of Galilee and the/mother 1/4 of Galilee and manifested/forth 2/4
Joh_4:46...into/Cana of Galilee where/he.. 3/4
Joh_21:2.....of/Cana in/Galilee........... 4/4
Gen_9:18.....of/Canaan These are the three/sons 1/91
Gen_9:22.....of/Canaan saw/the........... 2/91 a/servant......... 3/91
Gen_9:26....and/Canaan shall be his servant God/shall 4/91
Gen_9:27....and/Canaan shall be his servant And/Noah 5/91
Gen_10:6....and/Canaan And the sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabtah/and 6/91
Gen_10:15...And/Canaan begat Sidon/his... 7/91
Gen_11:31....of/Canaan and they/came..... 8/91
Gen_12:5.....of/Canaan and into/the...... 9/91
Gen_12:5.....of/Canaan they/came........ 10/91
Gen_13:12....of/Canaan and Lot/dwelled.. 11/91
Gen_16:3.....of/Canaan and gave her/to.. 12/91
Gen_17:8.....of/Canaan for an/everlasting 13/91
Gen_23:2.....of/Canaan and Abraham/came. 14/91
Gen_23:19....of/Canaan And the field/and 15/91
Gen_28:1.....of/Canaan Arise/go......... 16/91
Gen_28:6.....of/Canaan And that/Jacob... 17/91
Gen_28:8.....of/Canaan pleased/not...... 18/91
Gen_31:18....of/Canaan And Laban/went... 19/91
Gen_33:18....of/Canaan when/he.......... 20/91
Gen_35:6.....of/Canaan that is/Bethel... 21/91
Gen_36:2.....of/Canaan Adah/the......... 22/91
Gen_36:5.....of/Canaan And Esau/took.... 23/91
Gen_36:6.....of/Canaan and went/into.... 24/91
Gen_37:1.....of/Canaan These are the generations/of 25/91
Gen_42:5.....of/Canaan And Joseph/was... 26/91
Gen_42:7.....of/Canaan to buy/food...... 27/91
Gen_42:13....of/Canaan and behold the/youngest 28/91
Gen_42:29....of/Canaan and told/him..... 29/91
Gen_42:32....of/Canaan And the man/the.. 30/91
Gen_44:8.....of/Canaan how/then......... 31/91
Gen_45:17....of/Canaan And take/your.... 32/91
Gen_45:25....of/Canaan unto Jacob/their. 33/91
Gen_46:6.....of/Canaan and came/into.... 34/91
Gen_46:12....of/Canaan And the sons of Pharez/were 35/91
Gen_46:31....of/Canaan are/come......... 36/91
Gen_47:1.....of/Canaan and behold they/are 37/91
Gen_47:4.....of/Canaan now therefore/we. 38/91
Gen_47:13....of/Canaan fainted/by....... 39/91
Gen_47:14....of/Canaan for the/corn..... 40/91
Gen_47:15....of/Canaan all/the.......... 41/91
Gen_48:3.....of/Canaan and blessed/me... 42/91
Gen_48:7.....of/Canaan in the way/when.. 43/91
Gen_49:30....of/Canaan which Abraham/bought 44/91
Gen_50:5.....of/Canaan there/shalt...... 45/91
Gen_50:13....of/Canaan and buried/him... 46/91
Exo_6:4......of/Canaan the land of their/pilgrimage 47/91
Exo_15:15....of/Canaan shall melt/away.. 48/91
Exo_16:35....of/Canaan Now an/omer...... 49/91
Lev_14:34....of/Canaan which I give to/you 50/91
Lev_18:3.....of/Canaan whither/I........ 51/91
Lev_25:38....of/Canaan and to/be........ 52/91
Num_13:2.....of/Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel of/every 53/91
Num_13:17....of/Canaan and said/unto.... 54/91
Num_26:19....of/Canaan And the sons of Judah/after 55/91
Num_32:30....of/Canaan And the children/of 56/91
Num_32:32....of/Canaan that the/possession 57/91
Num_33:40....of/Canaan heard/of......... 58/91
Num_33:51....of/Canaan Then ye shall drive/out 59/91
Num_34:2.....of/Canaan this/is.......... 60/91
Num_34:2.....of/Canaan with/the......... 61/91
Num_34:29....of/Canaan And the LORD/spake 62/91
Num_35:10....of/Canaan Then ye shall appoint/you 63/91
Num_35:14....of/Canaan which shall/be... 64/91
Deu_32:49....of/Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel for/a 65/91
Jos_5:12.....of/Canaan that year/And.... 66/91
Jos_14:1.....of/Canaan which Eleazar/the 67/91
Jos_21:2.....of/Canaan saying/The....... 68/91
Jos_22:9.....of/Canaan to go/unto....... 69/91
Jos_22:10....of/Canaan the children/of.. 70/91
Jos_22:11....of/Canaan in the borders/of 71/91
Jos_22:32....of/Canaan to the/children.. 72/91
Jos_24:3.....of/Canaan and multiplied/his 73/91
Jdg_3:1......of/Canaan Only/that........ 74/91
Jdg_4:2......of/Canaan that reigned/in.. 75/91
Jdg_4:23.....of/Canaan before/the....... 76/91
Jdg_4:24.....of/Canaan until/they....... 77/91
Jdg_4:24.....of/Canaan Then sang/Deborah 78/91
Jdg_5:19.....of/Canaan in Taanach/by.... 79/91
Jdg_21:12....of/Canaan And the whole/congregation 80/91
1Ch_1:8.....and/Canaan And the sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabta/and 81/91
1Ch_1:13....And/Canaan begat Zidon/his.. 82/91
1Ch_16:18....of/Canaan the lot of your inheritance When ye/were 83/91
Psa_105:11...of/Canaan the lot of your inheritance When they/were 84/91
Psa_106:38...of/Canaan and the land/was. 85/91
Psa_135:11...of/Canaan And gave their/land 86/91
Isa_19:18....of/Canaan and swear/to..... 87/91
Eze_16:3.....of/Canaan thy/father....... 88/91
Eze_16:29....of/Canaan unto Chaldea/and. 89/91
Zep_2:5.......O/Canaan the land of the/Philistines 90/91
Mat_15:22....of/Canaan came/out......... 91/91
Gen_12:6....the/Canaanite was/then....... 1/14
Gen_13:7....the/Canaanite and the Perizzite/dwelled 2/14
Gen_38:2certain/Canaanite whose/name..... 3/14
Exo_23:28...the/Canaanite and the Hittite from/before 4/14
Exo_33:2....the/Canaanite the Amorite/and 5/14
Exo_34:11...the/Canaanite and the Hittite and/the 6/14
Num_21:1....the/Canaanite which dwelt in the south heard/tell 7/14
Num_33:40...the/Canaanite which dwelt in the south in/the 8/14
Jos_9:1.....the/Canaanite the Perizzite/the 9/14
Jos_11:3....the/Canaanite on/the........ 10/14
Jos_13:3....the/Canaanite five/lords.... 11/14
Zec_14:21...the/Canaanite in/the........ 12/14
Mat_10:4....the/Canaanite and Judas Iscariot who/also 13/14
Mar_3:18....the/Canaanite And Judas Iscariot which/also 14/14
Gen_10:18...the/Canaanites spread/abroad. 1/55
Gen_10:19...the/Canaanites was/from...... 2/55
Gen_15:21...the/Canaanites and the Girgashites/and 3/55
Gen_24:3....the/Canaanites among/whom.... 4/55
Gen_24:37...the/Canaanites in/whose...... 5/55
Gen_34:30...the/Canaanites and the Perizzites and I/being 6/55
Gen_50:11...the/Canaanites saw/the....... 7/55
Exo_3:8.....the/Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites Now/therefore 8/55
Exo_3:17....the/Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites unto/a 9/55
Exo_13:5....the/Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Hivites/and 10/55
Exo_13:11...the/Canaanites as/he........ 11/55
Exo_23:23...the/Canaanites the Hivites/and 12/55
Num_13:29...the/Canaanites dwell by/the. 13/55
Num_14:25...the/Canaanites dwelt in the/valley 14/55
Num_14:43...the/Canaanites are/there.... 15/55
Num_14:45...the/Canaanites which dwelt/in 16/55
Num_21:3....the/Canaanites and they utterly/destroyed 17/55
Deu_1:7.....the/Canaanites and unto/Lebanon 18/55
Deu_7:1.....the/Canaanites and the Perizzites and the/Hivites 19/55
Deu_11:30...the/Canaanites which dwell/in 20/55
Deu_20:17...the/Canaanites and the Perizzites the/Hivites 21/55
Jos_3:10....the/Canaanites and the Hittites and the Hivites/and 22/55
Jos_5:1.....the/Canaanites which were/by 23/55
Jos_7:9.....the/Canaanites and all/the.. 24/55
Jos_12:8....the/Canaanites the Perizzites/the 25/55
Jos_13:4....the/Canaanites and Mearah/that 26/55
Jos_16:10...the/Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer but the Canaanites dwell/among 27/55
Jos_16:10...the/Canaanites dwell among/the 28/55
Jos_17:12...the/Canaanites would dwell in that land Yet/it 29/55
Jos_17:13...the/Canaanites to tribute but/did 30/55
Jos_17:16...the/Canaanites that dwell/in 31/55
Jos_17:18...the/Canaanites though/they.. 32/55
Jos_24:11...the/Canaanites and the Hittites and the Girgashites/the 33/55
Jdg_1:1.....the/Canaanites first/to..... 34/55
Jdg_1:3.....the/Canaanites and I/likewise 35/55
Jdg_1:4.....the/Canaanites and the Perizzites into/their 36/55
Jdg_1:5.....the/Canaanites and the Perizzites But/Adonibezek 37/55
Jdg_1:9.....the/Canaanites that dwelt in the mountain/and 38/55
Jdg_1:10....the/Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron/now 39/55
Jdg_1:17....the/Canaanites that inhabited/Zephath 40/55
Jdg_1:27....the/Canaanites would dwell in that land And/it 41/55
Jdg_1:28....the/Canaanites to tribute and/did 42/55
Jdg_1:29....the/Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer but the Canaanites dwelt/in 43/55
Jdg_1:29....the/Canaanites dwelt in Gezer/among 44/55
Jdg_1:30....the/Canaanites dwelt among/them 45/55
Jdg_1:32....the/Canaanites the inhabitants of the land for/they 46/55
Jdg_1:33....the/Canaanites the inhabitants of the land nevertheless/the 47/55
Jdg_3:3.....the/Canaanites and the Sidonians/and 48/55
Jdg_3:5.....the/Canaanites Hittites/and. 49/55
2Sa_24:7....the/Canaanites and they went/out 50/55
1Ki_9:16....the/Canaanites that dwelt in the city/and 51/55
Ezr_9:1.....the/Canaanites the Hittites the Perizzites/the 52/55
Neh_9:8.....the/Canaanites the Hittites the Amorites/and 53/55
Neh_9:24....the/Canaanites and gavest/them 54/55
Oba_1:20....the/Canaanites even/unto.... 55/55
1Ch_2:3.....the/Canaanitess/And........... 1/1
Gen_46:10.....a/Canaanitish woman And/the. 1/2
Exo_6:15......a/Canaanitish woman these/are 2/2