Gen_30:1........or/else I die/And........... 1/48
Gen_42:16.......or/else by/the.............. 2/48 if thou wilt/not.... 3/48 if thou refuse/to... 4/48
Num_20:19.anything/else go/through.......... 5/48
Deu_4:35......none/else beside him/Out...... 6/48
Deu_4:39......none/else Thou shalt keep/therefore 7/48
Jos_23:12......God/Else if ye/do............ 8/48
Jdg_7:14...nothing/else save/the............ 9/48
2Sa_3:35.....ought/else till/the........... 10/48
2Sa_15:14......not/else escape/from........ 11/48
1Ki_8:60......none/else Let your/heart..... 12/48
1Ki_20:39.......or/else thou shalt pay/a... 13/48
1Ki_21:6........or/else if it/please....... 14/48
1Ch_21:12.......or/else three/days......... 15/48
2Ch_23:7.whosoever/else cometh/into........ 16/48
Neh_2:2....nothing/else but sorrow/of...... 17/48
Psa_51:16sacrifice/else would/I............ 18/48
Ecc_2:25.......who/else can/hasten......... 19/48
Isa_45:5......none/else there is no God beside/me 20/48
Isa_45:6......none/else I form/the......... 21/48
Isa_45:14.....none/else there is no God Verily/thou 22/48
Isa_45:18.....none/else I have not/spoken.. 23/48
Isa_45:21......God/else beside me a/just... 24/48
Isa_45:22.....none/else I have sworn/by.... 25/48
Isa_46:9......none/else I am/God........... 26/48
Isa_47:8......none/else beside me I/shall.. 27/48
Isa_47:10.....none/else beside me Therefore/shall 28/48
Joe_2:27......none/else and/my............. 29/48
Mat_6:24........or/else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon Therefore/I 30/48
Mat_9:17...bottles/else the bottles/break.. 31/48
Mat_12:29.......Or/else how/can............ 32/48
Mat_12:33.......or/else make/the........... 33/48
Mar_2:21...garment/else the new piece/that. 34/48
Mar_2:22...bottles/else the new wine doth/burst 35/48
Luk_5:37...bottles/else the new wine will/burst 36/48
Luk_14:32.......Or/else while/the.......... 37/48
Luk_16:13.......or/else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon And/the 38/48
Joh_14:11.......or/else believe/me......... 39/48
Act_17:21..nothing/else but either/to...... 40/48
Act_24:20.......Or/else let these/same..... 41/48
Rom_2:15........or/else excusing/one....... 42/48
1Co_7:14...husband/else were/your.......... 43/48
1Co_14:16.....also/Else when/thou.......... 44/48
1Co_15:29......all/Else what/shall......... 45/48
Php_1:27........or/else be/absent.......... 46/48
Rev_2:5.........or/else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove/thy 47/48
Rev_2:16........or/else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight/against 48/48