Neh_7:48.........of/Lebana/the................ 1/1
Ezr_2:45.........of/Lebanah/the............... 1/1
Son_4:11.........of/Lebanon A/garden........ 43/71
Eze_31:16........of/Lebanon all/that........ 64/71 and behold/my... 26/71 and cry/and..... 58/71
Isa_37:24........of/Lebanon and I/will...... 53/71 and in/all...... 18/71
1Ki_5:6..........of/Lebanon and my/servants. 13/71
Zec_10:10.......and/Lebanon and place/shall. 70/71
Psa_29:6.......calf/Lebanon and Sirion/like. 36/71 and they/of..... 37/71 and throughout/all 28/71
Eze_17:3.......unto/Lebanon and took/the.... 60/71 and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 23/71 and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 33/71 and two/months.. 16/71
2Ki_19:23........of/Lebanon and will/cut.... 24/71
2Ch_2:16.........of/Lebanon as/much......... 27/71
Son_4:15.......from/Lebanon Awake/O......... 44/71
Deu_3:25........and/Lebanon But/the.......... 2/71
Hos_14:7.........of/Lebanon Ephraim/shall... 67/71
Jos_1:4........this/Lebanon even unto the great/river 4/71 even unto the hyssop/that 12/71
Jos_12:7.........of/Lebanon even unto the mount/Halak 7/71 excellent/as.... 45/71
2Ch_2:8..........of/Lebanon for/I........... 25/71
Jdg_3:3.......mount/Lebanon from mount/Baalhermon 10/71
Deu_11:24.......and/Lebanon from the/river... 3/71
Son_3:9..........of/Lebanon He made/the..... 40/71
Psa_29:5.........of/Lebanon He maketh/them.. 35/71 His/branches.... 65/71
Isa_33:9languisheth/Lebanon is ashamed/and.. 51/71
Isa_40:16.......And/Lebanon is not/sufficient 54/71
Nah_1:4..........of/Lebanon languisheth/The. 68/71
Son_4:8........from/Lebanon look/from....... 42/71
2Ch_9:16.........of/Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure/gold 29/71
1Ki_10:17........of/Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the/best 19/71
Son_4:8........from/Lebanon my/spouse....... 41/71
Jdg_9:15.........of/Lebanon Now/therefore... 11/71 saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 22/71 saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 32/71
Isa_14:8.........of/Lebanon saying Since/thou 49/71 sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 21/71 sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 31/71
Isa_35:2.........of/Lebanon shall be given/unto 52/71
Isa_29:17.......and/Lebanon shall be turned/into 50/71
Isa_60:13........of/Lebanon shall come/unto. 55/71
Hab_2:17.........of/Lebanon shall cover/thee 69/71
Isa_10:34.......and/Lebanon shall fall/by... 48/71 ten/thousand.... 15/71
Isa_2:13.........of/Lebanon that are/high... 47/71
Jer_22:23........of/Lebanon that makest/thy. 59/71
Zec_11:1..........O/Lebanon that the/fire... 71/71
Jos_9:1.....against/Lebanon the Hittite/and.. 5/71
1Ki_7:2..........of/Lebanon the length/thereof 17/71 They/that....... 66/71 Those/that...... 38/71
Eze_27:5.......from/Lebanon to make/masts... 61/71
Eze_31:15....caused/Lebanon to mourn/for.... 63/71
Ezr_3:7........from/Lebanon to the/sea...... 34/71
Jos_13:5........all/Lebanon toward/the....... 8/71
Jos_11:17........of/Lebanon under/mount...... 6/71
Jos_13:6.......from/Lebanon unto Misrephothmaim/and 9/71
Deu_1:7........unto/Lebanon unto the great/river 1/71
1Ki_5:9........from/Lebanon unto the sea/and 14/71
2Ch_9:20.........of/Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was not/any 30/71
1Ki_10:21........of/Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was nothing/accounted 20/71
Jer_18:14........of/Lebanon which cometh/from 56/71
Psa_104:16.......of/Lebanon which he/hath... 39/71
Son_7:4..........of/Lebanon which looketh/toward 46/71 with/fair....... 62/71
Jer_22:6.........of/Lebanon yet/surely...... 57/71
Jos_15:32.......And/Lebaoth/and............... 1/1