2Ki_22:12......the/scribe and Asahiah/a.... 11/52
2Ch_34:20......the/scribe and Asaiah/a..... 20/52
Neh_12:26......the/scribe And at/the....... 34/52
2Sa_8:17.......the/scribe And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both/the 1/52
1Ch_18:16......was/scribe And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the/Cherethites 13/52
Jer_36:12......the/scribe and Delaiah/the.. 42/52
1Ch_27:32........a/scribe and Jehiel/the... 15/52
Jer_36:26......the/scribe and Jeremiah/the. 44/52
Isa_36:3.......the/scribe and Joah Asaph's/son 38/52
2Ki_18:18......the/scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder And/Rabshakeh 4/52
2Ki_18:37......the/scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah with their clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 5/52
Isa_36:22......the/scribe and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah with their clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 39/52
2Ch_26:11......the/scribe and Maaseiah/the. 17/52
Neh_13:13......the/scribe and of/the....... 36/52
2Ki_19:2.......the/scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth to/Isaiah 6/52
Isa_37:2.......the/scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth unto/Isaiah 40/52
2Ki_12:10...king's/scribe and the high priest/came 3/52
2Ch_24:11...king's/scribe and the high priest's/officer 16/52
Neh_8:9........the/scribe and the Levites/that 32/52
Ezr_4:9........the/scribe and the rest/of.. 22/52
Ezr_4:23.......the/scribe and their/companions 24/52
Ezr_4:17.......the/scribe and to/the....... 23/52
Jer_36:20......the/scribe and told/all..... 43/52
2Sa_20:25......was/scribe and Zadok/and..... 2/52
Neh_12:36......the/scribe before/them...... 35/52
Mat_8:19...certain/scribe came and/said.... 49/52
2Ki_22:9.......the/scribe came to/the....... 9/52
Ezr_7:11.......the/scribe even a/scribe.... 26/52
Neh_8:13.......the/scribe even to/understand 33/52
Jer_37:15......the/scribe for/they......... 46/52
2Ch_34:15......the/scribe I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD And Hilkiah delivered/the 18/52
2Ki_22:8.......the/scribe I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD And Hilkiah gave/the 8/52
Jer_36:10......the/scribe in the higher/court 41/52
Ezr_7:6......ready/scribe in the law/of.... 25/52
Jer_37:20......the/scribe lest/I........... 47/52
2Ki_25:19principal/scribe of the host which/mustered 12/52
Jer_52:25principal/scribe of the host who/mustered 48/52
Ezr_7:12.........a/scribe of the law of the God of heaven perfect/peace 28/52
Ezr_7:21.......the/scribe of the law of the God of heaven shall/require 29/52
Ezr_7:11.........a/scribe of the words/of.. 27/52
1Ch_24:6.......the/scribe one/of........... 14/52
Mar_12:32......the/scribe said/unto........ 51/52
2Ki_22:10......the/scribe shewed/the....... 10/52
Neh_8:4........the/scribe stood/upon....... 31/52
Jer_36:32......the/scribe the/son.......... 45/52
Neh_8:1........the/scribe to bring/the..... 30/52
2Ki_22:3.......the/scribe to the/house...... 7/52
2Ch_34:18......the/scribe told/the......... 19/52
1Co_1:20.......the/scribe where is the disputer/of 52/52
Isa_33:18......the/scribe where is the receiver/where 37/52
Mat_13:52....every/scribe which/is......... 50/52
Ezr_4:8........the/scribe wrote/a.......... 21/52
Act_4:5........and/scribes And Annas/the... 68/70
Mar_8:31.......and/scribes and be killed and after/three 37/70
Mat_16:21......and/scribes and be killed and be/raised 15/70
Luk_9:22.......and/scribes and be slain/and 55/70
Act_6:12.......the/scribes and came/upon... 69/70
Mar_11:18......the/scribes and chief/priests 42/70
Mat_27:41......the/scribes and elders/said. 30/70
Mat_12:38......the/scribes and of/the...... 13/70
2Ch_34:13.....were/scribes and officers/and. 3/70
Mar_14:53......the/scribes And Peter/followed 49/70
Joh_8:3........the/scribes and Pharisees brought/unto 67/70
Mat_23:29......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because/ye 26/70
Luk_11:44......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are as/graves 56/70
Mat_23:27......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are like/unto 25/70
Mat_23:15......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye compass/sea 22/70
Mat_23:14......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye devour/widows' 21/70
Mat_23:25......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye make/clean 24/70
Mat_23:23......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye pay/tithe 23/70
Mat_23:13......you/scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut/up 20/70
Luk_5:30.....their/scribes and Pharisees murmured/against 53/70
Mar_2:16.......the/scribes and Pharisees saw/him 33/70
Luk_6:7........the/scribes and Pharisees watched/him 54/70
Mat_15:1.....Jesus/scribes and Pharisees which/were 14/70
Mat_5:20.......the/scribes and Pharisees ye/shall 10/70
Mat_23:34......and/scribes and some/of..... 27/70
Luk_19:47......the/scribes and the chief/of 59/70
Mar_14:43......the/scribes and the elders And he/that 48/70
Mar_11:27......the/scribes and the elders And say/unto 43/70
Mat_26:3.......the/scribes and the elders of/the 28/70
Mat_26:57......the/scribes and the elders were/assembled 29/70
Luk_5:21.......the/scribes and the Pharisees began to reason/saying 52/70
Luk_11:53......the/scribes and the Pharisees began to urge/him 57/70
Mat_23:2.......The/scribes and the Pharisees sit/in 19/70
Mar_15:1.......and/scribes and the whole/council 50/70
Mar_1:22.......the/scribes And there/was... 31/70
Mar_10:33......the/scribes and they shall condemn him to death and shall deliver him to the Gentiles And/they 41/70
Mat_20:18......the/scribes and they shall condemn him to death And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to/mock 17/70
Luk_20:39......the/scribes answering/said.. 62/70
Mar_7:5........and/scribes asked/him....... 36/70
Est_8:9.....king's/scribes called at/that... 5/70
Est_3:12....king's/scribes called on/the.... 4/70
Mar_12:28......the/scribes came and/having. 44/70
Luk_22:66......the/scribes came together/and 65/70
Luk_20:1.......the/scribes came upon/him... 60/70
Jer_36:21......the/scribe's chamber And Jehudi/read 8/70
Jer_36:12......the/scribe's chamber and lo/all 7/70
Mar_15:31......the/scribes He/saved........ 51/70
Jer_8:8........the/scribes is/in............ 6/70
1Ki_4:3.....Shisha/scribes Jehoshaphat/the.. 1/70
Luk_15:2.......and/scribes murmured/saying. 58/70
Mat_2:4........and/scribes of/the........... 9/70
Mar_9:14.......the/scribes questioning/with 39/70
Mat_9:3........the/scribes said/within..... 12/70
Mat_21:15......and/scribes saw/the......... 18/70
Mar_2:6........the/scribes sitting/there... 32/70
Luk_22:2.......and/scribes sought how they might kill/him 64/70
Mar_14:1.......the/scribes sought how they might take/him 47/70
Luk_23:10......and/scribes stood/and....... 66/70
Mar_12:35......the/scribes that Christ/is.. 45/70
Mar_9:11.......the/scribes that Elias must first come And he/answered 38/70
Mat_17:10......the/scribes that Elias must first come And Jesus/answered 16/70
Act_23:9.......the/scribes that were/of.... 70/70
Luk_20:19......the/scribes the/same........ 61/70
Mar_9:16.......the/scribes What/question... 40/70
Mat_7:29.......the/scribes When/he......... 11/70
Mar_3:22.......the/scribes which came down/from 34/70
Mar_7:1........the/scribes which came from/Jerusalem 35/70
Luk_20:46......the/scribes which desire/to. 63/70
1Ch_2:55.......the/scribes which dwelt/at... 2/70
Mar_12:38......the/scribes which love/to... 46/70
Luk_22:36......his/scrip and he/that......... 7/7
1Sa_17:40........a/scrip and his/sling....... 1/7
Luk_22:35......and/scrip and shoes/lacked.... 6/7
Mat_10:10......Nor/scrip for/your............ 2/7
Luk_9:3........nor/scrip neither/bread....... 4/7
Mar_6:8.........no/scrip no/bread............ 3/7
Luk_10:4.......nor/scrip nor/shoes........... 5/7
Rom_4:3........the/scripture Abraham/believed 19/32
Act_8:35......same/scripture and preached/unto 18/32
Joh_2:22.......the/scripture and the/word... 5/32
1Pe_2:6........the/scripture Behold/I...... 31/32
Joh_10:35......the/scripture cannot/be...... 8/32
Gal_4:30.......the/scripture Cast/out...... 25/32
Gal_3:8........the/scripture foreseeing/that 23/32
Luk_4:21......this/scripture fulfilled/in... 4/32
Gal_3:22.......the/scripture hath concluded/all 24/32
Joh_7:38.......the/scripture hath said/out.. 6/32
2Ti_3:16.......All/scripture is given/by... 27/32
2Pe_1:20.......the/scripture is of/any..... 32/32
Joh_13:18......the/scripture may/be......... 9/32
Joh_17:12......the/scripture might be fulfilled And/now 10/32
Joh_19:28......the/scripture might be fulfilled saith/I 12/32
Joh_19:24......the/scripture might be fulfilled which/saith 11/32
Act_1:16......this/scripture must/needs.... 16/32
Dan_10:21......the/scripture of/truth....... 1/32
Joh_7:42.......the/scripture said/That...... 7/32
Jam_4:5........the/scripture saith in/vain. 30/32
Rom_11:2.......the/scripture saith of/Elias 22/32
Joh_19:37..another/scripture saith They/shall 14/32
1Ti_5:18.......the/scripture saith Thou/shalt 26/32
Rom_9:17.......the/scripture saith unto/Pharaoh 20/32
Rom_10:11......the/scripture saith Whosoever/believeth 21/32
Joh_19:36......the/scripture should/be..... 13/32
Joh_20:9.......the/scripture that/he....... 15/32
Mar_12:10.....this/scripture The/stone...... 2/32
Jam_2:8........the/scripture Thou/shalt.... 28/32
Jam_2:23.......the/scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham/believed 29/32
Mar_15:28......the/scripture was fulfilled which saith And/he 3/32
Act_8:32.......the/scripture which/he...... 17/32
Luk_24:45......the/scriptures And said/unto. 9/21
1Co_15:3.......the/scriptures And that he was buried/and 18/21
1Co_15:4.......the/scriptures And that he was seen/of 19/21
Luk_24:32......the/scriptures And they/rose. 8/21
Mat_26:54......the/scriptures be/fulfilled.. 3/21
Act_18:24......the/scriptures came/to...... 13/21
Rom_1:2.......holy/scriptures Concerning/his 15/21
Act_17:11......the/scriptures daily/whether 12/21
Joh_5:39.......the/scriptures for/in....... 10/21
Rom_15:4.......the/scriptures might/have... 16/21
Mar_14:49......the/scriptures must/be....... 6/21
Mar_12:24......the/scriptures neither/the... 5/21
Mat_22:29......the/scriptures nor/the....... 2/21
Rom_16:26......the/scriptures of the prophets according/to 17/21
Mat_26:56......the/scriptures of the prophets might/be 4/21
Act_17:2.......the/scriptures Opening/and.. 11/21
Act_18:28......the/scriptures that/Jesus... 14/21
Mat_21:42......the/scriptures The stone/which 1/21
Luk_24:27......the/scriptures the things/concerning 7/21
2Pe_3:16.....other/scriptures unto/their... 21/21
2Ti_3:15......holy/scriptures which/are.... 20/21