Deu_11:3......his/acts which/he............ 1/66
Deu_11:7....great/acts of the LORD which he did Therefore/shall 2/66
Jdg_5:11righteous/acts of the LORD even/the 3/66
Jdg_5:11righteous/acts toward/the.......... 4/66
1Sa_12:7righteous/acts of the LORD which he did to/you 5/66
2Sa_23:20....many/acts he slew two lionlike men of Moab he/went 6/66
1Ki_10:6......thy/acts and of thy wisdom Howbeit I believed not the/words 7/66
1Ki_11:41.....the/acts of Solomon and all/that 8/66
1Ki_11:41.....the/acts of Solomon And the/time 9/66
1Ki_14:19.....the/acts of Jeroboam how/he. 10/66
1Ki_14:29.....the/acts of Rehoboam and/all 11/66
1Ki_15:7......the/acts of Abijam/and...... 12/66
1Ki_15:23.....the/acts of Asa and/all..... 13/66
1Ki_15:31.....the/acts of Nadab/and....... 14/66
1Ki_16:5......the/acts of Baasha/and...... 15/66
1Ki_16:14.....the/acts of Elah/and........ 16/66
1Ki_16:20.....the/acts of Zimri/and....... 17/66
1Ki_16:27.....the/acts of Omri/which...... 18/66
1Ki_22:39.....the/acts of Ahab/and........ 19/66
1Ki_22:45.....the/acts of Jehoshaphat and/his 20/66
2Ki_1:18......the/acts of Ahaziah/which... 21/66
2Ki_8:23......the/acts of Joram/and....... 22/66
2Ki_10:34.....the/acts of Jehu/and........ 23/66
2Ki_12:19.....the/acts of Joash and all that he did are/they 24/66
2Ki_13:8......the/acts of Jehoahaz/and.... 25/66
2Ki_13:12.....the/acts of Joash and all that he did and/his 26/66
2Ki_14:15.....the/acts of Jehoash/which... 27/66
2Ki_14:18.....the/acts of Amaziah are/they 28/66
2Ki_14:28.....the/acts of Jeroboam and/all 29/66
2Ki_15:6......the/acts of Azariah/and..... 30/66
2Ki_15:11.....the/acts of Zachariah/behold 31/66
2Ki_15:15.....the/acts of Shallum/and..... 32/66
2Ki_15:21.....the/acts of Menahem/and..... 33/66
2Ki_15:26.....the/acts of Pekahiah/and.... 34/66
2Ki_15:31.....the/acts of Pekah/and....... 35/66
2Ki_15:36.....the/acts of Jotham and all that/he 36/66
2Ki_16:19.....the/acts of Ahaz/which...... 37/66
2Ki_20:20.....the/acts of Hezekiah and all/his 38/66
2Ki_21:17.....the/acts of Manasseh and all/that 39/66
2Ki_21:25.....the/acts of Amon/which...... 40/66
2Ki_23:19.....the/acts that/he............ 41/66
2Ki_23:28.....the/acts of Josiah and all/that 42/66
2Ki_24:5......the/acts of Jehoiakim and all/that 43/66
1Ch_11:22....many/acts he slew two lionlike men of Moab also/he 44/66
1Ch_29:29.....the/acts of David/the....... 45/66
2Ch_9:5.....thine/acts and of thy wisdom Howbeit I believed not their/words 46/66
2Ch_9:29......the/acts of Solomon first/and 47/66
2Ch_12:15.....the/acts of Rehoboam first/and 48/66
2Ch_13:22.....the/acts of Abijah/and...... 49/66
2Ch_16:11.....the/acts of Asa first/and... 50/66
2Ch_20:34.....the/acts of Jehoshaphat first/and 51/66
2Ch_25:26.....the/acts of Amaziah first/and 52/66
2Ch_26:22.....the/acts of Uzziah/first.... 53/66
2Ch_27:7......the/acts of Jotham and all his/wars 54/66
2Ch_28:26.....his/acts and of all/his..... 55/66
2Ch_32:32.....the/acts of Hezekiah and his/goodness 56/66
2Ch_33:18.....the/acts of Manasseh and his/prayer 57/66
2Ch_35:26.....the/acts of Josiah and his/goodness 58/66
2Ch_36:8......the/acts of Jehoiakim and his/abominations 59/66
Est_10:2......the/acts of his/power....... 60/66
Psa_103:7.....his/acts unto/the........... 61/66
Psa_106:2..mighty/acts of the LORD who/can 62/66
Psa_145:4..mighty/acts I/will............. 63/66
Psa_145:6terrible/acts and I/will......... 64/66
Psa_145:12.mighty/acts and the/glorious... 65/66
Psa_150:2..mighty/acts praise/him......... 66/66