and I will/establish 1/128
Gen_17:21...with/Isaac which Sarah/shall. 2/128
Gen_21:3.....him/Isaac And Abraham/circumcised 3/128
Gen_21:4.....son/Isaac being/eight....... 4/128
Gen_21:5.....son/Isaac was born/unto..... 5/128
Gen_21:8....that/Isaac was weaned/And.... 6/128
Gen_21:10...with/Isaac And the thing/was. 7/128 shall thy seed be called And/also 8/128
Gen_22:2.....son/Isaac whom/thou......... 9/128
Gen_22:3.....and/Isaac his son and clave/the 10/128
Gen_22:6....upon/Isaac his son and he/took 11/128
Gen_22:7.....And/Isaac spake unto/Abraham 12/128
Gen_22:9...bound/Isaac his son and laid/him 13/128
Gen_24:4.....son/Isaac And the servant/said 14/128
Gen_24:14servant/Isaac and thereby/shall 15/128
Gen_24:62....And/Isaac came/from........ 16/128
Gen_24:63....And/Isaac went out/to...... 17/128
Gen_24:64....saw/Isaac she/lighted...... 18/128
Gen_24:66...told/Isaac all/things....... 19/128
Gen_24:67....And/Isaac brought/her...... 20/128
Gen_24:67....and/Isaac was comforted/after 21/128
Gen_25:5....unto/Isaac But/unto......... 22/128
Gen_25:6....from/Isaac his son while/he. 23/128
Gen_25:9....sons/Isaac and Ishmael buried/him 24/128
Gen_25:11....son/Isaac and Isaac dwelt/by 25/128
Gen_25:11....and/Isaac dwelt by/the..... 26/128
Gen_25:19.....of/Isaac Abraham's/son.... 27/128
Gen_25:19..begat/Isaac And Isaac was/forty 28/128
Gen_25:20....And/Isaac was forty/years.. 29/128
Gen_25:21....And/Isaac intreated/the.... 30/128
Gen_25:26....and/Isaac was threescore/years 31/128
Gen_25:28....And/Isaac loved/Esau....... 32/128
Gen_26:1.....And/Isaac went unto/Abimelech 33/128
Gen_26:6.....And/Isaac dwelt in/Gerar... 34/128
Gen_26:8..behold/Isaac was sporting/with 35/128
Gen_26:9..called/Isaac and said/Behold.. 36/128
Gen_26:9.....And/Isaac said unto him Because/I 37/128
Gen_26:12...Then/Isaac sowed/in......... 38/128
Gen_26:16...unto/Isaac Go/from.......... 39/128
Gen_26:17....And/Isaac departed/thence.. 40/128
Gen_26:18....And/Isaac digged/again..... 41/128
Gen_26:27....And/Isaac said unto them/Wherefore 42/128
Gen_26:31....and/Isaac sent them/away... 43/128
Gen_26:35...unto/Isaac and to Rebekah/And 44/128
Gen_27:1....when/Isaac was old/and...... 45/128
Gen_27:5....when/Isaac spake to/Esau.... 46/128
Gen_27:20....And/Isaac said unto his/son 47/128
Gen_27:21....And/Isaac said unto Jacob/Come 48/128
Gen_27:22...unto/Isaac his father and/he 49/128
Gen_27:26.father/Isaac said unto him Come/near 50/128 had made/an...... 51/128
Gen_27:30.....of/Isaac his father that/Esau 52/128
Gen_27:32....And/Isaac his father said/unto 53/128
Gen_27:33....And/Isaac trembled/very.... 54/128
Gen_27:37....And/Isaac answered/and..... 55/128
Gen_27:39....And/Isaac his father answered/and 56/128 I/am............. 57/128
Gen_28:1.....And/Isaac called/Jacob..... 58/128
Gen_28:5.....And/Isaac sent away/Jacob.. 59/128
Gen_28:6....that/Isaac had blessed/Jacob 60/128
Gen_28:8.....not/Isaac his father Then/went 61/128
Gen_28:13.....of/Isaac the land/whereon. 62/128 his father in/the 63/128
Gen_31:42.....of/Isaac had been/with.... 64/128
Gen_31:53.father/Isaac Then/Jacob....... 65/128
Gen_32:9..father/Isaac the LORD/which... 66/128
Gen_35:12....and/Isaac to/thee.......... 67/128
Gen_35:27...unto/Isaac his father unto/Mamre 68/128
Gen_35:27....and/Isaac sojourned/And.... 69/128
Gen_35:28.....of/Isaac were/an.......... 70/128
Gen_35:29....And/Isaac gave/up.......... 71/128
Gen_46:1..father/Isaac And God/spake.... 72/128
Gen_48:15....and/Isaac did/walk......... 73/128
Gen_48:16....and/Isaac and let/them..... 74/128
Gen_49:31.buried/Isaac and Rebekah/his.. 75/128 and to Jacob And Joseph/took 76/128
Exo_2:24....with/Isaac and with/Jacob... 77/128
Exo_3:6.......of/Isaac and the God of Jacob And/Moses 78/128
Exo_3:15......of/Isaac and the God of Jacob hath sent/me 79/128
Exo_3:16......of/Isaac and of Jacob appeared/unto 80/128
Exo_4:5.......of/Isaac and the God of Jacob hath appeared/unto 81/128
Exo_6:3.....unto/Isaac and unto Jacob by/the 82/128 and to Jacob and I/will 83/128
Exo_32:13Abraham/Isaac and Israel thy/servants 84/128 and to Jacob saying/Unto 85/128
Lev_26:42...with/Isaac and also/my...... 86/128
Num_32:11...unto/Isaac and unto Jacob because/they 87/128
Deu_1:8..Abraham/Isaac and Jacob to/give 88/128 and to Jacob to give thee/great 89/128
Deu_9:5..Abraham/Isaac and Jacob Understand/therefore 90/128
Deu_9:27.Abraham/Isaac and Jacob look/not 91/128 and to Jacob Neither/with 92/128 and to Jacob to give them/And 93/128
Deu_34:4....unto/Isaac and unto Jacob saying/I 94/128
Jos_24:3.....him/Isaac And I gave/unto.. 95/128
Jos_24:4....unto/Isaac Jacob/and........ 96/128
1Ki_18:36Abraham/Isaac and of Israel let/it 97/128
2Ki_13:23Abraham/Isaac and Jacob and would/not 98/128
1Ch_1:28.Abraham/Isaac and Ishmael These/are 99/128
1Ch_1:34...begat/Isaac The sons/of..... 100/128
1Ch_1:34......of/Isaac Esau/and........ 101/128
1Ch_16:16...unto/Isaac And hath/confirmed 102/128
1Ch_29:18Abraham/Isaac and of Israel our/fathers 103/128
2Ch_30:6.Abraham/Isaac and Israel and/he 104/128
Psa_105:9...unto/Isaac And confirmed/the 105/128
Jer_33:26Abraham/Isaac and Jacob for/I. 106/128
Amo_7:9.......of/Isaac shall be/desolate 107/128
Amo_7:16......of/Isaac Therefore/thus.. 108/128
Mat_1:2....begat/Isaac and Isaac begat/Jacob 109/128
Mat_1:2......and/Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat Judas/and 110/128
Mat_8:11.....and/Isaac and Jacob in/the 111/128
Mat_22:32.....of/Isaac and the God of Jacob God/is 112/128
Mar_12:26.....of/Isaac and the God of Jacob He/is 113/128
Luk_3:34......of/Isaac which was/the... 114/128
Luk_13:28....and/Isaac and Jacob and all/the 115/128
Luk_20:37.....of/Isaac and the God of Jacob For/he 116/128
Act_3:13......of/Isaac and of Jacob the/God 117/128
Act_7:8....begat/Isaac and circumcised/him 118/128
Act_7:8......and/Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat the/twelve 119/128
Act_7:32......of/Isaac and the God of Jacob Then/Moses 120/128
Rom_9:7.......In/Isaac shall thy seed be called That/is 121/128
Rom_9:10..father/Isaac For/the......... 122/128 was are/the..... 123/128
Heb_11:9....with/Isaac and Jacob the/heirs 124/128
Heb_11:17.....up/Isaac and he/that..... 125/128 shall thy seed be called Accounting/that 126/128 blessed/Jacob... 127/128
Jam_2:21.offered/Isaac his son upon/the 128/128
Gen_26:19....And/Isaac's servants digged in/the 1/4
Gen_26:20...with/Isaac's herdmen/saying.... 2/4
Gen_26:25..there/Isaac's servants digged a/well 3/4
Gen_26:32...that/Isaac's servants came/and. 4/4