Deu_22:6.............God/If a bird's/nest..... 409/1595
Jam_2:15.............him/If a brother/or..... 1535/1595
Deu_22:23.........Israel/If a damsel/that..... 414/1595
Deu_19:16....established/If a false/witness... 397/1595 a fox/go.......... 663/1595
Mar_3:25.............And/if a house/be....... 1070/1595
Mar_3:24.............And/if a kingdom/be..... 1069/1595
Lev_13:12............And/if a leprosy/break... 181/1595
Deu_18:6.............And/if a Levite/come..... 391/1595
Joh_15:6.........nothing/If a man abide/not.. 1219/1595
Lev_20:13...........them/If a man also lie/with 237/1595
Lev_13:38..........clean/If a man also or/a... 203/1595
2Ti_2:5..............And/if a man also strive/for 1492/1595 a man be found lying/with 413/1595
Deu_24:7..........pledge/If a man be found stealing/any 421/1595
Eze_18:5.............But/if a man be just/and. 929/1595
Gal_6:1.........Brethren/if a man be overtaken/in 1449/1595
Ecc_6:3..........disease/If a man beget/an.... 828/1595
Exo_22:14............And/if a man borrow/ought 112/1595
2Co_11:20.........suffer/if a man bring/you.. 1423/1595
Gen_13:16...........that/if a man can/number.... 7/1595
Lev_24:19............And/if a man cause/a..... 251/1595
Exo_21:14............But/if a man come/presumptuously 81/1595
Exo_22:10......neighbour/If a man deliver/unto 109/1595
1Ti_3:1...........saying/If a man desire/the. 1478/1595
2Co_11:20........bondage/if a man devour/you. 1424/1595
Amo_5:19..............As/if a man did/flee.... 968/1595
Num_27:8..........saying/If a man die and/have 336/1595
Mat_22:24...........said/If a man die having/no 1053/1595 a man die shall/he 709/1595
Eze_20:13..........which/if a man do he shall even live in them and/my 934/1595
Eze_20:11..........which/if a man do he shall even live in them Moreover/also 933/1595
Eze_20:21..........which/if a man do he shall even live in them they/polluted 935/1595
Neh_9:29...........which/if a man do he shall live in them and/withdrew 664/1595
Lev_18:5...........which/if a man do he shall live in them I/am 230/1595
Lev_22:14............And/if a man eat/of...... 250/1595
Exo_22:16............And/if a man entice/a.... 115/1595 a man exalt/himself 1426/1595
Deu_22:25............But/if a man find a betrothed/damsel 415/1595
Deu_22:28............her/If a man find a damsel/that 416/1595
1Sa_24:19............For/if a man find his/enemy 535/1595
1Pe_2:19.....thankworthy/if a man for/conscience 1546/1595 a man had/enquired 554/1595
Deu_21:18............his/If a man have a/stubborn 405/1595 a man have an/hundred 1035/1595
Deu_21:22............And/if a man have committed/a 406/1595
1Co_11:14...........that/if a man have long/hair 1365/1595
Deu_21:15............her/If a man have two/wives 403/1595 a man keep my saying he shall never see/death 1180/1595
Joh_8:52..........sayest/If a man keep my saying he shall never taste/of 1181/1595
1Ti_3:5..............For/if a man know/not... 1479/1595
Isa_36:6.........whereon/if a man lean it will go into his hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to/all 849/1595
2Ki_18:21..........which/if a man lean it will go into his hand and pierce it so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto/all 615/1595
Exo_21:13............And/if a man lie not/in... 80/1595
Lev_20:15............And/if a man lie with a/beast 239/1595
Lev_20:12............And/if a man lie with his/daughter 236/1595
Ecc_11:8.............But/if a man live/many... 833/1595
Joh_14:23............him/If a man love/me.... 1217/1595 a man on/the..... 1170/1595
Lev_13:29........burning/If a man or/woman.... 195/1595
Lev_25:33............And/if a man purchase/of. 260/1595
Jer_3:1..............say/If a man put/away.... 865/1595
Lev_27:22............And/if a man sanctify/unto 295/1595 a man say/I...... 1579/1595
Lev_25:29............And/if a man sell a/dwelling 258/1595
Exo_21:7.............And/if a man sell his/daughter 75/1595
Exo_22:5..........double/If a man shall cause/a 104/1595
Exo_22:7.....restitution/If a man shall deliver/unto 106/1595
Exo_21:33.............or/if a man shall dig/a.. 96/1595
Lev_20:18............And/if a man shall lie with a/woman 242/1595
Lev_20:20............And/if a man shall lie with his/uncle's 243/1595
Exo_21:33............And/if a man shall open/a. 95/1595
Lev_27:16............And/if a man shall sanctify/unto 289/1595
Mar_7:11.............say/If a man shall say/to 1076/1595
Exo_22:1.............own/If a man shall steal/an 99/1595
Lev_20:21............And/if a man shall take his brother's/wife 244/1595
Lev_20:17............And/if a man shall take his sister/his 241/1595 a man should/cast 1073/1595
2Ch_6:22.........forgive/If a man sin against his/neighbour 629/1595
1Sa_2:25.............but/if a man sin against the/LORD 500/1595
Exo_21:20............And/if a man smite his/servant 85/1595
Exo_21:26............And/if a man smite the/eye 89/1595
2Co_11:20........himself/if a man smite you/on 1427/1595
Job_37:20..........speak/if a man speak/surely 756/1595
Lev_20:14............And/if a man take a/wife. 238/1595 a man take of/you 1425/1595
2Ti_2:21.......dishonour/If a man therefore/purge 1497/1595
Gal_6:3..............For/if a man think/himself 1450/1595
1Ti_1:8.............good/if a man use/it..... 1475/1595
Num_30:2.......commanded/If a man vow/a....... 340/1595
Joh_11:10............But/if a man walk/in.... 1194/1595
Mic_2:11.....destruction/If a man walking/in.. 975/1595
Lev_27:31............And/if a man will/at..... 298/1595 a man would/give.. 837/1595 a man's/brother.. 1095/1595
Pro_29:12.....afterwards/If a ruler/hearken... 820/1595
Num_21:9............that/if a serpent/had..... 331/1595
Lev_25:47............And/if a sojourner/or.... 263/1595
Luk_11:11.........opened/If a son shall/ask.. 1117/1595
Gal_4:7..............and/if a son then/an.... 1442/1595
Lev_5:15..........saying/If a soul commit/a... 161/1595
Lev_4:2...........saying/If a soul shall/sin.. 146/1595
Lev_6:2...........saying/If a soul sin and commit a/trespass 163/1595
Lev_5:17.............And/if a soul sin and commit any/of 162/1595
Lev_5:1..............And/if a soul sin and hear/the 153/1595
Lev_5:4...............Or/if a soul swear/pronouncing 158/1595
Lev_5:2...............Or/if a soul touch/any.. 155/1595
Act_23:9.............but/if a spirit/or...... 1257/1595
Num_9:14.............And/if a stranger shall/sojourn 311/1595
Lev_19:33............And/if a stranger sojourn with thee/in 234/1595
Num_15:14............And/if a stranger sojourn with you/or 321/1595
Exo_22:2...........sheep/If a thief/be........ 100/1595
1Co_7:28.............and/if a virgin/marry... 1341/1595 a wheel/had....... 923/1595
Pro_29:9...........wrath/If a wise/man........ 819/1595
Num_30:3...........mouth/If a woman also/vow.. 341/1595
Lev_20:16............And/if a woman approach/unto 240/1595
Lev_15:19............And/if a woman have an issue and/her 223/1595
Lev_15:25............And/if a woman have an issue of/her 226/1595
Lev_12:2..........saying/If a woman have conceived/seed 172/1595
1Co_11:15............But/if a woman have long/hair 1366/1595
Mar_10:12............And/if a woman shall/put 1088/1595
Rom_4:2..............For/if Abraham/were..... 1275/1595
2Sa_19:6............that/if Absalom/had....... 561/1595
1Ki_2:23............also/if Adonijah/have..... 567/1595
1Co_15:32..........daily/If after the/manner. 1396/1595
2Pe_2:20.............For/if after they/have.. 1562/1595
1Co_9:17.............but/if against/my....... 1358/1595
1Co_14:24............But/if all prophesy/and. 1380/1595 all returned/so... 555/1595
Exo_21:28...........sake/If an/ox.............. 91/1595
Joh_5:43.............not/if another/shall.... 1164/1595
Jam_1:23.............For/if any be a/hearer.. 1528/1595
Tit_1:6.............thee/If any be blameless/the 1499/1595
Lev_11:39............And/if any beast/of...... 171/1595
Job_31:7.............and/if any blot/hath..... 723/1595
Php_2:1...........Spirit/if any bowels/and... 1458/1595
1Co_7:12............Lord/If any brother/hath. 1336/1595
Php_2:1...........Christ/if any comfort/of... 1456/1595 any fellowship/of 1457/1595
Jos_2:19............head/if any hand/be....... 441/1595
2Co_2:5..............But/if any have/caused.. 1403/1595
Jam_1:26............deed/If any man among you seem/to 1529/1595
1Co_3:18.........himself/If any man among you seemeth/to 1326/1595
Luk_19:31............And/if any man ask/you.. 1146/1595
Joh_9:31.............but/if any man be a/worshipper 1185/1595
1Co_14:38............But/if any man be ignorant/let 1386/1595
2Co_5:17.......Therefore/if any man be in/Christ 1412/1595
1Co_3:12.............Now/if any man build/upon 1322/1595
Luk_14:26...........them/If any man come/to.. 1133/1595 any man defile/the 1325/1595
Mar_9:35............them/If any man desire/to 1083/1595
Joh_9:22............that/if any man did/confess 1184/1595
Num_6:9..............And/if any man die/very.. 309/1595
Heb_10:38............but/if any man draw/back 1519/1595
Joh_6:51..........heaven/if any man eat/of... 1166/1595 any man enter/in. 1188/1595 any man fall/from. 410/1595
Deu_19:11............But/if any man hate/his.. 396/1595
Col_3:13.........another/if any man have a/quarrel 1469/1595 any man have an/ear 1592/1595 any man have any/matters 124/1595
Mar_4:23..........abroad/If any man have ears to hear let him hear And he/said 1072/1595 any man have ears to hear let him hear And when/he 1077/1595
Rom_8:9..............Now/if any man have not/the 1289/1595
Rev_3:20...........knock/if any man hear my voice/and 1589/1595
Joh_12:47............And/if any man hear my words/and 1205/1595
1Co_11:34............And/if any man hunger/let 1369/1595
Joh_11:57...........that/if any man knew/where 1200/1595
Lev_15:24............And/if any man lie/with.. 225/1595
1Co_8:3..............But/if any man love God/the 1347/1595
1Co_16:22...........hand/If any man love not/the 1401/1595 any man love the/world 1570/1595
1Pe_4:11.............God/if any man minister/let 1554/1595
2Th_3:14.............And/if any man obey/not. 1474/1595
Lev_1:2.............them/If any man of you bring/an 133/1595
Num_9:10..........saying/If any man of you or/of 310/1595
Jam_3:2..............all/If any man offend/not 1537/1595
1Ti_5:16...........Satan/If any man or/woman. 1490/1595
Gal_1:9............again/if any man preach/any 1431/1595
1Sa_2:16.............And/if any man said/unto. 497/1595
Mat_21:3.............And/if any man say ought/unto 1047/1595
1Co_10:28............But/if any man say unto you This/is 1360/1595
Mar_11:3.............And/if any man say unto you Why/do 1089/1595
1Jn_5:16.............him/If any man see his/brother 1583/1595
1Co_8:10.............For/if any man see thee/which 1350/1595
1Co_11:16............But/if any man seem/to.. 1367/1595 any man serve me him/will 1203/1595
Joh_12:26........eternal/If any man serve me let/him 1202/1595 any man shall add/unto 1594/1595
Mar_13:21...........then/if any man shall say to/you 1096/1595
Mat_24:23...........Then/if any man shall say unto/you 1056/1595
Rev_22:19............And/if any man shall take/away 1595/1595
1Jn_2:1..............And/if any man sin/we... 1568/1595
1Co_14:27.......edifying/If any man speak in/an 1381/1595
1Pe_4:11.............God/If any man speak let/him 1553/1595
1Pe_4:16.............Yet/if any man suffer/as 1556/1595
Deu_22:13........thyself/If any man take/a.... 411/1595
1Ti_6:3...........exhort/If any man teach/otherwise 1491/1595 any man that/is.. 1330/1595
1Co_14:37...........only/If any man think himself/to 1385/1595
1Co_7:36.............But/if any man think that he behaveth/himself 1342/1595
1Co_8:2..............And/if any man think that he knoweth/any 1346/1595
Joh_7:37..........saying/If any man thirst/let 1171/1595
1Ki_8:31.........forgive/If any man trespass/against 570/1595
2Co_10:7......appearance/If any man trust/to. 1417/1595 any man walk/in.. 1193/1595
Mat_16:24......disciples/If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and/follow 1029/1595
Luk_9:23.............all/If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily/and 1112/1595 any man will do/his 1169/1595
Rev_11:5.............And/if any man will hurt them fire/proceedeth 1590/1595
Rev_11:5.............and/if any man will hurt them he/must 1591/1595
Mat_5:40.............And/if any man will sue/thee 1001/1595
Rev_14:9...........voice/If any man worship/the 1593/1595 any man's brother/die 1151/1595
Lev_15:16............And/if any man's seed/of. 222/1595
Num_5:12............them/If any man's wife/go. 301/1595 any man's work abide/which 1323/1595
1Co_3:15..........reward/If any man's work shall/be 1324/1595
Exo_21:23............And/if any mischief/follow 88/1595
1Pe_3:1.............that/if any obey/not..... 1549/1595
Lev_25:25............and/if any of his/kin.... 255/1595
Lev_7:18.............And/if any of the flesh/of 167/1595
2Ki_10:24...........said/If any of the men/whom 614/1595
1Co_10:27........thereof/If any of them/that. 1359/1595
Deu_30:4............thee/If any of thine/be... 435/1595
Jam_5:19........Brethren/if any of you do/err 1542/1595
Jam_1:5..........nothing/If any of you lack/wisdom 1527/1595
Lev_4:27.............And/if any one/of........ 150/1595
Php_3:4............flesh/If any other/man.... 1460/1595
Lev_11:37............And/if any part/of....... 169/1595
1Ti_5:8..............But/if any provide/not.. 1484/1595
2Ki_4:29.............and/if any salute/thee... 599/1595
Job_33:27............and/if any say/I......... 742/1595
Num_15:27............And/if any soul/sin...... 324/1595
1Co_14:30..........judge/If any thing/be..... 1383/1595
Lev_11:38............But/if any water/be...... 170/1595
1Ti_5:4..............But/if any widow/have... 1483/1595
2Th_3:10............that/if any would/not.... 1473/1595
1Ki_18:21............but/if Baal/then......... 587/1595
Num_24:13.........saying/If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the commandment/of 335/1595
Num_22:18..........Balak/If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the word/of 332/1595
Deu_25:5............corn/If brethren/dwell.... 426/1595 by any means he/be 590/1595 by any means I may/provoke 1303/1595
Php_3:11...........death/If by any means I might/attain 1461/1595
Rom_1:10.........request/if by any means now/at 1267/1595
Act_27:12...........also/if by any means they/might 1265/1595
Rom_11:6.............And/if by grace/then.... 1300/1595
Rom_5:17.............For/if by one/man's..... 1280/1595
Psa_90:10............and/if by reason/of...... 780/1595
Gen_4:24............hurt/If Cain/shall.......... 3/1595
Rom_8:17.............And/if children/then.... 1294/1595
Rom_8:10.............And/if Christ be in/you. 1290/1595
1Co_15:17............And/if Christ be not raised/your 1393/1595
1Co_15:14............And/if Christ be not risen/then 1390/1595
1Co_15:12............Now/if Christ be preached/that 1388/1595
Mat_22:45......footstool/If David/then....... 1054/1595
Act_19:38......Wherefore/if Demetrius/and.... 1254/1595
Gen_32:8............said/If Esau/come.......... 31/1595
Gen_34:22.........people/if every/male......... 36/1595
Exo_22:6.....restitution/If fire/break........ 105/1595 first/I.......... 1320/1595
Deu_4:29.............But/if from/thence....... 364/1595
Rom_8:31..........things/If God be for/us.... 1297/1595
Joh_13:32............him/If God be glorified/in 1210/1595
2Ti_2:25......themselves/if God peradventure/will 1498/1595 God permit/For... 1512/1595
Mat_6:30.......Wherefore/if God so clothe/the 1009/1595
1Jn_4:11.........Beloved/if God so loved/us.. 1577/1595
2Pe_2:4..............For/if God spared not the angels/that 1561/1595
Rom_11:21............For/if God spared not the natural/branches 1309/1595
Joh_8:42............them/If God were/your.... 1178/1595 God will And/he.. 1253/1595
Gen_28:20.........saying/If God will be/with... 24/1595
Job_9:13............thou/If God will not/withdraw 689/1595
Jon_3:9.............tell/if God will turn/and. 974/1595
Rom_9:22............What/if God willing/to... 1298/1595
Jer_49:9.............him/If grapegatherers/come 915/1595
2Sa_18:3.........neither/if half/of........... 559/1595
Mar_11:13...........came/if haply he/might... 1090/1595
1Sa_14:30...........more/if haply the/people.. 515/1595
Act_17:27...........Lord/if haply they/might. 1250/1595
Luk_11:11.............or/if he ask a fish will he for/a 1118/1595
Mat_7:10..............Or/if he ask a fish will he give/him 1011/1595
Jdg_6:31.........morning/if he be a/god....... 462/1595
Lev_25:49.............or/if he be able he/may. 264/1595 he be able to/fight 517/1595
2Sa_18:25...........said/If he be alone/there. 560/1595
Luk_23:35........himself/if he be Christ/the. 1156/1595
1Ch_28:7............ever/if he be constant/to. 626/1595
Pro_6:31.............But/if he be found he/shall 804/1595
Exo_21:16.............or/if he be found in/his. 82/1595
2Sa_17:13.......Moreover/if he be gotten/into. 557/1595
1Sa_23:23...........pass/if he be in/the...... 534/1595
Lev_5:7..............And/if he be not able to bring a/lamb 159/1595
Lev_5:11.............But/if he be not able to bring two/turtledoves 160/1595
Lev_25:28............But/if he be not able to restore/it 257/1595
Lev_25:54............And/if he be not redeemed/in 267/1595
1Co_7:13.............and/if he be pleased/to. 1337/1595
Lev_14:21............And/if he be poor/and.... 215/1595
Lev_27:8.............But/if he be poorer/than. 283/1595 he be the/King... 1065/1595
Pro_25:21............and/if he be thirsty/give 818/1595
1Sa_20:7.............but/if he be very/wroth.. 522/1595
Eze_18:10............GOD/If he beget a son that is/a 930/1595
Eze_18:14.............lo/if he beget a son that seeth/all 931/1595 he blessed/an..... 862/1595
Lev_4:32.............And/if he bring/a........ 152/1595 he call/thee...... 501/1595
Joh_10:35...........gods/If he called/them... 1190/1595
Exo_21:3.........nothing/If he came/in......... 71/1595
Lev_27:33............and/if he change/it...... 299/1595
Heb_13:23...........whom/if he come shortly/I 1526/1595
Psa_41:6.............And/if he come to/see.... 769/1595
Col_4:10....commandments/if he come unto/you. 1470/1595
2Sa_7:14.............son/If he commit/iniquity 541/1595
Exo_21:21Notwithstanding/if he continue/a...... 86/1595 he cut off a/dog's 860/1595
Job_11:10............sea/If he cut off and/shut 703/1595
Job_8:18..........stones/If he destroy/him.... 687/1595
Exo_21:11............And/if he do not these/three 79/1595 he do not turn/from 945/1595 he do not utter/it 154/1595
Rom_14:23.........damned/if he eat/because... 1319/1595
Act_9:2.............that/if he found/any..... 1246/1595
Luk_9:25......advantaged/if he gain/the...... 1113/1595 he gather/unto.... 746/1595
Eze_46:17............But/if he give/a......... 953/1595
Mic_5:8..............who/if he go/through..... 976/1595 he had never/been 1098/1595
Act_26:32........liberty/if he had not appealed/unto 1264/1595 he had not been/born 1061/1595
Phl_1:18..........myself/If he hath/wronged.. 1501/1595
Exo_21:9.............And/if he have betrothed/her 77/1595
Jam_5:15.............and/if he have committed/sins 1541/1595
Pro_3:30...........cause/if he have done/thee. 800/1595
Num_27:10............And/if he have no brethren/then 338/1595
Num_27:9.............And/if he have no daughter/then 337/1595
Exo_22:3.....restitution/if he have nothing/then 102/1595
Lev_27:20.............or/if he have sold/the.. 294/1595
Amo_3:4..............den/if he have taken/nothing 967/1595
Luk_15:4...........sheep/if he lose/one...... 1135/1595
Mat_18:17............but/if he neglect/to.... 1041/1595
Lev_3:7..........blemish/If he offer a/lamb... 144/1595
Lev_7:12............LORD/If he offer it for/a. 165/1595
Lev_3:1.........offering/if he offer it of/the 142/1595 he offered/swine's 861/1595
Num_19:12............but/if he purify/not..... 328/1595
Luk_17:3.............and/if he repent/forgive 1142/1595
Exo_21:19............bed/If he rise/again...... 84/1595
Jdg_12:5......Ephraimite/If he said Nay/Then.. 478/1595
Gen_31:8.............and/if he said thus The ringstraked/shall 28/1595 he said thus The speckled/shall 27/1595
Lev_27:18............But/if he sanctify his field after/the 291/1595
Lev_27:17.........silver/If he sanctify his field from/the 290/1595
Mar_8:23.............him/if he saw/ought..... 1079/1595 he say thus/It.... 521/1595 he say unto/thee.. 386/1595 he set/his........ 745/1595
Num_30:15............But/if he shall any/ways. 348/1595
Luk_11:12.............Or/if he shall ask/an.. 1119/1595
Lev_27:10............and/if he shall at/all... 285/1595
Luk_12:38............And/if he shall come/in. 1127/1595
Mat_16:26.......profited/if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul For/the 1030/1595 he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul Whosoever/therefore 1080/1595
Mat_18:15..........alone/if he shall hear/thee 1038/1595
Mat_18:17............And/if he shall neglect/to 1040/1595
Deu_25:3............lest/if he should exceed/and 425/1595
Gen_44:22............for/if he should leave/his 46/1595
Joh_11:12...........Lord/if he sleep/he...... 1195/1595 he slew/a......... 859/1595
Num_35:18.............Or/if he smite him with an hand/weapon 359/1595
Num_35:16............And/if he smite him with an instrument/of 357/1595
Num_35:17............And/if he smite him with throwing/a 358/1595
Exo_21:27............And/if he smite out/his... 90/1595
Deu_25:8.............and/if he stand/to....... 428/1595
Pro_6:30...........thief/if he steal/to....... 803/1595
Exo_21:10......daughters/If he take/him........ 78/1595
2Co_11:4.............For/if he that cometh/preacheth 1419/1595
Lev_15:8.............And/if he that hath/the.. 221/1595
Lev_27:15............And/if he that sanctified it/will 288/1595
Lev_27:19............And/if he that sanctified the/field 292/1595
Rom_12:20............him/if he thirst/give... 1315/1595
Num_35:20............But/if he thrust him of/hatred 360/1595
Num_35:22............But/if he thrust him suddenly/without 361/1595
2Sa_15:26............But/if he thus/say....... 551/1595
Lev_5:3...............Or/if he touch/the...... 157/1595
Luk_17:4.............And/if he trespass/against 1143/1595 he trust/to....... 947/1595
Eze_33:14............die/if he turn from/his.. 948/1595 he turn not/he.... 764/1595
Lev_17:16............But/if he wash/them...... 229/1595 he were a/prophet 1111/1595
Mar_15:44......marvelled/if he were already/dead 1101/1595
Exo_21:3.........himself/if he were married/then 72/1595
Joh_18:30............him/If he were not a/malefactor 1234/1595
Job_31:20............and/if he were not warmed/with 730/1595
Heb_8:4..............For/if he were on/earth. 1515/1595 he were ready/to.. 854/1595
Lev_27:13............But/if he will at/all.... 287/1595
Job_9:3..............God/If he will contend/with 688/1595 he will have/him. 1066/1595
Rut_3:13.............but/if he will not do/the 493/1595
Mat_18:16............But/if he will not hear/thee 1039/1595
Lev_27:20............And/if he will not redeem/the 293/1595
Rut_3:13............that/if he will perform/unto 492/1595
Joe_2:14.........knoweth/if he will return/and 965/1595
1Ki_1:52............said/If he will shew/himself 564/1595
Jer_31:37...........LORD/If heaven/above...... 899/1595
Num_30:5.............But/if her father disallow/her 342/1595
Num_12:14..........Moses/If her father had/but 318/1595
Exo_22:17...........wife/If her father utterly/refuse 116/1595
Num_30:14............But/if her husband altogether/hold 347/1595
1Co_7:39.............but/if her husband be dead she is at/liberty 1344/1595
Rom_7:3..............but/if her husband be dead she is free/from 1285/1595
Num_30:8.............But/if her husband disallowed/her 344/1595
Num_30:12............But/if her husband hath/utterly 346/1595
Job_27:14.......Almighty/If his children be/multiplied 718/1595
Psa_89:30.........heaven/If his children forsake/my 778/1595
Num_27:11............And/if his father/have... 339/1595
Job_31:20.......covering/If his loins/have.... 729/1595
Exo_21:4.............him/If his master/have.... 73/1595
2Co_11:15..........thing/if his ministers/also 1421/1595
Lev_3:1..............And/if his oblation/be... 141/1595
Lev_1:3............flock/If his offering be a burnt/sacrifice 134/1595
Lev_3:12.............And/if his offering be a goat/then 145/1595
Lev_1:10.............And/if his offering be of/the 135/1595
Lev_3:6..............And/if his offering for/a 143/1595
Lev_4:23..............Or/if his sin wherein/he 149/1595
Lev_4:28..............Or/if his sin which/he.. 151/1595
Mat_7:9.............whom/if his son/ask...... 1010/1595
Luk_22:68............And/if I also/ask....... 1154/1595
Num_20:19............and/if I and/my.......... 329/1595
Psa_139:8.......presence/If I ascend/up....... 789/1595
2Ki_1:12............them/If I be a man of God let/fire 595/1595
2Ki_1:10...........fifty/If I be a man of God then/let 594/1595
Mal_1:6..............and/if I be a master/where 988/1595
Act_25:11............For/if I be an/offender. 1261/1595
Gen_43:14.......Benjamin/If I be bereaved/of... 45/1595
Job_35:3............have/if I be cleansed/from 749/1595
Joh_12:32..............I/if I be lifted/up... 1204/1595
1Co_9:2.............Lord/If I be not/an...... 1352/1595
Php_2:17.............and/if I be offered/upon 1459/1595
Job_10:15............and/if I be righteous/yet 702/1595
Jdg_16:17...........womb/if I be shaven/then.. 487/1595
Job_9:29........innocent/If I be wicked why/then 698/1595
Job_10:15.......iniquity/If I be wicked woe/unto 701/1595 I bear/witness... 1163/1595
Job_31:26...........much/If I beheld/the...... 734/1595
Eze_14:17.............Or/if I bring a/sword... 926/1595
Gen_42:37...........sons/if I bring him not to/thee 39/1595
Gen_43:9.............him/if I bring him not unto thee and/set 43/1595
Gen_44:32.........saying/If I bring him not unto thee then/I 49/1595
Gal_2:18.............For/if I build/again.... 1435/1595
Mat_12:27............And/if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children/cast 1025/1595
Luk_11:19............And/if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your sons/cast 1122/1595
1Co_10:30............For/if I by grace/be.... 1361/1595
Mat_12:28............But/if I cast/out....... 1026/1595
Eze_14:15............GOD/If I cause/noisome... 925/1595
2Co_13:2............that/if I come again/I... 1430/1595
3Jn_1:10.......Wherefore/if I come I/will.... 1586/1595
1Co_14:6........brethren/if I come unto/you.. 1375/1595
2Ch_7:13..............or/if I command/the..... 642/1595
Job_31:33......traveller/If I covered/my...... 737/1595
Jer_38:15.......Zedekiah/If I declare/it...... 903/1595
Joh_16:7.............but/if I depart/I....... 1230/1595
Job_31:13.......increase/If I did/despise..... 726/1595
Psa_137:6........cunning/If I do not remember/thee 787/1595
Joh_10:37............God/If I do not the/works 1191/1595
Rom_7:20.............Now/if I do that/I...... 1287/1595
1Co_9:17.............For/if I do this/thing.. 1357/1595
Joh_10:38............But/if I do though/ye... 1192/1595
Jer_14:18............and/if I enter/into...... 880/1595
1Sa_20:21.........arrows/If I expressly/say... 528/1595
Gen_18:26...........said/If I find in/Sodom.... 11/1595
Gen_18:28...........said/If I find there/forty. 12/1595 I find thirty/there 13/1595
2Co_2:10.............for/if I forgave/any.... 1404/1595 I forget/thee..... 786/1595
Jer_38:15............and/if I give/thee....... 904/1595
Joh_14:3.............And/if I go and/prepare. 1213/1595
Jer_14:18...........blow/If I go forth/into... 879/1595
Joh_16:7.............for/if I go not/away.... 1229/1595
Job_9:16...........judge/If I had called/and.. 690/1595
Lev_10:19............and/if I had eaten/the... 168/1595 I had not come/and 1227/1595
Joh_15:24...........also/If I had not done/among 1228/1595
2Co_7:14.............For/if I have boasted/any 1413/1595 I have done iniquity/I 748/1595
Psa_7:3..............God/If I have done this/if 761/1595
Job_31:39.......complain/If I have eaten/the.. 739/1595
Est_8:5..............and/if I have favour/in.. 679/1595 I have found favour in the/sight 672/1595 I have found favour in thine eyes let/me 530/1595
Gen_30:27...........thee/if I have found favour in thine eyes tarry/for 25/1595
Num_11:15...........hand/if I have found favour in thy sight and/let 316/1595
Est_7:3.............said/If I have found favour in thy sight O/king 675/1595
Exo_33:13...........thee/if I have found grace/in 128/1595
Job_31:9..............or/if I have laid/wait.. 725/1595
Job_31:21..........sheep/If I have lifted/up.. 731/1595
Job_31:24.........endure/If I have made/gold.. 732/1595
Jer_33:25............and/if I have not/appointed 902/1595
1Sa_27:5..........Achish/If I have now/found.. 539/1595
Psa_7:4............hands/If I have rewarded/evil 763/1595
Job_31:19...........womb/If I have seen/any... 728/1595
Joh_18:23............him/If I have spoken/evil 1232/1595
Luk_19:8.............and/if I have taken/any. 1145/1595
Joh_3:12.........witness/If I have told/you.. 1160/1595
Job_31:5...........steps/If I have walked/with 720/1595
Job_31:16...........womb/If I have withheld/the 727/1595 I hold/my......... 707/1595
Joh_8:54........answered/If I honour/myself.. 1182/1595
Joh_8:16.............yet/if I judge/my....... 1172/1595
Job_9:20...........plead/If I justify/myself.. 693/1595
1Sa_20:9.............for/if I knew/certainly.. 524/1595
1Co_14:11......Therefore/if I know/not....... 1377/1595
Job_29:24...........rain/If I laughed/on...... 719/1595
1Sa_25:22..........David/if I leave/of........ 536/1595 I lie/Return...... 683/1595
Php_1:22.............But/if I live/in........ 1454/1595
Psa_139:8..........there/if I make my/bed..... 790/1595
1Ki_19:2............also/if I make not/thy.... 588/1595
2Co_2:2..............For/if I make you/sorry. 1402/1595
Mat_9:21.........herself/If I may but/touch.. 1015/1595
Mar_5:28............said/If I may touch/but.. 1074/1595
2Co_11:30............not/If I must/needs..... 1428/1595
Est_4:16.............and/if I perish/I........ 670/1595
1Co_14:14............For/if I pray/in........ 1378/1595 I preach/not..... 1356/1595
Psa_137:6..........mouth/if I prefer/not...... 788/1595
1Sa_17:9.............but/if I prevail/against. 518/1595
Psa_66:18.........tongue/If I regard/iniquity. 775/1595
Job_31:29..........above/If I rejoice at/the.. 735/1595
Job_31:25.....confidence/If I rejoice because/my 733/1595 I say I am/perfect 694/1595
Job_9:27............prey/If I say I will forget/my 697/1595
Psa_73:15........morning/If I say I will speak/thus 776/1595 I say Surely/the.. 792/1595
Joh_8:46.............And/if I say the/truth.. 1179/1595
1Sa_20:22............But/if I say thus/unto... 529/1595
Eze_14:19.............Or/if I send a/pestilence 927/1595
2Ch_7:13..............or/if I send pestilence/among 643/1595
Mar_8:3..............And/if I send them/away. 1078/1595 I shall/find...... 550/1595
Psa_139:18..........them/If I should count/them 793/1595
Mar_14:31.....vehemently/If I should die/with 1099/1595
Rut_1:12............hope/if I should have/an.. 490/1595
Rut_1:12.........husband/If I should say I have/hope 489/1595
Joh_8:55.............and/if I should say I know/him 1183/1595
2Ch_7:13.......sacrifice/If I shut/up......... 641/1595
Job_10:14...........thee/If I sin/then........ 700/1595
Job_9:19......bitterness/If I speak/of........ 691/1595
Psa_139:9..........there/If I take/the........ 791/1595
1Ti_3:15.............But/if I tarry/long..... 1480/1595
2Sa_3:35............also/if I taste/bread..... 540/1595
Joh_3:12.........believe/if I tell you of/heavenly 1161/1595
Luk_22:67...........them/If I tell you ye/will 1153/1595 I then/your...... 1207/1595
Job_17:13.......darkness/If I wait/the........ 711/1595
Job_9:30............vain/If I wash myself/with 699/1595
Joh_13:8.............him/If I wash thee/not.. 1206/1595
Psa_50:12...........mine/If I were hungry/I... 771/1595 I were present/the 1429/1595
Deu_32:41...........ever/If I whet/my......... 439/1595
Mal_3:10...........hosts/if I will not/open... 993/1595
Joh_21:22............him/If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee follow/thou 1238/1595
Joh_21:23............but/If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee This/is 1239/1595
Luk_11:20............But/if I with/the....... 1123/1595
Psa_40:5............thee/if I would declare/and 768/1595 I would terrify/you 1418/1595
Gal_1:10.............for/if I yet pleased/men 1432/1595
Gal_5:11........brethren/if I yet preach/circumcision 1445/1595
Php_3:15.............and/if in any/thing..... 1463/1595
Jer_12:5.............and/if in the/land....... 874/1595
1Co_15:19.......perished/If in this/life..... 1394/1595
Jos_22:22.............or/if in transgression/against 451/1595
Jdg_9:15...........trees/If in truth/ye....... 467/1595
Job_19:5..........myself/If indeed/ye......... 712/1595
Job_11:14............him/If iniquity/be....... 705/1595
Lev_13:57............And/if it appear/still... 212/1595
Lev_27:9.............And/if it be a beast/whereof 284/1595
Exo_1:16.............but/if it be a daughter/then 55/1595
Lev_27:4.............And/if it be a female/then 278/1595
Lev_27:7...........above/if it be a male/then. 282/1595
Act_18:15............But/if it be a question/of 1252/1595
1Co_11:6.............but/if it be a shame/for 1364/1595
Exo_1:16..........stools/if it be a son/then... 54/1595
Luk_12:49..............I/if it be already/kindled 1130/1595
Exo_22:15...........good/if it be an/hired.... 114/1595
Lev_27:11............And/if it be any/unclean. 286/1595
Gal_3:15.............yet/if it be confirmed/no 1438/1595
Job_14:7............tree/if it be cut/down.... 708/1595
Lev_19:7.............And/if it be eaten/at.... 233/1595
Pro_16:31..........glory/if it be found/in.... 807/1595
Lev_27:6.............And/if it be from a/month 280/1595
Lev_27:5.............And/if it be from five/years 279/1595
Lev_27:7.............And/if it be from sixty/years 281/1595 it be give/me..... 613/1595
Lev_5:2..............and/if it be hidden/from. 156/1595
Jos_22:22...........know/if it be in rebellion/or 450/1595
Lev_13:30.........behold/if it be in sight/deeper 196/1595
Exo_21:36.............Or/if it be known/that... 98/1595 it be lame/or..... 388/1595
Zec_8:6............hosts/If it be marvellous/in 983/1595
1Co_16:4.............And/if it be meet/that.. 1398/1595
Lev_13:21............and/if it be not lower/than 187/1595
Lev_27:27.............or/if it be not redeemed then/it 297/1595
Lev_25:30............And/if it be not redeemed within/the 259/1595
Job_24:25............And/if it be not so/now.. 717/1595
Mat_10:13............but/if it be not worthy/let 1017/1595
Lev_27:27............And/if it be of an/unclean 296/1595
Act_5:39.............But/if it be of God/ye.. 1243/1595
Rom_11:6.............But/if it be of works/then 1301/1595
Lev_15:23............And/if it be on/her...... 224/1595 it be possible as/much 1313/1595
Mat_26:39.........Father/if it be possible let/this 1062/1595
1Ti_4:4..........refused/if it be received/with 1481/1595
Dan_3:17..........matter/If it be so our/God.. 959/1595
Gen_25:22...........said/If it be so why/am.... 22/1595
Lev_6:28.............and/if it be sodden/in... 164/1595
Lev_13:27............and/if it be spread/much. 193/1595
Exo_22:12............And/if it be stolen/from. 110/1595
Mat_14:28...........Lord/if it be thou/bid... 1027/1595
Exo_22:13........thereof/If it be torn/in..... 111/1595
Deu_13:14.........behold/if it be truth/and... 380/1595
Gal_3:4.............vain/if it be yet/in..... 1437/1595
Gen_23:8..........saying/If it be your mind/that 15/1595
2Ki_9:15............said/If it be your minds/then 610/1595
Luk_13:9.............And/if it bear/fruit.... 1131/1595
Joh_12:24............but/if it die/it........ 1201/1595
Num_22:34......therefore/if it displease/thee. 334/1595 it do/evil........ 887/1595
Mat_12:11............and/if it fall/into..... 1023/1595
1Pe_4:17.............and/if it first/begin... 1557/1595
Rom_2:27..........nature/if it fulfil/the.... 1271/1595
1Sa_6:9..............see/if it goeth/up....... 504/1595 it had been a/light 585/1595
Gal_4:15............that/if it had been possible/ye 1443/1595 it had issued/out. 759/1595
Psa_124:1..........proud/If it had not been the LORD who was on our side now/may 782/1595
Psa_124:2............say/If it had not been the LORD who was on our side when/men 783/1595 it hath/not...... 1536/1595 it make/thee...... 399/1595
Dan_4:27............poor/if it may/be......... 961/1595
Gen_43:11...........them/If it must/be......... 44/1595
1Sa_20:13............but/if it please my/father 527/1595
Est_8:5.............said/If it please the king and if I/have 678/1595
Neh_2:5.............king/If it please the king and if thy/servant 660/1595
Est_9:13..........Esther/If it please the king let it be granted/to 680/1595
Est_3:9.............them/If it please the king let it be written/that 668/1595
Neh_2:7.............king/If it please the king let letters/be 662/1595
Est_7:3..............and/if it please the king let my/life 676/1595
Est_1:19...........wrath/If it please the king let there/go 667/1595
Est_5:8..............and/if it please the king to/grant 673/1595
1Ki_21:6............else/if it please thee/I.. 592/1595
Lev_15:25.............or/if it run/beyond..... 227/1595
Jos_24:15............And/if it seem evil/unto. 456/1595
Ezr_5:17.......therefore/if it seem good to the/king 657/1595
1Ki_21:2..............or/if it seem good to thee/I 591/1595
Est_5:4.........answered/If it seem good unto the/king 671/1595
Jer_40:4............hand/If it seem good unto thee/to 909/1595
1Ch_13:2..........Israel/If it seem good unto you/and 622/1595
Jer_40:4.............but/if it seem ill/unto.. 910/1595
Lev_13:22............And/if it spread/much.... 188/1595
Act_18:14...........Jews/If it were a/matter. 1251/1595
Mar_6:56...........touch/if it were but/the.. 1075/1595 it were no/wood... 847/1595
Joh_14:2........mansions/if it were not/so... 1212/1595 it were of/a...... 919/1595
Mar_13:22.........seduce/if it were possible even/the 1097/1595
Act_20:16.........hasted/if it were possible for/him 1256/1595
Mar_14:35...........that/if it were possible the/hour 1100/1595
Mat_24:24...........that/if it were possible they/shall 1057/1595
Act_27:39.........minded/if it were possible to/thrust 1266/1595
Job_21:4.............and/if it were so/why.... 713/1595
Deu_20:12............And/if it will/make...... 400/1595
Gen_27:46...........Heth/if Jacob/take......... 23/1595
Heb_4:8..............For/if Jesus/had........ 1511/1595
1Co_8:13.......Wherefore/if meat/make........ 1351/1595
Gen_33:13............and/if men should/overdrive 33/1595 men strive and/hurt 87/1595
Exo_21:18............And/if men strive together/and 83/1595
Job_31:9.............out/If mine/heart........ 724/1595
Gen_42:38..........alone/if mischief/befall.... 40/1595
Gen_47:16.........cattle/if money/fail......... 51/1595
Est_6:13.............him/If Mordecai/be....... 674/1595
Jos_17:15.........giants/if mount/Ephraim..... 447/1595
Jer_33:25...........LORD/If my covenant/be.... 901/1595
Job_31:5..............or/if my foot/hath...... 721/1595 my kingdom/were.. 1235/1595
Job_31:38............him/If my land/cry....... 738/1595
2Ch_7:14..........people/If my people/which... 644/1595
Job_31:7.......integrity/If my step/hath...... 722/1595
1Pe_1:6...........season/if need/be.......... 1543/1595
Num_5:19...........woman/If no/man............ 303/1595
Dan_3:18.............But/if not be/it......... 960/1595
Exo_32:32............and/if not blot/me....... 127/1595
Zec_11:12............and/if not forbear/So.... 985/1595
Job_33:33...........thee/If not hearken/unto.. 744/1595
2Sa_13:26........Absalom/If not I pray/thee... 547/1595
Gen_18:21............and/if not I will know/And 10/1595
1Sa_2:16.............and/if not I will take/it 498/1595
2Ki_2:10.............but/if not it shall not/be 597/1595 not it shall turn/to 1115/1595
Jdg_9:20.............But/if not let fire come out from/Abimelech 472/1595
Jdg_9:15.............and/if not let fire come out of/the 468/1595
2Sa_17:6..........saying/if not speak/thou.... 556/1595
Gen_24:49............and/if not tell/me........ 21/1595
Luk_13:9.............and/if not then after/that 1132/1595
1Sa_6:9..............but/if not then we/shall. 505/1595
Job_9:24.........thereof/if not where/and..... 696/1595
Gen_18:3............LORD/if now I have found favour/in 9/1595
Exo_34:9............said/If now I have found grace in thy sight O/LORD 130/1595
Gen_47:29............him/If now I have found grace in thy sight put/I 52/1595
Gen_33:10...........thee/if now I have found grace in thy sight then receive/my 32/1595
Jdg_6:17.............him/If now I have found grace in thy sight then shew/me 461/1595
Gen_50:4..........saying/If now I have found grace in your/eyes 53/1595
Gen_24:42........Abraham/if now thou do/prosper 19/1595
Job_34:16...........dust/If now thou hast/understanding 747/1595
Job_9:19.............and/if of/judgment....... 692/1595
Deu_21:1.........subdued/If one be/found...... 401/1595
Hag_2:12..........saying/If one bear/holy..... 978/1595
2Co_5:14............that/if one died/for..... 1411/1595
Job_24:17..........death/if one know/them..... 716/1595
Isa_5:30.............and/if one look/unto..... 842/1595
1Sa_2:25......transgress/If one man/sin....... 499/1595
Exo_21:35............And/if one man's/ox....... 97/1595
Ecc_4:12.............And/if one prevail/against 826/1595
Hag_2:13..........Haggai/If one that/is....... 979/1595
Luk_16:30............but/if one went/unto.... 1139/1595
1Co_9:12..........things/If others/be........ 1355/1595
Luk_5:36.............old/if otherwise then/both 1107/1595
2Co_11:16...........fool/if otherwise yet/as. 1422/1595 ought be/committed 323/1595
Rut_1:17............also/if ought but/death... 491/1595
Exo_29:34............And/if ought of/the...... 125/1595
Lev_19:6.............and/if ought remain/until 232/1595
2Co_5:1.............that/if our earthly/house 1409/1595
2Co_4:3..............But/if our gospel/be.... 1408/1595
1Jn_3:20.............For/if our heart condemn us God/is 1575/1595
1Jn_3:21.........Beloved/if our heart condemn us not/then 1576/1595
Eze_33:10.........saying/If our transgressions/and 946/1595
Rom_3:5..............But/if our unrighteousness/commend 1273/1595
Gen_44:26...........down/if our youngest/brother 47/1595
2Ki_20:19...........good/if peace/and......... 618/1595
Act_8:22.............God/if perhaps/the...... 1244/1595
Psa_62:10........robbery/if riches/increase... 774/1595
Gal_2:21.............for/if righteousness/come 1436/1595
Oba_1:5.............thee/if robbers/by........ 971/1595
Luk_11:18........falleth/If Satan also/be.... 1121/1595
Mat_12:26............And/if Satan cast/out... 1024/1595
Mar_3:26.............And/if Satan rise/up.... 1071/1595
1Sa_16:2..............go/if Saul/hear......... 516/1595
Son_8:9..............and/if she be a door/we.. 839/1595
Son_8:9..............for/If she be a wall/we.. 838/1595
Lev_15:28............But/if she be cleansed/of 228/1595
Num_5:27............that/if she be defiled/and 307/1595
Lev_12:8.............And/if she be not/able... 174/1595
Lev_12:5.............But/if she bear/a........ 173/1595
1Co_7:11.............and/if she depart/let... 1335/1595
Num_30:6.............And/if she had/at........ 343/1595 she have brought/up 1485/1595
1Ti_5:10.......afflicted/if she have diligently/followed 1489/1595
1Ti_5:10........children/if she have lodged/strangers 1486/1595
1Ti_5:10............feet/if she have relieved/the 1488/1595
1Ti_5:10.......strangers/if she have washed/the 1487/1595
Luk_15:8..........silver/if she lose/one..... 1136/1595 she pass/the..... 1343/1595 she please/not..... 76/1595
Lev_21:9..........priest/if she profane/herself 245/1595
1Co_7:40.........happier/if she so/abide..... 1345/1595
Num_30:10............And/if she vowed/in...... 345/1595 she were/shaven.. 1362/1595
Pro_1:10.............son/if sinners/entice.... 795/1595
Hos_8:7.............meal/if so be it/yield.... 964/1595
Jer_51:8............pain/if so be she/may..... 917/1595
2Co_5:3...........heaven/If so be that being/clothed 1410/1595
Jon_1:6..............God/if so be that God/will 973/1595
Mat_18:13............And/if so be that he/find 1036/1595
1Co_15:15.............up/if so be that the dead/rise 1391/1595
2Sa_11:20............And/if so be that the king's/wrath 544/1595 so be that the LORD/will 888/1595
Rom_8:9...........Spirit/if so be that the Spirit/of 1288/1595
Rom_8:17..........Christ/if so be that we/suffer 1295/1595
Eph_4:21..........Christ/If so be that ye/have 1453/1595
Jos_14:12.........fenced/if so be the/LORD.... 445/1595
Lam_3:29............dust/if so be there/may... 920/1595
Jer_26:3............word/If so be they/will... 893/1595
Isa_47:12.........profit/if so be thou mayest/prevail 853/1595
Isa_47:12..........youth/if so be thou shalt/be 852/1595
1Pe_2:3..........thereby/If so be ye/have.... 1545/1595
Heb_12:20............And/if so much/as....... 1523/1595
Rom_3:3.............what/if some did/not..... 1272/1595
Rom_11:17............And/if some of/the...... 1307/1595
Mat_24:48............and/if that evil/servant 1060/1595
Heb_8:7..............For/if that first/covenant 1516/1595
2Sa_12:8.............and/if that had/been..... 545/1595
Php_3:12...........after/if that I/may....... 1462/1595 that nation/against 886/1595
Luk_12:45............and/if that servant/say. 1129/1595
Deu_28:13........beneath/if that thou/hearken. 432/1595 that were/a....... 928/1595
2Co_3:11.............For/if that which is/done 1407/1595
1Jn_2:24.......beginning/If that which ye/have 1572/1595
Jos_20:5.............And/if the avenger/of.... 448/1595
Mat_15:14............And/if the blind/lead... 1028/1595
Heb_9:13.............For/if the blood/of..... 1517/1595
Lev_13:4.........unclean/If the bright spot be/white 175/1595
Lev_13:28............And/if the bright spot stay in his place and spread not in/the 194/1595
Lev_13:23............But/if the bright spot stay in his place and spread not it/is 189/1595
Lev_13:39.........behold/if the bright spots/in 204/1595
Lev_1:14.............And/if the burnt/sacrifice 136/1595
Mat_19:10............him/If the case/of...... 1044/1595
Rom_11:15............For/if the casting/away. 1304/1595
2Sa_10:11............but/if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 543/1595
1Ch_19:12............but/if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 624/1595
Num_32:29...........them/If the children of Gad/and 354/1595
Exo_40:37............But/if the cloud/were.... 132/1595 the clouds/be..... 831/1595
Jdg_21:21.........behold/if the daughters/of.. 488/1595
1Co_15:29...........dead/if the dead rise not at/all 1395/1595 the dead rise not let/us 1397/1595
1Co_15:16............For/if the dead rise not then/is 1392/1595
Jdg_6:37.............and/if the dew/be........ 464/1595
1Ki_20:10...........also/if the dust/of....... 589/1595
1Co_12:16............And/if the ear/shall.... 1371/1595
Rom_11:12............Now/if the fall/of...... 1302/1595
Zec_14:18............And/if the family/of..... 986/1595
Deu_21:15............and/if the firstborn/son. 404/1595
Rom_11:16............For/if the firstfruit/be 1305/1595
1Co_12:15...........many/If the foot/shall... 1370/1595
Psa_11:3...........heart/If the foundations/be 765/1595
Rom_15:27............For/if the Gentiles/have 1321/1595
Mat_24:43...........that/if the goodman of the house had known in/what 1059/1595
Luk_12:39...........that/if the goodman of the house had known what/hour 1128/1595
Oba_1:5...........enough/if the grapegatherers/came 972/1595
Lev_13:25.........behold/if the hair/in....... 191/1595 the head/of....... 602/1595
Mat_10:13............And/if the house/be..... 1016/1595
Exo_12:4.............And/if the household/be... 63/1595
Rom_7:2..............but/if the husband/be... 1283/1595
Gal_3:18.............For/if the inheritance/be 1439/1595
Ecc_10:10........thereby/If the iron/be....... 830/1595
Jos_22:19Notwithstanding/if the land/of....... 449/1595
Deu_24:3..............or/if the latter husband die/which 420/1595
Deu_24:3.............And/if the latter husband hate/her 419/1595
Lev_13:13.........behold/if the leprosy/have.. 182/1595
1Ki_18:21.......opinions/if the LORD be God/follow 586/1595
Jdg_6:13............Lord/if the LORD be with/us 460/1595 the LORD delight/in 319/1595
2Ki_6:27............said/If the LORD do/not... 601/1595
1Sa_26:19........servant/If the LORD have/stirred 537/1595
Num_16:30............But/if the LORD make/a... 327/1595 the Lord permit/But 1399/1595
2Sa_15:8..........saying/If the LORD shall/bring 549/1595
2Ki_7:19..........behold/if the LORD should/make 609/1595
Deu_19:8.............And/if the LORD thy/God.. 394/1595
Jdg_13:23............him/If the LORD were/pleased 480/1595
1Co_4:19.........shortly/if the Lord will and/will 1329/1595
Jam_4:15.............say/If the Lord will we/shall 1540/1595
2Ki_7:2...........Behold/if the LORD would/make 603/1595
Deu_24:12............And/if the man be/poor... 422/1595
Num_5:8..............But/if the man have no/kinsman 300/1595
Lev_25:26............And/if the man have none/to 256/1595
Deu_25:7.............And/if the man like/not.. 427/1595
1Sa_10:22........further/if the man should/yet 508/1595
Num_22:20............him/If the men come/to... 333/1595
Job_31:31...........soul/If the men of/my..... 736/1595
Luk_10:13............for/if the mighty works had/been 1116/1595
Mat_11:23............for/if the mighty works which have/been 1021/1595
Mat_11:21............for/if the mighty works which were/done 1020/1595
2Co_3:9..............For/if the ministration of condemnation/be 1406/1595
2Co_3:7..............But/if the ministration of death/written 1405/1595
Exo_22:15............But/if the owner/thereof. 113/1595
Exo_21:32............him/If the ox shall/push.. 94/1595
Exo_21:29............But/if the ox were/wont... 92/1595
Neh_10:31............And/if the people of the land bring/ware 665/1595
Lev_20:4.............And/if the people of the land do/any 235/1595 the people of the land take/a 938/1595
Deu_14:24.............or/if the place be/too.. 382/1595
Deu_12:21..........after/If the place which/the 376/1595
Lev_13:58...........wash/if the plague be departed/from 213/1595
Lev_13:49............And/if the plague be greenish/or 207/1595
Lev_14:37.........behold/if the plague be in/the 216/1595
Lev_13:6..........behold/if the plague be somewhat/dark 177/1595 the plague be spread in the garment/either 208/1595
Lev_14:44.........behold/if the plague be spread in the house/it 219/1595
Lev_14:39.........behold/if the plague be spread in the walls/of 217/1595
Lev_13:17.........behold/if the plague be turned/into 184/1595
Lev_14:43............And/if the plague come/again 218/1595
Lev_13:55.........behold/if the plague have/not 210/1595
Lev_13:5..........behold/if the plague in/his. 176/1595
Lev_14:3..........behold/if the plague of/leprosy 214/1595
Lev_22:11............But/if the priest buy/any 247/1595
Lev_13:56............And/if the priest look and/behold 211/1595
Lev_13:26............But/if the priest look on it and behold there be no white hair/in 192/1595
Lev_13:21............But/if the priest look on it and behold there be no white hairs/therein 186/1595
Lev_13:31............And/if the priest look on the/plague 197/1595
Lev_13:8.............And/if the priest see/that 179/1595
Lev_14:48............And/if the priest shall come/in 220/1595
Lev_13:53............And/if the priest shall look/and 209/1595
Lev_4:3.............them/If the priest that/is 147/1595
Lev_22:12...........meat/If the priest's daughter also/be 248/1595
Lev_22:13............But/if the priest's daughter be/a 249/1595
Eze_46:16............GOD/If the prince/give... 952/1595
Jer_38:25............But/if the princes/hear.. 908/1595
Eze_14:9.............And/if the prophet be/deceived 924/1595
2Ki_5:13..........father/if the prophet had/bid 600/1595
Lev_13:16.............Or/if the raw/flesh..... 183/1595
1Pe_4:18.............And/if the righteous/scarcely 1558/1595
Lev_13:10.........behold/if the rising be/white 180/1595
Lev_13:43.........behold/if the rising of/the. 206/1595 the rod/should.... 845/1595
Rom_11:16............and/if the root/be...... 1306/1595
Lev_7:16.............But/if the sacrifice/of.. 166/1595
Mar_9:50.............but/if the salt have lost his saltness/wherewith 1087/1595
Mat_5:13.............but/if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted/it 997/1595
Luk_14:34............but/if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be seasoned/It 1134/1595
Lev_13:7.............But/if the scab/spread... 178/1595
Lev_13:37............But/if the scall be in/his 202/1595
Lev_13:34.........behold/if the scall be not/spread 199/1595
Lev_13:36.........behold/if the scall be spread/in 201/1595
Lev_13:35............But/if the scall spread much/in 200/1595
Lev_13:32.........behold/if the scall spread not/and 198/1595
Job_9:23..........wicked/If the scourge/slay.. 695/1595
Exo_21:5.............And/if the servant/shall.. 74/1595
Num_35:26............But/if the slayer/shall.. 362/1595
Luk_10:6.............And/if the son of/peace. 1114/1595
Joh_8:36............ever/If the Son therefore/shall 1176/1595
Rom_8:11.............But/if the Spirit of him/that 1291/1595
Num_5:14..............or/if the spirit of jealousy/come 302/1595
Ecc_10:4............fool/If the spirit of the/ruler 829/1595 the staff/should.. 846/1595
Exo_22:3.............him/If the sun/be........ 101/1595
Eze_33:6..........warned/if the sword come and take any/person 942/1595
Eze_33:4.........warning/if the sword come and take him/away 940/1595
Eze_21:13...........what/if the sword contemn/even 937/1595
2Sa_10:11...........said/If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 542/1595
1Ch_19:12...........said/If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 623/1595
Exo_22:4...........theft/If the theft/be...... 103/1595 the thief be found/let 107/1595
Exo_22:8..........double/If the thief be not/found 108/1595
Deu_18:22...........LORD/if the thing/follow.. 393/1595
Ecc_11:3.............and/if the tree/fall..... 832/1595
1Co_14:8.............For/if the trumpet/give. 1376/1595
Rom_3:7..............For/if the truth/of..... 1274/1595
1Co_7:15.............But/if the unbelieving/depart 1338/1595
Rom_2:26.......Therefore/if the uncircumcision/keep 1270/1595
Son_7:12.............see/if the vine/flourish. 836/1595
Eze_33:6.............But/if the watchman/see.. 941/1595
Gen_8:8..............see/if the waters/were..... 4/1595
Deu_14:24............And/if the way/be........ 381/1595
1Co_12:17...........body/If the whole body/were 1372/1595
Lev_4:13.............And/if the whole congregation/of 148/1595
1Co_12:17........hearing/If the whole were/hearing 1373/1595 the wicked man/be. 424/1595
Eze_33:15..........right/If the wicked restore/the 949/1595
Eze_33:19............But/if the wicked turn/from 950/1595
Eze_18:21............But/if the wicked will/turn 932/1595
1Pe_3:17..........better/if the will/of...... 1552/1595
Deu_19:18.........behold/if the witness/be.... 398/1595
1Co_11:6.............For/if the woman be not covered/let 1363/1595
Num_5:28.............And/if the woman be not defiled/but 308/1595
Gen_24:8.............And/if the woman will/not. 17/1595
Jer_27:18............and/if the word of/the... 897/1595
Heb_2:2..............For/if the word spoken/by 1502/1595
1Jn_3:13........brethren/if the world hate you We/know 1574/1595
Joh_15:18........another/If the world hate you ye/know 1223/1595
1Co_6:2..............and/if the world shall/be 1331/1595
1Sa_21:4...........bread/if the young/men..... 531/1595
2Ch_6:28....caterpillers/if their enemies/besiege 635/1595
1Ki_8:37.....caterpiller/if their enemy/besiege 575/1595
Luk_12:28..........these/If then God/so...... 1126/1595
Mal_1:6...........master/if then I be/a....... 987/1595
Rom_7:16...............I/If then I do/that... 1286/1595
Lev_26:41........enemies/if then their/uncircumcised 277/1595 then ye/have..... 1332/1595 there arise a/matter 390/1595 there arise among/you 377/1595
Deu_25:1...........thing/If there be a controversy/between 423/1595
Job_33:23.....destroyers/If there be a messenger/with 741/1595
Num_12:6...........words/If there be a prophet/among 317/1595
Deu_15:7............thee/If there be among you a/poor 384/1595
Deu_23:10..........thing/If there be among you any/man 417/1595
Deu_15:21............And/if there be any blemish/therein 387/1595
Lev_13:24.............Or/if there be any flesh/in 190/1595
2Sa_14:32............and/if there be any iniquity/in 548/1595
Rom_13:9.............and/if there be any other commandment/it 1317/1595
1Ti_1:10.............and/if there be any other thing/that 1476/1595
Php_4:8..............and/if there be any praise/think 1465/1595
Lam_1:12.............see/if there be any sorrow/like 918/1595 there be any that executeth/judgment 869/1595 there be any that will/answer 682/1595 there be any virtue/and 1464/1595
Psa_139:24...........see/if there be any wicked/way 794/1595 there be any wickedness/in 1260/1595
2Ch_6:28......pestilence/if there be blasting/or 634/1595
1Ki_8:37..............or/if there be caterpiller/if 574/1595
2Ch_6:28.....inheritance/If there be dearth/in 632/1595
2Co_8:12.............For/if there be first/a. 1414/1595
Deu_17:2.............God/If there be found/among 389/1595
1Sa_20:12.........behold/if there be good/toward 526/1595
1Sa_20:8.notwithstanding/if there be in me/iniquity 523/1595
Lev_13:42............And/if there be in the bald/head 205/1595
1Ki_8:37.....inheritance/If there be in the land/famine 572/1595
Psa_7:3.............this/if there be iniquity/in 762/1595
Exo_21:30..........death/If there be laid/on... 93/1595
1Co_14:28............But/if there be no interpreter/let 1382/1595
1Sa_11:3............then/if there be no man/to 509/1595
1Co_15:13............But/if there be no resurrection/of 1389/1595
Act_25:11............but/if there be none/of. 1262/1595
1Ki_8:37..........famine/if there be pestilence blasting/mildew 573/1595 there be pestilence if/there 633/1595
Jer_2:10.............see/if there be such/a... 863/1595 there be therefore/any 1455/1595
Lev_25:51............him/If there be yet/many. 265/1595
2Jn_1:10.............Son/If there come any/unto 1584/1595
Jam_2:2..............For/if there come unto/your 1530/1595
Gal_3:21.............for/if there had/been... 1440/1595
Lev_25:52............And/if there remain but/few 266/1595
Amo_6:9.............pass/if there remain ten/men 969/1595
Psa_14:2.............see/if there were any that did understand and/seek 766/1595
Psa_53:2.............see/if there were any that did understand that/did 772/1595
Heb_7:11.............him/If therefore perfection/were 1514/1595
Mat_6:23........darkness/If therefore the light/that 1008/1595
1Co_14:23........believe/If therefore the whole/church 1379/1595
Mat_6:22.............eye/if therefore thine/eye 1006/1595
Rev_3:3...........repent/If therefore thou/shalt 1588/1595
Luk_16:11...........much/If therefore ye have/not 1137/1595
Joh_18:8..............he/if therefore ye seek/me 1231/1595
Num_16:29...........mind/If these men/die..... 325/1595
Luk_19:40...........that/if these should/hold 1147/1595
2Pe_1:8..............For/if these things/be.. 1559/1595
1Co_7:8.............them/if they abide even/as 1333/1595
Rom_11:23...........also/if they abide not/still 1311/1595
Eze_43:11............And/if they be ashamed/of 951/1595
Job_36:8.............And/if they be bound/in.. 753/1595
Num_36:3.............And/if they be married/to 363/1595
Psa_59:15.........grudge/if they be not/satisfied 773/1595
Jer_27:18............But/if they be prophets/and 896/1595
Nah_3:12............figs/if they be shaken/they 977/1595
1Sa_26:19............but/if they be the/children 538/1595
Num_16:29.............or/if they be visited/after 326/1595
2Ch_6:37.............Yet/if they bethink/themselves 639/1595
Jdg_16:11............her/If they bind me fast/with 485/1595
Jdg_16:7.............her/If they bind me with/seven 484/1595
Num_10:4.............And/if they blow/but..... 312/1595
Psa_89:31......judgments/If they break/my..... 779/1595 they burned/in... 1587/1595
Jer_2:28...........arise/if they can/save..... 864/1595
1Co_7:9..............But/if they cannot/contain 1334/1595
2Ch_6:32.............arm/if they come/and..... 636/1595
1Ti_2:15....childbearing/if they continue/in. 1477/1595
Luk_23:31............For/if they do/these.... 1155/1595
Mar_16:18............and/if they drink/any... 1102/1595
Heb_12:25............For/if they escaped/not. 1524/1595
Ecc_4:10.............For/if they fall/the..... 824/1595
Gen_24:41............and/if they give/not...... 18/1595 they had been ambassadors/and 444/1595
Heb_11:15..........truly/if they had been mindful/of 1520/1595
1Jn_2:19.............for/if they had been of/us 1571/1595
Act_24:19.........object/if they had ought/against 1258/1595
Jer_23:22............But/if they had stood/in. 891/1595
Mat_10:25...........lord/If they have called/the 1018/1595
Act_24:20............say/if they have found/any 1259/1595 they have kept/my 1226/1595
Joh_15:20...........lord/If they have persecuted/me 1225/1595
Luk_16:31............him/If they hear/not.... 1140/1595
2Ki_7:4..............and/if they kill/us...... 607/1595
Job_36:11.......iniquity/If they obey and/serve 754/1595
Job_36:12............But/if they obey not/they 755/1595
2Co_9:4............haply/if they of/Macedonia 1415/1595
1Ki_8:35............thee/if they pray toward this place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou afflictest/them 571/1595
2Ch_6:26.............yet/if they pray toward this place and confess thy name and turn from their sin when thou dost/afflict 631/1595
Lev_22:9.......therefore/if they profane/it... 246/1595 they refuse/to.... 892/1595
2Ch_6:38........wickedly/If they return/to.... 640/1595
2Ki_7:4..........Syrians/if they save/us...... 606/1595
Pro_1:11.............not/If they say Come/with 796/1595
1Sa_14:10............But/if they say thus Come/up 514/1595
1Sa_14:9............them/If they say thus unto/us 513/1595
Jer_15:2............pass/if they say unto/thee 881/1595
1Ki_8:47.............Yet/if they shall bethink/themselves 578/1595
Lev_26:40...........them/If they shall confess/their 276/1595
Heb_4:3............wrath/if they shall enter into my rest although/the 1508/1595
Heb_4:5............again/If they shall enter into my rest Seeing/therefore 1509/1595
Heb_6:6.............come/If they shall fall/away 1513/1595
Mat_24:26......Wherefore/if they shall say/unto 1058/1595
Joh_21:25..........which/if they should/be... 1240/1595
1Ki_8:46...........cause/If they sin against thee for there is no man that/sinneth 577/1595
2Ch_6:36...........cause/If they sin against thee for there is no man which/sinneth 638/1595
Isa_8:20.......testimony/if they speak/not.... 844/1595
1Co_12:19............And/if they were all/one 1374/1595 they were beaten/before 443/1595 they were men/And. 473/1595
Rom_4:14.............For/if they which/are... 1276/1595
Jer_12:16...........pass/if they will diligently/learn 875/1595
1Co_14:35............And/if they will learn/any 1384/1595
Exo_4:9.............pass/if they will not believe also/these 57/1595
Exo_4:8.............pass/if they will not believe thee/neither 56/1595
Jer_12:17............But/if they will not obey/I 876/1595
Num_32:30............But/if they will not pass/over 355/1595
2Ki_21:8............only/if they will observe/to 619/1595
Act_26:5.......beginning/if they would/testify 1263/1595
Jer_49:9..........grapes/if thieves by/night.. 916/1595
Oba_1:5.............LORD/If thieves came/to... 970/1595
Pro_25:21..........heart/If thine enemy be/hungry 817/1595
Rom_12:20......Therefore/if thine enemy hunger/feed 1314/1595
Mat_6:23.............But/if thine eye be/evil 1007/1595
Mat_18:9.............And/if thine eye offend thee pluck it out and/cast 1034/1595
Mar_9:47.............And/if thine eye offend thee pluck it out it/is 1086/1595
Pro_23:15............son/if thine heart be/wise 813/1595
Deu_30:17............But/if thine heart turn/away 438/1595
Ezr_4:16............that/if this city be builded again/and 656/1595
Ezr_4:13............that/if this city be builded and/the 655/1595
Mat_28:14............And/if this come/to..... 1067/1595
Act_5:38.............for/if this counsel/or.. 1242/1595
Mat_26:42.........Father/if this cup/may..... 1063/1595
Joh_9:33...........blind/If this man/were.... 1186/1595
1Ki_12:27..........David/If this people/go.... 583/1595
Deu_22:20............But/if this thing/be..... 412/1595 those/ordinances.. 898/1595
Exo_22:23..........child/If thou afflict/them. 117/1595
Est_4:14.............For/if thou altogether/holdest 669/1595
Exo_22:26..........usury/If thou at/all....... 119/1595
Rom_2:25.............but/if thou be a breaker/of 1269/1595
Jos_17:15...........them/If thou be a great/people 446/1595
Pro_23:2..........throat/if thou be a man/given 811/1595
2Ki_18:23.........horses/if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 617/1595
Isa_36:8..........horses/if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 851/1595
Gen_15:5...........stars/if thou be able to/number 8/1595
Luk_23:39.........saying/If thou be Christ/save 1158/1595
Num_5:20.............and/if thou be defiled/and 306/1595
2Ch_10:7..........saying/If thou be kind/to... 647/1595
2Sa_19:13...........also/if thou be not captain/of 563/1595
Joh_1:25............then/if thou be not that/Christ 1159/1595
Job_35:7.............him/If thou be righteous/what 752/1595
Psa_28:1............lest/if thou be silent/to. 767/1595
Pro_6:1..............son/if thou be surety/for 801/1595
Joh_10:24..........doubt/If thou be the Christ/tell 1189/1595
Luk_23:37.........saying/If thou be the king/of 1157/1595
Mat_4:6..............him/If thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for/it 995/1595
Luk_4:9..............him/If thou be the Son of God cast thyself down from/hence 1105/1595
Mat_27:40........thyself/If thou be the Son of God come/down 1064/1595
Mat_4:3.............said/If thou be the Son of God command that/these 994/1595
Luk_4:3..............him/If thou be the Son of God command this/stone 1103/1595
Luk_22:42.........Father/if thou be willing/remove 1152/1595
Pro_9:12.......increased/If thou be wise/thou. 805/1595
Pro_23:13............for/if thou beatest/him.. 812/1595
Gal_2:14.............all/If thou being/a..... 1433/1595
Act_8:37............said/If thou believest/with 1245/1595
Rom_11:18............But/if thou boast/thou.. 1308/1595
Lev_2:4..............And/if thou bring an/oblation 137/1595
3Jn_1:6.............whom/if thou bring forward/on 1585/1595
Mat_5:23.......Therefore/if thou bring thy/gift 998/1595
Exo_21:2............them/If thou buy/an........ 70/1595 thou canst answer/me 740/1595
Mar_9:23.............him/If thou canst believe/all 1082/1595
Mar_9:22.............but/if thou canst do/any 1081/1595 thou canst read/the 962/1595 thou canst tell/Every 821/1595
Deu_15:5............Only/if thou carefully/hearken 383/1595
Mat_8:31..........saying/If thou cast/us..... 1014/1595
2Ch_18:27...........said/If thou certainly/return 650/1595
Jam_2:11.............Now/if thou commit/no... 1533/1595
Rom_11:22.......goodness/if thou continue/in. 1310/1595
Phl_1:17............Lord/If thou count/me.... 1500/1595
Pro_2:3..............Yea/if thou criest/after. 798/1595
Num_11:15............And/if thou deal/thus.... 315/1595
Pro_19:19............for/if thou deliver/him.. 808/1595
Gen_13:9..............or/if thou depart/to...... 6/1595 thou didst/receive 1327/1595 thou do at/all.... 371/1595
Rom_13:4.............But/if thou do that/which 1316/1595
Joh_7:4...........openly/If thou do these/things 1168/1595
Gen_4:7..............and/if thou doest not/well. 2/1595
Gen_4:7...........fallen/If thou doest well/shalt 1/1595
Eze_33:8.............die/if thou dost/not..... 943/1595
Isa_58:10............And/if thou draw/out..... 856/1595 thou faint/in..... 814/1595
Jdg_7:10.............But/if thou fear/to...... 465/1595
Pro_24:11..........small/If thou forbear/to... 815/1595
1Ch_28:9.............but/if thou forsake/him.. 628/1595
2Sa_19:7............LORD/if thou go not/forth. 562/1595 thou go with/us... 314/1595
Joh_11:21...........Lord/if thou hadst been here my brother had not died But/I 1196/1595
Joh_11:32...........Lord/if thou hadst been here my brother had not died When/Jesus 1197/1595
Luk_19:42.........Saying/If thou hadst known/even 1148/1595 thou hadst not/received 1328/1595
Job_33:32..........speak/If thou hast anything/to 743/1595
Pro_30:32.............up/If thou hast done/foolishly 822/1595
Num_5:20.............But/if thou hast gone/aside 305/1595
Num_5:19.............and/if thou hast not/gone 304/1595
Pro_22:27..........debts/If thou hast nothing/to 810/1595
Jdg_11:36.........father/if thou hast opened/thy 477/1595
Jer_12:5.............end/If thou hast run/with 873/1595
Pro_6:1...........friend/if thou hast stricken/thy 802/1595
Pro_30:32.............or/if thou hast thought/evil 823/1595
Job_38:4.........declare/if thou hast understanding/Who 757/1595
Joh_20:15............Sir/if thou have borne/him 1237/1595 thou have no/delight 402/1595
1Sa_3:17............also/if thou hide/any..... 502/1595
Jam_4:11.............but/if thou judge/the... 1539/1595
Rom_2:25.......profiteth/if thou keep the/law 1268/1595
Pro_22:18..........thing/if thou keep them/within 809/1595
Jam_2:11.............yet/if thou kill/thou... 1534/1595
Joh_4:10.............her/If thou knewest/the. 1162/1595
Deu_22:2..............or/if thou know him/not. 408/1595
Son_1:8.......companions/If thou know not/O... 834/1595
Gen_47:6.............and/if thou knowest any/men 50/1595
Job_38:18........declare/if thou knowest it/all 760/1595
Job_38:5.........thereof/if thou knowest or/who 758/1595
Exo_22:25.....fatherless/If thou lend/money... 118/1595
Joh_19:12.........saying/If thou let/this.... 1236/1595
Exo_20:25............for/if thou lift/up....... 69/1595
Psa_130:3..supplications/If thou LORD/shouldest 784/1595
1Co_7:28.............and/if thou marry/thou.. 1340/1595
1Co_7:21.............but/if thou mayest/be... 1339/1595
2Ki_4:29.............way/if thou meet any/man. 598/1595
Exo_23:4...........cause/If thou meet thine/enemy's 120/1595
Lev_2:14.............And/if thou offer/a...... 140/1595
2Sa_15:33...........said/If thou passest/on... 552/1595
Job_11:13...........colt/If thou prepare/thine 704/1595
1Ti_4:6...........prayer/If thou put/the..... 1482/1595
Exo_34:20............and/if thou redeem/him... 131/1595
Jer_38:21............But/if thou refuse to go/forth 907/1595
Exo_4:23.............and/if thou refuse to let him/go 58/1595
Exo_10:4............Else/if thou refuse to let my/people 62/1595
Exo_9:2..............For/if thou refuse to let them go and/wilt 61/1595
Exo_8:2..............And/if thou refuse to let them go behold/I 59/1595
Gen_20:7.............and/if thou restore/her... 14/1595
1Ki_22:28...........said/If thou return at/all 593/1595
Jer_15:19...........LORD/If thou return then/will 882/1595
Job_22:23..........heart/If thou return to the Almighty/thou 715/1595
2Sa_15:34............But/if thou return to the city/and 553/1595
1Sa_19:11.........saying/If thou save/not..... 519/1595
Deu_18:21............And/if thou say in thine heart How/shall 392/1595
Jer_13:22............And/if thou say in thine heart Wherefore/come 878/1595
Isa_36:7.............But/if thou say to/me.... 850/1595
Pro_24:12..........slain/If thou sayest/Behold 816/1595
Pro_9:12.............but/if thou scornest/thou 806/1595
2Ki_2:10....nevertheless/if thou see me/when.. 596/1595
Exo_23:5...........again/If thou see the/ass.. 121/1595
1Ch_28:9........thoughts/if thou seek him he/will 627/1595
Deu_4:29.............him/if thou seek him with/all 365/1595
Pro_2:4....understanding/If thou seekest/her.. 799/1595
Ecc_5:8..............God/If thou seest/the.... 827/1595
Lev_25:14............And/if thou sell/ought... 252/1595
Exo_23:33............for/if thou serve/their.. 123/1595
Gen_31:50........another/If thou shalt afflict/my 29/1595
Rom_10:9............That/if thou shalt confess/with 1299/1595
Exo_18:23...........thee/If thou shalt do/this. 66/1595
Deu_23:22............But/if thou shalt forbear/to 418/1595 thou shalt hear/say 379/1595
Deu_28:1............pass/if thou shalt hearken diligently/unto 429/1595
Deu_28:2............thee/if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God Blessed/shalt 430/1595
Deu_30:10........fathers/If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to/keep 436/1595
Exo_23:22............But/if thou shalt indeed/obey 122/1595
Deu_19:9.........fathers/If thou shalt keep all/these 395/1595
Deu_28:9............thee/if thou shalt keep the/commandments 431/1595
Num_14:15............Now/if thou shalt kill/all 320/1595
Deu_7:17............thee/If thou shalt say/in. 370/1595
Gen_31:50.............or/if thou shalt take/other 30/1595
Jdg_11:30...........said/If thou shalt without/fail 476/1595
Job_35:6............thou/If thou sinnest/what. 750/1595 thou take away/from 855/1595
Jer_15:19............and/if thou take forth/the 883/1595
1Ch_22:13........prosper/if thou takest/heed.. 625/1595 thou therefore/wilt 1104/1595 thou turn away/thy 857/1595
Deu_4:30............days/if thou turn to/the.. 366/1595
Deu_30:10............and/if thou turn unto/the 437/1595
Jos_2:20.............And/if thou utter/this... 442/1595
Eze_3:21....Nevertheless/if thou warn the righteous/man 922/1595
Eze_3:19.............Yet/if thou warn the wicked and/he 921/1595
Eze_33:9....Nevertheless/if thou warn the wicked of/his 944/1595
Jdg_16:13............her/If thou weavest/the.. 486/1595
Rom_11:24............For/if thou wert cut/out 1312/1595
Job_8:6.........Almighty/If thou wert pure/and 686/1595
Jer_38:17.........Israel/If thou wilt assuredly/go 905/1595
1Ki_12:7..........saying/If thou wilt be a/servant 582/1595
Mat_19:21............him/If thou wilt be perfect/go 1046/1595
Exo_15:26...........said/If thou wilt diligently/hearken 65/1595
Gen_30:31..........thing/if thou wilt do/this.. 26/1595
Mat_19:17............but/if thou wilt enter/into 1045/1595
Mat_4:9.............thee/if thou wilt fall/down 996/1595 thou wilt forgive/their 126/1595
Gen_23:13............But/if thou wilt give it/I 16/1595
1Ki_13:8............king/If thou wilt give me/half 584/1595
2Ch_25:8.............But/if thou wilt go do/it 652/1595
Jdg_4:8..............her/If thou wilt go with/me 458/1595 thou wilt hearken unto all/that 581/1595
Psa_81:8..........Israel/if thou wilt hearken unto me/There 777/1595
Num_21:2............said/If thou wilt indeed deliver/this 330/1595
1Sa_1:11...........hosts/if thou wilt indeed look/on 496/1595
Zec_3:7..............and/if thou wilt keep/my. 981/1595 thou wilt let/us. 1031/1595
Exo_20:25............And/if thou wilt make/me.. 68/1595
Jer_38:18............But/if thou wilt not go forth/to 906/1595
Jdg_4:8..............but/if thou wilt not go with/me 459/1595
Deu_28:15...........pass/if thou wilt not hearken/unto 433/1595
Exo_8:21............Else/if thou wilt not let/my 60/1595
Deu_28:58..........gates/If thou wilt not observe/to 434/1595
Rut_4:4..............but/if thou wilt not redeem it then tell/me 495/1595
Exo_13:13............and/if thou wilt not redeem it then thou/shalt 64/1595
Gen_43:5.............But/if thou wilt not send/him 42/1595
Jdg_13:16............and/if thou wilt offer/a. 479/1595
Jer_4:1..............and/if thou wilt put/away 867/1595
Pro_2:1..............son/if thou wilt receive/my 797/1595
Rut_4:4...........people/If thou wilt redeem/it 494/1595
Jer_4:1..............God/If thou wilt return/O 866/1595
Jdg_6:36.............God/If thou wilt save/Israel 463/1595 thou wilt send/our. 41/1595
1Sa_21:9...........ephod/if thou wilt take that/take 532/1595 thou wilt take the/left 5/1595
Luk_5:12............Lord/if thou wilt thou canst make me clean And he/put 1106/1595
Mar_1:40.............him/If thou wilt thou canst make me clean And Jesus moved/with 1068/1595
Mat_8:2.............Lord/if thou wilt thou canst make me clean And Jesus put/forth 1013/1595
2Ch_7:17............thee/if thou wilt walk before me as David thy father walked and/do 645/1595
1Ki_9:4..............And/if thou wilt walk before me as David thy father walked in/integrity 579/1595
1Ki_6:12........building/if thou wilt walk in my statutes/and 569/1595
Zec_3:7............hosts/If thou wilt walk in my ways and/if 980/1595
1Ki_3:14.............And/if thou wilt walk in my ways to/keep 568/1595
Joh_11:40...........that/if thou wouldest believe/thou 1198/1595
Job_8:5....transgression/If thou wouldest seek/unto 685/1595
Rom_5:15.............For/if through/the...... 1279/1595
Deu_15:12............And/if thy brother an/Hebrew 385/1595
Rom_14:15............But/if thy brother be grieved/with 1318/1595
Deu_22:2.............And/if thy brother be not/nigh 407/1595
Lev_25:35............And/if thy brother be waxen poor and fallen/in 261/1595 thy brother be waxen poor and hath/sold 254/1595
Mat_18:15.......Moreover/if thy brother shall/trespass 1037/1595
Lev_25:39............And/if thy brother that/dwelleth 262/1595
Deu_13:6............thee/If thy brother the/son 378/1595
Luk_17:3......yourselves/If thy brother trespass/against 1141/1595
Job_8:4..........justice/If thy children have/sinned 684/1595
1Ki_2:4...........saying/If thy children take/heed 566/1595
Psa_132:12........throne/If thy children will/keep 785/1595
1Sa_20:10...........what/if thy father answer/thee 525/1595
1Sa_20:6............even/If thy father at/all. 520/1595
Mar_9:45.............And/if thy foot/offend.. 1085/1595
Mar_9:43.............And/if thy hand offend/thee 1084/1595
Mat_18:8.......Wherefore/if thy hand or/thy.. 1033/1595
Lev_2:5..............And/if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in a/pan 138/1595
Lev_2:7..............And/if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in the/fryingpan 139/1595 thy people go out to battle/against 576/1595 thy people go out to war/against 637/1595
2Ch_6:24.............And/if thy people Israel/be 630/1595
Exo_33:15............him/If thy presence/go... 129/1595
Mat_5:29.............And/if thy right eye/offend 999/1595
Mat_5:30.............And/if thy right hand/offend 1000/1595
Neh_2:5..............and/if thy servant/have.. 661/1595
Job_35:6..............or/if thy transgressions/be 751/1595
Luk_11:36.......darkness/If thy whole/body... 1124/1595
1Co_16:10............Now/if Timotheus/come... 1400/1595
Jos_22:23.............or/if to offer peace/offerings 453/1595
Jos_22:23.............or/if to offer thereon/burnt 452/1595
Ecc_4:11...........Again/if two lie/together.. 825/1595
Mat_18:19...........That/if two of/you....... 1042/1595
1Jn_5:14............that/if we ask/any....... 1581/1595
Job_4:2.............said/If we assay/to....... 681/1595
Rom_6:8..............Now/if we be dead with Christ/we 1282/1595
2Ti_2:11.............For/if we be dead with him/we 1493/1595 we believe not/yet 1496/1595
Rom_4:24.........imputed/if we believe on/him 1277/1595
1Th_4:14.............For/if we believe that/Jesus 1472/1595
1Sa_23:3............then/if we come/to........ 533/1595 we confess/our... 1566/1595
2Ti_2:12.............him/if we deny/him...... 1495/1595 we do not even/according 911/1595 we do not so/according 475/1595
1Co_8:8..........neither/if we eat are/we.... 1348/1595
1Co_8:8..........neither/if we eat not/are... 1349/1595
Gal_6:9.............reap/if we faint/not..... 1451/1595
2Sa_18:3.............for/if we flee/away...... 558/1595
Hos_6:3.............know/if we follow/on...... 963/1595
1Sa_9:7...........behold/if we go/what........ 507/1595
Mat_23:30............say/If we had been in/the 1055/1595
Est_7:4..............But/if we had been sold/for 677/1595 we had no/eyes.... 858/1595
Rom_6:5..............For/if we have been/planted 1281/1595
Psa_44:20..........death/If we have forgotten/the 770/1595
Num_32:5............they/if we have found/grace 349/1595
Jos_22:24............And/if we have not/rather 454/1595
1Co_9:11............hope/If we have sown/unto 1353/1595 we hear/the....... 367/1595
Heb_3:6...............we/if we hold fast/the. 1504/1595
Heb_3:14..........Christ/if we hold the/beginning 1506/1595
Rom_8:25.............But/if we hope/for...... 1296/1595
1Jn_2:3..............him/if we keep/his...... 1569/1595
1Jn_5:15.............And/if we know/that..... 1582/1595
Joh_11:48.......miracles/If we let/him....... 1199/1595
Gal_5:25...........lusts/If we live/in....... 1448/1595
1Jn_4:12............time/If we love/one...... 1578/1595
Heb_2:3...........escape/if we neglect/so.... 1503/1595
Deu_6:25...righteousness/if we observe/to..... 368/1595
Job_21:15...........have/if we pray/unto...... 714/1595 we receive/the... 1580/1595
Luk_20:6.............and/if we say Of/men.... 1150/1595
1Jn_1:6..............all/If we say that we have fellowship/with 1563/1595
1Jn_1:8..............sin/If we say that we have no/sin 1565/1595
1Jn_1:10.unrighteousness/If we say that we have not/sinned 1567/1595
2Ki_7:4..............die/If we say We/will.... 604/1595
1Co_9:11...........thing/if we shall reap/your 1354/1595
Mat_21:25.........saying/If we shall say From heaven he will say unto/us 1051/1595
Luk_20:5..........saying/If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then believed/ye 1149/1595
Mar_11:31.........saying/If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then did/ye 1093/1595
Mar_11:32............But/if we shall say Of men they/feared 1094/1595
Mat_21:26............But/if we shall say Of men we/fear 1052/1595
Heb_10:26............For/if we sin/wilfully.. 1518/1595
2Ki_7:4..............and/if we sit/still...... 605/1595 we slay/our........ 37/1595
2Ti_2:12.............him/If we suffer/we..... 1494/1595
2Ki_7:9............peace/if we tarry/till..... 608/1595
2Sa_12:18........himself/if we tell/him....... 546/1595
Act_4:9...........Israel/If we this/day...... 1241/1595
Heb_12:25.........escape/if we turn/away..... 1525/1595
1Jn_1:7..............But/if we walk/in....... 1564/1595 we walked/according 1416/1595
1Co_11:31............For/if we would/judge... 1368/1595
Joh_18:23............but/if well/why......... 1233/1595
2Ch_20:9..........saying/If when evil/cometh.. 651/1595
Eze_33:3........watchman/If when he/seeth..... 939/1595
Lev_13:20............And/if when the/priest... 185/1595
Rom_5:10.............For/if when we/were..... 1278/1595 when ye be/buffeted 1547/1595
1Pe_2:20.............but/if when ye do/well.. 1548/1595
Rom_7:3.............then/if while her/husband 1284/1595
Gal_2:17.............But/if while we/seek.... 1434/1595
1Ki_1:52.............but/if wickedness/shall.. 565/1595
Joh_15:7..........burned/If ye abide/in...... 1220/1595
Gal_3:29.............And/if ye be Christ's/then 1441/1595
Gal_5:2.............that/if ye be circumcised/Christ 1444/1595
1Ch_12:17...........them/If ye be come peaceably/unto 620/1595
1Ch_12:17............but/if ye be come to/betray 621/1595
Col_2:20.......Wherefore/if ye be dead/with.. 1467/1595 ye be followers/of 1550/1595
Gal_5:18.............But/if ye be led/of..... 1447/1595
2Ki_10:6..........saying/If ye be mine/and.... 611/1595
Dan_3:15.............Now/if ye be ready/that.. 957/1595 ye be reproached/for 1555/1595
Gen_42:19............God/If ye be true/men..... 38/1595
Isa_1:19............wool/If ye be willing/and. 840/1595
Heb_12:8.............But/if ye be without/chastisement 1522/1595
Joh_5:47.............But/if ye believe not his/writings 1165/1595
Joh_8:24.............for/if ye believe not that/I 1174/1595
Gal_5:15.............But/if ye bite/and...... 1446/1595
Jdg_11:9..........Gilead/If ye bring/me....... 474/1595
1Pe_1:17.............And/if ye call/on....... 1544/1595
Jer_33:20...........LORD/If ye can break/my... 900/1595 ye can certainly/declare 481/1595
Jer_5:1..........thereof/if ye can find/a..... 868/1595
Jdg_14:13............But/if ye cannot/declare. 482/1595
Joh_8:31.............him/If ye continue in my/word 1175/1595
Col_1:23...........sight/If ye continue in the/faith 1466/1595
Jer_17:24...........pass/if ye diligently/hearken 884/1595
Luk_6:33.............And/if ye do good/to.... 1109/1595
Jos_23:12...........Else/if ye do in/any...... 455/1595
Mar_11:26............But/if ye do not/forgive 1092/1595
1Sa_7:3...........saying/If ye do return/unto. 506/1595 ye do secretly/accept 706/1595
Neh_13:21...........wall/if ye do so/again.... 666/1595 ye do them/I..... 1209/1595
2Pe_1:10.............for/if ye do these/things 1560/1595
Jer_22:4.............For/if ye do this/thing.. 889/1595
Joh_15:14........friends/if ye do whatsoever/I 1222/1595
Heb_12:7.......receiveth/If ye endure/chastening 1521/1595
Act_19:39............But/if ye enquire/any... 1255/1595
Son_5:8........Jerusalem/if ye find/my........ 835/1595
Mat_6:14.............For/if ye forgive men/their 1004/1595
Mat_6:15.............But/if ye forgive not/men 1005/1595
2Ch_15:2.............but/if ye forsake him/he. 649/1595
Jos_24:20...........sins/If ye forsake the/LORD 457/1595 ye from/your..... 1043/1595
Jam_2:8...........called/If ye fulfil/the.... 1531/1595
Num_10:9.............And/if ye go/to.......... 313/1595
Luk_17:6............said/If ye had faith/as.. 1144/1595 ye had known me ye should have known my Father also and/from 1214/1595
Joh_8:19..........Father/if ye had known me ye should have known my Father also These/words 1173/1595
Mat_12:7.............But/if ye had known what/this 1022/1595
Jdg_14:18...........them/If ye had not/plowed. 483/1595
Jdg_8:19..........liveth/if ye had saved/them. 466/1595
Act_13:15.......brethren/if ye have any/word. 1247/1595
Jam_3:14.............But/if ye have bitter/envying 1538/1595
Jdg_9:16.............and/if ye have dealt/well 470/1595
Jdg_9:16.......therefore/if ye have done/truly 469/1595
Num_15:22............And/if ye have erred/and. 322/1595 ye have faith and/doubt 1048/1595 ye have faith as/a 1032/1595
Eph_3:2.........Gentiles/If ye have heard/of. 1452/1595
Act_16:15.........saying/If ye have judged/me 1249/1595
Joh_13:35......disciples/if ye have love/one. 1211/1595
Luk_16:12............And/if ye have not/been. 1138/1595
Mar_11:25........forgive/if ye have ought/against 1091/1595
Jam_2:9..............But/if ye have respect/to 1532/1595
Deu_7:12............pass/if ye hearken/to..... 369/1595
1Co_15:2...........saved/if ye keep in/memory 1387/1595 ye keep my/commandments 1221/1595
Act_15:29..........which/if ye keep yourselves/ye 1248/1595
1Jn_2:29..........coming/If ye know that/he.. 1573/1595
Joh_13:17............him/If ye know these/things 1208/1595
Luk_6:34.............And/if ye lend/to....... 1110/1595
Rom_8:13.............For/if ye live/after.... 1292/1595 ye love me/keep.. 1216/1595
Mat_5:46.............For/if ye love them which love you what reward/have 1002/1595
Luk_6:32.............For/if ye love them which love you what thank/have 1108/1595 ye loved/me...... 1218/1595
Deu_11:27.......blessing/if ye obey/the....... 374/1595
Lev_19:5.............And/if ye offer a/sacrifice 231/1595
Mal_1:8..............And/if ye offer the blind/for 989/1595
Mal_1:8..............and/if ye offer the lame/and 990/1595
Jer_7:6........neighbour/If ye oppress/not.... 872/1595
Jer_26:15...........that/if ye put/me......... 895/1595
2Co_11:4..............or/if ye receive/another 1420/1595
Joe_3:4..............and/if ye recompense/me.. 966/1595
Isa_1:20.............But/if ye refuse/and..... 841/1595 ye return/unto.... 654/1595
Mat_5:47.............And/if ye salute/your... 1003/1595
2Ki_18:22............But/if ye say unto/me.... 616/1595
Jer_42:13............But/if ye say We/will.... 913/1595
2Ch_15:2.............and/if ye seek/him....... 648/1595
1Sa_6:3.............said/If ye send/away...... 503/1595
Joh_14:14............Son/If ye shall ask/any. 1215/1595
1Ki_9:6..............But/if ye shall at/all... 580/1595
Lev_26:15............And/if ye shall despise/my 270/1595
Deu_11:22............For/if ye shall diligently/keep 373/1595
Deu_11:13...........pass/if ye shall hearken/diligently 372/1595
Mat_21:21...........also/if ye shall say unto/this 1049/1595
Lev_25:20............And/if ye shall say What/shall 253/1595
Joh_6:62.............and/if ye shall see/the. 1167/1595
1Sa_12:25............But/if ye shall still/do. 512/1595
Dan_2:6..............But/if ye shew/the....... 955/1595 ye stand/fast.... 1471/1595
1Pe_3:14.............and/if ye suffer/for.... 1551/1595
Gen_44:29............And/if ye take/this....... 48/1595
Mat_21:24..........which/if ye tell/me....... 1050/1595
Luk_12:26..........cubit/If ye then be not/able 1125/1595
Col_3:1............flesh/If ye then be risen/with 1468/1595
Mat_7:11.........serpent/If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father/which 1012/1595
Luk_11:13.......scorpion/If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly/Father 1120/1595 ye then have/dealt 471/1595
Zec_11:12...........them/If ye think/good..... 984/1595
Rom_8:13.............but/if ye through/the... 1293/1595
Jer_7:5..............For/if ye throughly amend/your 870/1595
Jer_7:5...........doings/if ye throughly execute/judgment 871/1595
Neh_1:8...........saying/If ye transgress/I... 658/1595
2Ch_30:9.............For/if ye turn again/unto 653/1595
2Ch_7:19.............But/if ye turn away and/forsake 646/1595
Num_32:15............For/if ye turn away from/after 350/1595
Neh_1:9..............But/if ye turn unto/me... 659/1595
Jos_2:14...........yours/if ye utter/not...... 440/1595
Lev_26:21............And/if ye walk contrary/unto 273/1595
Lev_26:3............LORD/If ye walk in/my..... 268/1595
Joh_8:39............them/If ye were Abraham's/children 1177/1595
Joh_9:41............them/If ye were blind/ye. 1187/1595 ye were of/the... 1224/1595
Jer_42:15.........Israel/If ye wholly/set..... 914/1595 ye will be/as...... 34/1595 ye will deal/kindly 20/1595
Zec_6:15............pass/if ye will diligently/obey 982/1595
Num_32:20...........them/If ye will do/this... 351/1595
Isa_21:12..........night/if ye will enquire/enquire 848/1595 ye will fear/the.. 510/1595
Num_32:20..........thing/if ye will go/armed.. 352/1595 ye will hear his voice Harden not your heart/as 781/1595 ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation For/some 1507/1595 ye will hear his voice Harden not your hearts as in the provocation in/the 1505/1595 ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts For/if 1510/1595
2Ki_10:6.............and/if ye will hearken/unto 612/1595
Lev_26:23............And/if ye will not be/reformed 274/1595
Isa_7:9..............son/If ye will not believe/surely 843/1595
Num_32:23............But/if ye will not do/so. 353/1595
Num_33:55............But/if ye will not drive/out 356/1595
Lev_26:27............And/if ye will not for/all 275/1595 ye will not hear and/if 991/1595
Jer_13:17............But/if ye will not hear it/my 877/1595
Jer_22:5.............But/if ye will not hear these/words 890/1595
Jer_26:4............LORD/If ye will not hearken to/me 894/1595
Lev_26:14............But/if ye will not hearken unto me and/will 269/1595
Eze_20:39...........also/if ye will not hearken unto me but/pollute 936/1595
Jer_17:27............But/if ye will not hearken unto me to/hallow 885/1595
Gen_34:17............But/if ye will not hearken unto us/to 35/1595
Mal_2:2..............and/if ye will not lay/it 992/1595
Dan_2:9..............But/if ye will not make known unto me the dream there/is 956/1595 ye will not make known unto me the dream with/the 954/1595
Deu_11:28..........curse/if ye will not obey the commandments/of 375/1595
1Sa_12:15............But/if ye will not obey the voice/of 511/1595
Lev_26:18............And/if ye will not yet/for 272/1595
Exo_19:5.......therefore/if ye will obey/my.... 67/1595
Mat_11:14............And/if ye will receive/it 1019/1595
Jer_42:10............him/If ye will still/abide 912/1595
Dan_3:15.............but/if ye worship/not.... 958/1595
Lev_26:15.............or/if your soul abhor/my 271/1595 your soul were/in. 710/1595