1Sa_15:33...Samuel/hewed Agag/in............ 4/13
1Ki_6:36........of/hewed stone and/a........ 6/13
2Ki_12:12......and/hewed stone to/repair... 10/13
1Ki_7:12........of/hewed stones and a/row... 9/13
1Ki_7:11........of/hewed stones and cedars/And 8/13
1Ki_7:9.........of/hewed stones sawed/with.. 7/13
1Ki_5:17.......and/hewed stones to/lay...... 5/13
Isa_22:16.....hast/hewed thee/out.......... 11/13
Hos_6:5..........I/hewed them by/the....... 13/13
1Sa_11:7.......and/hewed them in/pieces..... 3/13
Jer_2:13.......and/hewed them out/cisterns. 12/13
Exo_34:4........he/hewed two tables of stone like unto the first and Moses/rose 1/13
Deu_10:3.......and/hewed two tables of stone like unto the first and went/up 2/13
Deu_29:11......the/hewer/of.................. 1/1
1Ch_22:15abundance/hewers and/workers........ 6/9
2Ch_2:18........be/hewers in the mountain/and 8/9
1Ki_5:15..thousand/hewers in the mountains/Beside 4/9
2Ki_12:12......and/hewers of stone/and....... 5/9
Jos_9:27.......day/hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation/and 3/9
Jos_9:23.......and/hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house/of 2/9
Jos_9:21........be/hewers of wood and drawers of water unto/all 1/9
Jer_46:22.......as/hewers of wood They/shall. 9/9
2Ch_2:10.......the/hewers that/cut........... 7/9
Isa_44:14.......He/heweth him down/cedars.... 3/3
Isa_22:16.....that/heweth him out/a.......... 2/3
Isa_10:15.....that/heweth therewith/or....... 1/3