Pro_8:12...with/prudence and find/out..... 2/3
2Ch_2:12...with/prudence and understanding/that 1/3
Eph_1:8.....and/prudence Having/made...... 3/3
Luk_10:21...and/prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered to/me 22/24
Mat_11:25...and/prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered unto/me 21/24
Hos_14:9.things/prudent and he/shall.... 19/24 and I/have...... 16/24
Isa_3:2.....the/prudent and the ancient/The 14/24
Pro_16:21called/prudent and the sweetness/of 9/24
Pro_14:18...the/prudent are/crowned...... 7/24
Pro_18:15...the/prudent getteth/knowledge 10/24
1Sa_16:18...and/prudent in matters/and... 1/24 In the/house..... 8/24
Isa_5:21....and/prudent in their/own.... 15/24
Jer_49:7....the/prudent is their/wisdom. 18/24
Pro_14:8....the/prudent is to/understand. 5/24
Pro_12:23.....A/prudent man concealeth/knowledge 3/24
Pro_12:16.....a/prudent man covereth/shame 2/24
Pro_13:16.Every/prudent man dealeth/with. 4/24
Pro_22:3......A/prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished By/humility 12/24
Pro_27:12.....A/prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished Take/his 13/24
Pro_14:15...the/prudent man looketh/well. 6/24
Act_13:7......a/prudent man who/called.. 23/24
Isa_29:14.their/prudent men/shall....... 17/24
Amo_5:13....the/prudent shall/keep...... 20/24
1Co_1:19....the/prudent Where/is........ 24/24
Pro_19:14.....a/prudent wife/is......... 11/24 1/1