Joh_16:18...........he/saith A little/while 1126/1262
Heb_8:13............he/saith A new/covenant 1229/1262
Jam_2:23.........which/saith Abraham/believed 1233/1262
Isa_44:16..........and/saith Aha/I.......... 192/1262
Rom_10:21...........he/saith All day/long.. 1195/1262
1Co_15:27...........he/saith all things/are 1210/1262
Heb_5:6.............he/saith also in another place/Thou 1223/1262
Act_13:35...........he/saith also in another psalm/Thou 1180/1262
Rom_9:25............he/saith also in Osee/I 1189/1262
Pro_26:19..........and/saith Am/not......... 131/1262
Job_39:25...........He/saith among/the...... 120/1262
Mar_15:28........which/saith And he/was.... 1049/1262
Lam_3:37..........that/saith and it/cometh.. 586/1262
Heb_1:6.............he/saith And let/all... 1219/1262
Luk_18:6.........judge/saith And shall/not. 1056/1262
Eze_13:6..........LORD/saith and the/LORD... 611/1262
2Sa_17:5............he/saith And when/Hushai. 41/1262
Isa_10:8............he/saith Are/not........ 146/1262
Mic_6:1...........LORD/saith Arise/contend.. 857/1262
Eph_5:14............he/saith Awake/thou.... 1217/1262
Num_22:16.........Thus/saith Balak/the....... 19/1262
1Sa_2:30..........LORD/saith Be/it........... 30/1262
Isa_3:16..........LORD/saith Because the/daughters 144/1262
Jer_9:13..........LORD/saith Because they/have 303/1262
Jer_23:31...........He/saith Behold I am/against 387/1262
Jer_46:25.......Israel/saith Behold I will/punish 529/1262
Heb_8:8.............he/saith Behold the days/come 1225/1262
Joh_1:36............he/saith Behold the Lamb of God And/the 1063/1262
Joh_1:29...........and/saith Behold the Lamb of God which/taketh 1062/1262
1Ki_20:2..........Thus/saith Benhadad/Thy.... 52/1262
Mat_13:14........which/saith By hearing/ye.. 971/1262
Isa_10:13...........he/saith By the/strength 147/1262
1Sa_9:6.............he/saith cometh/surely... 31/1262
2Ch_36:23.........Thus/saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 112/1262
Ezr_1:2...........Thus/saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 113/1262
Job_33:24..........and/saith Deliver him/from 117/1262
Isa_44:17..........and/saith Deliver me/for. 193/1262 Destroy/it..... 236/1262 Did/not....... 1131/1262
Act_2:17..........days/saith God I/will.... 1175/1262
Jam_4:6.............he/saith God resisteth/the 1235/1262
Isa_42:5..........Thus/saith God the/LORD... 183/1262
2Ch_24:20.........Thus/saith God Why/transgress 106/1262
1Jn_2:6...........that/saith he abideth/in. 1237/1262
Ecc_4:8........neither/saith he For/whom.... 136/1262
1Jn_2:9...........that/saith he is/in...... 1238/1262
1Co_9:10............Or/saith he it/altogether 1207/1262
1Co_6:16...........two/saith he shall/be... 1205/1262
Rev_3:1.........things/saith he that hath/the 1248/1262
Rev_2:1.........things/saith he that holdeth/the 1240/1262
Rev_3:7.........things/saith he that is/holy 1250/1262
Heb_8:5............See/saith he that thou/make 1224/1262
Joh_11:7..........that/saith he to his disciples/Let 1106/1262
Mat_22:8..........Then/saith he to his servants/The 990/1262
Joh_19:27.........Then/saith he to the disciple/Behold 1143/1262
Mat_12:13.........Then/saith he to the man/Stretch 969/1262
Mat_9:6...........then/saith he to the sick/of 965/1262
Pro_23:7.........drink/saith he to thee/but. 128/1262
Joh_20:27.........Then/saith he to Thomas/Reach 1156/1262
Mat_9:37..........Then/saith he unto his/disciples 968/1262
Rev_22:9..........Then/saith he unto me/See 1260/1262
Mat_26:38.........Then/saith he unto them My/soul 998/1262
Mat_22:21.........Then/saith he unto them Render/therefore 993/1262
Rev_2:12........things/saith he which/hath. 1244/1262
Act_1:4..........which/saith he ye/have.... 1174/1262
2Ki_19:3..........Thus/saith Hezekiah This day is a day of trouble and of rebuke and blasphemy/for 82/1262
Isa_37:3..........Thus/saith Hezekiah This day is a day of trouble and of rebuke and of/blasphemy 170/1262
Act_2:34............he/saith himself/The... 1176/1262
Joh_18:17...........He/saith I am not And/the 1130/1262
Joh_1:21............he/saith I am not Art/thou 1061/1262
Isa_29:12...........he/saith I am not learned/Wherefore 160/1262 I am of Paul and another/I 1204/1262 I am of Paul and I/of 1203/1262
Act_22:2............he/saith I am verily/a. 1183/1262
Joh_6:42............he/saith I came/down... 1101/1262
Isa_29:11...........he/saith I cannot/for... 159/1262
Pro_30:20..........and/saith I have done/no. 134/1262
2Co_6:2.............he/saith I have heard/thee 1211/1262
1Jn_2:4...........that/saith I know/him.... 1236/1262
1Ki_20:32.....Benhadad/saith I pray/thee..... 56/1262
1Sa_2:30........Israel/saith I said/indeed... 29/1262
Joh_19:28....fulfilled/saith I thirst/Now.. 1144/1262
Rom_10:20..........and/saith I was/found... 1194/1262
Jer_22:14.........That/saith I will build/me 365/1262
Jer_46:8............he/saith I will go/up... 526/1262
Rom_10:19........Moses/saith I will provoke/you 1193/1262
Mat_12:44...........he/saith I will return into/my 970/1262
Luk_11:24...........he/saith I will return unto/my 1054/1262
Rev_18:7...........she/saith in her/heart.. 1257/1262
Oba_1:3...........that/saith in his/heart... 850/1262
Luk_20:42......himself/saith in the/book... 1058/1262
Jam_4:5......scripture/saith in vain/The... 1234/1262
Eze_13:7..........LORD/saith it albeit/I.... 612/1262
Pro_28:24..........and/saith It is no/transgression 132/1262
Job_28:14........depth/saith It is not in/me 115/1262
Job_28:14..........sea/saith It is not with/me 116/1262 it saith/to... 1184/1262
Neh_6:6.........Gashmu/saith it that/thou... 114/1262
Rom_10:8..........what/saith it The/word... 1190/1262
Jdg_11:15.........Thus/saith Jephthah/Israel. 27/1262
Amo_7:11..........Amos/saith Jeroboam/shall. 839/1262
Mat_4:10..........Then/saith Jesus unto him/Get 958/1262
Mat_26:31.........Then/saith Jesus unto them/All 996/1262
1Sa_20:3............he/saith Let not/Jonathan 34/1262
Rom_11:9.........David/saith Let their/table 1198/1262
Rom_10:16.......Esaias/saith Lord/who...... 1192/1262
Mar_14:45..........and/saith Master master/and 1047/1262
Luk_7:40............he/saith Master say/on. 1053/1262
Isa_57:21........peace/saith my God/to...... 230/1262
Gen_44:7.....Wherefore/saith my lord these/words 4/1262
Jos_5:14..........What/saith my Lord unto/his 22/1262
Lam_3:24.......portion/saith my soul/therefore 585/1262
Mat_26:18.......Master/saith My time/is..... 995/1262
1Ki_3:23.........other/saith Nay/but......... 45/1262
Gal_3:16............He/saith not And/to.... 1214/1262
Pro_30:16.........that/saith not It/is...... 133/1262
1Co_9:8.............or/saith not the/law... 1206/1262
Joh_16:18...........he/saith Now/Jesus..... 1127/1262
Mar_9:19...........and/saith O/faithless... 1023/1262
Isa_44:28.........That/saith of Cyrus/He.... 197/1262
Rom_11:2.....scripture/saith of Elias/how.. 1196/1262
Joh_1:47...........and/saith of him/Behold. 1070/1262
Joh_12:4..........Then/saith one/of........ 1114/1262
2Sa_14:10......Whoever/saith ought/unto...... 40/1262
Exo_5:10..........Thus/saith Pharaoh/I........ 8/1262
Joh_19:10.........Then/saith Pilate/unto... 1138/1262
Rom_15:10...........he/saith Rejoice/ye.... 1201/1262
Isa_42:22.........none/saith Restore/Who.... 184/1262
Heb_10:5............he/saith Sacrifice/and. 1230/1262
2Ch_32:10.........Thus/saith Sennacherib/king 107/1262
Mar_11:23...........he/saith shall/come.... 1033/1262
Num_32:27.........lord/saith So/concerning... 21/1262
Rev_22:20.......things/saith Surely/I...... 1262/1262
Mal_2:16........Israel/saith that he/hateth. 944/1262
Num_24:13.........LORD/saith that will I speak And now/behold 20/1262
2Ch_18:13..........God/saith that will I speak And when/he 102/1262
Rev_3:14........things/saith the Amen/the.. 1252/1262
Rom_11:4..........what/saith the answer/of. 1197/1262
Pro_20:14.......naught/saith the buyer/but.. 126/1262
Joh_18:17.........Then/saith the damsel/that 1129/1262
Rev_2:8.........things/saith the first/and. 1242/1262
Isa_36:4..........Thus/saith the great king the king of Assyria What confidence is this wherein thou trustest I/say 167/1262
2Ki_18:19.........Thus/saith the great king the king of Assyria What confidence is this wherein thou trustest Thou/sayest 79/1262
Isa_57:15.........thus/saith the high/and... 228/1262
Act_21:11.........Thus/saith the Holy Ghost/So 1182/1262
Isa_40:25........equal/saith the Holy One Lift/up 179/1262
Isa_30:12.........thus/saith the Holy One of/Israel 163/1262
Eze_18:29..........Yet/saith the house/of... 650/1262
1Ki_2:30..........Thus/saith the king Come/forth 43/1262
2Ki_9:19..........Thus/saith the king Is it peace And Jehu answered/What 76/1262
2Ki_9:18..........Thus/saith the king Is it peace And Jehu said/What 75/1262
Isa_36:14.........Thus/saith the king Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you Neither/let 168/1262
2Ki_18:29.........Thus/saith the king Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you out/of 80/1262
Isa_36:16.........thus/saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 169/1262
2Ki_18:31.........thus/saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 81/1262
Isa_41:21......reasons/saith the King of Jacob/Let 182/1262
1Ki_22:27.........Thus/saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 62/1262
2Ch_18:26.........Thus/saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 103/1262 the King whose name is the LORD of hosts Surely/as 527/1262
Jer_48:15....slaughter/saith the King whose name is the LORD of hosts The/calamity 535/1262
Jer_51:57.........wake/saith the King whose name is the LORD of hosts Thus/saith 583/1262
1Co_14:34.........also/saith the law/And... 1209/1262
Jer_51:53..........her/saith the LORD A sound/of 582/1262
Jer_31:15.........Thus/saith the LORD A voice was heard in/Ramah 451/1262
Jer_3:20........Israel/saith the LORD A voice was heard upon/the 267/1262
Exo_11:4..........Thus/saith the LORD About/midnight 15/1262
Jer_13:9..........Thus/saith the LORD After/this 319/1262
Jer_33:10.........Thus/saith the LORD Again/there 479/1262
Jer_12:14.........Thus/saith the LORD against/all 316/1262
2Co_6:18.....daughters/saith the Lord Almighty/Having 1213/1262
Jer_49:16.......thence/saith the LORD Also/Edom 552/1262
Heb_10:30...recompense/saith the Lord And again/The 1232/1262 the LORD And also/I 825/1262 the LORD And as/for 390/1262
Hag_2:4.....Zerubbabel/saith the LORD and be/strong 873/1262
Jer_34:22......command/saith the LORD and cause/them 494/1262
Jer_50:21.........them/saith the LORD and do according/to 567/1262
Jer_23:32.......dreams/saith the LORD and do tell/them 388/1262 the LORD and have/walked 337/1262
Jer_49:32......thereof/saith the LORD And Hazor/shall 558/1262
Jer_23:12...visitation/saith the LORD And I have/seen 377/1262 the LORD and I spake/unto 287/1262 the LORD and I will bring/you 427/1262
Jer_30:3.........Judah/saith the LORD and I will cause/them 438/1262
Jer_15:20.........thee/saith the LORD And I will deliver/thee 332/1262
Jer_23:2........doings/saith the LORD And I will gather/the 372/1262
Isa_57:19.........near/saith the LORD and I will heal/him 229/1262
Jer_21:14.......doings/saith the LORD and I will kindle/a 359/1262
Jer_3:12........Israel/saith the LORD and I will not cause/mine 262/1262
Jer_3:12......merciful/saith the LORD and I will not keep/anger 263/1262
2Ki_9:26..........sons/saith the LORD and I will requite/thee 77/1262
Jer_49:37........anger/saith the LORD and I will send/the 560/1262 the LORD and I will turn/away 426/1262 the LORD and like/a 384/1262
Zec_2:10..........thee/saith the LORD And many/nations 900/1262
Isa_52:5..........howl/saith the LORD and my name/continually 217/1262
Isa_43:10....witnesses/saith the LORD and my servant/whom 186/1262
Jer_25:9.........north/saith the LORD and Nebuchadrezzar/the 396/1262
Jer_23:23.........hand/saith the LORD and not/a 380/1262
Isa_39:6..........left/saith the LORD And of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 177/1262
2Ki_20:17.........left/saith the LORD And of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 89/1262
Jer_5:9.........things/saith the LORD and shall/not 272/1262 the LORD and so/is 882/1262
Jer_3:10.....feignedly/saith the LORD And the LORD said/unto 261/1262 the LORD And the LORD stirred/up 872/1262
Zec_8:17..........hate/saith the LORD And the word/of 917/1262
Jer_31:16.....rewarded/saith the LORD and they shall come again/from 453/1262
Jer_1:15.........north/saith the LORD and they shall come and/they 250/1262
Jer_16:16......fishers/saith the LORD and they shall fish/them 339/1262 the LORD And they shall go/forth 248/1262 the LORD and they shall till/it 410/1262 the LORD and thou/shalt 508/1262
Isa_41:14.........thee/saith the LORD and thy/redeemer 180/1262 the LORD and to/the 350/1262
2Co_6:17......separate/saith the Lord and touch/not 1212/1262
Jer_50:35....Chaldeans/saith the LORD and upon/the 571/1262
Jer_23:32..........all/saith the LORD And when/this 389/1262
Hag_2:23.....Shealtiel/saith the LORD and will/make 885/1262 the LORD and with/your 255/1262 the LORD and work/for 874/1262 the LORD And ye/shall 446/1262
Jer_49:28.........thus/saith the LORD Arise/ye 555/1262
Jer_51:48........north/saith the LORD As Babylon/hath 580/1262
Isa_59:20........Jacob/saith the LORD As for/me 231/1262
Isa_66:20....Jerusalem/saith the LORD as the children/of 245/1262
Isa_65:8..........Thus/saith the LORD As the new/wine 235/1262
Amo_3:12..........Thus/saith the LORD As the shepherd/taketh 820/1262 the LORD as ye/have 17/1262
Jer_18:13.........thus/saith the LORD Ask/ye 345/1262
Isa_37:6..........Thus/saith the LORD Be not afraid of the words that/thou 171/1262
2Ki_19:6..........Thus/saith the LORD Be not afraid of the words which/thou 83/1262
Jer_29:32.......people/saith the LORD because he/hath 436/1262
1Ki_20:28.........Thus/saith the LORD Because the/Syrians 55/1262
Jer_30:17.......wounds/saith the LORD because they/called 444/1262 the LORD because thou hast forgotten/me 324/1262
1Ki_20:42.........Thus/saith the LORD Because thou hast let/go 57/1262
Jer_23:38.........thus/saith the LORD Because ye say/this 391/1262
Jer_50:10....satisfied/saith the LORD Because ye were/glad 564/1262
1Ki_13:2..........thus/saith the LORD Behold a child/shall 48/1262
Jer_6:22..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold a people/cometh 284/1262
Mic_2:3...........thus/saith the LORD Behold against/this 853/1262
Jer_18:6........potter/saith the LORD Behold as/the 343/1262
Jer_48:40.........thus/saith the LORD Behold he/shall 540/1262
Eze_21:3..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I am against thee and/will 665/1262
Jer_51:24........sight/saith the LORD Behold I am against thee O destroying/mountain 574/1262 the LORD Behold I am against thee O thou/most 568/1262
Jer_18:11.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I frame/evil 344/1262
Jer_21:8..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I set/before 355/1262
Jer_30:18.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will bring again/the 445/1262
Jer_11:11.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon them/which 313/1262
2Ch_34:24.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 109/1262
2Ki_22:16.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 92/1262
Jer_28:16.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will cast/thee 420/1262
Isa_66:12.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will extend/peace 243/1262
Jer_13:13.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will fill/all 322/1262
2Ch_34:27.........also/saith the LORD Behold I will gather/thee 111/1262
Jer_44:30.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will give Pharaohhophra/king 521/1262
Jer_32:28.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans/and 472/1262
Jer_34:2..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn/it 488/1262
Jer_32:3..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall take/it 468/1262
Jer_6:21..........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will lay/stumblingblocks 283/1262
Jer_20:4..........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will make/thee 352/1262
Jer_51:36.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will plead/thy 578/1262
Jer_29:32.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will punish/Shemaiah 435/1262
Jer_51:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will raise up against/Babylon 573/1262
2Sa_12:11.........Thus/saith the LORD Behold I will raise up evil/against 39/1262
Jer_10:18.........thus/saith the LORD Behold I will sling/out 311/1262
Jer_33:13.........them/saith the LORD Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will perform/that 482/1262
Jer_9:24.......delight/saith the LORD Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will punish/all 308/1262
Jer_23:4.......lacking/saith the LORD Behold the days come saith the LORD that I will raise/unto 373/1262
Jer_31:37.........done/saith the LORD Behold the days come saith the LORD that the/city 466/1262
2Ki_22:19.........thee/saith the LORD Behold therefore/I 94/1262
Jer_49:12.........thus/saith the LORD Behold they/whose 550/1262
Jer_47:2..........Thus/saith the LORD Behold waters/rise 532/1262
Isa_41:21........cause/saith the LORD bring/forth 181/1262
Mal_1:13..........hand/saith the LORD But cursed/be 939/1262
Jer_46:26..........old/saith the LORD But fear/not 530/1262 the LORD But go/ye 286/1262
Jer_49:38......princes/saith the LORD But it shall come/to 561/1262
Jer_48:30........wrath/saith the LORD but it shall not/be 537/1262 the LORD but lo/I 923/1262 the LORD But thine/eyes 366/1262
Jer_31:32.........them/saith the LORD But this/shall 460/1262
Jer_45:5.........flesh/saith the LORD but thy/life 524/1262
Isa_66:2..........been/saith the LORD but to/this 240/1262
Amo_2:11........Israel/saith the LORD But ye/gave 816/1262
1Ch_21:11.........Thus/saith the LORD Choose/thee 98/1262
Amo_4:3.........palace/saith the LORD Come/to 823/1262
Jer_49:6.........Ammon/saith the LORD Concerning Edom/thus 548/1262
Jer_22:18.........thus/saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim/the 367/1262
Jer_29:31.........Thus/saith the LORD concerning Shemaiah/the 434/1262
2Ki_19:32.........thus/saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 85/1262
Isa_37:33.........thus/saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 173/1262
Mic_3:5...........Thus/saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make/my 854/1262
Jer_14:15.........thus/saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy/in 326/1262
Jer_16:3..........thus/saith the LORD concerning the sons/and 333/1262 the LORD Consider/now 883/1262
Jer_17:5..........Thus/saith the LORD Cursed/be 340/1262
Jer_33:17.........thus/saith the LORD David/shall 484/1262
Jer_37:9..........Thus/saith the LORD Deceive/not 503/1262
Zec_2:6.........heaven/saith the LORD Deliver/thyself 898/1262
1Sa_2:27..........Thus/saith the LORD Did/I.. 28/1262
Jer_23:24..........him/saith the LORD Do not/I 381/1262
Jer_7:19.........anger/saith the LORD do they/not 288/1262
Isa_54:1..........wife/saith the LORD Enlarge/the 219/1262
Jer_16:5..........thus/saith the LORD Enter/not 334/1262
Hos_11:11.......houses/saith the LORD Ephraim/compasseth 802/1262
1Ki_20:14.........Thus/saith the LORD Even by/the 54/1262 the LORD even destroy/the 852/1262
Jer_16:5........people/saith the LORD even lovingkindness/and 335/1262
Jer_28:11.........Thus/saith the LORD Even so/will 417/1262
Isa_49:25.........thus/saith the LORD Even the captives/of 211/1262
Jer_9:22..........Thus/saith the LORD Even the carcases/of 306/1262 the Lord every/knee 1200/1262
Jer_21:12.........thus/saith the LORD Execute judgment/in 357/1262
Jer_22:3..........Thus/saith the LORD Execute ye/judgment 361/1262
Isa_55:8..........ways/saith the LORD For as the heavens/are 224/1262
Isa_66:21......Levites/saith the LORD For as the new/heavens 246/1262
Gen_22:16........sworn/saith the LORD for because/thou 1/1262 the LORD For from/the 280/1262
Jer_3:14......children/saith the LORD for I am married/unto 265/1262
Jer_46:28......servant/saith the LORD for I am with thee/for 531/1262
Jer_42:11..........him/saith the LORD for I am with you/to 511/1262
Zec_2:6..........north/saith the LORD for I have/spread 897/1262
Isa_66:17.....together/saith the LORD For I know/their 244/1262
Jer_28:4.......Babylon/saith the LORD for I will break/the 416/1262 the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 86/1262 the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 174/1262
Jer_31:34.........them/saith the LORD for I will forgive/their 462/1262
Amo_9:8..........Jacob/saith the LORD For lo/I 845/1262
Jer_2:12......desolate/saith the LORD For my/people 256/1262
Jer_49:30........Hazor/saith the LORD for Nebuchadrezzar/king 556/1262
Jer_25:12.......nation/saith the LORD for their/iniquity 397/1262
Jer_32:30........hands/saith the LORD For this city/hath 473/1262
Heb_8:9............not/saith the Lord For this is/the 1227/1262
Amo_1:3...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Damascus/and 804/1262
Amo_1:11..........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Edom/and 809/1262
Amo_1:6...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Gaza/and 806/1262
Amo_2:6...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Israel/and 815/1262
Amo_2:4...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Judah/and 814/1262
Amo_2:1...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Moab/and 812/1262
Amo_1:13..........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of the/children 810/1262
Amo_1:9...........Thus/saith the LORD For three transgressions of Tyrus/and 808/1262
Eze_16:58.abominations/saith the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD/I 639/1262
Jer_29:9..........them/saith the LORD For thus saith the LORD That/after 423/1262
1Ki_13:21.........Thus/saith the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed/the 49/1262
2Ki_1:16..........Thus/saith the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast sent/messengers 65/1262
Isa_59:21.........seed/saith the LORD from/henceforth 233/1262
Jer_19:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Go and/get 346/1262
Jer_22:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Go down/to 360/1262
Eze_17:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD A great/eagle 642/1262 the Lord GOD a young/bullock 783/1262 the Lord GOD Again the word of the LORD came to/me 607/1262
Eze_15:8......trespass/saith the Lord GOD Again the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man cause/Jerusalem 629/1262
Eze_21:7..........pass/saith the Lord GOD Again the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man prophesy/and 666/1262
Eze_32:32....multitude/saith the Lord GOD Again the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man speak/to 730/1262
Eze_45:15.........them/saith the Lord GOD All/the 792/1262
Eze_24:14.........thee/saith the Lord GOD Also/the 686/1262
Eze_11:16.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Although/I 601/1262
Amo_3:11..........thus/saith the Lord GOD An adversary/there 819/1262
Eze_7:5...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD An evil/an 597/1262
Amo_4:5.........Israel/saith the Lord GOD And I also/have 824/1262 the Lord GOD And I will bring/you 600/1262 the Lord GOD And I will cause/you 660/1262 the Lord GOD And I will send/a 774/1262
Eze_39:20..........war/saith the Lord GOD And I will set/my 779/1262
Eze_31:18....multitude/saith the Lord GOD And it came/to 723/1262
Eze_44:27.....offering/saith the Lord GOD And it shall be/unto 789/1262 the Lord GOD and it shall become/a 697/1262
Eze_39:10.........them/saith the Lord GOD And it shall come/to 776/1262 the Lord GOD And mine/hand 614/1262
Eze_18:23..........die/saith the Lord GOD and not/that 649/1262
Eze_12:28.........done/saith the Lord GOD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man prophesy/against 609/1262
Eze_16:63.........done/saith the Lord GOD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man put/forth 641/1262 the Lord GOD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man what/is 627/1262
Eze_48:29.....portions/saith the Lord GOD And these/are 798/1262
Eze_30:6.........sword/saith the Lord GOD And they shall be/desolate 717/1262
Eze_44:12.........them/saith the Lord GOD and they shall bear/their 787/1262
Eze_39:13....glorified/saith the Lord GOD And they shall sever/out 777/1262
Eze_2:4...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD And they whether/they 587/1262
Eze_16:8..........thee/saith the Lord GOD and thou becamest/mine 631/1262
Eze_16:43.........head/saith the Lord GOD and thou shalt/not 637/1262
Eze_34:30.......people/saith the Lord GOD And ye/my 741/1262
Eze_20:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Are ye come/to 653/1262
Eze_20:30.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Are ye polluted/after 657/1262
Eze_38:17.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Art/thou 770/1262
Eze_17:19.........thus/saith the Lord GOD As I live surely mine/oath 645/1262
Eze_33:27.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD As I live surely they/that 733/1262
Eze_15:6..........thus/saith the Lord GOD As the/vine 628/1262
Eze_29:13.........thus/saith the Lord GOD At/the 712/1262
Eze_36:32.........this/saith the Lord GOD be/it 758/1262
Eze_25:12.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because that Edom/hath 691/1262
Eze_25:8..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because that Moab/and 690/1262
Eze_36:2..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because the enemy/hath 747/1262
Eze_25:15.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because the Philistines/have 694/1262
Eze_36:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because they have/made 748/1262
Eze_36:13.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because they say/unto 753/1262
Eze_28:2..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thine/heart 704/1262
Eze_25:6..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast clapped/thine 689/1262
Eze_23:35.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast forgotten/me 681/1262
Eze_31:10.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast lifted/up 721/1262
Eze_28:6..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast set/thine 705/1262
Eze_25:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thou saidst/Aha 688/1262
Eze_16:36.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Because thy/filthiness 636/1262
Eze_22:19.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because ye are/all 674/1262
Eze_21:24.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because ye have made/your 669/1262
Eze_13:8..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because ye have spoken/vanity 613/1262
Eze_5:7...........thus/saith the Lord GOD Because ye multiplied/more 591/1262
Eze_30:22.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against Pharaoh/king 720/1262
Eze_34:10.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against the/shepherds 736/1262
Eze_39:1..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and leave/but 773/1262
Eze_38:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and put/hooks 767/1262
Eze_26:3..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Tyrus/and 696/1262
Eze_28:22.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Zidon/and 708/1262
Eze_29:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee Pharaoh/king 710/1262
Eze_13:20.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against your/pillows 618/1262
Eze_5:8...........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I even I am/against 592/1262
Eze_34:11.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I even I will/both 737/1262
Eze_36:6..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I have/spoken 751/1262
Eze_34:17.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I judge/between 739/1262
Isa_28:16.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I lay/in 158/1262
Eze_29:8..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will bring a/sword 711/1262
Eze_26:7..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will bring upon/Tyrus 698/1262
Eze_23:28.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will deliver/thee 678/1262
Eze_29:19.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will give/the 713/1262
Eze_20:47.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will kindle/a 664/1262
Isa_49:22.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will lift/up 210/1262
Eze_24:21.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will profane/my 687/1262
Eze_23:22.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will raise/up 677/1262
Eze_25:16.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will stretch/out 695/1262
Eze_37:21.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will take the children/of 766/1262
Eze_37:19.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold I will take the stick/of 765/1262
Jer_7:20..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold mine/anger 289/1262
Isa_65:13.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold my/servants 237/1262
Eze_35:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold O mount/Seir 743/1262
Eze_37:12.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Behold O my/people 763/1262 the Lord GOD Behold therefore/I 673/1262
Eze_16:14.........thee/saith the Lord GOD But/thou 632/1262
Eze_37:9..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Come/from 762/1262
Oba_1:1...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom/We 849/1262
Eze_21:28.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD concerning the/Ammonites 671/1262
Eze_14:4..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Every man/of 619/1262
Eze_38:21....mountains/saith the Lord GOD every man's/sword 772/1262
Eze_32:31........sword/saith the Lord GOD For/I 729/1262
Eze_20:39.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Go/ye 661/1262
Eze_3:27..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD He/that 589/1262 the Lord GOD How canst/thou 258/1262
Eze_14:21.........thus/saith the Lord GOD How much/more 626/1262
Eze_30:2..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Howl/ye 715/1262
Eze_36:22.........thus/saith the Lord GOD I do/not 756/1262
Eze_36:7..........thus/saith the Lord GOD I have lifted/up 752/1262 the Lord GOD I have no/pleasure 731/1262
Eze_30:13.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will also destroy/the 719/1262
Eze_30:10.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will also make/the 718/1262
Eze_25:13.........thus/saith the Lord GOD I will also stretch/out 692/1262
Eze_17:22.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will also take/of 646/1262 the Lord GOD I will also vex/the 725/1262
Eze_23:46.........thus/saith the Lord GOD I will bring/up 682/1262
Eze_16:59.........thus/saith the Lord GOD I will even deal/with 640/1262 the Lord GOD I will even do/according 745/1262
Eze_11:17.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will even gather/you 602/1262
Eze_13:13.........thus/saith the Lord GOD I will even rend/it 615/1262
Eze_12:23.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will make/this 606/1262 the Lord GOD I will not be enquired of by you And/that 658/1262 the Lord GOD I will not be enquired of by you Wilt/thou 654/1262 the Lord GOD I will prepare/thee 744/1262
Eze_34:15.........down/saith the Lord GOD I will seek/that 738/1262
Eze_32:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will therefore/spread 724/1262
Eze_36:37.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD I will yet/for 760/1262 the Lord GOD If he/beget 648/1262
Eze_14:14righteousness/saith the Lord GOD If I/cause 622/1262
Eze_46:16.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD If the/prince 795/1262
Eze_38:14.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD In that day when/my 769/1262 the Lord GOD In that day will/I 714/1262
Eze_36:33.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD In the day that/I 759/1262
Eze_31:15.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD In the day when he/went 722/1262
Eze_20:5..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD In the day when I/chose 655/1262
Eze_45:18.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD In the first/month 793/1262
Eze_39:29.......Israel/saith the Lord GOD In the five/and 781/1262
Eze_32:16....multitude/saith the Lord GOD It came/to 728/1262
Eze_38:10.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD It shall also/come 768/1262
Isa_7:7...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD It shall not/stand 145/1262
Eze_45:9..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Let/it 790/1262
Eze_13:16........peace/saith the Lord GOD Likewise/thou 616/1262
Eze_34:31..........God/saith the Lord GOD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against/mount 742/1262
Eze_20:44.......Israel/saith the Lord GOD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man set thy face toward/the 663/1262 the Lord GOD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man take/up 706/1262
Eze_36:15.........more/saith the Lord GOD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man when/the 755/1262
Eze_16:19..........was/saith the Lord GOD Moreover thou/hast 633/1262
Isa_52:4..........thus/saith the Lord GOD My/people 215/1262
Eze_36:14.........more/saith the Lord GOD Neither/will 754/1262
Eze_44:9..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD No/stranger 786/1262
Eze_47:23..inheritance/saith the Lord GOD Now these/are 797/1262
Eze_39:25.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Now will/I 780/1262
Eze_27:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD O Tyrus/thou 703/1262
Eze_44:6..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD O ye/house 785/1262
2Ch_21:12.........Thus/saith the LORD God of David/thy 105/1262
Jer_5:14..........thus/saith the LORD God of hosts Because/ye 274/1262
Jer_2:19..........thee/saith the Lord GOD of hosts For of/old 257/1262
Jer_50:31........proud/saith the Lord GOD of hosts for thy/day 569/1262
Jer_49:5..........thee/saith the Lord GOD of hosts from/all 547/1262
Isa_22:15.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD of hosts Go/get 156/1262
Isa_3:15..........poor/saith the Lord GOD of hosts Moreover/the 143/1262
Isa_10:24.........thus/saith the Lord GOD of hosts O/my 148/1262
Jer_35:17.........thus/saith the LORD God of hosts the/God 497/1262
Isa_22:14..........die/saith the Lord GOD of hosts Thus/saith 155/1262
Jer_23:2..........thus/saith the LORD God of Israel against/the 371/1262
2Ki_22:18.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel As/touching 93/1262
Isa_17:6.......thereof/saith the LORD God of Israel At/that 153/1262
2Ki_21:12.........thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I am/bringing 90/1262
Jer_21:4..........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I will/turn 353/1262
2Ch_34:26.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel concerning/the 110/1262
Jer_11:3..........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Cursed/be 312/1262
Jer_13:12.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Every/bottle 321/1262
1Ki_14:7..........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Forasmuch/as 50/1262
2Sa_12:7..........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel I anointed/thee 38/1262
1Sa_10:18.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel I brought up/Israel 32/1262
Jdg_6:8...........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel I brought you/up 26/1262
2Ki_9:6...........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel I have/anointed 73/1262
Exo_5:1...........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Let/my 7/1262
Exo_32:27.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Put/every 16/1262
2Ki_22:15.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Tell the/man 91/1262
2Ch_34:23.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Tell ye/the 108/1262
2Ki_19:20.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel That/which 84/1262
1Ki_17:14.........thus/saith the LORD God of Israel The/barrel 51/1262
Jos_7:13..........thus/saith the LORD God of Israel There/is 23/1262
Jer_25:15.........thus/saith the LORD God of Israel unto/me 398/1262
Isa_37:21.........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Whereas/thou 172/1262
Jos_24:2..........Thus/saith the LORD God of Israel Your/fathers 25/1262
Exo_10:3..........Thus/saith the LORD God of the Hebrews How/long 14/1262
Exo_9:13..........Thus/saith the LORD God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me For I/will 13/1262
Exo_9:1...........Thus/saith the LORD God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me For if/thou 12/1262
Eze_12:19.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD of the inhabitants/of 605/1262
Eze_21:26.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Remove/the 670/1262
Eze_18:30.........ways/saith the Lord GOD Repent and turn yourselves from all/your 651/1262
Eze_14:6..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Repent and turn yourselves from your/idols 620/1262
Eze_16:30........heart/saith the LORD GOD seeing/thou 635/1262
Eze_24:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Set/on 683/1262
Eze_17:9..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Shall/it 643/1262
Eze_6:11..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Smite/with 595/1262 the Lord GOD Sodom/thy 638/1262
Eze_39:17.........thus/saith the Lord GOD Speak/unto 778/1262 the Lord GOD surely because my/flock 735/1262 the Lord GOD Surely because thou/hast 593/1262
Eze_36:5..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Surely in the fire/of 750/1262 the Lord GOD surely in the place/where 644/1262 the Lord GOD surely with/a 659/1262 the Lord GOD that I will cause/the 842/1262
Amo_8:11..........come/saith the Lord GOD that I will send/a 843/1262
Eze_38:18.......Israel/saith the Lord GOD that my/fury 771/1262
Eze_16:23.........thee/saith the LORD GOD That thou/hast 634/1262
Eze_22:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD The city sheddeth/blood 672/1262
Amo_5:3...........thus/saith the Lord GOD The city that/went 830/1262
Eze_46:1..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD The gate/of 794/1262
Amo_3:13.........Jacob/saith the Lord GOD the God/of 821/1262
Isa_30:15.........thus/saith the Lord GOD the Holy/One 164/1262
Eze_32:11.........thus/saith the Lord GOD The sword/of 726/1262
Eze_14:11..........God/saith the Lord GOD The word of the LORD came again to/me 621/1262
Eze_26:21........again/saith the Lord GOD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Now/thou 702/1262
Eze_22:31........heads/saith the Lord GOD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son/of 676/1262
Eze_11:21........heads/saith the Lord GOD Then did/the 603/1262 the Lord GOD Then he/brought 784/1262
Eze_20:40.......Israel/saith the Lord GOD there shall all/the 662/1262 the Lord GOD there shall be/many 841/1262
Eze_12:28.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD There shall none/of 608/1262 the Lord GOD Therefore/thus 680/1262
Eze_43:18.........thus/saith the Lord GOD These/are 782/1262 the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither son/nor 625/1262 the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 624/1262 the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 623/1262
Eze_44:15........blood/saith the Lord GOD They shall enter/into 788/1262
Eze_12:10.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD This burden/concerneth 604/1262
Eze_5:5...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD This is Jerusalem/I 590/1262
Eze_39:8..........done/saith the Lord GOD this is the/day 775/1262
Eze_47:13.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD This shall/be 796/1262
Eze_28:12.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Thou sealest/up 707/1262
Eze_23:32.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Thou shalt/drink 679/1262
Eze_21:13.........more/saith the Lord GOD Thou therefore/son 668/1262 the Lord GOD Thus he/shewed 838/1262
Amo_1:8.........perish/saith the Lord GOD Thus saith the LORD For/three 807/1262
Eze_25:14....vengeance/saith the Lord GOD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because/the 693/1262 the Lord GOD Thus saith the Lord GOD to/Tyrus 699/1262
Eze_6:3...........Thus/saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys Behold/I 594/1262
Eze_36:4..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys to/the 749/1262
Eze_26:15.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD to Tyrus/Shall 700/1262
Eze_16:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem/Thy 630/1262
Eze_7:2...........thus/saith the Lord GOD unto the land/of 596/1262
Eze_34:2..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds/Woe 734/1262
Eze_34:20.........thus/saith the Lord GOD unto them/Behold 740/1262
Eze_37:5..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD unto these/bones 761/1262
Eze_36:23.........LORD/saith the Lord GOD when I shall be/sanctified 757/1262
Eze_28:25.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD When I shall have/gathered 709/1262
Eze_32:14..........oil/saith the Lord GOD When I shall make the/land 727/1262
Eze_26:19.........thus/saith the Lord GOD When I shall make thee/a 701/1262
Eze_22:28.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD when the LORD/hath 675/1262
Eze_35:14.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD When the whole/earth 746/1262
Eze_18:32........dieth/saith the Lord GOD wherefore/turn 652/1262
Eze_3:11..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD whether/they 588/1262
Eze_24:9..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Woe to the bloody city I/will 685/1262
Eze_24:6..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Woe to the bloody city to/the 684/1262
Eze_13:18.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Woe to the women/that 617/1262
Eze_13:3..........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Woe unto/the 610/1262
Eze_33:25.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Ye eat/with 732/1262
Eze_45:9........people/saith the Lord GOD Ye shall have/just 791/1262 the Lord GOD ye shall not/have 647/1262
Eze_20:27.........Thus/saith the Lord GOD Yet/in 656/1262
Eze_11:7..........thus/saith the Lord GOD Your/slain 599/1262
1Ki_21:19.........Thus/saith the LORD Hast thou killed/and 58/1262
1Ki_20:13.........Thus/saith the LORD Hast thou seen/all 53/1262
Jer_49:1..........thus/saith the LORD Hath/Israel 544/1262
Amo_9:7.........Israel/saith the LORD Have/not 844/1262
Jer_48:43.........Moab/saith the LORD He that fleeth/from 541/1262
Jer_38:2..........Thus/saith the LORD He that remaineth/in 504/1262 the LORD Hear this word that/the 817/1262
Amo_3:15...........end/saith the LORD Hear this word ye/kine 822/1262
Jer_2:3...........them/saith the LORD Hear ye the/word 253/1262
Jer_29:19.........hear/saith the LORD Hear ye therefore/the 431/1262
Jer_27:16.........Thus/saith the LORD Hearken/not 412/1262
Jer_48:35.........Moab/saith the LORD him/that 538/1262 the LORD Ho/every 223/1262
Jer_49:2.........heirs/saith the LORD Howl/O 546/1262 the LORD I am full/of 140/1262
Zec_1:16..........thus/saith the LORD I am returned to/Jerusalem 893/1262
Zec_8:3...........Thus/saith the LORD I am returned unto/Zion 908/1262
2Ki_9:3...........Thus/saith the LORD I have anointed thee king over Israel Then open/the 72/1262
2Ki_9:12..........Thus/saith the LORD I have anointed thee king over Israel Then they/hasted 74/1262
2Ki_2:21..........Thus/saith the LORD I have healed/these 66/1262 the LORD I have heard/what 382/1262 the LORD I have overthrown/some 828/1262 the LORD I have sent/among 827/1262 the LORD I have smitten/you 826/1262
1Ch_21:10.........Thus/saith the LORD I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 97/1262
2Sa_24:12.........Thus/saith the LORD I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 42/1262
Jer_2:2...........Thus/saith the LORD I remember/thee 252/1262
Isa_14:22.......nephew/saith the LORD I will also make/it 150/1262 the LORD I will also stretch/out 863/1262
Jer_51:39.........wake/saith the LORD I will bring/them 579/1262 the LORD I will consume/man 862/1262
Jer_21:7.....afterward/saith the LORD I will deliver/Zedekiah 354/1262
Hos_2:21..........hear/saith the LORD I will hear/the 801/1262
Jer_5:18..........days/saith the LORD I will not make/a 276/1262
Jer_13:14.....together/saith the LORD I will not pity/nor 323/1262
Jer_31:33.........days/saith the LORD I will put my law/in 461/1262
Heb_10:16.........days/saith the Lord I will put my laws into their hearts/and 1231/1262
Heb_8:10..........days/saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind/and 1228/1262
Psa_12:5.........arise/saith the LORD I will set/him 121/1262 the LORD I will smite/every 925/1262
Jer_8:12..........down/saith the LORD I will surely/consume 296/1262
Jer_31:37.........Thus/saith the LORD If heaven/above 465/1262
Jer_33:25.........Thus/saith the LORD If my/covenant 486/1262
Oba_1:4...........down/saith the LORD If thieves/came 851/1262
Jer_15:19.........thus/saith the LORD If thou/return 331/1262
Jer_33:20.........Thus/saith the LORD If ye can/break 485/1262
Jer_26:4..........Thus/saith the LORD If ye will/not 405/1262
Isa_49:8..........Thus/saith the LORD In an/acceptable 208/1262
1Ki_21:19.........Thus/saith the LORD In the place/where 59/1262
Zep_3:20..........eyes/saith the LORD In the second/year 867/1262
Exo_7:17..........Thus/saith the LORD In this/thou 9/1262
Jer_31:28........plant/saith the LORD In those/days 458/1262 the LORD In vain/have 259/1262
2Ki_1:6...........Thus/saith the LORD Is it/not 64/1262
Jer_23:28........wheat/saith the LORD Is not/my 383/1262
Exo_4:22..........Thus/saith the LORD Israel/is 6/1262
Jer_5:15........Israel/saith the LORD it is/a 275/1262
Jer_21:10.........good/saith the LORD it shall/be 356/1262
Isa_56:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Keep/ye 225/1262
Jer_10:2..........Thus/saith the LORD Learn/not 310/1262
Exo_8:1...........Thus/saith the LORD Let my people go that they may serve me And/if 10/1262
Exo_8:20..........Thus/saith the LORD Let my people go that they may serve me Else/if 11/1262
Jer_46:5.........about/saith the LORD Let not the swift/flee 525/1262
Jer_9:23..........Thus/saith the LORD Let not the wise/man 307/1262 the LORD Lift/up 260/1262
Jer_32:42.........thus/saith the LORD Like/as 475/1262
2Ki_3:16..........Thus/saith the LORD Make this/valley 67/1262
Jer_48:25.......broken/saith the LORD Make ye/him 536/1262
Jer_32:44.......return/saith the LORD Moreover/the 476/1262
Zec_11:4..........Thus/saith the LORD my God/Feed 922/1262
Isa_59:21.........them/saith the LORD My spirit/that 232/1262
Jer_30:10........Jacob/saith the LORD neither/be 441/1262
Jer_49:18......thereof/saith the LORD no/man 553/1262
2Ki_9:26..........plat/saith the LORD Now therefore/take 78/1262
Isa_33:10.........rise/saith the LORD now will/I 166/1262 the LORD of hosts According/to 875/1262
Zec_2:8...........thus/saith the LORD of hosts After/the 899/1262
Jer_33:12.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Again/in 481/1262 the LORD of hosts and a/line 894/1262
Mal_3:11.........field/saith the LORD of hosts And all/nations 950/1262
Isa_14:22.........them/saith the LORD of hosts and cut/off 149/1262
Zec_8:14.........wrath/saith the LORD of hosts and I repented/not 916/1262
Nah_2:13..........thee/saith the LORD of hosts and I will burn/her 859/1262
Nah_3:5...........thee/saith the LORD of hosts and I will discover/thy 860/1262 the LORD of hosts And I will kindle/a 554/1262
Zec_3:9........thereof/saith the LORD of hosts and I will remove/the 902/1262 the LORD of hosts and I will turn/unto 888/1262
Isa_17:3........Israel/saith the LORD of hosts And in that/day 152/1262
Hag_2:9.........former/saith the LORD of hosts and in this/place 879/1262
Zec_5:4..........forth/saith the LORD of hosts and it/shall 905/1262
Mal_1:14..........King/saith the LORD of hosts and my/name 940/1262
Mal_1:8.........person/saith the LORD of hosts And now/I 934/1262 the LORD of hosts and ye/brought 938/1262
Zec_8:14..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts As/I 915/1262
Hag_2:11..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Ask/now 881/1262 the LORD of hosts Be/ye 889/1262
Hag_1:9............Why/saith the LORD of hosts Because of/mine 871/1262
Jer_25:8..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Because ye/have 395/1262
Jer_25:32.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold evil/shall 403/1262
Jer_49:35.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will break/the 559/1262
Jer_9:7...........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will melt/them 301/1262
Jer_11:22.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will punish/them 315/1262
Zec_8:7...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will save/my 912/1262
Jer_29:17.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will send/upon 429/1262
Zec_7:13..........hear/saith the LORD of hosts But I/scattered 906/1262
Mal_3:1...........come/saith the LORD of hosts But who/may 946/1262
Mal_1:11.......heathen/saith the LORD of hosts But ye have/profaned 937/1262 the LORD of hosts But ye said/Wherein 948/1262
Jer_27:19.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts concerning the pillars/and 413/1262
Jer_23:15.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets/Behold 378/1262
Jer_9:17..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Consider ye/and 305/1262
Hag_1:7...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Consider your ways Go/up 869/1262
Hag_1:5...........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Consider your ways Ye/have 868/1262
Jer_19:11.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Even/so 349/1262 the LORD of hosts For I/am 947/1262
Zec_8:11..........days/saith the LORD of hosts For the/seed 914/1262
Jer_23:16.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Hearken/not 379/1262
Zec_1:14..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts I am/jealous 892/1262
1Sa_15:2..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts I remember/that 33/1262
1Ch_17:7..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote even/from 96/1262
2Sa_7:8...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote from/following 37/1262
Zec_8:2...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts I was/jealous 907/1262 the LORD of hosts I will/even 941/1262
Mal_3:10......herewith/saith the LORD of hosts if I/will 949/1262
Zec_8:6...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts If it/be 910/1262
Zec_3:7...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts If thou/wilt 901/1262
Mal_3:17..........mine/saith the LORD of hosts in that/day 953/1262
Hag_2:23..........thee/saith the LORD of hosts In the eighth/month 886/1262
Hag_2:9..........peace/saith the LORD of hosts In the four/and 880/1262
Zec_8:23..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts In those/days 920/1262
Jer_49:7..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Is/wisdom 549/1262
Zec_8:20..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts It/shall 919/1262
Zec_8:9...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Let/your 913/1262
Jer_8:3...........them/saith the LORD of hosts Moreover/thou 294/1262
Zec_1:17..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts My cities/through 895/1262
Mal_2:4...........Levi/saith the LORD of hosts My covenant/was 942/1262 the LORD of hosts neither/will 936/1262
Mal_4:3...........this/saith the LORD of hosts Remember/ye 955/1262 the LORD of hosts shall the/nail 157/1262 the LORD of hosts shall ye/call 903/1262
Zec_13:7........fellow/saith the LORD of hosts smite/the 927/1262 the LORD of hosts that I will break/his 440/1262 the LORD of hosts that I will cut/off 926/1262
Mal_4:1.............up/saith the LORD of hosts that it/shall 954/1262
Jer_51:58.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts The broad/walls 584/1262
Jer_50:33.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts The children/of 570/1262
Zec_8:19..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts The fast/of 918/1262
Hag_2:8...........mine/saith the LORD of hosts The glory/of 878/1262
Jer_7:3...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Amend/your 285/1262
Jer_42:18.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel As mine/anger 513/1262
Jer_31:23.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel As yet/they 456/1262
Jer_35:18.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Because/ye 498/1262
Jer_19:3..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring evil/upon 347/1262
Jer_39:16.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring my/words 507/1262
Jer_19:15.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring upon/this 351/1262
Jer_16:9..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will cause/to 336/1262
Jer_9:15..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will feed/them 304/1262
Jer_50:18.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will punish/the 565/1262
Jer_43:10.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will send/and 514/1262
Jer_44:11.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will set/my 517/1262
Jer_27:21.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel concerning/the 414/1262
Jer_25:27.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Drink/ye 399/1262
Jer_35:13.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Go/and 495/1262
Jer_32:15.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Houses/and 471/1262
Jer_28:14.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel I/have 419/1262
Jer_42:15.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel If/ye 512/1262
Jer_35:19.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Jonadab/the 499/1262
Jer_29:8..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Let/not 422/1262
Jer_29:21.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel of/Ahab 432/1262
Jer_7:21..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Put/your 290/1262
Jer_44:25.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel saying/Ye 518/1262 the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Surely/Moab 865/1262
Jer_32:14.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Take/these 470/1262
Jer_51:33.........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel The/daughter 577/1262
Jer_27:4..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Thus/shall 408/1262
Jer_29:4..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel unto/all 421/1262
Jer_48:1..........thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Woe/unto 533/1262
Jer_44:2..........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Ye/have 515/1262
Isa_14:23..destruction/saith the LORD of hosts The LORD/of 151/1262
Hag_2:7..........glory/saith the LORD of hosts The silver/is 877/1262
Zec_8:4...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts There/shall 909/1262
Mal_2:8...........Levi/saith the LORD of hosts Therefore have/I 943/1262 the LORD of hosts Therefore prophesy/thou 401/1262
Mal_2:16.......garment/saith the LORD of hosts therefore take/heed 945/1262
Mal_1:4...........thus/saith the LORD of hosts They shall build/but 932/1262
Jer_6:9...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts They shall throughly/glean 279/1262
Zec_8:6...........eyes/saith the LORD of hosts Thus saith the LORD of/hosts 911/1262
Isa_45:13.......reward/saith the LORD of hosts Thus saith the LORD The/labour 201/1262
Zec_1:4...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Turn ye now/from 890/1262
Zec_1:3...........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Turn ye unto/me 887/1262
Mal_1:6...........fear/saith the LORD of hosts unto/you 933/1262
Zec_4:6.........spirit/saith the LORD of hosts Who art/thou 904/1262
Mal_1:9........persons/saith the LORD of hosts Who is/there 935/1262 the LORD of hosts will/I 884/1262
Jer_25:28.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Ye/shall 400/1262
Hag_2:6...........thus/saith the LORD of hosts Yet/once 876/1262 the LORD of hosts Your/words 951/1262
Jer_26:18.........Thus/saith the LORD of hosts Zion/shall 406/1262
Jer_36:30.........thus/saith the LORD of Jehoiakim/king 501/1262
Jer_29:16.........thus/saith the LORD of the king/that 428/1262
Jer_11:21.........thus/saith the LORD of the men/of 314/1262
Jer_34:4..........Thus/saith the LORD of thee/Thou 489/1262 the LORD Open/thy 921/1262 the Lord or/what 1178/1262
Jer_31:16.........Thus/saith the LORD Refrain/thy 452/1262
Jer_4:1.........Israel/saith the LORD return/unto 268/1262
Eze_21:9..........Thus/saith the LORD Say/A. 667/1262
Jer_31:20..........him/saith the LORD Set thee/up 455/1262
2Ki_20:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then he/turned 87/1262
Isa_38:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then Hezekiah/turned 175/1262
Jer_51:26.........ever/saith the LORD Set ye/up 576/1262
Isa_66:9.........forth/saith the LORD shall I/cause 241/1262
Jer_5:29........things/saith the LORD shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this A/wonderful 278/1262
Jer_9:9.........things/saith the LORD shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this For/the 302/1262
Jer_8:4...........Thus/saith the LORD Shall they/fall 295/1262
2Sa_7:5...........Thus/saith the LORD Shalt/thou 36/1262
Jer_31:7..........thus/saith the LORD Sing/with 449/1262
Jer_50:40......thereof/saith the LORD so shall no/man 572/1262 the LORD so shall your/seed 247/1262
Jer_24:8..........thus/saith the LORD So will/I 393/1262
Jer_26:2..........Thus/saith the LORD Stand in/the 404/1262
Jer_6:16..........Thus/saith the LORD Stand ye/in 282/1262
Jer_15:2..........Thus/saith the LORD Such/as 327/1262
Jer_17:21.........Thus/saith the LORD Take heed/to 341/1262 the LORD Take ye/heed 299/1262
Jer_29:10.........thus/saith the LORD That after/seventy 424/1262
Jer_49:13.......myself/saith the LORD that Bozrah/shall 551/1262
Isa_45:18.........thus/saith the LORD that created the/heavens 203/1262
Isa_43:1..........thus/saith the LORD that created thee/O 185/1262 the LORD that doeth/this 846/1262 the LORD that formed/me 206/1262
Isa_54:10......removed/saith the LORD that hath/mercy 222/1262
Isa_43:12....witnesses/saith the LORD that I am/God 187/1262
Jer_30:3..........come/saith the LORD that I will bring/again 437/1262
Jer_49:2..........come/saith the LORD that I will cause/an 545/1262 the LORD that I will cut/off 856/1262
Jer_51:52.........come/saith the LORD that I will do/judgment 581/1262
Jer_31:31.........come/saith the LORD that I will make/a 459/1262
Jer_33:14.........come/saith the LORD that I will perform/that 483/1262
Jer_9:25..........come/saith the LORD that I will punish all/them 309/1262 the LORD that I will punish you/in 520/1262
Jer_23:5..........come/saith the LORD that I will raise/unto 374/1262
Jer_48:12.........come/saith the LORD that I will send/unto 534/1262
Jer_31:27.........come/saith the LORD that I will sow/the 457/1262
Jer_7:32..........come/saith the LORD that it shall no more be called/Tophet 292/1262
Jer_16:14.........come/saith the LORD that it shall no more be said/The 338/1262
Isa_44:2..........Thus/saith the LORD that made/thee 190/1262 the LORD that my name/shall 519/1262 the LORD that my people/is 216/1262
Jer_23:30.....prophets/saith the LORD that steal/my 385/1262
Isa_30:1......children/saith the LORD that take/counsel 162/1262
Jer_31:38.........come/saith the LORD that the city/shall 467/1262 the LORD that the heart/of 270/1262
Amo_9:13..........come/saith the LORD that the plowman/shall 847/1262 the LORD that there/shall 864/1262
Jer_13:11........Judah/saith the LORD that they might/be 320/1262
Jer_23:7..........come/saith the LORD that they shall/no 375/1262
Jer_22:5........myself/saith the LORD that this house/shall 362/1262
Jer_19:6..........come/saith the LORD that this place/shall 348/1262 the LORD that thou/shalt 800/1262
Jer_31:17..........end/saith the LORD that thy/children 454/1262
Jer_23:31.....prophets/saith the LORD that use/their 386/1262 the LORD that ye/might 394/1262
Jer_50:4..........time/saith the LORD the children/of 563/1262
Isa_38:5..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will add/unto 176/1262
2Ki_20:5..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal/thee 88/1262
Amo_6:14........Israel/saith the LORD the God of hosts and/they 836/1262
Amo_6:8........himself/saith the LORD the God of hosts I/abhor 835/1262
Jer_38:17.........Thus/saith the LORD the God of hosts the God of Israel If/thou 506/1262
Jer_44:7..........thus/saith the LORD the God of hosts the God of Israel Wherefore/commit 516/1262
1Ki_11:31.........thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel Behold/I 46/1262
Jer_33:4..........thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel concerning the/houses 478/1262
Jer_32:36.........thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel concerning this/city 474/1262
Jer_34:2..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel Go/and 487/1262
Jer_34:13.........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel I/made 491/1262
Jer_24:5..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel Like/these 392/1262
Jer_37:7..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel Thus/shall 502/1262
Jer_45:2..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel unto thee/O 522/1262
Jer_42:9..........Thus/saith the LORD the God of Israel unto whom/ye 510/1262
Isa_66:1..........Thus/saith the LORD The heaven/is 239/1262
Isa_45:11.........Thus/saith the LORD the Holy/One 200/1262
Jer_50:20.........time/saith the LORD the iniquity/of 566/1262
Isa_44:6..........Thus/saith the LORD the King/of 191/1262
Isa_45:14.........Thus/saith the LORD The labour/of 202/1262
Isa_19:4..........them/saith the Lord the LORD of hosts And/the 154/1262
Isa_1:24.....Therefore/saith the LORD the LORD of hosts the/mighty 142/1262
Jer_33:2..........Thus/saith the LORD the maker/thereof 477/1262
Jer_31:2..........Thus/saith the LORD The people/which 448/1262
Isa_49:7..........Thus/saith the LORD the Redeemer/of 207/1262
Jer_15:3.........kinds/saith the LORD the sword/to 328/1262 the LORD The word of/the 764/1262 the LORD The word that came/to 509/1262
Jer_49:39.........Elam/saith the LORD The word that the/LORD 562/1262
Jer_35:13........words/saith the LORD The words/of 496/1262
Jer_34:5..........word/saith the LORD Then Jeremiah/the 490/1262
Jer_1:8...........thee/saith the LORD Then the LORD/put 249/1262 the LORD then the seed/of 464/1262
Jer_27:22.........them/saith the LORD then will/I 415/1262
Jer_8:13..........them/saith the LORD there/shall 297/1262 the LORD Therefore behold/I 799/1262
Rom_12:19........repay/saith the Lord Therefore if/thine 1199/1262
Jer_23:1.......pasture/saith the LORD Therefore thus saith the LORD God/of 370/1262 the LORD Therefore thus saith the LORD of/hosts 300/1262 the LORD Therefore thus will/I 829/1262
Eze_30:6..........Thus/saith the LORD They also/that 716/1262 the LORD They have belied/the 273/1262
Jer_7:30.........sight/saith the LORD they have set/their 291/1262
Jer_8:1...........time/saith the LORD they shall bring/out 293/1262
2Ki_4:43..........thus/saith the LORD They shall eat/and 69/1262
Jer_48:38.....pleasure/saith the LORD They shall howl/saying 539/1262
Jer_3:16..........days/saith the LORD they shall say/no 266/1262
Jer_48:44...visitation/saith the LORD They that/fled 542/1262
Jer_38:3..........Thus/saith the LORD This/city 505/1262 the LORD thou art/gone 329/1262
Jer_28:13.........Thus/saith the LORD Thou hast broken/the 418/1262
Jer_36:29.........Thus/saith the LORD Thou hast burned/this 500/1262
1Ch_17:4..........Thus/saith the LORD Thou shalt not build/me 95/1262
2Ki_1:4...........thus/saith the LORD Thou shalt not come/down 63/1262 the LORD thou shalt surely/clothe 209/1262 the LORD though Coniah/the 368/1262
Jer_46:23.......forest/saith the LORD though it/cannot 528/1262
Nah_1:12..........Thus/saith the LORD Though they/be 858/1262
Jer_32:5...........him/saith the LORD though ye/fight 469/1262
Isa_1:18......together/saith the LORD though your/sins 141/1262 the LORD thoughts/of 425/1262
Jer_48:47.........days/saith the LORD Thus far/is 543/1262 the LORD Thus hath/the 837/1262
Eze_11:5..........Thus/saith the LORD Thus have/ye 598/1262
Jer_31:14.....goodness/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD A/voice 450/1262
Amo_1:5............Kir/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Gaza/and 805/1262
Amo_2:3............him/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Judah/and 813/1262
Amo_1:15......together/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Moab/and 811/1262
Jer_33:11........first/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD of hosts Again/in 480/1262
Jer_25:31........sword/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold/evil 402/1262
Jer_6:15..........down/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD Stand/ye 281/1262
Isa_65:25.....mountain/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD The/heaven 238/1262
Jer_12:17.......nation/saith the LORD Thus saith the LORD unto/me 317/1262
Jer_29:23......witness/saith the LORD Thus shalt/thou 433/1262
Jer_30:12.........thus/saith the LORD Thy bruise/is 443/1262
Amo_9:15..........them/saith the LORD thy God/The 848/1262
Isa_44:24.........Thus/saith the LORD thy redeemer and/he 194/1262
Isa_54:8..........thee/saith the LORD thy Redeemer For/this 221/1262
Isa_48:17.........Thus/saith the LORD thy Redeemer the/Holy 204/1262 the LORD Thy way/and 271/1262
Amo_7:17..........thus/saith the LORD Thy wife/shall 840/1262 the LORD to bring/in 342/1262
Jer_1:19..........thee/saith the LORD to deliver/thee 251/1262
Isa_45:1..........Thus/saith the LORD to his/anointed 198/1262
Jer_27:2..........Thus/saith the LORD to me/Make 407/1262
2Ki_7:1...........Thus/saith the LORD To morrow/about 71/1262
Jer_30:11.........thee/saith the LORD to save/thee 442/1262
Jer_4:3...........thus/saith the LORD to the men/of 269/1262 the LORD to the sword/to 493/1262
Jer_22:11.........thus/saith the LORD touching/Shallum 364/1262
Jer_3:13.........voice/saith the LORD Turn O/backsliding 264/1262 the LORD turn ye/even 803/1262 the LORD two/parts 928/1262 the LORD until/the 866/1262
Jer_13:1..........Thus/saith the LORD unto me/Go 318/1262
Isa_56:4..........thus/saith the LORD unto the eunuchs/that 226/1262
Amo_5:4...........thus/saith the LORD unto the house/of 831/1262
Jer_22:6..........thus/saith the LORD unto the king's/house 363/1262
Isa_48:22........peace/saith the LORD unto the wicked/Listen 205/1262
Jer_14:10.........Thus/saith the LORD unto this/people 325/1262
2Ch_20:15.........Thus/saith the LORD unto you/Be 104/1262
Jer_30:5..........thus/saith the LORD We/have 439/1262
Jer_2:5...........Thus/saith the LORD What/iniquity 254/1262
Heb_8:8...........come/saith the Lord when I will/make 1226/1262 the LORD When I would/comfort 298/1262
Isa_50:1..........Thus/saith the LORD Where/is 212/1262
Jer_23:11...wickedness/saith the LORD Wherefore their/way 376/1262 the Lord Wherefore tongues/are 1208/1262
Jer_51:25.....mountain/saith the LORD which destroyest/all 575/1262
Jer_31:35.........Thus/saith the LORD which giveth/the 463/1262
Isa_65:7......together/saith the LORD which have burned/incense 234/1262 the LORD which have neither/gates 557/1262
Jer_29:19........words/saith the LORD which I/sent 430/1262
Rev_1:8.........ending/saith the Lord which is/and 1239/1262
Isa_43:16.........Thus/saith the LORD which maketh/a 189/1262
Jer_21:13........plain/saith the LORD which say/Who 358/1262
Zec_12:1........Israel/saith the LORD which stretcheth/forth 924/1262
Act_15:17.......called/saith the Lord who doeth/all 1181/1262
Isa_29:22.........thus/saith the LORD who redeemed/Abraham 161/1262
Amo_3:10.........right/saith the LORD who store/up 818/1262
Isa_31:9........ensign/saith the LORD whose fire/is 165/1262
Amo_5:27......Damascus/saith the LORD whose name/is 834/1262
Zec_2:5..............I/saith the LORD will be/unto 896/1262 the LORD will I assemble/her 855/1262
Jer_31:1..........time/saith the LORD will I be/the 447/1262 the LORD will ye/not 277/1262
Jer_27:8........punish/saith the LORD with the/sword 409/1262
1Ki_22:11.........Thus/saith the LORD With these shalt/thou 60/1262
2Ch_18:10.........Thus/saith the LORD With these thou/shalt 101/1262
Jer_15:9.......enemies/saith the LORD Woe is/me 330/1262
Amo_5:17..........thee/saith the LORD Woe unto/you 833/1262
Jer_22:30.........Thus/saith the LORD Write/ye 369/1262
2Ch_12:5..........Thus/saith the LORD Ye have forsaken/me 100/1262
Jer_34:17.........thus/saith the LORD Ye have not/hearkened 492/1262
Isa_52:3..........thus/saith the LORD Ye have sold/yourselves 214/1262
Hag_1:8......glorified/saith the LORD Ye looked/for 870/1262
2Ch_11:4..........Thus/saith the LORD Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren return/every 99/1262
1Ki_12:24.........Thus/saith the LORD Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the/children 47/1262
2Ki_3:17..........thus/saith the LORD Ye shall not see/wind 68/1262 the LORD yet I/loved 930/1262
Jer_27:15.........them/saith the LORD yet they/prophesy 411/1262 the LORD Yet ye say What/have 952/1262 the LORD Yet ye say Wherein/hast 929/1262 the LORD Your fathers/where 891/1262
Isa_43:14.........Thus/saith the LORD your redeemer/the 188/1262
Luk_5:39............he/saith The old/is.... 1052/1262
Ecc_12:8......vanities/saith the preacher all/is 139/1262
Ecc_7:27.........found/saith the preacher counting/one 137/1262
Ecc_1:2.......vanities/saith the Preacher vanity/of 135/1262 the prophet/Heaven 1177/1262
1Sa_24:13...........As/saith the proverb/of.. 35/1262
Rom_4:3...........what/saith the scripture Abraham/believed 1186/1262
Gal_4:30..........what/saith the scripture Cast/out 1215/1262
Rev_2:18........things/saith the Son/of.... 1246/1262
Rev_14:13..........Yea/saith the Spirit/that 1255/1262
Jos_22:16.........Thus/saith the whole/congregation 24/1262
Joh_4:9...........Then/saith the woman/of.. 1083/1262 There is a lion in/the 130/1262 There is a lion without/I 127/1262
Rom_15:12.......Esaias/saith There shall/be 1202/1262
Mar_11:23...........he/saith Therefore/I... 1034/1262
Joh_19:24........which/saith They parted/my 1141/1262
Joh_19:37....scripture/saith They shall/look 1146/1262 This/is......... 44/1262
1Ti_5:18.....scripture/saith Thou/shalt.... 1218/1262
Jer_45:4..........LORD/saith thus Behold/that 523/1262
Gen_32:4.........Jacob/saith thus I/have...... 2/1262
Amo_5:16..........LORD/saith thus Wailing/shall 832/1262
Num_20:14.........Thus/saith thy brother/Israel 18/1262
Isa_54:6.......refused/saith thy God For/a.. 220/1262
Isa_66:9..........womb/saith thy God Rejoice/ye 242/1262
Isa_51:22.........Thus/saith thy Lord/the... 213/1262
Gen_45:9..........Thus/saith thy son/Joseph... 5/1262
Heb_1:8.............he/saith Thy throne/O.. 1221/1262
Heb_3:7..........Ghost/saith To day/if..... 1222/1262
Ecc_10:3............he/saith to every/one... 138/1262
Joh_21:16...........He/saith to him again/the 1166/1262
Pro_9:4............she/saith to him Come/eat 124/1262
Joh_13:10........Jesus/saith to him He/that 1118/1262
Pro_9:16...........she/saith to him Stolen/waters 125/1262
Mar_14:32...........he/saith to his/disciples 1043/1262
Isa_44:26.........that/saith to Jerusalem/Thou 195/1262
Joh_21:21..........him/saith to Jesus/Lord. 1172/1262
Rom_9:15............he/saith to Moses/I.... 1187/1262
Joh_21:15........Jesus/saith to Simon/Peter 1163/1262
Isa_44:27.........That/saith to the deep/Be. 196/1262
Joh_4:28...........and/saith to the men/Come 1092/1262
Mar_2:10............he/saith to the sick/of 1005/1262
Job_37:6............he/saith to the snow/Be. 119/1262
Hab_2:19..........that/saith to the wood/Awake 861/1262
Joh_4:10..........that/saith to thee Give/me 1084/1262
2Ki_5:13............he/saith to thee Wash/and 70/1262 to them/who... 1185/1262
Gen_41:55...........he/saith to you/do........ 3/1262
Joh_19:35...........he/saith true/that..... 1145/1262
Joh_4:7..........Jesus/saith unto her Give/me 1082/1262
Joh_4:16.........Jesus/saith unto her Go/call 1087/1262
Joh_4:26.........Jesus/saith unto her I/that 1091/1262
Joh_20:16........Jesus/saith unto her Mary/She 1151/1262
Joh_11:40........Jesus/saith unto her Said/I 1112/1262
Joh_11:23........Jesus/saith unto her Thy/brother 1108/1262
Joh_20:17........Jesus/saith unto her Touch/me 1153/1262
Joh_4:21.........Jesus/saith unto her Woman believe/me 1089/1262
Joh_2:4..........Jesus/saith unto her Woman what/have 1075/1262
Joh_20:15........Jesus/saith unto her Woman why/weepest 1149/1262 unto him All these things have/I 981/1262
Mat_4:9............And/saith unto him All these things will/I 957/1262
Act_12:8............he/saith unto him Cast/thy 1179/1262
Joh_1:46........Philip/saith unto him Come/and 1069/1262
Mar_7:34...........and/saith unto him Ephphatha/that 1017/1262
Joh_2:10...........And/saith unto him Every/man 1080/1262
Joh_21:15...........He/saith unto him Feed my lambs/He 1165/1262
Joh_21:16...........He/saith unto him Feed my sheep He/saith 1168/1262
Joh_21:17........Jesus/saith unto him Feed my sheep Verily/verily 1170/1262
Mat_9:9.............he/saith unto him Follow me And/he 966/1262
Joh_1:43...........and/saith unto him Follow me Now/Philip 1067/1262
Joh_21:19...........he/saith unto him Follow me Then/Peter 1171/1262
Mat_22:12...........he/saith unto him Friend/how 991/1262
Mar_5:19...........but/saith unto him Go home/to 1011/1262
Joh_4:50.........Jesus/saith unto him Go thy/way 1095/1262
Mat_20:21..........She/saith unto him Grant/that 985/1262
Joh_14:9.........Jesus/saith unto him Have/I 1123/1262
Joh_3:4......Nicodemus/saith unto him How/can 1081/1262
Joh_14:6.........Jesus/saith unto him I am/the 1121/1262
Joh_11:24.......Martha/saith unto him I know that he/shall 1109/1262
Joh_4:25.........woman/saith unto him I know that Messias/cometh 1090/1262
Mat_18:22........Jesus/saith unto him I say/not 978/1262
Mar_1:41...........and/saith unto him I will be/thou 1003/1262
Mat_8:7..........Jesus/saith unto him I will come/and 962/1262
Joh_21:22........Jesus/saith unto him If I/will 1173/1262
Mat_4:6............And/saith unto him If thou/be 956/1262
Joh_11:39.........dead/saith unto him Lord by/this 1111/1262
Joh_13:6.........Peter/saith unto him Lord dost/thou 1115/1262
Joh_13:9.........Peter/saith unto him Lord not/my 1117/1262
Joh_14:8........Philip/saith unto him Lord shew/us 1122/1262
Joh_14:5........Thomas/saith unto him Lord we/know 1120/1262
Joh_13:25.......breast/saith unto him Lord who/is 1119/1262
Mar_11:21..remembrance/saith unto him Master behold/the 1031/1262
Mar_13:1.....disciples/saith unto him Master see/what 1038/1262
Joh_14:22........Judas/saith unto him not/Iscariot 1124/1262
Mat_17:26........Peter/saith unto him Of/strangers 976/1262
Luk_19:22...........he/saith unto him Out/of 1057/1262
Joh_1:49...........and/saith unto him Rabbi/thou 1072/1262
Joh_20:16..........and/saith unto him Rabboni/which 1152/1262
Joh_5:8..........Jesus/saith unto him Rise/take 1097/1262
Mar_1:44...........And/saith unto him See thou say/nothing 1004/1262
Mat_8:4..........Jesus/saith unto him See thou tell/no 961/1262
Joh_4:49......nobleman/saith unto him Sir come/down 1094/1262
Joh_4:15.........woman/saith unto him Sir give/me 1086/1262
Joh_4:19.........woman/saith unto him Sir I/perceive 1088/1262
Joh_20:15.....gardener/saith unto him Sir if/thou 1150/1262
Joh_4:11.........woman/saith unto him Sir thou/hast 1085/1262
Mat_8:20.........Jesus/saith unto him The foxes/have 963/1262
Joh_21:17...........He/saith unto him the third/time 1169/1262
Mat_17:26........Jesus/saith unto him Then/are 977/1262 unto him There/is 1099/1262
Luk_16:29......Abraham/saith unto him They have Moses/and 1055/1262
Joh_2:3..........Jesus/saith unto him They have no/wine 1074/1262
Joh_20:29........Jesus/saith unto him Thomas/because 1157/1262
Mar_8:29...........and/saith unto him Thou art/the 1022/1262
Mat_26:64........Jesus/saith unto him Thou hast/said 1001/1262
Joh_13:8.........Peter/saith unto him Thou shalt/never 1116/1262
Mar_14:30........Jesus/saith unto him Verily I/say 1042/1262
Joh_1:51............he/saith unto him Verily verily/I 1073/1262
Joh_1:45...........and/saith unto him We have found him/of 1068/1262
Joh_1:41...........and/saith unto him We have found the/Messias 1066/1262
Joh_18:38.......Pilate/saith unto him What/is 1132/1262
Joh_1:48.....Nathanael/saith unto him Whence/knowest 1071/1262
Mat_19:18...........He/saith unto him Which/Jesus 980/1262
Joh_5:6.............he/saith unto him Wilt/thou 1096/1262
Joh_11:27..........She/saith unto him Yea Lord I/believe 1110/1262
Joh_21:15...........He/saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed my lambs/He 1164/1262
Joh_21:16...........He/saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed my sheep/He 1167/1262
Mar_10:23..........and/saith unto his disciples/How 1026/1262
Isa_45:10.........that/saith unto his father/What 199/1262
Joh_19:26...........he/saith unto his mother/Woman 1142/1262
Mat_20:8......vineyard/saith unto his steward/Call 984/1262
Joh_19:9...........and/saith unto Jesus/Whence 1137/1262
Mat_7:21..........that/saith unto me Lord/Lord 960/1262
Rev_22:10...........he/saith unto me Seal/not 1261/1262
1Ki_22:14.........LORD/saith unto me that/will 61/1262
Rev_17:15...........he/saith unto me The/waters 1256/1262
Rev_19:9............he/saith unto me These/are 1259/1262
Rev_5:5.........elders/saith unto me Weep/not 1254/1262
Rev_19:9............he/saith unto me Write/Blessed 1258/1262
Joh_21:7.........loved/saith unto Peter It/is 1160/1262
Mar_14:37..........and/saith unto Peter Simon/sleepest 1045/1262
Mat_26:40..........and/saith unto Peter What/could 999/1262
Rom_9:17.....scripture/saith unto Pharaoh/Even 1188/1262
Joh_6:5.............he/saith unto Philip/Whence 1098/1262
Rev_3:22........Spirit/saith unto the churches After/this 1253/1262
Rev_3:6.........Spirit/saith unto the churches And to/the 1249/1262
Rev_2:29........Spirit/saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 1247/1262
Rev_3:13........Spirit/saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 1251/1262
Rev_2:11........Spirit/saith unto the churches He/that 1243/1262
Rev_2:17........Spirit/saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 1245/1262
Rev_2:7.........Spirit/saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 1241/1262
Mat_26:36..........and/saith unto the disciples/Sit 997/1262
Joh_19:14...........he/saith unto the Jews/Behold 1139/1262
Mar_3:5.............he/saith unto the man Stretch/forth 1009/1262
Mar_3:3.............he/saith unto the man which/had 1007/1262
Mar_5:36............he/saith unto the ruler/of 1012/1262
Joh_2:5.........mother/saith unto the servants/Whatsoever 1076/1262
Pro_24:24.........that/saith unto the wicked/Thou 129/1262
Luk_22:11.......Master/saith unto thee/Where 1059/1262
Mar_14:27........Jesus/saith unto them All/ye 1041/1262
Mar_7:18............he/saith unto them Are/ye 1016/1262
Mar_16:6............he/saith unto them Be not/affrighted 1050/1262
Mar_6:50...........and/saith unto them Be of/good 1015/1262
Joh_20:13..........She/saith unto them Because/they 1148/1262
Joh_19:4...........and/saith unto them Behold I/bring 1134/1262
Joh_19:5........Pilate/saith unto them Behold the/man 1135/1262
Mat_9:28.........Jesus/saith unto them Believe/ye 967/1262
Joh_21:10........Jesus/saith unto them Bring/of 1161/1262
Mar_8:29............he/saith unto them But whom say ye that I am And Peter/answereth 1021/1262
Mat_16:15...........He/saith unto them But whom say ye that I am And Simon/Peter 974/1262
Joh_21:5.........Jesus/saith unto them Children have/ye 1159/1262
Mar_10:24..........and/saith unto them Children how/hard 1027/1262
Joh_21:12........Jesus/saith unto them Come and dine/And 1162/1262
Joh_1:39............He/saith unto them Come and see/They 1065/1262
Mat_21:42........Jesus/saith unto them Did/ye 989/1262
Joh_2:8.............he/saith unto them Draw/out 1079/1262
Joh_8:25.........Jesus/saith unto them Even/the 1104/1262
Joh_2:7..........Jesus/saith unto them Fill/the 1078/1262
Mat_4:19............he/saith unto them Follow/me 959/1262
Mat_20:7............He/saith unto them Go ye also/into 983/1262
Mar_14:13..........and/saith unto them Go ye into/the 1039/1262
Mar_11:2...........And/saith unto them Go your/way 1030/1262
Mar_11:22....answering/saith unto them Have faith/in 1032/1262
Mat_13:51........Jesus/saith unto them Have ye/understood 972/1262
Joh_7:50.....Nicodemus/saith unto them he that came/to 1102/1262
Luk_3:11...........and/saith unto them He that hath/two 1051/1262
Mat_15:34........Jesus/saith unto them How many loaves have ye And/they 973/1262
Mar_6:38............He/saith unto them How many loaves have ye go/and 1014/1262
Mat_22:43...........He/saith unto them How then/doth 994/1262
Joh_18:5.........Jesus/saith unto them I am/he 1128/1262
Joh_18:38..........and/saith unto them I find/in 1133/1262
Joh_21:3.........Peter/saith unto them I go/a 1158/1262
Mar_8:1............and/saith unto them I have/compassion 1018/1262
Mar_9:35...........and/saith unto them If any/man 1024/1262
Joh_8:39.........Jesus/saith unto them If ye/were 1105/1262
Mar_3:4.............he/saith unto them Is/it 1008/1262
Joh_6:20............he/saith unto them It/is 1100/1262
Mar_4:35............he/saith unto them Let/us 1010/1262
Joh_11:44........Jesus/saith unto them Loose/him 1113/1262
Mat_19:8............He/saith unto them Moses/because 979/1262
Joh_4:34.........Jesus/saith unto them My meat/is 1093/1262
Mar_14:34..........And/saith unto them My soul/is 1044/1262
Mar_11:33....answering/saith unto them Neither/do 1035/1262
Joh_11:11...........he/saith unto them Our/friend 1107/1262
Joh_20:19..........and/saith unto them Peace be unto you And/when 1154/1262
Luk_24:36..........and/saith unto them Peace be unto you But/they 1060/1262
Joh_20:22..........and/saith unto them Receive/ye 1155/1262
Joh_19:15.......Pilate/saith unto them Shall/I 1140/1262
Mat_26:45..........and/saith unto them Sleep on now and take your rest behold/the 1000/1262
Mar_14:41..........and/saith unto them Sleep on now and take your rest it/is 1046/1262
Joh_19:6........Pilate/saith unto them Take/ye 1136/1262
Joh_20:2...........and/saith unto them They have/taken 1147/1262
Mar_2:17............he/saith unto them They that/are 1006/1262
Mat_21:31........Jesus/saith unto them Verily I say unto you That the/publicans 988/1262
Mar_12:43..........and/saith unto them Verily I say unto you That this/poor 1037/1262
Joh_1:38...........and/saith unto them What seek/ye 1064/1262
Mat_27:22.......Pilate/saith unto them What shall/I 1002/1262
Mar_12:16...........he/saith unto them Whose is this image and superscription And/they 1036/1262
Mat_22:20...........he/saith unto them Whose is this image and superscription They/say 992/1262
Mar_10:11...........he/saith unto them Whosoever/shall 1025/1262
Mat_8:26............he/saith unto them Why are/ye 964/1262
Mar_5:39............he/saith unto them Why make/ye 1013/1262
Mar_8:17............he/saith unto them Why reason/ye 1020/1262
Mat_20:6...........and/saith unto them Why stand/ye 982/1262
Mar_10:42..........and/saith unto them Ye know/that 1029/1262
Mat_20:23...........he/saith unto them Ye shall/drink 986/1262
Mat_21:16........Jesus/saith unto them Yea/have 987/1262
Joh_16:17...........he/saith unto us/A..... 1125/1262
Joh_2:5.............he/saith unto you/do... 1077/1262
Isa_52:7..........that/saith unto Zion/Thy.. 218/1262
Mal_1:4...........Edom/saith We/are......... 931/1262
Psa_50:16..........God/saith What hast/thou. 123/1262
Mar_14:63..........and/saith What need/we.. 1048/1262
Eph_4:8.............he/saith When/he....... 1216/1262
Job_35:10.........none/saith Where is God/my 118/1262
Mar_14:14.......Master/saith Where is the/guestchamber 1040/1262
Joh_8:22............he/saith Whither/I..... 1103/1262
Heb_1:7.............he/saith Who/maketh.... 1220/1262
Rom_10:11....scripture/saith Whosoever/believeth 1191/1262
Mar_8:12...........and/saith Why/doth...... 1019/1262
Mar_10:27.........them/saith With/men...... 1028/1262
Psa_36:1........wicked/saith within/my...... 122/1262
Mat_17:25...........He/saith Yes/And........ 975/1262
Isa_56:8........Israel/saith Yet/will....... 227/1262
Isa_40:1........people/saith your/God....... 178/1262