Num_3:47.....the/poll after/the............ 1/3
Mic_1:16.....and/poll thee/for............. 3/3
Eze_44:20...only/poll their/heads.......... 2/3
2Sa_14:26.....he/polled his/head........... 1/3
2Sa_14:26.....he/polled it because/the..... 2/3
2Sa_14:26.....he/polled it he/weighed...... 3/3
Num_1:18...their/polls As/the.............. 2/6
Num_1:20...their/polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 3/6
Num_1:22...their/polls every male from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 4/6
Num_1:2....their/polls From/twenty......... 1/6
1Ch_23:3...their/polls man/by.............. 5/6
1Ch_23:24..their/polls that/did............ 6/6 it And/they...... 3/11 it even/my...... 10/11
Eze_7:21...shall/pollute it My/face....... 4/11 me/among......... 6/11
Eze_39:7....them/pollute my holy/name..... 9/11
Eze_7:22...shall/pollute my secret/place.. 5/11 the holy/things.. 1/11
Num_35:33....not/pollute the land/wherein. 2/11
Dan_11:31..shall/pollute the sanctuary/of 11/11
Eze_20:39....but/pollute ye/my............ 8/11 yourselves/with.. 7/11 after/the...... 27/40 and I/will...... 8/40 and the/fruit.. 39/40 any/more....... 16/40 before the heathen among/whom 19/40 before the heathen in/whose 21/40
Mal_1:7....offer/polluted bread/upon..... 37/40
Jer_3:1..greatly/polluted but/thou....... 10/40
Eze_4:14....been/polluted for from/my.... 15/40 for their/bread 32/40
Jer_2:23.....not/polluted I/have.......... 9/40 in the/sight... 24/40
Eze_16:6....thee/polluted in thine/own... 17/40
Eze_16:22...wast/polluted in thy/blood... 18/40
2Ki_23:16....and/polluted it according/to. 2/40
Eze_36:18....had/polluted it And/I....... 30/40
Exo_20:25...hast/polluted it Neither/shalt 1/40 it shall/destroy 34/40
Amo_7:17.......a/polluted land/and....... 33/40
Isa_47:6....have/polluted mine/inheritance 7/40
Jer_34:16....and/polluted my name/and.... 12/40
Eze_20:24....had/polluted my sabbaths and/their 25/40
Eze_20:16....but/polluted my sabbaths for/their 22/40
Eze_20:21...they/polluted my sabbaths then/I 23/40 put from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim/The 5/40 put from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and with/Thummim 4/40
2Ch_36:14....and/polluted the house/of.... 3/40
Lam_2:2.....hath/polluted the kingdom/and 13/40
Jer_3:2.....hast/polluted the land/with.. 11/40
Zep_3:4.....have/polluted the sanctuary/they 36/40
Mal_1:7.......we/polluted thee/In........ 38/40
Eze_20:26......I/polluted them/in........ 26/40
Lam_4:14....have/polluted themselves/with 14/40
Eze_20:13greatly/polluted then/I......... 20/40
Act_21:28...hath/polluted this/holy...... 40/40
Zep_3:1......and/polluted to/the......... 35/40 with blood And/as 31/40
Psa_106:38...was/polluted with blood Thus/were 6/40 with their/idols 29/40
Eze_23:17....was/polluted with them/and.. 28/40
Isa_56:2....from/polluting it and keepeth/his 1/2
Isa_56:6....from/polluting it and taketh/hold 2/2
Eze_22:10....for/pollution/And............. 1/1
Act_15:20...from/pollutions of idols/and... 1/2
2Pe_2:20.....the/pollutions of the/world... 2/2
Act_28:11....and/Pollux/And................ 1/1