Gen_13:10........LORD/like the land/of........ 1/669
Gen_25:25........over/like an hairy/garment... 2/669 manner with/their.. 3/669
Exo_8:10.........none/like unto the LORD our God And/the 4/669
Exo_9:14.........none/like me in/all.......... 5/669
Exo_9:24.........none/like it in/all.......... 6/669
Exo_11:6.........none/like it nor/shall....... 7/669 it any/more........ 8/669 unto thee O LORD among/the 9/669 thee glorious/in.. 10/669
Exo_16:31.........was/like coriander/seed.... 11/669
Exo_16:31.........was/like wafers/made....... 12/669
Exo_23:11..........In/like manner thou/shalt. 13/669
Exo_24:17.........was/like devouring/fire.... 14/669
Exo_25:33........made/like unto almonds with a/knop 15/669
Exo_25:33........made/like almonds in the/other 16/669
Exo_25:34........made/like unto almonds with their/knops 17/669
Exo_28:11.......stone/like the engravings of a signet shalt/thou 18/669
Exo_28:21.......names/like the engravings of a signet every one with his name shall/they 19/669 the engravings of a signet HOLINESS/TO 20/669
Exo_30:32.......other/like it after/the...... 21/669
Exo_30:33.........any/like it or/whosoever... 22/669
Exo_30:34...........a/like weight/And........ 23/669
Exo_30:38........make/like unto that/to...... 24/669
Exo_34:1........stone/like unto the first and I/will 25/669
Exo_34:4........stone/like unto the first and Moses/rose 26/669
Exo_37:19........made/like almonds in another/branch 27/669
Exo_37:20........made/like almonds his/knops. 28/669 the work of the ephod/of 29/669
Exo_39:14.......names/like the engravings of a signet every one with his name according/to 30/669
Exo_39:30.....writing/like to the engravings/of 31/669
Lev_13:2........flesh/like the plague/of..... 32/669 his And/Balak..... 33/669
Deu_4:32........heard/like it Did/ever....... 34/669
Deu_7:26........thing/like it but/thou....... 35/669
Deu_10:1........stone/like unto the first and come/up 36/669
Deu_10:3........stone/like unto the first and went/up 37/669 as all/the........ 38/669
Deu_18:8.........have/like portions/to....... 39/669
Deu_18:15....brethren/like unto me unto/him.. 40/669
Deu_18:18....brethren/like unto thee and will/put 41/669
Deu_22:3...........In/like manner shalt/thou. 42/669 not to take his/brother's 43/669
Deu_25:8............I/like not to take her/Then 44/669
Deu_29:23.....therein/like the overthrow/of.. 45/669 the firstling/of.. 46/669
Deu_33:17.........are/like the horns/of...... 47/669
Deu_33:26........none/like unto the God/of... 48/669 unto thee O people/saved 49/669
Deu_34:10......Israel/like unto Moses/whom... 50/669 that before/it.... 51/669
Jdg_7:12.......valley/like grasshoppers/for.. 52/669 manner they/sent.. 53/669
Jdg_13:6..........was/like the countenance/of 54/669
Jdg_16:12........arms/like a thread And/Delilah 55/669 any/other......... 56/669
Rut_2:13..........not/like unto one/of....... 57/669 Rachel/and........ 58/669
Rut_4:11..........and/like Leah/which........ 59/669 the house of Pharez/whom 60/669
1Sa_2:2..........rock/like our/God........... 61/669
1Sa_4:9....yourselves/like men O/ye.......... 62/669
1Sa_4:9....yourselves/like men and fight/And. 63/669 all the nations But/the 64/669 all the nations and/that 65/669
1Sa_10:24........none/like him among all the people/And 66/669
1Sa_17:7..........was/like a weaver's beam and his/spear's 67/669 manner and/lay.... 68/669
1Sa_21:9.........none/like that give/it...... 69/669 the feast/of...... 70/669 to thee/in........ 71/669 unto the name/of.. 72/669
2Sa_7:22.........none/like thee neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 73/669 thy people even/like 74/669
2Sa_7:23.........even/like Israel/whom....... 75/669 the running/of.... 76/669
2Sa_21:19.........was/like a weaver's beam And there/was 77/669
2Sa_22:34........feet/like hinds' feet and setteth me upon my high places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 78/669
1Ki_3:12.........none/like thee before/thee.. 79/669
1Ki_3:12........arise/like unto thee And I/have 80/669
1Ki_3:13........kings/like unto thee all/thy. 81/669
1Ki_5:6........timber/like unto the Sidonians/And 82/669
1Ki_7:8...........the/like work/Solomon...... 83/669
1Ki_7:8..........wife/like unto this porch/All 84/669
1Ki_7:26......wrought/like the brim/of....... 85/669
1Ki_7:33..........was/like the work of a/chariot 86/669
1Ki_8:23..........God/like thee in heaven/above 87/669
1Ki_10:20.........the/like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 88/669
1Ki_12:32.......month/like unto the feast/that 89/669 the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat Him/that 90/669
1Ki_16:7........being/like the house of Jeroboam and/because 91/669
1Ki_18:44.........sea/like a man's/hand...... 92/669 the army/that..... 93/669
1Ki_20:27........them/like two little/flocks. 94/669 the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah for/the 95/669
1Ki_21:22.........and/like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah for/the 96/669
1Ki_21:25........none/like unto Ahab/which... 97/669 the word/of....... 98/669
2Ki_3:2...........not/like his father/and.... 99/669
2Ki_3:2...........and/like his mother/for... 100/669
2Ki_5:14........again/like unto the flesh/of 101/669
2Ki_9:9..........Ahab/like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah And/the 102/669
2Ki_9:9...........and/like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah And/the 103/669 the driving/of... 104/669
2Ki_13:7.........them/like the dust by/threshing 105/669
2Ki_14:3..........not/like David his father he/did 106/669
2Ki_16:2..........God/like David his father But/he 107/669
2Ki_17:14.......necks/like to the neck/of... 108/669 them And/they.... 109/669
2Ki_18:5.........none/like him among all the kings/of 110/669 your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards a/land 111/669
2Ki_23:25.........And/like unto him was/there 112/669
2Ki_23:25.........any/like him Notwithstanding/the 113/669
2Ki_25:17.........and/like unto these had/the 114/669
1Ch_4:27.....multiply/like to the children/of 115/669
1Ch_11:23.......spear/like a weaver's beam and he/went 116/669
1Ch_12:8.........were/like the faces/of..... 117/669 the host/of...... 118/669
1Ch_14:11........hand/like the breaking/forth 119/669 the name/of...... 120/669
1Ch_17:20........none/like thee neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 121/669 thy people Israel/whom 122/669
1Ch_20:5..........was/like a weaver's beam And yet/again 123/669
1Ch_27:23......Israel/like to the stars/of.. 124/669
2Ch_1:9........people/like the dust of/the.. 125/669
2Ch_1:12..........the/like Then/Solomon..... 126/669 the work of the brim/of 127/669
2Ch_6:14..........God/like thee in the/heaven 128/669
2Ch_9:19..........the/like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 129/669 one of their's/and 130/669
2Ch_21:6.......Israel/like as did/the....... 131/669
2Ch_21:13.....whoring/like to the whoredoms/of 132/669
2Ch_21:19.........him/like the burning of his/fathers 133/669
2Ch_22:4.........LORD/like the house of Ahab/for 134/669
2Ch_28:1.........LORD/like David his father For/he 135/669 your fathers/and. 136/669
2Ch_30:7..........and/like your brethren/which 137/669
2Ch_30:26.........the/like in Jerusalem/Then 138/669
2Ch_33:2.........LORD/like unto the abominations/of 139/669
2Ch_35:18....passover/like to that/kept..... 140/669 manner the fifth/time 141/669
Neh_13:26........king/like him who was/beloved 142/669
Est_2:20.....Mordecai/like as when/she...... 143/669
Job_1:8..........none/like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 144/669
Job_2:3..........none/like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 145/669
Job_3:24..........out/like the waters/For... 146/669
Job_5:26..........age/like as a shock/of.... 147/669
Job_7:1..........also/like the days/of...... 148/669 a strong/wind.... 149/669 cheese/Thou...... 150/669
Job_11:12........born/like a wild/ass's..... 151/669
Job_12:25.....stagger/like a drunken man Lo/mine 152/669
Job_13:12.........are/like unto ashes/your.. 153/669
Job_14:2........forth/like a flower/and..... 154/669
Job_14:9.......boughs/like a plant/But...... 155/669
Job_15:16....iniquity/like water I/will..... 156/669 a giant/I........ 157/669
Job_19:10.....removed/like a tree He/hath... 158/669
Job_20:7.........ever/like his own/dung..... 159/669
Job_21:11........ones/like a flock and their/children 160/669
Job_30:19......become/like dust/and......... 161/669
Job_32:19.......burst/like new/bottles...... 162/669 Job/who.......... 163/669
Job_34:7.....scorning/like water Which/goeth 164/669
Job_36:22....teacheth/like him Who hath/enjoined 165/669
Job_38:3........loins/like a man for/I...... 166/669 a man I/will..... 167/669
Job_40:9..........arm/like God/or........... 168/669
Job_40:9........voice/like him Deck/thyself. 169/669
Job_40:17........tail/like a cedar the/sinews 170/669
Job_40:18.........are/like bars/of.......... 171/669
Job_41:18.........are/like the eyelids/of... 172/669
Job_41:31........boil/like a pot he/maketh.. 173/669
Job_41:31.........sea/like a pot of/ointment 174/669
Job_41:33.........his/like who/is........... 175/669
Job_42:8........right/like my/servant....... 176/669 a tree planted/by 177/669
Psa_1:4...........are/like the chaff which/the 178/669
Psa_2:9........pieces/like a potter's/vessel 179/669
Psa_7:2..........soul/like a lion rending/it 180/669 as a lion/that... 181/669
Psa_18:33........feet/like hinds' feet and setteth me upon my high places He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 182/669
Psa_22:14.........out/like water and all/my. 183/669 wax it/is........ 184/669
Psa_22:15..........up/like a potsherd and/my 185/669
Psa_28:1.......become/like them that go/down 186/669
Psa_29:6.........skip/like a calf Lebanon/and 187/669
Psa_29:6.......Sirion/like a young unicorn/The 188/669 a broken vessel/For 189/669 unto thee which/deliverest 190/669 the great/mountains 191/669
Psa_37:2.........down/like the grass/and.... 192/669
Psa_37:35.....himself/like a green bay/tree. 193/669
Psa_39:11........away/like a moth/surely.... 194/669 sheep appointed/for 195/669 the beasts that perish This/their 196/669
Psa_49:14.......Selah/Like sheep they/are... 197/669 the beasts that perish The/mighty 198/669
Psa_52:2....mischiefs/like a sharp razor/working 199/669 a green olive/tree 200/669
Psa_55:6........wings/like a dove for/then.. 201/669 the poison/of.... 202/669
Psa_58:4..........are/like the deaf/adder... 203/669
Psa_58:8.........away/like the untimely/birth 204/669
Psa_59:6........noise/like a dog and go round about the city Behold/they 205/669
Psa_59:14.......noise/like a dog and go round about the city Let/them 206/669
Psa_64:3.......tongue/like a sword/and...... 207/669 unto thee Thou/which 208/669
Psa_72:6.........down/like rain/upon........ 209/669
Psa_72:16.......shake/like Lebanon/and...... 210/669
Psa_72:16....flourish/like grass of/the..... 211/669
Psa_73:5......plagued/like other/men........ 212/669
Psa_77:20......people/like a flock by/the... 213/669
Psa_78:16........down/like rivers/And....... 214/669
Psa_78:27.......fowls/like as the sand/of... 215/669
Psa_78:52.......forth/like sheep and/guided. 216/669
Psa_78:52..wilderness/like a flock And he/led 217/669
Psa_78:57unfaithfully/like their fathers/they 218/669
Psa_78:57.......aside/like a deceitful bow For/they 219/669
Psa_78:65.........and/like a mighty man that/shouteth 220/669
Psa_78:69...sanctuary/like high/palaces..... 221/669
Psa_78:69.....palaces/like the earth/which.. 222/669
Psa_79:3.........shed/like water round/about 223/669
Psa_79:5.........burn/like fire Pour/out.... 224/669
Psa_80:1.......Joseph/like a flock thou/that 225/669
Psa_80:10........were/like the goodly/cedars 226/669
Psa_82:7..........die/like men and fall/like 227/669
Psa_82:7.........fall/like one of the/princes 228/669
Psa_83:11......nobles/like Oreb/and......... 229/669
Psa_83:11.........and/like Zeeb/yea......... 230/669
Psa_83:13........them/like a wheel/as....... 231/669
Psa_86:8.........none/like unto thee O Lord neither/are 232/669 unto thy/works... 233/669
Psa_88:5.........dead/like the slain/that... 234/669
Psa_88:17.......daily/like water they/compassed 235/669
Psa_89:8.........LORD/like unto thee or/to.. 236/669
Psa_89:46........burn/like fire Remember/how 237/669
Psa_90:5..........are/like grass which/groweth 238/669
Psa_92:10.......exalt/like the horn/of...... 239/669
Psa_92:12....flourish/like the palm/tree.... 240/669
Psa_92:12........grow/like a cedar in/Lebanon 241/669
Psa_97:5.......melted/like wax at/the....... 242/669
Psa_102:3....consumed/like smoke and my/bones 243/669
Psa_102:4....withered/like grass so/that.... 244/669 a pelican/of..... 245/669 an owl/of........ 246/669
Psa_102:9.......ashes/like bread/and........ 247/669
Psa_102:11........are/like a shadow/that.... 248/669
Psa_102:11...withered/like grass But/thou... 249/669
Psa_102:26........old/like a garment as/a... 250/669
Psa_103:5.....renewed/like the eagle's/The.. 251/669 as a father/pitieth 252/669
Psa_104:2.....heavens/like a curtain/Who.... 253/669
Psa_105:41.....places/like a river For/he... 254/669
Psa_107:27....stagger/like a drunken man and are/at 255/669
Psa_107:41...families/like a flock The/righteous 256/669
Psa_109:18....cursing/like as with/his...... 257/669
Psa_109:18.....bowels/like water and like/oil 258/669
Psa_109:18........and/like oil into/his..... 259/669
Psa_109:23.......gone/like the shadow/when.. 260/669 unto the LORD our God who/dwelleth 261/669
Psa_114:4.....skipped/like rams and the/little 262/669
Psa_114:4.......hills/like lambs What/ailed. 263/669
Psa_114:6.....skipped/like rams and ye/little 264/669
Psa_114:6.......hills/like lambs Tremble/thou 265/669
Psa_115:8.........are/like unto them so is every one that trusteth in them O/Israel 266/669
Psa_118:12......about/like bees/they........ 267/669
Psa_119:83.....become/like a bottle/in...... 268/669 dross/therefore.. 269/669
Psa_119:176....astray/like a lost/sheep..... 270/669
Psa_126:1........were/like them that dream/Then 271/669
Psa_128:3....children/like olive/plants..... 272/669 the precious/ointment 273/669
Psa_135:18........are/like unto them so is every one that trusteth in them Bless/the 274/669
Psa_140:3.....tongues/like a serpent adders'/poison 275/669 unto them that/go 276/669 to vanity/his.... 277/669
Psa_147:16.......snow/like wool he/scattereth 278/669
Psa_147:16..hoarfrost/like ashes/He......... 279/669 morsels/who...... 280/669
Pro_12:18....speaketh/like the piercings/of. 281/669
Pro_17:22........good/like a medicine/but... 282/669
Pro_18:19.........are/like the bars/of...... 283/669 deep/water....... 284/669
Pro_23:32......biteth/like a serpent and/stingeth 285/669
Pro_23:32....stingeth/like an adder/Thine... 286/669 apples of/gold... 287/669 clouds/and....... 288/669 a broken tooth/and 289/669 a city/that...... 290/669 unto him Answer/a 291/669 one that/taketh.. 292/669
Pro_26:23.........are/like a potsherd covered/with 293/669 a sweeping/rain.. 294/669 the merchants'/ships 295/669 a roe or a young hart behold/he 296/669
Son_2:17.........thou/like a roe or a young hart upon/the 297/669
Son_3:6....wilderness/like pillars/of....... 298/669
Son_4:2...........are/like a flock of/sheep. 299/669
Son_4:3...........are/like a thread of/scarlet 300/669
Son_4:3...........are/like a piece/of....... 301/669 the tower/of..... 302/669
Son_4:5...........are/like two young roes that are twins which/feed 303/669 the smell/of..... 304/669
Son_5:13.........lips/like lilies/dropping.. 305/669 the chariots/of.. 306/669
Son_7:1...........are/like jewels/the....... 307/669 a round/goblet... 308/669 an heap/of....... 309/669
Son_7:3...........are/like two young roes that are twins Thy/neck 310/669
Son_7:4..........eyes/like the fishpools/in. 311/669 Carmel/and....... 312/669
Son_7:5..........head/like purple/the....... 313/669 to a palm/tree... 314/669
Son_7:8..........nose/like apples And/the... 315/669
Son_7:9.........mouth/like the best/wine.... 316/669
Son_8:10......breasts/like towers/then...... 317/669
Son_8:14.........thou/like to a roe/or...... 318/669
Isa_1:9..........been/like unto Gomorrah/Hear 319/669 crimson/they..... 320/669
Isa_2:6...soothsayers/like the Philistines/and 321/669 the moon/The..... 322/669
Isa_5:28......counted/like flint/and........ 323/669
Isa_5:28.......wheels/like a whirlwind Their/roaring 324/669 a lion they/shall 325/669
Isa_5:29.........roar/like young/lions...... 326/669
Isa_5:30.........them/like the roaring/of... 327/669
Isa_9:18...........up/like the lifting/up... 328/669
Isa_10:6.........down/like the mire/of...... 329/669
Isa_10:13.inhabitants/like a valiant/man.... 330/669
Isa_10:16.....burning/like the burning of a/fire 331/669
Isa_11:7........straw/like the ox/And....... 332/669
Isa_11:16.....Assyria/like as it/was........ 333/669
Isa_13:4....mountains/like as of a/great.... 334/669
Isa_14:10......become/like unto us/Thy...... 335/669 the most/High.... 336/669
Isa_14:19.......grave/like an abominable/branch 337/669
Isa_16:11.......sound/like an harp/for...... 338/669
Isa_17:12.......noise/like the noise of the/seas 339/669
Isa_17:12.....rushing/like the rushing of mighty/waters 340/669
Isa_17:13........rush/like the rushing of many/waters 341/669
Isa_17:13.........and/like a rolling/thing.. 342/669 a clear/heat..... 343/669
Isa_18:4..........and/like a cloud of/dew... 344/669 unto women/and... 345/669
Isa_20:3.........said/Like as my servant/Isaiah 346/669
Isa_22:18........thee/like a ball/into...... 347/669
Isa_24:20.........fro/like a drunkard/and... 348/669
Isa_24:20.....removed/like a cottage/and.... 349/669
Isa_26:17........them/Like as a woman/with.. 350/669
Isa_27:10........left/like a wilderness there/shall 351/669 small/dust....... 352/669
Isa_30:33........LORD/like a stream/of...... 353/669 as the lion/and.. 354/669
Isa_33:4.....gathered/like the gathering/of. 355/669 a wilderness and Bashan/and 356/669 your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware/lest 357/669 a weaver/my...... 358/669 a crane/or....... 359/669
Isa_40:11.......flock/like a shepherd/he.... 360/669
Isa_42:13....jealousy/like a man of/war..... 361/669
Isa_42:14.........cry/like a travailing/woman 362/669 They lavish/gold. 363/669
Isa_46:9.........none/like me Declaring/the. 364/669
Isa_48:19......bowels/like the gravel/thereof 365/669
Isa_49:2........mouth/like a sharp sword/in. 366/669
Isa_50:7.........face/like a flint/and...... 367/669
Isa_51:3...wilderness/like Eden/and......... 368/669
Isa_51:3.......desert/like the garden of the/LORD 369/669
Isa_51:6.........away/like smoke and the/earth 370/669
Isa_51:6..........old/like a garment and they/that 371/669 manner but/my.... 372/669
Isa_51:8...........up/like a garment and the/worm 373/669
Isa_51:8.........them/like wool but/my...... 374/669
Isa_53:6...........we/like sheep have/gone.. 375/669
Isa_57:20.........are/like the troubled/sea. 376/669
Isa_58:1........voice/like a trumpet/and.... 377/669 a watered/garden. 378/669
Isa_58:11.........and/like a spring/of...... 379/669
Isa_59:10........wall/like the blind/and.... 380/669
Isa_59:11.........all/like bears/and........ 381/669
Isa_59:11........sore/like doves we/look.... 382/669 a flood the/Spirit 383/669
Isa_63:2.....garments/like him that/treadeth 384/669
Isa_64:6...iniquities/like the wind/have.... 385/669
Isa_65:25.......straw/like the bullock/and.. 386/669
Isa_66:12.........her/like a river and/the.. 387/669
Isa_66:12....Gentiles/like a flowing/stream. 388/669
Isa_66:14....flourish/like an herb/and...... 389/669
Isa_66:15....chariots/like a whirlwind to/render 390/669
Jer_2:30.....prophets/like a destroying/lion 391/669
Jer_4:4.........forth/like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings Declare/ye 392/669
Jer_5:19.........them/Like as ye have/forsaken 393/669
Jer_6:23......roareth/like the sea and they ride/upon 394/669
Jer_9:3.......tongues/like their bow/for.... 395/669
Jer_9:12...........up/like a wilderness that/none 396/669
Jer_10:6.........none/like unto thee O LORD thou/art 397/669
Jer_10:7.........none/like unto thee But/they 398/669
Jer_10:16.........not/like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance The LORD of hosts is his name Gather/up 399/669
Jer_11:19.........was/like a lamb or/an..... 400/669
Jer_12:3..........out/like sheep for/the.... 401/669
Jer_14:6.........wind/like dragons/their.... 402/669 the heath in the desert/and 403/669
Jer_21:12.........out/like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings Behold/I 404/669 a drunken man and like/a 405/669
Jer_23:9..........and/like a man whom/wine.. 406/669
Jer_23:29........word/like as a fire/saith.. 407/669
Jer_23:29.........and/like a hammer/that.... 408/669
Jer_24:2.........even/like the figs/that.... 409/669
Jer_24:5.......Israel/Like these/good....... 410/669
Jer_25:34........fall/like a pleasant/vessel 411/669 Shiloh and will/make 412/669 Shiloh and this/city 413/669
Jer_26:18......plowed/like a field/and...... 414/669
Jer_29:17........them/like vile/figs........ 415/669
Jer_29:22........thee/like Zedekiah/and..... 416/669
Jer_29:22.........and/like Ahab/whom........ 417/669 it it/is......... 418/669
Jer_31:28........that/like as I have watched/over 419/669
Jer_32:42........LORD/Like as I have brought/all 420/669
Jer_36:32........many/like words/And........ 421/669 to die/for....... 422/669
Jer_46:8...........up/like a flood and his/waters 423/669
Jer_46:8........moved/like the rivers/and... 424/669 a very/fair...... 425/669
Jer_46:21.........her/like fatted/bullocks.. 426/669
Jer_46:22..........go/like a serpent for/they 427/669 the heath in the wilderness/For 428/669 the dove/that.... 429/669
Jer_48:36........Moab/like pipes and/mine... 430/669
Jer_48:36.......sound/like pipes for/the.... 431/669
Jer_48:38........Moab/like a vessel/wherein. 432/669
Jer_49:19..........up/like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against/the 433/669 me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear the/counsel 434/669
Jer_50:42........roar/like the sea and they shall/ride 435/669
Jer_50:42.......array/like a man to/the..... 436/669
Jer_50:44..........up/like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 437/669 me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before me Therefore hear ye/the 438/669
Jer_51:19.........not/like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance the LORD of hosts is his name Thou/art 439/669 a threshingfloor/it 440/669
Jer_51:34..........up/like a dragon/he...... 441/669
Jer_51:38....together/like lions/they....... 442/669
Jer_51:40........down/like lambs to/the..... 443/669
Jer_51:40...slaughter/like rams with/he..... 444/669
Jer_51:55........roar/like great/waters..... 445/669
Jer_52:22........were/like unto these And/there 446/669
Lam_1:6........become/like harts/that....... 447/669
Lam_1:12.......sorrow/like unto my/sorrow... 448/669 unto me Let/all.. 449/669
Lam_2:3.........Jacob/like a flaming/fire... 450/669
Lam_2:4...........bow/like an enemy/he...... 451/669
Lam_2:4..........fury/like fire The/LORD.... 452/669
Lam_2:13........great/like the sea who/can.. 453/669
Lam_2:18.........down/like a river day/and.. 454/669
Lam_2:19........heart/like water before/the. 455/669
Lam_3:52.........sore/like a bird without/cause 456/669
Lam_4:3.........cruel/like the ostriches/in. 457/669
Lam_4:8........become/like a stick/They..... 458/669 an oven because/of 459/669
Eze_1:7...........was/like the sole/of...... 460/669
Eze_1:7......sparkled/like the colour/of.... 461/669
Eze_1:13..........was/like burning/coals.... 462/669
Eze_1:13..........and/like the appearance of lamps/it 463/669
Eze_1:16..........was/like unto the colour/of 464/669
Eze_1:24........wings/like the noise of great/waters 465/669
Eze_2:8....rebellious/like that rebellious/house 466/669
Eze_5:9...........the/like because/of....... 467/669
Eze_7:16....mountains/like doves of/the..... 468/669
Eze_12:11........sign/like as I have done/so 469/669
Eze_13:4..........are/like the foxes/in..... 470/669
Eze_16:16.........the/like things shall/not. 471/669
Eze_18:10.........the/like to any/one....... 472/669
Eze_18:14........such/like That hath/not.... 473/669 a vine/in........ 474/669
Eze_20:36........face/Like as I pleaded/with 475/669
Eze_22:25.....thereof/like a roaring/lion... 476/669
Eze_22:27.........are/like wolves/ravening.. 477/669
Eze_23:18.........her/like as my mind/was... 478/669 the issue/of..... 479/669 unto all/the..... 480/669
Eze_26:4..........her/like the top of a rock It/shall 481/669
Eze_26:14........thee/like the top of a rock thou/shalt 482/669 the cities/that.. 483/669 Tyrus/like....... 484/669
Eze_27:32.......Tyrus/like the destroyed/in. 485/669
Eze_31:2.........thou/like in thy/greatness. 486/669
Eze_31:8..........not/like his boughs/and... 487/669
Eze_31:8..........not/like his branches/nor. 488/669
Eze_31:8..........was/like unto him in/his.. 489/669
Eze_31:18........thus/like in glory/and..... 490/669 a young lion/of.. 491/669 oil saith/the.... 492/669
Eze_36:35......become/like the garden of Eden/and 493/669 a flock As/the... 494/669
Eze_38:9.........come/like a storm/thou..... 495/669 a cloud to/cover. 496/669
Eze_40:3..........was/like the appearance of brass/with 497/669
Eze_40:25.......about/like those/windows.... 498/669
Eze_41:25.......trees/like as were/made..... 499/669
Eze_42:11.........was/like the appearance of the/chambers 500/669
Eze_43:2..........was/like a noise/of....... 501/669
Eze_43:3.........were/like the vision/that.. 502/669
Eze_45:25.........the/like in the/feast..... 503/669
Dan_1:19.........none/like Daniel/Hananiah.. 504/669
Dan_2:35.......became/like the chaff of/the. 505/669 the Son of God/Then 506/669
Dan_4:33........grown/like eagles'/feathers. 507/669
Dan_4:33........nails/like birds'/claws..... 508/669
Dan_5:11.......wisdom/like the wisdom/of.... 509/669
Dan_5:21.........made/like the beasts and/his 510/669
Dan_5:21........grass/like oxen/and......... 511/669
Dan_7:4...........was/like a lion and had/eagle's 512/669
Dan_7:5........second/like to a bear/and.... 513/669
Dan_7:6.......another/like a leopard/which.. 514/669
Dan_7:8..........eyes/like the eyes/of...... 515/669
Dan_7:9..........head/like the pure/wool.... 516/669
Dan_7:9...........was/like the fiery/flame.. 517/669 the Son of man/came 518/669
Dan_10:6..........was/like the beryl/and.... 519/669
Dan_10:6.........feet/like in colour/to..... 520/669
Dan_10:6........words/like the voice/of..... 521/669 the similitude/of 522/669 the appearance of a/man 523/669
Dan_11:40.........him/like a whirlwind with/chariots 524/669
Hos_2:3...........her/like a dry/land....... 525/669 people/like...... 526/669
Hos_4:9........people/like priest/and....... 527/669
Hos_5:10.........were/like them that remove/the 528/669
Hos_5:10.........them/like water Ephraim/is. 529/669
Hos_6:7..........they/like men have/transgressed 530/669
Hos_7:6.........heart/like an oven whiles/they 531/669 a silly/dove..... 532/669
Hos_7:16..........are/like a deceitful bow their/princes 533/669
Hos_9:10.......Israel/like grapes/in........ 534/669
Hos_9:11.........away/like a bird from/the.. 535/669
Hos_11:10........roar/like a lion when/he... 536/669
Hos_13:8.........them/like a lion the/wild.. 537/669 a green fir/tree. 538/669
Joe_1:8........Lament/like a virgin/girded.. 539/669
Joe_2:2...........the/like neither/shall.... 540/669 the noise of chariots/on 541/669
Joe_2:5..........leap/like the noise of a/flame 542/669 mighty/men....... 543/669
Joe_2:7..........wall/like men of/war....... 544/669 a thief/The...... 545/669
Amo_2:9...........was/like the height/of.... 546/669
Amo_5:6...........out/like fire in/the...... 547/669
Amo_6:5........musick/like David That/drink. 548/669
Amo_9:5........wholly/like a flood and shall/be 549/669
Amo_9:9.......nations/like as corn/is....... 550/669
Jon_1:4...........was/like to be/broken..... 551/669
Mic_1:8.......wailing/like the dragons/and.. 552/669
Mic_4:10.........Zion/like a woman/in....... 553/669
Mic_7:17.........dust/like a serpent they/shall 554/669
Mic_7:17........holes/like worms/of......... 555/669
Mic_7:18..........God/like unto thee that/pardoneth 556/669
Nah_1:6...........out/like fire and the/rocks 557/669
Nah_2:4..........seem/like torches/they..... 558/669 the lightnings/He 559/669
Nah_2:8...........old/like a pool/of........ 560/669 fig/trees........ 561/669
Nah_3:15...........up/like the cankerworm/make 562/669
Hab_3:19.........feet/like hinds' feet and he/will 563/669
Zep_1:17.........walk/like blind/men........ 564/669
Zep_2:13..........dry/like a wilderness And flocks/shall 565/669
Zec_1:6..........said/Like as the LORD/of... 566/669
Zec_5:9.........wings/like the wings/of..... 567/669
Zec_9:15.......filled/like bowls/and........ 568/669 a mighty man and/their 569/669
Zec_12:6........Judah/like an hearth/of..... 570/669
Zec_12:6..........and/like a torch/of....... 571/669
Zec_14:5.........flee/like as ye fled/from.. 572/669 the bowls/before. 573/669 a refiner's/fire. 574/669
Mal_3:2...........and/like fullers'/soap.... 575/669
Mat_3:16...descending/like a dove and lighting/upon 576/669
Mat_6:8.....therefore/like unto them for/your 577/669
Mat_6:29......arrayed/like one of these Wherefore/if 578/669 unto children sitting in the markets/and 579/669
Mat_12:13.......whole/like as the other/Then 580/669 to a grain/of.... 581/669 unto leaven/which 582/669 unto treasure/hid 583/669 unto a merchant/man 584/669 unto a net/that.. 585/669 unto a man that is an householder which bringeth/forth 586/669 unto a man that is an householder which went/out 587/669 wise/will........ 588/669 unto a certain/king 589/669 unto it/Thou..... 590/669
Mat_23:27.........are/like unto whited/sepulchres 591/669
Mat_28:3..........was/like lightning/and.... 592/669
Mar_1:10.......Spirit/like a dove descending/upon 593/669 a grain of mustard seed which when/it 594/669
Mar_7:8..........such/like things ye/do..... 595/669
Mar_7:13.........such/like things do/ye..... 596/669 namely/this...... 597/669 manner when/ye... 598/669
Luk_3:22........shape/like a dove upon/him.. 599/669
Luk_6:23..........the/like manner did/their. 600/669 He/is............ 601/669 a man which/built 602/669 a man that/without 603/669
Luk_7:31.........they/like They are/like.... 604/669
Luk_7:32..........are/like unto children sitting in the marketplace/and 605/669
Luk_12:27.....arrayed/like one of these If/then 606/669
Luk_12:36..yourselves/like unto men/that.... 607/669
Luk_13:18.........God/like and/whereunto.... 608/669 a grain of mustard seed which a/man 609/669 leaven/which..... 610/669 manner the seven/also 611/669
Joh_1:32.......heaven/like a dove and it/abode 612/669
Joh_7:46........spake/like this/man......... 613/669
Joh_8:55.........liar/like unto you/but..... 614/669 him but/he....... 615/669 manner as/ye..... 616/669
Act_2:3.......tongues/like as of fire/and... 617/669
Act_3:22.....brethren/like unto me him shall ye hear in/all 618/669
Act_7:37.....brethren/like unto me him shall ye hear This/is 619/669
Act_8:32..........and/like a lamb dumb/before 620/669
Act_11:17.........the/like gift/as.......... 621/669
Act_14:15..........of/like passions with/you 622/669 unto gold/or..... 623/669
Act_19:25..........of/like occupation/and... 624/669
Rom_1:23.........made/like to corruptible/man 625/669
Rom_1:28..........not/like to retain/God.... 626/669
Rom_6:4..........that/like as Christ/was.... 627/669
Rom_9:29.........made/like unto Gomorrha/What 628/669 men be/strong.... 629/669
Gal_5:21.........such/like of/the........... 630/669
Php_3:21....fashioned/like unto his glorious/body 631/669
1Th_2:14.....suffered/like things of/your... 632/669
1Ti_2:9............In/like manner also/that. 633/669
Heb_2:17.........made/like unto his brethren/that 634/669
Heb_4:15......tempted/like as we/are........ 635/669
Heb_7:3..........made/like unto the Son of God/abideth 636/669 a wave/of........ 637/669 unto a man beholding/his 638/669 passions as/we... 639/669
1Pe_3:21..........The/like figure/whereunto. 640/669
2Pe_1:1......obtained/like precious/faith... 641/669 him for/we....... 642/669 manner giving/themselves 643/669 unto the Son of man clothed/with 644/669
Rev_1:14........white/like wool as/white.... 645/669
Rev_1:15.........feet/like unto fine/brass.. 646/669
Rev_2:18.........eyes/like unto a flame/of.. 647/669
Rev_2:18..........are/like fine/brass....... 648/669
Rev_4:3..........upon/like a jasper and/a... 649/669
Rev_4:3.........sight/like unto an/emerald.. 650/669 unto crystal/and. 651/669
Rev_4:7...........was/like a lion and the/second 652/669
Rev_4:7.........beast/like a calf and/the... 653/669
Rev_4:7...........was/like a flying/eagle... 654/669
Rev_9:7..........were/like unto horses/prepared 655/669
Rev_9:7........crowns/like gold/and......... 656/669
Rev_9:10........tails/like unto scorpions/and 657/669
Rev_9:19.........were/like unto serpents/and 658/669
Rev_11:1.........reed/like unto a rod/and... 659/669
Rev_13:2..........was/like unto a leopard/and 660/669 unto the beast/who 661/669
Rev_13:11.......horns/like a lamb and/he.... 662/669
Rev_14:14.........sat/like unto the Son of man having/on 663/669
Rev_16:13.....spirits/like frogs/come....... 664/669 unto this great/city 665/669
Rev_18:21.......stone/like a great/millstone 666/669
Rev_21:11.........was/like unto a stone/most 667/669
Rev_21:11........even/like a jasper stone/clear 668/669 unto clear/glass. 669/669
1Ch_28:4...........he/liked/me.................. 1/1 one/toward..... 1/3 having/the..... 2/3 who/will....... 3/3 God/or.............. 1/9 me or/shall......... 2/9 me and/make......... 3/9
Lam_2:13............I/liken to/thee............. 4/9
Mat_7:24.........will/liken him/unto............ 5/9
Mat_11:16...........I/liken this/generation..... 6/9
Mar_4:30...........we/liken the kingdom of God or/with 7/9
Luk_7:31............I/liken the men/of.......... 8/9
Luk_13:20...........I/liken the kingdom of God It/is 9/9 unto the/LORD..... 1/6
Jer_6:2..........have/likened the/daughter...... 2/6 unto a foolish/man 3/6 unto a man/which.. 4/6
Mat_18:23......heaven/likened unto a certain/king 5/6 unto ten/virgins.. 6/6
Gen_1:26..........our/likeness and let/them.... 1/34
Gen_5:1...........the/likeness of God/made..... 2/34
Gen_5:3...........own/likeness and after/his... 3/34
Exo_20:4..........any/likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water/under 4/34
Deu_4:16..........the/likeness of male/or...... 5/34
Deu_4:17..........The/likeness of any beast/that 6/34
Deu_4:17..........the/likeness of any winged/fowl 7/34
Deu_4:18..........The/likeness of any thing that creepeth/on 8/34
Deu_4:18..........the/likeness of any fish/that 9/34
Deu_4:23..........the/likeness of any thing which/the 10/34
Deu_4:25..........the/likeness of any thing and/shall 11/34
Deu_5:8...........any/likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters/beneath 12/34
Psa_17:15.........thy/likeness I/will......... 13/34
Isa_40:18........what/likeness will/ye........ 14/34
Eze_1:5...........the/likeness of four/living. 15/34
Eze_1:5...........the/likeness of a man/And... 16/34
Eze_1:10..........the/likeness of their faces they/four 17/34
Eze_1:13..........the/likeness of the living/creatures 18/34 and their/appearance 19/34
Eze_1:22..........the/likeness of the firmament/upon 20/34
Eze_1:26..........the/likeness of a throne as/the 21/34
Eze_1:26..........the/likeness of the throne/was 22/34
Eze_1:26..........the/likeness as the appearance of a/man 23/34
Eze_1:28..........the/likeness of the glory/of 24/34
Eze_8:2.............a/likeness as the appearance of fire/from 25/34
Eze_10:1..........the/likeness of a throne And/he 26/34 as if/a........ 27/34
Eze_10:21.........the/likeness of the hands/of 28/34
Eze_10:22.........the/likeness of their faces was/the 29/34
Act_14:11.........the/likeness of men And they/called 30/34
Rom_6:5...........the/likeness of his death/we 31/34
Rom_6:5...........the/likeness of his resurrection/Knowing 32/34
Rom_8:3...........the/likeness of sinful/flesh 33/34
Php_2:7...........the/likeness of men And being/found 34/34 him/best........... 1/3 you in/the......... 2/3
Amo_4:5..........this/liketh you O/ye........... 3/3 shalt thou do/with 1/107
Exo_26:4..........and/likewise shalt thou make/in 2/107
Exo_27:11.........And/likewise for the north/side 3/107
Exo_36:11....coupling/likewise he made/in..... 4/107 this is the/law 5/107
Deu_9:23........wrath/Likewise when the/LORD.. 6/107 Thou shalt/not. 7/107 It/shall....... 8/107 thou mayest/not 9/107
Jdg_1:3.............I/likewise will/go....... 10/107
Jdg_7:5.......himself/likewise every/one..... 11/107 and behold/when 12/107
Jdg_8:8..........them/likewise and the men/of 13/107
Jdg_9:49.......people/likewise cut/down...... 14/107
1Sa_14:22....Jonathan/Likewise all the men of/Israel 15/107
1Sa_19:21..prophesied/likewise And Saul/sent. 16/107
1Sa_31:5.........fell/likewise upon/his...... 17/107
2Sa_1:11..........and/likewise all the men that/were 18/107
2Sa_17:5.........hear/likewise what/he....... 19/107
1Ki_11:8..........And/likewise did/he........ 20/107
1Ch_10:5.........fell/likewise on/the........ 21/107
1Ch_18:8....Jerusalem/Likewise from/Tibhath.. 22/107
1Ch_19:15........they/likewise fled/before... 23/107
1Ch_23:30.........and/likewise at even/And... 24/107
1Ch_24:31.......These/likewise cast/lots..... 25/107
1Ch_27:4.......course/likewise were/twenty... 26/107
1Ch_28:16.........and/likewise silver for/the 27/107
1Ch_28:17.........and/likewise silver by/weight 28/107
1Ch_29:24........sons/likewise of king/David. 29/107
2Ch_3:11..........was/likewise five/cubits... 30/107
2Ch_29:22.......altar/likewise when they/had. 31/107
Neh_4:22.....appeared/Likewise at the/same... 32/107
Neh_5:10............I/likewise and my/brethren 33/107
Est_1:18..........not/Likewise shall the/ladies 34/107 and so/will... 35/107
Job_31:38.....furrows/likewise thereof/complain 36/107 to the small/rain 37/107
Psa_49:10.........die/likewise the fool/and.. 38/107
Psa_52:5........shall/likewise destroy/thee.. 39/107
Ecc_7:22......thyself/likewise hast/cursed... 40/107
Isa_30:24........oxen/likewise and the young/asses 41/107
Jer_40:11.......taken/Likewise when all/the.. 42/107
Eze_13:17.........GOD/Likewise thou son/of... 43/107
Eze_40:16.........and/likewise to the arches/and 44/107
Eze_46:3......evening/Likewise the people/of. 45/107
Nah_1:12..........and/likewise many/yet...... 46/107
Mat_17:12......listed/Likewise shall also/the 47/107
Mat_18:35..........So/likewise shall my/heavenly 48/107
Mat_20:5..........did/likewise And about/the. 49/107
Mat_20:10........they/likewise received/every 50/107
Mat_21:30........said/likewise And he/answered 51/107
Mat_21:36........them/likewise But/last...... 52/107 the second/also 53/107
Mat_24:33..........So/likewise ye when ye shall see/all 54/107
Mat_25:17.........And/likewise he that/had... 55/107
Mat_26:35........thee/Likewise also said all/the 56/107
Mat_27:41.......cross/Likewise also the chief priests mocking him/with 57/107
Mar_4:16.........they/likewise which/are..... 58/107
Mar_12:21.......third/likewise And the seven/had 59/107
Mar_14:31........wise/Likewise also said they/all 60/107
Mar_15:31.......cross/Likewise also the chief priests mocking said/among 61/107
Luk_2:38.......thanks/likewise unto/the...... 62/107 Then/came..... 63/107
Luk_3:14.....soldiers/likewise demanded/of... 64/107
Luk_5:33..........and/likewise the disciples/of 65/107
Luk_6:31.........them/likewise For if/ye..... 66/107
Luk_10:32.........And/likewise a/Levite...... 67/107
Luk_10:37........thou/likewise Now/it........ 68/107
Luk_13:3..........all/likewise perish Or/those 69/107
Luk_13:5..........all/likewise perish He/spake 70/107
Luk_14:33..........So/likewise whosoever/he.. 71/107
Luk_15:7.........that/likewise joy/shall..... 72/107
Luk_15:10........lost/Likewise I/say......... 73/107
Luk_16:25.........and/likewise Lazarus/evil.. 74/107
Luk_17:10..........So/likewise ye when ye shall have/done 75/107
Luk_17:28.........all/Likewise also as/it.... 76/107
Luk_17:31.........him/likewise not/return.... 77/107
Luk_19:19........said/likewise to him/Be..... 78/107
Luk_21:31..........So/likewise ye when ye see/these 79/107 also the cup/after 80/107
Luk_22:36.........and/likewise his/scrip..... 81/107
Joh_5:19..........Son/likewise For the Father/loveth 82/107
Joh_6:11..........and/likewise of the/fishes. 83/107 This is now/the 84/107
Act_3:24.........have/likewise foretold/of... 85/107
Rom_1:27..........And/likewise also the men/leaving 86/107
Rom_6:11..........God/Likewise reckon/ye..... 87/107 the Spirit/also 88/107
Rom_16:5.....Gentiles/Likewise greet/the..... 89/107
1Co_7:3...........and/likewise also the wife/unto 90/107
1Co_7:4...........and/likewise also the husband/hath 91/107
1Co_7:22......freeman/likewise also he/that.. 92/107
1Co_14:9...........So/likewise ye except/ye.. 93/107
Gal_2:13...dissembled/likewise with him/insomuch 94/107 read/the...... 95/107
1Ti_3:8.........devil/Likewise must/the...... 96/107
1Ti_5:25........after/Likewise also the good/works 97/107
Tit_2:3.........women/likewise that/they..... 98/107 exhort/to..... 99/107
Heb_2:14......himself/likewise took/part.... 100/107
Jam_2:25.........only/Likewise also was/not. 101/107
1Pe_3:1.........souls/Likewise ye wives/be.. 102/107
1Pe_3:7.....amazement/Likewise ye husbands/dwell 103/107
1Pe_4:1....yourselves/likewise with the/same 104/107
1Pe_5:5..........away/Likewise ye younger/submit 105/107 also these/filthy 106/107
Rev_8:12........night/likewise And I/beheld. 107/107