Gen_12:9..journeyed/going on still/toward.... 1/92
Gen_15:12.......was/going down a/deep........ 2/92
Gen_37:25.....myrrh/going to carry/it........ 3/92
Exo_17:12.......the/going down of the sun And/Joshua 4/92
Exo_23:4........ass/going astray thou/shalt.. 5/92
Exo_37:18..branches/going out of the sides/thereof 6/92
Exo_37:19..branches/going out of the candlestick/And 7/92
Exo_37:21..branches/going out of it/Their.... 8/92
Lev_11:20.....creep/going upon/all........... 9/92
Num_32:7.......from/going over/into......... 10/92
Num_34:4........the/going forth thereof/shall 11/92
Deu_16:6........the/going down of the sun at/the 12/92
Deu_33:18.......thy/going out and Issachar/in 13/92
Jos_1:4.........the/going down of the sun shall/be 14/92
Jos_6:9.....priests/going on and blowing with the trumpets And Joshua/had 15/92 about it/once..... 16/92
Jos_6:13....priests/going on and blowing with the trumpets And the/second 17/92
Jos_7:5.........the/going down wherefore/the 18/92
Jos_10:11.......the/going down to Bethhoron/that 19/92
Jos_10:27.......the/going down of the sun that/Joshua 20/92
Jos_15:7........the/going up to Adummim/which 21/92
Jos_18:17.......the/going up of Adummim/and. 22/92 the/way........... 23/92
Jdg_1:36........the/going up to Akrabbim/from 24/92 to the/house...... 25/92 But/none.......... 26/92
1Sa_9:11....maidens/going out to/draw....... 27/92
1Sa_9:27.......were/going down to the end/of 28/92 up to God/to...... 29/92
1Sa_17:20.......was/going forth to/the...... 30/92
1Sa_29:6........thy/going out and thy coming in with/me 31/92 he/turned......... 32/92
2Sa_3:25........thy/going out and thy coming in and to/know 33/92
2Sa_5:24..........a/going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir/thyself 34/92
1Ki_17:11.......was/going to fetch/it....... 35/92
1Ki_22:36.......the/going down of the sun saying/Every 36/92
2Ki_2:23........was/going up by/the......... 37/92
2Ki_9:27........the/going up to Gur/which... 38/92
2Ki_19:27.......thy/going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 39/92
1Ch_14:15........of/going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt go/out 40/92
1Ch_26:16.......the/going up ward/against... 41/92
2Ch_11:4.......from/going against/Jeroboam.. 42/92
2Ch_18:34.......sun/going down he/died...... 43/92
Neh_3:19........the/going up to the/armoury. 44/92
Neh_3:31........the/going up of the corner And/between 45/92
Neh_3:32........the/going up of the corner unto/the 46/92
Neh_12:37.......the/going up of the wall/above 47/92
Job_1:7........From/going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 48/92
Job_2:2........From/going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 49/92
Job_33:24......from/going down to the pit/I. 50/92
Job_33:28......from/going into/the.......... 51/92
Psa_19:6........His/going forth is from/the. 52/92
Psa_50:1........the/going down thereof/Out.. 53/92
Psa_104:19......his/going down Thou/makest.. 54/92
Psa_113:3.......the/going down of the same the/LORD's 55/92
Psa_121:8.......thy/going out and thy coming in from/this 56/92
Psa_144:14......nor/going out that/there.... 57/92
Pro_7:27.......hell/going down to the chambers/of 58/92
Pro_14:15.......his/going A wise/man........ 59/92 A lion/which...... 60/92
Isa_13:10.......his/going forth and/the..... 61/92
Isa_37:28.......thy/going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 62/92
Jer_48:5........the/going up of Luhith/continual 63/92
Jer_48:5........the/going down of Horonaim/the 64/92
Jer_50:4...together/going and weeping/they.. 65/92
Eze_27:19.....Javan/going to and fro occupied/in 66/92
Eze_40:31.......the/going up to it had eight steps And he brought me into/the 67/92
Eze_40:34.......the/going up to it had eight steps And he brought me to/the 68/92
Eze_40:37.......the/going up to it had eight steps And the/chambers 69/92
Eze_44:5......every/going forth of the sanctuary/And 70/92
Eze_46:12.......his/going forth one/shall... 71/92
Dan_6:14........the/going down of the sun to/deliver 72/92
Dan_9:25........the/going forth of the commandment/to 73/92
Hos_6:3.........his/going forth is prepared/as 74/92
Jon_1:3........ship/going to Tarshish/so.... 75/92
Mal_1:11........the/going down of the same my/name 76/92
Mat_4:21........And/going on from/thence.... 77/92
Mat_20:17.....Jesus/going up to Jerusalem took/the 78/92 behold he/is...... 79/92
Mat_28:11......were/going behold some/of.... 80/92
Mar_6:31........and/going and they/had...... 81/92
Mar_10:32.......way/going up to Jerusalem and/Jesus 82/92
Luk_14:31......king/going to make/war....... 83/92 down his/servants. 84/92
Joh_8:59.....temple/going through/the....... 85/92
Act_9:28........and/going out at/Jerusalem.. 86/92
Act_20:5......These/going before tarried/for 87/92
Rom_10:3........and/going about to/establish 88/92
1Ti_5:24.beforehand/going before to/judgment 89/92
Heb_7:18commandment/going before for/the.... 90/92
1Pe_2:25......sheep/going astray but/are.... 91/92
Jud_1:7.........and/going after/strange..... 92/92
Num_33:2......their/goings out according/to.. 1/26
Num_33:2......their/goings out And/they...... 2/26
Num_34:5........the/goings out of it shall be at the sea/And 3/26
Num_34:8........the/goings forth of/the...... 4/26
Num_34:9........the/goings out of it shall be at Hazarenan/this 5/26
Num_34:12.......the/goings out of it shall be at the salt/sea 6/26
Jos_15:4........the/goings out of that/coast. 7/26
Jos_15:7........the/goings out thereof were at Enrogel/And 8/26
Jos_15:11.......the/goings out of the border/were 9/26
Jos_16:3........the/goings out thereof are/at 10/26
Jos_16:8........the/goings out thereof were at the sea/This 11/26
Jos_18:12.......the/goings out thereof were at the wilderness/of 12/26
Jos_18:14.......the/goings out thereof were at Kirjathbaal/which 13/26
Job_34:21.......his/goings There/is......... 14/26 in/thy........... 15/26 And/he........... 16/26
Psa_68:24.......thy/goings O/God............ 17/26
Psa_68:24.......the/goings of/my............ 18/26 The/proud........ 19/26
Pro_5:21........his/goings His/own.......... 20/26
Pro_20:24.....Man's/goings are/of........... 21/26
Isa_59:8......their/goings they/have........ 22/26
Eze_42:11.....their/goings out were/both.... 23/26
Eze_43:11.......the/goings out thereof and/the 24/26
Eze_48:30.......the/goings out of the city/on 25/26
Mic_5:2.......whose/goings forth have/been.. 26/26