Jdg_7:14......of/Joash a/man.............. 5/49
2Ki_13:12.....of/Joash and all that he did and/his 17/49
2Ki_12:19.....of/Joash and all that he did are/they 12/49
1Ch_7:8......and/Joash and Eliezer/and... 31/49
1Ch_27:28....was/Joash And over/the...... 33/49
1Ch_4:22.....and/Joash and Saraph/who.... 30/49
2Ch_24:24against/Joash And when/they..... 40/49
2Ki_13:25....did/Joash beat/him.......... 21/49
Jdg_6:30....unto/Joash Bring/out.......... 3/49
2Ch_24:2.....And/Joash did/that.......... 37/49
Jdg_8:32......of/Joash died/in............ 8/49
Jdg_6:29......of/Joash hath/done.......... 2/49
2Ki_14:3......as/Joash his father did/Howbeit 24/49
Jdg_8:32......of/Joash his father in/Ophrah 9/49
1Ch_3:11.....son/Joash his son Amaziah/his 29/49
2Ki_13:9.....and/Joash his son reigned/in 15/49
2Ki_12:20...slew/Joash in/the............ 13/49
2Ki_14:23.....of/Joash king of Israel began/to 27/49
2Ch_25:18....And/Joash king of Israel sent/to 42/49
Hos_1:1.......of/Joash king of Israel The/beginning 48/49
Amo_1:1.......of/Joash king of Israel two/years 49/49
2Ki_13:10.....of/Joash king of Judah began/Jehoash 16/49
2Ki_14:1......of/Joash king of Judah He/was 23/49
2Ki_14:23.....of/Joash king of Judah Jeroboam/the 26/49
2Ki_14:17.....of/Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Jehoash/son 25/49
2Ch_25:25.....of/Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Joash/son 46/49
2Ki_14:27.....of/Joash Now/the........... 28/49
Jdg_8:13......of/Joash returned/from...... 6/49
Jdg_6:31.....And/Joash said/unto.......... 4/49
2Ki_13:13....And/Joash slept/with........ 18/49
2Ch_25:25.....of/Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen/years 47/49
2Ki_14:1......of/Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned/Amaziah 22/49
Jdg_6:11....unto/Joash the Abiezrite/and.. 1/49
2Ki_13:14....And/Joash the king of Israel came/down 20/49
2Ch_25:23....And/Joash the king of Israel took/Amaziah 44/49
2Ch_25:21.....So/Joash the king of Israel went/up 43/49
2Ch_24:22...Thus/Joash the king remembered/not 39/49
1Ki_22:26.....to/Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 10/49
2Ch_18:25.....to/Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 34/49
2Ch_22:11...took/Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him from among the king's sons that/were 35/49
2Ki_11:2....took/Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him from among the king's sons which/were 11/49
2Ki_13:1......of/Joash the son of Ahaziah king/of 14/49
2Ch_25:23.....of/Joash the son of Jehoahaz at/Bethshemesh 45/49
2Ch_25:17.....to/Joash the son of Jehoahaz the/son 41/49
1Ch_12:3....then/Joash the sons/of....... 32/49
2Ki_13:13....and/Joash was buried/in..... 19/49
2Ch_24:4....that/Joash was minded/to..... 38/49
2Ch_24:1...sword/Joash was seven/years... 36/49
Jdg_8:29......of/Joash went/and........... 7/49