Gen_7:14........his/kind and all/the........ 14/45
Gen_1:25........his/kind and cattle/after.... 8/45
Gen_7:14......their/kind and every creeping/thing 15/45
Gen_7:14........his/kind and every fowl/after 16/45
Deu_14:13.......his/kind And every raven/after 28/45
Gen_1:25......their/kind and every thing/that 9/45
Gen_1:21......their/kind and every winged/fowl 4/45
Gen_1:21........his/kind and God saw that it was good And God blessed/them 5/45
Gen_1:25........his/kind and God saw that it was good And God said/Let 10/45
Gen_1:12........his/kind and God saw that it was good And the/evening 3/45
Gen_1:24........his/kind and it/was.......... 7/45
Gen_6:20......their/kind and of/cattle...... 11/45
Lev_11:22.......his/kind and the bald/locust 22/45
Lev_11:22.......his/kind and the beetle/after 23/45
Lev_11:29.......his/kind And the ferret/and. 26/45
Lev_11:22.......his/kind and the grasshopper/after 24/45
Lev_11:19.......her/kind and the lapwing and the bat All/fowls 21/45
Deu_14:18.......her/kind and the lapwing and the bat And/every 31/45
Lev_11:16.......his/kind And the little/owl. 20/45
Lev_11:15.......his/kind And the owl and the night hawk and the cuckow and the hawk after his kind And/the 19/45
Deu_14:14.......his/kind And the owl and the night hawk and the cuckow and the hawk after his kind The/little 29/45
Gen_1:12........his/kind and the tree/yielding 2/45
Lev_11:22.......his/kind But/all............ 25/45
Mar_9:29.......This/kind can/come........... 39/45
Gen_1:24........his/kind cattle/and.......... 6/45 charity/envieth.... 41/45
Gen_7:14........his/kind every bird/of...... 17/45
Lev_11:14.......his/kind Every raven/after.. 18/45
Mat_17:21......this/kind goeth/not.......... 38/45
Jam_3:7.......every/kind of beasts/and...... 45/45
Gen_6:20......their/kind of every/creeping.. 12/45
Jam_1:18..........a/kind of firstfruits/of.. 44/45 of flesh/of........ 42/45
Ecc_2:5.........all/kind of fruits/I........ 35/45
Eze_27:12.......all/kind of riches/with..... 36/45
1Ch_28:14.....every/kind of service/Even.... 32/45
Neh_13:20.......all/kind of ware/lodged..... 34/45 one/to............. 43/45
Deu_14:15.......his/kind The/little......... 30/45
Lev_19:19...diverse/kind thou/shalt......... 27/45 to/this............ 33/45
Gen_6:20........his/kind two/of............. 13/45 unto/the........... 40/45
Mat_13:47.....every/kind Which/when......... 37/45
Gen_1:11........his/kind whose/seed.......... 1/45
Isa_10:16.....shall/kindle a burning/like.... 4/19
Jer_50:32......will/kindle a fire in his/cities 14/19
Jer_21:14......will/kindle a fire in the forest/thereof 10/19
Jer_17:27.........I/kindle a fire in the gates/thereof 9/19
Jer_43:12......will/kindle a fire in the houses/of 12/19
Jer_49:27......will/kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus/and 13/19
Amo_1:14.......will/kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah/and 17/19
Eze_20:47......will/kindle a fire in thee/and 15/19
Isa_50:11......that/kindle a fire that/compass 7/19 fire/on.......... 19/19
Isa_9:18......shall/kindle in the/thickets... 3/19
Oba_1:18......shall/kindle in them/and...... 18/19
Isa_30:33......doth/kindle it/Woe............ 5/19 meat/offerings... 11/19
Exo_35:3......shall/kindle no/fire........... 1/19 strife/The........ 2/19
Jer_7:18....fathers/kindle the fire and/the.. 8/19
Eze_24:10......wood/kindle the fire consume/the 16/19
Isa_43:2......flame/kindle upon/thee......... 6/19
Act_28:2.......they/kindled a fire and/received 66/66
Jer_17:4.......have/kindled a fire in mine/anger 57/66
Luk_22:55.......had/kindled a fire in the/midst 65/66
Lam_4:11.......hath/kindled a fire in Zion/and 59/66
2Ch_25:15.......was/kindled against Amaziah/and 40/66
Num_24:10.......was/kindled against Balaam/and 12/66
1Sa_17:28.......was/kindled against David/and 27/66
Isa_5:25.......LORD/kindled against his people and/he 53/66
Psa_106:40.....LORD/kindled against his people insomuch/that 51/66
2Ki_13:3........was/kindled against Israel and he delivered/them 34/66
Num_32:13.......was/kindled against Israel and he made/them 15/66
2Sa_24:1........was/kindled against Israel and he moved/David 33/66
Num_25:3........was/kindled against Israel And the/LORD 13/66
Psa_78:21.......was/kindled against Jacob/and 49/66
1Sa_20:30.......was/kindled against Jonathan/and 28/66
2Ch_25:10...greatly/kindled against Judah and/they 39/66
2Ki_23:26.......was/kindled against Judah because/of 37/66
Exo_4:14........was/kindled against Moses/and 3/66
Gen_30:2........was/kindled against Rachel/and 1/66
Jos_7:1.........was/kindled against the children/of 22/66
2Sa_12:5....greatly/kindled against the man/and 30/66
Num_11:33.......was/kindled against the people/and 8/66
Zec_10:3........was/kindled against the shepherds/and 63/66 against thee and against/thy 46/66 against thee and destroy/thee 16/66
Num_12:9........was/kindled against them and/he 9/66 against them how/long 61/66 against them in/that 20/66
Deu_29:27.......was/kindled against this land/to 19/66 against this place/and 36/66 against us because/our 35/66
Psa_124:3.......was/kindled against us Then/the 52/66
1Ch_13:10.......was/kindled against Uzza/and 38/66
2Sa_6:7.........was/kindled against Uzzah/and 29/66 against you and destroy/thee 17/66 against you and he/shut 18/66 against you and ye/shall 23/66
Job_32:5........was/kindled And Elihu/the... 45/66
Jdg_9:30........was/kindled And he sent/messengers 24/66
Num_22:27.......was/kindled and he smote/the 11/66
Jdg_14:19.......was/kindled and he went/up.. 25/66
Gen_39:19.......was/kindled And Joseph's/master 2/66
Num_11:1........was/kindled and the/fire..... 6/66
Lev_10:6.......hath/kindled And ye/shall..... 5/66
Job_32:2......wrath/kindled because he justified/himself 43/66
Num_22:22.......was/kindled because he went/and 10/66
Job_32:3......wrath/kindled because they/had 44/66 but a/little.... 47/66
Luk_12:49...already/kindled But I/have...... 64/66
2Sa_22:9.......were/kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 31/66
Psa_18:8.......were/kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 48/66
Jer_11:16......hath/kindled fire/upon....... 55/66
1Sa_11:6........was/kindled greatly And/he.. 26/66
Num_11:10.......was/kindled greatly Moses/also 7/66
Job_19:11......also/kindled his/wrath....... 41/66 in mine anger and/shall 21/66 in mine anger which/shall 56/66
Jer_44:6........was/kindled in the/cities... 58/66
Psa_106:18......was/kindled in their/company 50/66
Eze_20:48......have/kindled it/it........... 60/66
Exo_22:6.......that/kindled the fire/shall... 4/66 The LORD/thundered 32/66
Num_32:10.......was/kindled the same/time... 14/66
Job_32:2........was/kindled the wrath/of.... 42/66
Isa_50:11......have/kindled This/shall...... 54/66
Hos_11:8........are/kindled together/I...... 62/66 And/the.......... 3/3
Job_41:21....breath/kindleth coals/and........ 1/3
Isa_44:15........he/kindleth it/and........... 2/3
Rom_12:10........Be/kindly affectioned/one.. 10/10 and truly with me/bury 3/10 and truly with my/master 1/10 and truly with thee/Then 5/10
2Ki_25:28.....spake/kindly to/him............ 8/10
Jer_52:32.....spake/kindly unto him/and...... 9/10
Gen_34:3......spake/kindly unto the/damsel... 2/10
Gen_50:21.....spake/kindly unto them/And..... 4/10 with thy/servant.. 7/10 with you/as....... 6/10
Pro_19:22.......his/kindness and a/poor..... 35/48
Neh_9:17......great/kindness and forsookest/them 29/48
Psa_141:5.........a/kindness and let/him.... 34/48
Tit_3:4.........the/kindness and love/of.... 46/48
Jon_4:2.......great/kindness and repentest/thee 41/48
Joe_2:13......great/kindness and repenteth/him 40/48
2Pe_1:7...brotherly/kindness and to/brotherly 47/48
2Sa_2:6........shew/kindness and truth/unto. 15/48
Psa_119:76.merciful/kindness be/for......... 33/48
2Sa_2:6........this/kindness because/ye..... 16/48 by/the......... 43/48
2Pe_1:7...brotherly/kindness charity/For.... 48/48
2Sa_9:7........thee/kindness for Jonathan/thy 20/48
2Sa_9:1.........him/kindness for Jonathan's/sake 18/48
Act_28:2.....little/kindness for they/kindled 42/48
1Sa_20:15.......thy/kindness from/my........ 13/48
Col_3:12....mercies/kindness humbleness/of.. 45/48
Gen_40:14......shew/kindness I/pray.......... 5/48
Psa_31:21marvellous/kindness in a/strong.... 31/48
Rut_3:10.......more/kindness in the/latter.. 10/48
Psa_117:2..merciful/kindness is/great....... 32/48
2Sa_9:3.........the/kindness of God/unto.... 19/48
Est_2:9....obtained/kindness of him/and..... 30/48
1Sa_20:14.......the/kindness of the/LORD.... 12/48
Jer_2:2.........the/kindness of thy/youth... 39/48 shall/not...... 38/48
Pro_31:26........of/kindness She/looketh.... 36/48
Gen_21:23.......the/kindness that I/have..... 2/48
1Ki_3:6.......great/kindness that thou/hast. 25/48 that ye/will.... 6/48
2Sa_3:8........shew/kindness this/day....... 17/48
1Sa_15:6.....shewed/kindness to all/the..... 11/48
1Ch_19:2.....shewed/kindness to me/And...... 27/48
Jdg_8:35.......they/kindness to the house/of. 8/48
Rut_2:20........his/kindness to the living/and 9/48
2Sa_16:17.......thy/kindness to thy/friend.. 23/48
Eph_2:7.........his/kindness toward/us...... 44/48
2Sa_10:2.......shew/kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash as/his 21/48
1Ch_19:2.......shew/kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash because/his 26/48
2Sa_10:2.....shewed/kindness unto me/And.... 22/48
Jos_2:12.......shew/kindness unto my father's/house 7/48
Gen_24:12......shew/kindness unto my master Abraham/Behold 3/48
Gen_24:14....shewed/kindness unto my master And/it 4/48
1Ki_2:7........shew/kindness unto the/sons.. 24/48
2Sa_2:5........this/kindness unto your/lord. 14/48
2Ch_24:22.......the/kindness which Jehoiada/his 28/48
Gen_20:13.......thy/kindness which thou/shalt 1/48
Isa_54:8everlasting/kindness will/I......... 37/48
Eze_11:15.......thy/kindred and all/the..... 20/28
Act_7:3.........thy/kindred and come/into... 23/28
Act_7:19........our/kindred and evil/entreated 26/28
Gen_12:1........thy/kindred and from/thy..... 1/28 And he/said..... 11/28
Gen_31:3........thy/kindred and I will be/with 7/28
Gen_32:9........thy/kindred and I will deal/well 9/28 and if/they...... 6/28
Jos_6:23........her/kindred and left/them... 12/28 and of/my........ 5/28
Gen_31:13.......thy/kindred And Rachel/and... 8/28 and take a wife unto my son And/I 4/28 and take a wife unto my son Isaac/And 2/28
Rev_5:9.......every/kindred and tongue and people and/nation 27/28
Rev_14:6........and/kindred and tongue and people Saying/with 28/28 and which/spake.. 3/28
Est_2:10........her/kindred for/Mordecai.... 16/28
Est_2:20........her/kindred nor/her......... 17/28
Rut_2:3.........the/kindred of Elimelech/And 13/28
Job_32:2........the/kindred of Ram/against.. 19/28
1Ch_12:29.......the/kindred of Saul/three... 15/28
Act_4:6.........the/kindred of the/high..... 22/28
Gen_43:7........our/kindred saying/Is....... 10/28
Luk_1:61........thy/kindred that/is......... 21/28 Then/the........ 18/28
Act_7:14........his/kindred threescore/and.. 25/28
Act_7:13...Joseph's/kindred was/made........ 24/28
Rut_3:2.........our/kindred with/whose...... 14/28
Rev_7:9.........and/kindreds and people/and... 6/8
Rev_13:7........all/kindreds and tongues and nations And/all 8/8
Rev_11:9........and/kindreds and tongues and nations shall/see 7/8
Act_3:25........the/kindreds of the earth be/blessed 4/8
Rev_1:7.........all/kindreds of the earth shall/wail 5/8
Psa_22:27.......the/kindreds of the nations/shall 2/8 of the people give unto the LORD glory and strength Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come before/him 1/8 of the people give unto the LORD glory and strength Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come into/his 3/8
Eze_47:10.....their/kinds as/the............. 4/10
Dan_3:7.........all/kinds of musick all/the.. 6/10
Dan_3:10........all/kinds of musick shall/fall 7/10
Dan_3:5.........all/kinds of musick ye fall down and worship the golden/image 5/10
Dan_3:15........all/kinds of musick ye fall down and worship the image/which 8/10
2Ch_16:14....divers/kinds of spices/prepared. 2/10
1Co_12:10....divers/kinds of tongues/to...... 9/10
1Co_14:10......many/kinds of voices/in...... 10/10
Jer_15:3.......four/kinds saith/the.......... 3/10
Gen_8:19......their/kinds went/forth......... 1/10