Psa_119:119...Thou/puttest away/all.......... 6/7
Job_13:27.....Thou/puttest my/feet........... 5/7
2Ki_18:14.....thou/puttest on/me............. 4/7
Deu_15:10.....thou/puttest thine hand/unto... 3/7
Deu_12:18.....thou/puttest thine hands/unto.. 2/7
Hab_2:15......that/puttest thy bottle/to..... 7/7
Num_24:21.....thou/puttest thy nest/in....... 1/7 a piece of a/new 25/30 a piece of new/cloth 20/30
Exo_30:33whosoever/putteth any/of........... 1/30
Luk_16:18Whosoever/putteth away/his........ 29/30
Psa_75:7........he/putteth down/one........ 10/30
Son_2:13......tree/putteth forth her green/figs 13/30
Deu_25:11......and/putteth forth her hand/and 3/30
Job_28:9........He/putteth forth his hand/upon 7/30
Joh_10:4........he/putteth forth his own/sheep 30/30
Mar_13:28......and/putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is near/So 24/30
Mat_24:32......and/putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is nigh/So 21/30
Lam_3:29........He/putteth his mouth/in.... 16/30
Isa_57:13.....that/putteth his trust in me/shall 14/30
Pro_28:25.....that/putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made/fat 11/30
Pro_29:25....whoso/putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe/Many 12/30
Num_22:38......God/putteth in my/mouth...... 2/30
Mar_4:29........he/putteth in the/sickle... 23/30
Deu_27:15......and/putteth it in a secret place And/all 4/30
Luk_11:33...candle/putteth it in a secret place neither/under 28/30
1Ki_20:11.....that/putteth it off/And....... 5/30
Luk_8:16........or/putteth it under/a...... 27/30
Job_33:11.......He/putteth my/feet.......... 8/30 new wine into old bottles else the new wine doth/burst 22/30 new wine into old bottles else the new wine will/burst 26/30
Job_15:15.......he/putteth no/trust......... 6/30
Mic_3:5.......that/putteth not into/their.. 19/30
Psa_15:5......that/putteth not out/his...... 9/30
Jer_43:12.shepherd/putteth on/his.......... 15/30
Eze_14:7.......and/putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a/prophet 18/30
Eze_14:4.......and/putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the/prophet 17/30
Mal_2:16....hateth/putting away for/one..... 5/17
Eph_4:25.Wherefore/putting away lying/speak 10/17
1Pe_3:21.......the/putting away of/the..... 16/17
Isa_58:9.......the/putting forth/of......... 4/17
Act_19:33.....Jews/putting him/forward...... 8/17
Act_9:12.......and/putting his hand/on...... 6/17
Act_9:17.......and/putting his hands/on..... 7/17
Gen_21:14....Hagar/putting it/on............ 1/17
1Ti_1:12..faithful/putting me/into......... 13/17 off/the......... 11/17
1Pe_3:3.........of/putting on of apparel/But 15/17
2Ti_1:6........the/putting on of my/hands.. 14/17
1Th_5:8......sober/putting on the/breastplate 12/17
Jdg_7:6.....lapped/putting their/hand....... 3/17
Lev_16:21.....sins/putting them/upon........ 2/17 you in mind/because 9/17 you in remembrance/Knowing 17/17