Gen_22:7......the/lamb for a burnt offering And/Abraham 1/105
Gen_22:8........a/lamb for a burnt offering so/they 2/105
Exo_12:3........a/lamb according to the/house 3/105
Exo_12:3........a/lamb for an/house....... 4/105
Exo_12:4......the/lamb let/him............ 5/105
Exo_12:4......the/lamb Your/lamb.......... 6/105
Exo_12:5.....Your/lamb shall be without/blemish 7/105
Exo_12:21.......a/lamb according to your/families 8/105
Exo_13:13.......a/lamb and if thou wilt/not 9/105 thou shalt offer in/the 10/105
Exo_29:39...other/lamb thou shalt offer at even And with/the 11/105 a/tenth........... 12/105
Exo_29:41...other/lamb thou shalt offer at even and shalt/do 13/105
Exo_34:20.......a/lamb and if thou redeem/him 14/105
Lev_3:7.........a/lamb for his/offering.. 15/105
Lev_4:32........a/lamb for a sin/offering 16/105
Lev_4:35......the/lamb is taken/away..... 17/105
Lev_5:6.........a/lamb or a kid of/the... 18/105
Lev_5:7.........a/lamb then he/shall..... 19/105
Lev_9:3.........a/lamb both/of........... 20/105
Lev_12:6........a/lamb of the first year for a burnt offering and/a 21/105
Lev_12:8........a/lamb then she/shall.... 22/105
Lev_14:10.....ewe/lamb of the first year without blemish and/three 23/105
Lev_14:12......he/lamb and offer/him..... 24/105
Lev_14:13.....the/lamb in the place/where 25/105 for a trespass/offering 26/105
Lev_14:24.....the/lamb of the trespass offering and the log/of 27/105
Lev_14:25.....the/lamb of the trespass offering and the priest/shall 28/105
Lev_17:3.......or/lamb or goat/in........ 29/105
Lev_22:23.......a/lamb that hath/any..... 30/105
Lev_23:12......he/lamb without blemish of/the 31/105
Num_6:12........a/lamb of the first year for a trespass/offering 32/105
Num_6:14.......he/lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt/offering 33/105
Num_6:14......ewe/lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin/offering 34/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 35/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 36/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 37/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 38/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 39/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 40/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 41/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 42/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 43/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 44/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 45/105 of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 46/105 Or for/a.......... 47/105
Num_15:11.......a/lamb or a kid According/to 48/105 shalt thou offer in/the 49/105
Num_28:4....other/lamb shalt thou offer at even And/a 50/105 in the holy/place. 51/105
Num_28:8....other/lamb shalt thou offer at even as/the 52/105 for a burnt offering of/a 53/105
Num_28:14.......a/lamb this/is........... 54/105
Num_28:21...every/lamb throughout the seven lambs And one goat/for 55/105 throughout the seven lambs And one kid of the goats to/make 56/105 throughout the seven lambs And one kid of the goats for/a 57/105 throughout the seven lambs One/kid 58/105
Num_29:15....each/lamb of the fourteen/lambs 59/105
1Sa_7:9...sucking/lamb and offered/it.... 60/105
1Sa_17:34.......a/lamb out of the flock And/I 61/105
2Sa_12:3......ewe/lamb which he/had...... 62/105's/lamb and dressed/it.... 63/105
2Sa_12:6......the/lamb fourfold/because.. 64/105
Isa_11:6......the/lamb and the leopard/shall 65/105
Isa_16:1......the/lamb to the ruler/of... 66/105
Isa_53:7........a/lamb to the slaughter/and 67/105
Isa_65:25.....the/lamb shall feed/together 68/105
Isa_66:3........a/lamb as if/he.......... 69/105
Jer_11:19.......a/lamb or an/ox.......... 70/105 out of the flock out/of 71/105
Eze_46:13.......a/lamb of the first year without blemish thou/shalt 72/105
Eze_46:15.....the/lamb and the meat/offering 73/105
Hos_4:16........a/lamb in a/large........ 74/105
Joh_1:29......the/Lamb of God which/taketh 75/105
Joh_1:36......the/Lamb of God And/the.... 76/105
Act_8:32........a/lamb dumb/before....... 77/105
1Pe_1:19........a/lamb without blemish and/without 78/105
Rev_5:6.........a/Lamb as it/had......... 79/105
Rev_5:8.......the/Lamb having/every...... 80/105
Rev_5:12......the/Lamb that was/slain.... 81/105
Rev_5:13......the/Lamb for ever/and...... 82/105
Rev_6:1.......the/Lamb opened/one........ 83/105
Rev_6:16......the/Lamb For the/great..... 84/105
Rev_7:9.......the/Lamb clothed/with...... 85/105
Rev_7:10......the/Lamb And all/the....... 86/105
Rev_7:14......the/Lamb Therefore/are..... 87/105
Rev_7:17......the/Lamb which is/in....... 88/105
Rev_12:11.....the/Lamb and by/the........ 89/105
Rev_13:8......the/Lamb slain/from........ 90/105
Rev_13:11.......a/lamb and he spake/as... 91/105
Rev_14:1........a/Lamb stood/on.......... 92/105
Rev_14:4......the/Lamb whithersoever/he.. 93/105
Rev_14:4......the/Lamb And in/their...... 94/105
Rev_14:10.....the/Lamb And the smoke/of.. 95/105
Rev_15:3......the/Lamb saying/Great...... 96/105
Rev_17:14.....the/Lamb and the Lamb/shall 97/105
Rev_17:14.....the/Lamb shall overcome/them 98/105
Rev_19:7......the/Lamb is come/and....... 99/105
Rev_19:9......the/Lamb And he saith/unto 100/105
Rev_21:14.....the/Lamb And he that/talked 101/105
Rev_21:22.....the/Lamb are/the.......... 102/105
Rev_21:23.....the/Lamb is the/light..... 103/105
Rev_22:1......the/Lamb In the midst/of.. 104/105
Rev_22:3......the/Lamb shall be in/it... 105/105
Gen_21:28.....ewe/lambs of the flock/by.... 1/83
Gen_21:29.....ewe/lambs which/thou......... 2/83
Gen_21:30.....ewe/lambs shalt/thou......... 3/83
Gen_30:40.....the/lambs and set/the........ 4/83
Exo_29:38.....two/lambs of the first year day/by 5/83
Lev_14:10......he/lambs without blemish and one/ewe 6/83 without blemish of/the 7/83
Lev_23:19.....two/lambs of the first year for/a 8/83
Lev_23:20.....two/lambs they shall be/holy. 9/83
Num_7:17.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 10/83
Num_7:23.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 11/83
Num_7:29.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 12/83
Num_7:35.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 13/83
Num_7:41.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 14/83
Num_7:47.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 15/83
Num_7:53.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 16/83
Num_7:59.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 17/83
Num_7:65.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 18/83
Num_7:71.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 19/83
Num_7:77.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 20/83
Num_7:83.....five/lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 21/83
Num_7:87......the/lambs of the first year twelve/with 22/83
Num_7:88......the/lambs of the first year sixty/This 23/83
Num_28:3......two/lambs of the first year without spot day/by 24/83
Num_28:9......two/lambs of the first year without spot and two/tenth 25/83 of the first year without spot And three/tenth 26/83 of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 27/83 And one goat/for.. 28/83 of the first year And/their 29/83 And one kid of the goats to/make 30/83 of the first year without blemish And their meat offering shall/be 31/83 And one kid of the goats for a sin offering to/make 32/83 of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 33/83 One/kid........... 34/83
Num_29:13fourteen/lambs of the first year they shall be without/blemish 35/83
Num_29:15fourteen/lambs And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside/the 36/83
Num_29:17fourteen/lambs of the first year without spot And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid/of 37/83
Num_29:18.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and/the 38/83
Num_29:20fourteen/lambs of the first year without blemish And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and/his 39/83
Num_29:21.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 40/83
Num_29:23fourteen/lambs of the first year without blemish Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks/for 41/83
Num_29:24.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his/meat 42/83
Num_29:26fourteen/lambs of the first year without spot And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat/for 43/83
Num_29:27.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 44/83
Num_29:29fourteen/lambs of the first year without blemish And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 45/83
Num_29:30.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 46/83
Num_29:32fourteen/lambs of the first year without blemish And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 47/83
Num_29:33.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 48/83 of the first year without blemish Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullock/for 49/83
Num_29:37.....the/lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering These/things 50/83
Deu_32:14......of/lambs and rams of/the... 51/83
1Sa_15:9......the/lambs and all/that...... 52/83
2Ki_3:4..thousand/lambs and an/hundred.... 53/83
1Ch_29:21thousand/lambs with their drink/offerings 54/83 and seven/he...... 55/83
2Ch_29:22.....the/lambs and they/sprinkled 56/83
2Ch_29:32.hundred/lambs all/these......... 57/83
2Ch_35:7....flock/lambs and kids/all...... 58/83
Ezr_6:9.......and/lambs for/the........... 59/83
Ezr_6:17..hundred/lambs and for/a......... 60/83
Ezr_7:17.....rams/lambs with their meat/offerings 61/83 twelve/he......... 62/83
Psa_37:20......of/lambs they shall consume/into 63/83 What/ailed........ 64/83 Tremble/thou...... 65/83
Pro_27:26.....The/lambs are/for........... 66/83
Isa_1:11.......of/lambs or/of............. 67/83
Isa_5:17......the/lambs feed/after........ 68/83
Isa_34:6.......of/lambs and goats/with.... 69/83
Isa_40:11.....the/lambs with his/arm...... 70/83 to/the............ 71/83 and rams and/goats 72/83
Eze_39:18......of/lambs and of/goats...... 73/83
Eze_46:4......six/lambs without blemish and a/ram 74/83
Eze_46:5......the/lambs as he shall/be.... 75/83
Eze_46:6......six/lambs and a/ram......... 76/83
Eze_46:7......the/lambs according/as...... 77/83
Eze_46:11.....the/lambs as he is/able..... 78/83
Amo_6:4.......the/lambs out/of............ 79/83 among/wolves...... 80/83 He/saith.......... 81/83
Rev_21:9......the/Lamb's wife/And......... 82/83
Rev_21:27.....the/Lamb's book/of.......... 83/83