and thirty years and begat a/son 1/590
Gen_5:4..eight/hundred years and he/begat 2/590
Gen_5:5...nine/hundred and thirty years and he/died 3/590 and five years and begat/Enos 4/590
Gen_5:7..eight/hundred and seven years and begat sons and daughters And all/the 5/590
Gen_5:8...nine/hundred and twelve years/and 6/590
Gen_5:10.eight/hundred and fifteen/years 7/590
Gen_5:11..nine/hundred and five years and he/died 8/590
Gen_5:13.eight/hundred and forty years and begat/sons 9/590
Gen_5:14..nine/hundred and ten years and he/died 10/590
Gen_5:16.eight/hundred and thirty years and begat sons and daughters And all/the 11/590
Gen_5:17.eight/hundred ninety and five years and he/died 12/590 sixty and two years and he begat/Enoch 13/590
Gen_5:19.eight/hundred years and begat sons and daughters And all the days of Jared/were 14/590
Gen_5:20..nine/hundred sixty and two years and he died/And 15/590
Gen_5:22.three/hundred years and begat sons and daughters And all the days of Enoch/were 16/590
Gen_5:23.three/hundred sixty and five/years 17/590 eighty and seven/years 18/590 eighty and two years and begat sons/and 19/590
Gen_5:27..nine/hundred sixty and nine/years 20/590 eighty and two years and begat a/son 21/590
Gen_5:30..five/hundred ninety and five years and begat/sons 22/590 seventy and seven/years 23/590
Gen_5:32..five/hundred years old and Noah/begat 24/590 and twenty years There/were 25/590
Gen_6:15.three/hundred cubits the/breadth 26/590
Gen_7:6....six/hundred years old when the/flood 27/590 and fifty days And/God 28/590
Gen_8:3....the/hundred and fifty days the/waters 29/590
Gen_9:28.three/hundred and fifty years And all/the 30/590
Gen_9:29..nine/hundred and fifty years and he/died 31/590 years old and begat/Arphaxad 32/590
Gen_11:11.five/hundred years and begat sons and daughters And Arphaxad/lived 33/590
Gen_11:13.four/hundred and three years and begat sons and daughters And Salah/lived 34/590
Gen_11:15.four/hundred and three years and begat sons and daughters And Eber/lived 35/590
Gen_11:17.four/hundred and thirty years and begat sons and daughters And Peleg/lived 36/590
Gen_11:19..two/hundred and nine/years. 37/590
Gen_11:21..two/hundred and seven years and begat sons and daughters And Serug/lived 38/590
Gen_11:23..two/hundred years and begat sons and daughters And Nahor/lived 39/590 and nineteen/years 40/590
Gen_11:32..two/hundred and five years and Terah/died 41/590
Gen_14:14three/hundred and eighteen and/pursued 42/590
Gen_15:13.four/hundred years And also/that 43/590 years old and shall/Sarah 44/590 years old when his/son 45/590 and seven and twenty years/old 46/590
Gen_23:15.four/hundred shekels of silver what/is 47/590
Gen_23:16.four/hundred shekels of silver current/money 48/590 threescore and fifteen/years 49/590 and thirty and seven years and he/gave 50/590
Gen_32:6..four/hundred men with him/Then 51/590
Gen_32:14..Two/hundred she goats/and.. 52/590
Gen_32:14..two/hundred ewes/and....... 53/590
Gen_33:1..four/hundred men And he/divided 54/590 pieces of money/And 55/590 and fourscore years/And 56/590
Gen_45:22three/hundred pieces of silver and five/changes 57/590 and thirty years few/and 58/590 forty and seven years/And 59/590 and ten years And Joseph/saw 60/590 and ten years old and they embalmed/him 61/590 thirty and seven years/The 62/590 thirty and three/years 63/590 and thirty and seven years And the/sons 64/590
Exo_12:37..six/hundred thousand on/foot 65/590
Exo_12:40.four/hundred and thirty years And it/came 66/590
Exo_12:41.four/hundred and thirty years even/the 67/590
Exo_14:7...six/hundred chosen chariots/and 68/590 cubits long for/one 69/590 cubits long and his/twenty 70/590 cubits and the breadth fifty/every 71/590
Exo_30:23.five/hundred shekels and of/sweet 72/590
Exo_30:23..two/hundred and fifty shekels and of sweet/calamus 73/590
Exo_30:23..two/hundred and fifty shekels And of cassia/five 74/590
Exo_30:24.five/hundred shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary and/of 75/590 cubits Their pillars were twenty and their brasen/sockets 76/590 cubits their pillars were twenty and their sockets/of 77/590
Exo_38:24seven/hundred and thirty shekels after/the 78/590 talents and a/thousand 79/590
Exo_38:25seven/hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels/after 80/590
Exo_38:26..six/hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty men/And 81/590
Exo_38:26.five/hundred and fifty men And of/the 82/590
Exo_38:27..the/hundred talents of silver were/cast 83/590 sockets/of..... 84/590
Exo_38:27..the/hundred talents a/talent 85/590
Exo_38:28seven/hundred seventy and five shekels/he 86/590
Exo_38:29.four/hundred shekels And therewith/he 87/590 and an/hundred. 88/590 of you/shall... 89/590
Num_1:21..five/hundred Of the children of Simeon/by 90/590
Num_1:23.three/hundred Of the children of Gad/by 91/590
Num_1:25...six/hundred and fifty Of the children/of 92/590
Num_1:27...six/hundred Of the children of Issachar/by 93/590
Num_1:29..four/hundred Of the children of Zebulun/by 94/590
Num_1:31..four/hundred Of the children of Joseph/namely 95/590
Num_1:33..five/hundred Of the children of Manasseh/by 96/590
Num_1:35...two/hundred Of the children of Benjamin/by 97/590
Num_1:37..four/hundred Of the children of Dan/by 98/590 Of the children of Asher by/their 99/590
Num_1:41..five/hundred Of the children of Naphtali/throughout 100/590
Num_1:43..four/hundred These are those/that 101/590
Num_1:46...six/hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites after/the 102/590
Num_1:46..five/hundred and fifty But the Levites after/the 103/590
Num_2:4....six/hundred And those that do/pitch 104/590
Num_2:6...four/hundred Then the tribe of Zebulun/and 105/590
Num_2:8...four/hundred All that were numbered in/the 106/590 thousand and fourscore/thousand 107/590
Num_2:9...four/hundred throughout their armies These/shall 108/590
Num_2:11..five/hundred And those which/pitch 109/590
Num_2:13.three/hundred Then the tribe of Gad/and 110/590
Num_2:15...six/hundred and fifty All that/were 111/590 thousand and fifty and one/thousand 112/590
Num_2:16..four/hundred and fifty throughout/their 113/590
Num_2:19..five/hundred And by/him.... 114/590
Num_2:21...two/hundred Then the tribe of Benjamin/and 115/590
Num_2:23..four/hundred All that were numbered of/the 116/590 thousand and eight/thousand 117/590 throughout their armies And/they 118/590 And those that encamp/by 119/590
Num_2:28..five/hundred Then the tribe of Naphtali/and 120/590
Num_2:30..four/hundred All they/that. 121/590 thousand and fifty and seven/thousand 122/590
Num_2:31...six/hundred They/shall.... 123/590
Num_2:32...six/hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites were/not 124/590
Num_2:32..five/hundred and fifty But the Levites were/not 125/590
Num_3:22..five/hundred The families/of 126/590
Num_3:28...six/hundred keeping/the... 127/590
Num_3:34...two/hundred And the chief/of 128/590
Num_3:43...two/hundred and threescore and thirteen And/the 129/590
Num_3:46...two/hundred and threescore and thirteen of/the 130/590
Num_3:50.three/hundred and threescore and five/shekels 131/590 and fifty These/were 132/590
Num_4:40...six/hundred and thirty These/are 133/590
Num_4:44...two/hundred These be/those 134/590
Num_4:48..five/hundred and fourscore According/to 135/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them were/full 136/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 137/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 138/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 139/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 140/590 and thirty shekels a/silver 141/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 142/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 143/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 144/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 145/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 146/590 and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 147/590 and thirty shekels each/bowl 148/590
Num_7:85..four/hundred shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary The/golden 149/590 and twenty shekels/All 150/590
Num_11:21..six/hundred thousand footmen and thou/hast 151/590
Num_16:2...two/hundred and fifty princes/of 152/590
Num_16:17..two/hundred and fifty censers/thou 153/590
Num_16:35..two/hundred and fifty men that/offered 154/590
Num_16:49seven/hundred beside/them... 155/590 and thirty And the sons/of 156/590
Num_26:10..two/hundred and fifty men and they/became 157/590
Num_26:14..two/hundred The children/of 158/590
Num_26:18.five/hundred The sons of Judah/were 159/590
Num_26:22.five/hundred Of the sons of Issachar/after 160/590
Num_26:25three/hundred Of the sons of Zebulun/after 161/590
Num_26:27.five/hundred The sons of Joseph/after 162/590
Num_26:34seven/hundred These are the sons of Ephraim/after 163/590
Num_26:37.five/hundred These are the sons of Joseph/after 164/590
Num_26:41..six/hundred These are the sons of Dan/after 165/590
Num_26:43.four/hundred Of the children of Asher after/their 166/590
Num_26:47.four/hundred Of the sons of Naphtali/after 167/590
Num_26:50.four/hundred These were/the 168/590
Num_26:51..six/hundred thousand and a/thousand 169/590
Num_26:51seven/hundred and thirty And the LORD/spake 170/590
Num_31:28.five/hundred both/of....... 171/590
Num_31:32..six/hundred thousand and seventy/thousand 172/590
Num_31:36three/hundred thousand and seven and/thirty 173/590
Num_31:36.five/hundred sheep And the/LORD's 174/590
Num_31:37..six/hundred and threescore and fifteen And/the 175/590
Num_31:39.five/hundred of which/the.. 176/590
Num_31:43three/hundred thousand and thirty/thousand 177/590
Num_31:43.five/hundred sheep And thirty/and 178/590
Num_31:45.five/hundred And sixteen/thousand 179/590
Num_31:52seven/hundred and fifty shekels For/the 180/590 and twenty and three/years 181/590 shekels of silver and give/them 182/590 and twenty years old this/day 183/590 and twenty years old when/he 184/590
Jos_7:21...two/hundred shekels of silver and a/wedge 185/590 and ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 186/590 pieces of silver and it/became 187/590 and ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 188/590
Jdg_3:31...six/hundred men with an/ox 189/590
Jdg_4:3...nine/hundred chariots of iron and twenty/years 190/590
Jdg_4:13..nine/hundred chariots of iron and all/the 191/590
Jdg_7:6..three/hundred men but/all... 192/590
Jdg_7:7..three/hundred men that lapped/will 193/590
Jdg_7:8..three/hundred men and the/host 194/590
Jdg_7:16.three/hundred men into/three 195/590
Jdg_7:19...the/hundred men that were with him came/unto 196/590
Jdg_7:22.three/hundred blew/the...... 197/590
Jdg_8:4..three/hundred men that were with him faint/yet 198/590 and twenty thousand men/that 199/590 shekels of gold beside/ornaments 200/590
Jdg_11:26three/hundred years why/therefore 201/590
Jdg_15:4.three/hundred foxes/and..... 202/590
Jdg_16:5eleven/hundred pieces of silver And Delilah/said 203/590
Jdg_17:2eleven/hundred shekels of silver that/were 204/590
Jdg_17:3eleven/hundred shekels of silver to/his 205/590
Jdg_17:4...two/hundred shekels of silver and gave/them 206/590
Jdg_18:11..six/hundred men appointed with weapons/of 207/590
Jdg_18:16..six/hundred men appointed with their/weapons 208/590
Jdg_18:17..six/hundred men that were appointed/with 209/590
Jdg_20:2..four/hundred thousand footmen that/drew 210/590 throughout all/the 211/590 of a/thousand. 212/590
Jdg_20:15seven/hundred chosen men Among/all 213/590
Jdg_20:16seven/hundred chosen men lefthanded/every 214/590
Jdg_20:17.four/hundred thousand men that drew sword all/these 215/590 men all/these. 216/590
Jdg_20:47..six/hundred men turned/and 217/590
Jdg_21:12.four/hundred young virgins/that 218/590
1Sa_11:8.three/hundred thousand and the/men 219/590
1Sa_13:15..six/hundred men And Saul/and 220/590
1Sa_14:2...six/hundred men And Ahiah/the 221/590
1Sa_15:4...two/hundred thousand footmen and ten/thousand 222/590
1Sa_17:7...six/hundred shekels of iron/and 223/590 foreskins of the Philistines to/be 224/590
1Sa_18:27..two/hundred men and David brought/their 225/590
1Sa_22:2..four/hundred men And David went/thence 226/590
1Sa_23:13..six/hundred arose/and..... 227/590
1Sa_25:13.four/hundred men and two/hundred 228/590
1Sa_25:13..two/hundred abode by/the.. 229/590
1Sa_25:18..two/hundred loaves and/two 230/590 clusters/of... 231/590
1Sa_25:18..two/hundred cakes/of...... 232/590
1Sa_27:2...six/hundred men that were with him unto/Achish 233/590
1Sa_30:9...six/hundred men that were with him and/came 234/590
1Sa_30:10.four/hundred men for/two... 235/590
1Sa_30:10..two/hundred abode behind/which 236/590
1Sa_30:17.four/hundred young men/which 237/590
1Sa_30:21..two/hundred men which were/so 238/590
2Sa_2:31.three/hundred and threescore men/died 239/590 foreskins of the Philistines And/Ishbosheth 240/590 horsemen/and.. 241/590 chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour/Hadadezer 242/590
2Sa_10:18seven/hundred chariots of the/Syrians 243/590
2Sa_14:26..two/hundred shekels after the king's/weight 244/590
2Sa_15:11..two/hundred men out/of.... 245/590
2Sa_15:18..six/hundred men which came/after 246/590
2Sa_16:1...two/hundred loaves of/bread 247/590 bunches/of.... 248/590 of summer/fruits 249/590
2Sa_21:16three/hundred shekels of brass/in 250/590
2Sa_23:8.eight/hundred whom/he....... 251/590
2Sa_23:18three/hundred and slew/them. 252/590
2Sa_24:9.eight/hundred thousand valiant/men 253/590
2Sa_24:9..five/hundred thousand men And/David's 254/590 sheep beside/harts 255/590
1Ki_5:16.three/hundred which ruled/over 256/590
1Ki_6:1...four/hundred and eightieth/year 257/590 cubits and the breadth thereof/fifty 258/590
1Ki_7:20...two/hundred in rows/round. 259/590
1Ki_7:42..four/hundred pomegranates for/the 260/590 and twenty thousand sheep So the king and all the children/of 261/590
1Ki_9:23..five/hundred and fifty which/bare 262/590
1Ki_9:28..four/hundred and twenty talents and/brought 263/590 and twenty talents of gold and of spices very/great 264/590
1Ki_10:14..six/hundred threescore and six talents/of 265/590
1Ki_10:16..two/hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of gold/went 266/590
1Ki_10:16..six/hundred shekels of gold went to one target/And 267/590
1Ki_10:17three/hundred shields of/beaten 268/590
1Ki_10:26.four/hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen whom/he 269/590
1Ki_10:29..six/hundred shekels of silver and an horse for an hundred and fifty and so for/all 270/590 and fifty and so for/all 271/590 wives/princesses 272/590
1Ki_11:3.three/hundred concubines/and 273/590 and fourscore thousand chosen men which were warriors to fight against the/house 274/590 prophets/and.. 275/590 men of/the.... 276/590
1Ki_18:19.four/hundred and fifty and the prophets/of 277/590
1Ki_18:19.four/hundred which eat/at.. 278/590
1Ki_18:22.four/hundred and fifty men Let/them 279/590
1Ki_20:15..two/hundred and thirty two/and 280/590 thousand footmen in/one 281/590
1Ki_22:6..four/hundred men and said unto them Shall I/go 282/590 thousand lambs/and 283/590 thousand rams/with 284/590 men that drew/swords 285/590 men He/said... 286/590
2Ki_14:13.four/hundred cubits And he took all the gold and silver/and 287/590
2Ki_18:14three/hundred talents of silver and thirty/talents 288/590 fourscore and five/thousand 289/590 talents of silver and a talent of gold And Pharaohnechoh/made 290/590
1Ch_4:42..five/hundred men went/to... 291/590 and threescore that/went 292/590
1Ch_5:21...two/hundred and fifty thousand and of/asses 293/590 thousand For/there 294/590
1Ch_7:2....six/hundred And the sons/of 295/590
1Ch_7:9....two/hundred The sons also/of 296/590
1Ch_7:11...two/hundred soldiers fit/to 297/590 and fifty All these/are 298/590
1Ch_9:6....six/hundred and ninety And/of 299/590
1Ch_9:9...nine/hundred and fifty and six/All 300/590 and threescore very/able 301/590
1Ch_9:22...two/hundred and twelve These/were 302/590
1Ch_11:11three/hundred slain/by...... 303/590
1Ch_11:20three/hundred he slew/them.. 304/590 and the greatest/over 305/590
1Ch_12:24eight/hundred ready/armed... 306/590 Of the children of Levi/four 307/590
1Ch_12:26..six/hundred And Jehoiada/was 308/590
1Ch_12:27seven/hundred And Zadok/a... 309/590
1Ch_12:30eight/hundred mighty/men.... 310/590
1Ch_12:32..two/hundred and all/their. 311/590
1Ch_12:35..six/hundred And of/Asher.. 312/590 and twenty thousand All/these 313/590 and twenty Of the sons of Merari/Asaiah 314/590
1Ch_15:6...two/hundred and twenty Of the sons of Gershom/Joel 315/590 and thirty Of/the 316/590
1Ch_15:8...two/hundred Of the sons of Hebron/Eliel 317/590 and twelve And/David 318/590 chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help/Hadarezer 319/590 times so/many. 320/590 thousand men that drew sword and/Judah 321/590
1Ch_21:5..four/hundred threescore and ten/thousand 322/590
1Ch_21:25..six/hundred shekels of gold by/weight 323/590 thousand talents of gold/and 324/590
1Ch_25:7...two/hundred fourscore and eight And/they 325/590
1Ch_26:30seven/hundred were/officers. 326/590
1Ch_26:32seven/hundred chief/fathers. 327/590 thousand talents of iron/And 328/590
2Ch_1:14..four/hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen which/he 329/590
2Ch_1:17...six/hundred shekels of silver and an horse for an hundred and fifty and so brought/they 330/590 and fifty and so brought/they 331/590
2Ch_2:2....six/hundred to/oversee.... 332/590 and fifty thousand and three/thousand 333/590
2Ch_2:17...six/hundred And he set/threescore 334/590
2Ch_2:18...six/hundred overseers/to.. 335/590 and twenty and he/overlaid 336/590
2Ch_3:8....six/hundred talents And the/weight 337/590 pomegranates and/put 338/590 basons/of..... 339/590
2Ch_4:13..four/hundred pomegranates on/the 340/590 and twenty priests/sounding 341/590 and twenty thousand sheep so the king and all the people/dedicated 342/590
2Ch_8:10...two/hundred and fifty that/bare 343/590
2Ch_8:18..four/hundred and fifty talents of gold/and 344/590 and twenty talents of gold and of spices great/abundance 345/590
2Ch_9:13...six/hundred and threescore and six/talents 346/590
2Ch_9:15...two/hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of beaten/gold 347/590
2Ch_9:15...six/hundred shekels of beaten/gold 348/590
2Ch_9:16.three/hundred shields made/he 349/590
2Ch_9:16.three/hundred shekels of gold went to one shield/And 350/590 and fourscore thousand chosen men which were warriors to fight against Israel/that 351/590
2Ch_12:3twelve/hundred chariots and threescore/thousand 352/590
2Ch_13:3..four/hundred thousand chosen men Jeroboam/also 353/590
2Ch_13:3.eight/hundred thousand chosen men being/mighty 354/590
2Ch_13:17.five/hundred thousand chosen men Thus/the 355/590
2Ch_14:8.three/hundred thousand and out/of 356/590
2Ch_14:8...two/hundred and fourscore thousand all/these 357/590
2Ch_14:9.three/hundred chariots and came/unto 358/590
2Ch_15:11seven/hundred oxen and seven/thousand 359/590
2Ch_17:11seven/hundred rams and seven/thousand 360/590
2Ch_17:11seven/hundred he goats/And.. 361/590
2Ch_17:14three/hundred thousand And next to/him 362/590
2Ch_17:15..two/hundred and fourscore thousand And/next 363/590
2Ch_17:16..two/hundred thousand mighty men of valour And/of 364/590
2Ch_17:17..two/hundred thousand And next him/was 365/590 and fourscore thousand ready/prepared 366/590
2Ch_18:5..four/hundred men and said unto them Shall we/go 367/590 and thirty years old/was 368/590
2Ch_25:5.three/hundred thousand choice/men 369/590 thousand mighty men of valour out/of 370/590 talents of silver But/there 371/590
2Ch_25:9...the/hundred talents which/I 372/590
2Ch_25:23.four/hundred cubits And he took all the gold and the/silver 373/590
2Ch_26:12..six/hundred And under/their 374/590
2Ch_26:13three/hundred thousand and seven thousand/and 375/590
2Ch_26:13.five/hundred that/made..... 376/590 talents of silver and ten/thousand 377/590 and twenty thousand in/one 378/590
2Ch_28:8...two/hundred thousand women/sons 379/590 rams and two/hundred 380/590
2Ch_29:32..two/hundred lambs all/these 381/590
2Ch_29:33..six/hundred oxen and three/thousand 382/590
2Ch_35:8...six/hundred small/cattle.. 383/590
2Ch_35:8.three/hundred oxen Conaniah/also 384/590
2Ch_35:9..five/hundred oxen So/the... 385/590 talents of silver and a talent of gold And the/king 386/590
Ezr_1:10..four/hundred and ten and/other 387/590
Ezr_1:11..four/hundred All these/did. 388/590 seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 389/590
Ezr_2:4..three/hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 390/590 seventy and five The/children 391/590
Ezr_2:6..eight/hundred and twelve The children of Elam/a 392/590
Ezr_2:7....two/hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu nine/hundred 393/590
Ezr_2:8...nine/hundred forty and five The children of Zaccai seven hundred and threescore The children of Bani/six 394/590 and threescore The children of Bani/six 395/590
Ezr_2:10...six/hundred forty and two The/children 396/590
Ezr_2:11...six/hundred twenty and three The children of Azgad/a 397/590
Ezr_2:12...two/hundred twenty and two The children of Adonikam six hundred sixty/and 398/590
Ezr_2:13...six/hundred sixty and six/The 399/590
Ezr_2:15..four/hundred fifty and four The children of Ater/of 400/590
Ezr_2:17.three/hundred twenty and three The children of Jorah/an 401/590 and twelve The children of Hashum/two 402/590
Ezr_2:19...two/hundred twenty and three The children of Gibbar/ninety 403/590 twenty and three The men of Netophah/fifty 404/590 twenty and eight The children of Azmaveth/forty 405/590 and forty and three/The 406/590
Ezr_2:26...six/hundred twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred twenty/and 407/590 twenty and two The men/of 408/590
Ezr_2:28...two/hundred twenty and three The children of Nebo/fifty 409/590 fifty and six/The 410/590
Ezr_2:31...two/hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 411/590
Ezr_2:32.three/hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 412/590 twenty and five/The 413/590
Ezr_2:34.three/hundred forty and five The children of Senaah/three 414/590
Ezr_2:35...six/hundred and thirty The priests the children of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 415/590
Ezr_2:36..nine/hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 416/590
Ezr_2:38...two/hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 417/590 twenty and eight The children of the/porters 418/590 thirty and nine/The 419/590
Ezr_2:58.three/hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 420/590
Ezr_2:60...six/hundred fifty and two And/of 421/590
Ezr_2:64.three/hundred and threescore Beside their servants/and 422/590
Ezr_2:65.three/hundred thirty and seven and there/were 423/590
Ezr_2:65...two/hundred singing/men... 424/590 thirty and six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 425/590
Ezr_2:66...two/hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 426/590
Ezr_2:67..four/hundred thirty and five their/asses 427/590 and twenty And some/of 428/590 priests'/garments 429/590 bullocks/two.. 430/590
Ezr_6:17...two/hundred rams four/hundred 431/590
Ezr_6:17..four/hundred lambs and/for. 432/590 talents of silver and to/an 433/590 measures of wheat and to/an 434/590 baths of wine/and 435/590 baths of oil/and 436/590 and fifty Of the sons/of 437/590
Ezr_8:4....two/hundred males Of the sons of/Shechaniah 438/590
Ezr_8:5..three/hundred males Of the sons also/of 439/590
Ezr_8:9....two/hundred and eighteen males/And 440/590 and threescore males/And 441/590 and ten males/And 442/590
Ezr_8:20...two/hundred and twenty Nethinims/all 443/590
Ezr_8:26...six/hundred and fifty talents of silver/and 444/590 talents and of/gold 445/590 talents Also/twenty 446/590 and fifty of the Jews/and 447/590 seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 448/590
Neh_7:9..three/hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 449/590
Neh_7:10...six/hundred fifty and two The/children 450/590
Neh_7:11.eight/hundred and eighteen The/children 451/590
Neh_7:12...two/hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu eight/hundred 452/590
Neh_7:13.eight/hundred forty and five The children of Zaccai seven hundred and threescore The children of Binnui/six 453/590 and threescore The children of Binnui/six 454/590
Neh_7:15...six/hundred forty and eight The children/of 455/590
Neh_7:16...six/hundred twenty and eight The children of Azgad/two 456/590
Neh_7:17.three/hundred twenty and two The children of Adonikam six hundred threescore/and 457/590
Neh_7:18...six/hundred threescore and seven/The 458/590
Neh_7:20...six/hundred fifty and five/The 459/590
Neh_7:22.three/hundred twenty and eight The children of Bezai/three 460/590
Neh_7:23.three/hundred twenty and four/The 461/590 and twelve The children of Gibeon/ninety 462/590 fourscore and eight The/men 463/590 twenty and eight The men/of 464/590 forty and three/The 465/590
Neh_7:30...six/hundred twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred and/twenty 466/590 and twenty and two/The 467/590 twenty and three The men of the/other 468/590
Neh_7:34...two/hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 469/590
Neh_7:35.three/hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 470/590
Neh_7:36.three/hundred forty and five The children of Lod/Hadid 471/590 twenty and one The children/of 472/590
Neh_7:38..nine/hundred and thirty The priests the children of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 473/590
Neh_7:39..nine/hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 474/590
Neh_7:41...two/hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 475/590 forty and eight The porters/the 476/590 thirty and eight/The 477/590
Neh_7:60.three/hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 478/590
Neh_7:62...six/hundred forty and two And of/the 479/590
Neh_7:66.three/hundred and threescore Beside their manservants/and 480/590
Neh_7:67.three/hundred thirty and seven and they/had 481/590
Neh_7:67...two/hundred forty and five singing/men 482/590 thirty and six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 483/590
Neh_7:68...two/hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 484/590
Neh_7:69..four/hundred thirty and five six/thousand 485/590 and twenty asses/And 486/590
Neh_7:70..five/hundred and thirty priests'/garments 487/590
Neh_7:71...two/hundred pound of/silver 488/590
Neh_11:6..four/hundred threescore and eight/valiant 489/590
Neh_11:8..nine/hundred twenty and eight And Joel/the 490/590
Neh_11:12eight/hundred twenty and two and/Adaiah 491/590
Neh_11:13..two/hundred forty and two and Amashai/the 492/590 twenty and eight and their/overseer 493/590
Neh_11:18..two/hundred fourscore and four/Moreover 494/590 seventy and two And/the 495/590 and seven and twenty provinces/That 496/590 and fourscore days/And 497/590 twenty and seven provinces unto/every 498/590
Est_9:6...five/hundred men And Parshandatha/and 499/590
Est_9:12..five/hundred men in/Shushan 500/590
Est_9:15.three/hundred men at/Shushan 501/590
Est_9:30...the/hundred twenty and seven provinces of/the 502/590
Job_1:3...five/hundred yoke/of....... 503/590
Job_1:3...five/hundred she asses/and. 504/590 and forty years and saw/his 505/590 stripes/into.. 506/590 children/and.. 507/590 times and/his. 508/590
Son_8:12...two/hundred Thou/that..... 509/590
Isa_37:36....a/hundred and fourscore and/five 510/590 years old but/the 511/590 years old shall/be 512/590 round/about... 513/590
Jer_52:29eight/hundred thirty and two/persons 514/590
Jer_52:30seven/hundred forty and five persons/all 515/590
Jer_52:30..six/hundred And it/came... 516/590
Eze_4:5..three/hundred and ninety days so/shalt 517/590
Eze_4:9..three/hundred and ninety days shalt/thou 518/590 cubits eastward/and 519/590 cubits After/that 520/590 cubits And he brought/me 521/590 cubits long and an/hundred 522/590 cubits broad/foursquare 523/590 cubits long and the/separate 524/590 cubits long Also/the 525/590 cubits And he measured/the 526/590 cubits with/the 527/590 cubits was/the 528/590 cubits And from/under 529/590
Eze_42:16.five/hundred reeds with the measuring reed round about He measured the north/side 530/590
Eze_42:17.five/hundred reeds with the measuring reed round about He measured the south/side 531/590
Eze_42:18.five/hundred reeds with the measuring reed He turned/about 532/590
Eze_42:19.five/hundred reeds with the measuring reed He measured/it 533/590
Eze_42:20.five/hundred reeds long/and 534/590
Eze_42:20.five/hundred broad/to...... 535/590
Eze_45:2..five/hundred in length/with 536/590
Eze_45:2..five/hundred in breadth/square 537/590
Eze_45:15..two/hundred out/of........ 538/590
Eze_48:16.five/hundred and the south/side 539/590
Eze_48:16.five/hundred and on/the.... 540/590
Eze_48:16.five/hundred and the west/side 541/590
Eze_48:16.five/hundred And the suburbs/of 542/590
Eze_48:17..two/hundred and fifty and toward the south/two 543/590
Eze_48:17..two/hundred and fifty and toward the east/two 544/590
Eze_48:17..two/hundred and fifty and toward the west/two 545/590
Eze_48:17..two/hundred and fifty And the residue/in 546/590
Eze_48:30.five/hundred measures And the/gates 547/590
Eze_48:32.five/hundred and three gates/and 548/590
Eze_48:33.five/hundred measures and three/gates 549/590
Eze_48:34.five/hundred with/their.... 550/590 and twenty princes/which 551/590
Dan_8:14.three/hundred days/then..... 552/590
Dan_12:11..two/hundred and ninety days Blessed/is 553/590
Dan_12:12three/hundred and five and/thirty 554/590 and that/which 555/590 shall/leave... 556/590 sheep and one/of 557/590 pence and he/laid 558/590 And he said unto them He/that 559/590 And he said unto them Is/a 560/590
Mar_6:37...two/hundred pennyworth of bread and/give 561/590
Mar_14:5.three/hundred pence and have/been 562/590
Luk_7:41..five/hundred pence and the/other 563/590 sheep if/he... 564/590
Luk_16:6....An/hundred measures of oil/And 565/590
Luk_16:7....An/hundred measures of wheat And he/said 566/590
Joh_6:7....Two/hundred pennyworth of bread is/not 567/590
Joh_12:5.three/hundred pence and given/to 568/590 pound weight/Then 569/590
Joh_21:8...two/hundred cubits dragging/the 570/590 and fifty and three/and 571/590 and twenty Men/and 572/590
Act_5:36..four/hundred joined/themselves 573/590
Act_7:6...four/hundred years And the/nation 574/590
Act_13:20.four/hundred and fifty years until/Samuel 575/590
Act_23:23..two/hundred soldiers to/go 576/590
Act_23:23..two/hundred at/the........ 577/590
Act_27:37..two/hundred threescore and sixteen/souls 578/590 years old neither/yet 579/590
1Co_15:6..five/hundred brethren/at... 580/590
Gal_3:17..four/hundred and thirty years after/cannot 581/590 and forty and four thousand of/all 582/590
Rev_9:16...two/hundred thousand thousand/and 583/590
Rev_11:3...two/hundred and threescore days clothed/in 584/590
Rev_12:6...two/hundred and threescore days And/there 585/590
Rev_13:18..Six/hundred threescore and six And/I 586/590 forty and four/thousand 587/590
Rev_14:3...the/hundred and forty and four thousand which/were 588/590
Rev_14:20..six/hundred furlongs/And.. 589/590 and forty and four cubits/according 590/590 and the/LORD.. 1/7 and that/the.. 2/7 some sixtyfold/some 3/7 some sixty/some 4/7 and shall/inherit 5/7 now/in........ 6/7 And when/he... 7/7
Exo_18:21...of/hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of tens And let/them 1/28
Exo_18:25...of/hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of tens And they/judged 2/28
Num_31:14.over/hundreds which/came...... 3/28
Num_31:48...of/hundreds came/near....... 4/28
Num_31:52...of/hundreds was/sixteen..... 5/28
Num_31:54...of/hundreds and brought/it.. 6/28
Deu_1:15..over/hundreds and captains/over 7/28
1Sa_22:7....of/hundreds That all/of..... 8/28 and by thousands but/David 9/28
2Sa_18:1....of/hundreds over/them...... 10/28 and by thousands And/the 11/28
2Ki_11:4..over/hundreds with the captains/and 12/28
2Ki_11:9...the/hundreds did according/to 13/28
2Ki_11:10.over/hundreds did the/priest. 14/28
2Ki_11:15..the/hundreds the/officers... 15/28
2Ki_11:19.over/hundreds and the captains and/the 16/28
1Ch_13:1...and/hundreds and with/every. 17/28
1Ch_26:26..and/hundreds and the captains of/the 18/28
1Ch_27:1...and/hundreds and their/officers 19/28
1Ch_28:1...the/hundreds and the stewards/over 20/28
1Ch_29:6....of/hundreds with the rulers/of 21/28
2Ch_1:2.....of/hundreds and to/the..... 22/28
2Ch_23:1....of/hundreds Azariah/the.... 23/28
2Ch_23:9....of/hundreds spears/and..... 24/28
2Ch_23:14...of/hundreds that were/set.. 25/28
2Ch_23:20...of/hundreds and the nobles/and 26/28
2Ch_25:5..over/hundreds according/to... 27/28 and by fifties/And 28/28
Gen_7:11...six/hundredth year/of......... 1/3
Gen_8:13...six/hundredth and/first....... 2/3
Neh_5:11...the/hundredth part/of......... 3/3