Exo_28:33.......them/round about A/golden... 17/320
Jos_21:44.......rest/round about according to all/that 81/320
Jos_15:12......Judah/round about according to their families And/unto 76/320
Jos_18:20....thereof/round about according to their families Now/the 77/320
1Ki_7:36...additions/round about After/this 116/320
Jer_51:2.........her/round about Against him/that 195/320
1Ki_6:5.....chambers/round about against the/walls 101/320
Eze_16:37.......them/round about against thee/and 221/320
2Ki_25:17...chapiter/round about all of brass and/like 127/320
Jer_52:22..chapiters/round about all of brass The/second 199/320
Jer_50:14....Babylon/round about all ye/that 191/320
Exo_37:11.......gold/round about Also/he.... 24/320
Jer_1:15.....thereof/round about and against/all 183/320
2Ch_15:15.......rest/round about And also/concerning 141/320
Jdg_19:22......house/round about and beat/at 86/320
Mar_6:55......region/round about and began/to 293/320
Isa_49:18.......eyes/round about and behold all/these 181/320
Eze_37:2........them/round about and behold there/were 237/320
Mat_14:35....country/round about and brought/unto 285/320
Jdg_20:43.Benjamites/round about and chased/them 89/320
Mat_21:33.........it/round about and digged/a 286/320
Eze_45:2......square/round about and fifty/cubits 268/320
Eze_41:16.......wood/round about and from/the 257/320
Exo_40:8.......court/round about and hang/up 36/320
Luk_4:37.....country/round about And he arose/out 300/320
Exo_37:12....thereof/round about And he cast for it four rings of gold and/put 26/320
Exo_37:2..........it/round about And he cast for it four rings of gold to/be 23/320
Lev_8:19.......altar/round about And he cut/the 45/320
Exo_37:26.......gold/round about And he made/two 28/320
Lev_3:2........altar/round about And he shall offer of/the 40/320
Lev_3:13.......altar/round about And he shall offer thereof/his 42/320
Lev_16:18......altar/round about And he shall sprinkle/of 50/320
1Ki_4:31.....nations/round about And he spake/three 100/320
Luk_4:14......region/round about And he taught/in 299/320
Lev_8:24.......altar/round about And he took/the 46/320
Eze_23:24.....helmet/round about and I/will 224/320
Eze_40:5.......house/round about and in/the 238/320
Mar_6:36.....country/round about and into/the 292/320
Exo_28:34.......robe/round about And it/shall 18/320
2Ch_20:30.......rest/round about And Jehoshaphat/reigned 143/320
1Ch_11:8.......Millo/round about and Joab/repaired 133/320
Act_25:7.......stood/round about and laid/many 312/320
Eze_40:16.......gate/round about and likewise/to 240/320
Luk_9:12.....country/round about and lodge/and 304/320
Exo_37:12handbreadth/round about and made a/crown 25/320
Gen_37:7.......stood/round about and made obeisance/to 4/320
Num_34:12....thereof/round about And Moses/commanded 66/320
Exo_38:31......court/round about And of/the. 32/320
Mar_10:23.....looked/round about and saith/unto 295/320
Isa_60:4........eyes/round about and see/all 182/320
Jer_52:23....hundred/round about And the captain/of 200/320
Num_32:33....country/round about And the children/of 65/320
2Ki_25:1..........it/round about And the city/was 124/320
Num_3:26.......altar/round about and the cords/of 56/320
Luk_7:17......region/round about And the disciples/of 302/320
Lev_9:18.......altar/round about And the fat/of 48/320
Eze_27:11......walls/round about and the Gammadims/were 225/320
Exo_37:26....thereof/round about and the horns of/it 27/320
Exo_30:3.....thereof/round about and the horns thereof/and 21/320
2Ki_25:4........city/round about and the king/went 125/320
Eze_41:12......thick/round about and the length/thereof 255/320
Exo_38:31......court/round about and the sockets/of 31/320
Num_4:26.......altar/round about and their cords/and 58/320
Num_3:37.......court/round about and their sockets and their pins and their cords But/those 57/320
Num_4:32.......court/round about and their sockets and their pins and their cords with/all 59/320
Eze_8:10........wall/round about And there stood/before 218/320
Act_14:6.......lieth/round about And there they/preached 309/320
Lev_14:41.....within/round about and they shall/pour 49/320
Jer_52:7........city/round about and they went/by 197/320
Exo_25:11.......gold/round about And thou shalt cast/four 10/320
Exo_25:25....breadth/round about and thou shalt make a/golden 12/320
Exo_25:25....thereof/round about And thou shalt make for/it 13/320
Exo_25:24.......gold/round about And thou shalt make unto/it 11/320
Exo_29:20......altar/round about And thou shalt take/of 20/320
Exo_30:3........gold/round about And two/golden 22/320
2Ch_4:2...........it/round about And under it/was 137/320
1Ki_7:23..........it/round about And under the/brim 110/320
Eze_40:43...fastened/round about and upon/the 248/320
2Ch_34:6....mattocks/round about And when/he 146/320
Zec_2:5.........fire/round about and will be/the 279/320
Isa_29:3........thee/round about and will lay/siege 179/320
Jer_25:9.....nations/round about and will utterly/destroy 188/320
Num_35:4......cubits/round about And ye/shall 68/320
Jer_12:9.......birds/round about are/against 186/320
Psa_3:6...........me/round about Arise/O... 155/320
Eze_1:27..brightness/round about As/the.... 206/320
Jer_4:17.........her/round about because/she 184/320
Luk_8:37...Gadarenes/round about besought/him 303/320
Exo_39:25.......robe/round about between/the 34/320
1Ki_6:5........house/round about both/of... 102/320
Job_37:12.....turned/round about by/his.... 153/320
Eze_48:35........was/round about eighteen/thousand 273/320
2Ki_6:17........fire/round about Elisha/And 119/320
1Ch_11:8........city/round about even from/Millo 132/320
Eze_10:12.......eyes/round about even the/wheels 219/320
1Sa_14:21....country/round about even they/also 90/320
Gen_41:48........was/round about every city/laid 5/320
2Ki_11:8........king/round about every man with his weapons in his hand and he/that 120/320
2Ch_23:7........king/round about every man with his weapons in his hand and whosoever/else 144/320
Eze_42:20.......wall/round about five/hundred 263/320
1Ch_22:9.....enemies/round about for his/name 134/320
Eze_45:2......cubits/round about for the/suburbs 269/320
2Sa_7:1.........rest/round about from all/his 96/320
2Sa_5:9........built/round about from Millo/and 95/320
Eze_41:19......house/round about From the/ground 259/320
Mar_1:28......region/round about Galilee/And 287/320
2Ch_14:14.....cities/round about Gerar/for. 140/320
Jdg_20:29.......wait/round about Gibeah/And. 88/320
Job_16:13.........me/round about he cleaveth/my 150/320
Lam_2:3....devoureth/round about He hath/bent 202/320
Eze_42:15.........it/round about He measured the east/side 260/320
Eze_42:16.......reed/round about He measured the north/side 261/320
Eze_42:17.......reed/round about He measured the south/side 262/320
Eze_5:5..........are/round about her And/she 209/320
Eze_5:6..........are/round about her for/they 210/320
Eze_32:24..multitude/round about her grave all of them slain fallen by the sword which are/gone 231/320
Eze_32:23.........is/round about her grave all of them slain fallen by the sword which caused/terror 230/320
Psa_48:12.........go/round about her tell/the 161/320
Eze_16:57........are/round about her the/daughters 222/320
Zec_7:7......thereof/round about her when/men 280/320
Act_9:3.......shined/round about him a/light 308/320
Eze_32:25........are/round about him all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though their/terror 232/320
Eze_32:26........are/round about him all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though they/caused 233/320
1Ki_4:24.......sides/round about him And Judah/and 99/320
Joh_10:24.......Jews/round about him and said/unto 306/320
Psa_76:11.........be/round about him bring/presents 165/320
2Sa_22:12..pavilions/round about him dark/waters 97/320
Act_14:20......stood/round about him he rose/up 310/320
Psa_50:3.tempestuous/round about him He shall/call 162/320
Lam_1:17..........be/round about him Jerusalem/is 201/320
Psa_97:2.........are/round about him righteousness/and 171/320
Deu_21:2.........are/round about him that/is 72/320
1Sa_26:5.....pitched/round about him Then answered/David 92/320
1Sa_26:7.........lay/round about him Then said/Abishai 93/320
Jer_50:32........all/round about him Thus/saith 194/320
Psa_18:11...pavilion/round about him were/dark 156/320
Psa_97:3.....enemies/round about His lightnings/enlightened 172/320
Psa_125:2.........is/round about his people/from 174/320
Eze_31:4.....running/round about his plants/and 229/320
Job_41:14...terrible/round about His scales/are 154/320
Deu_25:19....enemies/round about in the/land 73/320
Eze_46:23...building/round about in them/round 270/320
Eze_40:16.......were/round about inward/and 241/320
Jos_21:11....thereof/round about it But the fields of the city and the villages thereof gave/they 79/320
1Ch_6:55.....thereof/round about it But the fields of the city and the villages thereof they/gave 129/320
Jer_21:14.....things/round about it Thus/saith 187/320
Eze_40:29....thereof/round about it was fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches round/about 244/320
Eze_40:33....thereof/round about it was fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches thereof/were 246/320
Nah_3:8.......waters/round about it whose/rampart 278/320
Neh_12:28....country/round about Jerusalem and from/the 147/320
Neh_12:29...villages/round about Jerusalem And the/priests 148/320
Psa_79:3.......water/round about Jerusalem and there/was 167/320
Psa_125:2........are/round about Jerusalem so/the 173/320
2Ki_23:5......places/round about Jerusalem them/also 123/320
Mat_3:5.......region/round about Jordan/And 284/320
2Ch_17:10.......were/round about Judah/so.. 142/320
Jer_50:29.........it/round about let/none.. 193/320
Eze_40:25....thereof/round about like/those 243/320
Act_22:6.......light/round about me And I/fell 311/320
Act_26:13....shining/round about me and them/which 313/320
Psa_88:17.......came/round about me daily/like 169/320
Psa_27:6.....enemies/round about me therefore/will 158/320
Eze_4:2...........it/round about Moreover/take 208/320
Eze_34:26.....places/round about my hill/a. 234/320
Job_19:12.....encamp/round about my tabernacle/He 151/320
Eze_41:11.....cubits/round about Now the building/that 254/320
2Ki_25:10..Jerusalem/round about Now the rest/of 126/320
1Ch_28:12...chambers/round about of the/treasuries 135/320
Eze_45:1.....thereof/round about Of this/there 267/320
Zec_12:6......people/round about on the/right 282/320
Eze_41:16..galleries/round about on their/three 256/320
Mar_3:34......looked/round about on them which/sat 289/320
Mar_3:5.......looked/round about on them with/anger 288/320
1Ki_3:1....Jerusalem/round about Only/the... 98/320
Joe_3:12.....heathen/round about Put/ye.... 275/320
Jer_46:5.........was/round about saith/the. 189/320
Exo_19:12.....people/round about saying/Take. 9/320
Eze_43:13....thereof/round about shall be a/span 265/320
Zec_14:14....heathen/round about shall be gathered/together 283/320
Eze_43:12....thereof/round about shall be most/holy 264/320
Jer_50:15........her/round about she/hath.. 192/320
Lam_2:22.....terrors/round about so that in/the 203/320
Jdg_2:14.....enemies/round about so that they/could 84/320
Deu_12:10....enemies/round about so that ye/dwell 70/320
Jer_52:4..........it/round about So the/city 196/320
2Ch_4:3...........it/round about ten/in.... 138/320
Jos_23:1.....enemies/round about that Joshua/waxed 82/320
1Ki_6:6........rests/round about that the/beams 104/320
Eze_41:6....chambers/round about that they/might 250/320
1Ki_18:35........ran/round about the altar/and 118/320
Isa_15:8........gone/round about the borders/of 178/320
Jdg_7:21.......place/round about the camp and all/the 85/320
Num_11:31.......side/round about the camp and as/it 61/320
Num_11:32.themselves/round about the camp And while/the 62/320
Psa_59:6..........go/round about the city Behold/they 163/320
Psa_59:14.........go/round about the city Let/them 164/320
Jos_6:3...........go/round about the city once/Thus 74/320
Exo_27:17....pillars/round about the court/shall 14/320
Eze_41:8.......house/round about the foundations/of 252/320
Eze_40:14......court/round about the gate/And 239/320
Exo_39:26pomegranate/round about the hem of/the 35/320
Exo_28:33....scarlet/round about the hem thereof/and 16/320
Exo_28:32.......work/round about the hole of/it 15/320
Exo_39:23.......band/round about the hole that/it 33/320
Exo_16:13........lay/round about the host/And 7/320
1Ch_9:27......lodged/round about the house of/God 130/320
Eze_41:10.....cubits/round about the house on every side And the doors/of 253/320
Eze_41:5......cubits/round about the house on every side And the side/chambers 249/320
Eze_41:7......upward/round about the house therefore/the 251/320
2Ki_11:11.......hand/round about the king/from 121/320
1Ki_7:24.........sea/round about the knops/were 112/320
Amo_3:11........even/round about the land/and 276/320
Eze_40:36.........it/round about the length/was 247/320
1Ki_6:5.....chambers/round about The nethermost/chamber 103/320
Exo_7:24......digged/round about the river/for 6/320
1Ch_4:33........were/round about the same/cities 128/320
Exo_40:33......court/round about the tabernacle and the altar/and 37/320
Num_11:24.......them/round about the tabernacle And the LORD/came 60/320
Num_1:50......encamp/round about the tabernacle And when/the 54/320
Num_1:53.......pitch/round about the tabernacle of/testimony 55/320
Rev_7:11.......stood/round about the throne and about/the 320/320
Rev_5:11......angels/round about the throne and the/beasts 319/320
Rev_4:3......rainbow/round about the throne in/sight 316/320
Rev_4:4..........And/round about the throne were four and/twenty 317/320
Rev_4:6..........and/round about the throne were four beasts/full 318/320
Mar_6:6.........went/round about the villages/teaching 291/320
Jon_2:5...........me/round about the weeds/were 277/320
Eze_5:12.......sword/round about thee and I/will 213/320
Job_22:10........are/round about thee and sudden/fear 152/320
Eze_5:14.........are/round about thee in/the 214/320
Psa_89:8faithfulness/round about thee Thou/rulest 170/320
Eze_5:15.........are/round about thee when/I 215/320
Jer_46:14.....devour/round about thee Why/are 190/320
Eze_6:13.......idols/round about their altars/upon 217/320
Psa_78:28.......camp/round about their habitations/So 166/320
Luk_1:65.......dwelt/round about them and all/these 297/320
Jdg_2:12........were/round about them and bowed/themselves 83/320
Num_35:2......cities/round about them And the/cities 67/320
Gen_35:5........were/round about them and they did/not 3/320
Eze_28:26.......them/round about them and they shall/know 228/320
Luk_2:9........shone/round about them and they were/sore 298/320
2Ki_17:15.......were/round about them concerning/whom 122/320
Num_16:34.......were/round about them fled/at 63/320
Eze_46:23.......them/round about them four and it/was 271/320
Eze_1:18........eyes/round about them four And when/the 204/320
Lev_25:31.......wall/round about them shall/be 52/320
Eze_28:24........are/round about them that despised/them 227/320
Psa_34:7...encampeth/round about them that fear/him 159/320
Jos_21:42....suburbs/round about them thus/were 80/320
Jer_52:14..Jerusalem/round about Then Nebuzaradan/the 198/320
Eze_46:23.......rows/round about Then said/he 272/320
2Ch_23:10.......king/round about Then they/brought 145/320
1Ki_7:24..........it/round about there/were 111/320
Eze_36:4.........are/round about Therefore/thus 235/320
Jos_19:8........were/round about these/cities 78/320
Eze_27:11......walls/round about they have/made 226/320
Mar_9:8.......looked/round about they saw/no 294/320
Jer_6:3..........her/round about they shall/feed 185/320
Eze_40:17......court/round about thirty/chambers 242/320
Eze_1:28..brightness/round about This/was.. 207/320
Joe_3:11....together/round about thither/cause 274/320
Eze_16:57.......thee/round about Thou/hast. 223/320
Eze_43:20.....border/round about thus/shalt 266/320
Psa_128:3.....plants/round about thy/table. 175/320
1Ch_10:9.Philistines/round about to carry/tidings 131/320
1Sa_31:9.Philistines/round about to publish/it 94/320
Mar_5:32......looked/round about to see/her 290/320
1Sa_23:26........men/round about to take/them 91/320
2Ch_4:3..........sea/round about Two/rows.. 139/320
Rom_15:19........and/round about unto Illyricum/I 314/320
Act_5:16......cities/round about unto Jerusalem/bringing 307/320
Mar_11:11.....looked/round about upon all/things 296/320
Jdg_20:5.......house/round about upon me/by. 87/320
Lev_1:11.......blood/round about upon the altar And he shall cut/it 39/320
Lev_7:2.....sprinkle/round about upon the altar And he shall offer of it/all 43/320
Lev_3:8......thereof/round about upon the altar And he shall offer of the/sacrifice 41/320
Lev_9:12...sprinkled/round about upon the altar And they/presented 47/320
Exo_29:16.........it/round about upon the altar And thou/shalt 19/320
Lev_1:5........blood/round about upon the altar that/is 38/320
1Ki_7:18........rows/round about upon the one/network 107/320
1Ki_7:20........rows/round about upon the other/chapiter 108/320
Luk_6:10.....looking/round about upon them/all 301/320
Num_22:4.........are/round about us as/the.. 64/320
Psa_79:4.........are/round about us How/long 168/320
Psa_44:13........are/round about us Thou/makest 160/320
1Ki_7:12.......court/round about was/with.. 106/320
Eze_40:30.....arches/round about were five/and 245/320
Gen_23:17....borders/round about were made/sure 2/320
Exo_38:20......court/round about were of brass/This 30/320
Exo_38:16......court/round about were of fine/twined 29/320
Zec_12:2......people/round about when/they. 281/320
1Ki_6:29.......house/round about with carved/figures 105/320
Heb_9:4.....overlaid/round about with gold/wherein 315/320
Lev_8:15.......altar/round about with his/finger 44/320
Eze_41:17.......wall/round about within and/without 258/320
Eze_1:27........fire/round about within it/from 205/320
Isa_42:25.......fire/round about yet he/knew 180/320
Job_10:8....together/round about yet thou/dost 149/320
Eze_5:7..........are/round about you and have/not 211/320
Eze_11:12........are/round about you And it/came 220/320
Deu_6:14.........are/round about you For/the 69/320
Deu_13:7.........are/round about you nigh/unto 71/320
Lev_25:44........are/round about you of/them 53/320
Eze_36:36.......left/round about you shall/know 236/320
Eze_5:7..........are/round about you Therefore/thus 212/320
Eze_6:5........bones/round about your/altars 216/320
1Ki_7:31.........was/round after/the....... 113/320
1Ki_7:23.........was/round all/about....... 109/320
Jos_7:9...........us/round and cut/off...... 75/320
Luk_19:43.......thee/round and keep/thee... 305/320
1Ki_7:31.........not/round And under/the... 114/320
1Ki_10:19........was/round behind/and...... 117/320
Gen_19:4.......house/round both/old.......... 1/320
1Ki_7:35...........a/round compass/of...... 115/320
Son_7:2............a/round goblet/which.... 176/320
2Ch_4:2.........brim/round in/compass...... 136/320
Lev_19:27........not/round the/corners...... 51/320
Psa_22:12.........me/round They/gaped...... 157/320
Exo_16:14......small/round thing/as.......... 8/320
Isa_3:18.......their/round tires/like...... 177/320