upon Adam/and...... 1/252
Gen_43:18......and/fall upon us and/take... 2/252 not out/by......... 3/252
Gen_49:17....shall/fall backward I/have.... 4/252
Exo_5:3.........he/fall upon us with/pestilence 5/252
Exo_15:16....shall/fall upon them by/the... 6/252
Exo_21:33......ass/fall therein The owner/of 7/252
Lev_11:32.....doth/fall it shall/be........ 8/252
Lev_11:37..carcase/fall upon any/sowing.... 9/252
Lev_11:38..carcase/fall thereon/it........ 10/252 to whoredom/and... 11/252
Lev_26:7.....shall/fall before you by the sword And/five 12/252
Lev_26:8.....shall/fall before you by the sword For/I 13/252
Lev_26:36....shall/fall when none/pursueth 14/252
Lev_26:37....shall/fall one/upon.......... 15/252
Num_11:31.....them/fall by the camp/as.... 16/252 by the sword that/our 17/252
Num_14:29....shall/fall in this wilderness and all/that 18/252
Num_14:32....shall/fall in this wilderness And your/children 19/252
Num_14:43....shall/fall by the sword because/ye 20/252
Num_34:2.....shall/fall unto you for an/inheritance 21/252
Deu_22:4........ox/fall down by/the....... 22/252 from thence/Thou.. 23/252
Jos_6:5......shall/fall down flat/and..... 24/252
Jdg_8:21.......and/fall upon us for/as.... 25/252
Jdg_15:12......not/fall upon me/yourselves 26/252
Jdg_15:18......and/fall into the hand of the/uncircumcised 27/252
Rut_2:16.......let/fall also/some......... 28/252
Rut_3:18......will/fall for the/man....... 29/252
1Sa_3:19.....words/fall to the ground And all/Israel 30/252
1Sa_14:45.....head/fall to the ground for/he 31/252
1Sa_18:25....David/fall by the hand/of.... 32/252
1Sa_21:13..spittle/fall down upon/his..... 33/252 upon the priests of/the 34/252
1Sa_22:18......and/fall upon the priests And/Doeg 35/252
1Sa_26:20....blood/fall to the earth before/the 36/252
2Sa_1:15.......and/fall upon him And he/smote 37/252
2Sa_14:11......son/fall to the earth Then/the 38/252 now into the hand of the LORD for his/mercies 39/252
2Sa_24:14......not/fall into the hand of man So the LORD sent a/pestilence 40/252
1Ki_1:52.......him/fall to the earth but/if 41/252
1Ki_2:29........Go/fall upon him And Benaiah/came 42/252
1Ki_2:31.......and/fall upon him and bury/him 43/252
1Ki_22:20......and/fall at Ramothgilead And one said/on 44/252 unto the host/of.. 45/252
2Ki_10:10....shall/fall unto the earth/nothing 46/252
2Ki_14:10shouldest/fall even thou and Judah with thee But Amaziah would not hear Therefore/Jehoash 47/252 by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 48/252
1Ch_12:19.....will/fall to his/master..... 49/252 now into the hand of the LORD for very/great 50/252
1Ch_21:13......not/fall into the hand of man So the LORD sent pestilence/upon 51/252
2Ch_18:19......and/fall at Ramothgilead And one spake/saying 52/252
2Ch_21:15...bowels/fall out by/reason..... 53/252
2Ch_25:8......thee/fall before the/enemy.. 54/252
2Ch_25:19shouldest/fall even thou and Judah with thee But Amaziah would not hear for/it 55/252 thou/shalt........ 56/252
Est_6:13....surely/fall before him/And.... 57/252
Job_13:11....dread/fall upon you Your/remembrances 58/252
Job_31:22......arm/fall from my/shoulder.. 59/252
Psa_5:10......them/fall by their/own...... 60/252
Psa_9:3......shall/fall and perish/at..... 61/252
Psa_10:10......may/fall by his strong/ones 62/252
Psa_35:8.......him/fall And my/soul....... 63/252
Psa_37:24.......he/fall he shall/not...... 64/252
Psa_45:5....people/fall under thee/Thy.... 65/252
Psa_63:10....shall/fall by the sword they shall be/a 66/252 upon themselves/all 67/252
Psa_72:11....shall/fall down before him all/nations 68/252 in the midst of their/camp 69/252
Psa_82:7.......and/fall like one/of....... 70/252
Psa_91:7.....shall/fall at thy/side....... 71/252
Psa_118:13...might/fall but the LORD/helped 72/252
Psa_140:10...coals/fall upon them let/them 73/252
Psa_141:10..wicked/fall into their/own.... 74/252
Psa_145:14....that/fall and raiseth/up.... 75/252 For they/eat...... 76/252
Pro_10:8.....shall/fall He that/walketh... 77/252
Pro_10:10....shall/fall The mouth/of...... 78/252
Pro_11:5.....shall/fall by his own/wickedness 79/252
Pro_11:14...people/fall but in/the........ 80/252
Pro_11:28....shall/fall but the righteous/shall 81/252
Pro_16:18........a/fall Better/it......... 82/252
Pro_22:14....shall/fall therein Foolishness/is 83/252
Pro_24:16....shall/fall into mischief Rejoice/not 84/252
Pro_26:27....shall/fall therein and/he.... 85/252
Pro_28:10....shall/fall himself/into...... 86/252
Pro_28:14....shall/fall into mischief As/a 87/252
Pro_28:18....shall/fall at once/He........ 88/252
Pro_29:16....their/fall Correct/thy....... 89/252
Ecc_4:10......they/fall the one/will...... 90/252
Ecc_10:8.....shall/fall into it/and....... 91/252
Ecc_11:3......tree/fall toward the south/or 92/252
Isa_3:25.....shall/fall by the sword and thy mighty/in 93/252
Isa_8:15.......and/fall and be/broken..... 94/252
Isa_10:4.....shall/fall under the/slain... 95/252
Isa_10:34....shall/fall by a/mighty....... 96/252
Isa_13:15....shall/fall by the sword Their children/also 97/252
Isa_22:25......and/fall and the burden/that 98/252
Isa_24:18....shall/fall into the pit and he that cometh/up 99/252
Isa_24:20....shall/fall and not rise/again 100/252
Isa_28:13......and/fall backward and/be.. 101/252 swelling/out..... 102/252
Isa_30:25...towers/fall Moreover/the..... 103/252
Isa_31:3.....shall/fall and he/that...... 104/252
Isa_31:3.....shall/fall down and they all/shall 105/252
Isa_31:8..Assyrian/fall with the/sword... 106/252
Isa_34:4.....shall/fall down as/the...... 107/252 by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 108/252
Isa_40:30..utterly/fall But they/that.... 109/252
Isa_44:19........I/fall down to/the...... 110/252
Isa_45:14....shall/fall down unto/thee... 111/252
Isa_46:6......they/fall down yea/they.... 112/252
Isa_47:11....shall/fall upon thee/thou... 113/252
Isa_54:15....shall/fall for thy/sake..... 114/252 upon you for/I... 115/252
Jer_6:15.....shall/fall among them that fall at/the 116/252
Jer_6:15......that/fall at the time/that. 117/252
Jer_6:21.....shall/fall upon them the/neighbour 118/252
Jer_8:4.......they/fall and not arise/shall 119/252
Jer_8:12......they/fall among them that fall in/the 120/252
Jer_8:12......that/fall in the time/of... 121/252
Jer_9:22.....shall/fall as/dung.......... 122/252 upon it suddenly/and 123/252 by the sword before/their 124/252
Jer_20:4.....shall/fall by the sword of/their 125/252
Jer_23:12......and/fall therein for/I.... 126/252
Jer_23:19....shall/fall grievously/upon.. 127/252
Jer_25:27......and/fall and rise/no...... 128/252
Jer_25:34....shall/fall like a/pleasant.. 129/252
Jer_30:23....shall/fall with pain/upon... 130/252
Jer_37:14........I/fall not away/to...... 131/252
Jer_39:18......not/fall by the sword but/thy 132/252
Jer_44:12......and/fall in the land of Egypt/they 133/252
Jer_46:6.......and/fall toward the north/by 134/252 yea one/fell..... 135/252
Jer_48:44....shall/fall into the pit and he that getteth/up 136/252
Jer_49:21....their/fall at the cry/the... 137/252
Jer_49:26....shall/fall in her/streets... 138/252 in the streets/and 139/252
Jer_50:32......and/fall and none/shall... 140/252
Jer_51:4.....shall/fall in the land of the/Chaldeans 141/252
Jer_51:44....shall/fall My/people........ 142/252
Jer_51:47....shall/fall in the midst of her/Then 143/252 so at/Babylon.... 144/252
Jer_51:49....shall/fall the slain/of..... 145/252 the LORD/hath.... 146/252
Eze_5:12.....shall/fall by the sword round/about 147/252
Eze_6:7......shall/fall in the midst of you/and 148/252
Eze_6:11.....shall/fall by the sword by/the 149/252
Eze_6:12.....shall/fall by the sword and he/that 150/252
Eze_11:10....shall/fall by the sword I/will 151/252
Eze_13:11....shall/fall there shall/be... 152/252
Eze_13:11....shall/fall and a/stormy..... 153/252
Eze_13:14....shall/fall and ye/shall..... 154/252
Eze_17:21....shall/fall by the sword and they/that 155/252
Eze_23:25....shall/fall by the sword they shall take/thy 156/252
Eze_24:6.......lot/fall upon it For/her.. 157/252
Eze_24:21....shall/fall by the sword And ye/shall 158/252
Eze_25:13....shall/fall by the sword And I/will 159/252
Eze_26:15......thy/fall when the/wounded. 160/252
Eze_26:18......thy/fall yea the/isles.... 161/252
Eze_27:27....shall/fall into the midst/of 162/252
Eze_27:34....shall/fall All/the.......... 163/252
Eze_29:5.....shalt/fall upon the open fields/thou 164/252
Eze_30:4.....shall/fall in Egypt/and..... 165/252
Eze_30:5.....shall/fall with them by/the. 166/252
Eze_30:6.....shall/fall and the pride/of. 167/252
Eze_30:6......they/fall in it/by......... 168/252
Eze_30:17....shall/fall by the sword and these/cities 169/252 out of his/hand.. 170/252
Eze_30:25....shall/fall down and they shall/know 171/252
Eze_31:16......his/fall when I/cast...... 172/252
Eze_32:10......thy/fall For thus/saith... 173/252 the terrible/of.. 174/252
Eze_32:20....shall/fall in the midst of them/that 175/252
Eze_33:12......not/fall thereby/in....... 176/252
Eze_33:27....shall/fall by the sword and him/that 177/252
Eze_35:8......they/fall that/are......... 178/252 any/more......... 179/252
Eze_38:20....shall/fall and every/wall... 180/252
Eze_38:20....shall/fall to the ground And I will call/for 181/252 out of thy/right. 182/252
Eze_39:4.....shalt/fall upon the mountains/of 183/252
Eze_39:5.....shalt/fall upon the open field/for 184/252 into iniquity/therefore 185/252
Eze_47:14....shall/fall unto you for inheritance/And 186/252 down and worship the golden image that/Nebuchadnezzar 187/252
Dan_3:10.....shall/fall down and worship the golden image And/whoso 188/252 down and worship the image/which 189/252
Dan_11:14....shall/fall So the/king...... 190/252
Dan_11:19......and/fall and not be/found. 191/252
Dan_11:26....shall/fall down slain/And... 192/252
Dan_11:33....shall/fall by the sword and by/flame 193/252
Dan_11:34....shall/fall they/shall....... 194/252
Dan_11:35....shall/fall to try/them...... 195/252
Hos_4:5.......thou/fall in the day/and... 196/252
Hos_4:5......shall/fall with thee/in..... 197/252
Hos_4:14.....shall/fall Though/thou...... 198/252
Hos_5:5....Ephraim/fall in their/iniquity 199/252
Hos_5:5......shall/fall with them They/shall 200/252
Hos_7:16.....shall/fall by the sword for/the 201/252
Hos_10:8.....hills/Fall on us O/Israel... 202/252
Hos_13:16....shall/fall by the sword their infants/shall 203/252
Hos_14:9.....shall/fall therein The word/of 204/252
Joe_2:8.......they/fall upon the sword/they 205/252
Amo_3:5.......bird/fall in a/snare....... 206/252
Amo_3:14.......and/fall to the ground And I will smite/the 207/252
Amo_7:17.....shall/fall by the sword and thy land/shall 208/252
Amo_8:14.....shall/fall and never/rise... 209/252
Amo_9:9......grain/fall upon the earth/All 210/252
Mic_7:8..........I/fall I/shall.......... 211/252
Nah_3:12......even/fall into the mouth/of 212/252
Mat_4:9.......wilt/fall down and worship me/Then 213/252
Mat_7:27.......the/fall of it/And........ 214/252
Mat_10:29......not/fall on the/ground.... 215/252 into a/pit....... 216/252
Mat_15:14....shall/fall into the ditch Then/answered 217/252
Mat_15:27....which/fall from their/masters' 218/252
Mat_21:44....shall/fall on this/stone.... 219/252
Mat_21:44....shall/fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 220/252
Mat_24:29....shall/fall from heaven and/the 221/252
Mar_13:25....shall/fall and the powers/that 222/252
Luk_2:34.......the/fall and rising/again. 223/252
Luk_6:39......both/fall into the ditch The/disciple 224/252
Luk_8:13temptation/fall away And/that.... 225/252
Luk_10:18lightning/fall from heaven Behold/I 226/252
Luk_20:18....shall/fall upon that/stone.. 227/252
Luk_20:18....shall/fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 228/252
Luk_21:24....shall/fall by the edge/of... 229/252
Luk_23:30mountains/Fall on us and to/the. 230/252
Joh_12:24....wheat/fall into the ground/and 231/252
Act_27:17...should/fall into the quicksands/strake 232/252
Act_27:32......her/fall off/And.......... 233/252 from the/head.... 234/252
Rom_11:11...should/fall God/forbid....... 235/252
Rom_11:11....their/fall salvation/is..... 236/252
Rom_11:12......the/fall of them/be....... 237/252 in his/brother's. 238/252
1Co_10:12.......he/fall There hath/no.... 239/252
1Ti_3:6.........he/fall into the condemnation/of 240/252
1Ti_3:7.........he/fall into reproach/and 241/252 into temptation/and 242/252 after/the........ 243/252
Heb_6:6......shall/fall away to/renew.... 244/252 into the hands/of 245/252 into divers/temptations 246/252 into condemnation/Is 247/252
2Pe_1:10.....never/fall For so/an........ 248/252
2Pe_3:17....wicked/fall from your/own.... 249/252
Rev_4:10....elders/fall down before him that/sat 250/252 on us and hide/us 251/252 from heaven unto/the 252/252
Gen_4:6countenance/fallen If/thou........... 1/79 off his/head...... 2/79 off from/the...... 3/79
Lev_25:35......and/fallen in decay/with..... 4/79 to us/on.......... 5/79 upon us/and....... 6/79
Jos_8:24.......all/fallen on/the............ 7/79
Jdg_3:25.......was/fallen down dead on/the.. 8/79
Jdg_18:1.......not/fallen unto them/among... 9/79
Jdg_19:27......was/fallen down at/the...... 10/79
1Sa_5:3........was/fallen upon his face to the earth/before 11/79
1Sa_5:4........was/fallen upon his face to the ground/before 12/79
1Sa_26:12......was/fallen upon them/Then... 13/79
1Sa_31:8......sons/fallen in mount Gilboa And they/cut 14/79
2Sa_1:4........are/fallen and dead/and..... 15/79
2Sa_1:10.......was/fallen and I/took....... 16/79
2Sa_1:12......were/fallen by the sword And David/said 17/79
2Sa_1:19....mighty/fallen Tell/it.......... 18/79
2Sa_1:25....mighty/fallen in the midst/of.. 19/79
2Sa_1:27....mighty/fallen and the/weapons.. 20/79 this/day......... 21/79
2Sa_22:39......are/fallen under my feet For thou hast girded me with strength to/battle 22/79
2Ki_13:14......was/fallen sick/of.......... 23/79
1Ch_10:8......sons/fallen in mount Gilboa And when/they 24/79
2Ch_20:24...bodies/fallen to the earth and/none 25/79
2Ch_29:9......have/fallen by the sword and our/sons 26/79
Est_7:8........was/fallen upon the/bed..... 27/79 from heaven and/hath 28/79 into the/ditch... 29/79
Psa_16:6.......are/fallen unto me/in....... 30/79
Psa_18:38......are/fallen under my feet For thou hast girded me with strength unto/the 31/79
Psa_20:8.......and/fallen but/we........... 32/79
Psa_36:12.iniquity/fallen they/are......... 33/79
Psa_55:4.......are/fallen upon me Fearfulness/and 34/79
Psa_57:6.......are/fallen themselves/Selah. 35/79
Psa_69:9.......are/fallen upon me When/I... 36/79 because their/tongue 37/79
Isa_9:10.......are/fallen down but/we...... 38/79
Isa_14:12.....thou/fallen from heaven O/Lucifer 39/79 And gladness/is.. 40/79 is fallen and all/the 41/79 and all/the...... 42/79 Thy/dead......... 43/79 in the street/and 44/79
Jer_38:19......are/fallen to the Chaldeans/lest 45/79
Jer_46:12......are/fallen both/together.... 46/79 upon thy/summer.. 47/79
Jer_50:15......are/fallen her/walls........ 48/79
Jer_51:8..suddenly/fallen and destroyed/howl 49/79
Lam_2:21.......are/fallen by the sword thou/hast 50/79 from our/head.... 51/79 shall/it......... 52/79
Eze_31:12......are/fallen and his/boughs... 53/79
Eze_32:22....slain/fallen by the sword Whose/graves 54/79
Eze_32:23....slain/fallen by the sword which caused/terror 55/79
Eze_32:24....slain/fallen by the sword which are/gone 56/79
Eze_32:27......are/fallen of/the........... 57/79
Hos_7:7........are/fallen there/is......... 58/79
Hos_14:1......hast/fallen by thine/iniquity 59/79 she/shall........ 60/79 and close/up..... 61/79 because the/mighty 62/79
Luk_14:5........ox/fallen into a pit/and... 63/79
Act_8:16.......was/fallen upon none/of..... 64/79 down and/I....... 65/79
Act_20:9.....being/fallen into a deep/sleep 66/79
Act_26:14......all/fallen to the earth I/heard 67/79
Act_27:29.....have/fallen upon rocks/they.. 68/79
Act_28:6........or/fallen down dead suddenly/but 69/79
1Co_15:6.......are/fallen asleep After/that 70/79
1Co_15:18......are/fallen asleep in/Christ. 71/79
Gal_5:4........are/fallen from grace/For... 72/79
Php_1:12......have/fallen out/rather....... 73/79 and repent/and... 74/79 is fallen that/great 75/79 that/great....... 76/79
Rev_17:10......are/fallen and one/is....... 77/79 is fallen and is/become 78/79 and is/become.... 79/79
Jer_37:13.....Thou/fallest/away.............. 1/1
Exo_1:10.....there/falleth out/any.......... 1/28
Lev_11:33.....them/falleth whatsoever/is.... 2/28
Lev_11:35..carcase/falleth shall/be......... 3/28
Num_33:54......lot/falleth according/to..... 4/28
2Sa_3:29......that/falleth on the sword/or.. 5/28 before/wicked.... 6/28
2Sa_17:12......dew/falleth on the ground/and 7/28
Job_4:13.....sleep/falleth on men/Fear...... 8/28
Job_33:15....sleep/falleth upon/men......... 9/28
Pro_13:17messenger/falleth into mischief but/a 10/28
Pro_17:20...tongue/falleth into mischief He/that 11/28 seven/times..... 12/28
Pro_24:17....enemy/falleth and let/not..... 13/28
Ecc_4:10........he/falleth for/he.......... 14/28 suddenly/upon... 15/28
Ecc_11:3......tree/falleth there/it........ 16/28
Isa_34:4......leaf/falleth off/from........ 17/28
Isa_44:15......and/falleth down thereto/He. 18/28
Isa_44:17.......he/falleth down unto/it.... 19/28
Jer_21:9.......and/falleth to the/Chaldeans 20/28
Dan_3:6......whoso/falleth not down and worshippeth shall/the 21/28
Dan_3:11.....whoso/falleth not down and worshippeth that/he 22/28
Mat_17:15.......he/falleth into the/fire... 23/28 If/Satan........ 24/28
Luk_15:12.....that/falleth to me/And....... 25/28
Rom_14:4........or/falleth Yea/he.......... 26/28
Jam_1:11...thereof/falleth and the/grace... 27/28
1Pe_1:24...thereof/falleth away/But........ 28/28
Num_24:4..Almighty/falling into a trance but having his eyes open How/goodly 1/15
Num_24:16.Almighty/falling into a trance but having his eyes open I/shall 2/15
Job_4:4........was/falling and thou/hast.... 3/15
Job_14:18mountains/falling cometh/to........ 4/15
Psa_56:13.....from/falling that/I........... 5/15
Psa_116:8.....from/falling I/will........... 6/15 down before the/wicked 7/15
Isa_34:4.........a/falling fig/from......... 8/15
Luk_8:47.......and/falling down before him/she 9/15
Luk_22:44....blood/falling down to/the..... 10/15
Act_1:18.......and/falling headlong/he..... 11/15
Act_27:41......And/falling into a place/where 12/15 down on/his..... 13/15
2Th_2:3..........a/falling away/first...... 14/15
Jud_1:24......from/falling and to/present.. 15/15
Deu_14:5.......the/fallow deer/and........... 1/3
Jer_4:3.......your/fallow ground and/sow..... 2/3
Hos_10:12.....your/fallow ground for/it...... 3/3
1Ki_4:23.......and/fallowdeer/and............ 1/1