above all nations and/his 201/416
Deu_28:1........on/high above all nations of/the 31/416
Deu_26:19.....thee/high above all nations which/he 30/416 above all the earth/thou 194/416 above all the people/Let 195/416 above the/earth.. 197/416
2Ch_34:4........on/high above them he/cut 139/416
2Sa_22:49.......on/high above them that/rose 53/416
1Ki_21:9........on/high among the people And set/two 73/416
1Ki_21:12.......on/high among the people And there/came 74/416
Isa_40:26.......on/high and behold/who... 240/416
Psa_50:14.....most/High And call/upon.... 168/416
Exo_37:9........on/high and covered/with... 9/416 and fears/shall.. 214/416
Deu_28:52......thy/high and fenced/walls.. 33/416
1Ki_6:23....cubits/high And five/cubits... 59/416
2Ch_6:13....cubits/high and had set/it... 118/416
Rev_21:12......and/high and had twelve/gates 416/416
Luk_24:49.......on/high And he/led....... 359/416
Isa_57:15......the/high and holy/place... 246/416
Dan_4:34......most/High and I/praised.... 302/416
1Ch_11:23...cubits/high and in/the....... 110/416
Isa_6:1.....throne/high and lifted up and his/train 218/416
Isa_2:13.......are/high and lifted up and upon/all 215/416
Isa_57:15......the/high and lofty/One.... 245/416
1Ki_7:35.....cubit/high and on/the........ 61/416
Dan_7:25......most/High and shall/wear... 307/416
Isa_22:16.......on/high and that/graveth. 225/416
2Ch_3:15....cubits/high and the chapiter/that 117/416
Isa_24:21.......on/high and the kings/of. 228/416
Eze_41:22...cubits/high and the length/thereof 294/416 and the LORD/hath. 36/416
Dan_7:22......most/High and the time/came 306/416
Isa_32:15.......on/high and the wilderness/be 234/416
1Ki_6:10....cubits/high and they rested/on 58/416
2Ch_20:19.......on/high And they rose/early 125/416
Dan_7:25......most/High and think/to..... 308/416
Deu_28:43.....very/high and thou/shalt.... 32/416
Est_5:14....cubits/high and to/morrow.... 145/416
Jer_25:30.......on/high and utter/his.... 263/416
1Ki_7:15....cubits/high apiece/and........ 60/416
Isa_24:18.......on/high are/open......... 226/416 arm brought/he... 381/416
Job_38:15......the/high arm shall/be..... 154/416 as heaven/what... 148/416
Isa_52:13.....very/high As many/were..... 243/416 as the/eagle..... 268/416
Psa_91:14.......on/high because he/hath.. 190/416
1Ch_14:2........on/high because of/his... 111/416
Psa_73:11.....most/High Behold/these..... 177/416
Heb_1:3.........on/high Being/made....... 395/416
Dan_8:3.......were/high but one/was...... 310/416
Psa_82:6......most/High But ye/shall..... 185/416
Php_3:14.......the/high calling/of....... 394/416
Mar_6:21.....lords/high captains/and..... 344/416
Eze_17:22......the/high cedar/and........ 281/416
Exo_25:20.......on/high covering/the....... 8/416 day besought/Pilate 371/416
Gen_29:7.......yet/high day neither/is..... 6/416
Psa_62:9........of/high degree are/a..... 171/416
1Ch_17:17.......of/high degree O/LORD.... 113/416
Deu_32:8......Most/High divided/to........ 34/416
Act_7:48......most/High dwelleth/not..... 379/416
2Ki_19:22.......on/high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 95/416
Isa_37:23.......on/high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 238/416 every/one......... 62/416
Pro_24:7.......too/high for a/fool....... 213/416
Psa_92:8......most/high for evermore/For. 192/416
Psa_131:1......too/high for me/Surely.... 203/416
Isa_25:12......the/high fort/of.......... 229/416
Psa_107:41......on/high from/affliction.. 200/416
2Ch_23:20......the/high gate into/the.... 128/416
Jer_20:2.......the/high gate of Benjamin/which 262/416
2Ch_27:3.......the/high gate of the/house 130/416
Jer_51:58......her/high gates/shall...... 269/416
Gen_14:18.....most/high God And he/blessed. 2/416
Psa_78:56.....most/high God and kept/not. 182/416
Dan_3:26......most/high God come/forth... 296/416
Dan_5:18......most/high God gave/Nebuchadnezzar 303/416
Dan_4:2........the/high God hath/wrought. 297/416
Mar_5:7.......most/high God I/adjure..... 343/416
Psa_46:4......most/High God is/in........ 165/416
Gen_14:19.....most/high God possessor/of... 3/416
Dan_5:21......most/high God ruled/in..... 304/416
Mic_6:6........the/high God shall/I...... 320/416
Gen_14:22.....most/high God the/possessor.. 5/416
Psa_78:35......the/high God their/redeemer 181/416
Gen_14:20.....most/high God which hath/delivered 4/416
Act_16:17.....most/high God which shew/unto 382/416
Heb_7:1.......most/high God who/met...... 404/416 hand But/the....... 7/416 hand in/the....... 22/416
Luk_1:78........on/high hath/visited..... 353/416
Isa_33:5........on/high he hath/filled... 235/416
Eph_4:8.........on/high he led/captivity. 392/416
Psa_21:7......most/High he shall/not..... 164/416
Jer_31:21.....thee/high heaps/set........ 265/416
Eze_20:28....every/high hill and all/the. 284/416
2Ki_17:10....every/high hill and under every green tree And there they/burnt 88/416
1Ki_14:23....every/high hill and under every green tree And there were/also 71/416
Jer_2:20.....every/high hill and under every green tree thou/wanderest 249/416 hill as/the...... 172/416
Eze_6:13.....every/high hill in/all...... 275/416
Isa_30:25....every/high hill rivers/and.. 233/416
Eze_34:6.....every/high hill yea/my...... 289/416
Psa_104:18.....The/high hills are/a...... 198/416
Jer_17:2.......the/high hills O/my....... 258/416
Gen_7:19.......the/high hills that/were.... 1/416 hills this/is.... 173/416
Isa_33:16.......on/high his/place........ 236/416
Neh_3:25....king's/high house/that....... 143/416
Luk_8:28......most/high I beseech/thee... 356/416 I cannot/attain.. 205/416 I will overturn/overturn 286/416
Psa_69:29.......on/high I will praise/the 175/416
Psa_77:10.....most/High I will remember/the 179/416
Psa_78:17.....most/High in/the........... 180/416
Isa_58:4........on/high Is it/such....... 247/416
Psa_93:4........on/high is mightier/than. 193/416
Job_31:2........on/high Is not/destruction 153/416
Psa_47:2......most/high is terrible/he... 166/416
Psa_89:13......and/high is thy/right..... 187/416
Pro_21:4........An/high look and a proud heart and/the 212/416 look and a proud heart will/not 196/416
Isa_10:12......his/high looks For he/saith 219/416
Psa_18:27.....down/high looks For thou/wilt 162/416 mountain and eminent/In 282/416
Rev_21:10......and/high mountain and shewed/me 415/416
Mat_4:8..exceeding/high mountain and sheweth/him 333/416
Jer_3:6......every/high mountain and under/every 251/416
Isa_30:25....every/high mountain and upon/every 232/416 mountain apart And/was 334/416 mountain apart by/themselves 345/416
Eze_40:2......very/high mountain by/which 292/416
Isa_13:2.......the/high mountain exalt/the 221/416
Isa_57:7.......and/high mountain hast/thou 244/416
Isa_40:9.......the/high mountain O/Jerusalem 239/416 mountain shewed/unto 355/416
Isa_2:14.......the/high mountains and upon all/the 216/416
Deu_12:2.......the/high mountains and upon the/hills 29/416
Eze_34:14......the/high mountains of/Israel 290/416
Job_16:19.......on/high My/friends....... 149/416
Hos_11:7......most/High none/at.......... 313/416
Psa_7:17......most/high O/LORD........... 159/416
Job_21:22......are/high One/dieth........ 150/416
Isa_10:33......the/high ones of/stature.. 220/416
Isa_24:21......the/high ones that/are.... 227/416
Psa_83:18.....most/high over/all......... 186/416 palaces/like..... 184/416
1Ki_3:4......great/high place a/thousand.. 57/416 place And God/met. 20/416
1Sa_10:13......the/high place And Saul's/uncle 46/416
2Ki_23:15......the/high place and stamped/it 107/416
1Sa_9:12.......the/high place As/soon..... 40/416
Eze_16:25......thy/high place at every/head 278/416
1Ch_21:29......the/high place at Gibeon/But 114/416 place for Chemosh/the 63/416
1Sa_9:19.......the/high place for ye/shall 43/416
2Ki_23:15......the/high place he/brake... 106/416
Eze_16:31....thine/high place in every street and/hast 279/416 place in every street Thou/hast 277/416
1Sa_9:25.......the/high place into/the.... 44/416
1Sa_9:14.......the/high place Now/the..... 42/416
Isa_16:12......the/high place that he/shall 224/416
2Ch_1:3........the/high place that was at Gibeon for/there 115/416
2Ch_1:13.......the/high place that was at Gibeon to Jerusalem/from 116/416
1Ch_16:39......the/high place that was at Gibeon To offer/burnt 112/416
1Sa_9:13.......the/high place to/eat...... 41/416
Eze_20:29......the/high place whereunto/ye 285/416
2Ki_23:15......the/high place which/Jeroboam 105/416
1Sa_10:5.......the/high place with/a...... 45/416
Hos_10:8.......The/high places also/of... 312/416
2Ch_14:3.......the/high places and brake down/the 121/416
2Ki_18:4.......the/high places and brake the/images 93/416
Lev_26:30.....your/high places and cut/down 13/416
2Ch_11:15......the/high places and for/the 120/416 places and fountains/in 241/416
2Ch_17:6.......the/high places and groves/out 124/416
Jer_48:35......the/high places and him/that 267/416
2Ch_32:12......his/high places and his/altars 134/416
1Ki_14:23.....them/high places and images/and 70/416 places and in/pits 47/416
2Ki_14:4.......the/high places And it/came 81/416
2Ki_12:3.......the/high places And Jehoash/said 78/416
1Ki_22:43......the/high places And Jehoshaphat/made 76/416
1Ki_12:31.......of/high places and made/priests 64/416
Deu_33:29....their/high places And Moses/went 37/416
Psa_78:58....their/high places and moved/him 183/416
2Ki_16:4.......the/high places and on the hills and under every green tree Then/Rezin 86/416
2Ch_28:4.......the/high places and on the hills and under every green tree Wherefore/the 131/416
Jer_3:2........the/high places and see/where 250/416
2Ch_33:19....built/high places and set/up 137/416
2Ch_31:1.......the/high places and the altars/out 133/416
2Ch_34:3.......the/high places and the groves/and 138/416
2Ch_14:5.......the/high places and the images/and 122/416 places And the king/went 56/416
2Ki_15:4.......the/high places And the LORD/smote 83/416
1Ki_13:33......the/high places And this/thing 69/416
2Ki_18:22....whose/high places and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away and hath/said 94/416
Isa_36:7.....whose/high places and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away and said/to 237/416
Num_33:52....their/high places And ye/shall 23/416
Eze_6:3.......your/high places And your/altars 273/416
Eze_36:2...ancient/high places are/ours.. 291/416
2Ki_17:11......the/high places as/did..... 89/416 places because/there 55/416
Pro_8:2.........of/high places by/the.... 209/416
2Ki_23:9.......the/high places came/not.. 103/416
Jer_17:3.......thy/high places for sin/throughout 259/416
Jer_7:29........on/high places for the/LORD 254/416
2Ki_15:35......the/high places He built/the 85/416 places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 52/416 places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 163/416
2Sa_1:19.......thy/high places how/are.... 48/416
2Sa_1:25.....thine/high places I/am....... 49/416
2Ki_17:9......them/high places in all/their 87/416
2Ki_23:5.......the/high places in the cities/of 100/416
2Ch_21:11.....made/high places in the mountains/of 127/416
Jer_4:11.......the/high places in the wilderness/toward 253/416
Eze_43:7.....their/high places In their/setting 295/416
Job_25:2.......his/high places Is/there.. 152/416
Jer_26:18......the/high places of a/forest 264/416
Num_21:28......the/high places of Arnon/Woe 18/416
Num_22:41......the/high places of Baal that/thence 19/416
Jer_19:5.......the/high places of Baal to/burn 261/416
Jer_32:35......the/high places of Baal which/are 266/416
Amo_7:9........the/high places of Isaac/shall 315/416
Mic_1:5........the/high places of Judah/are 318/416
Pro_9:14.......the/high places of the city/To 210/416
Isa_58:14......the/high places of the earth and feed/thee 248/416
Mic_1:3........the/high places of the earth And the/mountains 317/416
Deu_32:13......the/high places of the earth that/he 35/416
Amo_4:13.......the/high places of the earth The/LORD 314/416
Jdg_5:18.......the/high places of the field/The 39/416
Mic_3:12.......the/high places of the forest/But 319/416
2Ki_23:8.......the/high places of the gates/that 102/416
Jer_7:31.......the/high places of Tophet/which 255/416
Eze_6:6........the/high places shall/be.. 274/416
1Ki_13:2.......the/high places that burn/incense 66/416
2Ki_23:13......the/high places that were before/Jerusalem 104/416
2Ki_23:19......the/high places that were in/the 108/416
2Ki_23:20......the/high places that were there/upon 109/416
2Ki_17:32......the/high places They feared/the 92/416
Isa_49:9.......all/high places They shall not/hunger 242/416
Eze_16:39......thy/high places they shall strip/thee 280/416
Jer_14:6.......the/high places they snuffed/up 257/416
Jer_12:12......all/high places through/the 256/416
2Ch_28:25.....made/high places to burn/incense 132/416
Hab_3:19......mine/high places To the/chief 323/416
Isa_15:2.......the/high places to weep/Moab 223/416
Jer_3:21.......the/high places weeping/and 252/416
1Ki_15:14......the/high places were not removed nevertheless/Asa's 72/416
2Ki_15:35......the/high places were not removed the people sacrificed and burned/incense 84/416
2Ki_15:4.......the/high places were not removed the people sacrificed and burnt/incense 82/416
2Ki_14:4.......the/high places were not taken away as/yet 80/416
2Ch_20:33......the/high places were not taken away for as/yet 126/416
1Ki_22:43......the/high places were not taken away for the/people 75/416
2Ch_15:17......the/high places were not taken away out/of 123/416
2Ki_12:3.......the/high places were not taken away the/people 77/416
2Ki_23:8.......the/high places where/the. 101/416 places Wherefore/take 393/416
1Ki_13:32......the/high places which are/in 67/416
1Ki_12:32......the/high places which he/had 65/416
2Ch_33:3.......the/high places which Hezekiah his father had broken/down 135/416
2Ki_21:3.......the/high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed/and 96/416
2Ki_17:32......the/high places which sacrificed/for 91/416
2Ki_17:29......the/high places which the/Samaritans 90/416
1Ki_13:33......the/high places whosoever/would 68/416
Eze_16:16......thy/high places with/divers 276/416
2Ch_33:17......the/high places yet/unto.. 136/416
Psa_149:6......the/high praises/of....... 207/416
Neh_3:20.......the/high priest After him/repaired 142/416 priest after the/order 402/416
Heb_9:7........the/high priest alone/once 410/416
Lev_21:10......the/high priest among/his.. 11/416
Act_23:2.......the/high priest Ananias/commanded 384/416
Hag_2:4........the/high priest and be/strong 329/416
Act_4:6........the/high priest and Caiaphas/and 372/416
Mar_14:47......the/high priest and cut off his ear/And 346/416
Luk_22:50......the/high priest and cut off his right/ear 357/416
Act_9:1........the/high priest And desired/of 380/416
Mar_2:26.......the/high priest and did/eat 342/416
Mar_14:54......the/high priest and he/sat 348/416
Joh_18:24......the/high priest And Simon/Peter 369/416
Joh_18:16......the/high priest and spake/unto 366/416
Zec_6:11.......the/high priest And speak/unto 332/416
Act_5:24.......the/high priest and the captain/of 376/416
Act_25:2.......the/high priest and the chief/of 388/416
2Ki_23:4.......the/high priest and the priests/of 99/416
Hag_1:14.......the/high priest and the spirit/of 327/416
Hag_2:2........the/high priest and to/the 328/416
Joh_18:15......the/high priest and went/in 364/416
Mar_14:66......the/high priest And when/she 352/416
Mar_14:53......the/high priest and with/him 347/416
Mat_26:63......the/high priest answered/and 340/416
Act_7:1........the/high priest Are/these. 378/416
Mat_26:62......the/high priest arose/and. 339/416
Mar_14:61......the/high priest asked him/and 350/416
Act_5:27.......the/high priest asked them/Saying 377/416 priest became/us. 405/416
Joh_18:26......the/high priest being/his. 370/416
Num_35:28......the/high priest but after/the 25/416 priest but he/that 401/416
Joh_18:15......the/high priest But Peter/stood 365/416
Act_5:21.......the/high priest came and/they 375/416
2Ki_12:10......the/high priest came up/and 79/416
Act_24:1.......the/high priest descended/with 387/416
Act_22:5.......the/high priest doth/bear. 383/416
Heb_9:25.......the/high priest entereth/into 412/416 priest for ever/after 403/416
Act_23:5.......the/high priest for it/is. 386/416
Heb_13:11......the/high priest for sin/are 414/416
Heb_2:17..faithful/high priest in/things. 396/416
Heb_8:3......every/high priest is/ordained 409/416 priest of good/things 411/416
Heb_3:1........and/High Priest of our/profession 397/416 priest over/the.. 413/416
Mar_14:63......the/high priest rent his clothes and/saith 351/416
Mat_26:65......the/high priest rent his clothes saying/He 341/416
Act_5:17.......the/high priest rose up and/all 374/416
Neh_3:1........the/high priest rose up with/his 141/416
2Ki_22:8.......the/high priest said/unto.. 98/416
Hag_1:1........the/high priest saying/Thus 325/416
Joh_18:22......the/high priest so/Jesus.. 368/416
Zec_3:1........the/high priest standing/before 330/416
Mar_14:60......the/high priest stood/up.. 349/416
Heb_5:1......every/high priest taken/from 400/416
2Ki_22:4.......the/high priest that he/may 97/416
Heb_4:14.....great/high priest that is/passed 398/416
Joh_18:13......the/high priest that same year Now/Caiaphas 363/416
Joh_11:49......the/high priest that same year said/unto 360/416
Jos_20:6.......the/high priest that shall/be 38/416
Joh_11:51....being/high priest that year/he 361/416
Num_35:28......the/high priest the/slayer. 26/416
Joh_18:19......The/high priest then asked/Jesus 367/416
Act_23:4.....God's/high priest Then said/Paul 385/416
2Ch_34:9.......the/high priest they/delivered 140/416
Zec_3:8........the/high priest thou/and.. 331/416
Neh_13:28......the/high priest was/son... 144/416
Act_4:6........the/high priest were/gathered 373/416
Mat_26:57......the/high priest where/the. 337/416 priest which cannot/be 399/416
Num_35:25......the/high priest which was/anointed 24/416 priest who is/set 408/416
Mat_26:3.......the/high priest who was/called 335/416
Hag_1:12.......the/high priest with/all.. 326/416
Mat_26:51......the/high priest's and/smote 336/416
Luk_22:54......the/high priest's house/And 358/416
2Ch_24:11......the/high priest's officer/came 129/416
Mat_26:58......the/high priest's palace/and 338/416
Joh_18:10......the/high priest's servant/and 362/416
Luk_3:2........the/high priests the/word. 354/416
Heb_7:27.....those/high priests to/offer. 406/416 priests which/have 407/416
Lam_3:38......most/High proceedeth/not... 271/416
Psa_49:2.......and/high rich/and......... 167/416
Dan_4:17......most/High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will and setteth/up 298/416
Dan_4:25......most/High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will And whereas/they 300/416
Dan_4:32......most/High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will The/same 301/416
Psa_91:1......most/High shall abide/under 188/416 shall be/an...... 119/416
Dan_7:18......most/High shall take/the... 305/416
Job_39:27.......on/high She dwelleth/and. 156/416
Job_39:18.......on/high she scorneth/the. 155/416
Psa_150:5......the/high sounding/cymbals. 208/416
Psa_75:5........on/high speak/not........ 178/416 stature/and...... 287/416
Hab_2:9.........on/high that he/may...... 321/416 that saith/in.... 316/416 that they/were... 272/416
2Sa_23:1........on/high the anointed/of... 54/416
Isa_26:5........on/high the lofty/city... 230/416
Psa_7:7.........on/high The LORD/shall... 158/416
Hab_3:10........on/high The sun/and...... 322/416
Psa_107:11....most/High Therefore/he..... 199/416 they are And/thou 151/416
Hos_7:16......most/High they are like/a.. 311/416
2Co_10:5.....every/high thing/that....... 391/416
Rom_12:16......not/high things but/condescend 389/416
Job_41:34......all/high things he/is..... 157/416
Job_5:11........on/high those/that....... 147/416
Psa_68:18.......on/high thou/hast........ 174/416
Jer_17:12.glorious/high throne/from...... 260/416
Psa_91:9......most/High thy/habitation... 189/416 time/to.......... 390/416
Psa_92:1......MOST/HIGH To shew/forth.... 191/416
Lam_3:35......most/High To subvert/a..... 270/416 tower and my deliverer/my 206/416 tower and my refuge/my 50/416
Isa_2:15.....every/high tower and upon/every 217/416 tower I/will..... 161/416
Zep_1:16.......the/high towers/And....... 324/416
Eze_17:24......the/high tree/have........ 283/416
Psa_57:2......most/high unto/God......... 170/416
Num_11:31...cubits/high upon the face/of.. 14/416
Exo_39:31.......on/high upon the mitre/as. 10/416
2Sa_22:14.....most/High uttered/his....... 51/416 wall in/his...... 211/416
Isa_30:13........a/high wall whose/breaking 231/416
Deu_3:5.......with/high walls/gates....... 28/416
Num_20:19......the/high way and/if........ 16/416
Deu_2:27.......the/high way I/will........ 27/416
Num_21:22...king's/high way until/we...... 17/416
Num_20:17...king's/high way we/will....... 15/416
Lev_26:22.....your/high ways/shall........ 12/416
Psa_56:2......most/High What/time........ 169/416
Psa_9:2.......most/High When/mine........ 160/416
Eze_40:42....cubit/high whereupon/also... 293/416
Est_7:9.....cubits/high which Haman/had.. 146/416
Dan_4:24......most/High which is/come.... 299/416
Num_24:16.....most/High which saw/the..... 21/416
Psa_71:19.....very/high who hast/done.... 176/416
Psa_113:5.......on/high Who humbleth/himself 202/416
Dan_7:27......most/High whose/kingdom.... 309/416
Eze_31:4........on/high with/her......... 288/416 yet hath/he...... 204/416
Isa_14:14.....most/High Yet thou/shalt... 222/416
Dan_8:3........the/higher came/up.......... 18/21
Jer_36:10......the/higher court/at......... 13/21
2Ki_15:35......the/higher gate of/the....... 4/21
Eze_9:2........the/higher gate which/lieth. 14/21
Eze_43:13......the/higher place/of......... 16/21
Neh_4:13.......the/higher places/I.......... 5/21
Rom_13:1.......the/higher powers/For....... 20/21 than Agag/and..... 1/21
1Sa_9:2........was/higher than any of the people And/the 2/21
1Sa_10:23......was/higher than any of the people from/his 3/21 than I/For........ 7/21
Isa_55:9.......are/higher than the earth/so 11/21
Heb_7:26......made/higher than the heavens/Who 21/21 than the highest/regardeth 9/21
Psa_89:27firstborn/higher than the kings/of. 8/21
Dan_8:3........was/higher than the other/and 17/21
Eze_42:5......were/higher than these/than.. 15/21 than they/Moreover 10/21
Job_35:5.......are/higher than thou/If...... 6/21
Isa_55:9......ways/higher than your/ways... 12/21
Luk_14:10.......up/higher then/shalt....... 19/21
Mar_11:10......the/highest And Jesus/entered 10/18
Luk_2:14.......the/highest and on/earth.... 14/18
Luk_19:38......the/highest And some/of..... 17/18
Luk_1:32.......the/Highest and the/Lord.... 11/18
Mat_21:9.......the/highest And when/he...... 9/18
Eze_17:3.......the/highest branch of the cedar/He 6/18
Eze_17:22......the/highest branch of the high/cedar 7/18
Eze_41:7.......the/highest by/the........... 8/18
Luk_6:35.......the/Highest for he/is....... 15/18
Luk_1:76.......the/Highest for thou/shalt.. 13/18
Psa_18:13......the/Highest gave/his......... 1/18
Psa_87:5.......the/highest himself/shall.... 2/18
Pro_8:26.......the/highest part/of.......... 3/18
Pro_9:3........the/highest places/of........ 4/18
Ecc_5:8........the/highest regardeth/and.... 5/18
Luk_14:8.......the/highest room/lest....... 16/18
Luk_20:46......the/highest seats/in........ 18/18
Luk_1:35.......the/Highest shall/overshadow 12/18
Act_12:20......was/highly displeased/with.... 3/6 esteemed/among..... 2/6
Php_2:9.......hath/highly exalted/him........ 5/6 favoured/the....... 1/6
1Th_5:13......very/highly in/love............ 6/6
Rom_12:3......more/highly than/he............ 4/6
Rom_11:20......not/highminded but/fear....... 1/3
2Ti_3:4......heady/highminded lovers/of...... 3/3
1Ti_6:17.......not/highminded nor/trust...... 2/3
Job_31:23......his/highness I/could.......... 1/2 The/noise........ 2/2
2Sa_20:13......the/highway all/the.......... 5/16
2Sa_20:12......the/highway And/when......... 3/16
Jer_31:21......the/highway even/the........ 15/16
Isa_40:3.........a/highway for our/God..... 13/16 for the/remnant.. 9/16
Isa_62:10......the/highway gather/out...... 14/16
2Sa_20:12......the/highway into/the......... 4/16
1Sa_6:12.......the/highway lowing/as........ 2/16
Isa_7:3........the/highway of the fuller's field And say/unto 8/16
2Ki_18:17......the/highway of the fuller's field And when/they 6/16
Isa_36:2.......the/highway of the fuller's field Then/came 12/16
Pro_16:17......The/highway of the upright/is 7/16
Isa_19:23........a/highway out/of.......... 10/16 shall/be........ 11/16
Mar_10:46......the/highway side/begging.... 16/16
Jdg_21:19......the/highway that/goeth....... 1/16
Amo_5:16.......the/highways Alas/alas....... 7/10
Jdg_20:32......the/highways And all/the..... 3/10
Mat_22:9.......the/highways and as/many..... 8/10
Mat_22:10......the/highways and gathered/together 9/10
Luk_14:23......the/highways and hedges/and. 10/10
Jdg_20:45......the/highways five/thousand... 4/10
Isa_33:8.......The/highways lie/waste....... 5/10
Jdg_20:31......the/highways of/which........ 2/10 shall/be........ 6/10
Jdg_5:6........the/highways were/unoccupied. 1/10