Gen_19:2.......up/early and go/on.......... 1/86
Gen_19:27......up/early in the morning to the/place 2/86
Gen_20:8.....rose/early in the morning and called/all 3/86
Gen_21:14......up/early in the morning and took bread/and 4/86
Gen_22:3.......up/early in the morning and saddled/his 5/86
Gen_28:18......up/early in the morning and took the/stone 6/86
Gen_31:55.....And/early in the morning Laban/rose 7/86
Exo_8:20.......up/early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh lo/he 8/86
Exo_9:13.......up/early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and/say 9/86
Exo_24:4.......up/early in the morning and builded/an 10/86
Exo_32:6.......up/early on the morrow and offered/burnt 11/86
Exo_34:4.......up/early in the morning and went up/unto 12/86
Num_14:40......up/early in the morning and gat/them 13/86
Jos_3:1......rose/early in the morning and they/removed 14/86
Jos_6:12.....rose/early in the morning and the priests/took 15/86
Jos_6:15.....rose/early about/the......... 16/86
Jos_7:16.......up/early in the morning and brought/Israel 17/86
Jos_8:10.......up/early in the morning and numbered/the 18/86
Jos_8:14.......up/early and the/men....... 19/86
Jdg_6:28....arose/early in the morning behold the/altar 20/86
Jdg_6:38.......up/early on the morrow and thrust/the 21/86
Jdg_7:1........up/early and pitched/beside 22/86
Jdg_7:3....depart/early from/mount........ 23/86
Jdg_9:33.....rise/early and set/upon...... 24/86
Jdg_19:5....arose/early in the morning that he/rose 25/86
Jdg_19:8....arose/early in the morning on/the 26/86 on your/way....... 27/86
Jdg_21:4.....rose/early and built/there... 28/86
1Sa_1:19..morning/early and worshipped/before 29/86
1Sa_5:3.....arose/early on the morrow behold/Dagon 30/86
1Sa_5:4.....arose/early on the morrow morning/behold 31/86
1Sa_9:26....arose/early and it/came....... 32/86
1Sa_15:12....rose/early to meet/Saul...... 33/86
1Sa_17:20......up/early in the morning and left/the 34/86
1Sa_29:10......up/early in the morning with/thy 35/86
1Sa_29:10......up/early in the morning and have/light 36/86
1Sa_29:11......up/early to depart/in...... 37/86
2Sa_15:2.......up/early and stood/beside.. 38/86
2Ki_3:22.......up/early in the morning and the sun/shone 39/86
2Ki_6:15....risen/early and gone/forth.... 40/86
2Ki_19:35...arose/early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 41/86
2Ch_20:20....rose/early in the morning and went forth/into 42/86
2Ch_29:20....rose/early and gathered/the.. 43/86
Job_1:5........up/early in the morning and offered/burnt 44/86
Psa_46:5....right/early The heathen/raged. 45/86
Psa_57:8....awake/early I will praise thee O Lord among the people I/will 46/86
Psa_63:1......God/early will/I............ 47/86
Psa_78:34enquired/early after/God......... 48/86 with/thy.......... 49/86
Psa_101:8....will/early destroy/all....... 50/86
Psa_108:2...awake/early I will praise thee O LORD among the people and/I 51/86
Psa_127:2......up/early to sit/up......... 52/86 but/they.......... 53/86 shall/find........ 54/86
Pro_27:14..rising/early in the morning it/shall 55/86
Son_7:12.......up/early to the/vineyards.. 56/86
Isa_5:11.......up/early in the morning that they/may 57/86
Isa_26:9.....thee/early for/when.......... 58/86
Isa_37:36...arose/early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 59/86
Jer_7:13.......up/early and speaking but ye heard/not 60/86
Jer_7:25.......up/early and sending them Yet/they 61/86
Jer_11:7...rising/early and protesting/saying 62/86
Jer_25:3...rising/early and speaking but ye have/not 63/86
Jer_25:4...rising/early and sending them but ye have not hearkened nor/inclined 64/86
Jer_26:5.......up/early and sending them but ye have not hearkened Then/will 65/86
Jer_29:19......up/early and sending them but ye would/not 66/86
Jer_32:33......up/early and teaching/them. 67/86
Jer_35:14..rising/early and speaking but ye hearkened/not 68/86
Jer_35:15......up/early and sending them saying Return/ye 69/86
Jer_44:4...rising/early and sending them saying Oh/do 70/86
Dan_6:19.....very/early in the morning and went in/haste 71/86 Come/and.......... 72/86
Hos_6:4.......the/early dew it/goeth...... 73/86
Hos_13:3......the/early dew that/passeth.. 74/86
Zep_3:7......rose/early and corrupted/all. 75/86
Mat_20:1......out/early in the morning to hire/labourers 76/86
Mar_16:2.....very/early in the morning the/first 77/86
Mar_16:9....risen/early the first/day..... 78/86
Luk_21:38....came/early in the morning to him/in 79/86
Luk_24:1.....very/early in the morning they/came 80/86
Luk_24:22....were/early at/the............ 81/86
Joh_8:2.......And/early in the morning he/came 82/86
Joh_18:28.....was/early and they/themselves 83/86
Joh_20:1Magdalene/early when/it........... 84/86
Act_5:21...temple/early in the morning and taught/But 85/86
Jam_5:7.......the/early and latter/rain... 86/86