Gen_36:26......and/Cheran The children/of.... 1/2
1Ch_1:41.......and/Cheran The sons/of........ 2/2
Eze_25:16......the/Cherethims/and............ 1/1
1Sa_30:14......the/Cherethites and upon/the.. 1/9
2Sa_8:18.......the/Cherethites and the Pelethites and David's/sons 2/9
2Sa_15:18......the/Cherethites and all/the... 3/9
2Sa_20:7.......the/Cherethites and the Pelethites and all/the 4/9
2Sa_20:23......the/Cherethites and over/the.. 5/9
1Ki_1:38.......the/Cherethites and the Pelethites went/down 6/9
1Ki_1:44.......the/Cherethites and the Pelethites and they/have 7/9
1Ch_18:17......the/Cherethites and the Pelethites and the/sons 8/9
Zep_2:5........the/Cherethites the/word...... 9/9
1Ki_1:2........her/cherish/him............... 1/1
1Ki_1:4........and/cherished/the............. 1/1
Eph_5:29.......and/cherisheth it/even........ 1/2
1Th_2:7......nurse/cherisheth her/children... 2/2
1Ki_17:3.....brook/Cherith that is before Jordan And it/shall 1/2
1Ki_17:5.....brook/Cherith that is before Jordan And the/ravens 2/2 on the one/end.... 1/30
Exo_25:19....other/cherub on the other end even/of 2/30
Exo_37:8.......One/cherub on the end/on..... 3/30
Exo_37:8...another/cherub on the other end on/that 4/30
2Sa_22:11........a/cherub and did fly and/he 5/30
1Ki_6:24.......the/cherub and five/cubits... 6/30
1Ki_6:24.......the/cherub from the uttermost/part 7/30
1Ki_6:25.....other/cherub was ten cubits both/the 8/30 was ten cubits and/so 9/30
1Ki_6:26.....other/cherub And he/set....... 10/30
1Ki_6:27.....other/cherub touched/the...... 11/30 was five cubits reaching to the wall of the house and the other wing was likewise/five 12/30
2Ch_3:11.....other/cherub And one/wing..... 13/30
2Ch_3:12.....other/cherub was five cubits reaching to the wall of the house and the other wing was five/cubits 14/30
2Ch_3:12.....other/cherub The/wings........ 15/30
Ezr_2:59..Telharsa/Cherub Addan/and........ 16/30
Neh_7:61Telharesha/Cherub Addon/and........ 17/30
Psa_18:10........a/cherub and did fly yea/he 18/30
Eze_9:3........the/cherub whereupon/he..... 19/30
Eze_10:2.......the/cherub and fill/thine... 20/30
Eze_10:4.......the/cherub and stood/over... 21/30 stretched/forth.. 22/30 and another/wheel 23/30
Eze_10:9...another/cherub and the appearance/of 24/30
Eze_10:14........a/cherub and the second/face 25/30
Eze_28:14.anointed/cherub that/covereth.... 26/30
Eze_28:16.covering/cherub from the midst/of 27/30
Eze_41:18........a/cherub and a/cherub..... 28/30
Eze_41:18........a/cherub and every/cherub. 29/30
Eze_41:18....every/cherub had/two.......... 30/30
Gen_3:24......Eden/Cherubims and a/flaming.. 1/65
Exo_25:18......two/cherubims of gold of/beaten 2/65
Exo_25:19......the/cherubims on the two ends thereof And the cherubims shall/stretch 3/65
Exo_25:20......the/cherubims shall stretch/forth 4/65
Exo_25:20......the/cherubims be/And......... 5/65
Exo_25:22......two/cherubims which/are...... 6/65
Exo_26:1......with/cherubims of cunning work shalt/thou 7/65
Exo_26:31.....with/cherubims shall it/be.... 8/65
Exo_36:8......with/cherubims of cunning work made/he 9/65
Exo_36:35.....with/cherubims made/he....... 10/65
Exo_37:7.......two/cherubims of gold beaten/out 11/65
Exo_37:8.......the/cherubims on the two ends thereof And the cherubims spread/out 12/65
Exo_37:9.......the/cherubims spread out/their 13/65
Exo_37:9.......the/cherubims And he made/the 14/65
Num_7:89.......two/cherubims and he spake/unto 15/65
1Sa_4:4........the/cherubims and the two/sons 16/65
2Sa_6:2........the/cherubims And they/set.. 17/65
1Ki_6:23.......two/cherubims of olive/tree. 18/65
1Ki_6:25.......the/cherubims were of/one... 19/65
1Ki_6:27.......the/cherubims within/the.... 20/65
1Ki_6:27.......the/cherubims so/that....... 21/65
1Ki_6:28.......the/cherubims with/gold..... 22/65
1Ki_6:29........of/cherubims and palm trees and open flowers within/and 23/65
1Ki_6:32........of/cherubims and palm trees and open flowers and overlaid/them 24/65
1Ki_6:32.......the/cherubims and upon the palm/trees 25/65
1Ki_6:35...thereon/cherubims and palm trees and open flowers and covered/them 26/65
1Ki_7:29.......and/cherubims and upon the ledges/there 27/65
1Ki_7:36....graved/cherubims lions/and..... 28/65
1Ki_8:6........the/cherubims For the cherubims spread forth their two/wings 29/65
1Ki_8:7........the/cherubims spread forth their two/wings 30/65
1Ki_8:7........the/cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves that/the 31/65
2Ki_19:15......the/cherubims thou art the God even thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth LORD/bow 32/65
1Ch_13:6.......the/cherubims whose/name.... 33/65
1Ch_28:18......the/cherubims that/spread... 34/65
2Ch_3:7.....graved/cherubims on the walls/And 35/65
2Ch_3:10.......two/cherubims of image/work. 36/65
2Ch_3:11.......the/cherubims were twenty/cubits 37/65
2Ch_3:13.....these/cherubims spread themselves/forth 38/65
2Ch_3:14...wrought/cherubims thereon/Also.. 39/65
2Ch_5:7........the/cherubims For the cherubims spread forth their wings/over 40/65
2Ch_5:8........the/cherubims spread forth their wings/over 41/65
2Ch_5:8........the/cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above And they drew out the staves of/the 42/65
Psa_80:1.......the/cherubims shine/forth... 43/65
Psa_99:1.......the/cherubims let/the....... 44/65
Isa_37:16......the/cherubims thou art the God even thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth Incline/thine 45/65
Eze_10:1.......the/cherubims there/appeared 46/65
Eze_10:2.......the/cherubims and scatter/them 47/65
Eze_10:3.......the/cherubims stood/on...... 48/65
Eze_10:5.......the/cherubims' wings/was.... 49/65
Eze_10:6.......the/cherubims then/he....... 50/65
Eze_10:7.......the/cherubims unto/the...... 51/65
Eze_10:7.......the/cherubims and took/thereof 52/65
Eze_10:8.......the/cherubims the/form...... 53/65
Eze_10:9.......the/cherubims one/wheel..... 54/65
Eze_10:15......the/cherubims were lifted/up 55/65
Eze_10:16......the/cherubims went/the...... 56/65
Eze_10:16......the/cherubims lifted up their wings to/mount 57/65
Eze_10:18......the/cherubims And the cherubims/lifted 58/65
Eze_10:19......the/cherubims lifted up their wings and/mounted 59/65
Eze_10:20......the/cherubims Every/one..... 60/65
Eze_11:22......the/cherubims lift/up....... 61/65
Eze_41:18.....with/cherubims and palm trees so/that 62/65
Eze_41:20.....were/cherubims and palm trees made/and 63/65
Eze_41:25...temple/cherubims and palm trees like/as 64/65
Heb_9:5........the/cherubims of glory/shadowing 65/65