the LORD was strong/upon 1155/1466
Eze_1:3..........the/hand of the LORD was there upon him/And 1153/1466
Eze_3:22.........the/hand of the LORD was there upon me/and 1158/1466
Eze_40:1.........the/hand of the LORD was upon me and brought/me 1239/1466
Eze_37:1.........The/hand of the LORD was upon me and carried/me 1229/1466
Eze_33:22........the/hand of the LORD was upon me in/the 1223/1466
Luk_1:66.........the/hand of the Lord was with him/And 1362/1466
Act_11:21........the/hand of the Lord was with them/and 1407/1466
Heb_1:3........right/hand of the Majesty/on 1438/1466
2Sa_14:16........the/hand of the man/that. 540/1466
Jer_39:17........the/hand of the men/of.. 1125/1466
2Ki_19:14........the/hand of the messengers and read it and Hezekiah went up into/the 654/1466
Isa_37:14........the/hand of the messengers and read it and Hezekiah went up unto/the 1016/1466
Jer_27:3.........the/hand of the messengers which/come 1089/1466
Jdg_6:14.........the/hand of the Midianites/have 374/1466
Eze_31:11........the/hand of the mighty one/of 1220/1466
Job_5:15.........the/hand of the mighty So/the 797/1466
Job_6:23.........the/hand of the mighty Teach/me 800/1466
Psa_77:10......right/hand of the most/High 871/1466
2Ki_23:13......right/hand of the mount/of. 663/1466
Jer_22:3.........the/hand of the oppressor and/do 1076/1466
Jer_21:12........the/hand of the oppressor lest/my 1075/1466
2Ch_34:17........the/hand of the overseers/and 751/1466
Neh_9:30.........the/hand of the people of the lands/Nevertheless 781/1466
Jer_46:24........the/hand of the people of the north/The 1135/1466
Jer_26:24........the/hand of the people to/put 1088/1466
2Sa_8:1..........the/hand of the Philistines And he smote Moab and measured/them 530/1466
1Ch_18:1.........the/hand of the Philistines And he smote Moab and the/Moabites 679/1466
1Sa_12:9.........the/hand of the Philistines and into/the 438/1466
2Sa_19:9.........the/hand of the Philistines and now/he 554/1466
2Sa_3:18.........the/hand of the Philistines and out/of 524/1466
Jdg_15:12........the/hand of the Philistines And Samson/said 399/1466
1Sa_7:8..........the/hand of the Philistines And Samuel/took 428/1466
1Sa_28:19........the/hand of the Philistines and to/morrow 514/1466
1Sa_18:25........the/hand of the Philistines And when/his 467/1466
1Sa_18:17........the/hand of the Philistines be/upon 465/1466
1Sa_9:16.........the/hand of the Philistines for/I 431/1466
Jdg_13:1.........the/hand of the Philistines forty/years 396/1466
1Sa_18:21........the/hand of the Philistines may/be 466/1466
1Sa_28:19........the/hand of the Philistines Then Saul/fell 515/1466
1Sa_7:3..........the/hand of the Philistines Then the children/of 427/1466
Jdg_13:5.........the/hand of the Philistines Then the woman/came 397/1466
Eze_16:49........the/hand of the poor and/needy 1181/1466
Psa_109:31.....right/hand of the poor to/save 904/1466
Jer_18:4.........the/hand of the potter/so 1064/1466
Luk_22:69......right/hand of the power/of 1378/1466
2Ch_23:18........the/hand of the priests/the 720/1466
Ezr_9:2..........the/hand of the princes/and 769/1466
1Ki_16:7.........the/hand of the prophet/Jehu 593/1466
Num_35:25........the/hand of the revenger/of 242/1466
Exo_2:19.........the/hand of the shepherds/and 89/1466
Eze_21:11........the/hand of the slayer/Cry 1195/1466
2Ch_13:8.........the/hand of the sons/of.. 705/1466
2Ki_13:5.........the/hand of the Syrians/and 631/1466
Jer_15:21........the/hand of the terrible/The 1062/1466
Heb_12:2.......right/hand of the throne of God/For 1443/1466
Heb_8:1........right/hand of the throne of the/Majesty 1440/1466
Deu_3:8..........the/hand of the two/kings 251/1466
Jdg_15:18........the/hand of the uncircumcised/But 404/1466
Psa_71:4.........the/hand of the unrighteous/and 866/1466
Eze_30:12........the/hand of the wicked and I will make/the 1215/1466
Jer_15:21........the/hand of the wicked and I will redeem/thee 1061/1466
Job_9:24.........the/hand of the wicked he/covereth 801/1466
Psa_97:10........the/hand of the wicked Light/is 892/1466
Psa_71:4.........the/hand of the wicked out/of 865/1466
Psa_36:11........the/hand of the wicked remove/me 853/1466
Job_20:22......every/hand of the wicked shall/come 813/1466
Psa_82:4.........the/hand of the wicked They/know 880/1466
2Ch_34:10........the/hand of the workmen that/had 750/1466
2Ch_34:17........the/hand of the workmen Then/Shaphan 752/1466
Jdg_2:18.........the/hand of their enemies all/the 353/1466
Jer_34:21........the/hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and into/the 1111/1466
Jer_34:20........the/hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and their/dead 1109/1466
Jer_21:7.........the/hand of their enemies and into the hand of those/that 1072/1466
2Ki_21:14........the/hand of their enemies and they/shall 657/1466
2Ch_25:20........the/hand of their enemies because/they 724/1466
Neh_9:27.........the/hand of their enemies But/after 780/1466
Eze_39:23........the/hand of their enemies so/fell 1238/1466
Jer_20:5.........the/hand of their enemies which/shall 1068/1466
Neh_9:27.........the/hand of their enemies who/vexed 779/1466
Psa_123:2........the/hand of their masters/and 913/1466
Eze_23:28........the/hand of them from/whom 1204/1466
Isa_51:23........the/hand of them that afflict/thee 1041/1466
2Ki_22:9.........the/hand of them that do/the 661/1466
Jer_44:30........the/hand of them that seek his/life 1133/1466
Jer_34:21........the/hand of them that seek their life and into/the 1112/1466
Jer_34:20........the/hand of them that seek their life and their/dead 1110/1466
Jer_22:25........the/hand of them that seek thy/life 1078/1466
Act_22:11........the/hand of them that were/with 1416/1466
Eze_23:28........the/hand of them whom/thou 1203/1466
Jer_22:25........the/hand of them whose/face 1079/1466
Jer_38:16........the/hand of these men/that 1119/1466
1Sa_4:8..........the/hand of these mighty/Gods 418/1466
Mic_4:10.........the/hand of thine/enemies 1283/1466
1Sa_17:37........the/hand of this/Philistine 455/1466
Jer_21:7.........the/hand of those that seek their life/and 1073/1466
Jer_46:26........the/hand of those that seek their lives/and 1136/1466
Eze_34:27........the/hand of those that served/themselves 1225/1466
Jdg_2:16.........the/hand of those that spoiled/them 352/1466
Pro_6:3..........the/hand of thy friend/go 940/1466
Isa_62:3.........the/hand of thy God/Thou 1048/1466
Jdg_15:18........the/hand of thy servant/and 403/1466
1Ki_11:12........the/hand of thy son/Howbeit 581/1466
2Sa_11:14........the/hand of Uriah/And.... 533/1466
1Sa_12:11........the/hand of your/enemies. 441/1466
Zec_4:10.........the/hand of Zerubbabel/with 1296/1466
Mat_5:30.......right/hand offend thee cut it off and/cast 1312/1466
Mar_9:43.........thy/hand offend thee cut it off it/is 1351/1466
2Sa_13:19........her/hand on her/head..... 539/1466
Act_9:12.........his/hand on him/that.... 1405/1466
Est_9:2..........lay/hand on such/as...... 789/1466
Est_9:10.......their/hand On that/day..... 790/1466
Isa_11:8.........his/hand on the cockatrice'/den 990/1466
Est_6:2..........lay/hand on the king/Ahasuerus 786/1466
Amo_5:19.........his/hand on the wall/and 1277/1466
Job_29:9.......their/hand on their/mouth.. 822/1466
Gen_41:44........his/hand or foot/in....... 67/1466
Rev_13:16......right/hand or in/their.... 1460/1466
Eze_21:16......right/hand or on/the...... 1196/1466
Job_6:23.....enemy's/hand or Redeem/me.... 799/1466
Dan_4:35.........his/hand or say/unto.... 1252/1466
Mat_18:8.........thy/hand or thy/foot.... 1324/1466
2Ki_22:2.......right/hand or to the left And it/came 658/1466
1Sa_6:12.......right/hand or to the left and the/lords 426/1466
Num_22:26......right/hand or to the left And when/the 231/1466
2Sa_14:19......right/hand or to the left from/ought 542/1466
Jos_1:7........right/hand or to the left that thou/mayest 312/1466
Jos_23:6.......right/hand or to the left That ye/come 344/1466
Gen_24:49......right/hand or to the left Then/Laban 29/1466
Deu_28:14......right/hand or to the left to go/after 300/1466
Deu_17:20......right/hand or to the left to the/end 284/1466
Deu_5:32.......right/hand or to the left Ye/shall 255/1466
2Sa_2:21.......right/hand or to thy/left.. 520/1466
1Sa_21:3........mine/hand or what/there... 474/1466
Exo_10:12......thine/hand over the land/of 120/1466
2Ki_5:11.........his/hand over the place/and 613/1466
Isa_11:15........his/hand over the river/and 993/1466
Exo_14:16......thine/hand over the sea and divide/it 131/1466
Exo_14:21........his/hand over the sea and the LORD/caused 132/1466
Exo_14:27........his/hand over the sea and the sea/returned 135/1466
Isa_23:11........his/hand over the sea he/shook 1001/1466
Exo_14:26......thine/hand over the sea that/the 134/1466
Exo_8:6..........his/hand over the waters/of 115/1466 over thee/and.. 1177/1466
Neh_8:4.........left/hand Pedaiah/and..... 777/1466
Gen_43:12.......your/hand peradventure/it.. 71/1466
Psa_74:11......right/hand pluck/it........ 869/1466
Psa_38:2.........thy/hand presseth/me..... 856/1466
Jdg_3:10.........his/hand prevailed/against 358/1466
Job_11:14......thine/hand put/it.......... 804/1466
Isa_44:20......right/hand Remember these/O 1028/1466
Deu_9:26......mighty/hand Remember thy/servants 263/1466 repent/ye...... 1340/1466
Pro_3:16........left/hand riches/and...... 936/1466
Job_30:12......right/hand rise the/youth.. 824/1466
Luk_6:8.....withered/hand Rise up/and.... 1368/1466
2Ki_11:11........his/hand round/about..... 627/1466
Act_13:16........his/hand said/Men....... 1412/1466 saith the LORD and/not 1082/1466
Mal_1:13........your/hand saith the LORD But/cursed 1307/1466
Joh_18:22........his/hand saying Answerest/thou 1388/1466
Isa_41:13......right/hand saying unto/thee 1023/1466
Jer_44:25.......your/hand saying We/will. 1131/1466
Dan_5:24.........the/hand sent/from...... 1256/1466
Ezr_7:25.......thine/hand set/magistrates. 761/1466
Rev_1:16.......right/hand seven stars/and 1448/1466
Lev_14:27.......left/hand seven times/before 197/1466
Eze_46:7.........his/hand shall attain/unto 1246/1466
Dan_11:16........his/hand shall be consumed/He 1265/1466 shall be established/mine 884/1466
Deu_13:9.......thine/hand shall be first/upon 271/1466
Gen_49:8.........thy/hand shall be in/the.. 88/1466
Mic_5:9........Thine/hand shall be lifted/up 1284/1466
Hab_2:16.......right/hand shall be turned/unto 1287/1466
Eze_13:9........mine/hand shall be upon/the 1171/1466 shall be with/thee 522/1466 shall destroy/them 140/1466
Psa_21:8.......Thine/hand shall find out all/thine 845/1466
Psa_21:8.......right/hand shall find out those/that 846/1466
Num_6:21.........his/hand shall get/according 215/1466
Exo_6:1.......strong/hand shall he drive/them 108/1466
Exo_6:1.......strong/hand shall he let/them 107/1466
Psa_139:10.....right/hand shall hold/me... 923/1466
1Sa_24:13.......mine/hand shall not be upon thee After/whom 496/1466
1Sa_24:12.......mine/hand shall not be upon thee As/saith 495/1466
Deu_15:3.......thine/hand shall release/Save 276/1466
Zec_14:13........his/hand shall rise/up.. 1304/1466
Psa_138:7......right/hand shall save/me... 920/1466
Psa_110:5......right/hand shall strike/through 906/1466
Psa_45:4.......right/hand shall teach/thee 860/1466
Lev_14:17........his/hand shall the/priest 192/1466
Lev_22:25.stranger's/hand shall ye/offer.. 203/1466 shalt/thou....... 69/1466 shortened/at... 1035/1466
Son_8:3.........left/hand should be/under. 970/1466
Son_8:3........right/hand should embrace/me 971/1466
Deu_2:24.......thine/hand Sihon/the....... 247/1466
2Sa_21:20......every/hand six fingers/and. 558/1466
Ezr_8:26.......their/hand six hundred/and. 765/1466
2Sa_13:5.........her/hand So Amnon/lay.... 536/1466
Jer_18:6....potter's/hand so are/ye...... 1065/1466
1Sa_23:4.......thine/hand So David/and.... 480/1466
Est_5:2..........his/hand So Esther/drew.. 785/1466
2Sa_20:10.....Joab's/hand so he/smote..... 556/1466
Exo_17:9........mine/hand So Joshua/did... 145/1466 So likewise/ye. 1375/1466
Job_1:12.......thine/hand So Satan/went... 793/1466
1Sa_16:23........his/hand so Saul/was..... 453/1466
2Ch_32:17.......mine/hand so shall/not.... 743/1466
1Ch_14:10......thine/hand So they/came.... 676/1466
Eze_33:6..watchman's/hand So thou/O...... 1221/1466
Psa_20:6.......right/hand Some/trust...... 844/1466
1Sa_21:8.......thine/hand spear/or........ 476/1466
Mar_3:3.....withered/hand Stand/forth.... 1344/1466
1Ch_21:16........his/hand stretched/out... 687/1466
Jdg_16:26........the/hand Suffer/me....... 407/1466
Eze_36:7........mine/hand Surely/the..... 1227/1466
1Sa_24:20......thine/hand Swear/now....... 499/1466
Deu_32:41.......mine/hand take hold/on.... 308/1466
Amo_9:2.........mine/hand take them/though 1279/1466
Isa_37:20........his/hand that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD even/thou 1017/1466
2Ki_19:19........his/hand that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD God/even 655/1466
Gen_38:29........his/hand that behold/his.. 50/1466 that doth/betray 1335/1466
Num_35:21........his/hand that he die/he.. 241/1466
2Ki_14:5.........his/hand that he slew/his 636/1466
Job_23:9.......right/hand that I cannot/see 817/1466 that I have/laid 1237/1466
Isa_51:16.......mine/hand that I may plant/the 1037/1466 that I may smite/thee 118/1466
Act_2:25.......right/hand that I should/not 1392/1466
Isa_14:26........the/hand that is/stretched 996/1466
Exo_17:11........his/hand that Israel/prevailed 146/1466
Jer_51:7......LORD's/hand that made/all.. 1140/1466
1Sa_6:9..........his/hand that smote/us... 425/1466
Deu_13:17......thine/hand that the LORD may/turn 273/1466
2Ki_18:35.......mine/hand that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem out of mine/hand 651/1466 that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem out of my/hand 1013/1466 that they may be a/witness 21/1466
Deu_11:18.......your/hand that they may be as/frontlets 266/1466
Exo_4:4..........his/hand That they may believe/that 96/1466
Isa_13:2.........the/hand that they may go/into 994/1466
Psa_109:27.......thy/hand that thou LORD/hast 903/1466
2Ch_18:33......thine/hand that thou mayest carry/me 714/1466
1Sa_24:4.......thine/hand that thou mayest do/to 489/1466
Jdg_8:6........thine/hand that we should give bread unto thine/army 386/1466
Jdg_8:15.......thine/hand that we should give bread unto thy/men 388/1466
1Sa_25:35........her/hand that which/she.. 503/1466
Dan_5:5..........the/hand that wrote/Then 1254/1466
Jos_24:8........your/hand that ye/might... 345/1466
2Ch_32:14.......mine/hand that your/God... 738/1466
Num_5:18.........his/hand the bitter/water 213/1466
Job_21:16......their/hand the counsel/of.. 815/1466
Isa_28:2.........the/hand The crown/of... 1004/1466
Gen_44:17......whose/hand the cup is/found. 75/1466
Isa_51:22......thine/hand the cup of/trembling 1040/1466
Exo_15:12......right/hand the earth/swallowed 141/1466
Lam_5:12.......their/hand the faces/of... 1152/1466 The first/day.. 1389/1466 the fourth/part. 430/1466
Deu_28:32......thine/hand The fruit/of.... 302/1466
Jdg_7:15........your/hand the host/of..... 384/1466
2Ki_7:2........whose/hand the king leaned/answered 617/1466
Jos_8:1..........thy/hand the king of/Ai.. 318/1466
Exo_13:16.........of/hand the LORD brought us forth/out 129/1466
Exo_13:14.........of/hand the LORD brought us out/from 127/1466
Exo_13:3..........of/hand the LORD brought you/out 124/1466
Psa_10:14........thy/hand the poor/committeth 838/1466
Jer_36:14......thine/hand the roll/wherein 1114/1466
Rev_14:9.........his/hand The same/shall. 1461/1466
Psa_121:5......right/hand The sun/shall... 912/1466
Exo_32:15........his/hand the tables/were. 168/1466
Exo_34:4.........his/hand the two/tables.. 171/1466 the wicked/shall 946/1466
Psa_17:7.......right/hand them/which...... 841/1466
2Sa_13:6.........her/hand Then David/sent. 537/1466
Exo_21:13........his/hand then I will appoint/thee 153/1466
Gen_13:9.......right/hand then I will go to the left/And 9/1466
Gen_13:9........left/hand then I will go to the right/or 8/1466
Jdg_8:7.........mine/hand then I will tear/your 387/1466 then I will utterly/destroy 226/1466
Zec_2:1..........his/hand Then said/I.... 1293/1466
1Ki_2:19.......right/hand Then she/said... 572/1466
Act_13:11........the/hand Then the/deputy 1411/1466
2Ch_32:17.......mine/hand Then they/cried. 744/1466 then will/I...... 32/1466 then would/I.... 391/1466
Psa_16:11......right/hand there are/pleasures 840/1466
Jos_21:44......their/hand There failed/not 341/1466 There is/none.... 55/1466
Jos_10:8.......thine/hand there shall/not. 328/1466
Jer_27:8.........his/hand Therefore hearken/not 1091/1466
Dan_8:7..........his/hand Therefore the/he 1259/1466
Isa_57:10......thine/hand therefore thou/wast 1045/1466
Jer_11:21........our/hand Therefore thus/saith 1057/1466
Psa_104:28.....thine/hand they are filled/with 894/1466
Lam_1:14.........his/hand they are wreathed/and 1144/1466
Eze_27:15......thine/hand they brought/thee 1210/1466
2Ki_12:15......whose/hand they delivered/the 628/1466
Act_28:4.........his/hand they said/among 1420/1466
Deu_25:12........her/hand thine eye/shall. 295/1466
Job_10:7.......thine/hand Thine hands/have 803/1466 This also/were.. 829/1466
1Ki_20:13......thine/hand this day and/thou 599/1466
1Sa_26:8.......thine/hand this day now/therefore 505/1466
Eze_29:7.........thy/hand thou didst break/and 1213/1466
Isa_47:6.......thine/hand thou didst shew/them 1030/1466
Psa_88:5.........thy/hand Thou hast/laid.. 881/1466
1Sa_24:18......thine/hand thou killedst/me 498/1466
Job_30:21.....strong/hand thou opposest/thyself 825/1466
Eze_39:3.......right/hand Thou shalt fall/upon 1236/1466
Psa_73:23......right/hand Thou shalt guide/me 867/1466
Job_13:14.......mine/hand Though/he....... 808/1466
Num_20:20.....strong/hand Thus Edom/refused 225/1466
Eze_23:31......thine/hand Thus saith/the. 1205/1466
Dan_5:23.......whose/hand thy breath/is.. 1255/1466
Job_35:7.......thine/hand Thy wickedness/may 832/1466
Luk_20:42......right/hand Till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore calleth/him 1374/1466
Mar_12:36......right/hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore himself/calleth 1356/1466
Mat_22:44......right/hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool If/David 1328/1466
Ezr_6:12.......their/hand to alter/and.... 757/1466
Act_5:31.......right/hand to be a/Prince. 1398/1466
Eze_13:21.......your/hand to be hunted/and 1173/1466
Jer_31:32........the/hand to bring them out/of 1095/1466
Jer_41:5.......their/hand to bring them to/the 1127/1466
2Ch_26:19........his/hand to burn/incense. 728/1466 to come/For.... 1228/1466 to day but/I.... 509/1466
Psa_95:7.........his/hand To day if/ye.... 891/1466
2Sa_1:14.......thine/hand to destroy/the.. 518/1466
Pro_3:27.......thine/hand to do it/Say.... 937/1466 to do you/hurt... 34/1466
Jer_25:28......thine/hand to drink/then.. 1085/1466
Psa_149:6......their/hand To execute/vengeance 933/1466
1Sa_22:17......their/hand to fall/upon.... 479/1466
Eze_20:28.......mine/hand to give it to them/then 1191/1466
Eze_20:42.......mine/hand to give it to your/fathers 1194/1466
Eze_47:14.......mine/hand to give it unto/your 1248/1466
Act_4:30.......thine/hand to heal/and.... 1397/1466 to heaven and say/I 307/1466
Rev_10:5.........his/hand to heaven And sware/by 1457/1466
1Sa_14:27........his/hand to his mouth and/his 449/1466
1Sa_14:26........his/hand to his mouth for/the 447/1466
1Ch_13:9.........his/hand to hold the/ark. 673/1466
Act_12:17........the/hand to hold their/peace 1409/1466
Deu_23:20......thine/hand to in/the....... 289/1466
2Sa_20:9.......right/hand to kiss/him..... 555/1466
Heb_8:9..........the/hand to lead/them... 1441/1466
Gen_48:17...father's/hand to remove/it..... 85/1466
Zec_3:1........right/hand to resist/him.. 1295/1466 to set/forth... 1361/1466
Exo_5:21.......their/hand to slay/us...... 106/1466
1Ch_13:10........his/hand to the ark and/there 674/1466
2Sa_6:6..........his/hand to the ark of/God 529/1466
Lam_5:6..........the/hand to the Egyptians/and 1150/1466
Isa_49:22.......mine/hand to the Gentiles/and 1034/1466
Job_30:24........his/hand to the grave/though 826/1466
Jdg_5:26.........her/hand to the nail/and. 368/1466
Luk_9:62.........his/hand to the plough/and 1372/1466
Pro_31:20........her/hand to the poor/yea. 958/1466
Jdg_5:26.......right/hand to the workmen's/hammer 369/1466
Jdg_7:6........their/hand to their/mouth.. 379/1466
Isa_1:12........your/hand to tread/my..... 972/1466
Gen_25:26........his/hand took/hold........ 30/1466 touch/it........ 152/1466 touched/me..... 1263/1466
Jos_8:18.........thy/hand toward Ai/for... 320/1466
Exo_10:22........his/hand toward heaven and/there 122/1466
Exo_10:21......thine/hand toward heaven that there may be darkness/over 121/1466
Exo_9:22.......thine/hand toward heaven that there may be hail/in 119/1466
Mat_12:49........his/hand toward his/disciples 1322/1466
Gen_48:13......right/hand toward Israel's left/hand 78/1466
Gen_48:13.......left/hand toward Israel's right/hand 80/1466
Jos_8:18.........his/hand toward the city/And 322/1466
Lev_9:22.........his/hand toward the people/and 187/1466
Job_15:23........his/hand Trouble/and..... 810/1466
Gen_47:29........thy/hand under my thigh and deal/kindly 77/1466
Gen_24:2.........thy/hand under my thigh And I/will 25/1466
Gen_24:9.........his/hand under the/thigh.. 26/1466's/hand under their/wings 1168/1466
Dan_7:25.........his/hand until a/time... 1257/1466
Heb_1:13.......right/hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool Are/they 1439/1466
Psa_110:1......right/hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool The/LORD 905/1466
Act_2:34.......right/hand Until I make thy/foes 1394/1466
Deu_28:8.......thine/hand unto and/he..... 298/1466
Deu_15:10......thine/hand unto For the/poor 280/1466
Deu_28:20......thine/hand unto for to/do.. 301/1466
Dan_12:7........left/hand unto heaven/and 1269/1466
Exo_22:11........his/hand unto his neighbour's goods and/the 160/1466
Exo_22:8.........his/hand unto his neighbour's goods For/all 159/1466 Unto me/men..... 823/1466
Jos_17:7.......right/hand unto the inhabitants/of 334/1466
Isa_44:5.........his/hand unto the LORD and/surname 1027/1466
Gen_14:22.......mine/hand unto the LORD the/most 12/1466
Act_21:40........the/hand unto the people/And 1415/1466
Eze_20:5........mine/hand unto the seed/of 1185/1466
Eze_20:23.......mine/hand unto them also/in 1190/1466 unto them in/the 1188/1466
Eze_20:5........mine/hand unto them saying/I 1186/1466
Eze_20:6........mine/hand unto them to/bring 1187/1466
1Sa_25:8.......thine/hand unto thy/servants 500/1466
Deu_12:7........your/hand unto ye/and..... 268/1466
Psa_63:8.......right/hand upholdeth/me.... 864/1466
Lam_1:10.........his/hand upon all/her... 1143/1466
Isa_11:14......their/hand upon Edom and Moab/and 992/1466
Eze_25:13.......mine/hand upon Edom and will/cut 1207/1466 upon Egypt and bring forth/mine 109/1466
Exo_7:5.........mine/hand upon Egypt and bring out/the 110/1466
Mat_9:18.........thy/hand upon her/and... 1317/1466
Mar_7:32.........his/hand upon him And he/took 1348/1466
Num_27:18......thine/hand upon him And set/him 235/1466 upon him and will/destroy 1175/1466
Job_41:8.......thine/hand upon him remember/the 836/1466 upon him that/he. 43/1466
Gen_48:18......right/hand upon his/head.... 86/1466
2Ki_13:16........his/hand upon it and Elisha/put 633/1466
Eze_14:13.......mine/hand upon it and will/break 1176/1466
2Sa_24:16........his/hand upon Jerusalem/to 569/1466
Zep_1:4.........mine/hand upon Judah/and. 1289/1466
Gen_48:14.......left/hand upon Manasseh's/head 83/1466
1Ch_28:19........his/hand upon me even/all 691/1466
Rev_1:17.......right/hand upon me saying/unto 1449/1466
Psa_139:5......thine/hand upon me Such/knowledge 921/1466
Job_40:4........mine/hand upon my/mouth... 834/1466
2Ki_13:16......thine/hand upon the bow/And 632/1466
Lev_4:4..........his/hand upon the bullock's/head 181/1466
Eze_38:12......thine/hand upon the desolate/places 1234/1466
Gen_48:17......right/hand upon the head of Ephraim/it 84/1466
Lev_3:2..........his/hand upon the head of his offering and kill it at/the 178/1466
Lev_3:8..........his/hand upon the head of his offering and kill it before/the 179/1466
Lev_3:13.........his/hand upon the head of it/and 180/1466
Lev_1:4..........his/hand upon the head of the burnt/offering 177/1466
Lev_4:24.........his/hand upon the head of the goat/and 182/1466
Lev_4:33.........his/hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay it/for 184/1466
Lev_4:29.........his/hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay the/sin 183/1466 upon the inhabitants/of 1056/1466
Est_8:7..........his/hand upon the Jews/Write 788/1466
Gen_22:12......thine/hand upon the lad/neither 24/1466
Zec_13:7........mine/hand upon the little/ones 1302/1466
Eze_25:16.......mine/hand upon the Philistines/and 1209/1466
Job_28:9.........his/hand upon the rock/he 821/1466
Psa_80:17......right/hand upon the son/of. 878/1466
Lev_14:28........his/hand upon the tip/of. 198/1466
Neh_12:31......right/hand upon the wall/toward 783/1466
Exo_7:19.......thine/hand upon the waters of/Egypt 113/1466
Exo_7:17........mine/hand upon the waters which/are 112/1466 upon thee and purely/purge 973/1466
Jer_51:25.......mine/hand upon thee and roll/thee 1141/1466
Eze_25:7........mine/hand upon thee and will/deliver 1206/1466
Mic_7:16.......their/hand upon their/mouth 1286/1466 upon them and make/the 1160/1466
Zec_2:9.........mine/hand upon them and they/shall 1294/1466
Gen_46:4.........his/hand upon thine/eyes.. 76/1466
Jdg_18:19......thine/hand upon thy mouth and/go 410/1466
Pro_30:32......thine/hand upon thy mouth Surely/the 957/1466
Job_9:33.........his/hand upon us/both.... 802/1466
Job_21:5........your/hand upon your/mouth. 814/1466 Verily/I....... 1376/1466
1Ch_11:23.Egyptian's/hand was a/spear..... 670/1466
2Ch_26:13......their/hand was an/army..... 727/1466
Psa_32:4.........thy/hand was heavy/upon.. 852/1466
Exo_4:6..........his/hand was leprous/as... 99/1466
1Ki_13:6......king's/hand was restored him/again 590/1466
Mar_3:5..........his/hand was restored whole as the other And the/Pharisees 1346/1466
Luk_6:10.........his/hand was restored whole as the other And they/were 1370/1466 was sent/unto.. 1154/1466
Eze_21:22......right/hand was the/divination 1197/1466
2Sa_23:10........his/hand was weary/and... 563/1466
Luk_6:6........right/hand was withered/And 1367/1466
Num_11:23.....LORD's/hand waxed/short..... 220/1466
Lam_5:8........their/hand We/gat......... 1151/1466 weapon/of....... 240/1466
Deu_33:2.......right/hand went a/fiery.... 309/1466
Eze_47:3.........his/hand went forth/eastward 1247/1466
Exo_38:15.......that/hand were hangings/of 175/1466
2Ch_16:7.......thine/hand Were not/the.... 707/1466
Exo_34:29.....Moses'/hand when he came/down 172/1466
Psa_109:6......right/hand When he shall/be 902/1466
Gen_4:11.........thy/hand When thou tillest/the 2/1466
Psa_39:10......thine/hand When thou with/rebukes 857/1466
Job_23:9........left/hand where/he........ 816/1466
Exo_32:11.....mighty/hand Wherefore should/the 167/1466 wherefore then/are 395/1466
Neh_6:5..........his/hand Wherein/was..... 775/1466
Exo_4:17.......thine/hand wherewith/thou.. 103/1466
Pro_27:16......right/hand which bewrayeth/itself 956/1466
Isa_6:6..........his/hand which he had/taken 977/1466
1Ki_13:4.........his/hand which he put/forth 588/1466
2Th_3:17.........own/hand which is/the... 1435/1466
Deu_14:29......thine/hand which thou doest/At 275/1466
Deu_16:10......thine/hand which thou shalt/give 282/1466 while/I......... 169/1466
2Ki_18:34.......mine/hand Who are they among all the gods of the/countries 650/1466 Who are they among all the gods of these/lands 1012/1466
Rev_2:1........right/hand who walketh/in. 1451/1466
2Ch_32:13.......mine/hand Who was/there... 737/1466
Deu_15:8.......thine/hand wide unto him/and 278/1466
Deu_15:11......thine/hand wide unto thy/brother 281/1466
Gen_16:12........his/hand will be/against.. 14/1466
1Sa_23:11........his/hand will Saul/come.. 483/1466
Pro_6:1..........thy/hand with a/stranger. 939/1466
Eze_10:2.......thine/hand with coals/of.. 1166/1466's/hand with empty/pitchers 385/1466
Exo_8:17.........his/hand with his/rod.... 116/1466
Mat_26:23........his/hand with me/in..... 1333/1466
Dan_1:2..........his/hand with part/of... 1249/1466
Hos_7:5..........his/hand with scorners/For 1271/1466
Exo_23:1.......thine/hand with the/wicked. 161/1466
Exo_8:5........thine/hand with thy/rod.... 114/1466
Mat_12:10........his/hand withered/And... 1320/1466
Zep_2:15.........his/hand Woe/to......... 1292/1466
Act_7:25.........his/hand would/deliver.. 1399/1466
Isa_50:11.......mine/hand ye shall lie/down 1036/1466
Lev_25:14neighbour's/hand ye shall not/oppress 204/1466 yet do/I........ 910/1466
Eze_3:18.......thine/hand Yet if/thou.... 1156/1466
2Sa_18:12.......mine/hand yet would I not/put 549/1466
Jer_22:24......right/hand yet would I pluck/thee 1077/1466
Jdg_10:12......their/hand Yet ye have/forsaken 393/1466
Mal_2:13........your/hand Yet ye say/Wherefore 1308/1466 and mine/age.. 3/3 and the/brim.. 2/3 round/about... 1/3
2Sa_17:2........weak/handed/and................ 1/1
Jer_9:22.........the/handful after/the......... 9/9 of corn/in........ 7/9
Lev_5:12.........his/handful of it/even........ 2/9 of meal/in........ 6/9
Lev_6:15.........his/handful of the flour of/the 3/9
Lev_2:2..........his/handful of the flour thereof/and 1/9 of the offering/even 5/9 thereof/and....... 4/9 with/quietness.... 8/9 And/he........... 1/5
1Ki_20:10........for/handfuls for/all.......... 4/5 of ashes/of...... 2/5
Eze_13:19........for/handfuls of barley/and.... 5/5
Rut_2:16.........the/handfuls of purpose/for... 3/5
Act_19:12.......sick/handkerchiefs/or.......... 1/1
Jer_46:9........that/handle and/bend.......... 8/11
Luk_24:39.....myself/handle me/and........... 10/11
Psa_115:7.......they/handle not feet/have..... 5/11
Col_2:21.........not/handle not Which/all.... 11/11
1Ch_12:8.......could/handle shield/and........ 3/11
2Ch_25:5.......could/handle spear/and......... 4/11 the harp/and...... 1/11
Jer_2:8.........that/handle the law/knew...... 6/11
Eze_27:29.......that/handle the oar/the....... 9/11
Jdg_5:14........that/handle the pen/of........ 2/11
Jer_46:9........that/handle the shield/and.... 7/11
Mar_12:4..shamefully/handled And/again......... 2/3
1Jn_1:1.........have/handled of/the............ 3/3 this/sword........ 1/3
Son_5:5..........the/handles/of................ 1/1
Pro_16:20.......that/handleth a/matter......... 1/3
Amo_2:15........that/handleth the bow/and...... 3/3
Jer_50:16.......that/handleth the sickle/in.... 2/3
Eze_38:4........them/handling swords/Persia.... 1/2
2Co_4:2..........nor/handling the/word......... 2/2
1Sa_1:11.......thine/handmaid a/man.......... 15/45 an/Egyptian..... 1/45
1Sa_25:31......thine/handmaid And David/said. 23/45
Jdg_19:19........thy/handmaid and for/the..... 9/45
2Sa_20:17......thine/handmaid And he/answered 35/45 And it/came..... 3/45
1Sa_28:22......thine/handmaid and let/me..... 26/45
1Sa_1:11.......thine/handmaid and remember/me 13/45
Exo_23:12........thy/handmaid and the stranger/may 8/45
2Ki_4:16.......thine/handmaid And the woman/conceived 40/45
2Sa_14:7.......thine/handmaid and they/said.. 28/45
Gen_25:12....Sarah's/handmaid bare/unto....... 2/45
1Sa_25:41......thine/handmaid be/a........... 24/45
1Sa_1:11.......thine/handmaid but/wilt....... 14/45
Gen_35:25...Rachel's/handmaid Dan/and......... 6/45
1Sa_1:18.......thine/handmaid find/grace..... 17/45
1Sa_1:16.......thine/handmaid for a/daughter. 16/45
2Sa_14:15........his/handmaid For the king/will 31/45
1Sa_25:28......thine/handmaid for the LORD/will 22/45
Rut_3:9........thine/handmaid for thou/art... 12/45
Gen_35:26.....Leah's/handmaid Gad/and......... 7/45
2Sa_14:6.........thy/handmaid had/two........ 27/45
1Sa_25:27......thine/handmaid hath brought/unto 21/45
2Ki_4:2........Thine/handmaid hath not/any... 39/45
1Sa_28:21......thine/handmaid hath obeyed/thy 25/45
1Sa_25:24......thine/handmaid I pray thee speak in/thine 18/45
2Sa_14:12......thine/handmaid I pray thee speak one/word 29/45
1Sa_25:24......thine/handmaid Let/not........ 19/45
Luk_1:38.........the/handmaid of/the......... 45/45
2Sa_14:16........his/handmaid out/of......... 32/45
2Sa_14:15........thy/handmaid said I/will.... 30/45
2Sa_14:17......thine/handmaid said The/word.. 33/45
1Sa_25:25......thine/handmaid saw/not........ 20/45
1Ki_1:17.......thine/handmaid saying Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne And/now 37/45
1Ki_1:13.......thine/handmaid saying Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne why/then 36/45
Psa_86:16......thine/handmaid Shew/me........ 41/45
1Ki_3:20.......thine/handmaid slept/and...... 38/45
Rut_3:9........thine/handmaid spread/therefore 11/45 that/is........ 43/45
Psa_116:16.....thine/handmaid thou/hast...... 42/45
Rut_2:13.......thine/handmaid though/I....... 10/45
Gen_29:29........his/handmaid to be/her....... 4/45
2Sa_14:19......thine/handmaid To fetch/about. 34/45
Gen_30:4.........her/handmaid to wife/and..... 5/45
Jer_34:16........his/handmaid whom/he........ 44/45
Luk_1:48.........his/handmaiden/for............ 1/1
Rut_2:13.......thine/handmaidens And/Boaz...... 2/3
Gen_33:6.........the/handmaidens came/near..... 1/3 I/will........ 3/3
Gen_33:1.........two/handmaids And he/put...... 1/8
Gen_33:2.........the/handmaids and their/children 2/8
Isa_14:2.........and/handmaids and they/shall.. 4/8
Joe_2:29.........the/handmaids in/those........ 8/8
2Sa_6:20.........the/handmaids of/his.......... 3/8
Jer_34:11........for/handmaids Therefore the/word 6/8
Jer_34:16........for/handmaids Therefore thus/saith 7/8
Jer_34:11........the/handmaids whom/they....... 5/8
Jdg_18:10.......your/hands a/place.......... 99/462
1Sa_10:4.......their/hands After/that...... 103/462 Afterward/I..... 164/462
Mar_8:25.........his/hands again/upon...... 376/462 against me/but.. 393/462
Psa_55:20........his/hands against such/as. 207/462 all the day/unto 286/462
Jos_2:24.........our/hands all the land/for. 75/462
Psa_47:1........your/hands all ye/people... 206/462
Job_16:17.......mine/hands also my/prayer.. 182/462
Psa_119:48........My/hands also will/I..... 226/462
Job_34:37........his/hands among/us........ 191/462
Eze_16:11........thy/hands and a chain/on.. 327/462
Psa_24:4.......clean/hands and a pure/heart 199/462
Joh_21:18........thy/hands and another/shall 408/462
Mar_14:65......their/hands And as/Peter.... 384/462
Eze_23:42......their/hands and beautiful/crowns 333/462
Pro_17:18...striketh/hands and becometh/surety 242/462
Luk_24:50........his/hands and blessed/them 398/462
Deu_9:17.........two/hands and brake them before/your 60/462
Exo_32:19........his/hands and brake them beneath/the 34/462
Deu_1:25.......their/hands and brought it/down 56/462
Exo_35:25......their/hands and brought that/which 35/462
Exo_29:25......their/hands and burn/them.... 31/462
Lev_8:28.......their/hands and burnt/them... 45/462
Luk_6:1........their/hands And certain/of.. 388/462
Isa_35:3........weak/hands and confirm/the. 276/462
Rev_7:9........their/hands And cried/with.. 460/462
Act_21:11........own/hands and feet/and.... 431/462
2Ki_9:23.........his/hands and fled/and.... 128/462
Jdg_15:14........his/hands And he found/a... 97/462
2Ki_13:16.....king's/hands And he said Open/the 135/462 And he said unto/me 339/462
Jdg_11:32........his/hands And he smote/them 92/462
Luk_24:40........his/hands and his feet/And 397/462
Joh_20:20........his/hands and his side/Then 405/462
Job_1:10.........his/hands and his substance/is 172/462
Gen_24:47........her/hands And I bowed/down.. 6/462
Deu_9:15.........two/hands And I looked/and. 59/462
Jer_25:6........your/hands and I will do/you 297/462
Mic_5:13.......thine/hands And I will pluck/up 343/462
Pro_30:28........her/hands and is/in....... 246/462 and Israel/mine. 269/462
1Sa_17:47........our/hands And it/came..... 107/462
Pro_31:31........her/hands and let/her..... 252/462
Deu_31:29.......your/hands And Moses/spake.. 71/462 and my feet I/may 198/462 and my feet that/it 396/462 and my head/Jesus 403/462
Heb_6:2...........of/hands and of/resurrection 453/462 and passed/over.. 94/462 and reach/hither 407/462 and rebuked/thee. 12/462
2Ki_11:12......their/hands and said God/save 131/462
Gen_37:21......their/hands and said Let/us.. 13/462
1Sa_21:13......their/hands and scrabbled/on 108/462
Job_10:3.......thine/hands and shine/upon.. 177/462
Eze_25:6.......thine/hands and stamped/with 335/462
2Ki_4:34.........his/hands and stretched/himself 126/462
Joh_13:3.........his/hands and that he/was. 402/462
Dan_2:45.....without/hands and that it/brake 337/462
Hag_2:14.......their/hands and that which/they 349/462
Gen_16:9.........her/hands And the angel of/the 2/462
Act_12:7.........his/hands And the angel said/unto 422/462
Isa_25:11......their/hands And the fortress/of 272/462
2Ch_35:11......their/hands and the Levites/flayed 154/462
Jdg_7:19.......their/hands And the three/companies 81/462
Jdg_7:20........left/hands and the trumpets/in 82/462
2Sa_4:12.......their/hands and their feet and/hanged 113/462
Exo_30:21......their/hands and their feet that/they 33/462
Exo_30:19......their/hands and their feet thereat When they go/into 32/462
Exo_40:31......their/hands and their feet thereat When they went/into 36/462
Eze_10:12......their/hands and their wings/and 323/462
Lam_1:17.........her/hands and there/is.... 310/462
Neh_8:6........their/hands and they bowed/their 165/462
Rev_20:4.......their/hands and they lived/and 462/462
Deu_21:10......thine/hands and thou/hast.... 68/462
1Sa_14:13........his/hands and upon his feet/and 105/462
Lev_8:27.....Aaron's/hands and upon his sons'/hands 43/462
Lev_8:24.......right/hands and upon the great/toes 42/462
Gen_27:16........his/hands and upon the smooth/of 7/462
Lev_8:27.......sons'/hands and waved/them... 44/462
Jdg_14:9.........his/hands and went/on...... 96/462
Gen_24:30...sister's/hands and when he/heard. 5/462
Jdg_12:2.......their/hands And when I/saw... 93/462
Eze_23:37......their/hands and with/their.. 332/462
Mar_14:58.......with/hands and within/three 382/462
Son_5:14.........His/hands are as/gold..... 260/462
Isa_59:3........your/hands are defiled/with 283/462
Isa_1:15........your/hands are full/of..... 263/462
Gen_27:22........the/hands are the/hands..... 8/462
Psa_111:7........his/hands are verity/and.. 223/462
Ecc_7:26.........her/hands as bands/whoso.. 257/462
Act_7:48........with/hands as saith/the.... 415/462 as the/evening.. 234/462's/hands as though/he.... 426/462
1Th_4:11.........own/hands as we/commanded. 446/462
Job_27:23......their/hands at him/and...... 187/462
Lam_2:15.......their/hands at thee/they.... 311/462
Psa_76:5.......their/hands At thy/rebuke... 212/462
Isa_13:7.........all/hands be faint/and.... 267/462
Zep_3:16.......thine/hands be slack/The.... 347/462
2Sa_2:7.........your/hands be strengthened and/be 110/462
Jdg_7:11.......thine/hands be strengthened to/go 80/462
Zec_8:13........your/hands be strong For/thus 354/462
Eze_22:14......thine/hands be strong in/the 331/462
Zec_8:9.........your/hands be strong ye/that 353/462
Deu_33:7.........his/hands be sufficient/for 72/462
2Ch_15:7........your/hands be weak/for..... 149/462
Jer_47:3..........of/hands Because of the day/that 306/462
Gen_5:29.........our/hands because of the ground/which 1/462
Mat_27:24........his/hands before/the...... 368/462
1Co_4:12.........own/hands being/reviled... 439/462
Jer_44:8........your/hands burning/incense. 305/462
Mar_14:58....without/hands But neither/so.. 383/462
2Sa_23:6........with/hands But the man/that 118/462
Act_14:3.......their/hands But the multitude/of 424/462
Psa_115:7.......have/hands but they/handle. 225/462
Job_5:12.......their/hands cannot/perform.. 174/462 command/ye...... 279/462
Act_24:7.........our/hands Commanding/his.. 434/462
Mat_15:20...unwashen/hands defileth/not.... 358/462 dropped/with.... 259/462
Mic_7:3.........both/hands earnestly/the... 344/462
2Ki_10:24.......your/hands escape/he....... 130/462
Psa_90:17........our/hands establish/thou.. 217/462
2Co_5:1.........with/hands eternal/in...... 440/462 For God/hath.... 450/462
Ecc_5:6........thine/hands For in/the...... 256/462
Jdg_9:16.........his/hands For my/father.... 88/462
Job_14:15......thine/hands For now/thou.... 180/462
2Ch_6:12.........his/hands For Solomon/had. 144/462
Neh_2:18.......their/hands for this/good... 161/462
Eze_23:45......their/hands For thus saith the Lord GOD I/will 334/462
Jer_25:14........own/hands For thus saith the LORD God of/Israel 299/462
Psa_95:5.........his/hands formed/the...... 220/462
Isa_33:15........his/hands from holding/of. 275/462
Lam_1:14.......their/hands from whom/I..... 309/462
2Ch_6:4..........his/hands fulfilled/that.. 143/462
Lev_16:12........his/hands full of/sweet.... 47/462
Ecc_4:6..........the/hands full with/travail 255/462
Lam_3:64.......their/hands Give/them....... 314/462 had/wrought..... 253/462
Psa_128:2......thine/hands happy/shalt..... 229/462 hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 116/462 hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 195/462
Act_2:23......wicked/hands have crucified/and 409/462
Exo_15:17........thy/hands have established/The 22/462
1Jn_1:1..........our/hands have handled/of. 459/462 have I/done....... 3/462
Psa_119:73.......Thy/hands have made me and fashioned me give/me 227/462
Job_10:8.......Thine/hands have made me and fashioned me together/round 178/462
Isa_31:7.........own/hands have made unto/you 274/462
Act_20:34......these/hands have ministered/unto 430/462
Deu_21:7.........Our/hands have not/shed.... 67/462 have stretched/out 280/462
Mar_7:5.....unwashen/hands He answered/and. 374/462
Act_8:19.........lay/hands he may/receive.. 418/462
Psa_28:5.........his/hands he shall/destroy 204/462
Pro_14:1.........her/hands He that/walketh. 241/462
Psa_9:16.........own/hands Higgaion/Selah.. 194/462
Pro_31:19........her/hands hold/the........ 250/462
Luk_23:46........thy/hands I commend/my.... 394/462
Psa_143:5........thy/hands I stretch/forth. 235/462
Isa_1:15........your/hands I will/hide..... 262/462 If/I............ 192/462
Job_34:19........his/hands In a/moment..... 190/462
1Ki_16:7.........his/hands in being/like... 123/462 in his/eyesight. 196/462 in innocency For/all 211/462
Psa_26:6........mine/hands in innocency so/will 200/462
Col_2:11.....without/hands in putting/off.. 445/462
Psa_58:2........your/hands in the earth/The 208/462
Isa_29:23.......mine/hands in the midst of him/they 273/462
Isa_25:11........his/hands in the midst of them/as 270/462
Psa_134:2.......your/hands in the sanctuary/and 230/462
Ezr_6:22.......their/hands in the work/of.. 158/462
2Ch_6:29.........his/hands in this/house... 146/462 in thy/name..... 209/462
Lev_15:11........his/hands in water/he...... 46/462
Isa_55:12......their/hands Instead/of...... 282/462
Psa_26:10......whose/hands is mischief/and. 201/462
Mar_6:2..........his/hands Is not/this..... 370/462
2Co_11:33........his/hands It/is........... 441/462
Jdg_7:2........their/hands lest Israel/vaunt 79/462
Psa_91:12......their/hands lest thou/dash.. 218/462
Psa_98:8.......their/hands let/the......... 221/462
Job_5:18.........his/hands make/whole...... 175/462
Act_17:24.......with/hands Neither is/worshipped 425/462
Isa_17:8.........his/hands neither shall/respect 268/462
Jdg_13:23........our/hands neither would/he. 95/462 never/so........ 176/462
Psa_78:72........his/hands O god/the....... 213/462
Psa_92:4.........thy/hands O LORD how/great 219/462
Psa_138:8........own/hands O lord thou/hast 232/462
Son_7:1..........the/hands of a cunning/workman 261/462
Eze_1:8..........the/hands of a man under/their 318/462
Eze_10:21........the/hands of a man was/under 324/462
Exo_29:24........the/hands of Aaron/and..... 29/462
2Sa_16:21........the/hands of all that/are. 114/462
Jer_38:4.........the/hands of all the people in/speaking 304/462
Deu_17:7.........the/hands of all the people So/thou 64/462
Jdg_8:34.........the/hands of all their/enemies 87/462
1Ch_29:5.........the/hands of artificers/And 142/462
1Ch_25:2.........the/hands of Asaph/which.. 139/462
Act_11:30........the/hands of Barnabas/and. 420/462
2Ki_3:11.........the/hands of Elijah/And... 124/462
Gen_27:22........the/hands of Esau/And....... 9/462
Jer_23:14........the/hands of evildoers/that 296/462
Gal_2:9........right/hands of fellowship/that 442/462
Jer_33:13........the/hands of him that telleth/them 302/462
Eze_10:7.........the/hands of him that was/clothed 322/462
2Ch_8:18.........the/hands of his servants/ships 147/462
Exo_29:24........the/hands of his sons/and.. 30/462
2Ch_32:19........the/hands of man/And...... 152/462
Mar_9:31.........the/hands of men and they shall kill him and after/that 377/462
Mat_17:22........the/hands of men And they shall kill him and the/third 359/462
Luk_9:44.........the/hands of men But/they. 389/462
1Sa_11:7.........the/hands of messengers/saying 104/462
1Sa_30:15........the/hands of my/master.... 109/462
Act_19:11........the/hands of Paul/So...... 428/462
Luk_24:7.........the/hands of sinful/men... 395/462
Mat_26:45........the/hands of sinners Rise let/us 365/462
Mar_14:41........the/hands of sinners Rise up/let 380/462
Jdg_2:14.........the/hands of spoilers/that. 76/462
Eze_11:9.........the/hands of strangers/and 325/462
Gen_24:22........her/hands of ten/shekels.... 4/462
Act_5:12.........the/hands of the apostles/were 411/462
2Ch_12:10........the/hands of the chief of the guard that/kept 148/462
1Ki_14:27........the/hands of the chief of the guard which/kept 122/462
Jdg_10:7.........the/hands of the children/of 90/462
Deu_27:15........the/hands of the craftsman/and 70/462
Jer_10:9.........the/hands of the founder/blue 293/462
Act_21:11........the/hands of the Gentiles/And 432/462
2Sa_21:9.........the/hands of the Gibeonites/and 115/462
Gen_39:1.........the/hands of the Ishmeelites/which 15/462
Heb_10:31........the/hands of the living/God 456/462
Jer_38:4.........the/hands of the men/of... 303/462
Jdg_6:13.........the/hands of the Midianites/And 78/462
Gen_49:24........the/hands of the mighty/God 19/462
Num_6:19.........the/hands of the Nazarite/after 51/462
Ezr_4:4..........the/hands of the people of Judah/and 156/462
Eze_7:27.........the/hands of the people of the/land 321/462
Jdg_10:7.........the/hands of the Philistines and into/the 89/462
1Sa_7:14.........the/hands of the Philistines And there/was 102/462
Lam_4:10.........The/hands of the pitiful/women 317/462
Lam_4:2..........the/hands of the potter/Even 315/462
1Ti_4:14.........the/hands of the presbytery/Meditate 448/462
Act_28:17........the/hands of the Romans/Who 437/462
Eze_7:21.........the/hands of the strangers/for 320/462
Job_16:11........the/hands of the wicked I/was 181/462
Psa_140:4........the/hands of the wicked preserve/me 233/462
Eze_13:22........the/hands of the wicked that/he 326/462
Deu_17:7.........The/hands of the witnesses/shall 63/462
Jer_10:3.........the/hands of the workman/with 292/462
Jdg_2:14.........the/hands of their enemies/round 77/462
1Ch_25:6.........the/hands of their father for/song 141/462
1Ch_25:3.........the/hands of their father Jeduthun/who 140/462
2Ki_12:11........the/hands of them that did/the 133/462
Jer_19:7.........the/hands of them that seek/their 294/462
1Sa_14:48........the/hands of them that spoiled/them 106/462
Est_3:9..........the/hands of those/that... 170/462
Jdg_8:6..........the/hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand that we should give bread unto thine/army 85/462
Jdg_8:15.........the/hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand that we should give bread unto thy/men 86/462
Zec_4:9..........The/hands of Zerubbabel/have 351/462
Mar_7:3........their/hands oft/eat......... 373/462
Deu_3:3..........our/hands Og/also.......... 57/462
Luk_4:40.........his/hands on every/one.... 387/462
Luk_13:13........his/hands on her and immediately/she 390/462
2Ki_11:16.......laid/hands on her and she/went 132/462
2Ch_23:15.......laid/hands on her and when/she 150/462
Mar_5:23.........thy/hands on her that/she. 369/462
Hab_3:10.........his/hands on high/The..... 346/462
Act_28:8.........his/hands on him and healed/him 436/462
Luk_20:19........lay/hands on him and they/feared 391/462
Mar_14:46......their/hands on him and took him And/one 381/462
Mat_18:28.......laid/hands on him and took him by/the 361/462
Joh_7:30........laid/hands on him because/his 399/462
Act_21:27.......laid/hands on him Crying/out 433/462
Joh_8:20........laid/hands on him for/his.. 401/462
Act_9:17.........his/hands on him said/Brother 419/462
Joh_7:44........laid/hands on him Then/came 400/462
Mat_21:46........lay/hands on him they/feared 364/462
Jer_30:6.........his/hands on his/loins.... 300/462
Mat_26:50.......laid/hands on Jesus/and.... 366/462
Est_3:6..........lay/hands on Mordecai/alone 169/462
Act_5:18.......their/hands on the apostles/and 412/462
Est_2:21.........lay/hands on the king/Ahasuerus 168/462
Est_9:16.......their/hands on the prey/On.. 171/462
Mar_16:18........lay/hands on the sick/and. 385/462
Oba_1:13........laid/hands on their/substance 341/462
Mat_19:15........his/hands on them and departed/thence 363/462
Mat_19:13........his/hands on them and pray/and 362/462
Act_4:3.........laid/hands on them and put/them 410/462
Act_6:6........their/hands on them And the/word 413/462
Act_8:17.......their/hands on them and they/received 416/462
Act_13:3.......their/hands on them they/sent 423/462
Luk_21:12......their/hands on you and/persecute 392/462
Neh_13:21........lay/hands on you From/that 167/462
Pro_22:26.....strike/hands or of/them...... 244/462
Mat_18:8.........two/hands or two/feet..... 360/462
Jdg_16:24........our/hands our/enemy........ 98/462
Deu_21:6.......their/hands over the/heifer.. 66/462
Nah_3:19.........the/hands over thee/for... 345/462
Joh_19:3.......their/hands Pilate/therefore 404/462
Job_30:2.......their/hands profit/me....... 188/462
Pro_21:25........his/hands refuse/to....... 243/462
Psa_28:4.......their/hands render/to....... 203/462
Jer_32:30......their/hands saith/the....... 301/462
Mat_26:67......their/hands Saying Prophesy/unto 367/462
Jer_4:31.........her/hands saying Woe/is... 290/462 Shadrach/Meshach 338/462
Zec_4:9..........his/hands shall also/finish 352/462
Jer_48:37........the/hands shall be cuttings/and 307/462
Eze_7:17.........All/hands shall be feeble and all/knees 319/462
Eze_21:7.........all/hands shall be feeble and every/spirit 328/462
Isa_3:11.........his/hands shall be given/him 265/462's/hands shall be rendered/unto 240/462
Job_17:9.......clean/hands shall be stronger/and 184/462
Neh_6:9........Their/hands shall be weakened/from 163/462
Lev_7:30.........own/hands shall bring/the.. 38/462
Job_20:10........his/hands shall restore/their 185/462
Pro_31:13........her/hands She is/like..... 247/462
Pro_31:16........her/hands she planteth/a.. 248/462
Deu_33:11........his/hands smite/through.... 73/462
Gen_27:23.....Esau's/hands so he/blessed.... 11/462
Act_19:26.......with/hands So that/not..... 429/462
1Ki_8:54.........his/hands spread/up....... 121/462 stayed/on....... 316/462
1Ti_5:22.........Lay/hands suddenly/on..... 449/462 That at/that.... 443/462 that I/may...... 285/462
Heb_9:11........with/hands that is/to...... 454/462
Pro_6:17.........and/hands that shed/innocent 239/462
Rev_9:20.......their/hands that they should/not 461/462
Ezr_10:19......their/hands that they would/put 160/462
2Ki_5:20.........his/hands that which he/brought 127/462
Isa_2:8..........own/hands that which their/own 264/462
1Ch_12:17.......mine/hands the God/of...... 138/462
Act_8:18...apostles'/hands the Holy/Ghost.. 417/462
Ecc_10:18........the/hands the house/droppeth 258/462
Exo_17:12........his/hands the one/on....... 24/462
Jdg_8:3.........your/hands the princes/of... 84/462
Joh_20:25........his/hands the print/of.... 406/462
Act_27:19........own/hands the tackling/of. 435/462
Eph_4:28.........his/hands the thing/which. 444/462
Isa_59:6.......their/hands Their/feet...... 284/462
Ezr_5:8........their/hands Then asked/we... 157/462
Act_7:41.........own/hands Then God/turned. 414/462
Zec_13:6.......thine/hands Then he/shall... 355/462
Jdg_11:30.......mine/hands Then it/shall.... 91/462
Job_22:30......thine/hands Then Job/answered 186/462
Job_31:7........mine/hands Then let/me..... 189/462
Hag_1:11.........the/hands Then Zerubbabel/the 348/462
Isa_5:12.........his/hands Therefore my people/are 266/462
2Ki_22:17......their/hands therefore my wrath shall be kindled/against 137/462
2Ch_34:25......their/hands therefore my wrath shall be poured/out 153/462
Deu_16:15......thine/hands therefore thou/shalt 62/462
Mar_7:2.....unwashen/hands they found/fault 372/462's/hands They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not neither/is 231/462's/hands They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses/have 224/462
Luk_4:11.......their/hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 386/462
Mat_4:6........their/hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 356/462
Isa_65:22......their/hands They shall not/labour 287/462
Heb_1:10.......thine/hands They shall perish but thou remainest/and 451/462
Psa_102:25.......thy/hands They shall perish but thou shalt/endure 222/462
Heb_2:7..........thy/hands Thou hast put all things in/subjection 452/462
Psa_8:6..........thy/hands thou hast put all things under/his 193/462
Deu_20:13......thine/hands thou shalt/smite. 65/462
Jer_1:16.........own/hands Thou therefore/gird 288/462 thy walls/are... 281/462
Job_4:3.........weak/hands Thy words/have.. 173/462
Psa_44:20........our/hands to a/strange.... 205/462
Jdg_7:20.......right/hands to blow/withal... 83/462
Gen_43:22........our/hands to buy/food...... 16/462
Gen_37:22......their/hands to deliver/him... 14/462
Mar_9:43.........two/hands to go/into...... 378/462
Pro_6:10.........the/hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man A/naughty 238/462
Pro_24:33........the/hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man These/are 245/462
Isa_25:11........his/hands to swim/and..... 271/462
Pro_31:20........her/hands to the needy/She 251/462
Pro_31:19........her/hands to the spindle/and 249/462
Act_12:1.........his/hands to vex/certain.. 421/462 to war and/my... 237/462 to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 117/462 to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 197/462
Jer_25:7........your/hands to your/own..... 298/462
Num_24:10........his/hands together and Balak/said 54/462
Ecc_4:5..........his/hands together and eateth/his 254/462
Eze_21:17.......mine/hands together and I/will 330/462
Eze_21:14......thine/hands together and let/the 329/462
1Ki_8:22.........his/hands toward heaven And he/said 119/462
2Ch_6:13.........his/hands toward heaven And said/O 145/462
Lam_2:19.........thy/hands toward him for/the 312/462
Job_11:13......thine/hands toward him If/iniquity 179/462
1Ki_8:38.........his/hands toward this/house 120/462 toward thy/holy. 202/462 unto a/disobedient 438/462
Lam_3:41.........our/hands unto God in/the. 313/462
Psa_68:31........her/hands unto God Sing/unto 210/462
Psa_125:3......their/hands unto iniquity/Do 228/462
Deu_12:18......thine/hands unto Take/heed... 61/462 unto the LORD and the thunder/shall 20/462
Exo_9:33.........his/hands unto the LORD and the thunders/and 21/462 unto the LORD my/God 159/462 unto thee my/soul 236/462 unto thee Wilt/thou 215/462
Mar_6:5..........his/hands upon a/few...... 371/462
Num_27:23........his/hands upon him and gave/him 55/462
Deu_34:9.........his/hands upon him and the/children 74/462
Mar_8:23.........his/hands upon him he/asked 375/462
2Ki_4:34.........his/hands upon his hands/and 125/462
Lev_24:14......their/hands upon his head/and 49/462
Exo_29:10......their/hands upon the head of the bullock And/thou 26/462
Lev_4:15.......their/hands upon the head of the bullock before/the 37/462
Lev_8:14.......their/hands upon the head of the bullock for/the 39/462
Lev_16:21........his/hands upon the head of the live/goat 48/462
Lev_8:18.......their/hands upon the head of the ram And he killed/it 40/462
Lev_8:22.......their/hands upon the head of the ram And he slew/it 41/462
Exo_29:15......their/hands upon the head of the ram And thou/shalt 27/462
Exo_29:19......their/hands upon the head of the ram Then/shalt 28/462
Num_8:12.......their/hands upon the heads/of 53/462
2Ki_13:16........his/hands upon the king's/hands 134/462
Num_8:10.......their/hands upon the Levites/And 52/462
Mar_10:16........his/hands upon them and blessed/them 379/462
2Ch_29:23......their/hands upon them And the/priests 151/462
Act_19:6.........his/hands upon them the/Holy 427/462
Jer_2:37.......thine/hands upon thine/head. 289/462
Psa_90:17........our/hands upon us/yea..... 216/462
Jer_6:24.........our/hands wax/feeble...... 291/462
Jer_50:43........his/hands waxed/feeble.... 308/462
1Sa_5:4..........his/hands were cut/off.... 101/462
Psa_81:6.........his/hands were delivered/from 214/462
2Sa_4:1..........his/hands were feeble/and. 112/462
Gen_27:23........his/hands were hairy/as.... 10/462
Exo_17:12......Moses/hands were heavy/and... 23/462
Gen_49:24........his/hands were made/strong. 18/462
2Sa_3:34.........Thy/hands were not/bound.. 111/462
Exo_17:12........his/hands were steady/until 25/462
Jdg_19:27........her/hands were upon/the... 100/462
Mat_15:2.......their/hands when they/eat... 357/462
Deu_24:19......thine/hands When thou/beatest 69/462
2Ki_9:35.........her/hands Wherefore/they.. 129/462
Jer_21:4........your/hands wherewith/ye.... 295/462
Heb_9:24........with/hands which are/the... 455/462
Heb_12:12........the/hands which hang/down. 457/462
Num_5:18.........her/hands which is/the..... 50/462
Dan_2:34.....without/hands which smote/the. 336/462
Jon_3:8........their/hands Who/can......... 342/462
Job_17:3......strike/hands with me/For..... 183/462
Neh_9:24.......their/hands with their/kings 166/462
Ezr_1:6........their/hands with vessels/of. 155/462
1Ti_2:8.........holy/hands without/wrath... 447/462
Gen_48:14........his/hands wittingly/for.... 17/462 Woe/unto........ 278/462's/hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God I/beseech 136/462's/hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God save/us 277/462's/hands wood and stone which/neither 58/462
Neh_4:17.........his/hands wrought/in...... 162/462
Hos_14:3.........our/hands Ye are/our...... 340/462
Jam_4:8.........your/hands ye sinners/and.. 458/462
Hag_2:17........your/hands yet/ye.......... 350/462
Eze_39:9.........the/handstaves/and............ 1/1
Col_2:14.........the/handwriting/of............ 1/1
Psa_19:1.........his/handywork/Day............. 1/1