1Ch_24:18..to/Delaiah the four/and...... 1/6
Ezr_2:60...of/Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred fifty/and 2/6
Neh_6:10...of/Delaiah the son of Mehetabeel/who 3/6
Neh_7:62...of/Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred forty/and 4/6
Jer_36:12.and/Delaiah the son of Shemaiah/and 5/6
Jer_36:25.and/Delaiah and/Gemariah...... 6/6
Exo_22:29.not/delay to offer/the........ 1/3
Act_9:38..not/delay to come/to.......... 2/3
Act_25:17.any/delay on/the.............. 3/3
Exo_32:1Moses/delayed to/come........... 1/2
Psa_119:60and/delayed not/to............ 2/2
Mat_24:48lord/delayeth his coming And shall begin to smite/his 1/2
Luk_12:45lord/delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat/the 2/2