Gen_13:10.....of/Jordan that it/was...... 1/197
Gen_13:11.....of/Jordan and Lot/journeyed 2/197
Gen_32:10...this/Jordan and now/I........ 3/197
Gen_50:10.beyond/Jordan and there they/mourned 4/197
Gen_50:11.beyond/Jordan And his sons/did. 5/197
Num_13:29.....of/Jordan And Caleb/stilled 6/197
Num_22:1....side/Jordan by Jericho And/Balak 7/197 near Jericho saying Take/the 8/197 near Jericho But/among 9/197 near Jericho And Moses/and 10/197
Num_32:5....over/Jordan And Moses/said.. 11/197
Num_32:19...side/Jordan or/forward...... 12/197
Num_32:19...side/Jordan eastward And/Moses 13/197
Num_32:21...over/Jordan before the LORD/until 14/197
Num_32:29...over/Jordan every/man....... 15/197
Num_32:32...side/Jordan may/be.......... 16/197 near Jericho And they/pitched 17/197 from Bethjesimoth/even 18/197 near Jericho saying Speak/unto 19/197
Num_33:51...over/Jordan into the land of Canaan Then ye shall drive/out 20/197 and the goings/out 21/197
Num_34:15...side/Jordan near Jericho eastward/toward 22/197 near Jericho saying Command/the 23/197
Num_35:10...over/Jordan into the land of Canaan Then ye shall appoint/you 24/197
Num_35:14...side/Jordan and three/cities 25/197 near Jericho These/be 26/197
Deu_1:1.....side/Jordan in the wilderness/in 27/197
Deu_1:5.....side/Jordan in the land of Moab/began 28/197
Deu_2:29....over/Jordan into the land which/the 29/197
Deu_3:8.....side/Jordan from the river/of 30/197
Deu_3:17.....and/Jordan and the coast/thereof 31/197
Deu_3:20..beyond/Jordan and then shall/ye 32/197
Deu_3:25..beyond/Jordan that goodly/mountain 33/197
Deu_3:27....this/Jordan But charge/Joshua 34/197
Deu_4:21....over/Jordan and that/I...... 35/197
Deu_4:22....over/Jordan but ye shall go/over 36/197
Deu_4:26....over/Jordan to possess it ye/shall 37/197
Deu_4:41....side/Jordan toward the sunrising That/the 38/197
Deu_4:46....side/Jordan in the valley/over 39/197
Deu_4:47....side/Jordan toward the sunrising From/Aroer 40/197
Deu_4:49....side/Jordan eastward even unto/the 41/197
Deu_9:1.....over/Jordan this day/to..... 42/197
Deu_11:30...side/Jordan by the way/where 43/197
Deu_11:31...over/Jordan to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God giveth you and/ye 44/197
Deu_12:10...over/Jordan and dwell/in.... 45/197
Deu_27:2....over/Jordan unto the land/which 46/197
Deu_27:4....over/Jordan that ye/shall... 47/197
Deu_27:12...over/Jordan Simeon/and...... 48/197
Deu_30:18...over/Jordan to go to/possess 49/197
Deu_31:2....this/Jordan The LORD/thy.... 50/197
Deu_31:13...over/Jordan to possess it And the LORD said/unto 51/197
Deu_32:47...over/Jordan to possess it And the LORD spake/unto 52/197
Jos_1:2.....this/Jordan thou/and........ 53/197
Jos_1:11....this/Jordan to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God giveth you to/possess 54/197
Jos_1:14....side/Jordan but ye shall pass/before 55/197
Jos_1:15....side/Jordan toward the sunrising And they/answered 56/197 unto the fords/and 57/197
Jos_2:10....side/Jordan Sihon/and....... 58/197 he and all the children/of 59/197
Jos_3:8.......of/Jordan ye/shall........ 60/197 And Joshua/said. 61/197
Jos_3:11....into/Jordan Now therefore take/you 62/197
Jos_3:13......of/Jordan that the waters/of 63/197
Jos_3:13......of/Jordan shall/be........ 64/197
Jos_3:14....over/Jordan and the priests/bearing 65/197
Jos_3:15....unto/Jordan and the feet/of. 66/197
Jos_3:15.....for/Jordan overfloweth/all. 67/197
Jos_3:17......of/Jordan and all the Israelites/passed 68/197
Jos_3:17....over/Jordan And it came to pass when all/the 69/197
Jos_4:1.....over/Jordan that the LORD/spake 70/197
Jos_4:3.......of/Jordan out/of.......... 71/197
Jos_4:5.......of/Jordan and take you/up. 72/197
Jos_4:7.......of/Jordan were cut off before/the 73/197
Jos_4:7.....over/Jordan the waters/of... 74/197
Jos_4:7.......of/Jordan were cut off and/these 75/197
Jos_4:8.......of/Jordan as/the.......... 76/197
Jos_4:9.......of/Jordan in the place/where 77/197
Jos_4:10......of/Jordan until/everything 78/197
Jos_4:16......of/Jordan Joshua/therefore 79/197
Jos_4:17......of/Jordan And it came to pass when the/priests 80/197
Jos_4:18......of/Jordan and the soles/of 81/197
Jos_4:18......of/Jordan returned/unto... 82/197
Jos_4:19......of/Jordan on the tenth/day 83/197
Jos_4:20......of/Jordan did Joshua/pitch 84/197
Jos_4:22....this/Jordan on dry/land..... 85/197
Jos_4:23......of/Jordan from before you/until 86/197
Jos_5:1.......of/Jordan westward and all/the 87/197
Jos_5:1.......of/Jordan from before the/children 88/197
Jos_7:7.....over/Jordan to deliver/us... 89/197
Jos_7:7.....side/Jordan O/LORD.......... 90/197
Jos_9:1.....side/Jordan in the hills/and 91/197
Jos_9:10..beyond/Jordan to Sihon/king... 92/197
Jos_12:1....side/Jordan toward the rising/of 93/197
Jos_12:7....side/Jordan on the west/from 94/197
Jos_13:8..beyond/Jordan eastward even as/Moses 95/197
Jos_13:23....was/Jordan and the border thereof/This 96/197
Jos_13:27Heshbon/Jordan and his border/even 97/197
Jos_13:27...side/Jordan eastward This/is 98/197
Jos_13:32...side/Jordan by Jericho eastward But/unto 99/197
Jos_14:3....side/Jordan but unto/the... 100/197
Jos_15:5......of/Jordan And their/border 101/197
Jos_15:5......of/Jordan And the border went up to Bethhogla/and 102/197
Jos_16:1....from/Jordan by Jericho unto/the 103/197 The border/went 104/197
Jos_17:5....side/Jordan Because/the.... 105/197
Jos_18:7..beyond/Jordan on the east/which 106/197
Jos_18:12...from/Jordan and the border went up to the/side 107/197
Jos_18:19.....of/Jordan this was/the... 108/197
Jos_18:20....And/Jordan was the/border. 109/197 sixteen/cities. 110/197 And then the/coast 111/197
Jos_19:34...upon/Jordan toward the sunrising And the/fenced 112/197
Jos_20:8....side/Jordan by Jericho eastward they/assigned 113/197
Jos_22:4....side/Jordan But take/diligent 114/197
Jos_22:7....side/Jordan westward And when/Joshua 115/197
Jos_22:10.....of/Jordan that are/in.... 116/197 a great/altar.. 117/197
Jos_22:11.....of/Jordan at/the......... 118/197
Jos_22:25...made/Jordan a border/between 119/197
Jos_23:4....from/Jordan with all/the... 120/197
Jos_24:8....side/Jordan and they fought/with 121/197
Jos_24:11...over/Jordan and came unto/Jericho 122/197
Jdg_3:28......of/Jordan toward Moab/and 123/197
Jdg_5:17..beyond/Jordan and why/did.... 124/197
Jdg_7:24.....and/Jordan Then/all....... 125/197
Jdg_7:24.....and/Jordan And they took/two 126/197
Jdg_7:25....side/Jordan And the men/of. 127/197 and passed/over 128/197
Jdg_10:8....side/Jordan in the land of the/Amorites 129/197
Jdg_10:9....over/Jordan to fight/also.. 130/197
Jdg_11:13...unto/Jordan now therefore restore/those 131/197
Jdg_11:22...unto/Jordan So/now......... 132/197
Jdg_12:5......of/Jordan before the Ephraimites/and 133/197
Jdg_12:6......of/Jordan and there fell/at 134/197
1Sa_13:7....over/Jordan to the/land.... 135/197
1Sa_31:7....side/Jordan saw/that....... 136/197
2Sa_2:29....over/Jordan and went/through 137/197
2Sa_10:17...over/Jordan and came to/Helam 138/197
2Sa_17:22...over/Jordan by the morning/light 139/197
2Sa_17:22...over/Jordan And when Ahithophel/saw 140/197
2Sa_17:24...over/Jordan he and all the men/of 141/197 And Judah/came. 142/197
2Sa_19:15...over/Jordan And Shimei/the. 143/197
2Sa_19:17...over/Jordan before the king/And 144/197
2Sa_19:18...over/Jordan And said/unto.. 145/197
2Sa_19:31...over/Jordan with the king to/conduct 146/197
2Sa_19:31...over/Jordan Now Barzillai/was 147/197
2Sa_19:36...over/Jordan with the king and/why 148/197
2Sa_19:39...over/Jordan And when the/king 149/197
2Sa_19:41...over/Jordan And all the men/of 150/197
2Sa_20:2....from/Jordan even/to........ 151/197
2Sa_24:5....over/Jordan and pitched/in. 152/197 and I/sware.... 153/197
1Ki_7:46......of/Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan/And 154/197
1Ki_17:3..before/Jordan And it shall/be 155/197
1Ki_17:5..before/Jordan And the ravens/brought 156/197 And he said/As. 157/197 And Elijah/took 158/197
2Ki_2:13......of/Jordan And he took/the 159/197 seven/times.... 160/197 according/to... 161/197
2Ki_6:2.....unto/Jordan and take thence/every 162/197 they/cut....... 163/197
2Ki_7:15....unto/Jordan and lo/all..... 164/197
2Ki_10:33...From/Jordan eastward all/the 165/197
1Ch_6:78....side/Jordan by Jericho on/the 166/197
1Ch_6:78......of/Jordan were given/them 167/197
1Ch_12:15...over/Jordan in the first/month 168/197
1Ch_12:37.....of/Jordan of/the......... 169/197
1Ch_19:17...over/Jordan and came upon/them 170/197
1Ch_26:30...side/Jordan westward in/all 171/197
2Ch_4:17......of/Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah/Thus 172/197
Job_40:23.....up/Jordan into his/mouth. 173/197
Psa_42:6......of/Jordan and of/the..... 174/197
Psa_114:3...fled/Jordan was driven/back 175/197
Psa_114:5...thou/Jordan that thou/wast. 176/197
Isa_9:1...beyond/Jordan in Galilee/of.. 177/197
Jer_12:5......of/Jordan For/even....... 178/197
Jer_49:19.....of/Jordan against/the.... 179/197
Jer_50:44.....of/Jordan unto the habitation/of 180/197 from the border/unto 181/197
Zec_11:3......of/Jordan is/spoiled..... 182/197
Mat_3:5....about/Jordan And were/baptized 183/197 confessing their sins But/when 184/197 unto John/to... 185/197
Mat_4:15..beyond/Jordan Galilee/of..... 186/197
Mat_4:25..beyond/Jordan And seeing/the. 187/197
Mat_19:1..beyond/Jordan And great/multitudes 188/197
Mar_1:5.......of/Jordan confessing their sins And/John 189/197 And straightway/coming 190/197
Mar_3:8...beyond/Jordan and they about/Tyre 191/197
Mar_10:1......of/Jordan and the people/resort 192/197
Luk_3:3....about/Jordan preaching/the.. 193/197
Luk_4:1.....from/Jordan and was/led.... 194/197
Joh_1:28..beyond/Jordan where/John..... 195/197
Joh_3:26..beyond/Jordan to whom/thou... 196/197
Joh_10:40.beyond/Jordan into the place/where 197/197