Jdg_17:1....was/Micah And he/said........ 1/28
Jdg_18:15....of/Micah and saluted/him... 14/28
2Ch_34:20....of/Micah and Shaphan/the... 26/28
Jdg_17:4.....of/Micah And the man/Micah.. 2/28
1Ch_9:40..begat/Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 23/28
1Ch_8:34..begat/Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 20/28
Jdg_17:8.....of/Micah as/he.............. 4/28
Jdg_17:12...And/Micah consecrated/the.... 7/28
Jdg_17:5....man/Micah had an/house....... 3/28
Jdg_18:27.which/Micah had made/and...... 18/28
1Ch_5:5.....son/Micah his/son........... 19/28
Jdg_17:13..said/Micah Now/know........... 9/28
Jdg_17:10...And/Micah said unto him Dwell/with 6/28
Jdg_17:9....And/Micah said unto him Whence/comest 5/28
Jdg_18:26..when/Micah saw/that.......... 17/28
1Ch_23:20Uzziel/Micah the first/and..... 25/28
Jdg_18:22....of/Micah the men/that...... 15/28
Mic_1:1......to/Micah the Morasthite in/the 28/28
Jer_26:18saying/Micah the Morasthite prophesied/in 27/28
1Ch_9:15.....of/Micah the son/of........ 22/28
Jdg_18:13....of/Micah Then answered/the. 13/28
Jdg_17:12....of/Micah Then said/Micah.... 8/28
Jdg_18:3.....of/Micah they knew/the..... 11/28
Jdg_18:2.....of/Micah they lodged/there. 10/28
1Ch_9:41.....of/Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 24/28
1Ch_8:35.....of/Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 21/28
Jdg_18:23..unto/Micah What/aileth....... 16/28
Jdg_18:4dealeth/Micah with/me........... 12/28
Jdg_18:31....up/Micah's graven/image...... 3/3
Jdg_18:18..into/Micah's house and/fetched. 1/3
Jdg_18:22....to/Micah's house were/gathered 2/3
2Ch_18:25....ye/Micaiah and carry him back to/Amon 17/18
1Ki_22:26..Take/Micaiah and carry him back unto/Amon 8/18
1Ki_22:24.smote/Micaiah on/the........... 6/18
2Ch_18:13...And/Micaiah said As the LORD liveth even/what 13/18
1Ki_22:14...And/Micaiah said As the LORD liveth what/the 4/18
1Ki_22:25...And/Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see in/that 7/18
2Ch_18:24...And/Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see on/that 16/18
2Ch_18:27...And/Micaiah said If thou certainly/return 18/18
1Ki_22:28...And/Micaiah said If thou return/at 9/18
1Ki_22:15...him/Micaiah shall we go against/Ramothgilead 5/18
2Ch_18:14...him/Micaiah shall we go to/Ramothgilead 14/18
2Ch_18:12..call/Micaiah spake to/him.... 12/18
1Ki_22:13..call/Micaiah spake unto/him... 3/18
2Ch_18:7.....is/Micaiah the son of Imla And Jehoshaphat/said 10/18
2Ch_18:8quickly/Micaiah the son of Imla And the/king 11/18
1Ki_22:9.hither/Micaiah the son of Imlah And/the 2/18
1Ki_22:8....man/Micaiah the son of Imlah by/whom 1/18
2Ch_18:23.smote/Micaiah upon/the........ 15/18