Jer_48:18...dost/inhabit Dibon/come....... 7/10
Isa_42:11...doth/inhabit let/the.......... 3/10
Pro_10:30....not/inhabit the earth/The.... 2/10
Jer_17:6...shall/inhabit the parched/places 6/10
Amo_9:14.....and/inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and drink/the 9/10
Isa_65:21....and/inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and eat/the 4/10
Zep_1:13.....not/inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards but/not 10/10
Isa_65:22another/inhabit they/shall....... 5/10
Eze_33:24...that/inhabit those/wastes..... 8/10
Num_35:34..shall/inhabit wherein/I........ 1/10
Jer_2:15.without/inhabitant Also/the...... 9/33 And all/the.. 15/33
Isa_6:11.without/inhabitant and the houses/without 3/33 And the sea/coast 32/33
Jer_33:10without/inhabitant and without/beast 16/33 as/at........ 18/33 Egypt/is..... 19/33
Job_28:4.....the/inhabitant even/the...... 1/33 For/this..... 10/33
Amo_1:8......the/inhabitant from Ashdod/and 26/33
Amo_1:5......the/inhabitant from the/plain 25/33
Zep_3:6.....none/inhabitant I/said....... 33/33
Jer_48:19......O/inhabitant of Aroer/stand 20/33
Mic_1:13....thou/inhabitant of Lachish/bind 30/33
Jer_22:23......O/inhabitant of Lebanon/that 14/33
Mic_1:15.......O/inhabitant of Mareshah/he 31/33
Mic_1:12.....the/inhabitant of Maroth/waited 29/33
Jer_48:43......O/inhabitant of Moab/saith 21/33
Isa_9:9......the/inhabitant of Samaria/that 4/33
Mic_1:11....thou/inhabitant of Saphir/having 27/33
Isa_24:17......O/inhabitant of the earth/And 7/33
Jer_10:17......O/inhabitant of the fortress/For 12/33
Jer_21:13......O/inhabitant of the valley/and 13/33
Isa_20:6.....the/inhabitant of this/isle.. 6/33
Mic_1:11.....the/inhabitant of Zaanan/came 28/33
Isa_12:6....thou/inhabitant of Zion for/great 5/33
Jer_51:35....the/inhabitant of Zion say/and 23/33
Isa_33:24....the/inhabitant shall/not..... 8/33 The mighty/men 22/33 The word/which 17/33 They/shall... 24/33 Who/is....... 11/33
Isa_5:9..without/inhabitant Yea/ten....... 2/33
Rut_4:4......the/inhabitants and before/the 65/202
Isa_49:19....the/inhabitants and they/that 134/202
1Ki_21:11....the/inhabitants in/his..... 72/202
Isa_10:13....the/inhabitants like/a.... 116/202
Jdg_1:31.....the/inhabitants of Accho/nor 47/202
Jos_8:24.....the/inhabitants of Ai in/the 22/202
Jos_8:26.....the/inhabitants of Ai Only/the 23/202
1Ch_8:13.....the/inhabitants of Aijalon/who 78/202
Jer_50:34....the/inhabitants of Babylon A/sword 168/202
Jer_50:35....the/inhabitants of Babylon and/upon 169/202
Jer_51:12....the/inhabitants of Babylon O/thou 170/202
Jdg_1:33.....the/inhabitants of Bethanath/but 51/202
Jdg_1:27.....the/inhabitants of Bethshean/and 41/202
Jdg_1:33.....the/inhabitants of Bethshemesh and/of 53/202
Jdg_1:33.....the/inhabitants of Bethshemesh nor/the 50/202
Exo_15:15....the/inhabitants of Canaan/shall 5/202
Jer_51:24....the/inhabitants of Chaldea all/their 171/202
Jer_51:35....the/inhabitants of Chaldea shall/Jerusalem 172/202
Jdg_1:11.....the/inhabitants of Debir and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher And Caleb said He that smiteth Kirjathsepher and taketh it to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz Caleb's/younger 38/202
Jos_15:15....the/inhabitants of Debir and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher And Caleb said He that smiteth Kirjathsepher and taketh it to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife And Othniel the son of Kenaz the/brother 30/202
Jer_49:8.......O/inhabitants of Dedan/for 164/202
Jos_17:11....the/inhabitants of Dor and her towns and/the 33/202
Jdg_1:27.....the/inhabitants of Dor and her towns nor/the 42/202
Eze_29:6.....the/inhabitants of Egypt/shall 180/202
Jos_17:11....the/inhabitants of Endor/and 34/202
Jos_17:7.....the/inhabitants of Entappuah/Now 32/202
1Ch_8:13.....the/inhabitants of Gath/And 79/202
1Ch_8:6......the/inhabitants of Geba/and 77/202
Isa_10:31....the/inhabitants of Gebim/gather 117/202
Jdg_20:15....the/inhabitants of Gibeah/which 61/202
Jos_11:19....the/inhabitants of Gibeon all/other 28/202
Jos_10:1.....the/inhabitants of Gibeon had/made 27/202
Jos_9:3......the/inhabitants of Gibeon heard/what 24/202
Jdg_11:8.....the/inhabitants of Gilead And/Jephthah 59/202
Jdg_10:18....the/inhabitants of Gilead Now/Jephthah 58/202
1Ki_17:1.....the/inhabitants of Gilead said/unto 71/202 of Hazor/saith 166/202
Jdg_5:11.....the/inhabitants of his/villages 56/202
Jdg_1:27.....the/inhabitants of Ibleam/and 43/202
Jdg_21:12....the/inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four/hundred 64/202
1Sa_31:11....the/inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard/of 69/202
Jdg_21:9.....the/inhabitants of Jabeshgilead there/And 62/202
Jdg_21:10....the/inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with/the 63/202
1Ch_11:5.....the/inhabitants of Jebus/said 82/202
Jer_35:17....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem all/the 159/202
Zec_12:8.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and he/that 199/202
Zep_1:4......the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut/off 191/202
Eze_15:6.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem And I will set/my 176/202
Isa_8:14.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem And many/among 115/202
Isa_5:3........O/inhabitants of Jerusalem and men/of 114/202
Eze_12:19....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and of/the 175/202
Jer_11:2.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem And say/thou 140/202
2Ch_34:30....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and the/priests 101/202
Jer_32:32....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem And they/have 157/202
Jer_17:25....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and this/city 146/202 of Jerusalem and thou/king 86/202
Isa_22:21....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and to/the 120/202
Dan_9:7......the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and unto/all 183/202
Jer_36:31....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon/the 160/202 of Jerusalem Believe/in 88/202
2Ch_34:32....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem did according/to 102/202
2Ch_32:33....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem did him/honour 96/202
Zec_12:7.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem do/not 198/202
Neh_7:3......the/inhabitants of Jerusalem every/one 106/202
2Ch_20:18....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem fell/before 87/202
Zec_13:1.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem for/sin 201/202
2Ch_32:22....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem from/the 94/202
Jer_11:12....and/inhabitants of Jerusalem go/and 142/202
Eze_11:15....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem have/said 174/202
2Ch_35:18....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem In/the 103/202
Jer_4:4......and/inhabitants of Jerusalem lest/my 136/202
2Ch_22:1.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem made/Ahaziah 93/202
Jer_8:1......the/inhabitants of Jerusalem out/of 138/202
Jer_25:2.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem saying From/the 152/202
Jer_18:11....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem saying Thus/saith 147/202
Zec_12:5.....The/inhabitants of Jerusalem shall/be 197/202
Jer_42:18....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem so shall/my 161/202
2Ch_32:26....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem so that/the 95/202
Jer_17:20....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem that/enter 145/202
Jos_15:63....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem the children/of 31/202
Zec_12:10....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit/of 200/202
Jer_11:9.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem They/are 141/202
Jer_19:3.....and/inhabitants of Jerusalem Thus/saith 148/202
2Ch_21:11....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit/fornication 91/202
2Ch_33:9.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem to err/and 97/202
2Ch_21:13....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem to go/a 92/202
Jer_35:13....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem Will/ye 158/202
Jer_13:13....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem with drunkenness/And 144/202
2Ki_23:2.....the/inhabitants of Jerusalem with him/and 76/202
Ezr_4:6......the/inhabitants of Judah/and 104/202
1Sa_23:5.....the/inhabitants of Keilah/And 67/202
1Sa_6:21.....the/inhabitants of Kirjathjearim/saying 66/202
Jdg_1:30.....the/inhabitants of Kitron/nor 45/202 of Maktesh/for 192/202
Zec_8:20.....the/inhabitants of many/cities 194/202
Jdg_1:27.....the/inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns but/the 44/202
Jos_17:11....the/inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns even/three 36/202
2Ch_20:23....the/inhabitants of mount/Seir 89/202
Jdg_1:30.....the/inhabitants of Nahalol/but 46/202
Zec_8:21.....the/inhabitants of one/city 195/202
Jos_9:11.....the/inhabitants of our/country 25/202
Exo_15:14....the/inhabitants of Palestina/Then 4/202
Jer_50:21....the/inhabitants of Pekod/waste 167/202
Hos_10:5.....The/inhabitants of Samaria/shall 185/202
2Ch_20:23....the/inhabitants of Seir/every 90/202
Jos_17:11....the/inhabitants of Taanach/and 35/202
Jer_49:20....the/inhabitants of Teman/Surely 165/202
Deu_13:15....the/inhabitants of that city/with 18/202
Jdg_11:21....the/inhabitants of that country/And 60/202
Gen_19:25....the/inhabitants of the cities/and 1/202
2Ch_15:5.....the/inhabitants of the countries/And 84/202
Jos_2:24.....the/inhabitants of the country/do 20/202
Jer_25:30....the/inhabitants of the earth A/noise 155/202
Dan_4:35.....the/inhabitants of the earth and/none 182/202
Isa_24:6.....the/inhabitants of the earth are burned/and 125/202
Dan_4:35.....the/inhabitants of the earth are reputed/as 181/202
Isa_26:21....the/inhabitants of the earth for/their 128/202
Rev_17:2.....the/inhabitants of the earth have/been 202/202
Psa_33:14....the/inhabitants of the earth He/fashioneth 110/202
Jer_25:29....the/inhabitants of the earth saith/the 154/202
Jos_13:6.....the/inhabitants of the hill/country 29/202 of the isle Is/this 122/202 of the isle thou/whom 121/202
Eze_27:35....the/inhabitants of the isles/shall 179/202
Gen_34:30....the/inhabitants of the land among/the 2/202
Num_33:53....the/inhabitants of the land and dwell/therein 15/202
1Ch_11:4.....the/inhabitants of the land And the/inhabitants 81/202
Exo_34:15....the/inhabitants of the land and they/go 8/202
1Sa_27:8.....the/inhabitants of the land as/thou 68/202
Jer_10:18....the/inhabitants of the land at/this 139/202
Hos_4:1......the/inhabitants of the land because/there 184/202
Jos_2:9......the/inhabitants of the land faint/because 19/202
Jer_1:14.....the/inhabitants of the land For lo/I 135/202
Jdg_1:32.....the/inhabitants of the land for they/did 49/202
Num_33:52....the/inhabitants of the land from before you and/destroy 14/202
Num_33:55....the/inhabitants of the land from before you then/it 16/202
Jos_9:24.....the/inhabitants of the land from before you therefore/we 26/202 of the land Hath/this 186/202
1Ch_22:18....the/inhabitants of the land into mine/hand 83/202
Joe_1:14.....the/inhabitants of the land into the/house 187/202
Exo_23:31....the/inhabitants of the land into your/hand 6/202
Jdg_1:33.....the/inhabitants of the land nevertheless/the 52/202
Isa_21:14....The/inhabitants of the land of/Tema 119/202
Zec_11:6.....the/inhabitants of the land saith the LORD but/lo 196/202
Jer_6:12.....the/inhabitants of the land saith the LORD For/from 137/202
Jos_7:9......the/inhabitants of the land shall hear/of 21/202
Jer_47:2.....the/inhabitants of the land shall howl/At 163/202
Neh_9:24.....the/inhabitants of the land the Canaanites and/gavest 107/202
Gen_50:11....the/inhabitants of the land the Canaanites saw/the 3/202
Joe_2:1......the/inhabitants of the land tremble/for 188/202
Num_32:17....the/inhabitants of the land We/will 13/202
2Sa_5:6......the/inhabitants of the land which/spake 70/202
Exo_34:12....the/inhabitants of the land whither/thou 7/202
Jdg_1:19.....the/inhabitants of the mountain/but 39/202
Isa_42:11....the/inhabitants of the rock/sing 133/202
2Ch_34:28....the/inhabitants of the same/So 100/202
Zep_2:5......the/inhabitants of the sea/coast 193/202
Jdg_1:19.....the/inhabitants of the valley/because 40/202
Jdg_5:7......The/inhabitants of the villages/ceased 55/202 of the world and/dwellers 118/202 of the world Both/low 111/202
Isa_26:18....the/inhabitants of the world fallen/Thy 127/202
Isa_38:11....the/inhabitants of the world Mine/age 130/202
Psa_33:8.....the/inhabitants of the world stand/in 109/202
Isa_26:9.....the/inhabitants of the world will/learn 126/202
Lam_4:12.....the/inhabitants of the world would/not 173/202
Deu_13:13....the/inhabitants of their/city 17/202
Jer_21:6.....the/inhabitants of this city/both 150/202
2Ch_20:7.....the/inhabitants of this land before/thy 85/202
Jer_13:13....the/inhabitants of this land even/the 143/202
Num_14:14....the/inhabitants of this land for/they 12/202
Jdg_2:2......the/inhabitants of this land ye/shall 54/202
Jos_17:12....the/inhabitants of those/cities 37/202
Psa_83:7.....the/inhabitants of Tyre/Assur 113/202
Neh_3:13.....the/inhabitants of Zanoah/they 105/202
Eze_27:8.....The/inhabitants of Zidon and/Arvad 178/202
Jdg_1:31.....the/inhabitants of Zidon nor/of 48/202
1Ch_9:2....first/inhabitants that/dwelt. 80/202
Mic_6:16.....the/inhabitants thereof an/hissing 190/202
Jer_25:9.....the/inhabitants thereof and against/all 153/202
Num_13:32....the/inhabitants thereof and all/the 11/202
Jer_19:12....the/inhabitants thereof and even/make 149/202
2Ch_34:27....the/inhabitants thereof and humbledst/thyself 99/202
Isa_24:1.....the/inhabitants thereof And it/shall 123/202
Isa_40:22....the/inhabitants thereof are as/grasshoppers 131/202
Psa_75:3.....the/inhabitants thereof are dissolved/I 112/202
Jer_23:14....the/inhabitants thereof as/Gomorrah 151/202
Jdg_5:23.....the/inhabitants thereof because they came/not 57/202
Isa_24:5.....the/inhabitants thereof because they have/transgressed 124/202
Jer_46:8.....the/inhabitants thereof Come/up 162/202
2Ch_34:24....the/inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 98/202
2Ki_22:16....the/inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 74/202
Jer_26:15....the/inhabitants thereof for/of 156/202
Mic_6:12.....the/inhabitants thereof have/spoken 189/202
Job_26:5.....the/inhabitants thereof Hell/is 108/202
Lev_25:10....the/inhabitants thereof it/shall 10/202
Isa_42:10....the/inhabitants thereof Let/the 132/202
2Ki_22:19....the/inhabitants thereof that/they 75/202
2Ki_19:26..their/inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the house/tops 73/202
Isa_37:27..their/inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the housetops/and 129/202
Eze_26:17....her/inhabitants which/cause 177/202
Lev_18:25....her/inhabitants Ye/shall.... 9/202 again/in...... 30/32 And a/bastard. 29/32
Lev_16:22....not/inhabited and he/shall... 3/32
Eze_26:20....not/inhabited and I shall/set 20/32
Jer_22:6.....not/inhabited And I will/prepare 13/32
Zec_7:7......was/inhabited and in/prosperity 27/32 and the/wastes 23/32
Zec_14:11.safely/inhabited And this/shall 32/32 and to/the..... 8/32 and upon/the.. 25/32 as in/the..... 14/32 as towns/without 26/32
Jer_17:6.....not/inhabited Blessed/is.... 12/32 but/it........ 15/32 Fear/not...... 10/32
Jer_50:39...more/inhabited for/ever...... 16/32 forty/years... 21/32 I/am........... 9/32
Zec_14:10....and/inhabited in/her........ 31/32
Jdg_1:21....that/inhabited Jerusalem/but.. 5/32 neither/shall.. 7/32
Eze_26:17...wast/inhabited of/seafaring.. 18/32
Eze_34:13....the/inhabited places/of..... 22/32
Eze_12:20....are/inhabited shall/be...... 17/32
Gen_36:20....who/inhabited the land/Lotan. 1/32 the south/and. 28/32
Eze_36:35....are/inhabited Then/the...... 24/32 they/did....... 2/32
Jer_6:8......not/inhabited Thus/saith.... 11/32
1Ch_5:9.......he/inhabited unto/the....... 6/32
Eze_26:19....not/inhabited when/I........ 19/32
Jdg_1:17....that/inhabited Zephath/and.... 4/32
Rev_12:12....the/inhabiters of the earth and/of 2/2
Rev_8:13.....the/inhabiters of the earth by/reason 1/2
Psa_22:3....that/inhabitest/the............ 1/1
Isa_57:15...that/inhabiteth eternity/whose. 2/2 which/are...... 1/2
Psa_74:14.people/inhabiting/the............ 1/1