Jam_1:1......Amen/James a/servant......... 41/42
Act_21:18....unto/James and all/the....... 36/42
Mar_5:37.......of/James And he cometh/to.. 13/42
Mar_3:17.......of/James and he surnamed/them 10/42
Mar_13:3......and/James and John and Andrew asked/him 18/42
Act_1:13......and/James and John and Andrew Philip/and 30/42
Mar_14:33.....and/James and John and began/to 19/42
Mar_9:2.......and/James and John and leadeth/them 15/42
Luk_8:51......and/James and John and the/father 26/42
Mar_10:41....with/James and John But Jesus/called 17/42
Mar_1:29.....with/James and John But Simon's/wife's 8/42
Mat_17:1....Peter/James and John his/brother 5/42
Luk_6:14..brother/James and John Philip/and 23/42
Luk_9:54disciples/James and John saw/this. 28/42
Mar_5:37......and/James and John the brother/of 12/42
Mar_10:35.....And/James and John the sons of Zebedee come/unto 16/42
Luk_5:10.....also/James and John the sons of Zebedee which/were 22/42
Mar_6:3........of/James and Joses and of/Juda 14/42
Mat_13:55brethren/James and Joses and Simon/and 4/42
Mat_27:56......of/James and Joses and the/mother 6/42
Luk_6:16.......of/James and Judas/Iscariot 25/42
Luk_24:10......of/James and other/women... 29/42
Mar_16:1.......of/James and Salome/had.... 21/42
Act_12:17....unto/James and to/the........ 34/42
Luk_9:28......and/James and went/up....... 27/42
Act_15:13...peace/James answered/saying... 35/42
Gal_2:9......when/James Cephas/and........ 39/42
Gal_2:12.....from/James he/did............ 40/42
Act_12:2...killed/James the brother/of.... 33/42
Mar_15:40......of/James the less/and...... 20/42
Gal_1:19.....save/James the Lord's/brother 38/42
Mat_10:3.publican/James the son of Alphaeus and Lebbaeus/whose 3/42
Luk_6:15...Thomas/James the son of Alphaeus and Simon called/Zelotes 24/42
Act_1:13..Matthew/James the son of Alphaeus and Simon Zelotes/and 31/42
Mar_3:18......and/James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus/and 11/42
Mat_4:21.brethren/James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in/a 1/42
Mat_10:2..brother/James the son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip/and 2/42
Mar_1:19......saw/James the son of Zebedee and John his brother who/also 7/42
Mar_3:17......And/James the son of Zebedee and John the/brother 9/42
1Co_15:7.......of/James then/of........... 37/42
Act_1:13.......of/James These/all......... 32/42
Jud_1:1........of/James to/them........... 42/42