a/time............ 16/18
Psa_80:6..enemies/laugh among/themselves.. 13/18
Gen_18:15...didst/laugh And/the............ 2/18
Psa_37:13...shall/laugh at him for/he..... 10/18
Psa_52:6....shall/laugh at him Lo/this.... 11/18
Job_9:23.....will/laugh at the/trial....... 6/18
Psa_59:8....shalt/laugh at them/thou...... 12/18
Pro_1:26.....will/laugh at your/calamity.. 14/18
Luk_6:21....shall/laugh Blessed/are....... 17/18 me/to.............. 9/18
Job_5:22....shalt/laugh neither/shalt...... 5/18
Luk_6:25.....that/laugh now/for........... 18/18
Gen_18:13...Sarah/laugh saying/Shall....... 1/18 so/that............ 3/18
Psa_2:4.....shall/laugh the/LORD........... 8/18
Job_22:19innocent/laugh them/to............ 7/18
Pro_29:9.......or/laugh there/is.......... 15/18
Gen_21:6.....will/laugh with/me............ 4/18
Gen_17:17.....and/laughed and/said......... 1/13
Mar_5:40.....they/laughed him to scorn But when he/had 12/13
Mat_9:24.....they/laughed him to scorn But when the/people 11/13
Luk_8:53.....they/laughed him to scorn knowing/that 13/13
Gen_18:15.......I/laughed not/for.......... 3/13
Job_29:24.......I/laughed on/them.......... 8/13
2Ki_19:21.....and/laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 4/13
Isa_37:22.....and/laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 9/13
2Ch_30:10....they/laughed them/to.......... 5/13 to scorn and/had 10/13 to scorn He/that. 7/13
Neh_2:19.....they/laughed us/to............ 6/13
Gen_18:12...Sarah/laughed within/herself... 2/13
Job_41:29......he/laugheth/at............... 1/1
Job_8:21.....with/laughing/and.............. 1/1
Psa_126:2....with/laughter and our/tongue... 1/7
Ecc_10:19.....for/laughter and wine/maketh.. 6/7
Jam_4:9......your/laughter be/turned........ 7/7
Ecc_7:3......than/laughter for/by........... 4/7
Ecc_2:2........of/laughter It/is............ 3/7
Ecc_7:6.......the/laughter of/the........... 5/7 the/heart........ 2/7