A several tenth deal for/one 70/97
Num_28:20....a/ram A several tenth deal shalt/thou 64/97 A several tenth deal unto/one 66/97
Job_32:2....of/Ram against/Job......... 81/97
Num_28:14....a/ram and a fourth/part... 62/97 And a several/tenth. 61/97 and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram And/thou 4/97
Exo_29:19other/ram and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram Then/shalt 9/97
Eze_45:24....a/ram and an/hin.......... 84/97
Num_23:2.....a/ram And Balaam/said..... 56/97
Dan_8:7....the/ram and brake/his....... 94/97
1Ch_2:9....and/Ram and Chelubai/And.... 76/97
Eze_46:7.....a/ram and for the lambs according/as 88/97
Num_29:37..the/ram and for the lambs shall/be 73/97
Lev_8:18...the/ram And he killed/it.... 23/97
Lev_8:22...the/ram And he slew/it...... 28/97
Dan_8:7....the/ram and he was/moved.... 93/97
Gen_22:13..the/ram and offered/him...... 3/97
Num_29:3.....a/ram And one tenth/deal.. 68/97
Num_6:19...the/ram and one unleavened/cake 41/97
Rut_4:19.begat/Ram and Ram/begat....... 74/97 and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 63/97 and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 69/97 and seven lambs of the first year without/blemish 67/97
Exo_29:20..the/ram and take/of......... 11/97
Exo_29:32..the/ram and the bread/that.. 17/97
Num_23:4.....a/ram And the LORD/put.... 57/97
Eze_46:5.....a/ram and the meat/offering 86/97
Exo_29:15..the/ram And thou shalt slay/the 5/97
Exo_29:16..the/ram and thou shalt take/his 6/97
Eze_46:11....a/ram and to/the.......... 89/97
Rut_4:19...and/Ram begat Amminadab And Amminadab begat Nahshon and/Nahshon 75/97
1Ch_2:10...And/Ram begat Amminadab and Amminadab begat Nahshon prince/of 77/97
Gen_22:13....a/ram caught/in............ 2/97 for a burnt offering And/Aaron 35/97
Lev_16:3.....a/ram for a burnt offering He/shall 34/97
Lev_9:2......a/ram for a burnt offering without/blemish 30/97
Num_6:17...the/ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings unto/the 40/97
Lev_9:18...the/ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings which/was 32/97
Lev_19:21....a/ram for a trespass/offering 36/97
Lev_9:4......a/ram for peace/offerings. 31/97
Lev_8:18...the/ram for the/burnt....... 22/97
Exo_29:17..the/ram in/pieces............ 7/97
Lev_8:20...the/ram into/pieces......... 24/97
Exo_29:26..the/ram of Aaron's/consecration 14/97
Lev_8:22...the/ram of consecration and Aaron/and 27/97
Exo_29:22....a/ram of consecration And one/loaf 13/97
Lev_8:29...the/ram of consecration it/was 29/97
Num_5:8....the/ram of the atonement/whereby 38/97
Exo_29:31..the/ram of the consecration and/seethe 16/97
Exo_29:27..the/ram of the consecration even/of 15/97
Ezr_10:19....a/ram of the flock/for.... 80/97
Lev_5:16...the/ram of the trespass offering and/it 19/97
Lev_19:22..the/ram of the trespass offering before/the 37/97
Num_29:14.each/ram of the two/rams..... 71/97
Gen_15:9.....a/ram of three/years....... 1/97
Num_23:14....a/ram on every altar And he/said 58/97
Num_23:30....a/ram on every altar And when/Balaam 59/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 50/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 51/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 53/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 44/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 47/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 48/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 45/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 49/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 42/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 43/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 52/97 one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 46/97 or/for.............. 55/97
Dan_8:7....the/ram out of his/hand..... 96/97
Eze_43:23....a/ram out of the flock without blemish And/thou 82/97
Eze_43:25....a/ram out of the flock without blemish Seven/days 83/97
Dan_8:4....the/ram pushing/westward.... 91/97 seven lambs of the first year And/their 65/97 seven lambs of the first year without blemish/Their 72/97 seven lambs of the first year without spot/And 60/97
Dan_8:6....the/ram that/had............ 92/97
Exo_29:22..the/ram the fat/and......... 12/97
1Ch_2:25..were/Ram the firstborn and/Bunah 78/97
1Ch_2:27....of/Ram the firstborn of/Jerahmeel 79/97
Lev_8:22.other/ram the ram/of.......... 26/97
Lev_9:19...the/ram the rump/and........ 33/97
Exo_29:19..the/ram Then/shalt.......... 10/97
Eze_46:6.....a/ram they/shall.......... 87/97
Num_15:6.....a/ram thou/shalt.......... 54/97
Dan_8:7....the/ram to/stand............ 95/97
Exo_29:18whole/ram upon the altar it is/a 8/97
Lev_8:21.whole/ram upon the altar it was/a 25/97
Dan_8:3......a/ram which had/two....... 90/97
Dan_8:20...The/ram which thou/sawest... 97/97
Eze_46:4.....a/ram without blemish And/the 85/97 without blemish for/peace 39/97
Lev_6:6......a/ram without blemish out of the flock with thy estimation for a trespass offering unto the priest And the priest shall make an atonement for him before/the 21/97
Lev_5:18.....a/ram without blemish out of the flock with thy estimation for a trespass offering unto the priest and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning/his 20/97
Lev_5:15.....a/ram without blemish out of the flocks/with 18/97