Est_8:10....king's/ring and sent/letters.... 9/11
Est_3:12....king's/ring And the/letters..... 5/11
Est_8:8.....king's/ring for/the............. 7/11
Est_3:10.......his/ring from his hand and gave/it 4/11
Gen_41:42......his/ring from his hand and put/it 1/11 in/goodly.......... 11/11
Est_8:8.....king's/ring may/no.............. 8/11
Luk_15:22........a/ring on/his............. 10/11 thus he/did......... 3/11 thus shall/it....... 2/11
Est_8:2........his/ring which/he............ 6/11
Act_24:5.........a/ringleader/of............. 1/1
Isa_3:21.......The/rings and nose/jewels... 42/44
Est_1:6.....silver/rings and pillars/of.... 40/44 and put the/two... 32/44
Exo_39:20...golden/rings and put them/on... 36/44
Exo_35:22......and/rings and tablets/all... 20/44
Exo_27:7.......the/rings and the/staves.... 11/44
Exo_25:27......the/rings be/for............. 8/44
Exo_25:14......the/rings by the sides of the ark that/the 4/44
Exo_37:5.......the/rings by the sides of the ark to/bear 25/44
Num_31:50bracelets/rings earrings/and...... 39/44
Exo_38:5......four/rings for/the........... 30/44
Exo_25:26......the/rings in the four corners that/are 7/44
Exo_27:4....brasen/rings in the four corners thereof/And 10/44
Exo_25:12......two/rings in the other/side.. 3/44
Exo_39:16......two/rings in the two/ends... 33/44
Exo_25:26.....four/rings of gold and put the rings in/the 6/44
Exo_37:13.....four/rings of gold and put the rings upon/the 26/44
Exo_39:19......two/rings of gold and put them/on 35/44
Exo_28:23......two/rings of gold and shalt/put 12/44
Exo_28:26......two/rings of gold and thou/shalt 15/44
Exo_25:12.....four/rings of gold for it and/put 1/44
Exo_37:27......two/rings of gold for it under/the 29/44
Exo_26:29....their/rings of gold for places/for 9/44
Exo_28:27....other/rings of gold thou/shalt 16/44
Exo_36:34....their/rings of gold to be places/for 21/44
Exo_37:3......four/rings of gold to be set/by 22/44
Exo_25:15......the/rings of the ark/they.... 5/44
Exo_28:28......the/rings of the ephod with a lace of blue that it may/be 18/44
Exo_39:21......the/rings of the ephod with a lace of blue that it might/be 38/44
Exo_39:17......two/rings on the ends/of.... 34/44
Exo_38:7.......the/rings on the sides/of... 31/44
Exo_28:23......two/rings on the two/ends... 13/44 set/with.......... 41/44
Exo_25:12......two/rings shall/be........... 2/44
Exo_30:4....golden/rings shalt/thou........ 19/44
Exo_37:14......the/rings the/places........ 28/44
Exo_28:28......the/rings thereof/unto...... 17/44
Eze_1:18.....their/rings they/were......... 43/44
Exo_39:21......his/rings unto/the.......... 37/44
Exo_37:13......the/rings upon the four/corners 27/44
Exo_37:3.......two/rings upon the one/side. 23/44
Exo_37:3.......two/rings upon the other/side 24/44
Eze_1:18.....their/rings were/full......... 44/44
Exo_28:24......two/rings which/are......... 14/44
Gen_30:40......the/ringstraked and all/the... 3/7
Gen_30:35.....were/ringstraked and spotted/and 1/7
Gen_31:8.......The/ringstraked shall/be...... 4/7
Gen_31:10.....were/ringstraked speckled and grisled And/the 6/7
Gen_31:12......are/ringstraked speckled and grisled for/I 7/7
Gen_30:39...cattle/ringstraked speckled and spotted/And 2/7
Gen_31:8....cattle/ringstraked Thus/God...... 5/7