Isa_58:13....the/sabbath a delight/the.. 64/136
Lev_23:24......a/sabbath a memorial/of.. 21/136
Luk_6:1...second/sabbath after/the..... 100/136
Mat_12:5.....the/sabbath and are/blameless 80/136
Luk_13:10....the/sabbath And behold/there 106/136
Neh_13:15....the/sabbath and bringing/in 51/136
2Ki_11:9.....the/sabbath and came/to.... 41/136
Neh_9:14....holy/sabbath and commandedst/them 48/136
Mar_2:28.....the/sabbath And he/entered. 92/136
Neh_13:21....the/sabbath And I/commanded 59/136
Luk_6:5......the/sabbath And it came to pass also/on 102/136
Neh_13:18....the/sabbath And it came to pass that/when 55/136
Lev_23:39......a/sabbath and on/the..... 24/136
Act_18:4...every/sabbath and persuaded/the 135/136
2Ki_4:23.....nor/sabbath And she/said... 37/136
Neh_13:19....the/sabbath and some/of.... 57/136
Lev_23:32...your/sabbath And the/LORD... 23/136
1Ch_9:32...every/sabbath And these/are.. 43/136
Lev_23:39......a/sabbath And ye/shall... 25/136
Mat_28:1.....the/sabbath as/it.......... 86/136
Num_28:10..every/sabbath beside/the..... 33/136
Joh_5:18.....the/sabbath but/said...... 119/136
Luk_23:56....the/sabbath day according/to 115/136
Exo_20:11....the/sabbath day and hallowed/it 7/136
Mar_2:23.....the/sabbath day and his/disciples 88/136
Neh_13:15....the/sabbath day and I/testified 52/136
Exo_35:3.....the/sabbath day And Moses/spake 14/136
Jer_17:27....the/sabbath day and not/to. 71/136
Luk_13:14....the/sabbath day and said/unto 107/136
Act_13:14....the/sabbath day and sat/down 128/136
Luk_4:16.....the/sabbath day and stood/up 98/136
Luk_14:5.....the/sabbath day And they could/not 113/136
Luk_14:3.....the/sabbath day And they held/their 112/136
Num_15:32....the/sabbath day And they that/found 31/136
Luk_13:16....the/sabbath day And when he had/said 110/136
Mat_12:8.....the/sabbath day And when he was/departed 81/136
Jer_17:22....the/sabbath day as/I....... 68/136
Jer_17:24....the/sabbath day but hallow/the 69/136
Mat_12:2.....the/sabbath day But he/said 78/136
Joh_5:16.....the/sabbath day But Jesus/answered 118/136 day came/almost 131/136
Joh_7:22.....the/sabbath day circumcise/a 120/136
Neh_13:17....the/sabbath day Did/not.... 54/136
Joh_19:31....the/sabbath day for that/sabbath 125/136
Mat_24:20....the/sabbath day For then/shall 85/136
Mar_1:21.....the/sabbath day he entered/into 87/136
Exo_31:15....the/sabbath day he shall/surely 10/136
Deu_5:15.....the/sabbath day Honour/thy. 36/136
Joh_5:10.....the/sabbath day it/is..... 117/136
Joh_7:23.....the/sabbath day Judge/not. 122/136
Jer_17:22....the/sabbath day neither/do. 67/136
Jer_17:21....the/sabbath day nor/bring.. 66/136
Joh_9:16.....the/sabbath day Others/said 124/136
Joh_7:23.....the/sabbath day receive/circumcision 121/136
Neh_13:22....the/sabbath day Remember/me 60/136
Eze_46:4.....the/sabbath day shall/be... 74/136
Neh_13:19....the/sabbath day So/the..... 58/136
Mar_3:2......the/sabbath day that they might accuse/him 93/136
Luk_6:7......the/sabbath day that they might find/an 104/136
Luk_14:1.....the/sabbath day that they watched/him 111/136
Mar_2:24.....the/sabbath day that which/is 89/136
Luk_13:14....the/sabbath day The/Lord.. 108/136
Eze_46:12....the/sabbath day then he/shall 75/136
Act_15:21..every/sabbath day Then pleased/it 132/136
Jer_17:27....the/sabbath day then will/I 72/136
Act_13:27..every/sabbath day they/have. 129/136
Mat_12:1.....the/sabbath day through/the 77/136
Jer_17:24....the/sabbath day to do/no... 70/136
Exo_20:8.....the/sabbath day to keep/it.. 5/136
Deu_5:12.....the/sabbath day to sanctify/it 34/136
Neh_10:31....the/sabbath day to sell/that 49/136
Num_28:9.....the/sabbath day two/lambs.. 32/136
Joh_19:31...that/sabbath day was an/high 126/136
Mar_6:2......the/sabbath day was come/he 95/136
Joh_9:14.....the/sabbath day when/Jesus 123/136
Mat_12:11....the/sabbath day will/he.... 83/136
Luk_6:2......the/sabbath days And Jesus/answering 101/136
Luk_4:31.....the/sabbath days And they/were 99/136
Act_1:12.......a/sabbath day's journey/And 127/136
Mar_3:4......the/sabbath days or/to..... 94/136
Act_17:2...three/sabbath days reasoned/with 134/136
Mat_12:10....the/sabbath days that/they. 82/136
Mat_12:5.....the/sabbath days the/priests 79/136
Mat_12:12....the/sabbath days Then/saith 84/136
Luk_6:9......the/sabbath days to/do.... 105/136
Col_2:16.....the/sabbath days Which/are 136/136
Luk_23:54....the/sabbath drew/on....... 114/136
2Ki_11:7.....the/sabbath even/they...... 39/136
2Ch_23:8.....the/sabbath for Jehoiada/the 46/136
Lev_25:4.......a/sabbath for the/LORD... 29/136
Isa_58:13....the/sabbath from doing/thy. 63/136
Isa_56:2.....the/sabbath from polluting it and keepeth/his 61/136
Isa_56:6.....the/sabbath from polluting it and taketh/hold 62/136
Lev_23:15....the/sabbath from the/day... 19/136
Lev_24:8...Every/sabbath he/shall....... 26/136
Neh_13:19....the/sabbath I/commanded.... 56/136
Exo_16:26....the/sabbath in/it........... 3/136
Eze_46:1.....the/sabbath it/shall....... 73/136
Mar_15:42....the/sabbath Joseph/of...... 96/136
Luk_13:15....the/sabbath loose/his..... 109/136 Now/when...... 130/136
Lev_23:3.....the/sabbath of rest an/holy 16/136
Lev_23:32......a/sabbath of rest and/ye. 22/136
Exo_31:15....the/sabbath of rest holy/to. 9/136
Exo_35:2.......a/sabbath of rest to/the. 13/136
Lev_25:4.......a/sabbath of rest unto the/land 28/136
Lev_16:31......a/sabbath of rest unto you/and 15/136
Lev_25:6.....the/sabbath of the land/shall 30/136
Lev_23:3.....the/sabbath of the LORD in/all 17/136
Deu_5:14.....the/sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 35/136
Exo_20:10....the/sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 6/136
2Ch_23:4.....the/sabbath of the priests/and 44/136
Neh_10:31....the/sabbath or/on.......... 50/136
2Ki_11:5.....the/sabbath shall even/be.. 38/136
Lev_23:16seventh/sabbath shall ye/number 20/136
Luk_6:6..another/sabbath that he/entered 103/136
2Ki_16:18....the/sabbath that they/had.. 42/136
Amo_8:5......the/sabbath that we/may.... 76/136
Joh_5:9......the/sabbath The Jews/therefore 116/136
Lev_23:11....the/sabbath the priest/shall 18/136
Exo_31:14....the/sabbath therefore for/it 8/136
Exo_16:29....the/sabbath therefore he/giveth 4/136
Mar_2:27.....the/sabbath Therefore the/Son 91/136
Exo_31:16....the/sabbath throughout/their 12/136 to another/shall 65/136
2Ch_36:21...kept/sabbath to fulfil/threescore 47/136
Exo_31:16....the/sabbath to observe/the. 11/136
Neh_13:16....the/sabbath unto the children/of 53/136
Exo_16:23...holy/sabbath unto the LORD bake/that 1/136
Lev_25:2.......a/sabbath unto the LORD Six/years 27/136
Exo_16:25......a/sabbath unto the LORD to/day 2/136
Mar_2:27.....The/sabbath was made/for... 90/136
Mar_16:1.....the/sabbath was past/Mary.. 97/136
Act_16:13....the/sabbath we/went....... 133/136
2Ki_11:9.....the/sabbath with them that should/go 40/136
2Ch_23:8.....the/sabbath with them that were/to 45/136
Hos_2:11.....her/sabbaths and all/her.... 35/35 and choose/the. 20/35
2Ch_31:3.....the/sabbaths and for/the.... 16/35 and I/am....... 30/35
Eze_46:3.....the/sabbaths and in/the..... 34/35
2Ch_2:4......the/sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feasts of/the 14/35
2Ch_8:13.....the/sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feasts three/times 15/35 and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD If/ye 8/35 and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD Regard/not 3/35 and their/eyes. 28/35 and they shall be/a 26/35 And they shall come/at 32/35
Lev_26:34....her/sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate and/ye 9/35
Lev_26:34....her/sabbaths As long as it lieth desolate it/shall 10/35
2Ch_36:21....her/sabbaths for as/long.... 17/35 for their/heart 25/35 For when/they.. 31/35 I/am............ 2/35
Eze_45:17....the/sabbaths in all/solemnities 33/35
1Ch_23:31....the/sabbaths in the/new..... 13/35 In thee/are.... 29/35
Lam_1:7......her/sabbaths Jerusalem/hath. 21/35
Lev_23:38....the/sabbaths of the LORD/and. 5/35
Neh_10:33....the/sabbaths of the new/moons 18/35 of years shall/be 7/35 of years unto/thee 6/35 shall/be........ 4/35
Isa_1:13.....and/sabbaths the/calling.... 19/35 then/I......... 27/35 they/greatly... 24/35 to be a/sign... 23/35
Lam_2:6......and/sabbaths to be forgotten/in 22/35
Lev_26:35...your/sabbaths when/ye........ 11/35
Lev_26:43....her/sabbaths while/she...... 12/35 ye/shall........ 1/35