Exo_9:31......the/ear and the flax/was.... 1/120
Exo_15:26....give/ear to his/commandments. 2/120
Exo_21:6......his/ear through/with........ 3/120
Exo_29:20...right/ear of Aaron/and........ 4/120
Exo_29:20...right/ear of his/sons......... 5/120
Lev_8:23....right/ear and upon the thumb/of 6/120
Lev_8:24....right/ear and upon the thumbs/of 7/120
Lev_14:14...right/ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot And the priest shall take/some 8/120
Lev_14:17...right/ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot upon the blood/of 9/120
Lev_14:25...right/ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot And the priest shall pour/of 10/120
Lev_14:28...right/ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot upon the place/of 11/120
Deu_1:45.....give/ear unto you/So........ 12/120
Deu_15:17.....his/ear unto the door/and.. 13/120
Deu_32:1.....Give/ear O ye heavens/and... 14/120
Jdg_5:3......give/ear O ye princes/I..... 15/120
1Sa_8:12.......to/ear his/ground......... 16/120
1Sa_9:15......his/ear a/day.............. 17/120
2Ki_19:16...thine/ear and hear open LORD/thine 18/120
2Ch_24:19....give/ear And the Spirit/of.. 19/120
Neh_1:6.....thine/ear now/be............. 20/120
Neh_1:11....thine/ear be attentive/to.... 21/120
Neh_9:30.....give/ear therefore/gavest... 22/120
Job_4:12.....mine/ear received/a......... 23/120
Job_12:11.....the/ear try/words.......... 24/120
Job_13:1.....mine/ear hath/heard......... 25/120
Job_29:11.....the/ear heard me/then...... 26/120
Job_29:21....gave/ear and waited/and..... 27/120
Job_32:11....gave/ear to your/reasons.... 28/120
Job_34:2.....give/ear unto me ye/that.... 29/120
Job_34:3......the/ear trieth/words....... 30/120
Job_36:10...their/ear to discipline/and.. 31/120
Job_42:5......the/ear but now/mine....... 32/120
Psa_5:1......Give/ear to my words/O...... 33/120
Psa_10:17...thine/ear to hear To/judge... 34/120
Psa_17:1.....give/ear unto my prayer/that 35/120
Psa_17:6....thine/ear unto me and hear/my 36/120
Psa_31:2....thine/ear to me/deliver...... 37/120
Psa_39:12....give/ear unto my cry hold/not 38/120
Psa_45:10...thine/ear forget/also........ 39/120
Psa_49:1.....give/ear all ye inhabitants of the world/Both 40/120
Psa_49:4.....mine/ear to a parable/I..... 41/120
Psa_54:2.....give/ear to the/words....... 42/120
Psa_55:1.....Give/ear to my prayer/O..... 43/120
Psa_58:4......her/ear Which/will......... 44/120
Psa_71:2....thine/ear unto me and save/me 45/120
Psa_77:1.....gave/ear unto me In the day of/my 46/120
Psa_78:1.....Give/ear O my/people........ 47/120
Psa_80:1.....Give/ear O Shepherd/of...... 48/120
Psa_84:8.....give/ear O God/of........... 49/120
Psa_86:1....thine/ear O LORD hear/me..... 50/120
Psa_86:6.....Give/ear O LORD unto/my..... 51/120
Psa_88:2....thine/ear unto my cry For/my. 52/120
Psa_94:9......the/ear shall he/not....... 53/120
Psa_102:2...thine/ear unto me in the day when/I 54/120
Psa_116:2.....his/ear unto me therefore/will 55/120
Psa_141:1....give/ear unto my voice/when. 56/120
Psa_143:1....give/ear to my supplications/in 57/120
Pro_2:2.....thine/ear unto wisdom/and.... 58/120
Pro_4:20....thine/ear unto my sayings/Let 59/120
Pro_5:1.....thine/ear to my understanding/That 60/120
Pro_5:13.....mine/ear to them/that....... 61/120
Pro_15:31.....The/ear that heareth/the... 62/120
Pro_17:4...giveth/ear to a naughty/tongue 63/120
Pro_18:15.....the/ear of the/wise........ 64/120
Pro_20:12.hearing/ear and the seeing/eye. 65/120
Pro_22:17...thine/ear and hear the/words. 66/120
Pro_25:12obedient/ear As/the............. 67/120
Pro_28:9......his/ear from/hearing....... 68/120
Ecc_1:8.......the/ear filled/with........ 69/120
Isa_1:2......give/ear O earth/for........ 70/120
Isa_1:10.....give/ear unto the law/of.... 71/120
Isa_8:9......give/ear all ye of/far...... 72/120
Isa_28:23......ye/ear and hear my/voice.. 73/120
Isa_30:24....that/ear the ground/shall... 74/120
Isa_32:9.....give/ear unto my speech/Many 75/120
Isa_37:17...thine/ear O LORD and/hear.... 76/120
Isa_42:23....give/ear to this/who........ 77/120
Isa_48:8....thine/ear was/not............ 78/120
Isa_50:4.....mine/ear to hear as/the..... 79/120
Isa_50:5.....mine/ear and I/was.......... 80/120
Isa_51:4.....give/ear unto me O/my....... 81/120
Isa_55:3.....your/ear and come/unto...... 82/120
Isa_59:1......his/ear heavy/that......... 83/120
Isa_64:4......the/ear neither/hath....... 84/120
Jer_6:10....their/ear is/uncircumcised... 85/120
Jer_7:24....their/ear but walked in/the.. 86/120
Jer_7:26....their/ear but hardened/their. 87/120
Jer_9:20.....your/ear receive/the........ 88/120
Jer_11:8....their/ear but walked every/one 89/120
Jer_13:15....give/ear be not/proud....... 90/120
Jer_17:23...their/ear but made/their..... 91/120
Jer_25:4.....your/ear to hear They/said.. 92/120
Jer_34:14...their/ear And ye/were........ 93/120
Jer_35:15....your/ear nor/hearkened...... 94/120
Jer_44:5....their/ear to turn/from....... 95/120
Lam_3:56....thine/ear at/my.............. 96/120
Dan_9:18....thine/ear and hear open thine/eyes 97/120
Hos_5:1........ye/ear O house/of......... 98/120
Joe_1:2......give/ear all ye inhabitants of the land/Hath 99/120
Amo_3:12.......an/ear so/shall.......... 100/120
Mat_10:27.....the/ear that preach/ye.... 101/120
Mat_26:51.....his/ear Then/said......... 102/120
Mar_4:28......the/ear after/that........ 103/120
Mar_4:28......the/ear But when/the...... 104/120
Mar_14:47.....his/ear And Jesus answered and said unto/them 105/120
Luk_12:3......the/ear in/closets........ 106/120
Luk_22:50...right/ear And Jesus answered and said Suffer/ye 107/120
Luk_22:51.....his/ear and healed/him.... 108/120
Joh_18:10...right/ear The servant's/name 109/120
Joh_18:26...whose/ear Peter/cut......... 110/120
1Co_2:9.......nor/ear heard neither/have 111/120
1Co_12:16.....the/ear shall say/Because. 112/120
Rev_2:7........an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 113/120
Rev_2:11.......an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches He/that 114/120
Rev_2:17.......an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 115/120
Rev_2:29.......an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 116/120
Rev_3:6........an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And to/the 117/120
Rev_3:13.......an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 118/120
Rev_3:22.......an/ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches After/this 119/120
Rev_13:9.......an/ear let him hear He/that 120/120