Gen_29:2....sheep/lying by/it.............. 1/57 with Jacob's/daughter 2/57
Exo_23:5.....thee/lying under/his.......... 3/57 with him But/all... 4/57 with him keep/alive 5/57 with him And/the... 6/57 in the/field....... 7/57
Deu_22:22...found/lying with a/woman....... 8/57
Jdg_9:35.....from/lying in wait And when/Gaal 9/57 in wait abiding/with 10/57 with any/male..... 11/57
1Ki_22:22.......a/lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And he/said 12/57
1Ki_22:23.......a/lying spirit in the mouth of all these/thy 13/57
2Ch_18:21.......a/lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And the/Lord 14/57
2Ch_18:22.......a/lying spirit in the mouth of these/thy 15/57
Psa_31:6...regard/lying vanities but/I.... 16/57
Psa_31:18.....the/lying lips be/put....... 17/57
Psa_52:3......and/lying rather/than....... 18/57
Psa_59:12.....and/lying which/they........ 19/57
Psa_109:2.......a/lying tongue They/compassed 20/57
Psa_119:29.....of/lying and grant/me...... 21/57
Psa_119:163.abhor/lying but thy/law....... 22/57
Psa_120:2....from/lying lips and from/a... 23/57 down and/art...... 24/57
Pro_6:17........a/lying tongue and/hands.. 25/57
Pro_10:18....with/lying lips and he/that.. 26/57
Pro_12:19.......a/lying tongue is but/for. 27/57
Pro_12:22mischief/Lying lips are/abomination 28/57
Pro_13:5...hateth/lying but a/wicked...... 29/57 lips a/prince..... 30/57
Pro_21:6........a/lying tongue is a/vanity 31/57
Pro_26:28.......A/lying tongue hateth/those 32/57
Isa_30:9...people/lying children/children. 33/57
Isa_32:7.....with/lying words even/when... 34/57
Isa_56:10sleeping/lying down loving/to.... 35/57
Isa_59:13.....and/lying against/the....... 36/57 words saying/The.. 37/57 words that/cannot. 38/57
Jer_29:23..spoken/lying words in/my....... 39/57
Lam_3:10.....bear/lying in wait and as/a.. 40/57
Eze_13:6......and/lying divination saying/The 41/57
Eze_13:7........a/lying divination whereas/ye 42/57
Eze_13:19....your/lying to/my............. 43/57
Dan_2:9..prepared/lying and corrupt/words. 44/57
Hos_4:2.......and/lying and killing/and... 45/57
Jon_2:8...observe/lying vanities forsake/their 46/57
Mat_9:2.....palsy/lying on a/bed.......... 47/57
Mar_5:40......was/lying And he/took....... 48/57
Luk_2:12..clothes/lying in a manger And suddenly/there 49/57
Luk_2:16.....babe/lying in a manger And when/they 50/57
Joh_13:25....then/lying on Jesus'/breast.. 51/57
Joh_20:5..clothes/lying yet/went.......... 52/57
Joh_20:7......not/lying with the/linen.... 53/57
Act_20:19.....the/lying in wait of/the.... 54/57
Act_23:16...their/lying in wait he/went... 55/57
Eph_4:25.....away/lying speak/every....... 56/57
2Th_2:9.......and/lying wonders/And....... 57/57