Exo_28:4....a/mitre and/a.............. 1/13
Exo_28:37.the/mitre upon the/forefront. 2/13
Exo_28:37.the/mitre it/shall........... 3/13
Exo_28:39.the/mitre of fine linen and thou/shalt 4/13
Exo_29:6..the/mitre upon his head and put/the 5/13
Exo_29:6..the/mitre Then/shalt......... 6/13
Exo_39:28...a/mitre of fine linen and goodly/bonnets 7/13
Exo_39:31.the/mitre as/the............. 8/13
Lev_8:9...the/mitre upon his head also/upon 9/13
Lev_8:9...the/mitre even/upon......... 10/13
Lev_16:4linen/mitre shall/he.......... 11/13
Zec_3:5..fair/mitre upon his head So/they 12/13
Zec_3:5..fair/mitre upon his head and clothed/him 13/13