2Ki_9:26.....the/plat of/ground............ 2/2
2Ki_9:26....this/plat saith/the............ 1/2
Exo_28:36......a/plate of pure/gold........ 1/3
Exo_39:30....the/plate of the/holy......... 2/3
Lev_8:9...golden/plate the/holy............ 3/3
Exo_39:3....thin/plates and/cut............ 1/6
Num_16:38..broad/plates for a covering of the altar for/they 2/6
Num_16:39..broad/plates for a covering of the altar To/be 3/6
Jer_10:9....into/plates is/brought......... 6/6
1Ki_7:30.....and/plates of brass/and....... 4/6
1Ki_7:36.....the/plates of the/ledges...... 5/6
Mar_15:17....and/platted a crown of thorns and put it about/his 2/3
Joh_19:2soldiers/platted a crown of thorns and put it on/his 3/3
Mat_27:29....had/platted a crown of thorns they/put 1/3
Mat_23:25....the/platter but within/they... 1/3
Luk_11:39....the/platter but your/inward... 3/3
Mat_23:26....and/platter that/the.......... 2/3