1Ch_8:9........and/Malcham And Jeuz/and...... 1/2
Zep_1:5.........by/Malcham And them/that..... 2/2
1Ch_6:40........of/Malchiah The son of Ethni/the 1/9
Ezr_10:25......and/Malchiah and Miamin/and... 2/9
Ezr_10:31..Ishijah/Malchiah Shemaiah/Shimeon. 3/9
Neh_3:14..repaired/Malchiah the son of Rechab/the 4/9
Neh_3:31..repaired/Malchiah the goldsmith's/son 5/9
Neh_8:4........and/Malchiah and Hashum/and... 6/9
Neh_11:12.......of/Malchiah And his/brethren. 7/9
Jer_38:1........of/Malchiah heard/the........ 8/9
Jer_38:6........of/Malchiah the son of Hammelech/that 9/9
Gen_46:17......and/Malchiel These/are........ 1/3
Num_26:45.......of/Malchiel the/family....... 2/3
1Ch_7:31.......and/Malchiel who/is........... 3/3
Num_26:45......the/Malchielites/And.......... 1/1
1Ch_9:12........of/Malchijah and Maasiai/the. 1/6
1Ch_24:9........to/Malchijah the sixth/to.... 2/6
Ezr_10:25......and/Malchijah and Benaiah/And. 3/6
Neh_3:11Hashabniah/Malchijah the son/of...... 4/6
Neh_10:3...Amariah/Malchijah Hattush/Shebaniah 5/6
Neh_12:42......and/Malchijah and Elam/and.... 6/6
1Ch_3:18.......son/Malchiram/also............ 1/1
1Ch_8:33.......and/Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 1/3
1Ch_9:39.......and/Malchishua and Abinadab and Eshbaal And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micah And the sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 2/3
1Ch_10:2.......and/Malchishua the/sons....... 3/3
Joh_18:10......was/Malchus/Then.............. 1/1